April 5, 2006, - 6:47 pm

Even Gazillionaire Gangsta Rappers Can’t Buy Happiness w/Their Trash

After just 82 days of marriage, one of America’s worst influences, Eminem, filed for divorce in Michigan’s Macomb County Circuit Court, today.
This was his second marriage . . . to the same woman, Kim Mathers, about whom he rapped of dismembering in front of their young daughter.
If only he could divorce himself from America, too. For now, we’ll have to be happy with the fact that this woman he was dumb enough to marry twice will get half of the half she didn’t get the first time around.

Eminem & Kim Mathers’ 2nd Divorce: Twice as Nice

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April 5, 2006, - 5:06 pm

More Signs Mike Tyson is Mentally Impaired

Our favorite Islamic boxer, Mike Tyson, is the athlete that keeps on giving . . . us reasons to ridicule him.
We were entertained by his dinner of Ear of Evander (Holyfield) and Leg of Lennox (Lewis), though we felt sorry for the live victims and hope they weren’t infected.
Now, however, we don’t know whether to laugh or be angry. Mike Tyson has embraced Communist leader Mao Zedong.
Being such an admirer of the man who brought despotic tyranny to China, Tyson already has a tattoo of Chairman Mao on his right arm. But now, he’s visited Mao’s embalmed body at the dictator’s mausoleum. He also bought three propaganda books on Mao while in China.
Says Iron Mike:

Standing in front of Chairman Mao’s remains, I felt really insignificant. To have the chance to visit the memorial hall is a great honor for me.

Mike Tyson: Fan of Communist Dictator, Ear of Evander

In love with a human rights abuser and mass murderer. Apparently, Mike Tyson has been punched in the head too many times. Makes us glad his boxing career is over.

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April 5, 2006, - 4:24 pm

Kuwaiti Women’s Vote: Don’t Believe the Hype

The Mainstream Media is charmed to death by the Kuwaitis.
You see, they’ve finally allowed women to vote in Kuwait. Sort of. Women were allowed to vote, yesterday, for the first time, but in municipal elections only.
Women still can’t be candidates, can’t go out without covering up almost completely (hijab and all), and they can’t be the Emir of Kuwait.
And that’s the thing. Kuwaitis, female OR male really can’t vote for the dictator leader of their country. Kuwait is an Islamic monarchy, run by the Al-Sabah royal family.
So, can someone please tell that to the ignorant media and HOprah (who, on her daily brain-addling talk show, ; Hello, Oprah . . . that’s Israel’s description, girlfriend). Kuwait ain’t a democracy, people.

Emir of Kuwait on Background Photo @ Kuwaiti “Elections”

(Photo by Gustavo Ferrari/AP)

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April 5, 2006, - 12:34 pm

Sex With Minors, Homeland Security & The Terrorists

News is buzzing about high-ranking Homeland Security official Brian J. Doyle’s arrest on charges of using his computer to seduce a minor and transmission of harmful material (porn) to a minor, a cop posing as a 14-year-old girl.
There are a lot of lessons to be learned from this incident.
The scary thing is not just that he’s so high up (he is DHS’ Deputy Press Secretary). It’s that he’s one of a string of Homeland Security agents and high-ranking officials who have been caught in alleged sex crimes, some with minors.

Brian Doyle, Frank Figueroa: 2 High-Ranking DHS Sex Criminals

We’re lucky these people have been caught. But how many others have not been? They are extremely vulnerable to blackmail by terrorists or other criminals. Yet, some of those who’ve been caught remain in the employ of Homeland Security . . . as FEDERAL AGENTS!
In Doyle’s case, he told the cop he thought was the 14-year-old girl that he worked for Homeland Security and gave her his name, office and government-issued cell numbers. He also sent her his photo. What if she was not a cop posing as a 14-year-old, but an Islamic terrorist looking to get sensitive information? We suggest that plot line to producer Joel Surnow for “,” next season.
Then there is the issue of Homeland Security and its claim that the Department is the premiere Department chasing child porn and its predators. A significant number of Homeland Security’s new ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Agents have been put on the sex beat, which includes pursuing online stuff like what Doyle did.
But it took sheriffs in Polk County, Florida, NOT a federal agency that should be pursuing terrorists and illegal aliens, to get this careless top Homeland Security official, Doyle.
Because of Customs laws, ICE, the immigration agency, is the Homeland Security agency that is involved in this area. Immigration and sex crimes against minors mix occasionally in terms of sex tourism, child sex slaves, and the old Customs-connected transmission or importation of sex material over international borders. The ICE agents who pursue these crimes do good work. But enforcing immigration laws and kiddie porn laws are two very different and disparate areas.
Then, there is the question about whether Homeland Security–or ICE–is really serious about pursuing sex crimes. A few weeks ago, we saw ICE chieftess in the national media asserting her worst soap opera-style dramatics to announce a big ICE bust of child porn users and purveyors.
But we found it hard to take her seriously. Why? Well, for starters, a federal agent under her employ, ,” remains under her employ, and probably will be after his upcoming April trial. He was not just any ICE agent. He was ICE’s Special Agent in Charge of Tampa and former director of ICE’s sex crimes unit, “Operation Predator.” He exposed himself to a teenager in a mall (and had a for the same thing and ). (UPDATE: Figueroa pleaded “No Contest,” this morning.)
Yet, for all her professed commitment to pursuing child sex predators, ICE chieftess Julie Myers and her hand-picked Ethics Princess, , refuse to fire him. And sources say, they will draw things out until July, when Figueroa will be completely vested in and fully eligible for his pension, well over $100,000 per year.
Besides Figueroa, there are the other ICE agents who remain employed. Among them:
* An alleged child molester working as an ICE Agent in Detroit for Michigan and Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge ;
* An ICE Agent caught soliciting a prostitute in his government-issued “G”-car (while drunk driving) working in Detroit, also for Abu Moskowitz; and
* An ICE Agent in Texas who allegedly when the woman refused to perform a sex act on the agent and her cop boyfriend.
These are just a few instances that we know of. All of these individuals are currently on the taxpayer payroll. And all of them are vulnerable to blackmail.
Homeland Security? Nope. More like, Sex Criminals’ Job Security. And more vulnerability to terrorists for our country.

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April 5, 2006, - 11:05 am

Memo To Bono & Brad Pitt. . .

This isn’t new and shouldn’t be, but unfortunately it is to the ignorant Hollywood political activists:
Yet again, the United States is the largest donor–at $27.5 billion–in aid to poor countries. That is the figure that just came out for 2005. And that’s just tax money for last year. There were billions more in private citizen donations.
Remember this, the next time wealthy Irish citizen (and ) and rich celeb cry foul against Americans for not giving enough to foreign countries.
We are very generous. We give more than any country. (And a lot of the money .) Bono and Pitt, stop whining.

Bono & Brad Pitt:

“This is a Hold Up. Give Africa Your $$$$ & Nobody Gets Hurt.”

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April 4, 2006, - 5:02 pm

Hilarious: Major Investment Co. Hires New Fallujah Educator as Key “Financial” Honcho

If you’re investing with Oppenheimer, now might be the time to get out and hire a new financial advisor.
Why? Well for starters, the hiring of Mario Morrow.
In today’s Detroit Free Press, it was announced that Mr. Morrow was “retained by Oppenheimer and Co. in New York as a chief educational financial advisor.”
We think it’s hilarious that a major investment house would hire Morrow.
We’re very familiar with Mr. Morrow. He was a principal of George Ford Elementary School in one of the worst school districts in the country, Detroit. Then he was the spokesman and advisor to the man, Kenneth Burnley, who ran the ENTIRE Detroit Public Schools school district. It remains, despite Mr. Morrow’s involvement, one of the worst school districts in the United States. That is also despite millions and millions being thrown at the school district.

Mario Morrow: A Reason to Take Your Money Away from Oppenheimer

It has a very high drop-out rate, a high rate of illiterate graduates, and very, very unsafe schools. Little changed with Mr. Morrow’s involvement. His hiring–or the hiring of ANYONE so closely connected with the Third World Republic of Detroit Schools–by Oppenheimer might just be one of the signs that the Apocalypse is upon us.
Mr. Morrow, who bills himself as a political consultant, political pundit, campaign advisor, educator, and–now–financial advisor, seems to be a jack of all trades. And–as evidenced by the Detroit school district morass that continues to fester and mestastasize–a master of none.
Add to that the fact that Morrow supports the payment of gazillions in reparations to Black Americans by U.S. taxpayers. Hmmm . . . we wonder if Oppenheimer supports that. Its investors should ask.
Would you take financial advice from anyone who had a hand in the Detroit educational black hole? Educational advice? No way. Unless you’re trying to lose a lot of money, real fast. It’s kind of like hiring a fat chick to be your personal trainer. Not advisable.
So why did Oppenheimer hire him? Don’t leave your money there long enough to find out.

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April 4, 2006, - 11:00 am

USA Today Runs Another Fake Story

More proof that you can’t believe everything you read–or the photos you see–in USA Today or the rest of the liberal media. And more proof that some “documentaries” are just plain fiction.
USA Today apparently has a rampant problem of reporters publishing anything anyone tells them without checking a thing. Now, The paper had yet another episode with a reporter writing a phony story, all having to do with a “documentary” about World War II, also now exposed as a complete fraud. The paper even published a phony picture of the alleged subject of the article (it was an actor).
The documentary portrayed a messenger–carrying the news the War had ended to President Truman–as a lazy teenager who stopped to eat pancakes and flirt, unnecessarily delaying the end of World War II. Total fiction, to which USA Today gave wide exposure.

Fake-umentary Maker Quincy Perkins & Fake Thomas E. Jones (Published in USA Today, March 14th) (Left); The Real Thomas E. Jones (Right)

But USA Today doesn’t blame their lazy reporter who wrote an article of fiction–none of which he verified, and his editors (who don’t fact-check either, apparently). Nope. The paper blames it on the fraudulent film and the filmmaker, whose story the paper retold verbatim and without question.
You’d think a paper with a similar, previous embarrassing scandal, like the Jack Kelley plague, would have learned a “journalistic” bastion a lesson. But you’d be wrong.
Kelley was USA Today’s star reporter, who fabricated and plagiarized virtually all his stories, including an apocryphal story about an angry Jewish settler who wanted to kill Palestinians. The settler didn’t exist. USA Today brass ignored repeated demands to investigate Kelley, until it became so embarrassing, they finally had to do something. They finally fired Kelley.
But they’ve apparently learned nothing.
As , last year, USA Today reporter Stephanie Armour wrote a totally false story about an alleged former Harvard and pro hockey player who became a multi-millionaire Hispanic drink distributor. But none of it was true. She failed “Reporting 101” and didn’t verify a thing. Instead, she published a repeat of his press releases and fanciful stories. Very lazy. The paper had to publish an embarrassing article noting the fakery and retracting Armour’s “report.”
Was Armour fired for putting forth a completely phony story? Of course, not. She continues to “report”–or whatever you call fiction-writing–for USA Today.
Now, there’s yet another. But this time it defames a man’s behavior during World War II, far more serious.
Yesterday, USA Today had to publish yet another embarrassing article “correcting” yet another reporter, Patrick Gavin’s phony work. Gavin reported on a “documentary”–it now turns out to be mostly fiction–made by “filmmaker” Quincy Perkins and funded by Philadelphia ’76ers owner Greg Croce.
The “documentary” was about Thomas E. Jones. Then a 16-year-old messenger, he delivered the encoded cable to President Truman notifying him of Japan’s World War II surrender in 1945 and the War’s end.
USA Today reporter Gavin didn’t check the most basic “facts” he reported, and they turned out to be fiction. He reported that Jones was dead, and didn’t bother to check that. In fact, it took Jones’ children, using Google, to discover the false reporting that their father was dead and other phony details:

Jones . . . died Dec. 31 after battling various illnesses. But Perkins was able to tape a series of interviews that would form the basis for his 16-minute film.

Guess what? Thomas E. Jones is alive and well. And he never ever met or spoke with “filmmaker” Perkins. Had Gavin bothered to look into that, he’d also know that the rest of his “reporting” was phony also, including the headline, “Boy’s Pancake Breakfast Delayed the End of WWII.”
Gavin’s article began:

Whenever someone mentioned pancakes, without fail Thomas E. Jones would immediately think of Harry Truman.
It’s an odd word association for sure, but it’s understandable given Jones’ unusual place in our nation’s history.
On Aug. 14, 1945, Jones, a 16-year-old messenger in Washington, D.C., was entrusted to deliver to the White House the cable announcing Japan’s surrender to the United States to end World War II.
Unaware of his cargo’s import, the boy, in cavalier teenage fashion, put work on hold to eat pancakes at a diner, hang out with his friends and flirt with waitresses.
Later, he left his pancakes to complete the job only to be pulled over en route to the White House by a police officer, who berated the boy for making an illegal U-turn.

Except none of this is true. There were no pancakes, and the real, alive-and-well Thomas E. Jones says:

We delivered the message at four o’clock in the afternoon . . . . And we knew at the office that it had to do with the Japanese surrender. There wasn’t any lollygagging around. It was, ‘Take this and go.’

Gavin also reported this:

In one part of the interview, Jones, 76, recalls handing the president the letter: “He said, ‘What do you have for me, young man?’ I gave him the letter, and he opened it up and looked at it for a while and then patted me on the head and said: ‘It’s good news. It’s really good news.'”

Problem is, the REAL Jones says he never met President Truman.
Apparently, “filmmaker” Perkins took “documentary” lessons from and Morgan Spurlock (see also, ).

“It was such a large moment in history that nobody knows about, and I just love that,” says the director, 25. “I feel like an archaeologist in a way. . . . We did everything they tell you not to do,” the young filmmaker says. “This film theoretically should not have been made.

Uh-huh. An “archeologist” who makes up history. But he’s right: This fake film should NOT have been made.
And the USA Today reporter should have reported. But now that he didn’t, don’t look for him to be fired. Jack Kelley, Stephanie Armour, and now Patrick Gavin. (Last year, The Detroit News, then-owned by USA Today owner Gannett, also published . Nothing happened to him either.)
And they tell us they are “journalists.” Puh-leeze. We’d be safer believing what we read in the “The Onion” (“America’s Finest News Source”).
NBA ’76ers owner Pat Croce, the funder of the “documentary,” has a lot of egg on his face, too:

“I love history, ideally pirate history,” Croce says. “But when Quincy said he had this story that wasn’t even in Truman’s biography, I thought this film has to be made. – I told him, ‘Don’t settle for anything. Our goal is an Oscar.’ “

Like we said, somebody’s taking cues from Michael Moore.

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April 3, 2006, - 4:07 pm

Jury Allows Death for Moussaoui; But What Happens to FBI Agents?

It’s official: The jury says Zacarias Moussaoui can be sentenced to death. But it’s not over. Now it’s up to another jury to decide if he will get it–the next phase.
We’d like to know what happens to the FBI Agents involved–the heroes and other villains of the story:
* : We’ve recounted the continued heroism and desperation of FBI Special Agent Harry Samit (, , , and ), who testified at trial about how he tried to no avail–SEVENTY TIMES!–to get a warrant to search Moussoui’s belongings, knowing he was a member of Al-Qaeda and was planning a hijacking. His superiors repeatedly denied or ignored him.
We’ve been told by other agents that, for his bravery and speaking up about it, Agent Samit’s career is over. That’s a sad legacy for America, almost five years after the 9/11 attacks. It tells us little has changed. This man should be honored and promoted, not trodden upon.

Agent Harry Samit: FBI’s Cassandra on Moussaoui, 9/11

* Samit’s FBI Superiors: USA Today reported that two of his superiors, who obstructed Samit’s full investigation of Moussaoui (despite all the evidence)–Michael Maltbie and David Frasca–remain employed by the FBI. Were they disciplined? If they’re still working for the Bureau, the answer is: NOT ENOUGH. They should have been fired and tried for gross negligence, at the very least. Ditto for Samit’s other superiors, including now-retired Michael Rolince, who (to date).
They “erred” on the side of cushy careers, not American lives.
So, when is their trial commencing? The President has never asked for Robert Mueller’s resignation, and apparently not for the resignations of these individuals either.
We hate to quote Michael Dukakis, but: The fish rots from the head down.

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April 3, 2006, - 3:22 pm

Men-The New Women-Alert: Opening Day Wrinkle-Eraser for Him

On this site, we’ve repeatedly documented the continuing crisis of the feminization of men in our society.
Today’s USA Today Baseball Opening Day section gives us yet another example.
Last year, of moisturizers, anti-wrinkle creams, and exfoliators for men. They made their debut in a full-page ad in USA Today’s sports section.
Well, they’re ba-a-a-ack.
In Today’s Opening Day section, there isn’t just one page, but THREE of the eight pages of the section. One full page is dedicated to L’Oreal for Men’s “Vita-Lift Anti-Wrinkle & Firming Moisturizer” (With Pro-Retinol, same as L’Oreal for Women’s similar cream). The ad says, “The All-Star Anti-Wrinkler.” Nice baseball tie-in.

New Age Baseball: Opening Day Skin Products by L’Oreal for “Men”

Another full page is dedicated to “Hydra-Power Invigorating Moisturizer (with Vitamin C “to reduce signs of stress & fatigue”). This one is dubbed, “The MVP Moisturizer.” MVP in “,” maybe.
The last page features photos of the entire “Men’s Expert” product line, which is really just women’s skincare creams in silver and orange packaging. It’s dubbed “The Winning Team.”
With so many marketers selling traditionally women’s products to men and so many men buying them, what’s next–men’s lingerie? Oops, sorry we asked.
USA Today’s Baseball 2006 section brought to you by “L’Oreal for Men: Because You’re Worth It, Too.”

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April 3, 2006, - 2:34 pm

Pick Morales: If NBC Today’s Katie Goes, Will Saudi Concubine Replace Her?

Now that reports are in that Katie Couric will be the new “CBS Evening News” anchor, we hope they won’t pick former Saudi Concubine Campbell Brown to replace her.
As , Brown–the former girlfriend of Saudi spokesman and apologist Adel Al-Jubeir–is one of the candidates to replace the “Today” host. When Brown was NBC News White House correspondent, she let her “dating” (euphemism?) of Al-Jubeir get in the way of covering the real news on the now-Saudi King Abdullah’s visit to the President’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. It was a clear conflict of interest.
As in, she did not report on the fact that then-Prince Abdullah insisted on no women in the air traffic control tower and on the tarmac at the airport in Waco, Texas. (Not to mention that the Prince’s entourage then went to women-filled strip clubs in Waco, that night.) In fashion magazines, Brown bragged of her softball interviews with then-HAMAS leader Abdul Aziz Rantisi (thankfully now dead).

NBC’s Saudi Concubine?:

Likely “Today” Host Campbell Brown “Dated” Saudi Flack Adel Al-Jubeir

It’s been established that pillow talk is apparently the most effective form of political speech in Brown’s case. We’ve already experienced the worst with , and his biased coverage. We don’t need more with Campbell Brown–a less suave, less intelligent Jennings in a skirt.
Now, she’s married to former Bushie Dan Senor. But don’t let that fool you. Senor worked for the Carlyle Group and also shilled for former U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (later, Energy Secretary, and now, ) and his pan-Islamist legislation (including millions in USAID money to Hezbollah), as his Press Secretary. That included apologism for the fact that Abraham was one of only two of 100 U.S. Senators who refused to sign a letter to the President asking him to tell Arafat to stop the homicide bombings. (Some on Capitol Hill say that, under his “leadership,” the HAMAS-front group, CAIR, became a force on Capitol Hill. What a legacy to be proud of.)
These are the kinds of opinions we need less of–not more–on the “Today Show.” And, therefore, Campbell Brown is NOT a good choice for anyone who supports objective journalism, much less freedom from terrorism.

MSNBC/NBC’s Natalie Morales:

Would Be More Benign, Less Offensive “Today” Host

Instead, a better choice to replace Couric is Natalie Morales. She is attractive, articulate, and we don’t note strong political views or bias in her news delivery and interviews on NBC and MSNBC. That’s the way it should be. (Morales is probably liberal, too, but a lot less palpably so than Campbell Brown, ex-Saudi concubine.)
Our choice to replace : Natalie Morales, YES. Campbell Brown, NO WAY.
By the way, ? Just asking.

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