May 16, 2006, - 12:13 pm

ICE Princess Does Radio, Sort of; But Host’s Dog Ate Homework

Many readers have sent me notes of their disappointment with the performance of Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” on a radio show, last night, just after the President’s .
The ICE Princess was on the Hugh Hewitt radio show, and while she single-handedly changed his mind on whether the Bush Administration is serious on immigration (he turned her against Bush), I, frankly, thought he asked her the wrong questions and really does not understand what her job is about.
Hewitt repeatedly questioned The ICE Princess on the fence, which the President mentioned as one of the steps he’ll take along the Southern border. She said she was against it. And while this was the wrong answer–a politically dumb move for a girl from the mall who was handed a gift job (and she displayed how uninformed she is about the necessity and effectiveness of the fence)–the fence is not really her area. Not that she has done any good in “her area.”

(ICE Valley Girl by David Lunde)

And that’s where Hewitt was just not effective. While I agree with him on the necessity of the fence, he just did not have a clue about immigration enforcement, ICE, or what Myers is supposed to be doing (and isn’t). Here’s the audio of the interview, and here’s the transcript. (Thanks also to Tom Blumer of Bizzy Blog for the alert, and his posts on the ICE Princess here and here.)
He did not ask The ICE Princess why , even thought the President claimed, last night, he was ending it. He did not ask her why without even checking the validity of their IDs.
He did not ask why–if immigration enforcement is truly a priority–few former INS agents were made Special Agents in Charge and are seen and treated as evil stepchildren versus former Customs Agents in the ICE hierarchy. He could have asked what specifically she has done to try to find and arrest the 12-20 million illegals in our midst, and how only 27,000 beds will even make a dent in that problem.
He did not challenge The ICE Princess’ claim that she is working with other countries to speed up the travel documents for illegals who are ordered deported. If that’s the case, why is terrorist Imam still in prison and not a single country will issue travel documents to get rid of him? The same is . He did not ask if she is trying to get the State Department to exert more pressure on countries of deportees to allow them to be deported there. She isn’t. He could have asked why not.
He did not ask The ICE Princess why she when she doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing. He did not ask about the “law enforcement experience” she claims to have but does not. He did not ask what will happen with the agency when she leaves, due to her pregnancy (confirmed in today’s Washington Post, but ). He could have asked why she is when ICE already has a bevy of lawyers. He could have asked whether that money–and the $30,000 Abu Moskowitz spent on new furniture–could have been better spent on more agents.
He did not ask The ICE Princess why her Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge continues to fraternize with a ) and a . Or why, in Michigan, the heart of Islamic America, very, very .
He did not ask why a man tied to drug killings remains a high-ranking Assistant Director of ICE. He did not ask her how she can claim to be serious about getting child sex criminals, when she won’t get tough on her convicted sex criminal agent a/k/a “Frankie the Fig”. He did not ask why agents who are trying to do their jobs are treated as vermin whereas those who deliberately break laws, commit crimes, or just plain don’t do their jobs, keep getting promoted.
There are these and so many other important things he could have asked but didn’t. But he asked about the fence, which is really a Customs and Border Protection issue (and perhaps his confusion on this is symbolic of why CBP and ICE should be merged, despite the ICE Princess’ and Chertoff a/k/a Mr. Burns’ opposition to it).
Next time, Hugh Hewitt, please do your homework. You let this cat off easy. And, by doing so, you let the President off easy, too.
Hugh Hewitt on Myers:

My interview with Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security Julie Myers staggered me, undoing in a handful of minutes my confidence in the president’s commitment to border security first. Either the president’s team had not communicated effectively with sub-cabinet appointees about the fence, or the president doesn’t really believe in the fence, because Assistant Secretary Myers is clearly not a proponent of the fence.

Reader reaction to The ICE Princess Does Radio:
Rick O.:

Dear President Bush,
Only an hour after your address Hugh Hewitt interviewed Julie Meyers and was staggered (his words) by her lack of support of the initiatives outlined in your talk. She has undone in 10 minutes what you hoped to accomplish with your talk. She is a paper princess with no concept of the damage she is causing you. She has NO credentials for the job. She is an anchor that will pull you under on immigration. Don’t let this political lightweight hack sabotage your presidency. You are fighting (and losing) a battle with the CIA. ICE is one battle you can win. Pick someone with serious law enforcement and management credentials. Give them room to operate. Cover their back so that flacks like DiFi (D-California) and ChuckyCheese Hagel don’t undermine them. Make it clear to his/her superiors that they WILL support the new ICE chief. Make this thing really happen! If your pollsters have told you Americans will settle for tough talk but no action they are WRONG. We are tired of hearing you say one thing on immigration and then have your appointees run off and do things they way they want in direct contradiction to your words. Julie Meyers is absolutely NOT going to do anything to get you what you want. She is a major handicap.
Please, Mr. President back up your words with people who will make them happen. Julie Meyers is NOT the right person to be running ICE.

Scott C. writes:

Julie Meyers stupidity on display in an interview with Hugh Hewitt.
Hugh Hewitt was very disappointed with her discussing the border fence and her lack of knowledge.
How to undo the impact of a Presidential address in one easy lesson.
“I don’t think we think that fencing is the best way to stop them on the border. I think the President’s called for…if you build a fence, they build a tunnel.” – I.C.E. Asst. Secretary Julie Myers.

I concur and add this: How to undo the impact of immigration enforcement in one easy lesson: Appoint The ICE Princess.
Reader Bill P.:

If you didn’t hear it already, please listen/read to what Julie Myers had to say to Hugh Hewitt in follow-up to the President’s speech last night. Either the President is bluffing or she really is an incompetent loose cannon.

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May 16, 2006, - 12:04 pm

Remember, Bush National Guard Move is Smoke & Mirrors

We before the Prez’s BS “5-Years-After-9/11-But-6-Months-Before-An-Election-I’m-Finally-Doing-Something” Speech, last night. And predictably, Mr. Bush did not answer ANY of them.
But, one question was answered in our own mind.
Bush did not say anything about expanding the program of using the National Guard on our borders beyond a year. That’s why he’s using the Guard. Because after a year–and safely past the Congressional elections in November, which is what this is all about–the program will sunset, and end forever. But no Guardsmen will have to be laid off.
If Bush were really serious, he’d hire 6,000 new Border Patrol Agents to do the job. But he won’t. Because in a year, he’d lay them off, stick us with the unemployment benefits bill, and have endless, just bitching all over the media by angry laid off Border Patrol Agents about how Bush doesn’t really care about the Border.
Which is exactly the case. Bush doesn’t care about the borders, or he wouldn’t have waited until 5.5 years into his presidency to do something about it.
But he does care about elections. And those are just 6 months away. Timing is everything.

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May 15, 2006, - 5:12 pm

Immigration BS Eve: A Few Questions for the Prez

On Immigration Pretense Eve (that means the calm before the giant Presidential immigration BS), we have a few questions for President Bush–in light of his decision to use the National Guard on the border–that we doubt he’ll answer tonight:
1) If you are serious about a “comprehensive” immigration policy, why did you nominate and recess-appoint a woman () who is completely unqualified and incompetent to do the job? Where is the real law enforcement figure running the show?
2) How is the National Guard accountable, when the guard answers to liberal do-nothing immigration-lax governors like Bill “The Pro Baseball Draft Dodger” Richardson (D-New Mexico) and Janet Napolitano (D-Arizona)? Federal taxpayers will foot the bill, while governors, like those two, will call the shots. What happens when there is a disagreement between the Border Patrol and Richardson?
3) It is estimated that the Prez will propose paying for 6,000 National Guard troops on the border. Why not just hire 6,000 new Border Patrol agents? The border is already “militarized” (contrary to what Mexican President Vicente Fox claims), it’s just a matter of uniforms. What happens when Guard personnel disagree with Customs and Border Protection personnel?
4) Will these National Guard personnel actually be assigned to protect the border? Or will they be put on Guest Worker verification duty? Who will pay for the new Guest Worker bureaucracy?
5) Bush proposes to put the National Guard on duty for a year? What happens after that? Look for it to be a show program that sunsets after that. Thanks for nothing.
The best thing that could happen: Bush does not get the amnesty a/k/a guest worker program that he wants and the bill does not pass. If he thinks getting “tough” (for now) on the border will make those of us in his conservative base ease up on our opposition to more amnesty, he’s delusional.
And maybe he is.

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May 15, 2006, - 1:08 pm

Me on MSNBC “Scarborough Country” Tonight

I am scheduled to be on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” tonight at 9:45 p.m. Eastern, to discuss the absurd idea that .
For some of the cornucopia of reasons why she isn’t, read Oprah Sucks.

Full of Herself: What HOprah is Really About

(Artwork Courtesy of the Talented David Lunde)

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May 15, 2006, - 12:00 pm

Shame: What’s Behind Restoring Ties with Libya

In April, we wrote about heavy lobbying by , the terrorist sponsor state.
Today, those full ties were re-established for the first time since 1979, unfortunately. What’s behind the sudden restoration of full diplomatic ties with Libya?
Oil and money, period. With the price of oil being so high, President Bush must do something, and one of the ways to alleviate that price pressure is to increase the oil supply. Libya has tremendous oil output and reserves. And the President bowed to the US-Libya Business Association (a fancy name for a group of lobbyists who whored themselves out to oil companies paying big bucks because they want to do business with the terrorist state).
The money? Libyan leader Muammar “Daffy” Qaddafi paid off the families of the victims of Pan-Am 103, the flight that was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland (most of the victims were Americans). Qaddafi and his country took part in the bombing, originally planned by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.

Billy Carter Remake: If He Were Alive, He’d Be Back in Style

All but one of the relatives accepted his pay-outs of several million dollars per victim. Qaddafi announced he’d pay a full $10 million to each family if full diplomatic ties were restored, and many of the relatives also pressure the President. They whored themselves out for the money. Can you imagine the families of the 9/11 victims demanding full diplomatic recognition of Bin Laden from our government, so long as they get $10 mill?
Even , who took a $200,000 “loan” from Qaddafi during the Carter years, must be turning over in his grave. His shameful actions, then, are, today, lauded.
Today, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, claimed, in a statement announcing the diplomatic recognition:

We are taking these actions in recognition of Libya’s continued commitment to its renunciation of terrorism and the excellent cooperation Libya has provided to the United States and other members of the international community in response to common global threats faced by the civilized world since September 11, 2001.

Terror’s Fashion Icon: Muammar “RuPaul” Qaddafi

While Qaddafi did agree to dismantle certain weapons programs, did he truly denounce terror, as SecState Rice claimed in her statement, today, announcing the restoration of ties? Hardly.
Qaddaffi never admitted guilt for the Pan-Am flight bombing. Nor did he ever admit guilt or apologize for the bombing of our American Marines in 1986 in a Berlin disco (three murdered, over 200 injured). The attack was masterminded and financed by Qaddafi and carried out by a Libyan intelligence officer, three employees of the Libyan Embassy in Germany, two Palestinian Abu Nidal terrorists. The Libyans never faced justice.
In fact, as we’ve noted, in 2004, Daffy Qaddafi, hired American Muslim Abdurahman Alamoudi to assassinate then-Saudi Crown Prince (now, King) Abdullah, while Alamoudi was using Daffy Qaddafi’s cash to fund HAMAS homicide bombings against innocent civilians. That’s not to mention the fact that Qaddafi, himself, helps directly fund HAMASastan, along with our other allies, and is believed to be involved in funding various Palestinian terror groups.
Then, there is that issue of that little steel tunnel. As we’ve written before–and it’s been documented in the New York Times and elsewhere–when Vice President Cheney was CEO of Halliburton and the trade embargo of Libya was in full effect. Halliburton’s British subsid, Kellogg Brown & Root (later, Brown & Root), built a steel tunnel throughout Libya, allegedly to transport water. The tunnel, more than 14 feet in diameter, was capable of transporting troops and military vehicle, opaque to our satellites.
Does the dismantling of the steel tunnel come with our restoration of diplomatic ties? Don’t count on it.
Still waiting on Daffy Qaddafi’s apologies to our Marines, whom he maimed and murdered. Still waiting for his henchmen, who carried out the attack and escaped to Libya, to face justice. Those things should have happened before any new recognition of Libya.
One of Qaddafi’s sons, Al Saadi Qaddafi, bought his way on to an Italian soccer team. (Just like his father bought his way back into our good graces.) But everyone, including his coach, acknowledges he is not a good soccer player. It is a facade meant to fool the world into believing the Qaddafis are cosmopolitan, humanitarian, and like us.
Just like their country, Libya’s, new position on terrorism. It’s a facade, too. Minus the black and white ball and the goal.

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May 15, 2006, - 8:59 am

Video From Friday FOX News Appearance

Thanks to Ian Schwartz from Expose the Left for posting video of my Friday appearance on FOX News Live, regarding the absurd idea of Oprah Winfrey as America’s spiritual guru, the topic of a , which quoted me.
Puh-leeze. The Oprah “I am creation’s daughter . . . . I am spirit” quote is the most pretentious drivel I’ve ever heard. Proof that people, not just plants and grass, ingest fertilizer by the gallon.

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May 14, 2006, - 10:21 am

Mother’s Day: Daniel Wultz, American Teen Victim of Islamic Terror, Dies

Last week, , an American teen-age boy from Miami, who was a victim of the , on April 17th.
Miraculously, though losing massive amounts of blood, suffering massive internal injuries, losing a kidney, his spleen, and a leg, Danny survived and awoke from his coma. But the pain of his injuries was too great for the 16-year-old who wanted to become a rabbi, and Danny was put back into a coma.
Sadly, this morning, Danny died. He is the eleventh fatal victim of that Passover homicide bombing perpetrated by Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and one of many unsung American victims of Palestinian Islamic terror. As we noted, unlike , there was very little news or blog coverage of the story of Danny Wultz. As Americans, we should be outraged at the treatment of our fellow American, both by the Palestinians and by our media.

Daniel Wultz, Z”L, 16-Year-Old American Victim of Palestinian Terror

Danny’s father Yekutiel (Tuly) was also injured in the bombing, where he and his son lunched together at Mayor’s Falafel, a kosher for Passover restaurant. He is quoted in The Jerusalem Post:

“Unfortunately, I remember everything,” he said. “Daniel was thrown into my hands, and asked me to pick him up. But when I saw the extent of his injuries, I laid him down to wait for an ambulance. I held his hand and told him I loved him, and he told me he loved me.”

Danny will be flown home for burial in Florida, Monday.

Lior Enidzer, Z”L, Left Wife of 1.5 Months

Over the weekend, Lior Enidzer of Neve Sha’anan, a 26-year-old Israeli, also died as a result of injuries from the bombing. He had just married his wife, two weeks earlier, and his family came to Israel when they were kicked out of their homes in Arab countries. But he could not get away from Islamic violence. It found him. 70 others suffered extreme wounds from the bombing.
Say a prayer for them.
Danny Wultz and Liro Enidzer, Zichronam Li’Vrochah (Blessed Be Their Memories). For their mothers, this will hardly be a happy Mother’s Day. Ever.
Say a prayer for them, too. And remember, the perpetrators of these crimes and their supporters throughout the Palestinian Authority are now getting millions in our tax money as a reward for such “efforts.”

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May 12, 2006, - 3:45 pm

Frankie Fig: ICE Sex Criminal Sentenced to Nothing; WWJD (What Will Julie Do)?

In the past few months, we’ve been watching, seeing, hearing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chieftess a/k/a “The ICE Princess” tell us how concerned she is with child porn and sex criminals.
Well, how concerned is she really? We’re not talking about the poor acting job she’s put upon America. We’re referring to the continuing saga of a/k/a “Frankie the Fig,” then-ICE Special Agent in Charge of Tampa, Florida.
The Fig was caught fondling himself in front of a teen-aged girl at an Orlando mall. This was right after he abruptly excused himself from a meeting with ICE Director of Investigations a/k/a “Peppermint Patty” (who picked him for the job). He then sped to his hotel where he changed from his coat and tie into shorts for “easy access” at the mall.
As , we’re glad he was caught by the girl at the mall and not by blackmailing terrorists who could have used it against the federal official, right in the heart of Sami Al-Arian country.

Frank Figueroa of ICE

He to the offense, and today, my inbox is overflowing from justifiably angry ICE agents, because the Fig was sentenced to no jail-time for his crime. He

was sentenced to 363 days of probation by an Orlando judge for allegedly exposing himself to a girl in a mall.
Figueroa was also ordered to undergo a psycho-sexual evaluation by Judge Leon Cheek. Figueroa has to pay a $500 fine, and perform 200 hours of community service. He was ordered to stay away from malls or other areas where teens might gather.
After a lengthy hearing, Figueroa said he was sorry for the events that took place that day in the mall, but under continued questioning by the judge stopped short of admitting that he had exposed himself to the girl.

This is significant because Fig was one of the highest ranking ICE agents in the country, and at one time, ran its Operation Predator program to apprehend sex criminals like himself who target children.
That is an outrage in and of itself. What is more outrageous, however, is that The ICE Princess, despite all her demogogic bluster about getting sex criminals, has not made disciplining her own high-ranking sex criminal a priority.

The ICE Princess & The Cheater Chick: ICE’s Anti-Ethics Grrrl Power

In fact, sources tell us that Myers and her choice for Director of ICE Office of Professional Responsibility, Traci Lembke a/k/a “The Cheater Chick” have decided to slow down, rather than speed up, their “investigation” (if you can call it that) into Figueroa.
Normally, someone convicted of such an offense would be dismissed from ICE and would lose his pension. But Figueroa can retire in July with his full pension of over $100,000, and after that, he is fully vested–it is untouchable. They have decided, with The ICE Princess calling the shots along with The Cheater Chick, to delay any discipline until after that time, when it is a moot point.
So, class, the lesson of today is this: If you are a normal civilian who commits a sex crime, and one of The ICE Princess’ Agents catches you, you get fired, lose everything, and probably serve time. If you are one of the ICE Princess’ agents, however, you get to pass go, collect over $100,000 per year for the rest of your life (plus full medical benefits for you and your family), and laugh all the way to the bank.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Remember that, the next time Julie Myers gets on your TV screen acting like she’s concerned about sex crimes and getting those who commit them. Clearly, she is not. Neither is , who is charged with investigating and disciplining wayward agents, but instead protects her friends (and fellow card-playing and drinking buds) and witch-hunts her enemies.
Just ask Frankie the Fig. Or better yet, the girl who was forced to see him “fondle himself.”
Our friend, Orlando Morning Talk Show Host Pat Campbell, informs us that Figueroa played the ethnicity card at his sentencing, pointing out that he is Latino . . . as if that has anything to do with the price of tea in China or exposing himself. One Latino ICE employee wrote us:

I found out about his “sentence” when I arrived at work. Shameful, I can safely say that all of us here . . . think he should have had the book thrown hard at him, law enforcement career or not! As for the Latino angle, what an insult (yes, I am Latino)! . . . [A]s if your heritage has something to do with being a pervert. Debbie, Keep up the good work exposing government waste & abuse!

Here are some of the many other messages we’ve gotten from Fig’s colleagues:

Hi Debbie,
I can’t wait to see how ICE handles the administrative aspect of this now. The criminal case is over and the time has come to deal with him directly.
Obviously, as a retired ICE Special Agent myself, I feel he should be terminated immediately and forfeit his retirement rights. But I doubt that will happen given the current incompetency reigning supreme at ICE HQ.


This is a Slap On the Face To ICE/CBP! – No jail Time on Sex Charge.

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May 12, 2006, - 11:40 am

Pink Bats & Alien Nannies: Mother’s Day Items of the PC Absurd

In honor of the impending Mother’s Day and the obligatory gifts, we thought we’d recognize how this holiday has been taken way too far:
* Today’s Wall Street Journal cites, a “pro-women’s” (really far-left, feminist) site, which

frets that immigration legislation may “rain on Mother’s Day” by forcing some immigrant nannies to leave.

Hello? . . . They’re illegal. They should be forced to leave. And maybe the kids should be raised by their own mothers. Are nannies really what Mother’s Day is about? We don’t think so.
* Major League Baseball announced that its players will be swinging pink bats this Mother’s Day weekend to raise awareness of breast cancer. the players will also wear pink wristbands, and pink bases, home plate, and decorations.

What’s Next–Pink Jockstraps?

C’mon, pink bats? This is absurd. It’s important to fight breast cancer. But all pro baseball players are men, and so is most of their audience. They suffer from prostate cancer, colon cancer, and other cancers that don’t get the attention that breast cancer does.
So what is MLB doing for those cancers. Nada.
* We’re against BS litigation, but we love class-action plaintiff Michael Cohn on behalf of all of its male ticketholders. He sued the Los Angeles Angels because they denied him a red nylon tote bag during a Mother’s Day promotion, last year, for the sole reason that he’s a guy. Because of it, this weekend, the Angels will offer Mother’s Day tote bags to everyone, regardless of gender.
Welcome to equality, Angels. Hmmm . . . Where are the Glorias (Alred and Steinem)?
* Today’s Wall St. Journal also reports that

the National Retail Federation says 31.5% of consumers plan to give clothing or accessories for Mother’s Day,

the majority of which are made in foreign countries. Beware. Don’t buy your mother anything made by slave labor in Palestinian-dominated/Islamist Jordan, or terror-tied Syria and United Arab Emirates. K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, and many other big stores have their clothes made in these places.
Slave labor making people that hate us, Infidels, rich. Not the kind of thing to contribute to on Mother’s Day . . . or ever.
* McDonald’s announced it has established a “Global Moms Panel” to provide the fast-food chain with guidance on such topics as balanced and active lifestyle initiatives, restaurant communications, and children’s well-being. That includes advising the restaurant how to trim fat from kids. Why not Dads? Is Mickey D’s sexist? Just asking.

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May 12, 2006, - 11:09 am

American Sleaze: “Virgin” Records Says Strip Clubs New CD Launchpad

Sleaze alert. Yet another sign of the speedy American decline.
Want to be on the FM radio playlist? Then get out your metal pole.
Apparently to make it in the music industry, these days, your tunes have to have their start in a strip club. So says Jermaine Dupri, President of Urban Music for, of all companies, “Virgin” Records (he’s also Mr. Janet Jackson).
Dupri says that since it’s harder to crack the radio playlists and dance clubs only play mixes of already popular songs, he and other record execs have turned to strip clubs where DJs can play full tracks. Reports Billboard:

“Word-of-mouth is still one of the biggest promotion factors out there,” Universal Motown VP of rap promotion Troy Marshall adds. “That has helped turn strip clubs into big business.” . . .

The strip club circuit also is a great place to see and be seen for those in the hip-hop business. Virgin’s Dupri, who declares that “strip club airplay is (more influential) than radio airplay in Atlanta,” has signed artists as a result of his strip club forays. These include rappers Mannish Man and T. Waters.
“Strip clubs are definitely a good place to meet people, learn things and see what’s happening in other people’s worlds. I’m probably the only label president there every other week,” Dupri says with a laugh.
Record executives love the easy access to quick feedback provided by strip clubs. “You can often gauge how hot your record is by the number of times strippers request the song during a given night,” says one major-label promotion executive who requested anonymity.

Strip clubs, the new pop music underground. How nice.

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