May 23, 2006, - 2:43 pm

Daniel Wultz Legacy: How Your Congressman Voted on Palestinian Terrorism

We’ve written a lot about (, , , and )–the brave American teenage victim of Islamic terror who died, last week. Many friends of his Miami-based family, including Linda Maurice, have contacted me. Writes Linda:

Despite his pain, Tuly Wultz (Daniel’s father) is a man with a mission. He said to my husband Charles and me that while his leg will heal, his “chest has a hole where his heart was, and that will never heal.” As I tried to explain to my grieving 13 year old (she is having an incredibly tough time dealing with Daniel’s death… she doesn’t understand why all their prayers didn’t work), everyone needs to find a way to deal with difficult times. My way is
through writing and activism. It’s what keeps me going. And I think
fighting back is what is going to move Tuly forward too.

Today, Daniel’s parents, Tuly and Sheryl Wultz, were scheduled to appear with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, to press for American pressure on the Palestinians who continue to support terror. They were there to urge Members of Congress to vote for the H.R. 4681, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006.

Never Again . . . But, Unfortunately, Again

The bill–which was heavily opposed by the Islamist lobby in the U.S.–passed, today, 361-37.
While we are no fans of PM Olmert and feel that his weakness and landgrab on behalf of Islamic terrorists only encourages more attacks like the one on Passover which claimed Wultz, we do support this bill. It has a number of measures we only wish our government would be forced to undertake. Until the Palestinian Authority takes serious steps to stop terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, has financial transparency, and a number of other reasonable conditions, the bill would:

* Restrict all financial and other assistance to the Palestinian Authority;
* Restrict all financial and other assistance to the Palestinian controlled-areas of the West Bank and Gaza;
* Restrict monies to UN agencies and programs helping the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza;
* Designate the Palestinian Authority as a Terrorist Entity;
* Deny Visas for PA officials and prohibit them from having representatives in the U.S., including diplomats;
* Target international financial institutions funding them; and
* Prohibit any U.S. officials from having any diplomatic ties with Palestinian terror organizations (that one should have been U.S. policy long ago).

So, which Congressmen voted in favor of Islamic terrorism?
The roll-call vote was recorded, and the following Congressmen voted NO to this (most of them are the usual loyal Arabs and anti-Semitic loons–like , , Moran, , Kucinich, , and ):


Jones (NC)
McCollum (MN)


Miller, George
Moore (WI)
Moran (VA)
Price (NC)
The following Congressmen abstained (including Jesse Jackson’s son):
Davis (IL)
Jackson (IL)
Johnson, E. B.
The following Congressmen did NOT vote (including, conspicuously, “):
Brown, Corrine
Camp (MI)
Davis (FL)

Kennedy (RI)
Larson (CT)
Lewis (GA)
Peterson (PA)
(If your Congressman is not on any of these lists, he/she voted for the bill, a vote that should have been a no-brainer.)

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May 23, 2006, - 1:52 pm

Just as I Predicted: Welcome to Islam’s Mid-East “Democracy”

As we’ve noted, Oprah Winfrey ,” last year. Actually, HOprah, that title is held by Israel. Kuwait is NOT a democracy.
In April, the mainstream media throughout America, also because hijab-encrusted women were allowed to vote. But, , the unelected Emir of Kuwait–from its royal Al Sabah family–really runs the show. We said the elections were phony and that the Emir could invalidate them and uproot those elected, at any time.
And it’s yet another correct prediction of On Sunday, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah dissolved the “elected” Kuwaiti parliament and called for new elections. He didn’t like the parlaiment’s ideas for electoral reform. So he did what any dictator in a NON-democracy does. He yanked them out.

Fake: Welcome to Sheikh Al-Sabah’s “Democracy”

So, now, we have a new definition of Islamic democracy in the Middle East. I used to think it meant one man, one vote, ONCE. But Sheikh Al Sabah proved me wrong. His new definition is one man, one vote, every time the dictator wants a new result. The Kuwaiti parliament has been dissolved at least four times now, with previous dissolutions in 1976, 1986 and 1999.
We’re still waiting for a HOprah correction. But not holding our breath.
Either way, the Kuwaiti parliament is populated by ever-increasing extremists who hate America, so the contest between the Kuwaiti Emir and his “democratic” parliament is like “Alien vs. Predator.” We just wish they could both lose.

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May 23, 2006, - 12:39 pm

Saudi School Bus Men Released: Stupid Judges & the Terrorists Who Luv ’em, Part MCMXLII

If you want to know why Islamists overseas laugh at us and potential terrorists on our shores find it so easy, just ask Judge Mark Wolfe.
This morning, he released , on their own recognizance (meaning a no-money bail). The men boarded a Tampa school bus, laughed and joked, and one wore a long trenchcoat in the Florida heat. When questioned by police, they lied about where they were from, gave a gazillion different stories about why they were on the bus, etc. (Watch the video from Tampa News Channel 8 here.)

Mana Saleh Almanajam & Shaker Mohsen Alsidran:

Dry Run Men Released on the Public

The judge released them because authorities–including our friends at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–say the men are here legally, taking English lessons at the University of Sami’s Followers a/k/a the University of South Florida. But instead of releasing them, he should have asked the several serious questions that remain about these two men, besides those we’ve already asked. We only wish our friends at the Tampa ICE office would look for the answers.
For instance, our friend, Bill Warner, a South Florida private investigator, points out that one of the men, Al-Manajam, has a new Florida Drivers License #A455-540-82-332-0, but no car registered to him. Why does he need a driver’s license if he does not drive? Well, it might have something to do with the fact that you can do a lot in this country with a driver’s license . . . as 19 men who ended up putting planes into buildings easily discovered.
And HOW did he get a driver’s license? From the State of Florida regarding obtaining a driver’s license:

Identifying Yourself
State law requires identification, proof of date of birth and social security number from all customers before a driver license or identification card can be issued.

Hmmm . . . does Al-Manajam have a fraudulent Social Security number? As an alien whose been here only a few months, it’s hard to believe he would have one legitimately. So, how did he get the license? Did ICE look in to this?
The school district is praising the substitute bus driver for calling the school security, but not making them get off the bus. But if this was a real terrorist attack–and it appears to have been yet another dry run rehearsal for one–the murder of the driver and all the children on the bus would have already happened by the time the bus was “greeted” by authorities.
We know that Islamic terrorists target children on school buses. Just ask the dozens of children in Ma’alot. They can’t answer because they are dead, as a result of terror attacks by Palestinians who targeted them on the way to school.
If Ferris Bueller got on a school bus where he didn’t belong, wearing a trench coat in the hot weather, he’d be under heavy watch. Unless he entered from Saudi Arabia (and lied about it), apparently.

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May 23, 2006, - 12:02 pm

Sniper Trial Media Whitewash: Are you Traveling Along “Allah 1”?

The trial of John Allen Muhammad, the Muslim D.C. sniper murderer, is ongoing, with Muslim partner-in-crime Lee Malvo among the last witnesses testifying.
Is this the religion of peace? Their actions said otherwise. But we note that not only do none of the news reports of the trial mention Islam (or call the snipers what they are: Islamic Terrorists), more glaring is that they do not mention one key point in FBI expert testimony, which our astute readers caught:

The name the snipers chose for their route of killing, marked with skulls and crossbones to denote good potential kills, was called “ALLAH ONE.”

Yet, another pair of hijackers of their religion. Right? More like the other way around. Here’s what the whitewashing press DID report:

Allah One: Religion of Peace’s Preferred Travel Route

Skull and crossbones mark murder scenes on maps saved on the computer, John Hair, an FBI computer expert, testified.
The Falls Church Home Depot where FBI analyst Linda Franklin was fatally shot in the head Oct. 14, 2002, as she loaded packages into her car with her husband was labeled, “good one.”
Oladell Martin, sister of sniper victim James D. Martin, put her hand to her mouth when she saw the skull and crossbones over the Aspen Hill Shoppers Food Warehouse where her brother was killed Oct. 2, 2002.
Other maps trace routes between consecutive shootings and identify potential killing sites with comments such as, “Good spot off 95.”
Another file found on the computer reads like a rough draft of the notes demanding money that were left at three of the shootings.

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May 23, 2006, - 11:10 am

Desperately Seeking Jimmy (Hoffa)

To all those who whine that the media focuses only on missing persons who are cute young White girls, your theory is proven wrong.
Jimmy Hoffa was neither female nor young. And not cute either. But our media’s fascination with his disappearance and government’s obsession with finding his body is unmatched by any Natalee Holloway hype.
In Michigan, searches and digs for Hoffa’s body are as common as Paris Hilton’s sex tapes and bed partners. And equally as fruitful, since despite all the tips of his whereabouts, Hoffa’s body has never been found. It’s the boy who cried wolf with a giant sinkhole of taxpayer dollars to go with it.

Hoffa Searches & Paris Hilton: 2 Things We Don’t Need

Whether or not authorities find Hoffa’s body, how will that benefit anyone? True, Hoffa’s children want to know what happened to that father. But so do many other relatives of missing persons. And they never get the gazillions in tax money in pursuit of that quest. It is simply not in the budget.
This time it’s a little different. Instead of Michigan law enforcement running “the dig,” it’s the Federal Bureau of Investigation. At least 50 agents have been brought from Detroit, Chicago, and Washington to prod and poke every inch of the ironically named Hidden Dreams Farm in Milford. They expect to spend two weeks of taxpayer resources–an estimated $1 million–on this extravaganza.
I like a good mob story as much as the next person, but this is a ridiculous waste of tax dollars and an expanded FBI budget meant by Congress to fight Islamic terrorism.
FBI Director Robert Mueller, stung by pre-9/11 ineptitude, repeatedly claims counterterrorism is now his agency’s number one priority. Last year, Michigan’s FBI Special Agent in Charge said the same in news stories justifying his quest for a .
Fighting terrorism should be the priority. But is it really? The massive, no-holds barred Hoffa dig says otherwise.
Hoffa disappeared 31 years ago from Machus Red Fox. And like the home in Detroit, the backyard swimming pool at a house in central Michigan, the end zone at Giants Stadium, and assorted other locations, the FBI will probably fail to find Hoffa’s body during this latest search. It’s an endless chase with no pay-off even if there is a pay-off. Even if they find his body, what purpose is served–30 years later–in doing so?
For starters, a lot of glorious FBI PR in the name of Cosa Nostra folklore. The agency’s image has suffered a lot, lately. At Zacarias Moussaoui’s terror trial in April, FBI Agent testified about how he tried 70 times to get permission to search Moussaoui’s hard drive and belongings, which might have uncovered the 9/11 plot. FBI supervisors testified that they still had not read Samit’s 25-page memo documenting his fear that Moussaoui was connected to a hijacking plot, which we now know was the case. Little has changed.
In Detroit, several indicted individuals with alleged ties to Hezbollah, long ago fled the country, under the not so watchful eyes of the FBI and Department of Justice. Going over every inch of a farm in quest of the Holy Grail of Hoffa’s corpse, gets our minds away from that. The Hoffa disappearance is a sexy story, but worthless in terms of justice served. It’s not the job of taxpayers to fund the FBI’s wish to superimpose itself on “The Godfather” long after that age has ended.
USA Today reported that Cosa Nostra organized crime families in America are dying out and largely impotent. Which is a bigger threat to our safety, today: another 9/11 attack and nuclear weapons from Iran OR the deceased Anthony “Tony Jack” Giacalone, Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano, and assorted other now-elderly or -dead mobsters who might have assassinated Hoffa?
Since the FBI–with this search–has sent the message that it doesn’t know the correct answer to that question, we should all be worried.
The Jimmy Hoffa goosechase should end. It’s time for it to be relegated, forever, to American mob mythology and the professionals who write “The Sopranos.”
America cannot afford to solve every mystery. Real life is not “Sex & The City.” You can’t always get “closure.”

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May 22, 2006, - 12:40 pm

He Said It: Islamic Leader/Abu M Buddy Denounces English, U.S. Military

So much for patriotic American Muslims. If they’re so patriotic and American, why do they pick a leader/spokesman who denounces our language and even our military?
And why do the Justice Dept., FBI, and Homeland Security repeatedly kowtow to someone with such anti-American sentiments?
That’s a question that only they and can answer. Hamad–“former” Islamic terrorist, FBI award revokee, and Midwest Regional Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee–has some interesting views on English, as spewed against a Detroit suburb’s new law mandating English translations for all foreign language signs, in today’s Detroit Spews:

Imad Hamad: Fed Panderers’ Best John

(Hamadafat artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

“I can’t swallow any effort that moves in the direction of forcing a person or entity to utilize English,” said Imad Hamad, regional director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

The law is quite tame. It doesn’t require the signs to be in English, only that they feature a translation. In cases of emergencies, that could be very helpful for the rest of us, who actually speak English.
Worse than his views on English are Hamad’s views on Muslims and Arabs serving in the U.S. military. Here’s what he told Reuters:

“A lot of policies seemed to focus on Arab-Americans after 9/11 so people asked: ‘Why should I be part of an entity that is inflicting injustices or a selective approach on my own community?'” said Imad Hamad, head of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee’s Dearborn office.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?
And yet Imad Hamad is kowtowed to by all of our local and federal law enforcement chieftains, including FBI Director , Dept. of Homeland Security official , U.S. Attorney , FBI Special Agent in Charge , and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz.”

Imad Hamad With DHS’ Dan Sutherland, Brian Moskowitz

Your tax dollars at work . . . for the enemy.

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May 22, 2006, - 10:13 am

SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Immigration Agency’s Sweetheart Deal 4 Sex Criminal Agent; ICE Official Clark Made Deal

If you’re a sex criminal, make sure you are an ICE Agent. That’s the best way to get off easy (no pun intended).
For months, we have detailed the saga of a/k/a “Frankie the Fig,” the then-Tampa Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). We have wondered why this sex criminal remains an ICE Agent and will soon collect his entire $100,000 plus per year retirement, plus full benefits–courtesy of the American taxpayer.
We have why a federal law enforcement agency that claims to go after sex criminals makes nice-nice with its own sex offenders. Now, we know. ICE officials, specifically ICE Deputy Assistant Secretary John P. Clark, made a one-sided deal with Figueroa (the one-side being HIS side) not to discipline him. It’s an outrage of epic proportions, made more outrageous by the fact that the 2nd in Command of ICE did the deal to protect his friend, Figueroa, a convicted sex criminal.

Sweetheart Deal:

ICE 2nd in Command John Clark & Sex Criminal Frank Figueroa

In October, Fig was caught fondling himself in front of a 16-year-old girl at an Orlando mall (he left early from an ICE meeting to change into shorts–for easy “access”–and head to the mall). A video showed everything, and while the Fig pleaded “no contest,” he told the judge he did nothing wrong and was just “scratching [an itch on] my crotch.” This was for the same crime. A lot of itches to be scratched. Incredibly, then-Customs officials made him chief of Operation Predator–the agencies child sex-crime unit–for the entire nation, despite the “itches.”
Now, we have learned that ICE’s Office of Investigations–headed by a/k/a “Peppermint Patty,” who was at the meeting Figueroa abruptly left, in order to fondle himself in public–and ICE entered into a one-sided agreement with Frank Figueroa allowing him to step down from his position as Tampa ICE Chief, remain on administrative leave, and retire with his full pension.
In return for this sweetheart deal with a convicted sex offender, the U.S. taxpayers get . . . nothing.
Although the deal was reportedly made before The ICE Princess–ICE Chief –was “on the job,” Clark remains her 2nd in command despite making this sordid deal with a sex criminal. So much for her declarations all over the national media about how she wants to stop sex offenders who target children.
We are told that then-ICE Director of the Office of Professional Responsibility OPR), Robert Webber (who is now, ironically, in Figueroa’s former position as Special Agent in Charge of Tampa), opposed this deal and said it was wrong. But he was ignored. We’re told that , the acting current head of OPR, also opposed the deal. Though, we find that interesting, since she, herself, uses her position to protect her friends and pursue her and her friends’ enemies.
So why did John Clark and the ICE “leadership” do this to us? He and an ICE attorney who worked for him considered Figueroa a friend and pushed for the deal. Sources say ICE has always been afraid to go after high-ranking people within the agency who do wrong. They liked Figueroa and wanted to allow him to leave quietly because he once was second in command at the Office of Investigations at U.S. Customs. Friends in high places.
Ironically, that lawyer is reportedly now on administrative leave, himself, for alleged sexual harassment. We tried to reach the lawyer to confirm, but got this voice-mail message at his ICE direct phone number: “I’m no longer at this number. I may be reached by e-mail. Thank you.” We were unable to reach him by e-mail, either.
He probably shouldn’t worry, though, because he, too, will probably get a sweetheart deal. The few ICE agents who are sex offenders are back on the job, giving a bad name to the many dedicated, hard-working, law-abiding agents in ICE. As , the Detroit ICE office, under the “leadership” of Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz,” employs an agent caught with a prostitute in his government vehicle while drunk driving AND an agent who is an accused child molester. An ICE agent in Texas, , remains employed and paid, even though she and her cop boyfriend handcuffed a woman to a hot tub, when the woman refused to perform a sex act on the two of them, about a year ago.
We’re not obsessed with sex and sex offenders in ICE, but we are obsessed with the protection of this country from terrorists, cronyism, and, well, sex-offenders. The double standard of justice for those committing offenses within and without ICE is glaring in its hypocrisy. And it’s a great way to make the agency rife with . ICE doesn’t take these sex criminals seriously. But those who want to bring this country down surely know that they have plenty of easy targets for getting what they want.
At this point, it’s very hard to believe the slogan on ICE’s website (and just above John Clark’s biography):

Protecting America and Upholding Public Safety

In the case of Frank Figueroa and many others, that’s just not the case. This is, perhaps, the reason that, as we noted, , which was on Customs Badges:


We’re very sure our friends at the office of U.S. Senator Charles Grassley, who has been looking into the strange case of Frank Figueroa, will be very interested in this story. We’d bet there are some very incriminating e-mails, if the ICE “leadership” hasn’t already destroyed them to cover it up.
Who is watching the watchers?

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May 21, 2006, - 1:51 pm

So, Two Saudi Men Walk Into a . . . School Bus . . .

So, two Saudi men in their 20s walk onto a school bus by accident. Ri-i-i-i-ght. And they lie about where they are from. And it just so happens they are students at the University of Followers. Oops, I mean, the University of South Florida. Coincidence? Accident? Sure.
Our favorite South Florida paper, The Tampa Trib, has two stories on Mana Saleh Almanajam and Shaker Mohsen (here and here).

Mana Saleh Almanajam & Shaker Mohsen Alsidran:

Coming to Your Kids’ School Bus?

Predictably, our friends at , explain it away:

Bedier [Ahmed Bedier, head of Tampa CAIR] called the court’s decision to revoke bail an overreaction and tied to the men being Arabic and Muslim.
“The only reason [this happened] is because of who they are, and that’s wrong,” he said.

And this one:

Ahmed Bedier, Tampa director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said the men likely meant no harm and that because “they were from Saudi Arabia, that escalated the situation.”
He blamed the incident on cultural differences.
“They didn’t differentiate between a school bus and public transportation,” he said.

Uh-huh. And that’s why the two not only lied about their nationality, but repeatedly changed their stories about what they were doing on the bus. Well, actually, that is a cultural difference. Unlike Islam, Christianity and Judaism do not preach taqiyah and takfir (two different types of deception of Infidels and non-believers). And they don’t send people to scout out the possibility of attacks on school buses or . This is the SECOND apparent dry run by Muslims in America, this week. More about .
So were these men proteges of terrorist Al-Arian and his legion of Tampa area Islamist followers, who still populate USF?
Thanks to many readers for sending us the articles and TV reports (especially those by Tampa Bay 10’s Valerie Boey–here and here). Note the different tone in coverage from the pro-Islamist St. Petersburg Times (which helped and supported terrorist Sami Al-Arian) vs. The Tampa Tribune (an objective paper).
A nice round-up by Michelle Malkin on this.

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May 19, 2006, - 1:39 pm

Terrorism FBI Priority?: Latest Jimmy Hoffa Dig Says Otherwise

Not far from where I live is Machus Red Fox (now Andiamo’s), the restaurant from which Teamster’s President Jimmy Hoffa disappeared in 1975.
I like a good mob story as much as the next person. But living in Detroit, rumors and resulting dig-ups of back-yards looking for Jimmy Hoffa are as common as Paris Hilton bed partners. And equally as valuable to society. As in, not very.
They never find the former Teamster’s Union president’s body, either. It’s the boy who cried wolf with a giant sinkhole of taxpayer dollars to go with it.

Who Killed Jimmy Hoffa? Who Cares; “Tony Jack” Giacalone

The FBI–nationally and in Detroit–repeatedly claims that its number one priority is fighting terrorism. So, why on earth is the FBI using tens of hundreds of agents–from Detroit, Chicago, AND Washington, DC–to scour a farm in suburban Detroit looking for Jimmy Hoffa’s body, over the next two weeks. No expense is being spared by the feds, and it is an incredible waste of resources. FIFTY(!) FBI agents are digging up the farm to look for Hoffa. It’s absurd.
We predict that the FBI will fail to find Hoffa’s body during this latest search. But, even if they do find his body, what purpose is served–30 years later–in doing so? Even then, it will be nothing more than tax dollar waste in the name of Cosa Nostra folklore.
There can be only one purpose in this Jimmy Hoffa exhumation circus: media coverage, PR, and face-time for the FBI and its Special Agent in Charge . This whole affair is a symptom of his unquenched edifice complex. We’ve written about Roberts and his claims that terrorism is his office’s number one priority–a phony excuse to get taxpayers to shell out for a new Detroit FBI building.
But clearly, terrorism is NOT the priority. Or there wouldn’t be the time, the money, the many agents to spare, going over every inch of the Milford Farm in the quest for the Holy Grail of Hoffa’s rotted corpse. It’s a sexy story, but worthless in terms of justice served. It’s not the job of taxpayers to fund the FBI’s wish to superimpose itself on “The Godfather” long after that age has ended.

Daniel Roberts: Look At Me, I’m in the FBI & I’m Wasting Your Tax $s Searching for Hoffa AND TV Cameras; Like Way Totally Cool

(Photo of Hoffa Dig by Paul Sancya/AP)

What is a bigger threat to our safety, today: another 9/11 attack/nuclear weapons from Iran OR the deceased Anthony “Tony Jack” Giacalone, Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano, and assorted other now-elderly or -dead mobsters who might have assassinated Hoffa?
Since the FBI doesn’t know the correct answer to that, we should all be worried.
The dissapearance of Jimmy Hoffa allegedly resulted in a fatal trip to a salami factory in Cleveland, the end zone in Giants Stadium, underneath a backyard swimming pool in central Michigan, a home in Detroit, and now a farm in a Detroit suburb. But they are all fantasy, including–likely the last one. What happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Who cares. It’s an endless chase with no pay-off even if there is a pay-off.
The Jimmy Hoffa investigation should have ended. Far too much time has been spent on it. And it’s time for it to be relegated, forever, to American mob mythology or the professionals who write “The Sopranos.”
America cannot afford to solve every mystery no matter how much desired media storm it creates for Dan Roberts and the Federal Bureau of Irrelevant Investigation.

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May 19, 2006, - 12:31 pm

Abu Moskowitz: Islamist-Enabling ICE Official To Leave Detroit?

In just a couple of weeks, this blog celebrates its first anniversary, G-d willing. , we’ve been on the trail of , Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz.”
In that time, Brian Moskowitz’s kowtowing to Islamo-fascists in the Detroit area has been superceded only by his And, oh yeah, his various , speeches, and other –all directed, via your taxpayer dollars, at me. And there’s also his various demands for investigations into my phone records and who told me about his repeated home dinner guest, “former” Islamic terrorist and FBI award revokee , and that Abu M aggressively ).

Abu E. Moskowitz: Buh-Bye?

So, imagine the delight, this morning, when we heard the rumor that Abu Moskowitz is transferring out of Detroit in two months. We haven’t been able to confirm this. But if true, the cherry on top is that Abu M is to be replaced by James A. Dinkins, a professional manager and law enforcer with a stellar career of stopping terrorist money-laundering, both as a Customs agent in Detroit working Operation Greenquest, and as the leader of the Cornerstone Program at ICE Headquarters–in which he educates businesses in how to identify and stop funds going to terror.
ICE Agents in Michigan and Ohio are celebrating and hoping the rumor is true. Jim Dinkins is respected, well-liked, and not imperious. And he knows how to manage and run an aggressive, thorough law enforcement operation. Moskowitz was the exact opposite of all of these things and despised throughout. We doubt there will be any misuse of ICE Agents as ” episodes.
This is also bad news, however, because Abu Moskowitz’s move to Washington is said to be a big promotion with an equally big raise. Your tax dollars are already paying him $139,900 per year, but soon it may be over $200,000. We were hoping he’d become Special Agent in Charge of Anchorage. But no such luck.
Moskowitz will reportedly become a Director or Assistant Director of ICE. With all of his coziness with terrorists and their Islamo-fascist supporters, this is disturbing. Now, all of America may be subject to the machinations we had here in Michigan, in which immigration and money-laundering investigations were deliberately directed away from Muslims (who, after all, did commit 9/11 attacks, etc.) and toward Chinese and Latinos. More disturbing, it also tells us that ICE “leadership”–especially a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” and ICE Director of Investigations a/k/a “Peppermint Patty”–approve of the Mosque-owitz model for ICE (something we already knew, but the repeated confirmation is jarring).

Coming to ICE HQ?: Moskowitz-esque Islamo-Fascist Enabling

(Muslim Abu M artwork by Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

The reason the Department of Homeland Security and ICE were created was to address the 9/11 attacks and prevent them from happening again. The promotion of Brian Moskowitz to an even higher position of leadership within the agency does the exact opposite.
When, at , we observed Moskowitz, we were disturbed by the degree that these terror supporters were Abu-M-ophiles. Osama Siblani–publisher of the extremist Arab American News, an open supporter of Hezbollah, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, etc., and believed to be getting funds from nefarious sources in Lebanon–made a comment directed at us. “Brian Muskovich [Siblani’s pronunciation of Abu M’s surname] is the finest public servant in the United States. Our community has no greater friend in the federal government than Brian Muskovich [Moskowitz].”
Coming from Siblani, that’s hardly comfort to the rest of us. You can tell a lot about a person from the company they keep. Siblani’s endorsement of Muskovich/Moskowitz says it all.
We may not have Brian Moskowitz to kick around in Michigan and Ohio, anymore. But we will be watching his every move in Washington. (We got full reports from his month at ICE Headquarters, last year.)

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