He’s ba-a-a-a-ack. Yes, it looks like my favorite Presidential brother, Billy Carter, has risen from the dead in the form of big business.
What is it with big business, anyway? As a conservative and capitalist, I support businesses. It is generally good for America. But big business is starting to get on my nerves. First, they take our tax money, in the form of corporate welfare. Then, they push for illegal alien instant citizenship and cheap workers. And now–in the spirit of the founder of Billy Beer, big business is pushing the U.S. to take Libya off the State Department terrorist list, according to a story in today’s Wall Street Journal.
Libya’s Most Connected Lobbyist Ever
Ole’ Billy would be proud. A new group, the Washington based US-Libya Business Association (a fancy name for a group of lobbyists who whored themselves out to oil companies paying big bucks because they want to do business with the terrorist state), is pushing for the Bush White House and State Department to remove Libya from the State Department’s list of countries sponsoring terorist groups. (Billy Carter took a “loan” of a few hundred thousand dollars from Libya’s loony dictator, Muammar “Daffy” Qaddafi, to do similar lobbying of his Peanut Farmer President brother.)
But let’s not forget, this is the country that helped sponsor the PFLP hijacking and bombing of the flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, murdering many Americans. Not to mention that Daffy Qaddafi, hired American Muslim Abdurahman Alamoudi to assassinate then-Saudi Crown Prince (now, King) Abdullah, while Alamoudi was using Daffy Qaddafi’s cash to fund HAMAS homicide bombings against innocent civilians. That was just 2 years ago, in 2004.
(Not that Abdullah’s such a great guy. He ain’t. But he’s better than the guy who’d replace him in the Kingdom of Saud if there were free elections there, Mr. Bin Laden.)
And there’s countless other evidence that Daffy Qaddafi and country are still heavily invested in the terrorism industry.
But that doesn’t bother the U.S.-Libya Business Association. Nope. The bottom line does. And, right now, according to the Journal, businesses who want to do biz with Daffy Qaddafi must pay “a 3% surcharge to get a special license from the Treasury Dept. in order to export goods with potential military as well as business application to Libya.”
Muammar “Daffy” Qaddafi: Libya’s Loony Dictator
This extra scrutiny and licensing is a good thing. But if Libya is taken off the State Dept. Terrorist list that would go away. Not a good thing.
Too bad for the unprincipled businesses who want to do business with Libya that Billy is just not around anymore. But I hear there’s who is currently open for business in the Arab/Muslim world.
Hate to quote Vladimir Lenin. But he was right when he said, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Libya, terrorists, illegal aliens, corporate welfare. Enough is enough.
**** UPDATE, 05/15/06: Libya gets full diplomatic ties, officially announced today. See more about .