May 3, 2006, - 11:31 am

Free Comic Books

If you’re like me and love comic books, Saturday is your day. Stores around the country are giving away FREE comic books.
Check Free Comic Book Day for your location. (Unfortunately, many comic books, today, have a far-left agenda in their storylines.)

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May 3, 2006, - 10:42 am

ICE Princess to Speak, Still Releasing Illegal Aliens

ICE agents from all over have been sending us this e-mail message (along with a lot of “LOL” notations):

From: ICE Broadcast
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 11:32 AM
Subject: ICE Broadcast – Assistant Secretary To Deliver Remarks
Importance: High
MAY 2, 2006
Assistant Secretary Julie Myers To Deliver Remarks to ICE Employees

(Clueless Julie Myers courtesy of David A. Lunde)

On Thursday, May 4 at 10 a.m., Assistant Secretary Julie Myers will deliver remarks to mark her first four months as ICE’s Assistant Secretary, followed by a question and answer session with ICE employees.
The event will take place in the Garcia Room at the Chester Arthur Building, located at 425 I Street, NW in Washington, D.C. Due to limited space in the Garcia Room, tickets will be distributed on a proportional basis to personnel from Headquarters, as well as to employees from the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore field offices.
The program will be recorded and broadcast on ICE-TV, as well as on desktops in the Washington, D.C. area beginning Friday, May 5 at 10 a.m.
For ICE employees in the Washington, D.C. area, please follow these instructions to view the broadcast on your desktop:
1. Go to the following URL: < <<<>>>>.
2. Under LIVE PROGRAMS click on ICE-TV Live.
3. A new screen should appear. Under VIEW PROGRAMS on the right, click on View Program.
4. If you are prompted to install software from Microsoft, click YES.
5. Windows Media Player will come up. After a short time of buffering, the video and audio should play.
For assistance with the desktop broadcast, please call the VTC Help Desk at (202) 732-7158.
For assistance with the ICE-TV broadcast, please contact the ICE-TV Help Desk at 877-221-2010.

First question: There is actually a “Garcia Room”? Aren’t rooms supposed to be named after people who accomplished something? , The ICE Princess’ predecessor, was the first failed head of ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement), who didn’t do much, except allow problems to get worse. He shares a lot of blame in the festering, hemorrhaging illegal alien problem. Look for an ICE Princess Room , too. Or a royal porcelaine throne. (Perhaps an Abu Moskowitz shower can be installed, too. Or metal pole.)
Next Question: Why does The ICE Princess feel it’s necessary to speak after almost five months (not four–perhaps she’s lost count, but no-one else has) on the job when THIS is going on, everday?
With such alleged urgency and so many ways to watch her speech, you’d think it was the Pope speaking at Mass or, at the very least, a bad rock concert? But it’s not even a government bureaucrat who’s doing her job.
On the contrary, today’s Washington Times reports that illegal aliens arrested at BWI Airport in Baltimore, after they were acting suspiciously, got the usual result: catch-and-release. They were let go with a Notice to (Dis)Appear.
Cheers to the alert Federal Air Marshals who noticed the illegals inside the airport with NO luggage. Jeers to ICE.

[T]he air marshals then spoke with officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Baltimore, who made the call to release the illegals.
ICE officials said they were investigating possible connections between the illegals and a human-trafficking or human-smuggling operation, but would not comment on why they released the illegals.

Yes, that’s the way to investigate human smuggling operations . . . by letting participants go. Maybe they should have released John Dillinger.
Was this the decision of the ICE agents on the scene or, as usual, orders for release coming straight from the manicure table of the ICE Princess?

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May 3, 2006, - 6:53 am

A Tale of Two “Rapes”

For race merchants, hypocrisy and double standards are always the order of the day.
The alleged rape of a stripper (oops, I mean . . . “exotic dancer”) by two Duke University Lacrosse players bears that out magnificently. Especially when compared to the rape of Desiree Washington by boxer Mike Tyson, 15 years ago.
In that 1991 case, both victim and perpetrator were Black. While the accused was a prominent athlete, the victim was not a stripper, but a religious Christian and contestant in the Miss Black America pageant. Guess whose side the majority of Black race merchants took?
Hint: It wasn’t the woman. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan attacked Miss Black America organizers for allowing Tyson near the victim, saying they should have predicted the result. He blamed the victim for going up to a hotel room with Tyson.

Race Merchants of Hate: Farrakhan, Shabazz, Jackson

Farrakhan, in a speech to followers, attacked the women in his audience, saying, “How many times, sisters, have you said ‘No’ and you meant ‘Yes’?”
While the question of whether Washington was really raped by Tyson–when she voluntarily went to a hotel room alone with him and engaged in other consensual behavior–remains a legitimate question, why is it a question for Black America’s most revered leaders in that case, but NOT in the case a stripper going to perform for a room full of drunken, burly male athletes?
There can only be one answer: In the stripper’s case, the alleged rapists are White.
Where Farrakhan et al saw Tyson as “railroaded” in his rape conviction, they want to railroad the two Duke accused rapists in exactly the same way.
Farrakhan’s younger version, Malik Zulu Shabazz, who heads the New Black Panther Party, took his posse of thugs to Durham to “monitor progress of the criminal case against Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann,” the two White alleged rapists.
Shabazz made a number of demands, some of which Duke has pledged to undertake. The school already conducted in a federal-scale investigation of the two men and the Lacrosse Team.
There was no such similar investigation of potential violence towards women by pro boxing authorities, when Tyson was accused and then convicted. Why would there be? The racism shakedown artists were all on Tyson’s side.
Then, there’s our favorite vintage race merchant, Jesse Jackson. Like that old chartreuse pair of polyester pants from the 70’s, he’s always front and center at the “Politics of Hate” consignment shop. Jackson has pledged a full college scholarship to the stripper, regardless of whether or not she is telling the truth about the alleged rape. Where was Desiree Washington’s scholarship? As Miss Black Rhode Island, she had to seek her own protection from all the death threats Minister Farrakhan’s attack on her generated.
Contrast that with the Durham stripper. She is reportedly getting round-the-clock security from Shabazz’s group.

Weird Al Sharpton: Race Merchant & Coke Dealer

Weird Al Sharpton has also inserted himself. The Reverend-Without-a-Pulpit told Bill O’Reilly, “I think that when you look at the racial atmosphere, . . . when you look at a lot of people feeling that they have been treated differently, where this girl has basically had a character charged in the media, there is a lot of racism that’s in the air.” Not a peep out of Weird Al when Desiree Washington was being tried and convicted in the media by his friend Farrakhan and failed Tyson appellate lawyer Alan Dershowitz. Too busy trying to pay the judgment against him for orchestrating the Tawana Brawley fraud . . . which the Duke case strongly resembles.
No-one knows whether the Duke men raped the stripper. But the evidence they have produced thus far provides at least one of them with an alibi that he was not even at the scene at the time. The behavior of the stripper and alleged victim, as initially reported by her father and a fellow stripper, also appears to prove that nothing illicit happened. Ditto for the picture of the stripper smiling upon her return home. Then, there is her past criminal history and the fact that she is the single mother of two kids by different fathers.
In contrast, Mike Tyson admitted he was in the hotel room. Desiree Washington did not have even a smudge in her history–no scrapes with the law or prior “wolf-cries” of rape. She was not a stripper giving lap dances at parties populated by drunk rowdy males.
But it was she, not Tyson, who America’s most prominent race merchants were pimping.
The stripper’s most prominent race warrior, Shabazz, has–like Sharpton and Jackson–a record of picking the wrong side.
He claimed Jews knew of the 9/11 attacks and left the World Trade Center in advance. Shabazz also voiced support for Al-Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.
He was wrong then. And he’s wrong now.

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May 2, 2006, - 6:43 pm

The Truth: Why Women REALLY Don’t Run Plants . . . Or Immigration Agency’s Corruption Investigations

Remember “,” the Oscar-nominated dud from last year about a female miner who sued over alleged sexual harassment? It was one of those “enhanced” fiction-movies-based-on-fact as told to you by the feminist NOW gang. Their agenda: Women are discriminated against, and that’s why there’s a glass ceiling not just in offices but in blue collar industries.
But yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had a great article, “Why Few Women Run Plants.” And guess what? The reasons had nothing to do with gender “discrimination.” Hardly illuminating for the non-NOW crowd, but highly informative for the more numerous, ignorant conventional wisdom absorbers.
The article found that women who worked for Georgia-Pacific’s Fort James Corp. (which makes toilet paper and napkins) chose not to advance/take promotions because they were deterred by family needs, long, odd, or unconventional hours, and rural locations. Men did not have such a problem with this issues and that’s why they advanced.

Life for Women at Georgia Pacific Unlike Hollywood Version

So what did Georgia Pacific do? The company discriminated against the men by providing women with expanded recruiting, support, mentors, alternative work schedules, on-site day care, and hosting an annual “women’s leadership forum” to discuss and address “challenges” facing women. No such help for men.
But the Wall Street Journal reporter, Erin White, laments that Koch Industries, which bought GP, has stopped some of this special treatment and is going “more slowly” in the rest. But there is still plenty of special treatment for women–affirmative action hiring based on gender.

Grrl Power Gets Special Treament @ ICE: Julie Myers, Traci Lembke

And if this is so important, we urge Ms. White to investigate Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and how a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” the agency’s chieftess, has changed the job requirements for corruption chief (overseeing the Office of Professional Responsibility) so that an unethical woman, , would apply for the job.
Sources say Ms. Lembke, who is currently “Acting” in the position, complained about the long hours. So The ICE Princess rewrote the job requirements to allow Lembke to work less hours and work from home, in addition to other relaxed requirements.
Would a man get those concessions? Don’t count on it.

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May 2, 2006, - 1:04 pm

Oil Exec’s Salaries? How About Lawyers?

Yes, gas prices are outrageous. As are the salaries of some oil execs. But as outrageous and excessive as they are, they are a result of what the free market will bear.
We compare calls by liberals (and some Republicans) to limit oil execs’ salaries to their absolute silence regarding some of the nation’s lawyers and THEIR salaries.
USA Today reports that the average profit per partner at one of America’s Big 100 law firms is over $1 million. The top 10 firms all topped $2 million per firm, with one, Wachtell, garnering $3.8 million per partner. All of the top firms made at least close to a million, if not much more, in firm revenue per attorney.
To be sure, the average lawyer in America is not making that kind of money, but then neither is the average oil company executive.

(Graphic From USA Today)

The figures were compiled by The American Lawyer (scroll down & click on various charts), which puts out the “Am Law 100”–a sort of Forbes 100 version for law firms. Their gross revnue ws a whopping $51 billion, and seven of the big law firms garnered over a billion EACH!
Since lawyers are often an unnecessary tax on society, and oil companies actually produce a commodity that Americans need to be mobile, which is more deserving of regulation? Well, that depends on whether you are asking a Member of Congress or Senator, most of whom are lawyers, and most of whom get a significant portion of their campaign contributions from the fattest cats of the wealthiest law firms.
When Sen. Charles Schumer, for example, whines that their are too many mergers of oil companies and less competition (and he’s right about that), why does he not whine about the mergers of so many giant law firms, which ALSO leads to less competition and higher prices both for legal services and every other good and service that’s ever been a victim of unscrupulous lawyers? While Schumer talks tough about oil, he’s a ninny when it comes to tort reform.

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May 2, 2006, - 12:36 pm

Headline of the Week

From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:

Studio Woos Women Turned Off by Cruise

It’s the question facing our friends at Paramount Pictures: How do you market an action adventure movie sequel to men when it stars a girlie-man weirdo star and women–who finally discovered America (and his bizarre behavior on HOprah and “Today”), and now are turned off by him, too?
That’s the prob facing the studio as it prepares to release the second sequel to “Mission Impossible,” “M:I:III.” Most moviegoers have had enough of Mr. Scientology Strange. The Top Gun is now the Low Rung.
So to combat the Tom Trickle Effect, the movie studio is playing up the suspenseful and emotional aspects of the movie–and playing down the Couch Jumper, reports the Wall Street Journal. That’s the campaign to women. To men, the studio is featuring Crazy Cruise traveling around Manhattan to movie screenings, via motorbike, speedboat, sports car, subway, taxi, and helicopter.

Will that erase the public’s memory of Mr. Bizarro’s affection for couch-jumping, silent births, and pop psychiatry?
Mission Impossible.
(For the record, I was invited to a screening of the movie but skipped it. Tom who?)

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May 1, 2006, - 7:35 pm

Too Little, Too Late: Terrorist Sami Al-Arian Sentenced by Judge Ito of Terror

While everyone was talking about the plea deal for Rush Limbaugh (who sought treatment), few noticed a far more important sentencing matter–that of Sami Al-Arian, a terrorist about whom I’ve been writing since before 9/11.
This morning, Al-Arian was sentenced to the maximum sentence for the one count to which he pled guilty. Since Al-Arian used pitiful U.S. immigration laws and weak immigration enforcement to get a green card, visas for other terrorists, and voted illegally, it is auspicious that he was sentenced to a paltry amount on Illegal Alien May Day.
Yes, the 57 months is very little, especially since Al-Arian, a founder and world-wide chief of Islamic Jihad, gets to lop off 39 months of time served. He will be out in, at most, 18 months and then be deported . . . if ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) ICE can find a country that will issue him travel documents and accept him, not an easy feat.

Unlike one so-called terrorism expert who praised Judge James S. Moody, Jr. for his stern lecture at sentencing, the Judge gets no praise from us. We’ve called Moody, a Clinton appointee, “” (though, we think he is tied for the title with ). His , of all terrorism charges, and other behavior and rulings on motions and evidence only piled on to the horrible job the Justice Department did in “prosecuting” (or whatever you call what they did) Al-Arian. (There was so much strong evidence they never presented, which we will present at a later date–stay tuned.) Moody is one of the reasons this site was alone in predicting that Al-Arian would NOT be convicted of a single charge (and he wasn’t)–and our prediction was . Judge Moody shares the blame in Al-Arian doing so little time and enjoying a life his victims will never enjoy.
****UPDATE, 05/02/06: Incredibly, today’s New York Sun heaps on the schmaltz, calling this buffoonish judge “the authentic American voice” and even evoking Abraham Lincoln’s name. Puh-leeze.
That’s what happens when lazy editorial writers don’t closely follow a trial and read a judge’s phony words at the end. Abraham Lincoln? More like another great American, Bozo the Clown (with apologies to Mr. Clown). The Sun claims that Judge Moody illustrates Lincoln’s declaration that you can’t fool all the people all the time. But apparently The Sun was fooled quite easily by the unworthy Judge Moody. ****END of UPDATE
This sentencing is not a cause for celebration. It is a cause for lamentation–lamentation that a worldwide terrorist mastermind who knowingly funded mass murder and used our immigration and other lax laws to his advantage, will not really pay for his evil deeds. Lamentation that the government and that so-called terrorism expert are praising what happened today. It is anything but praiseworthy.
We would have linked to Judge Moody’s statement to Al-Arian, but we prefer that you buy your fertilizer at Home Depot, where it is of much higher quality (you get what you pay for). While we agree with his comments, his behavior throughout the trial over which he presided says he does not.

Alisa Flatow:

Daughter of Stephen Flatow/Victim of Sami Al-Arian & Terrorism

What we will post here, though, are the contrasting statements of my friend, Stephen Flatow of New Jersey–whose daughter, Alisa Flatow (a young college student), was murdered in a bus bombing funded and orchestrated by Al-Arian–and the statement of Al-Arian, which reads alternatively like a “thank you” speech at Tori Spelling’s Sweet 16 party and a “Long Live the Jihad/Free Palestine” treatise. It is not the contrite statement of a mass murder financier who has any sense of remorse whatsoever. But it is the declaration of a man who knows that in no more than 18 months he can show America a middle-finger salute and wants to give us a sneak preview.
Stephen Flatow’s statement is a letter he wrote, if he had a chance to speak at Al-Arian’s sentencing. He was not allowed to (don’t know why), and that is a tragedy upon a tragedy. Here is what he wrote, as posted in the Tampa Tribune, under the fitting headline, “A Father’s Plea”:

I testified at Sami Al-Arian’s trial in connection with a Palestinian Islamic Jihad attack that killed my daughter, Alisa. I had hoped to make a victim’s impact statement at Al-Arian’s sentencing but that will not be allowed. Had I been allowed to speak in open court, here is what I would have said to U.S. District Judge James S. Moody Jr.:
Your Honor:
I am writing to urge you to impose the most severe sentence possible when you sentence Sami Al-Arian on May 1, 2006.
I am the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered by PIJ in an April 9, 1995, terror attack. No one has ever said that Sami Al-Arian was in Gaza the day the bomb went off. And we have never accused Sami Al-Arian of recruiting the suicide bomber, of driving the truck or pushing the plunger on the bomb that killed Alisa that Sunday morning. However, by pleading guilty “to mak[ing] or receiv[ing] contributions of funds, goods or services to or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” I believe Mr. Al-Arian at long last admits his role in providing the material means to kill Alisa and seven others that morning and is just as culpable as the actual bomber in her death.
I could tell you much about Alisa and my family’s experiences since her death. My words are necessarily inadequate to describe our loss because you cannot see something buried deep inside us, our broken hearts. For the first seven years after Alisa’s death, you could not mention her name to her mother because the mere mention of her name would bring tears to her mother’s eyes. As for me, when a cold wind blows, I often catch myself looking down at my chest to see if the hole I feel is there.
Alisa’s murder at the hands of cowards and faceless mandarins shocked us, her extended family, friends and people we do not personally know. On that Sunday, in one instant, Alisa went from being a vibrant young lady, proud of who and what she was, into a mortally wounded casualty, her brain shredded by shrapnel.
When I saw her at the hospital the next morning, her eyes were the same beautiful brown they were when she was 2 years old, but that morning they stared into space. There was no recognition of my face; Alisa saw nothing. The spiritual leader of our family and good friend was gone at the age of 20 years. The oldest child, the oldest sister, is now and will forever be the youngest member of our family.
After donating her organs for transplant into six very sick people, we brought her back home to New Jersey for burial; 2,000 people attended her funeral, the majority of whom had never met Alisa. But they came because they sensed that something evil had happened and that the only way to fight evil is to stare it in its face and say, “You are not going to get me.”
Alisa was not politically active. What attracted her to Israel in 1995 was the same thing that attracted her five times previously – it was her belief that the best place to learn about yourself and your religion is to visit and live in the land where it is practiced around the clock, where the policemen, the bus drivers and the merchants share a heritage with you.
There was also something intangible. Every time that Alisa returned from one of her trips to Israel, she came back not just a better Jew, but a better person too.
We will never be able to understand what drives people to enable others to commit terrorist acts. We cannot understand why or how God allowed people like Sami Al-Arian and his cohorts to carry out their plans. The only way I can combat their wickedness is to try to make myself a better person each day. I try each day to let the people who provide resources to terrorists such as PIJ know that you will not intimidate us, you will not scare us, and you will not stop us from living our lives as fully as possible.
If I had the ability to make this statement in open court, I would want Mr. Al-Arian to know that, unlike him, we are not going to use code words on the telephone and in our communications; we are not going to slink around as he did, advocating murder and mayhem and praising death under the guise of free speech. I want him to know we are going to fight him and his ilk in the open – in the courthouse, in the Congress, and in the courtroom of public opinion, and we are going to win.
I want Mr. Al-Arian to know that we are going to continue to fight for the right to live safely in our communities and to travel safely to all corners of the world. We are not going to stand by idly while terror’s supporters sitting cozily here in the United States send young men and women to their deaths in the name of God.
I once again urge you to impose the harshest sentence possible on Mr. Al-Arian. Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Stephen M. Flatow

Now, if you can grit your teeth and bear it, here is the arrogant, smirking, “I’m about to start a new chapter of my life” statement made by Sami Al-Arian, professional Islamic terrorist, also as posted in the Tampa Tribune:

Statement by Dr. Sami A. Al-Arian Addressed to the Court
May 1, 2006
I thank my outstanding lawyer, Ms. Moreno, for eloquently expressing my sentiments to the court this morning.
I also would like to thank her and my former attorney, Mr. Bill Moffitt, for their exceptional representation and their tireless efforts on my behalf for the past three years. I’d like as well to thank Mr. Lee Fugate, Mr. Jack Fernandez and Mr. Simon Gaugush for their excellent efforts on my behalf for the past few months.
This process, your Honor, affirmed my belief in the true meaning of a democratic society, in which the independence of the judiciary, the integrity of the jury system, and the system of checks and balances are upheld, despite intense political and public pressures.
Hence, I’d like to express my deep appreciation for the jury for their remarkable courage and efforts in the service of justice in this case. It’s also my belief that an impartial and conscientious jury, as well as principled judicial rulings that uphold the values of the constitution, are the real vehicles that win the hearts and minds of people across the globe, especially in the Arab and Muslim world.
Your Honor: This May 21 will mark my 31st anniversary in the United States. The American chapter of my life has surely been the longest. But it’s about to end, as I will soon leave and start a new chapter.
As I leave, I harbor no bitterness or resentment. Looking back at my three decades in America, I’m indeed grateful for the opportunities afforded to the son of stateless Palestinian refugees in a foreign country, while denied such opportunity in his country of origin and the countries where he was born or raised.
I’m grateful that my five wonderful children were born and raised in a society that provided them with freedom and equal opportunities in order to reach their potential. Had they been born anywhere else, they’d still be classified and treated as stateless Palestinian refugees. During my many years in America, I have tried to uphold the great values of my faith and culture and the honored ideals and principles of this society.
I’m very proud of my contributions to this society. And I’m very grateful to have been able to contribute positively in many endeavors.
I’d also like to thank my loving family, my beloved wife and children, whom I’m looking forward to join with soon.
Their continuous love and unwavering support during this ordeal have been ceaseless and inspiring. During this entire time, my family never lost faith in the ideals of truth and justice that our society holds in esteem.
Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank the Almighty for bestowing on me deep faith and calming peace that have sustained me during these past few years.
Thank you, your Honor.

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May 1, 2006, - 4:47 pm

UPDATE on Detroit’s Fizzled May Day: Islamists ‘R’ Us

We think it’s fitting that May 1st is not only the date of illegal alien protests, it is also the day which used to be a major Communist holiday (and it’s still celebrated by nostalgic Commies today). Thanks to reader Chris F. for pointing this out.
He says:

I can’t forget about the May 1st, because since I’m an
immigrant (you know… that unusual type, who went through countless procedures, paid all the money and big taxes, even before becoming a citizen) from a Communist country (Romania), that was the most important holiday of the year after the National Day (which celebrated the “liberation” by the Soviets).

Here in Detroit, our Islamist friends at –were once again out, but not exactly in force, in support of illegal aliens, . As we’ve lamented, in Michigan, illegal aliens are comprised by a significant number of Muslims, especially from the Middle East, many with Jihadi sympathies.

Noel Saleh, President of Islamist ACCESS, Was @ Today’s Illegal Alien Rally

That’s why our “friend,” Noel Saleh, ACCESS President and lawyer (who was thrice disciplined by the Michigan Attorney Discipline Board) was there. Not too long ago, Saleh, an ACLU lawyer and , openly bragged, in front of spineless feds, that he donates $ to Hezbollah. He claims that under the House immigration legislation (which has, unfortunately, no chance of passing as is),

We would be guilty of a felony if we provided medical assistance, for example, to an undocumented alien. Under this law, we become policemen.

But, in fact, his agency was raided by FBI agents for conducting Medicaid fraud for pregnant Muslim aliens. THAT SHOULD BE A FELONY! And is supposed to be. Forget expecting him become a policeman, when several of his organization’s people appear to be a bunch of unconvicted felons.
But don’t expect Detroit’s ABC news affiliate, which interviewed him (see video at this link, too), to point out the Medicaid fraud. After all, they reported that “thousands” turned out for the alien rally in a Detroit Park. More like less than a thousand.

The news affiliate also interviewed Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis. While it was nice to hear him claim he’s for legal, rational immigration, no-one bothered to ask him why his state party apparatus consistently sucks up to ACCESS and other illegal immigration enablers. Would love to see how he slimes out of that.
Ditto for his candidate for Michigan Governor, Dick DeVos, who, yesterday, refused to denounce (or say a single negative word) about ACCESS when I asked him. Yes, even gazillionaires who can buy elections still ooze snake oil.
His opponent, Michigan Democrat Gov. Jennifer Granholm already panders to that group like no other. Too bad DeVos refuses to be an alternative to that.

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May 1, 2006, - 1:00 pm

Signs the Illegal Alien Apocalypse is Upon Us

Our home state, Michigan, posts its webpage not just in en Espagnol, but in Arabic, too! All the better to welcome Jihadi illegal aliens to our country with open arms.
Our favorite items in Arabic:
* “Should I Be Suspicous?”
* “Description of DHS Administered Programs”
* Lots of Instructions on Getting IDs and SS#s, as well as Mucho Benefits (Maybe, it should be called “Fraud How-To Page in Arabic”)
Thanks to our Governor, Jennifer Granholm a/k/a “The Governatrix Gran-HO,” the nation’s first and only “Dating Game” contestant governor (no lie). (She’s a liberal Democrat, but her Republican challenger, Dick DeVos is no better, unfortunately. Stay tuned. . . .)

Extremist Imam/Hezbollah Supporter Hassan Qazwini

& Michigan Governatrix Gran-HO

**** UPDATE: Readers Chris and Dave inform me that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was also on “The Dating Game.” But a) he was on “The NEW Dating Game” and b) he was an actor-bodybuilder/in showbiz at the time, so he doesn’t count. Still, to be accurate, The Governatrix Gran-HO was the nation’s FIRST–but, unfortunately, NOT ONLY or even LAST–“Dating Game” contestant Guv. (No accounting for the taste of voters in the Michigan and California electorates–on a number of counts.)
FYI, reader Dave provides links about the rudderless Governator’s Dating Game experience: here, here, and here.

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May 1, 2006, - 10:42 am

BUY THIS BOOK!: Clark Kent Ervin, American Hero

If there is a man who should be in charge of Homeland Security, that man is Clark Kent Ervin, brave patriot extraordinaire. The man has the mega-guts and -integrity sorely lacking in the department’s rudderless “leadership.”
Ervin, a brilliant Harvard grad and prominent Black Republican, is as brave as they come. As Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security from the department’s creation, he irritated the powers that be because he wasn’t afraid to unturn any stone to expose corruption within the department. His reports were thorough, scathing, and full of evidence. But, more important, Ervin didn’t just uncover corruption and waste, he uncovered glaring lapses in U.S. security.

Clark Kent Irvin: American Hero

And that’s why for all his great effort and service to America, Ervin was asked to resign by the Bush Administration after the Prez won re-election. Sad but true for the Bush regime: If you do your job as Inspector General, you need to go. Especially at Homeland Security where Mediocrity America rises to the top at warp speed.
Tomorrow, Ervin’s new book, “Open Target: Where America is Vulnerable to Attack,” comes out tomorrow. It’s ironic that the book comes just a day after Illegal Alien May Day, since Ervin writes about the vulnerability of borders. But he also talks about DHS’ failure at ports, airports, stadiums, critical infrastructure like the water supply, and mass transit.
See “United 93” and then buy this book. If you feel we are safer today than we were on 9/11, here are 272 stark pages that will disabuse you of that false notion. “Open Target”–and all of Ervin’s IG reports–is must reading for all Americans. But it is especially must reading for the President and his minions at Homeland Security, like ,” ,” and .”
The terrorists are reading it, even if they are not. Of his co-horts at Homeland Security, The Washington Post’s Al Kamen quotes Ervin’s book:

I did my job, but the department’s leaders have not done theirs.

**** UPDATE: Although Clark Kent Ervin wasn’t popular with bureaucratic stiffs running DHS, he was always popular with honest, hard-working agents. As one ICE agent writes me:

Bravo for praising Clark. He is on the money with DHS. I will get his book, this week. He was booted for telling the truth and issuing a report that the administration didn’t like. It was all true, and this guy is an honest, intelligent individual that should have been given the chance to run DHS.

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