May 1, 2006, - 10:29 am

Fight Illegal Aliens: Embargo Wells Fargo! (& Other Banks)

We’ve already provided the which apparently employ illegal aliens and are giving them the day off. We urge you to call them to complain.
What else can you do? Reader Griff has an excellent idea. He says “!” because “they have done the most to help illegal immigrants get banking services, including loans for houses!” We agree.
Wells Fargo, in addition to other banks (send us the names if you have them), gives loans to illegals. In the case of many banks, your state (Wisconsin is notorious for this) backs up the loans with YOUR tax money. and Embargo Wells Fargo.

**** UPDATE: Reader Bill alerts us that Citibank was helping illegals feel financially at home even before Wells Fargo was. Boycott Citi, too!

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May 1, 2006, - 8:46 am

On Alien May Day, Remember: Immigration Chieftess’ Eagle is New Aztlan’s Eagle

As , it’s a disgrace that “our” chief of immigration, –unqualified sachem of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” .
In honor of Reconquistador May Day (today), we thought you’d like to know that this same “Aztlan Eagle” is the official emblem of the reconquistador illegal alien movement, whose supporters will be trying to disrupt America, yet again, today, with protests nationwide. Yep, the eagle is the emblem of “New Aztlan,” the part of the U.S. that they wish to reclaim for their own new country. It’s also the emblem of MEChA and other reconquistador/illegal alien militants.

ICE Princess Julie Myers’ Eagle is Mexico’s & AZTLAN’S(!) Eagle

ICE Chieftess’ Eagle is United States of Aztlan’s Eagle

Julie Myers’ Eagle is New Aztlan’s & MEChA’s Eagle

ICE Chieftess’ Eagle is on Aztlan’s Charming Flag

When we first posted the item about Ms. Myers’ unfortunate choice of lapel pin (again, NOT an ICE badge pin–which she now wears–but a MEXICAN eagle), a few extremist, far-right, intellectually-challenged websites which have a strange, non-reciprocated obsession with us, excused Ms. Myers by asserting that Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and sundry other leftist “beauties” wore it, too, and called it the “Liberty Eagle.” So what? It has always been the Mexican eagle, regardless of the fake name some silly lefty “babes” choose to bestow upon it.
We suppose, by their absurd logic, if the symbols, below, slap on the phony “Liberty” adjective and a faux pearl, it will now be acceptable for U.S. officials to wear the “Liberty” Swastika, and the “Liberty” HAMAS emblem, in their official capacities.

New “Liberty” Eagle, “Liberty” Emblem?

Reconquistadors, Aztlan Eagles, today. The National Socialist Party and its modern day version: HAMAS/extremist Islam, tomorrow. If we aren’t serious about showing the door to the first group that wants to take us over immediately, we certainly won’t be serious about the second group.
Until it’s too late.
For tips on what an AMERICAN Eagle looks like, .

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April 30, 2006, - 11:45 am

WSJ’s Silicone Valley: Sign the Apocalypse is Near

Yet another sign the apocalypse may be upon us:
This bimbette snagged a prime spot on Friday’s Wall Street Journal editorial page. While Islamists torture and murder people worldwide, she’s outraged at the use of chimps by Madison Ave. The nerve of those ad execs!

And since she’s the “honorary chair” of PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans), one wonders when the paper will demand she denounce her group’s funding for FBI-designated terrorist groups (like ALF–Animal Liberation Front, and ELF–Environmental Liberation Front).
For more on Pamela Anderson’s absurd animal rights rantings go and .

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April 30, 2006, - 11:40 am

Me in Today’s Raleigh-Durham News-Observer

Thanks to Raleigh-Durham News-Observer Movie Critic and Writer Craig Lindsey for interviewing me for his feature article, today, regarding Hollywood’s ever-escalating silver screen attack on the right.
In “Burning Bush,” Lindsey cites and quotes me, thusly:

The most successful Bush-bashing on celluloid is “,” the Wachowski brothers’ graphic-novel adaptation, with Natalie Portman becoming the protege of a pontificating, masked terrorist (Hugo Weaving) in a fascist, futuristic England. The film has unleashed a flurry of opinions — both from admirers who praise it as “the most subversive cinematic deed of the Bush-Blair era” (James Wolcott, the Vanity Fair columnist and blogger) and from detractors who damn it as “” (Debbie Schlussel).
Schlussel, a Detroit-based blogger-reviewer, takes umbrage at these Bush-bashing films.
“I think that going after America, and going after the president, are very easy targets, unfortunately, for Hollywood,” Schlussel says. “You would think that Hollywood would become more creative and would also realize that half the country voted for President Bush. Even though his approval ratings are lower now, when it comes to elections — twice — half the country voted for our president. So they’re angering half the country by making these movies.”

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April 28, 2006, - 3:42 pm

No Meat Monday: Show Illegal Alien Employers a Day w/out Our Biz

You have a way to answer the illegal aliens in a counter-protest on Monday. My friend, Dan Stein, of Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has an excellent idea: Meatless Monday.
If you are a vegetarian or a practicing Catholic who doesn’t eat meat on Lenten Fridays, this shouldn’t be hard. And for the rest of us carnivores, we need to send a message to illegal aliens and their employers.
On Monday, Tyson and other meat-packers (Seaboard, Cargill, Hormel, etc.) are giving their alien employees the day off to protest necessary immigration reform. They want to show us what a day without the “services” of illegal aliens would be like.

On Monday, Just Say “No” to Official Meat of Illegals

Let’s show them what a day without the customer base of law abiding U.S. citizens would be like. DON’T BUY OR EAT MEAT ON MONDAY! Adds Dan Stein:

Call Seaboard at 1-800-262-7907, Cargill at 1-800-CARGILL (227-4455), Hormel at (507)437-5611 and Tyson at (479) 290-4000 on Monday to let them you are boycotting them for supporting illegal immigration.

Time to take back our country. And by the way, if we really saw a day without illegal aliens, we’d see a day with less taxes taken out of paychecks to pay for the services they are leeching and usurping courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Since we won’t see that, Monday will hardly show us what a day without illegal aliens would be like!

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April 28, 2006, - 1:36 pm

Radio Appearances Around the World

To my friends and readers, especially those who’ve requested advance notice of my appearances, I’ve been doing so many lately (especially on the radio) that it gets very difficult to remember to give notice ahead of time. Sorry for that. Thanks to the following excellent radio hosts (with notes about my appearances):
* 3:05 p.m. Eastern, Today: I am on the “Fred Honsberger Show” on KDKA-AM 1020 Pittsburgh, regarding of “United 93.” Listen online from anywhere.
* From my semi-regular appearances on the “Pat Campbell Show,” listen online to part of my appearance on Wednesday morning on his show on WFLA-AM 540 Orlando, also regarding (OOPS! I kept calling “Saving Private Ryan,” “Saving Private Benjamin,” after not getting much sleep the night before.) Read Pat’s excellent Blog.
* Some of my regular appearances include:
–Mondays at 12:35 p.m. Eastern on WNTK, New Hampshire, “Against the Grain with Gardner Goldsmith”
–Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Mountain on KIDO-AM 580, Boise, “Good Morning, Idaho”
THANKS to all of the other radio hosts who’ve had me on their shows, this week!

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April 28, 2006, - 12:02 pm

Northern Border’s Godfather of Illegal Aliens – Abu Moskowitz Update

In light of Monday’s May Day Illegal alien protests, those of us in the shadows of the northern border often feel neglected. While the southern border with Mexico is very important, so is our border with Canada.
It’s the area from which a lot of nefarious Islamists with bad intentions emanate. And our inspector/agent friends at Customs and Border Protection at the Ambassador Bridge, Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, and Metro Detroit Airport are under immense pressure from inscrutable superiors to let the bad guys in.
That said, we note that the usual suspect in a different agency is not doing much to carry out his part of the bargain–yet another reason why two agencies handling aliens and entry/exit at the border should be merged. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio isn’t doing much. To date, he’s held the post for over two years, and has established himself as the Godfather of Illegal Immigration (in addition to Islamist fraternization & goomad recruitment).

Abu Moskowitz: ICE Supermodel is The Godfather of Illegal Aliens

(With apologies to Marlon Brando and the Corleone Family)

The figures don’t lie, and they tell a stark story of failure on Abu M’s part:
* Yesterday’s Detroit Spews reports that the Pew Hispanic Center reports there are 100,000-150,000 illegal aliens residing in Michigan. And that’s from Pew, which is biased and very liberal. Yet it’s double the more rosy figures Abu Moskowitz’s office keeps touting. No surprise that the reporter, Louis Aguilar, says Abu M’s PR machine didn’t return his calls for the report.
* Intrepid reporter Dawson Bell reports in yesterday’s Detroit Free Press that there are 731 foreign nationals in Michigan prisons at an annual costs of about $30,000 per prisoner. 138 of these could be deported, Bell reports, using figures provided by Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending. The largest number of these foreign nationals–245–are from Mexico.
That’s disturbing, since we know that Michigan is the heart of Islamic America. Yet few of the foreign nationals who should be deported are Arab Muslims. Why? Because Abu M, as we’ve reported many times, has shut down investigations in the Islamic community in Dearborn, Hamtramck, and surrounding areas.
Instead he focuses on Hispanics and Chinese–you know, the groups that share nationalities and characteristics with NONE of the 9/11 hijackers who were the ostensible reason for the creation of the Homeland Security and ICE agencies.
More scary is that there are only just over 700 foreign nationals in prison in the entire Michigan, when Pew says there are 150,000 foreign lawbreakers in the State–and we’re quite confident that far more than 731 of them have broken other laws beside the crime of their illegal presence here.
So what has the Abu Moskowitz done about this? Not a thing as far as we can tell. Except party and hold confabs with a “former” Islamic terrorist and the extremist members of his community who oppose all immigration enforcement.
And that’s why he’s the Godfather of Illegal Aliens. He gives them the protection they need by doing next to nothing.
While illegal aliens are marching on Monday, they have a friend whose with them in spirit occupying a swanky office (complete with $30,000 in new furniture you paid for) on the 18th floor of Detroit’s McNamara Federal Building.

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April 28, 2006, - 11:43 am

Notes on Mark Bingham, Another Hero of United 93

A far-left website is falsely claiming I chose not to include Mark Bingham, an American hero and other passenger on United Flight 93, in because he was gay and was chosen as the gay Advocate’s Man of the Year in 2001.
Puh-leeze. That’s absurd. When I wrote my review, I actually (and apparently, mistakenly) thought Tom Burnett (whose name and photo I did include) was the gay one.
It’s one thing to be opposed to special rights for gays. It’s yet another to deliberately discriminate against someone because you don’t like who they’re sleeping with, not something I do. The writer making the phony allegation not as familiar with my work as he/she/it claims to be (see this less important example, in which ).
Actually, I do not care about his sexuality. It is completely irrelevant to the brave actions of Bingham and others on the flight who likely saved the White House or U.S. Capitol (and those inside) from sudden death. Bingham–and many others whose names I did not mention–were heroes on that flight, plain and simple. They were targeted solely because they were mostly Americans flying over American soil in planes with full tanks of gas. And as we know, gays are especially hated by Islamic fundamentalists such as the terrorists on United 93.

United 93 Hero Mark Bingham w/ Mother Alice Ann Hoglan

I simply had room for three photos and–in a rush to write the review as quickly as possible after a late evening screening–put in the names most familiar to me of those whose heroic actions on United 93 were portrayed most prominently in the film and whose plans to go down fighting were told to family members in telephone conversations. There were others, in addition to those I mentioned, about whose exact actions we do not know, but who also did heroic things. I did not mention the name of every male on the flight. And, again, I mistakenly thought Burnett, whom I did mention, was the gay passenger.
Bingham called his mother, Alice Ann Hoglan, to say good-bye and give her details of what was happening on board. While we do not know as much about his likely role in foiling the hijackers, I certainly include Mark Bingham in the group and, as far as we know, his actions were as heroic as anyone else’s.
Bingham’s brave mother, Ms. Hoglan, can be e-mailed here. I’m sure she would appreciate your words of support and comfort on this auspicious weekend of the release of “United 93” in theaters, as we approach 9/11’s fifth anniversary.

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April 28, 2006, - 10:11 am

Another Reason for “United 93”: Moussaoui Deliberations, Day 5

Today is Day FIVE(!) of jury deliberations as to whether Al-Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui should be put to death.
While yesterday’s deliberations were cut short due to illness of a juror, that it is now day five is evidence enough that “United 93” () is, in fact, coming to theaters tonight too late, NOT too soon.
The decision to put this terrorist–who knew of and was complicit in the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans–to death should be a no-brainer. But it isn’t. The jurors even (which the judge rightly refused because it was not evidence introduced at trial).
If they don’t understand the horrific events of 9/11 and Moussaoui’s prior knowledge of them–and the appropriate punishment (death) for that–a dictionary won’t help.

One wonders what these jurors were looking up. In case the word was “wimp” or “spineless,” a mirror–not a dictionary–might be appropriate, based on the four days of indecision we’ve seen from them, thus far.
Bin Laden is laughing at them–and us, as are the millions of his compatriots who hate us.

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April 27, 2006, - 4:13 pm

Non-Hot Chili Pepper: A Real FLEA-bag Supports Iran; Calls for Bush Impeachm’t

While a lot of commentators are rightfully exercised at the absurd Neil Young song calling for Bush’s impeachment, they’ve overlooked an even bigger rock’n’roll FLEA-Bag.
Flea, bassist for rock/pop’s “Red Hot Chili Peppers,” shows the world he’s the real thing: a genuine insect.
Flea, whose real name is Michael Balzary–and whom we like to call “Underwearman” (for reasons posted below)–is apparently not an expert in playing bass. He’s a terrorism expert, too. And with his Middle Eastern surname and bass guitar, he’s surely qualified. Right?
Flea, who named his illegitimate daughter “Sunny Bebop,” says that Americans who wanted the U.S. to fight in Iraq are not “decent.” He claims that “Iraq was sanctioned to death.” My FAVORITE part of fleabag’s pontifications:

why dont [sic] they just leave the iranians alone [sic]

Flea: The Non-Human Version is SOOOOO Much More Appealing.

Remember that, if you ever buy another silly Chili Peppers CD. Hopefully, Fleabag will remember that when Iran’s soon-to-be-complete nuclear weapons make impact and he’s vaporized.
One wonders if Flea agrees with Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s views that the Holocaust never happened, his statements about Jews and Israel, and his Holocaust cartoon contest. Someone should ask him.

Flea: Portrait of a Foreign Policy Expert/Ahmadinejad Supporter

Last week, Fleabag/Balzary sent the following e-mail to Red Hot Chili Peppers fans and posted it on the group’s website:

04.19.06 Fleamail April 19, 2006
Date: Wed, April 19
From: “Michael Balzary”
george w bush should definitely be impeached
he is a liar

and his lies have bought misery to millions of people
and bought [sic] no good to anyone except for the corporate oil
billionaires who are making huge profits
they are profiting during wartime
that is unscrupulous and terribly sad
w bush has made the world a much less safe place
before the war iraq was not a place for terrorists
saddam hussein, brutal dictator that he was was secular and had
nothing to do with al queda [sic]
and was sanctioned to death
and had no power outside of his country
now it is a breeding ground for terrorism and anti-americanism is at
an all time high all over the world
and the people of iraq are no better off at all
all those people want is for the americans to leave
decent families and people like you and i who never wanted america
there in the first place

goerge w bush has sent american soldiers over there to be maimed and
only to serve his selfish oil company needs and for his ego
american soldiers who are loyal to each other and who only want to
have a good job get an education and support their country are being
used for an unjust cause
i support the troops
they, like all americans are being betrayed by george w bush
he has betrayed his country he should be impeached

the administration’s line that they were over there because they
wanted to spread democracy and freedom
is nothing else besides a lie

if they had any interest at all in the well being of other human beings
they would be doing what they could for people who desperately need
and would love help in africa
i pray to god that george w bush and his administration does not
invade iran
it would be a bloodbath
why dont they just leave the iranians alone
and go through the united nations

[DS: Yes, those U.N. sanctions work really well. Just ask Saddam.]

and work on making the united nations as strong and as just as possible
an invasion of iran would be the worst possible thing that could happen
i pray to god that it does not happen
i am just another guy sitting in the car on the english motorway

Just another guy? Uh-huh. More like, just another Fleabag.
Flea has a blog at the NBA website. Flea’s blog is gushingly promoted by the L.A. Lakers. Do you agree that Bush should be impeached, and that we should just leave that poor Iranian humanitarian Ahmadinejad alone?
If not, contact the Lakers and the NBA to protest. Neither can afford to alienate its diminishing fan-base by employing anyone who shares these views.

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