April 27, 2006, - 6:44 am

Big Phonies: Oprah, Angelina & George (Clooney) “Discover” Sudan

Years ago, I wrote about Oprah Winfrey’s refusal to do anything about what is happening in Sudan.
Well, yesterday, she finally did–along with her friends, renowned African scholars and foreign policy experts Angelina Jolie and George Clooney.
But it is too little, too late. And their timing is by design. It fits in well with their political agenda. You see, now there are no Christians left in Arab Muslim Sudan. They’ve all been mass murdered (after torture, gang rape, and forced conversion to Islam). So, now, it is finally okay for these vapid celebs to display their phony concern.
On yesterday’s edition of “Oprah,” movie star George Clooney and his father did a little segment about their visit to Sudan. Clooney reported that since the Arab Muslim government doesn’t consider Blacks real Muslims, they have been fighting and killing Black Muslims.

George Clooney & Dad:

Now That Christians Are Gone, It’s OK to Report on Sudan

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

No, that’s what’s going on now. . . now, that they’ve killed off all the Black Christians and animists that they’ve been warring against for years. You know, the years that Oprah, George, and Angelina didn’t give a damn. In fact, many of the Sudanese Blacks who are now Muslims are the offspring of the many Sudanese Black Christian women who were gang-raped by Muslims and then murdered after their children were born.
Not a word about that now that Oprah, George and Angelina have finally discovered America–and Sudan, too. Not a word about why Bin Laden felt so at home, living for years in Sudan, as a guest of it’s extremist Islamic government, while he planned the bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa and other terrorist attacks.
Nope. Islam was hardly mentioned on the Oprah show. Clooney made the genocide in Sudan sound as if it was strictly a civil war between White and Black Muslims. Hardly. No mention of the Sudanese Christians and how they’ve been obliterated.
Ditto for Jolie, who doesn’t even mention Islam at all (or the fate of Islam’s Christian victims in Sudan).
Yesterday, Jolie took out a half page ad in USA Today entitled, “An Open Letter From Angelina Jolie: Four Facts Americans Should Know About Darfur,” an ad that was touted by Oprah on yesterday’s show. But they aren’t facts at all. They are opinions.

Take “Fact #1.” Jolie claims that:

Since February 2003 Arab “Janjaweed” militias and their allies have killed hundreds of thousands of people through violent attacks and the disease and starvation that have followed.

Again, earth to Angelina: this has been going on in Sudan for decades. It didn’t just start in February 2003. And it was not about Arabs. It was about Islam’s attack on Christians. But she wouldn’t dare say that, lest she upset her millions of .
Jolie has been getting a lot of adulation in the gushing, pandering celebrity media for her ad. Last week, it was lauded in a brown-nosing “People” Magazine article. This morning, she’s supposed to present her foreign policy expertise on NBC’s scholarly “Today Show” and again Sunday, on “Dateline.”
But the question is: Why now? Why didn’t Angelina Jolie say a word about Sudanese torture, rape, and mass-murder victims when they were Christian? Why didn’t she care when these Christians were being slaughtered solely for being Christians? Where was she?
Maybe she was too busy visiting Palestinian refugee camps, promoting their anti-Semitic propaganda, and
Yup, she was just too busy. The woman People Magazine, this week, calls one of the “Most Beautiful People” in the world, isn’t really so beautiful on the inside. It’s pretty ugly, actually.

Angelina Jolie (in Black Dress) At Arab Children’s Hate-Fest:

Then Strangely Silent on Sudanese Arab Muslim Oppression

Did Jolie have the guts to complain about the “Arab” Janjaweed’s torture and mass murder when she (an anti-American, anti-Semitic hate-fest)? No, of course, not. Too busy kissing–and kissing the rear of–Jordan’s Queen Noor.

In her ad, Jolie claims–in “Fact” #4–that

We can stop this [what is happening in Sudan], but only if government leaders make it a high priority.

But, in fact, government leaders did make it a high priority. Several Congressmen, including Republican Chris Smith of New Jersey, and many others (Democrats, too), heard the plight of Francis Bok and other “Lost Boys” of Sudan (orphaned, tortured, exiled Sudanese Christian Blacks). They introduced bills to bankrupt Sudan, boycott oil drilled there, and prohibit its sale in the U.S., which almost passed until 9/11 happened and Sudan became one of our phony “allies in the War on Terror.”
Where was Angelina Jolie then? With budding Palestinian terrorists.
Then, there’s Oprah. She’s the BIGGEST phony on this issue.
On yesterday’s show, Winfrey “educated” her audience about various civil wars around the world. Far less time was spent on the situation in Sudan than she spent on “the bad Christians.” To balance out the short segments on Sudan, Oprah spent most of the show presenting Christian armies who torture, maim, and murder. Just to be fair.
But the most hypocritical part of the show was when Ms. Thang chastised her audience. “You know how you always say, I didn’t do anything about this because I didn’t know? Well, now you can’t say that because now you know. You just saw it here.”
I wondered if Barbara Vogel was watching. Because she knows that Oprah knew quite well about the Islamic gang-rape, torture, and mass-murder of Sudanese Christians. She knows how Oprah knew . . . and chose to ignore it.
Vogel, a teacher at Aurora, Colorado’s Highline Elementary School and her 4th- and 5th-graders raised enough money to buy freedom for 1,000 Sudanese Christian slaves from their Muslim masters. They sent Oprah hundreds of letters with photos of freed slaves. But after teasing and disappointing them over a few years with false alarms of airtime, Oprah said the story was just “too complicated” to feature on her precious show.
Too complicated? What Oprah really meant was that Islamic inhumanity to Black Christians in Sudan was just too inconvenient to Oprah’s agenda-laden career of pro-Islamist propaganda.
This isn’t rocket science. It was hardly “too complicated” for Oprah, if she really wanted to delve into it. But she didn’t want to.
Now, that there are no Christians left for the Sudanese Muslims to torture and kill, the topic fits in very nicely with her “Oprah Eternal Queen Humanitarian of the Universe” campaign.
Timing is everything.

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April 26, 2006, - 3:30 pm

OUTRAGE: Bush’s Chao Helps Illegals Get Paid; ICE Princess/Chertoff Do Nothing

You know all those show-arrests of illegal alien employees and employers, last week? Well, apparently, Bush’s Labor Secretary Elaine Chao doesn’t want anything to do with them.
In fact, today’s Wall Street Journal reports that Chao’s department is helping illegal alien employees of Katrina contractors to get paid for their work. The headline says it all: “Illegal Immigrants’ New Ally on Katrina Pay: the Government.”
Yup, our tax dollars are paying for our government to help illegal aliens get more money from our government. No strings attached.

Bush, Elaine Chao, Chertoff: Screw You, America

When we say “no strings attached,” we mean that the illegals have no conditions put on the money (like, say, the condition that they voluntarily am-scray from the country, as in “voluntarily deport”). And Ms. Chao’s employees have no intention of turning them over to ICE–Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Bush Labor Department to America: Screw You
Victoria Lipnic, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Standards, a Bush political appointee subject to Senate confirmation when Bush nominated her, gives America a giant F-U:

If you work, you must get paid. Whether they are documented or not documented is not within our jurisdiction.

In other words,

Hey America, Not MY Problem. It’s yours, you know–you fools who pay my salary and aren’t demanding the Prez give me my walking papers.

If Bush were really serious about the illegal alien problem–and he isn’t–he would publicly excoriate this woman and fire her. That would say a heck of a lot more than the phony mass show-arrests with resulting catch-and-release afterward.
And he would have words with Chao, too. According to the Wall St. Journal, a spokeswoman for her department
said that the agency doesn’t collect information on workers’ immigration status when they intervene on their behalf with employers. So it doesn’t know how many of the 241,000 workers it helped nationwide in the 2005 fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, were illegal immigrants.
Of course not. That’s by design–the design of not wanting to really arrest these people. But the Labor Dept. does send Spanish speaking agents to help them “to show that Labor Department agents on are the job.” And what is the job again? Oh, yeah, helping illegal aliens courtesy of the taxpayer.
Where are Julie Myers and Michael Chertoff?
If and had any real intention to start going after employers, they would ask the President to demand that Chao’s department start collecting the records on the immigration status of these Katrina workers. And if Bush had any real intention to stop the illegal alien problem, he would demand that Chao do so and give it to Myers/Chertoff. But, truth be told, none of these parties has any such intent at all. Or demand that the departments send joint teams of agents.
Don’t count on that to happen. Ever. They just don’t give a whit.

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April 26, 2006, - 2:00 pm

Weakness USA: Dhimmi Gym Caves to Extremist Muslim Chicks

On Friday, we gave the complete picture to the one-sided story about the chain based in the Detroit area.
The women, Ammerah Saidi and Arrwa Mogalli, insisted that Fitness USA gym in Lincoln Park, Michigan have separate gender days to work out or install a partition in the middle of its new cardio and tanning section so that the Muslim women can feel comfortable dressing in skimpy clothes and taking their hijabs off without men being turned on by their sexy(?) hair and bodies.
As we noted, one of the extremist women, that, “If it (America) falls to Islam, so be it.” (She also refused to denounce extremist terrorist groups that murdered hundreds of Americans and others, apparently defending them.)
That is apparently the aim of these demands, little by little, inch by angry inch.
Perhaps the gym should have been called Weakness USA. Sadly, today, it caved to the demands of the extremist Muslim women and their friends at . The gym will install a partition wall in its cardio area, separating men from women. It’s interesting that Islamists decry the Israeli security fence to protect its citizens from Islamic terror, claiming its on their land. But these same Islamists have no problem forcing a private business on private property to install a wall to meet the separatist, extremist demands of Muslims.

Weakness USA:

Dhimmi Gym Caves to Extremist Muslims Arrwa Mogalli, Ammerah Saidi

CAIR is presenting this as an “accommodation for customers of all faiths.” But it is not. In fact, the only religion to which this kowtow bend-over is made is Islam. The women in hijabs whining about the gym were neither Christian nor Jewish. Other religions have not tried to impose their restrictions on the gym.
CAIR insists on freedom of choice, freedom of speech, etc.–all the freedoms. But only for themselves, not for us Infidels. That apparently includes privates businesses and gyms, and G-d, er . . . Allah knows what else.
The prescription for this illness? We suggest the spineless Fitness USA gym execs go see “.” They need it very badly.

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April 26, 2006, - 1:04 am

“United 93”: Movie of the Year

When previews for “United 93” were shown in New York City movie houses, the crowd whined, “Too soon!”
But “United 93” is not arriving in theaters too soon. If anything, it is arriving too late.
It has been almost five years since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and most Americans have fallen back to sleep. They’ve forgotten who our enemy is: extremist Islam. They’ve forgotten why the Patriot Act was enacted. They’ve forgotten why it was necessary for in America to their friends overseas. They’ve forgotten why it is necessary that many Islamic charities allegedly funding hospitals and orphanages must be shut down (because as on 9/11, they fund acts and groups that continue to put people in hospitals and orphanages).
That’s why “United 93” should be required movie viewing for all Americans who love freedom . . . while we still have it. This movie is the wake-up call that needs to be visited upon anyone who questions why our government responded the way it did when nearly 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists.

“United 93” is vivid, it is terrifying, and it is real.
And while all Americans should see this film, there are special groups who need to see it more than others:
* Assorted ACLU-style lawyers and activists: They need to suffer through this movie and remind themselves of those whose memories they are blaspheming with their endless lawsuits on behalf of the compatriots of their murderers.
* The giant pinata of kowtowing federal “law enforcement” bureaucrats, like , Homeland Security lawyer and Islamist outreach figure , and various local fed sachems like , Michigan FBI Special Agent in Charge , and his ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) counterpart, . All of these individuals have, instead, repeatedly , and even given to Sunni and Shia Islamists and even fund terrorism.
* FAA brass: The stars of this film are really the memories of the fallen heroes of Flight 93 (Jeremy Glick, Todd Beamer, Thomas Burnett, and many others) who bravely fought back. But on of the biggest stars of this film is Ben Sliney. He is not an actor at all, but was Chief of Air Traffic Control Operations at the FAA’s Command Center on 9/11. He plays himself, and demonstrates his heroic behavior amidst the chaos.

United 93 Hero-Victim Jeremy Glick, 9/11 Hero/Movie Star Ben Sliney

Sliney did the best he could while his FAA superiors repeatedly refused to give approval for F-16 fighters to engage the hijacked planes. Has the FAA bureaucracy changed enough from that day? Since the agency is still supremely worried about profiling of Arabs and Muslims rather than aviation safety, apparently not.

United 93 Hero-Victims Todd Beamer and Thomas Burnett

* Most Hollywood directors and writers, who could learn a thing or two from this movie’s director/writer Paul Greengrass, who did not make editorial comment. He stuck strictly the 9/11 commission reports and recountings of conversations provided by relatives and ground crews.
Perhaps that is why the hijab-wearing woman I saw and her Muslim male companion walked out of the film with big frowns on their faces. I think they wanted this film to make the hijackers Samoans or Icelanders. This movie is not PC. It sticks to the story as it happened.
And the identity and motivations of the hijackers are quite clear, from their red headbands and body hair removal to their repeated incantations of “Allah Hu Akbar” (Allah is the greatest) and “Bismullah” (in the name of Allah).
In many ways, what happened on United Flight 93 is a microcosmic view of the war we are fighting against Islamic terrorism all over the world, but especially on our own soil.
The passengers on the flight knew that if they did not fight the Islamic terrorists on board, they would probably meet their deaths. They spoke with family and friends on the ground who were watching live TV coverage of the events that had already occurred that morning. They knew that two planes already flew into the World Trade Center and that there was an explosion near the Pentagon.
They realized that their Islamic hijackers were on a suicide mission. And they decided to pursue an effort in the remote chance that they might save themselves, but knowing they would likely go down fighting, as they did. You can’t help but agree with a male passenger’s shout of “You bastard!” as he joined the other men on the plane in stabbing one of their hijackers with forks and knives.
Even though it is only the fourth month of the year, I’m confident in proclaiming “United 93” the Movie of the Year. It’s a good bet that Hollywood will not produce such an important and provocative film in the remaining eight months.
It is coincidental that this movie comes out the same week both sides rested their case in the last phase of the . While the United 93 passengers had barely a warning–perhaps less than an hour, we have had plenty of warning in America. It was not just the 9/11 attacks and the foiled shoe-bomber attempt in 2001, and other escapades since. Before that, we had the attack on the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, the blowing up of two U.S. embassies in East Africa in 1998, the 1996 Khobar Towers attacks, “Black Hawk Down” in Somalia, and so on. Before that, Hezbollah–a group which works with Al-Qaeda training its insurgents and which took part in the Khobar Towers attack–hijacked , torturing to death , and murdered 300 U.S. military and civilian personnel in Lebanon.
Yes, we have had the warnings. Plenty of them. And unlike in Hollywood, in real life, Jack Bauer does not usually save the day.
The question is: Will we take heed of them like the passengers on United 93 and go down fighting? Or will we “see no evil” and silently, willingly submit to the will of the Islamists who repeatedly tell us of their mission . . . until the West is dead?
So far, the answer is latter, and that is why “United 93” is a necessary and vital film. And it is also well done.

I note that two pro-homicide bombing/terrorism movies I’ve reviewed over the last year, “,” and “,” both turn the screen to white at the point of their deadly explosions. But “United 93” ends with a black screen. Unlike the aims of those two films, “United 93” shows us there is nothing pure white about the murder of innocent civilians. It is simply dark and evil.

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April 25, 2006, - 1:17 pm

Shame on Hasbro: Your 6-Year-Old Daughter’s New Stripper Doll?

“The Pussycat Dolls” are okay . . . if you are into porn chic and the continuing sexualization and defining of deviancy down of America. But is the burlesque show modeled after Vegas strippers (oops! I’m sorry–“exotic dancers”) appropriate for your 6-year-old daughter?
No way!
But that’s the plan of Hasbro. The toy company will market Pussycat Dolls modeled on the risque lingerie dance troop founded by Playboy centerfold Carmen Electra.
Incredibly, Hasbro intends to market the stripper dolls to six to nine year-old girls. “We looked at it as, let’s not wait for the Pussycat Dolls to become big hits and we take the tail end of the value chain,” the company’s marketing manager for marketing, Sharon John, told The New York Times. This sickening new “child” product certainly gives new meaning to the phrase, “value chain.” Does the doll come with lap dance lessons? You don’t need to be a prude to find this appalling.

The Pussycat Dolls: Coming Soon to Your Daughter’s Toy Chest

And Mattel thought Barbie had trouble with the Bratz Girlz dolls?!
Hasbro plans to market the “Pussycat Dolls” songs with the dolls. Can’t wait to hear those 6-year-olds belting out the “Pussycat Dolls” lyrics, like those of “Don’t Cha” (the racy radio version is heavily edited):

Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweaty in this mu’fucka (oh, baby) . . . .
Don’t you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me . . . And I know you want it. . . .
Seems like shorty wanna little menage pop off or somethin, let’s go
Well let me get straight to it
Every broad wan watch a nigga when I come through it
It’s the god almighty, lookin all brand new
If shorty wanna jump in my ass then vanjewish
Lookin at me all like she really wanna do it
Tryna put it on me till my balls black an blueish
Ya wanna play wit ah playa girl then play on
Strip out the channel
And leave the lingerie on
Watch me and I’mma watch you at the same time
Lookin at ya wan break my back
You the very reason why I keep a pack ah the Magnum
An wit the wagon hit chu in the back of tha magnum

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April 25, 2006, - 11:31 am

Sexless: More TMI From Hanoi Jane & Madeleine Dimwit

Uh-oh. Apparently, Hanoi Jane Fonda needs to get some attention again. So the Treasonous One spilling more info we didn’t need on her sex life.
Ditto for the most annoying Secretary of State. Ever. That would be the falsely surnamed Madeleine Albright, who claims she intimidates men. Whatever.
Both are whining that no-one will sleep with them. Didn’t anyone ever teach them three VERY important words?: Too. Much. INFORMATION. Apparently not.
And whiney liberal Detroit Free Press columnist Susan Angry, er . . . Ager, cries that both haven’t had sex because they’re “powerful woman.”
No. They WERE powerful. Now, they are IRRELEVANT, other than being well-known disgraces. Maybe one day feminists and liberals will get a clue that most American men are justly disgusted by these two women. And it might have something to do with their disgusting views and behavior when they were in power.
From Albright in The New York Times Sunday Magazine:

I am about to be 69 years old. . . . I am not looking to meet men. I also truly can’t imagine who is out there who might be interested in someone like me. I’m intimidating, don’t you think?

Intimidating? We have a different word for it. Like, given her “achievements” as Slick Willie’s foreign minister, maybe she should have “dated” this guy, for whom she seemed to have a “thing”:

And here are the sordid details from Hanoi Barbarella, courtesy of her latest absurd, unnecessary interview, courtesy of last week’s “Larry King Live” on CNN:

Larry King a/k/a “King of the Inane”: “Did you ever have low points in your sex life?”
Jane Fonda: “Yes, There’s been a six-year drought.”
King of the Inane: “Now?”
Hanoi Jane: “Um-hmm.”
King of the Inane: “By your choice?”
Hanoi Jane: “Yes.”
King of the Inane: “Why?”
Hanoi Jane: “I haven’t met anybody I wanted to break the fast with. . . . When you’re 68 years old, the idea of getting in bed with a new man is scary.”

Again, Too Much Information (TMI).
Scary? Nope, just disgusting. Because she still hasn’t apologized for this–a great reason why no-one would want to get into bed with her:

So Sad, Too Bad: No Sex for Treasonous Hanoi Jane

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April 25, 2006, - 11:16 am

Counterterrorism Brainless: Not Connecting the Dots

So let me get this straight:
1) On Sunday, Bin Laden releases a tape saying Western citizens are now legitimate targets of his (gee, and we thought this had happened on 9/11; silly us) because they support governments that are conducting a “crusader war against Islam.” This is a repeat of what he’s already said about the Muslim governments, our “Allies” (sort of) in the War on Terror.
2) On Monday, three bombings killing at least 30 and injuring more than 115 occur.
And YET . . .
AP Reports that

A U.S. counterterrorism official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said no evidence has been found to link Bin Laden’s tape, released Sunday, to the attack.

Huh? Who is the anonymous counterterrorism official, and from which idiocy school did he/she graduate? Terrorists in Egypt would never work with Al-Qaeda, would they? Gee, in which country did Al-Qaeda brains Ayman Al-Zawahiri get his start?
Connect the dots. Or start serving . (With apologies to .)

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April 24, 2006, - 10:18 pm

She Said It: Quote of the Day

With today’s wrap-up of closing arguments in the Moussoaui trial, came this televised quote from Rosemary Dillard, a flight attendant whose husband, Eddie Dillard, was murdered in the 9/11 attacks (he was a passenger on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon):

To those who say [that by sentencing Moussaoui to death], we’ll make him a martyr, no we won’t make him a martyr. We’ll make him one dead Muslim man.

Widow Rosemary Dillard Lost Her Husband Eddie in the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

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April 24, 2006, - 3:42 pm

Why It’s a Good Idea Not to Name Your Identical Twins Almost Identically

From the “Their Mother Was an Idiot” Dept.:
Poor Cardelle Hendricks. His mother named his identical twin brother Carnelle Hendricks (a difference of one letter, the “N”).
Unfortunately, as the Detroit Free Press’ talented Zlati Meyer reported, that resulted in the innocent CarDelle Hendricks languishing in a Detroit area jail for about nine months in 2002, for a crime his brother CarNelle committed. While he repeatedly claimed from the jail cell that he was innocent and that police were really looking for his twin brother, no-one believed him.
Police have probably heard that one before (although a rape case involving identical twins, also in Michigan, has stumped scientists and police from identifying which of the twins’ DNA is the rapist’s).

Gazillionaire Bag Lady Olsen Twins are Fraternal, Not Identical; No ID/DNA Problem in Crime

CarDelle is suing and has already won a $20,000 settlement. Lesson to mothers with identical twins: Don’t name them CarDelle and CarNelle, especially if one of them becomes a hardened criminal, while the other remains a law-abiding citizen.

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April 24, 2006, - 1:55 pm

CBS “Religious Special”: Brought to You by Illegal Aliens & Their Cleric Buds

If you wasted your Sunday (or in some cases, Saturday), this past weekend, watching the boob tube, hopefully you didn’t watch the official network of .
If you did, you were “treated” to a so-called “religious special” brought to you by your friends at the Columbia Broadcasting Network and their illegal alien and left-wing cleric buddies. The special, “A Fair Harvest,” was put together by the National Council of Churches, the PCUSA, and sundry other left-wing clerical groups, including Muslims (as noted in the credits).
But the special had nothing to do with the Easter of Passover that just came and went, unless Rep. James Sensenbrenner is the new Judas/Pharoah. And it had nothing to do with fairness. The special was all about how poorly illegal aliens treat us, but how much farming and other necessary work (you know, “the jobs Americans won’t do”–whatever) the illegals do. It was also about how evil the immigration legislation passed by the House is. Sensenbrenner, the House bills introductory sponsor, was mentioned and vilified by name.

The full title, not advertised in CBS’ materials, is “A FAIR HARVEST: RELIGIONS RESPONSE TO IMMIGRATION ISSUES.” Does that sound like your religion? Didn’t think so.
Nothing religious about this show. It’s just a free national half-hour of political propaganda from the far left . . . provided free to them courtesy of Katie Couric’s new employer, the Dan Rather Network.

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