April 3, 2006, - 1:18 pm

Jihad Cindy Strikes Again

For those of us who’ve been following Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) a/k/a “Jihad Cindy” (not to be confused with ), her assault on a Capitol Police officer (she punched him) is no surprise. Nor is her race-card playing. It’s par for the course.
To revisit my :

McKinney has a strong record of hating America. During the recent U.N. World Conference Against Racism, she joined the Arab world . . . and Third World republics in attacking the U.S. While there (and overseas–the conference was in Africa), in pushing for slavery reparations, McKinney said the White House is “just full of latent racists.”

Bill Clinton was in the White House then, FYI.

Jihad Cindy Packs a Mean Punch

Just after 9/11, when extremist billionaire and Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Al-Saud offered New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani $10 million if the U.S. would change it’s policy in Israel, morally excusing the murder of 3,000 Americans, Jihad Cindy wrote the Prince a Letter. In it, she chastised Giuliani for denying the Prince’s right to speak (he didn’t). Then she wrote that a baby born in Asia has a much better life than a Black baby born in the U.S. More from :

“Your Royal Highness, the state of Black America is not good.” McKinney wrote, “There are many people in America who desperately need your generosity,” making the false assertion that a black baby born in Harlem has a worse life expectancy than one born in Bangladesh.

Remember, this was days after 9/11, and Jihad Cindy is attacking our country to a high-ranking Prince (his uncle was Saudi King Fahd) of the country from where 15 of the hijackers emanated.
Speaking of 9/11, McKinney is all about the tin-foil theories of who is behind the attacks, and she held House hearings on it. Hint: She doesn’t think it’s Al-Qaeda. But when it came to real investigation, when former FBI Counter-terrorism Director Oliver “Buck” Revell wanted to show minutes of a documentary on Islamic terrorists in America, she balked and protested.
Then there’s Jihad Cindy’s obsession with defending Black Panther cop killers. Not to mention her close association with the Nation of Islam’s loony leader Louis Farrakhan, who sent his top lieutenants to run her failed 2002 campaign.
When my good friend, John Mitnick, now a White House counsel, ran against Jihad Cindy in 1996, she and her father used anti-Semitic statements about him, referring to him as “that racist Jew.” (They made similar statements when McKinney was defeated in a Democratic primary in 2002.)
So it’s no surprise that she employed and then had to fire Rayed Tayeh, a former employee of a HAMAS front-group when he wrote a letter to the editor of a Capitol Hill newspaper, accusing Jewish Congressmen of being disloyal to America. Tayeh went on to lead the Muslim boycott of Starbucks for the crime of having a Jewish CEO. (I debated him on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor” and MSNBC’s “Hardball” on the topic.)
That’s Jihad Cindy in a nutshell. So, the latest assault on law and order by this nutty Congresswoman should be no surprise.
The surprise is that she continues to be a respected member of the Democratic Party and House Democratic Caucus. In , I wrote that Jihad Cindy is the modern-day Hanoi Jane. But I was wrong.
Jane Fonda was only in film. Jihad Cindy is far worse: She’s a Member of Congress.

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April 3, 2006, - 9:45 am

Memo To the Wall St. Journal: The INS is Gone . . .

The Wall Street Journal is typical when it comes to the sob story coverage of Illegal Aliens by the Mainstream Media.
For a newspaper that claims to know so much about what is the best immigration policy for America, the Journal betrays itself as completely clueless on the issue.
The pro-“guest workers” paper is so much a hostage of big business looking for cheap labor that its editorial writers apparently missed the memo: There isn’t an INS anymore and hasn’t been for years.
In an editorial on Friday’s Taste Page, the Journal emphatically stated its opposition to House language in the immigration bill that makes it a felony for anyone–including religious workers–to help illegal aliens. Here’s part of what the Journal wrote:

It is not the job of ordinary citizens to act as INS agents. More to the point here, though, it should not be the job of INS agents to arrest human-rights workers dispensing water and other basic aid.

ICE Replaced INS, Sort Of

Beside the fact that this absurd statement sounds like many American Muslims who say it’s “not their job” to tip off the government about potential terrorists, it’s hard to take the Journal seriously on immigration when it’s no-one’s job to act as “INS agents” because the agency was eliminated under the 2002 Homeland Security Act and hasn’t been in existence since about early 2003. The portion of the INS made up of investigative agents merged with the investigative office of the U.S. Customs Service to become ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (INS and Customs inspectors went to Customs and Border Protection–CBP). The latest unqualified ICE chief, a/k/a “The ICE Princess” must be very upset the Wall Street Journal doesn’t even know she–or her agency–exists. (With all of her , it’s easy to forget she’s supposed to be–but hardly is–pursuing illegal aliens.)
If the paper–one of the most important in the nation–hasn’t noticed this news in three years, can we really believe they’ve taken notice of the immigration problems that have hemorrhaged in the same time period?
Then there’s the crux of the Journal’s editorial. The paper is mad that soup kitchens and priests might evoke scrutiny for helping illegals. The paper thinks, for some reason, that religious-affiliated parties should be exempt from abiding by immigration laws.
And, of course, the Journal cites the more palatable Red Cross and a Catholic Cardinal. It pointedly only decries government encroachment upon rabbis, priests, and pastors. But, what about mosques?
We know that a Brooklyn mosque– not far from the Wall Street Journal’s offices–the Alkifah Refugee Center not only aided and abetted Muslim illegal aliens entering the country, but it was the mosque where Al-Qaeda terrorists prayed and plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.
In an Associated Press story on immigration, running today, Jamal Badawi, an Islam expert at St. Mary’s University says that “Islam emphasizes a moral duty toward immigrants” above U.S. immigration laws. “The Quran also speaks of a Muslim obligation toward anyone seeking a haven.”
Given this, is it really a good idea to exempt religious groups from following the law? Why not also allow religious figures to evade other laws, too, like robbery, rape, murder, etc.? Why is illegal immigration any different? Why should conspiracy to help in this crime be permissible?
The Journal is–shocked, shocked!–that government would insert itself “directly into the affairs and faith-based prerogatives of churches.” But isn’t this the same Wall Street Journal that on a different day, in a different editorial endorsed government doing exactly that . . . with faith-based funding of billions of our tax dollars? Why, yes it is. Where’s the consistency?
The Journal goes on to complain that “technically, even soccer moms picking up their Mexican baby sitter at a bus stop could get five years.” But isn’t it illegal to have an illegal alien baby-sitter? Didn’t several parties in the administrations of Bush the father, Clinton, and Bush the son, lose out on prospective judicial and cabinet positions for hiring undocumented workers and not paying social security taxes? Yes. So why the contradiction to protect soccer moms who break the law and won’t hire an American baby-sitter?
Finally, back to the religious groups. The Wall Street Journal thinks House legislation prosecuting anyone helping illegal aliens, including religious groups, is new. It isn’t. The House language would not “change decades of law with respect to religious organizations” and illegal aliens, says Rep. Tom Tancredo in a USA Today op-ed. “From 1986 until this year, no organization was allowed to conceal, harbor or shield an alien from law enforcement.” Religious groups were not exempted and not one was shut down, not even the Alkifah Refugee Center.
We can’t expect the Journal editorial writers to know this because, hey, they don’t even know the INS is gone. But yet they know what’s best for the country: dangerous, unfettered immigration that has already overtaken our country beyond the point of invasion.

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April 2, 2006, - 1:59 pm

Premature Articulation: The REAL Jill Carroll for Jimmy Carter Geraghty and Others w/Reading Comprehension Deficiencies

Here’s a note to you bloggers–especially the suddenly blind conservative ones–who want Jill Carroll to be what she is not. Please read it VERY CAREFULLY and S-L-O-W-L-Y, as some of you seem to have premature articulation and reading comprehension problems (that includes National Review Online’s Jim Geraghty a/k/a “Jimmy Carter Geraghty,” so nicknamed for his apparent propensity to ignore truths about pro-Islamists when they are right in his face):
Over the last few months, since Jill Carroll was kidnapped and upon her release, I posted her REAL views ( and ). They remain her views, and she has NOT denied or disavowed them. I never once cited a video that was made in captivity, as others did and as others are now claiming I owe an apology for. I do not. They owe me an apology for projecting the video onto my work. And for pretending to be able to read, when clearly they cannot.
The facts remain the same, as do the unfortunate, continuing plagues of blindness, deafness, and dumbness that have struck all of those who have some bizarre fantasy about their new unworthy heroine, a far-left “journalist,” Jill Carroll.

Facts Are Stubborn Things: Jill Carroll’s Extremist Friends, Views NOT Refuted

Jill Carroll was a close friend of the late Code Pinko Ruzicka’s group helped raise money for Islamic insurgents in Fallujah who burnt our contractors to a crisp. They also raised money for Palestinian terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank. You can tell a lot about a person by the company she keeps. And that was with whom Jill Carroll kept company.
Then, there’s Jill Carroll’s former employer, the anti-Semitic, anti-American Jordan Times (for whom she CHOSE to work), long ago made the following statement about her (which, to date, she has NEVER contradicted or disavowed):

The kidnappers who abducted her could not have chosen a more wrong target. True, Jill is a US citizen. But she is also more critical of US policies towards the Middle East than many Arabs. . . . Jill has been from day one opposed to the war, to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
More than just being sympathetic with average Iraqis under war and occupation, Jill is a true believer in Arab causes.
From Arabic food to the Arabic language, Jill has always wanted to know and experience as much as possible about Arab identity, and she is keen on absorbing it, learning, understanding and respecting it.
She doesn’t just “like” Arab culture, she loves it. . . . It is simply unconscionable for any Arab to want to harm a person like her.

Again, neither of these things has anything to do with the video Jill Carroll made. Nada. Zippo. And yet, Jill Carroll has not provided any evidence to the contrary. Because there is none. Facts are stubborn things.
It’s a shame I’ve had to post this THREE times, and yet it still doesn’t sink in for quite a few of you. It’s not rocket science, people.
Then, there are the , which spent a ton of time, effort, and resources to get Jill Carroll released. They are groups like LIFE for Relief and Development (which gave millions to HAMAS and is believed to be funding Iraqi insurgents), HAMAS-front group CAIR, and the rabidly anti-Semitic, pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah Congress of Arab American Organizations and American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
These groups were nowhere to be seen for the following U.S. hostages, some of whom have since been murdered, but some of whom remain alive: Tom Fox, Ronald Schulz, Jack Hensley, Eugene (Jack) Armstrong, Nicholas Berg, Jeffrey Ake, Sadeq Mohammed Sadeq, Aban Elias, and Keith Maupin.
Not a peep out of the American Islamist groups for them, even the two Arab-American ones (Sadeq and Elias).
So ask yourself–ye blind worshippers of Jill Carroll–why did these rabidly Islamist groups in the U.S. go out on a limb for Jill Carroll, and no-one else? So, Jimmy Carter Geraghty and others, I’m waiting for your answer. But I know one will never be forthcoming. (As for Jim, his e-mail address indicates he’s in Turkey, so perhaps he, too, like Jill Carroll is writing “in captivity,” or perhaps he’s seen “” one too many times.)
To sum up, I never cited the video, but I did cite these 3 heretofore unrebutted facts (her recanting of the video notwithstanding):
1) Jill Carroll worked, by her choice, for an Islamist newspaper that said she shares its anti-American, anti-Israel views (no reason to doubt that, she worked for them by her choice);
2) Jill Carroll was close friends with an American who worked for Code Pink (funding and helping terrorists);
3) Jill Carroll was unique among ALL American hostages in Iraq in getting the mammoth effort by U.S. Islamist groups (all of whom support terrorists and oppose the war in Iraq) to secure her release. They know what she stands for.
And it should be obvious to you, too.
As for any calls for an apology, the apology is owed to ME by all the premature articulators out there who didn’t read closely and falsely claimed I cited the video. I did not.
Jill Carroll’s views and Islamist, terror-supporting friends in the U.S. remain the same. Time for all of you to get LASIK so you finally see it.

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March 31, 2006, - 5:20 pm

Please Help: IMPORTANT UPDATE on Indictment of Terrorism Prosecutor/American Patriot

On Wednesday, I reported on the . I also linked to a longer version of my previous about what’s really going on here (Justice Dept. and U.S. Attorney’s Office pandering to Muslim Extremists).
Now, Rick Convertino’s wife, the lovely Valerie Convertino, has an excellent op-ed piece in today’s Detroit Free Press. (I disagree with her about Joe Wilson and his wife, but the rest I know to be true.) This is Val’s second, well-said Free Press column on the topic. (Her first Free Press Op-Ed, regarding the events behind this absurd indictment, is reprinted here).

Richard Convertino:

American Patriot Who Fought Terrorists Deserves Our Support

She writes:

What a shame the administration of President George W. Bush isn’t as tough on terrorism as it is about exacting revenge upon honest citizens who speak out against its policies.
Take the witch-hunt against my husband, former U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino, who successfully prosecuted a Detroit terrorism sleeper cell. He then voiced his frustrations with the ineffectiveness of the U.S. Justice Department’s handling of terrorism cases and has endured almost three years of retaliation at a cost to American taxpayers of several million dollars.
The “mean machine” is out of control and refuses to admit it . . . . [T]he government has subpoenaed Rick’s high school, college and law school records.
What’s next? Will they subpoena a list of books he has checked out from the library or the movies we rent for family movie night?

It should be noted that Val is a Maronite Christian of Lebanese descent. This is what happens to Patriotic Arabs who support America against terrorists. They get persecuted . . . only this time, it’s by OUR government.
Please donate to Rick Convertino’s Legal Defense Fund. He needs the help of all Freedom-Loving Americans. Read Val’s WHOLE column, visit her site and her blog for more of the outrageous details. (They have five children, and the Justice Department is trying to bankrupt them.)
It’s appalling what America is doing to the Convertino family because its patriarch prosecuted Al-Qaeda terrorists who were going to blow up a U.S. airbase in Turkey and various American sites, including Vegas and Disneyland.
I rarely, if ever, make appeals on this site, but I believe in Rick’s cause and his innocence so very strongly. The government’s case is very weak and trumped up at that. I urge you to help him and his family. They are true warriors–and now, victims–of the War on Terror.

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March 31, 2006, - 4:38 pm

Ann Coulter vs. the Islamic Terrorist: A Tale of Two Voters

As , Ann Coulter is in hot water because she registered to vote at .
Not in a different state, or even different city, but a different precinct. Hardly the massive type of voter fraud elsewhere that should be looked into, but isn’t. And, , she has legitimate reasons (ie., stalkers) for not wanting her real address in a public record (ie., voter registration documents).
Now, according to the Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach officials are investigating Ann and even considering referring her to Florida’s Attorney General for possible prosecution on criminal charges. (Thanks to reader Karen L. for the tip.) All for voting in a different precinct.

Which Voter is More Dangerous?:

This One . . .

Or This One?

Contrast the massive inquiry into Coulter’s registration at the wrong precinct with Islamic Jihad founder and terrorist-in-chief, Sami Al-Arian’s ILLEGAL voter registration and that of his Islamic Jihad buddies in South Florida. They voted multiple times, even though they were NOT U.S. citizens and not eligible to vote–or even to become registered, qualified voters.
But they registered to vote anyway because a voter ID card along with a driver’s license is considered sufficient evidence of American citizenship in a lot of other countries, where they could freely travel and plan their terrorism.
Barely any investigation into that until years later, and never criminally prosecuted for that. And, hey, a jury didn’t even find the guy, Al-Arian, guilty of anything (and the O.J.-style jury).
So, who is more dangerous registering to vote: Ann Coulter, an American citizen, at the wrong precinct? Or Sami Al-Arian and the current leader of Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Abdullah Shallah when they weren’t even U.S. citizens and used their voting credentials to kill Americans, like American college student Alisa Flatow?
If you say Coulter, you’re insane. As are the Florida officials wasting tax money going after her when they turned a blind eye to the Tampa-based Islamic terrorist professor who shouldn’t have ever voted . . . anywhere in America.

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March 31, 2006, - 1:28 pm

More Big Hints on Jill Carroll’s Extremist Views; Endorses Iraqi Islamic Party

Hmmm . . . more curious things about Jill Carroll and those who are “elated” about her release. We’ve about . What a “coincidence” that all of these groups share one thing in common: They’re all extremist Muslim groups in the U.S. who endorse terrorists and terrorism.
Today’s Detroit Free Press has an article by resident Islamist reporter, Niraj Warikoo.
He quotes not only officials from HAMAS front-group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), but also Khalil Jassem (the article says “Jensem,” but it’s Jassem), head of LIFE for Relief and Development, who is overjoyed by Carroll’s release and says he helped get her released.

Terrorism Supporters/Insurgent Funders Love Jill Carroll

As we’ve , LIFE is a charity that openly gave millions to HAMAS’ Jordanian operations but was raided by U.S. troops in Iraq for financing Falluja-style insurgents, a purpose hinted at a secret Los Angeles LIFE fundraiser in 2004. When it was founded, its registered agent had ties to Al-Qaeda. One of its officials wrote an anti-Semitic book claiming the U.S. is a Zionist plot. LIFE has always openly opposed the War in Iraq and conducted the pre-War trips of three liberal Congressman to meet with Saddam, financed by an American agent of Saddam.
(Until the 2004 arrival of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent in Charge to Detroit, LIFE was under investigation by Customs agents. But no more. Abu Moskowitz put a stop to that. Then, there’s the problem of U.S. Attorneys Jeffrey Collins and Stephen Murphy III openly feting the group.)
Jassem says he worked his “contacts” in Iraq to get Jill Carroll released and to send two Muslims to Iraq to lobby for the release. By contacts, he must mean the insurgents he appears to be funding.
In another Free Press piece by Warikoo, Abed Hammoud, head of the openly pro-HAMAS and -Hezbollah Congress of Arab American Organizations, is quoted as “celebrating” Jill Carroll’s release. (Hammoud is a Wayne County prosecutor and reporter Warikoo is believed to have written Hammoud’s campaign literature in his failed run for Mayor of Dearborn.)
If all of these Islamist groups that privately hate America, openly endorse terrorists, and oppose our efforts in Iraq are so overjoyed about Jill Carroll’s release, that should tell you something. As in, she ain’t on America’s side.
What is it about Carroll, in particular, that brings out all this effort and elation by extremist Muslims who wouldn’t lift a finger for any of the American contractors or soldiers held hostage? Ask yourself that.
The answer is quite obvious. Jill Carroll’s extremist buddies tell us everything we need to know about her.
Is Jill Carroll endorsing the Iraqi Islamic Party? Sure looks like it (see below). So nice that she likes them more than her loyal translator, who was murdered by her “kind and generous” kidnappers.

Not exactly an impartial journalist thing to do, even writing the letter on Iraqi Islamic Party stationery. Oprah gushing is probably up next for her, complete with America-bashing.
****UPDATE, 04/02/06: Jill Carroll’s recanting of the video doesn’t have a thing to do with anything I’ve cited (except perhaps the letter above & she did not recant that–a minor point compared to the other evidence), nor does it change facts. See to all the blind, deaf, and dumb Jill Carroll worshippers. Facts regarding are stubborn things.

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March 31, 2006, - 1:11 pm

Weekend Box Office: Base Instinct Minus 2

The movie getting all the debut hype, this weekend, is “Basic Instinct 2.” Read our .
Best to skip it and save your valuable 2 hours and $10. You’ll thank us. The movie is just horrid. So bad, even the cheesy “Night Eyes” sequels are better. Time for to go away.

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March 30, 2006, - 4:32 pm

Three America-Hating Senators Walk Into a Bar . . . : Caption Contest

Recently, the Detroit Free Press held a caption contest using the first photo, below. We found and liked the second photo from USA Today, apparently taken at the same Senate hearing. Both photos include the people we’d least like to see as President.
We note that one of the people below is the same one that , thinks We think that the second photo, especially, shows real “sex appeal” . . . or something.
We’ve posted our captions. What are yours?

So, Three America-Hating Senators Walk Into A Bar . . .
(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

So, Two America-Hating Senators, Ms. Sexy Thang, and a Klansman
Walk Into A Bar . . .
(Photo by Tim Dillon/USA Today)

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March 30, 2006, - 2:41 pm

So, Anti-American Jill Carroll was Freed . . .

Why are so many people who claim to be patriotic Americans so overjoyed that Jill Carroll was freed, yet hardly a peep when American contractors and others were freed?
Here’s a clue for the obviously dimwitted. Why was freed? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that , too.
Not that this should have dawned on people when extremist Muslim groups like HAMAS front-group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) flew all the way to Amman, Jordan to plead for Carroll’s safety.

Jill Carroll Hates America . . . & Israel, Too

This was like shouting from the rooftops:

This Infidelette is one of our USEFUL IDIOTS. Please do not kill our propagandista. Keep killing American troops and contractors instead. Please more Nick Berg vidoes, but not Jill Carroll ones.

To recap from our previous post on , here’s what the anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian Jordan Times (official government newspaper of our “ally” Jordan) had to say about the Infidellete Jihadi Conspirator:

The kidnappers who abducted her could not have chosen a more wrong target. True, Jill is a US citizen. But she is also more critical of US policies towards the Middle East than many Arabs. . . . Jill has been from day one opposed to the war, to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
More than just being sympathetic with average Iraqis under war and occupation, Jill is a true believer in Arab causes.
From Arabic food to the Arabic language, Jill has always wanted to know and experience as much as possible about Arab identity, and she is keen on absorbing it, learning, understanding and respecting it.
She doesn’t just “like” Arab culture, she loves it. . . . It is simply unconscionable for any Arab to want to harm a person like her.

Oh, and by the way, you know those female Iraqi terrorists we released for Princess Jill? Why have we never done anything like that for the lives of sundry American contractors and soldiers risking their lives over there? But yet we do it for this spoiled brat America-hater from Ann Arbor. Why?
Don’t expect “journalist” Jillie to “investigate” that one. But hey, she says her Islamic terrorist captors treated her “very well,” and she talked about the nice shower and bathroom they gave her.
Since things were so great in captivity, maybe she should have remained at Terrorist Day Spa. And maybe they should change the name from “Stockholm Syndrome” to “Baghdad Syndrome.”
****UPDATE 03/31/06: that Jill Carroll is the tool and partner of extremists and terrorists. Read about .
****UPDATE, 04/02/06: Jill Carroll’s recanting of the video doesn’t have a thing to do with anything I’ve cited, nor does it change facts. See to all the blind, deaf, and dumb Jill Carroll worshippers. Facts regarding are stubborn things.

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March 30, 2006, - 12:21 pm

Defining Greatness Down: Tom Jones Knighthood

Apparently, singing “What’s New, Pussycat?” is a great achievement, these days . . . especially if it’s done with a hairy chest, borne openly under a mostly unbuttoned shirt by a middle aged cheeseball.
Mediocrity hasn’t just struck America. It’s afflicting the world.
On this site, we’ve documented the exaltation of the stupid, the celebration of the non-celebration-worthy, and assorted other ways our society manages to attack achievement and raise up the unremarkable.
The latest ongoing downward climb is that of knighthood. Yesterday’s knighthood of the new “Sir” Tom Jones says it all.

Old School Knights Winston Churchill, Walter Scott

In the past, knighthood was bestowed on, say, Winston Churchill, who rallied Britain during World War II and helped the Americans defeat the Nazis. Or, for example, Sir Walter Scott, the great writer and author of “Ivanhoe.”
But now it’s bestowed on a man best remembered for warbling the song that Carlton danced to on “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” (“It’s Not Unusual“).

Tom Jones: New Version of Knighthood Less Than Noble

Of course, Jones isn’t the first singer knighted for no apparent legitimate reason. People Magazine made mention of Sir Mick Jagger, Sir Elton John, and Sir Paul McCartney, too. All equally undeserving of any great honors.
Ain’t mediocrity grand (or is that, bland)?

Next Candidates for British Knighthood?

****UPDATE: Reader Ari M. has a different take:

If you read Barbara Tuchman’s “A Distant Mirror” about the fourteenth century, you will find that people have been complaining about the debasement of knighthood for some time now. Apparently, by the 1300s, many chroniclers believed that their contemporary knights were a bunch of effeminate wimps. They would go about with huge retinues with servants for each of their common needs, and a few servants for some needs that they must have thought long and hard to realize they needed. They had endless baggage trains full of all of the creature comforts, soft hands, etc.
Nope, the chroniclers opined, knights should be hard core, you know, kill, kill, kill, not live it up.
Seems to me that nothing has changed.

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