March 27, 2006, - 11:40 am

Supersized Creep: Morgan Spurlock Strikes Again

Last year, I wrote in the Wall Street Journal (longer version ) about Morgan Spurlock and his phony F/X “documentary” show, “30 Days,” for which his people tried to enlist me (for more than one episode).
Now, he’s up to more mischief. Spurlock had a deal to promote his anti-McDonald’s “Supersize Me” fake-umentary in Wisconsin public schools. Apparently, he’s also taken his act to Pennsylvania, where he gave an F-word laced tirade “speech” at a Suburban Philadelphia high school. Oh, and he also made fun of mentally disabled, special-needs students and minimum wage workers (gee, right after he did an FX show “sympathizing” with them). Great guy, that Morgan.
That he’d be enlisted to speak at a “health fair” is a bad joke.
Sadly, the students who were so disrespected by the self-absorbed Supersized D-list celeb idiot, gave him a standing ovation and asked for autographs.

Morgan Spurlock: Supersized Creep Has Conspicuous Fans

They should note that he kept the F-words and insults about the disabled away from his speech when . The students should ask themselves why they lauded a man who gave extremist Muslims that support terrorists more respect than he did American high school students.
And, by the way, our friend Mike of Anti-CAIR informs us that CAIR-Michigan is also hosting Spurlock. One wonders if CAIR will get a touch of class and revoke their invitation to a man who insults the mentally disabled to their faces and uses the F-word at public school assemblies.
Nah . . . . He promoted extremist Muslims and CAIR in a nationwide TV show and Oprah appearance. And that’s all they care–and CAIR–about.
****UPDATE: Check out “Bowling for Morgan.”

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March 27, 2006, - 10:50 am

Liberal Catfight: Hillary Banned the Nose From White House

Not that you should care–we don’t–but there’s a new biography out about “The Nose” a/k/a Barbra Streisand.
There is, however, one interesting thing about it. USA Today reports that, according to “Barbra: The Way She Is,” By Christopher Andersen, Hillary Clinton banned The Nose from the White House, after The Nose stayed in the Lincoln Bedroom while Hillary was away.
As that bedroom’s namesake once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” But a fake marriage divided by The Nose and assorted others apparently still can.

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March 27, 2006, - 10:12 am

ICE Princess Strangely Silent: Immigration Chieftess AWOL Amidst Mass Illegal Alien Confabs

A few weeks ago, we watched our country’s top immigration official, a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) all over the national media.
But was the topic immigration? No, Sirree (sp?), Bob. Instead, pushing the melodramatics, she joined other top feds talking about catching a few amongst millions of online child porn viewers (which has nothing to do with immigration and is something too many other law enforcement agencies are already pursuing, too). She pushed the emotion so much, it was like a bad audition for a bit part as dejected Nurse Kelly on “General Hospital.” (Locally, we saw get in on the melodramatics act, over a guy with a child porn tape, while illegal aliens run wild over Michigan and Ohio.)
She should leave the soap opera acting to real professionals (like my cousin, the lovely Shannon Schlussel, who is a real soap opera actress) and try doing her job, which is–hello?–trying to stem the illegal immigration problem.

Julie Myers, Shannon Schlussel:

Immigration Enforcement Actress, Real Actress

So, when, this weekend, we saw mass protests and gatherings of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens–all in one location–ready to be rounded up, why was there not a single ICE agent trying to arrest these people? They weren’t exactly hiding. But not a peep out of amateur soap actress, the ICE Princess.
Illegal aliens having the gall to mass demonstrate against our country when they are here illegally. Immigration officials having the gall to turn a blind eye and not do a thing about it.
This happened this weekend. Where was Julie Myers?

Probably too busy doing this (while our borders continue to hemorrhage). . . .

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March 24, 2006, - 6:23 pm

Moussaoui Trial Update: Agent Harry Samit & INS Agent Steven Nordmann, R.I.P.

Tying up a few odds and ends in my continuing commentary on American Hero & FBI Special Agent , and the death penalty phase ( and ).
While I’ve written–and quoted at length–material about the heroic and desperate attempts by Agent Samit to search Zacarias Moussaoui’s belongings to the repeated denials of FBI buffoons in management, I neglected something important–the former INS and its then-agent who arrested Moussaoui in the first place.
The FBI often gets the glory at the expense of other federal law enforcement agencies (though, in this case, FBI Agent Harry Samit deserves a lot of kudos for sacrificing his career to save Americans; he is a hero). The arrest of Moussaoui is one of those cases.

Arrested Moussaoui: INS Counterterrorism Agent Steven J. Nordmann, RIP

Moussaoui, as many former-INS agents have pointed out to me, was arrested by INS agent Steven Nordmann. But former-INS, now ICE, agents who contacted me, the INS is the agency that arrested Moussaoui, Nordmann in particular.
Like Samit, Nordmann also pushed for the FBI to allow a warrant to search Moussaoui’s belongings, and like Samit, he, too, was denied.
A St. Cloud Times story about Nordmann (to which I cannot get the link) described Nordmann’s regret, on 9/11, of being turned down by FBI officials in trying to inspect Moussaoui’s computer:

Nordmann was at a work-sponsored training session not far from the
Pentagon when a Boeing 757 jet crashed into it. He dashed an e-mail to sister Nancy. . . . He wrote that he wished he could have cracked open Moussaoui’s laptop.
His family still wonders what would have happened if things had gone
Nordmann’s way.

He passed away on May 27, 2003, of injuries from a motorcycle accident (he rode a Harley). At the time of his death, he’d been serving on the Joint Terrorism Task Force. According to the St. Cloud Times, Nordmann was the first ICE–Immigration and Customs Enforcement–agent over whose funeral the Federal Protective Service Honor Guard presided.
Both of these are significant because, agents say, with the creation of ICE–and elimination of the INS–immigration agents from both the former-INS and U.S. Customs Service have severely diminished influence on terrorism cases, both within and without the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Then there are these last related items:
* FBI supervisor (now retired) Michael Rolince testified he never (even after 9/11) read the 25-plus page August 18th memo by Agent Samit recommending a full criminal investigation of Moussaoui as a possible terrorist airplane hijacker. Rolince was FBI Headquarters Supervisor of International Terrorism Operations! Hello? Hello? Hello? . . . . Rolince got to retire without any consequences.
* We’re reminded of this quote from U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee:

The FBI still has not shown itself ready for the 21st Century war against terrorism.


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March 24, 2006, - 6:19 pm

Three 6 Mafia Pimps: Win an Oscar, Give Financial Advice

Apparently, it’s not as “” as you might have thought.
First, the Three 6 Mafia for their obscene rap song. Then, they get sued for against a concert goer. And, of course, the natural progression would be for the rappers to . . . give financial advice?
Yes, that’s right. This weekend, the Three 6 Mafia will be in my hometown giving financial advice at the Nation of Islam-tied Hip Hop Summit in Detroit.
Anyone who seeks financial advice from guys going by the names “Juicy J,” “Crunchy Black,” and “DJ Paul,” does so at his/her own risk.

Three 6 Mafia: Wall Street . . . er, Pimp Street’s Newest Financial Advisors

We wonder if will be part of their financial advice:

You know it’s hard out here for a pimp (you ain’t knowin)
When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain’t knowin)
For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain’t knowin)
Gotta couple hoes workin on the changes for me . . . .
It’s blood sweat and tears when it come down to this shit
I’m tryin to get rich ‘fore I leave up out this bitch
I’m tryin to have thangs but it’s hard fo’ a pimp

BTW, are the Three 6 members licensed financial advisors? Just asking. Looks like Merrill Lynch doesn’t have much to worry about.

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March 24, 2006, - 5:34 pm

Other Conservatives Got Away with Plagiarism

The blogosphere is abuzz with news that now-deposed conservative blogger Ben Domenech was outed for multiple instances of plagiarism.
I hate plagiarism, since I’ve been plagiarized so many times and feel violated with each instance. As I’ve , imitation is NOT always the sincerest form of flattery. It’s the most dishonest form of robbery. At least an armed robber has the guts and decency to tell you to your face that he’s stealing from you.
My problem with the piling-on of Ben Domenech is not that he doesn’t deserve it. He does. It’s that so many right-wingers–and left-wingers–that are calling him to task don’t have a problem with much more prominent conservative plagiarists. That’s hypocrisy.

Plagiarism ‘R’ Us: “Drs.” Jerome Corsi, Monica Crowley

When I pointed out, not too long ago, that whole portions of a column I wrote were , co-author of the best-selling Swift Boat veterans book against John Kerry, his editor, Joseph Farah, refused to do a damn thing (but add a tiny link to my column–Big Deal).
Some conservatives told me to “take one for the team.” Huh? I don’t think so. (Since then, I’ve been told by several conservative writers that this is not the first time that WND and/or Farah have condoned–and engaged in–plagiarism.) Since Corsi has a Ph.D. and has written more than one book, how much of those are also plagiarized? People don’t become plagiarists in their old age.
Then, there’s , formerly of FOX News Channel, now on MSNBC, and with a radio show on WABC in New York. She’s the white, blonde Jayson Blair in a skirt. But unlike the loud calls for his firing by conservatives everywhere, there is not even a peep from conservatives about thief Monica Crowley. (Details of her blatant plagiarism are here and here.)
For an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Crowley lifted whole passages about President Nixon from a Paul Johnson article in Commentary. She never admitted to it. She’s banned from the Wall Street Journal because of it. But that’s the only damage.
Even though she’s written two books on Nixon and a Ph.D. thesis–all of which have raised lots of questions as to their veracity and whether she plagiarized those, too–conservatives continue to embrace peroxide plagiarist Crowley. (And she continues to snootily insist on being referred to as “Dr.” Monica Crowley. Whatever.)
In fact, Ms. Plagiarism is a calendar girl, Miss November, for the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute. CBLPI is a great organization, but do they really want to teach young women to steal? That’s what their poster girl, Monica Crowley, did. I doubt Clare Boothe Luce, a classy and integrity-abundant journalist and writer (among other things), would condone it.
It’s liberals that believe in taking away your property from you by force (you know, big government, redistribution of the wealth, eminent domain, et al). Conservatives are supposed to believe in property rights, but not these low-rent thieves.
Poor Ben Domenech. He apparently wasn’t a big enough name to get away with unarmed robbery, the way Jerome Corsi and Monica Crowley did.

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March 24, 2006, - 4:41 pm

CAIR’s Phony Lip Service on Endangered Christian Abdul Rahman

Where is CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) on , who faces death in Afghanistan for “abandoning Islam”?
Michelle Malkin quoted CAIR’s press release calling for Rahman’s freedom. But it was just lip service. Today, She linked to a number of sites featuring pics of today’s rally at the Afghani Embassy in DC, which she says was attended by about 40 people. Funny, we didn’t see CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper’s mug or any women wearing hijabs in the photo.
Yet, when it came to , they held multiple press conferences and flew all the way to Amman, Jordan. Gee, we doubt their travel agent has gotten the call to fly Hooper or CAIR executive director Nihad Awad to Kabul.

Christian Convert Abdul Rahman Faces Death

And CAIR didn’t ask anyone to attend today’s rally to save Abdul Rahman’s life. On the other hand, CAIR did e-mail its members to attend a supporting illegal immigrants and protesting the slightly tougher immigration legislation before Congress, Monday.

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 3/23/2006) – On Monday, March 27, a coalition of groups urging immigration reforms that will treat immigrants humanely and provide undocumented workers with a path to citizenship will hold an interfaith prayer service and rally in Washington, D.C. Similar events are scheduled to take place that day in communities across the nation. SEE:
WHAT: Rally calling for a path to citizenship for the undocumented, family reunification, worker rights, the Dream Act and other basic civil liberties.
WHERE: West Lawn of the United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
WHEN: March 27, 2006, 11 a.m. (One hundred interfaith religious leaders will gather in front of the Dirksen Senate Office Building between 12:30 and 1 p.m.)
The event is organized to coincide with Monday’s Senate Judiciary Committee review of Chairman Specter’s recommended immigration reform measures.
CONTACT: CAIR Government Affairs Director Corey Saylor, 202-488-8787 or 571-278-4658, E-Mail:

In case you didn’t know them before, now you know CAIR’s priorities: Illegal aliens, Na’am (Yes); Christians’ lives in Afghanistan, Leh (No).
Maybe CAIR is still reeling from .

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March 24, 2006, - 1:03 pm

Free Speech, 1; CAIR & Islamists, 0

The conventional wisdom since 9/11 has been that this was the worst event ever for American Muslims and that they have less power than ever. The truth is the exact opposite for the most extreme elements of the American Islamic community. They have been empowered to try to force their extremist agenda and religious intolerance upon America and Americans.
Take CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, a HAMAS front group. Since 9/11, they’ve made threats and filed lawsuits against Americans, trying to silence them for telling the truth. One of those is my friend, Andrew Whitehead of Anti-CAIR. They sued him for $1.35 million, trying to shut him up. But Andy fought back.
And he had a principled, hard-working, highly skilled attorney in one Reed Rubinstein, of counsel at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig and a friend of mine. I’m proud to know Reed and even prouder that he succeeded in beating CAIR back.
Today, the New York Sun reported Reed and Andy’s tremendous victory over CAIR. The case was settled and the terms of the agreement were not announced. But you can figure out what happened here. It’s a huge defeat for CAIR.

Lawyer Reed Rubinstein Victorious vs. CAIR & Ibrahim Hooper

Andy Whitehead has not changed a thing on his Anti-CAIR site. He hasn’t apologized. And he hasn’t retracted or recanted. In fact, he has repeated all of the statements–all factual and truthful–that were the grounds for the litigious lawsuit designed to shut him up.
While CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper didn’t say much, Whitehead wrote on his website:

The policies and procedures of Anti-CAIR (ACAIR) have not changed in any way as a result of the CAIR lawsuit settlement. ACAIR, and ACAIR’s founder, Andrew Whitehead, will continue to work to expose and present to interested parties any information regarding CAIR that they feel is of importance.

And while CAIR’s attorney (who filed the failed suit), Jeremiah Denton III (the misguided son of American hero and former Senator Jeremiah Denton) declined to comment, Attorney Reed Rubinstein is talking–talking about what CAIR really stands for. (My takes on CAIR are , here and .)
This victory of the First Amendment over extremists is inspiring and a huge cause for celebration by all freedom-loving Americans.
The lesson here is not to sit there and take it from the ludicrous Islamist litigeratti. Even though it is a huge hassle and costly, too, you must fight back.
Another lesson from the story: If Islamists try to take away your rights as an American, hire Reed Rubinstein. He’ll fight back and make them go away.
Congratulations, Andy, Reed, and Anti-CAIR!

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March 24, 2006, - 1:54 am

Spike Lee’s Bigotry @ a Theater Near You

Ronald Reagan feting David Duke in the Oval Office. Abraham Lincoln running around in Black face. Jews being governed by a government department for Semitic affairs.
Spike Lee’s obsessions with race and ethnicity never go away. Nor does his smug arrogance at the expense of those who are not members of his own race and ethnicity.
Today, Lee has two movies debuting in theaters, “Inside Man” and “CSA: The Confederate States of America.”
The first is an exciting action thriller . . . if you don’t mind that Whites and Jews are weak, idiotic, evil, and/or calculating, while the Black police detectives are the exact opposite of all these and save the day. Probably to quell criticism of his past films’ rampant anti-Semitism, there is even a Holocaust theme in “Inside Man.”
After all, you can’t be anti-Semitic or bigoted, if you glom on to the Holocaust, right?

But the hypocritical Lee doesn’t really abhor the Holocaust too much. When his “4 Little Girls” documentary–about White racists bombing a Black church in 1963–lost out to “The Long Way Home” for an Academy Award, Lee whined that it was a “Holocaust movie” (and also about the establishment of Israel) and accused the Academy of failing to give Blacks due recognition. We learned his true feelings about Jews when, in 1998, Lee complained to AP that Michael Jackson had to change blatantly anti-Semitic lyrics to a song and apologize to Jews. He “was crucified!” Lee snorted.
(In a weird coincidence, “Inside Man” co-stars the smarmy , who will star as Nazi filmmaker and propagandist –and has defended her as “libeled.”)
Then, there is “Confederate States of America,” which is labeled “Spike Lee Presents,” rather than his usual “A Spike Lee Joint,” accompanying “Inside Man.” This means Lee is an Executive Producer of the film, originally made in 2004 (perhaps to affect the 2004 elections by turning out more of the Black vote), but not released in theaters until now.
Nonetheless, Lee is very connected with this racist film, which plays like a PBS documentary, only even more boring. While our tax-funded Palestinian Broadcasting System probably would show something this absurd, Spike Lee tactics and machinations are written all over it. The movie is an outrage.
The movie takes place in present day, with a twist. The Confederacy, not the Union, won the Civil War . . . oops, I mean, “The War of Northern Aggression,” as it is now called in the Confederate States of America.
The country is the same, except Blacks–and Hispanics–are slaves. Jews are not full citizens either. The movie goes out of its way, on more than one occasion, to remind us that Judah P. Benjamin, a Jew, was a high-ranking Confederate official, and that it was because of him–his ability to gain European support for the Confederacy–that the Confederates won the war and now run America.
But here’s a reality check: Benjamin, the Confederacy’s Secretary of State (and Secretary of War and Attorney General), failed to get foreign support. And yes, he was a Jew (lest you forget it, that point is mentioned conspicuously–twice–in this film), as were many who fought the Confederacy as Union soldiers. Some of them are buried at the Battlefield at Antietam and other Civil War battlefields, where they gave their lives for the Union. That’s not mentioned in “Spike Lee Presents the Confederate States of America.” Neither is the fact that there were many Jews who were against slavery or at the forefront of the civil rights movement, with some giving their lives.

Got Bigotry?

No, mentioning that would get in the way of Spike Lee’s agenda. It’s an agenda with which we are all too familiar:
* 1990’s “Mo’ Better Blues,” in which Jews are evil, unsympathetic, racist stereotypes.
* 2002’s “Bamboozled”–Ditto.
* 1996’s “Get on the Bus”–Ditto, again. It celebrates Lee’s hero, racist loon Louis Farrakhan and his Million–or is that 300,000–Man March. A Jewish bus driver, who refuses to continue to drive because of Farrakhan’s blatant anti-Semitism, is the movie’s villain for doing so.
* And don’t forget “Malcolm X” (1992), which justifies the Black Islamic leader’s hatred of Whites and Jews.
About the only Lee film that isn’t “political” is his big 1999 dud, “Summer of Sam.” But even that is about Lee’s favorite kind of serial killer, a Jewish one.
Whites are frequent targets of Spike Lee, and this film is no exception. They are all racist wannabe slave owners and would own slaves, today, if allowed.
But the fact is that, even at the time of the Civil War, Southerners were readying to give up slavery. Even if not for the morally correct reasons, the South’s agricultural industries were changing, and it was no longer economically feasible to keep slaves. Author Rodney Stark, in his book, “For the Glory of God,” documents that religious Christians led the way in ending slavery, not something that would have changed regardless of which side won the Civil War.
It’s very unlikely that, even had the Confederacy won, there would be slavery in America, today. For that and the other obvious reasons, it’s outrageous that Ronald Reagan is pictured on the cover of USA . . . er, CSA Today, with a mustachioed, White supremacist, David Duke-esque character who is a leading candidate for President. In real life, Ronald Reagan made campaign commercials against David Duke when Duke ran for Congress in Louisiana.
Where is there slavery today? All over Africa and, even more significant, all over the Islamic world. The Arab Muslim government of Sudan enslaved its Black Christians, raped, tortured, and murdered them. Where is arrogant Spike Lee’s movie about that?
Then there is the defaming of Abraham Lincoln throughout the movie. Sorry, but it’s NOT funny seeing one of the country’s great Presidents in Black-face, chased around the country by Confederate soldiers, and forced to move to Canada in disgrace. Between accusations of being gay by authors and Lee’s attacks, hasn’t the long ago deceased Lincoln been dragged through the mud enough?
Aside from the utter stupidity and anti-entertainment of this movie, for some reason it idolizes Canada and JFK. In this Confederacy, John F. Kennedy supported ending slavery in his debate with President Nixon. Huh? Kennedy opposed the Civil Rights Act. Someone didn’t do his homework.
Then, there’s Canada, the moral high ground where Blacks, and even Abraham Lincoln, can live free. Boy, this really is a Spike Lee Joint, because someone’s been smoking too many of them.
Thankfully, we’re spared something in both “Inside Man” and “Confederate States of America” that used to be a Spike Lee staple: Spike Lee, himself. Previously, he starred, or at least made a cameo appearance, in his movies.
But no more cameos or starring roles in movies for Lee. Instead, he’s gunning for the Lifetime Achievement Award for Best Race-Card Player.
Do the Right Thing, Spike. Go to sensitivity training.
More by me on Spike Lee, here and .

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March 23, 2006, - 3:47 pm

Are Sports THIS Important?

We like sports as much as the next person. But–come on–are they really this important?:
* Is Going to the Superbowl Worth 4.5 Years in Prison?:
Tank Carter thinks so, apparently. The brother of Pittsburgh Steelers safety Tyrone Carter will now do 4 1/2 extra years in prison for not reporting to jail in January for a six-month term. But, hey, he got to party with Snoop Dogg. Whatta dummy.
* Is Winning a Prison System Softball Tournament Worth Possible Jail-Time and Ripping off Taxpayers?
Apparently, the Florida Department of Corrections and Mark Guerra think so. In order to win a Dept. of Corrections softball tournament, prison guards arranged for Guerra, a former minor league baseball player, to have a phantom job on the Dept. of Corrections payroll.
Now he must pay $1,400 restitution and complete 50 hours of community service. He faced possible jail-time.
Sometimes, winning is NOT everything . . . or even Vince Lombardi’s only thing.

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