May 9, 2006, - 4:13 pm

IMPORTANT & Overdue: Battle of the Bulge Remembered

Yesterday was an important day for a very important reason not covered much of anywhere: the dedication of the Battle of the Bulge Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. That battle was the last major German offensive of the war. To many, it is the greatest conflict in U.S. military history.
It is important that the contributions of the brave American men, who gave their lives in that battle, finally got their due recognition–especially as the veterans of that battle (and all of World War II) are dying out.

Battle of the Bulge Vet Alfred Vitale @ Memorial Dedication

(Vitale Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

The memorial was made possible by the hard work of many people, but especially two great American men:
* Stan Wojtusik–then a 19-year-old Private First Class, who was forced to surrender to the Germans along with his entire regiment. Now an 80-year-old, the monument was his lifelong mission, for which he toiled tirelessly.
* Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)–the conservative Congressman who is principled and a true patriot, he fought to make the memorial happen as then-Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee. We know and like Chris Smith and wish he was our Congressman.
Kudos to Stan Wojtusik and Chris Smith for finally getting those heroic American men who fought at the Battle of the Bulge their due recognition after all of these years.

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May 9, 2006, - 4:02 pm

Was It Rosie O’Donnell’s?: Lesbians’ Brain Responses Studied

In the “Was This Really Necessary?” Dept., “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” reports that Swedish researchers studied lesbian brains to determine how they react to sex hormones. They found that their brain responses were different from heterosexual women’s and wer somewhat like those of heterosexual men.
Question: Was this study necessary? Does it serve any useful purpose? Why was it done? Who cares?
Finally, why didn’t they just buy season’s tickets to Season Ten of the ? The scientists could have saved themselves a lot of time and energy.

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May 9, 2006, - 3:45 pm

Bird Flu, Shmird Flu: ABC Gets Sick, Stupid

Count us among those who think the Avian bird flu hysteria is a bit much, including the overhyped May-ratings-sweep ABC movie, “Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America,” which airs tonight on ABC.
No, we haven’t pre-screened the fiction, but very liberal Detroit Free Press TV critic, Mike Duffy a/k/a “Captain Video,” has. He calls it “a bucket of hysterical fluff.” We like his pronouncement:

Let’s get this pandemic party started. ABC shamelessly bangs the gong of global disease anxiety with a schlocky “What if?” trauma drama about the ravages of a deadly international avian flu epidemic. Joely Richardson (“Nip/Tuck”) is the sexy epidemiologist on a mission, a doctor from the Epidemic Intelligence Service. And Secretary of Health and Human Services Stacy Keach (“Prison Break”) chews scenery as the ineffectual blustering bureaucrat. Bodies pile up. Panic hits the streets. But the only things dying in this hysteria-addled TV movie are the brain cells of those who watch it.

But, hey, it got former ’80s cokehead Keach a job in addition to his day job as an incompetent warden on “Prison Break.”
ABC will air a disclaimer saying the movie is “an extreme Hollywood depiction.” Isn’t everything put out by the entertainment industry “an extreme Hollywood depiction”?
BTW, our friends at PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) say Bird Flu is punishment for the way we treat (and because we eat) animals. But, very strange, no outrage or even a whimper from the very same people who screech every time Pat Robertson says some party got some disaster for the way they behaved.

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May 9, 2006, - 3:25 pm

An Immigration Agent Who Knows How it is Done

Meet Hung V. Nguyen.
He is an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent who literally knows how it is done. Because he, himself, was an alien.
A Christian, he fled Vietnam on a boat when he was just 12. He was raised by a hard-working Polish family in Illinois and wanted to repay his debt by being a pilot or federal agent. He helped close a loophole allowing “parents” to apply for passports without their 14-year-old-or-under kids present, a loophole rife with fraud and very vulnerable to the document black market and smuggling rings.
Regarding immigration, he told The Washington Post:

There has to be a proper way of doing it. You have to have rules and regulations. You can’t have open borders. They’re using the system against us. They’re throwing so many things at us that sooner or later someone will get through. They just overwhelm you. Once they have a little loophole, they keep on doing it.

But Nguyen gets it wrong in one area. He goes on to tell the Post:

[E]very country has a law and you have to abide by it. Especially after 9/11. The children can’t do harm to the country, but the adults, you don’t know who they are. They can travel with a U.S. passport anywhere in the world. That’s a loophole that can affect the security of this country.

In fact, children are not always innocent. Sometimes they are well-indoctrinated fanatics who do much harm. Many children, who are in their teens and old enough to know what is going on can do a great deal of harm to the country. It’s a fact of life in Israel, where many of the teenagers throwing deadly rocks and even recruited to be homicide bombers are just children in their teens.
It’s a fact of life we may soon, unfortunately, experience.

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May 9, 2006, - 10:59 am

I’m a “Hijacker” . . . According to Bitter “Munich” Star Eric Bana

Ever since 9/11, the verb “hijack” has been one of the most overused and twisted by the PC-crowd and Muslims. We heard the allegation that the 9/11 Islamic terrorists “hijacked our religion” from Muslims and PCers. (More like the religion hijacked them.) And we heard other assorted misuses.
The latest and perhaps most absurd example comes in from “” star Eric Bana, promoting the DVD release of his terror-apoligism trash. Bitter that his bloated-budget, sympathize-with-the-terrorists movie was a box office disaster versus a gay cowboy movie, Bana says that critics like me–who –“‘hijacked’ people’s opinions.”
Good to know that Bana thinks Americans are such dummies that we “hijackers” prevented them from going to this long, boring silver-screen fiction. Remember that the next time he asks you to go to one of his films. Also interesting to note that when a critic properly criticizes a film it is now “hijacking.” Funny, I didn’t hear Bana whining about the “hijackers” who roundly trashed the arguably better films, “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo,” “Ishtar,” and “Waterworld.”

Eric Bana: Failed Movie Star Turned Hijacking Expert

Let’s review the definition of the word “hijack.” Here are several definitions we compiled from several dictionaries:

1. seize transport vehicle: to take forcible control of a public transport vehicle, e.g. a passenger aircraft while in transit, taking the people on board hostage, and often diverting it to another destination
2. stop vehicle to rob it: to seize a motor vehicle, e.g. an armored car carrying money, in order to rob it of its contents
3. steal something from seized vehicle: to steal merchandise, money, or any other items from a hijacked motor vehicle

Hmmm . . . if anything, it seems Eric Bana and his friends–“Munich” director and scriptwriter Tony Kushner–are the real hijackers. You see, they stole the memories of the lives of the Israeli athletes, including American citizen David Berger, when they showed their deaths as a bizarre interlude in a more bizarre sex scene. They stole the careers of heroic Israeli Mossad agents who tracked down terrorists and sent them to their just reward.
And they stole reality when they portrayed Islamic terrorists–who planned murders of innocents–as nice, high-culture folk with cute daughters; but ignored the memories of their victims whose cute daughters had to grow up fatherless by no choice of their parents.
Their transport vehicles were moviehouses around the country and the unfortunate power they had to put their absurd version of reality on the screen. But few bought the hype and allowed themselves to be “hijacked” by this sad crew.
Bana is hoping that more Americans will buy his DVD and forget about the just criticism of his failed film:

Now some time has gone by, and hopefully people will get to receive the film on their own terms without projecting on it. This film is purely and simply too bloody good for people to have predisposed ideas about it.

Memo to Eric Bana:
People did get to receive the film on their own terms, when it was in theaters. And they chose not to go. Americans don’t like films that say it’s okay to blow up the Towers, but not okay to pursue the attackers who did it. They like films that show Americans will and do respond, as they did in the box office success, “.” And they want the truth, which “United 93” is and “Munich” isn’t.
A “bloody good” film? Well no-one can accuse Eric Bana of modesty. Just bloody bad taste.

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May 8, 2006, - 2:51 pm

Danny Wultz: Help This Unsung American Victim of Islamic Terror

Have you heard of Daniel Wultz? Probably not.
While there’s been much sympathetic press in recent months and years for Americans like Rachel Corrie (the Islamo-fascist sympathizer who burned the American flag and dove in front of a bull-dozer) and (the anti-American, Islamo-fascist sympathizing writer who took on the name “Zeinab”), the press has been virtually silent on Danny Wultz.
His tragic story simply doesn’t fit their agenda. Ditto for a number of extremist, far-right websites who loved Jill “Zeinab” Carroll (and were just outraged when we exposed her real views), but don’t seem to care a lick about this American who is more in need of our help.
Wultz is a young American boy from Miami who was seriously injured in the Islamic Jihad/Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade homicide bombing of a during Passover (in April). The terrorist groups who attacked him said he was the perfect “target” because he is not only a Jew, but an AMERICAN.

Why has the press (and those extremist, far-right blogs obsessed with Jill “Zeinab” Carroll and my exposition of her) been silent (with the exception of Israeli media and his hometown Miami paper)? Maybe because our PC media prefers to publicize only America-hating American “victims” and those “attacked” by “villains” like Israel and America.
But we should all care about Danny Wultz. Wultz, a handsome 16-year-old who loved to play basketball, lies in a coma in an Israeli hospital. Doctors had to remove his kidney and spleen, and when his blood stopped circulating properly, they amputated a portion of his leg. He also suffered massive blood loss and multi-system injuries.
All of this because Danny had the misfortune of eating in “Mayor’s Falafel” restaurant. He and his parents came to Israel to celebrate the holiday and visit grandparents. Because the restaurant was kosher for Passover, he went to eat there, his rabbi, Rabbi Yisroel Spalter of the Chabad Lubavitch Center of Weston, told me. Danny wanted to become a rabbi.
After the bombing and the removal of multiple organs, Rabbi Spalter visited Wultz and brought him out of a coma by reading a Biblical passage to him: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” But Rabbi Spalter told me that the pain of his injuries and multiple surgeries was too great for Danny Wultz to endure, so he was put back into an induced coma–a state in which he remains at this time.
Please donate to the fund set up by his synagogue to help save Danny Wultz and pay for his medical care. You may also donate through the One Family Fund, which helps Israeli victims of terror and is helping the Wultz family.
Please also keep Danny, a proud American boy and innocent victim of Islamic terror, in your prayers. (For Jewish prayers, Danny’s Hebrew name is Chaim Naphtali Meir Ben Sarah.)
Other reports at: The Miami Herald and Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot.

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May 8, 2006, - 10:51 am

Did Hezbollah’s Republicans Get Defense Contractor’s Hookers, Bribes?

Hezbollah’s biggest supporters in the U.S. Congress, Republican Congressmen (CA) a/k/a “Jihad Darrell” and (MI), and former Senator , all got thousands from defense contractor Brent Wilkes–the same man who “allegedly” bribed and procured limos and hookers for convicted former Republican Congressman Duke Cunningham (CA).
We’ve noted in the past how –from the time his mansion and boat were raided until he was indicted. And we wondered why. We wondered if Jihad Darrell, too, was a recipient of bribes. Since the name of the contractor, Brent Wilkes, came out, we looked up his campaign contributions. We noted that Jihad Darrell got thousands from him as did several other Congressmen we’ve been looking at. (Knollenberg took at least $12,000 from Wilkes.)

Jihad Darrell, Joe Knollenberg, and Spencer Abraham:

Did Hezbollah’s Hookers Get Defense Contractor’s Hookers?

We note that three of those getting the most sizeable contributions from Wilkes also have something else in common. Issa, Knollenberg, and Abraham (Bush’s former Energy Secretary) all got thousands in contributions from Nijad Fares–the son of Hezbollah-installed Lebanese then-Deputy Prime Minister Issam Fares.
In exchange for those thousands, the three voted in 2000 for millions in our tax money to go to Southern Lebanon where it went straight to the Hezbollah coffers (and terrorist activities) and was never accounted for. The bill was introduced by Knollenberg and Abraham at the request of James Zogby of the anti-American, Arab American Institute.
Jihad Darrell has repeatedly praised Hezbollah, including in the Congressional Record. (Hezbollah murdered over 300 American military and civilians in Lebanon, blew up the Khobar Towers and the Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center, trained Al-Qaeda’s Iraqi insurgents, and helped build IEDs used against our troops in Iraq.)
So what did Issa, Knollenberg, and Abraham do for Wilkes in exchange for his campaign contributions? Did they emulate Duke Cunningham? Is that why Jihad Darrell was defending Cunningham, even after the feds raided his mansion? Did the three get bribes, limos, and hookers, a la Cunningham, too?
We don’t know. But we don’t think voters should continue sending Jihad Darrell and Knollenberg, tools of an Islamic terrorist group, to Congress. Hezbollah first, now a sleazy defense contractor who “allegedly” bribes with cash and hookers. What’s next?
Of note: , a Jihad Darrell protege who is running for Cunningham’s seat, also took thousands in campaign contributions from Brent Wilkes. And who knows what else he took.

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May 8, 2006, - 9:58 am

New Islamist Target?: Warren Buffett Says No to Divestment; Buys Israeli Co.

In the aftermath of the scuttled Dubai Ports World deal to run our major ports, capitalists were lecturing us far and wide about the “global economy.” Leftist New York Timeser Tom Friedman joined the chorus with his “World is Flat” book.
The world may be flat, but that doesn’t mean that principles can’t come to play in international investing.
This weekend, billionaire investor Warren Buffett announced that he purchased a controlling stake in Israeli tool manufacturer, Iscar Metwalworking of Tefen, Israel. Iscar is the world’s leading innovator of metal cutting tools and techniques for machining.
According to USA Today, the deal is worth $4 billion, and Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway bought an 80% stake in the company. It was announced at the BH’s annual shareholders’ meeting, over the weekend, at which Buffett stressed his vision of better opportunities in foreign markets.

That Buffett chose an Israeli company for his company’s first big overseas deal is significant. Buffett’s investments are never constrained by political views or moral principles (he’s very liberal). He invests based solely on the bottom line and potential for future profit and growth. He subscribes to the Friedman Capitalism Without Limits or Principles view.
But, still, it’s good to see that Buffett was not scared away by Palestinian terrorists and Islamist jew-haters, and invested in an Israeli company that he saw as possesssing a profitable business model. His investment is an important infusion of money into a family-owned business in a country where Israelis are under siege.
And it demonstrates that Warren Buffett does not buy into the divestment (from Israel) message. That’s very important, since he is watched and emulated by anyone and everyone on Wall Street and beyond.
Buffett says he plans a trip to Israel in September. If he’s smart, he will also invest in heavy security on a trip where he will surely be a target of Islamic terrorists who want to make a statement.
Another significance of the investment is not so good: Buffett told his shareholders that he is planing more and more foreign investments as a hedge against the declining dollar. He said his conviction that the dollar will decline is “as strong as ever.”
For the details on how Buffett decided to buy Iscar, read Ha’Aretz’s profile and interview of Eitan Wertheimer, whose family built the company.

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May 7, 2006, - 12:53 pm

Good News from the Derby: Arab Emirates’ Jazil Loses

We follow the Kentucky Derby and the world of thoroughbred horse racing with a great deal of interest. And that’s because that world is heavily influenced by–and used as a propaganda forum for–Islamist Arab States, particularly those in the gulf. ( about their illicit engagement of the Derby, exactly 4 years ago, today.)
For example, Dubai’s ruling Maktoum family has staked the country’s future travel PR on it’s fortunes in the thoroughbred world. And that’s why we always celebrate when its multi-million dollar stable of horses repeatedly fails to place or show in the Derby, as it failed to do yet again, yesterday. And besides, we doubt they sing–or even know the words to–“My Old Kentucky Home.” It’s especially sweet, too, that an American-owned horse, won.
Emirates like Dubai–and its larger UAE confederation–are, as we’ve written on multiple occasions since right after 9/11, anti-American, anti-Semitic, enforce the boycott of Israel, and repeatedly refused to cooperate in the post-9/11 investigations of their connections to the 9/11 and other terrorist attacks.

3 Cheers for Barbaro: American-owned Horse Beat Dubai’s Jazil @ the Derby

In horse-racing apartheid, Israelis who own horses (yes, there is a small Israeli thoroughbred horse industry) cannot race horses in the many races held in Dubai. They are not allowed into the country (and neither are their horses).
And that’s why we’re happy that, yesterday, Dubai lost yet again at the Derby. Jazil, the Maktoum family’s entry, came in just fourth (and it was a dead heat with another horse). (Its Shadwell Stable is owned by Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum, uncle of the Dubai’s current ruler.) The Maktoums may be used to holding the crown in Dubai’s monarchy, but they won’t wear the Triple Crown anytime soon.
So sad. Too bad.

Derby Loser: Dubai’s Sheikh Hamdan (cutting ribbon/in royal portrait)

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May 5, 2006, - 7:32 pm

Stupid Jurors’ Harlequin Romance: Moussaoui Bro’s Book Saved Him

I used to think that terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui was the kind of guy only a mother could love. But apparently he’s the guy a brother could love, too.
In fact, Moussaoui’s brother loves him so much, he wrote a book that helped get Moussaoui off from a death penalty sentence, thanks to the Ghost of O.J.’s Jury jury that decided to sentence Moussaoui to life, Wednesday. Today’s Washington Post reports that 9 of the jurors said they read Moussaoui’s brother’s book and that it affected their decision, causing them to spare the terrorist (the book was introduced into evidence by Moussaoui’s defense lawyers):

[N]ine jurors decided that Moussaoui’s dysfunctional childhood was a mitigating factor in part because a number of them read a book by Moussaoui’s brother, which was entered into evidence, in the jury room.

Abd Samad Moussaoui not only wrote “Zacarias Moussaoui, Mon Frere” (“Zacarias, My Brother“)–a sob-story book about what a nice guy ‘lil ‘ole Zacarias guy is–but he made more than a few dollars off of it as well, for taking the trouble to “write” it (with ghostwriter Florence Bouquillat). And he got his brother spared from execution. Nice work, if you can get it . . . and if your “loving” bro is an Al-Qaeda terrorist.
Wrote one weepy Amazon reviewer as gullible as the jurors:

This is a moving and even beautiful book, which chronicles the childhood and youth of a disfunctional Moroccan immigrant family in France . . . . He is frighteningly but believably portrayed as a kind and decent man with a belief in justice, who was tragically led onto a wrong path with an ease that reminds us that there, but for the grace of God, could go anyone of us.

Now that is brotherly love. No Cain and Abel dynamic in the Moussaoui family, apparently.
So where was the anti-Moussaoui book that our “brilliant,” repeatedly-failed Justice Dept. terror “warriors” introduced into evidence for the jurors to read and absorb like a Brawny paper towel to spilled Coke?
Oops, I forgot. They didn’t introduce any books about radical Islam or Islamists. Or much of anything else. Our government, hard at work.

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