April 19, 2006, - 8:37 am

Howard Stern on “Hebrew Hotties” List & Schlussel

One of my favorite sites (because it is, indeed, very funny) is AmIAnnoying.com. Yes, I’m one of the many parties profiled on the site. (Not bothered by the totals in voting, because extremist Muslims and other haters have targeted me on the site in the past.)
For each person/celeb profiled, the guys at Am I Annoying? give the reasons why a person might be annoying and why not. But it has some other entertaining features on it, like various tests to figure out if you are annoying, etc. (Also, check out the the Star Jones profile. More reasons why we hate her.)
Am I Annoying? also has many lists, one of which is the “Hebrew Hotties” list. Many readers have alerted me that recently, on his Sirius satellite radio show, Howard Stern talked about the list and mentioned me. Here’s the audio.

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April 19, 2006, - 7:30 am

To My Friends & Readers: More Passover Absence

To my friends & readers:
Today and tomorrow (Weds. & Thurs.), I am celebrating the last part of and am out of blog commission (these Jewish holidays are killing me). But I’ve composed a few things, in advance, that I’ve asked my webmaster to post for me in my absence. Back on Friday!

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April 18, 2006, - 5:26 pm

Is This Real?: Did Hip-Hop Designer Vandalize Air Force One?

Is this video (click on plane/upper left-hand pic), of hip-hop clothing designer/ubiquitous punk, Marc Ecko, breaking into a U.S. Air Force Base and spray painting graffiti on Air Force One, for real? Looks like it.
And if it is, it’s quite disturbing. We think the U.S. Secret Service (and U.S. Air Force agents, too) ought to be paying him a visit . . . and sending him on a lengthy visit to cell block H.
Ecko, the White punk who thinks he’s Black, and is a gazillionaire from his urban “Ecko Red,” “Ecko Unlimited,” and other clothing lines, sees himself as some sort of crusader for the right to commit vandalism a/k/a graffiti on other people’s property. Read his blog about his absurd cause and his silly video (upper right hand corner) about how he’s mad that New York City will only sell spray paint and broad-tipped markers to 21-year-olds and up. He praises “subway art.”

“Still Free”: Alleged Graffiti on Air Force One by Hip-Hop Designer Marc Ecko

(after Allegedly Breaking & Entering)

Again, it ain’t art. It’s vandalism that costs taxpayers millions. Ecko thinks it’s about free speech. But free speech never involved using someone else’s property (without their permission) as your tabula, canvas, or personal soapbox. Ecko says he “tagged” (spray-painted) Air Force One because “the President can’t fly around like a rock star talking about how America’s the greatest country in the world,” when graffiti is restricted. Huh? Who let this guy out of the asylum?
If this video of Ecko spray painting OUR property–as in Air Force One–is legit (and it looks like it is), that’s vandalism. And if it’s that easy for this punk to do so, how hard would it be for terrorists to get close to the plane or plant explosives on board?
So, is it for real? Ecko says it is. And if it is, what is Ralph Basham, Secret Service Director, doing about it?

Attention Feds: Put Vandal Marc Ecko & Ecko Unlimited Out of Business

Basham is an Arab American we are proud of here at because he is a patriotic, loyal American who sought to fight Islamic terrorism. In a secret memo (a copy of which we have in our possession), Basham tried to protect the turf of the Secret Service and U.S. Customs in investigating terrorism money laundering, counterfeiting and funding cases. He protested a Memorandum of Understanding signed by then DHS and Justice sachems Tom Ridge and John Ashcroft, giving all terrorism cases to the FBI. (Though, Basham is soon out of the Secret Service, as he’s awaiting Senate confirmation of the President’s nomination of him to head up Customs and Border Protection.)
Now, though, we wonder how this annoying punk of a hip-hop designer got so close to Air Force One, if he actually did (if this is for real).
Very scary. If anyone knows more details on this, please contact me and/or write about it in the comments section.
****UPDATE: Reader Eric says that it is FAKE (was staged)! Who knows?

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April 18, 2006, - 3:37 pm

Good or Bad News for Borders?: ICE Princess to Spawn; Special Treatment for Female Agents

First, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency charged with enforcing immigration laws (and not letting good agents do so) got some woman they picked up from the mall to head it up–
Now, sources inside the ICE Palace tell us that the incompetent, unqualified ICE Princess is pregnant and will be gone on maternity leave, soon. “The prevailing thought is a late fall departure on maternity leave and the end of her recess appointment,” a source says. (Though, we’ve reported that Bush until the end of his lackluster, border-hemorrhaging 2nd term.)
Is this good news or bad news? Well, The ICE Princess hasn’t done much, except smile for her modeling portfolio a/k/a the “ICE Update” (ICE’s in-house newsletter for agents) and without even checking their IDs. Oh, and there was taking place these past few weeks all over America.

Julie Myers’ Family Security: Coming Soon to an Unsecure Border Near You

(Julie Myers’ Family Values Courtesy of Photoshop Master, David A. Lunde)

But without the ICE Princess, the agency will be run by the same old mess of incompetents that are basically running things for her, anyway (since she is in way over her ICE Princess head). It seems like a wash.
With the ICE Princess on leave in the fall, it reminds us why we object to women in such leadership positions. Her incompetence aside, if she knew she was going to have a baby, she for such a serious FULL-TIME job (and stuck to her real talent: , like Paris Hilton’s mom, instead).
Being Immigration chieftess, especially at this time, is not a job that can accommodate being a new mom. And being a mom is a job that cannot accommodate being Immigration chieftess. She must choose. But she won’t, and her kid and the American people will suffer. She’s already shown her selfishness and callousness to America, (she was in charge of the job search at the White House Office of Personnel Management).
We have visions of Massachusetts former Acting Governor Jane Swift, who couldn’t handle the job and mommyhood at the same time. So she illegally made taxpayers do the mommyhood duties (paying for transport of the twin brats, nannying, and picking up hubby’s dry cleaning).
And that brings us to other female-occupied high positions in ICE. One is held by , Acting ICE Ethics Princess. Although she spends most of her time protecting her unethical ICE Agent friends (and card playing cronies), like , and not investigating serious ethics violations (but going after petty ones committed by people she doesn’t like), she cannot handle the long hours demanded on the job. A divorced, single mother wants shorter hours. Sources say that The ICE Princess (Myers) redrew the position for Lembke so that she can work from home, have shorter hours, etc.–all while the taxpayers are paying her high salary (around $140,000 plus, sources say). Would a man get such job conditions? No way, Jose.
Then, there’s the shopping and mystery novelist conventions female federal agents, including ones from ICE, get to go to on your tax dime. The ICE Princess may be taking spawning leave in the fall, but not before she and ICE Director of Investigations get to attend the June Women in Federal Law Enforcement confab. Mystery novelist David Baldacci is speaking, as is The ICE Princess (puh-leeze, if she’s a woman in law enforcement, so was Farrah Fawcett). Male federal agents have complained to us that it is a day off for chick agents to sign in and go shopping for purses. Hearing a mystery writer isn’t exactly work, either.
We propose a Men in Law Enforcement Poker Day. Turnabout is fair play, and we believe in equality.
Bottom Line: Don’t look for the illegal alien problem to get better. Look for it to get WORSE!

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April 18, 2006, - 10:00 am

Schlussel Website Hijacked by Islamic Terrorists

For the past several years, my cousin Arnie, who lives in Israel, has been tracing the Schlussel/Schlissel/Schlessel family tree and documenting it at our family website, Schlissel.org. I have been proud to help him trace and connect my family members from around the world to our European ancestors back to the early 1700s/late 1600s.
Since the smart aleck terrorists at various Islamic terrorist groups could not hijack (they’ve tried a few times), they chose to hijack my family’s (Arnie’s). They’ve posted reproductions of various terrorist and homicide bomber trading cards for kids, all decorated with the “Map of Hate” (no Israel, just “Palestine” in its place).
For those who cannot read Arabic, the group is called the “Ahmed Abu Al Raeesh Brigades,” which appears to be a radical Fatah (PLO) offshoot. The group’s insignia/emblem appears to be a cross between that of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad.
So for now, the site is Palestinian terrorist occupied territory, just in time for the second holy days of Passover.
Islamic terrorists may have hijacked the site, but we Schlussels will get it back. We don’t take such “overtures” from HAMAS too gently.
**** UPDATE, 4:30 p.m.: Well, the terrorists are still hijacking the site (I know, I know–computer geeks say hacking, but in this case, I call it hijacking). And “anonymous twit” shows us this isn’t the first time they’ve done so. Still, if this is the best the Islamic terrorists can do, I suggest they . It covers Viagra.

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April 17, 2006, - 2:18 pm

See the “Softer Side” of HAMAS; Bush Silent on Muslim Terror Financiers

Remember the “” that the Mainstream Media recently gushed over (and which )? Or the ?
Well, today, the “charming,” “softer side of HAMAS” showed itself in Tel Aviv: Nine innocent civilians murdered, just under 100 badly injured (that means missing body parts, horrible mutilation, etc.)

(Photos of Tel Aviv Homicide Bombing from Yahoo Slideshow)

White House reax:

[W]e have noted President Abbas’s [sic] quick denunciation of it.

Huh? Big deal. Abbas–just like Arafat–always denounces these things . . . with a wink and a nod to the terrorists who mastermind the homicide bombings. Denouncing mass murder–while enabling it–doesn’t mean a thing. He has never stopped a single bombing, a single attack. Shame on the Bush White House for acting like a jilted lover coming back for more, after over a year of the Abbas “presidency.”
And when will the Administration realize that Abbas LOST?
More clueless White House:

We reiterate that the United States will have no contact with such a government, and we call upon all states to demand that it abandon its support for terror.

Here’s a tip for the Prez and his clueless Secretary of State:
You might try pressuring your Arab and Muslim “Allies in the War on Terror” to stop their contact, financial support, moral support for the terrorism against innocents. Or cut off contact with those governments.
Until then, it is business as usual. And you, President Bush–with your quiet acquiescence to their support–are part of the problem, not the solution.

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April 17, 2006, - 12:59 pm

Your GM Car Paid for $17 Million in Viagra

If you bought a General Motors car, you helped finance Viagra and Cialis for its employees.
It’s not just shareholders–demanding lay-offs of auto workers–who are bringing America’s auto industry down. It’s the auto workers’ own bloated health plans that are part of overpriced cars and out of control budgets (all negotiated by their union, the UAW).
Yesterday’s Detroit Spews reported that General Motors spends $17 million a year for Viagra, Cialis, and other impotence drugs (probably Levitra, too).
It’s yet another example of how HMOs–which are de facto socialized medicine and price fixing for health care–are driving up costs of products and putting people out of work. No industry–no matter how thriving–can survive unlimited health care spending and bureaucratic middle-men (HMOs) who do no work, taking their exacting pound-of-flesh cut.

Buying This Means . . . Paying $1,500 For This

And GM (and the rest of the auto industry) is hardly thriving. It lost $10.6 billion, last year. MORE THAN HALF of that was its overall health care expenditure of $5.6 billion per year.
And that little blue pill is expensive. You are paying an extra $1,500 per GM car (if you bought one) to pay for the out-of-control spending (and payment of HMO paper-pushers’ salaries).
The Detroit Spews reports that, given the growing elderly GM worker population (and retirees, too), the Viagra/Cialis/Levitra tab is likely to grow to “keep that spark alive” (the Spews’ words, not ours).
New name for GM cars: ViagraMobiles. The only way to stop the ViagraMobile syndrome is to return to out of pocket spending for health care.
That would lower prices (and return true competition ot the health care and medical marketplace) eliminate costly, do-nothing HMO interlopers from the equation and would allow end-users to pick and choose how they expend money on health care (which they’d do a lot less of).
Time to end ViagraMobile Syndrome. The biggest erectile dysfunction here is that of auto industry execs who refuse to stem expenses in the face of union demands.

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April 17, 2006, - 12:03 pm

After Islamic Terrorists, Shlemielberg Helps the Chi-Coms

First, it was his absurd movie, “,” making nice to Islamic terrorists and defaming those who fight them. Now, it’s the Chinese Communists.
That’s right. Steven Spielberg is teaming up with Chinese filmmkaer Zhang Yimou to design the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. We called him Abu Spielberg, but apparently Comrade Spielberg is also appropriate.
Islamic terrorists and Chinese Communist oppressors. Well, at least Shlemielberg is consistent in working with America’s enemies and those who oppress innocent civilians. Who’s next on his favored friends list . . . child molesters?
Remember who Shlemileberg’s friends are before you pay another $10 to see one of his movies. What was that Vladimir I. Lenin said about capitalists “selling us the rope on which to hang them”? Steven Spielberg is just one of many walking examples of that statement, emanating from Hollywood.

Shlemielberg Helps Islamic, Terrorists, Chi-Coms; Up Next: Pedophiles?

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April 17, 2006, - 8:28 am

So Sad, Too Bad: No Beer in HAMASastan?

Now that the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group HAMAS has taken over the government of the Palestinian Authority, Buthina and Nadim Khoury are worried that their beer company, Taybeh Beer, may be outlawed.
They’re not worried about terrorists running their government or killing more innocent civilians with homicide bombs. Nope. They’re worried about their bottom line, USA Today reports.
Since Islam forbids the consumption of alcohol (not that this stopped the 9/11 hijacker hypocrites from drinking at the Pink Pony, gambling, and patronizing prostitutes), Taybeh Beer is worried that HAMAS will outlaw them. Taybeh is the only Palestinian brewery.
So the Taybeh owners are bragging about how both their bottle and label are green–the color of Islam and HAMAS (and the color of the headbands worn by the 9/11 hijackers). Big deal. So are Heineken’s.

Taybeh Beer: Yasser Arafat is Muse of Palestinian Beer

Taybeh is planning to make non-alcoholic beer to get around this. One problem, though: Islam forbids even non-acloholic beer, says HAMAS lawmaker Muhammad Abu T’eir. “I would never drink anything called ‘beer,'” he told USA Today.
Taybeh has already lost 80% of its market anyway because its biggest customers were Israelis . . . before Palestinians started blowing them up.
We, at , don’t particularly feel for the Taybeh Beer crew. Because we just couldn’t help but notice the smiling photo of late terrorist-in-chief Yasser Arafat peaking out from behind Taybeh owner Nadim Khoury on his office bulletin board (see far left on picture, above). And Taybeh Beer is the official beer of the Electronic Intifadah (Palestinian Terrorist Uprising).
That gives new meaning to Taybeh’s slogan, “Drink Palestinian.” We envision not beer, but the flowing innocent blood of the smiling Arafat’s victims.
No Taybeh Beer in the Palestinian Authority? So sad, too bad.

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April 14, 2006, - 7:59 am

Islamic Violence Comes to America’s Gas Stations

There is so much violence associated with gas stations owned by Muslims and Arabs that a column entitled “Gas Station Terrorism” might soon be in order.
We’ve already documented how two Arab men ripped off customers in Macomb County, Michigan (near Detroit) ( and ). But there are many incidents of violence associated with gas stations and their owners that we’ve written about over the years.
The latest: two articles from January (recent oldies but goodies) from The Toledo Blade, about legal matters of some Muslim men that are ongoing. They concern torture and beating.
Both articles (here and here) are about Mohamed Ajami, a would-be Toledo gas station owner and his wife, Hanadi.
Mrs. Ajami’s brother, Hassan Harajli, who owns 80 gas stations in Michigan and Ohio, lives in Dearborn, Michigan (the heart of Islamic America). But his reach apparently stretches worldwide. The Ajamis say the brother/brother-in-law, Harajli, paid Lebanese authorities $50,000.00 to detain and torture Mr. Ajami in Lebanon (during a visit) and later paid Arab thugs in Dearborn to beat him.
The Republic of Lebanon is a defendant in a suit filed over the torture.
As you can see, while the violence is there, it is here, too. That’s how they settle debts and disputes in the Middle East. Now, it is becoming the way business is done among Arab Muslim Mid-East immigrants here.
Is this good for America? (A rhetorical question.)

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