May 12, 2006, - 10:13 am

Prime-Time Phony: Bush To Deliver Immigration Speech, But Alien Catch’n’Release Goes on

So President Bush is going to deliver a prime-time speech, Monday, about what he’s doing to stem illegal immigration.
Great . . . if you need more fertilizer before bed-time. Is “24” going to be pre-empted for this? Give me Jack Bauer over George W., any day. New White House Press Sec Tony Snow claims, “This is crunch time” on immigration. No, it’s well past that–years, decades past crunch time. It’s lamentation and grieving time for our country.
The fact is, the Prez is not serious about it or he would have appointed someone who means business about stopping illegal aliens and sending them home. Instead, he appointed Michael Chertoff a/k/a “Mr. Burns” and The ICE Princess, Julie L. Myers, to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Yesterday, Ms. Myers was quoted in papers around the country, regarding more show-arrests of illegal alien employees and some of their employers. But each time these arrests happen, other alien detainees are released into the abyss to make room for them, and then, they, themselves, are released into the abyss.

ICE-a-Phony: Alien Enabler-in-Chief Julie Myers

On Wednesday, 80 such persons were arrested (for now) in Cincinnati.

“ICE has no tolerance for corporate supervisors who harbor illegal aliens for their workforce and deny labor opportunities for legitimate American employees,” said Julie L. Myers, the assistant secretary for the agency.
“This enforcement action demonstrates how we will use all our investigative tools to bring these individuals to justice, no matter how large or small the company.”

Uh-huh. How can you bring individuals “to justice” when you’ve released them and have no idea of their whereabouts? As reader Phil wrote about Myers’ statment and the arrest:

Another PR stunt, how long until they are all released and charges are dropped.

And as far as the company size, apparently she’s not listening to her crony Mr. Burns (Chertoff), who said DHS would NOT go after small companies, only large ones where it can make an impact. If they’re going to lie and pretend they are actually doing something, they could, at least, get their stories straight.
It’s just plain phony for Myers to claim she is doing anything but playing a shell game and moving bodies around. Ditto for Chertoff. And MEGA-DITTOES for the man who hired them and refuses to put their feet to the fire. His name is George W., FYI. If he were really serious about tightening the borders, these two would be back at the mall and someone legit would be in charge.

U.S. “Immigration Enforcers?”: Like, Gag America With a Spoon

(ICE Valley Girl Artwork by David Lunde)

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May 11, 2006, - 5:52 pm

Gift Horse: Terrorist Al-Arian Challenges Light Sentence; Hires Rwanda Genocide Defender

So, terrorist Sami Al-Arian, (he will only have to do 1.5 years more in prison), has decided to challenge his sentence.
And guess whom he’s chosen for his attorney? None other than Peter Erlinder, a law professor who was a defense attorney for those responsible for the 1994 Rwanda Genocide. And he co-founded, with Al-Arian, the Erlinder, who co-founded the National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom in 1997. That group also defended “former” terrorist and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent-in-Charge buddy, .

Peter Erlinder:

Defense Lawyer for Terrorist Al-Arian & Rwanda Genocide Perpetrators

Well, at least Erlinder is consistent in picking mass murderers for clients and allies. Despicable.
Thanks to our friend, Bill Warner, Private Investigator extraordinaire, for the tip.
BTW, that Al-Arian can even challenge the sentence is yet another example of the Justice Department’s failed–and incompetent–war on terror. They made a plea agreement, which should have included no challenge to the sentence, not just the count to which Al-Arian pleaded guilty. Where do we go to sue our Justice Dept. attorneys for malpractice?

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May 11, 2006, - 4:00 pm

Me on FOX News Tomorrow Afternoon

I am scheduled to be on “FOX News Live,” Tomorrow (Friday) Afternoon, at 2:20 p.m. Eastern to discuss my views about Oprah Winfrey and the , quoting me on the absurd idea of Oprah as American moral authority.
She has , but moral authority she ain’t. Check out

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May 11, 2006, - 3:07 pm

Immigration Chieftess Lies; Even ICE-Wives Upset

Instead of actually enforcing immigration laws, it appears the job of top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials is to spread a campaign of lies on media tours.
At least that seems to be the view of incompetent ICE chieftess , Secretary of ICE, a/k/a “The ICE Princess.” The ICE Princess made so many propaganda appearances on FOX News recently, it made our heads spin. It also made us wonder for what office she is campaigning.
And that’s what it’s all about a PR campaign against illegal aliens, but not a real one. She believes that as long as she is getting attention and getting on camera, we will believe it. But to paraphrase one of our fave Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
E-mail has been overflowing with apt criticisms of The ICE Princess’ appearances, yesterday on Neil Cavuto’s show and this morning on Fox & Friends. There were so many lies, we found more use for our sets of Wacky Packs.

Julie Myers Wacky Packs (Schlussel Collection)

We’d love to debate her, but she couldn’t handle it and wouldn’t dare. Here’s what one reader said (and he is NOT an ICE agent in the know):

Your ICE Princess was on Cavuto yesterday. Julie talked about how ICE is going to be cracking down on document fraud & how wide-spread it is & how easy it is to get. (No s–t, Sherlock.) I got the impression she JUST learned about this.
Cavuto mentioned about the last raid ICE did with the 1200 illegals & she said ALL were deported except for a few (got sick hearing this lie, cause didn’t ICE hold only 200 & let the rest gooooooooo?) So I was too livid watching her to HEAR what other b.s. she said.

Yes, indeed, almost all of those arrested at IFCO Systems were released with a Notice to (Dis)Appear, and this is after she ordered hundreds of other illegal detainees released from Detention and Removal Operations nationwide, to make temporary room for the show-arrestees. Your tax dollars–and her phony PR campaign against illegals–at work.
Ditto for the fight against document fraud, since we know of investigations that her various ICE Special Agents in Charge ended, because they did not care about the document fraud.
Another reader was angry at similar lies on “FOX & Friends”:

Wake up….Ice Princess Spinning on Fox News…6:15 a.m……..Steve getting jiggy with her….

And finally, there is this from a wife of an ICE Agent (when Myers was nominated, we didn’t realize how prophetic we were when we subtitled it “”):

As a wife of an “ICE” Officer, I hear it from
everyone. You have no idea how many officers in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) feel the same way that your friend, , feels. They wish they could financially be able to quit their jobs due to the the lack of support. Most feel like they’re doing their jobs for nothing. They all know that the situation has gotten out of control and no matter how hard they work, there’s always another ag-felon illegal alien to catch. Our jails can’t hold all of them because, believe me, my husband tried to fill’em. I believe the only possible solution is to close off the borders, but then the terrorist have won then, and we are no longer a free society.
We don’t have enough jail space in our jails to hold all the really bad illegals, let alone all the ones who haven’t committed murder, rape, etc. It costs American Taxpayers $50 per day to house an illegal in jail. That’s not the bad part. Once in jail we then become responsible to pay all medical, dental, and optical care. I know of one illegal that our government paid out millions of dollars in medical bills for several heart surgeries–for one prisoner. The man was too weak to deport. If you jail all of them then you are running into a huge can of worms. These people come to our country because we are still considered the “Land of Opportunity”. There has to be another was to integrate these people into society but legally and we can’t do that until the borders are closed.
Tell your friend he’s not alone as everyone I’ve spoken to in Texas and Michigan feels the same way. The trick is to not give up and to communicate with your superiors. This president’s term will end and that’s why we limit the number of years a president can serve. And someone will come in who can realize what the people of the United State want.

Maybe some day, there will be hope. For now, The ICE Princess’ policies phony immigration policies remain EMPTY, ABSENT & HOPELESS.

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May 11, 2006, - 9:16 am

Me in USA Today on Egomaniacal Rev. Oprah, America’s “Mother Teresa?”

I am quoted in today’s USA Today, regarding Oprah Winfrey, known to readers of this site as just plain HOprah.
The article is the cover story of the LIFE section (that’s the Purple Section, to you brain-addled HOprah fans) of the paper, and the gushing over this woman is just plain disgusting. People comparing her to Mother Teresa, claiming she is America’s moral authority. HUH?!
The author of the piece, Ann Oldenburg, told me her editors at USA Today refused to allow my URLs, or to be mentioned in the piece. But, yet, they put in the URL of an Oprah worshipper. Gee, USA Today is not biased toward Oprah, is it?

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

Here are my quotes in the piece:

“No one person should have that kind of power to affect markets, politics or anything else,” says Debbie Schlussel, a lawyer, conservative columnist and blogger.
Schlussel says Winfrey followers “are incredibly gullible, bandwagon-jumping trend-slaves.” Winfrey, she says, “acts as if her show has ‘evolved,’ but in fact, she still has the salacious sex and deviance stories, with a psychologist in the audience to make it seem highbrow and give it the kosher seal of approval. If this is the person whose morals we are putting on a pedestal, then America’s moral compass is in much need of retuning.”
The fact that Winfrey has never been married, never had children and is a billionaire distances her from her audience, Schlussel says. “How could anyone like this be in touch with the average American woman?”

I hate to disgust you too much with the sickening cult-worship quotes about this empty woman with a daytime talk show, but you must read these to see how low our society has sunk. Have a barf bag handy. The Rev. Jim Jones would be very jealous:

Over the past year, Winfrey, 52, has emerged as a spiritual leader for the new millennium, a moral voice of authority for the nation.
“She’s a really hip and materialistic Mother Teresa,” says Kathryn Lofton, a professor at Reed College in Portland, Ore., who has written two papers analyzing the religious aspects of Winfrey. “Oprah has emerged as a symbolic figurehead of spirituality.”
“She’s a moral monitor, using herself as the template against which she measures the decency of a nation,” Lofton says.
Cathleen Falsani, religion writer for the Chicago Sun-Times, recently suggested, “I wonder, has Oprah become America’s pastor?”
“I am not God,” Oprah said in a 1989 story by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison that ran in The New York Times Magazine titled The Importance of Being Oprah. But at the time, Winfrey called her talk show her “ministry,” Harrison wrote.
Claire Zulkey, 26, an Oprah follower who has written about Winfrey in her online blog . . . says, “I think that if this were the equivalent of the Middle Ages and we were to fast-forward 1,200 years, scholars would definitely think that this Oprah person was a deity, if not a canonized being.”
Marcia Nelson says that it’s not going too far to call her a spiritual leader. “I’ve said to a number of people – she’s today’s Billy Graham.”
“Our culture is changing,” he [Minister Chris Altrock] says, “as churches are in decline and the bulk of a new generation is growing up outside of religion.” Instead, they’re turning to the Church of Oprah.

I’ve written a longer piece on Queen Oprah, Moral Authority of the Universe, which I’ll post later and from which my quotes were taken.

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May 10, 2006, - 4:33 pm

Hint of a Warped Society: Baseball Cards Outta Style

I still have my “Wacky Packs”, “Charlie’s Angels”, “Star Wars”, “Monkees” and “Bionic Woman/Six Million Dollar Man” card collections. And there’s my football cards of Jack Kemp. I like the first group better. They have kitsch and cheesiness value. The Kemp cards went down in value when he lost his Presidential and Vice Presidential runs. Their value declined much more, when Jack Kemp became a blow-hard supporter of illegal aliens and race preferences for minorities.
Today’s Wall Street Journal has a fascinating story (reprint of the WSJ story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) about how baseball cards have gone out of style and how pro baseball players–eager to save a source of good licensing income–are trying to make them hip again.

Wacky Packs Trading Cards (from the Schlussel collection)

To them, I say good luck. Part of the coolness of baseball cards was that they were not mass-manufactured the way the became in the 80s and beyond. Those cards hold little value. Plus, it’s very difficult in this culture of IPods, , and hip-hop pimp daddy stars, for something as innocent and benign as baseball cards to get noticed.
The players’ union, the Major League Baseball Players Association, is launching its first-ever television ad campaign to try to lure kids and adults, the Journal reports. They’re spending $3 million dollars on it, and the card manufacturers are spending $4 mill. I say it’s money down a black hole.

But I hope I’m wrong. Collecting cards is far more recommended for today’s young boys than collecting tattoos, hip-hop CDs, teacher-girlfriends, and STDs.
Unfortunately, for our coarsened, defining-deviancy-down society, it’s an uphill battle not just for baseball cards . . . but for our entire civilization.

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May 10, 2006, - 4:16 pm

China is Right . . . For Once: Uighur Muslim Terrorists

Like a broken clock that is right twice a day, China is right and we are wrong . . . for once.
The U.S. has decided to release five Chinese Muslims suspected of terrorism from Guantanamo Bay. But unlike other political prisoners in China–who are NOT Muslims, the U.S. is worried about the safety of the Uighur (pronounced “Wee-gur”) Muslims.
So what is our silly government doing? It is sending the five Muslim Chinese terrorism suspects to Albania–because Europe, and particularly the Kosovo region, does not have enough radical Muslims who are trying to take over and make their religion predominate all others.
China blasted the U.S. and demanded their return to China to face punishment. China says they are suspected members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which has links to al-Qaida and has received arms and training from the terrorist network. The Islamic terrorist group is waging a violent separatist campaign in China’s northwestern Muslim region of Xinjiang.
But rather than worry about whether they are terrorists, our government is worried China will give the men death or subject them to torture. Our humane government. Humane to the point of stupidity–and extinction.
Maybe we should call it “Abu Ghraib Bend-Over Backward Syndrome.”

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May 10, 2006, - 3:48 pm

My Friend, Scott James of Border Patrol: We Were Forced to Help Mexicans re Minutemen

My friend, former Border Patrol Agent, is going to make a great lawyer.
He is quoted in today’s Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, California, regarding the Border Patrol providing intel on the Minutemen to the Mexican government, in order to aid and abet illegal aliens:

Scott James, a former Tucson agent, resigned after eight years of service in February, citing a lack of support for agents by the Department of Homeland Security.
He said that U.S. Border Patrol officials provided office space inside their headquarters to Mexican consulate officials, allowed the consulate to dictate the agents’ activities, and gave the consulate information on ongoing investigations.
Such courtesies were not extended to consulate offices of other countries, James said.

I met Scott, former Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544, in November of last year, when he attended a conference on illegal immigration at which I spoke. It was hosted by Maricopa County (Arizona) Prosecutor Andrew Thomas, one of the local officials who is doing the job that Homeland Security will not let its agents do.
Scott decided he was tired of fighting to secure our borders when politicians, like San Diego area Congressman , and Customs and Border Protection management were working against him. He told me he decided to leave to go to law school and use his knowledge of the borders and a law degree to help fight for our country outside of the U.S. Border Patrol. As I am a practicing attorney who went to law school in his native Wisconsin, Scott sought my advice.
Scott starts law school in Iowa, this summer. He will make a fine lawyer. And I hope the Minutemen will call on his services. Unfortunately, Border Patrol management worked against his services.

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May 10, 2006, - 12:42 pm

Lawyered Up: ICE Princess Wastes Immigration $$$ on Personal Legal Eagles, NOT Enforcement

While the CBP (Customs & Border Protection) division of Homeland Security is alerting Mexicans about the Minutemen (who are doing the job CBP higher-ups don’t want their agents to do), our favorite Princess is doing her part to waste tax dollars in non-immigration enforcement efforts, too.
We hear from our sources inside ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that agency sachem a/k/a “The ICE Princess” is wasting your tax money–meant for immigration “enforcement”–to hire personal lawyers for herself. While we agree that ICE, like any agency, needs lawyers for policy matters and to ensure that all actions are legal and will withhold challenge by defense lawyers, ICE already has a whole raft of lawyers–the ICE Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA).
So why has Julie Myers hired a guy named Wayne L. Baker as her personal counsel, “Counsel to the Assistant Secretary”? Baker is now a Senior Executive Status (SES)-level ICE employee. That means that he makes well over $140,000 per year. That’s money that could be better used to hire several entry-level ICE agents to investigate and pick up illegal aliens within our borders.

The ICE Princess Wastes Your Immigration Enforcement Tax $s

(ICE Princess Embarrassment by the talented David Lunde)

But the money isn’t going to those efforts. Because The ICE Princess isn’t serious about those efforts. But she’s very serious about helping herself (which is why she chose herself for the job). You are paying for more than a few ICE lawyers, but apparently they are not good enough for the ICE Princess.
More about Baker: He was apparently an Assistant U.S. Attorney in New York, as was The ICE Princess. (He was also a law clerk for a Federal Judge in New York.) Is he one of her many cronies? Probably. He participated in an indictment of the Norte Valle Colombian drug cartel in 2004. He wrote a law review article about sovereign immunity of Indian tribes in gaming issues, which we’re sure will come in real handy if and when ICE gets into the casino biz. (While it is true that Indian tribes on the Northern border–particularly New York–have helped Muslims smuggle illegal immigrants and cigarettes, we doubt Ms. Myers is looking into that issue.)
Until then it’s just more waste of your tax-dollars that were meant to stop the tidal wave of illegal aliens, but are, instead, spent for The ICE Princess’ accoutrement collection.
As one ICE Agent told us:

I’m not sure exactly what he is doing, but he is supposedly pissing off a lot of people. I’ve heard him referred to as a “f—ing idiot.”
What a waste of money! I guess she’s
[The ICE Princess] not getting the service she wants from the ICE Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA).

We remember, just months ago, when ICE was out of money. Agents told me they did not have pens, files to open cases, and could not get oil changes on their government vehicles needed for pursuits and surveillance. With waste like this, look for that to happen again, very soon.

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May 10, 2006, - 12:04 pm

Backward Arabia: Israeli Company Dominates Hummus Market

One of the myths that dominates the international cuisine world is that Middle Eastern food is “Arabic food.” It isn’t.
Jews have been making this same “Arabic food” for centuries, even before the creation of Islam. The majority of Jews in Israel are “Sephardic” (“Spanish” or “Oriental”) Jews who come mostly from Arabic countries (as opposed to “Ashkenazic”–or “German” Jews who are of European descent). “Middle Eastern” food is as much theirs as the Arabs’.
In fact, hummus–the dip made from chickpeas, sesame butter (tahini or “techina” in Hebrew), olive oil, lemon, garlic, etc.–originated in what is now Israel.
And today’s Wall Street Journal reports that the company with the biggest share of the hummus market is an Israeli company, Sabra Salads. Sabra is a subsidiary of Israel’s Osem, which is 53% owned by Nestle.

It is an important statement that the company with the biggest market share of a food consumed mostly by anti-Semites residing largely in anti-Israel, anti-American Muslim Arab nations is a company in the country they most hate and wish to wipe off the map.
The dominance by Sabra Salads is also yet another symbol of the backward nature of the oil-rich, idea-barren Arab world, whose 22 nations have a combined GNP that is significantly dwarfed by tiny, terror-besieged Israel (which is smaller in size than the state of New Jersey).
To those who were wondering, “Sabra” is the Hebrew word for a particular type of cactus, native to Israel, which produces sweet fruit. It is also the slang term for a native-born Israeli because they say Israelis are like the fruit of the sabra–tough and prickly on the outside, but sweet on the inside.

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