April 11, 2006, - 4:55 pm

A Job Americans Won’t Do?

One of the fallacious arguments we constantly hear from the pro-illegal alien crowd is that “There are some jobs Americans just won’t do.”
Well, today’s Wall Street Journal reports that Americans won’t work in nuclear power. Apparently, an aging workforce and lack of enthusiasts among American young people to go into this technical science is creating a giant “Help Wanted” sign in the nuclear energy field.
So, are all these illegal alien advocates ready to farm out such an important national security laden-area as running our nuclear power and energy operations to foreigners? I mean, after all, there are some jobs Americans just won’t do. Right? Maybe we should hire some scientists from the Middle East to do it.
Americans will do any job if the market conditions are not artificially disenhanced by non-Americans. Americans will do any job if the conditions are right. One would hope the government will recognize that in the nuclear power field and work to encourage more Americans to go into it, rather than risking it away to those without respect for our common values of freedom and liberty.

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April 11, 2006, - 3:59 pm

Prez Bartlett Says Something Smart . . . For a Change

Martin Sheen, who plays President Josiah Bartlett on “The West Wing,” finally said something smart (which sometimes happens when your show is finally cancelled and reality sets in).
He told the New York Times that he gave this answer to Democrats when they asked him to run for the U.S. Senate from Ohio:

I’m just not qualified. You’re mistaking celebrity for credibility.

Amen. Now, if only Sheen could look in the mirror and take his own advice when it comes to his various far-left political preaching and protesting. . . .

Strange Love: Martin Sheen Shares Kiss w/ Janet Reno

(Photo from Strange Politics)

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April 11, 2006, - 2:57 pm

The Resurrection of Billy Carter

He’s ba-a-a-a-ack. Yes, it looks like my favorite Presidential brother, Billy Carter, has risen from the dead in the form of big business.
What is it with big business, anyway? As a conservative and capitalist, I support businesses. It is generally good for America. But big business is starting to get on my nerves. First, they take our tax money, in the form of corporate welfare. Then, they push for illegal alien instant citizenship and cheap workers. And now–in the spirit of the founder of Billy Beer, big business is pushing the U.S. to take Libya off the State Department terrorist list, according to a story in today’s Wall Street Journal.

Libya’s Most Connected Lobbyist Ever

Ole’ Billy would be proud. A new group, the Washington based US-Libya Business Association (a fancy name for a group of lobbyists who whored themselves out to oil companies paying big bucks because they want to do business with the terrorist state), is pushing for the Bush White House and State Department to remove Libya from the State Department’s list of countries sponsoring terorist groups. (Billy Carter took a “loan” of a few hundred thousand dollars from Libya’s loony dictator, Muammar “Daffy” Qaddafi, to do similar lobbying of his Peanut Farmer President brother.)
But let’s not forget, this is the country that helped sponsor the PFLP hijacking and bombing of the flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, murdering many Americans. Not to mention that Daffy Qaddafi, hired American Muslim Abdurahman Alamoudi to assassinate then-Saudi Crown Prince (now, King) Abdullah, while Alamoudi was using Daffy Qaddafi’s cash to fund HAMAS homicide bombings against innocent civilians. That was just 2 years ago, in 2004.
(Not that Abdullah’s such a great guy. He ain’t. But he’s better than the guy who’d replace him in the Kingdom of Saud if there were free elections there, Mr. Bin Laden.)
And there’s countless other evidence that Daffy Qaddafi and country are still heavily invested in the terrorism industry.
But that doesn’t bother the U.S.-Libya Business Association. Nope. The bottom line does. And, right now, according to the Journal, businesses who want to do biz with Daffy Qaddafi must pay “a 3% surcharge to get a special license from the Treasury Dept. in order to export goods with potential military as well as business application to Libya.”

Muammar “Daffy” Qaddafi: Libya’s Loony Dictator

This extra scrutiny and licensing is a good thing. But if Libya is taken off the State Dept. Terrorist list that would go away. Not a good thing.
Too bad for the unprincipled businesses who want to do business with Libya that Billy is just not around anymore. But I hear there’s who is currently open for business in the Arab/Muslim world.
Hate to quote Vladimir Lenin. But he was right when he said, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Libya, terrorists, illegal aliens, corporate welfare. Enough is enough.
**** UPDATE, 05/15/06: Libya gets full diplomatic ties, officially announced today. See more about .

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April 11, 2006, - 12:29 pm

Illegal Alien Invasion in Pictures

Below are some of the pictures of the illegal alien invasion that you didn’t see in newspaper and TV coverage of yesterday’s and previous alien invasion circuses. They’re evidence that illegal aliens, in the face of our oblivious response, are becoming ever more brazen, ever more daring. Growing chutzpah.
The pictures were shot by members of U.S. Air Force security of recent damage done by illegal aliens who invaded through our Southern Border. They were not shy, trying to invade Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.
Per requests from the sender, we have blurred their faces to protect their identities. The photos were taken in mid-March.
Here is more of the story, as sent me by a source:

Thought you might be interested in this. . . . [In March,] someone tried to run the Swan Gate at Davis-Monthan AFB here in Tucson. They found out the hard way that the pop up barrier works.
Pictures of the pop up barrier at Davis Monthan AFB are enclosed. Truck meets our new popup barriers . . . inside the Swan gate.
The truck went from 50 mph to 0 mph in about 1 inch. Driver and passenger were both drunk and high, drugs and a gun were found in the vehicle. Both of them were also unbuckled, so needless to say they had a date with a local ICU nurse. I guess we can say these barriers are operational.
Both men were illegals and have been sent back to Mexico hospitals.

(Special Thanks to David A. Lunde of Lundesigns for Obscuring Soldiers’ Faces.)

****UPDATE: More background on the gate crashers that shows even more how outrageous the alien situation has become: They smelled of alcohol (drunk-driving/), and one was carrying a loaded .45 caliber revolver and had a white powdery substance on him resembling cocaine. We paid for the gate-crasher’s medical expenses at a hospital that has billed at least $7 mill in unpaid medical expenses to illegal aliens.

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April 10, 2006, - 2:22 pm

Hillary, Take Note . . .

Some conservatives, like Matt Drudge, are up in arms that a Democrat (played by Jimmy Smits), won the Presidential Election on last night’s “The West Wing.” On this liberal show, that’s hardly a suprise.
But, for a big reason, it was a good thing for fictional “West Wing” America. And real-life American politicians should take note: The key issue in the campaign was illegal immigration. And Smits’ character Matt Santos was tough on it. He wanted to tighten the borders, etc., much like Tom Tancredo wants to do. The Republican candidate, played by Alan Alda, was for a guest workers program, much like President Bush.
And he lost. Hillary (and Republican Prez hopefuls), are you listening?

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April 10, 2006, - 1:30 pm

Car Accidents: The Illegal Alien Hazard You Never Hear About

A USA Today article raises yet another problem created by so many illegal aliens in our midst: deadly car accidents.
According to the article, many aliens–both legal AND illegal–walk across highways and roads that are fairly dangerous and not designed for foot traffic. This includes the Buford Highway in Georgia, but also areas in suburban Washington, DC, Orlando, and Southern California (Chula Vista). Buford traffic is so dangerous that one woman says she waits 30-40 minutes to cross, a hint it’s not made for walking.
The 34 pedestrian deaths and 305 injuries on the Buford, alone, are tragedies, but they also mean higher insurance costs, injured people, and children possibly losing their parents–all exacerbated by illegal aliens.

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April 10, 2006, - 11:06 am

ACCESS, CAIR: Muslims and Unlimited Immigration

When the big pro-illegal alien protests happened, a couple of weeks ago (and again, today), I thought it was common knowledge that Muslims and Arab activist groups urged attendance and attended in not so small numbers. Apparently, it is news to some.
After the protests, Monica Piper from Free Republic sent me this photo of members of the in the Detroit protest and linked to some of my work over the years on this group.

But it was not news to me. I’ve been (See also, here, about ACCESS’ sponsorship of the Michigan Divestment Conference regarding Israel) and its work–some of it illegal–on behalf of illegal aliens for years, including Medicaid fraud and evading federal agents looking for foreign students. And, by the way, despite this, top Immigration officials (from ICE-Immigration and Customs Enforcement, like Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”) officials constantly attend ACCESS events and dinners.
(In an article in which he lies about having served in Vietnam–he did not–ACCESS founder and chief, Ismael Ahmed blames me for losing his election bid for Democratic Regent on the University of Michigan Board of Regents. Part of the article is plagiarized by the author, Jack Lessenberry, a journalism professor who also neglected to verify the Vietnam claim.)
I’ve also been writing about the Council on American-Islamic Relations, . And then-Arab Senator-and CAIR supporter–Spencer Abraham’s work (at the behest of Arab American Institute’s Jim Zogby) to oppose computer tracking of immigrant students (BEFORE 9/11).
As for CAIR AND ACCESS, the photo below shows not only CAIR-Michigan Executive Director Dawud Walid (to the right of Muslim Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, Mother of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick), but ACCESS President & Lawyer/ACLU Board Member , a Plaintiff is the and a lawyer on the ACLU lawsuit against the Patriot Act. (Saleh is the goateed, sunglasses-wearing White man standing just behind him.)

Saleh openly stated he gave money to Hezbollah and represents a number of accused terrorists. He has been thrice-disciplined (once-suspended) by the Michigan Bar. As for Walid, I saw him cheer on the when he and federal officials declared that Hezbollah was not a terrorist group. Cheeks-Kilpatrick recently took a propaganda junket to the Middle East paid for by the extremist American-Arab Chamber of Commerce.
These are the friends of unlimited illegal immigration. They are not America’s friends.
(Thanks to Michelle Malkin on the tip for the photo of Walid, Saleh et al at yesterday’s rally.)

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April 10, 2006, - 10:09 am

OUTRAGE: New Updike, DeMille Novels Blame Terrorism on America, Jews, Blacks, the Right, etc.

We know they are called “fiction” for a reason. But the new fiction books about terrorism are disturbing.
Friday’s Wall Street Journal did a feature on “United 93” and other movies soon to come out about the 9/11 attacks. We’re looking forward to those, as they will serve to remind Americans who’ve already forgotten and fallen back into their slumber.
But the story also explored selections on terrorism in fiction novels. And it isn’t pretty.
The Journal reports that a new Nelson DeMille novel, “Wildfire,” set in October 2002, will focus on “a right-wing plot to detonate nuclear bombs on both coasts.” Hmmm . . . in 2002, a plot to detonate dirty bombs in America was uncovered. Question: Was Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla a “right-winger” a la Ann Coulter?
We don’t think so. Remember that the next time you’re tempted to purchase anything by DeMille for your summer beach reading.

John Updike Blames Terrorism on America, Jews, Blacks

Then, there’s John Updike. The theme of his upcoming novel, “Terrorist,” is understanding why 18-year-old New Jersey-ite Ahmad is drawn into a violent plot. The Journal quotes Updike’s editor, Judith Jones of publisher, Alfred A. Knopf:

“He wanted to get inside the skin of a young person drawn to this kind of suicidal attack . . . . You do get particular insights from a novel like this. . . . [Y]ou can at least understand the mind-set.”

Here’s an excerpt of a Publisher’s Weekly review of the book. Sounds pretty disgusting:

Ahmad Mulloy Ashmawy . . . is the son of an Egyptian exchange student who married a working-class Irish-American girl and then disappeared when Ahmad was three. Ahmad, disgusted by his mother’s inability to get it together, is in the thrall of Shaikh Rashid, who runs a storefront mosque and preaches divine retribution for “devils,” including the “Zionist dominated federal government.”
The list of devils is long: it includes Joryleen Grant, the white trash slut with a heart of gold; Tylenol Jones, a black tough guy with whom Ahmad obliquely competes for Joryleen’s attentions (which Ahmad eventually pays for); Jack Levy, a Central High guidance counselor who at 63 has seen enough failure, including his own, to last him a lifetime (and whose Jewishness plays a part in a manner unthinkable before 9/11); Jack’s wife, Beth, as ineffectual and overweight (Updike is merciless on this) as she is oblivious; and Teresa Mulloy, a nurse’s aide and Sunday painter as desperate for Jack’s attention, when he takes on Ahmad’s case, as Jack is for hers. Updike has distilled all their flaws to a caustic, crystalline essence; he dwells on their poor bodies and the debased world in which they move unrelentingly, and with a dispassionate cruelty that verges on shocking. Ahmad’s revulsion for American culture doesn’t seem to displease Updike one iota..

Thanks, John Updike, for telling us why 9/11 happened: We, as Americans, all suck. We’re bad mothers who abandon their half-Muslim kids, sluts, losers, black tough guys, Jewish, fat, stupid. Plus, our culture invited this. Yes, it’s all our fault that almost 3,000 died. We brought it on ourselves. We deserved it. Thanks for the education, John Updike.
Uh, haven’t we already had enough blame-America, understand-the-terrorist, why-do-they-hate-us pap? Say it ain’t so, John. Apparently, in his old age, Updike has run out of good ideas.

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April 10, 2006, - 9:31 am

Do You Agree?: “Ten Days That Shaped America”

Last night, the History Channel debuted its “10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America.”
Not among them: 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Or the invention of the computer. But what is among them is even more startling: Sept. 9, 1956–the date of Elvis Presley’s debut on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” Huh?

Here are the rest of “The Ten” (do you agree with these choices?):
* Sept. 17, 1862: Antietam
* May 26, 1637: Massacre at Mystic
* July 16, 1939: Einstein’s Letter
* Sept. 6, 1901: McKinley’s Assassination
[DS: Did this really change America? What about Lincoln’s assassination? Or even, Alexander Hamilton’s?]
* Jan. 24, 1848: California Gold Rush
[DS: Agree with this in the larger context of Manifest Destiny.]
* July 21, 1925: Scopes Trial
* July 6, 1892: Homestead Strike
* June 21, 1964: Freedom Summer
* Jan. 25, 1787: Shays’ Rebellion

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April 10, 2006, - 9:17 am

Weird Website of the Day

Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers. Why?

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