May 26, 2006, - 4:10 pm

Memorial Day Weekend Read: Judge Michael Warren on the Removal of “America” From America

As we honor our fallen troops on Memorial Day, we must ask ourselves something: While freedom of speech is precious, is freedom FROM “America” even more so? Apparently, that’s the case at the Michigan Department of Education, which wants to erase “America” from tests, courses, and virtually everything else in Michigan public schools. This is something not unique to Michigan, but happening in states around the nation–whether it’s textbooks or curricula.
We cannot say enough about the brilliant, frightening, but not surprising op-ed piece about this by Oakland County, Michigan Circuit Court Judge Michael Warren. (Warren was a member of the Michigan Board of Education prior to becoming a Judge. A bright, well-spoken conservative, he’s one of the few good things that is the legacy of former Michigan Gov. John Engler.) Even better, Warren’s column appeared in The Detroit Spews, which has little good in it, these days, unless you consider the Spews’ regular good. And we do not.

Michigan Judge Michael Warren

Here is part of what Judge Warren has to say:

Censoring the word “America” from our own schools is something Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden would never have thought possible. Michigan has done it without a whimper.
In perhaps a well-intentioned, but pernicious example of political correctness, the Michigan Department of Education is attempting to ban the “America” and “American” from our public schools. Even though the word “America” appears in the department’s own civics and government benchmarks, the department’s style protocol for the Michigan Education Assessment Program requires that “America” and “Americans” be expunged from our testing and grade level expectations. Last week, the department ordered that our hard-working teachers not utter the words.
The Department of Education asserts that “Americans” includes Mexicans, Canadians and others in the Western Hemisphere, so referring to U.S. residents as Americans is inappropriate. In the department’s view, “America” happens to include South, Central and North America. Accordingly, when referring to the colonial period, the state bureaucracy requires teachers to refer to “the colonies of North America” or “North Americans.” After the American Revolution, the nation is called the United States (not of America).


After the American Revolution, the Founding Fathers no longer qualified as North Americans, but apparently the British, Spanish, French and Native Americans did. What people in the United States are to be called after the Revolution is not clear, so long as they are not referred to as Americans.
Although the style protocol does not require educators to change formal titles such as “America the Beautiful,” the students will apparently now believe the song is about a hemisphere and not a nation. The American Revolution is now the North American Revolution. Little did the writers of the Contract with America in 1994 realize that they were making an agreement with Mexico and Canada. The Voice of America obviously is broadcasting the inspirational messages of Brazil and Belize across the globe.
The Michigan Department of Education considers the dictate “internationally friendly.” Why being friendly to an international audience or perspective is important in teaching and learning American history is incomprehensible.
That we would sacrifice our language to the altar of internationalism is a betrayal to the American spirit.

Judge Warren concludes by saying:

The time has come for our Michigan Department of Education to recognize the error of its ways and proclaim that it is teaching about America and Americans in American history and civics. In fact, the department should repent by creating an “American Freedom Curriculum” in which K-12 students learn the principles and history of the greatest nation on earth. Then the department will be worthy of the treasure for which they are responsible.

AMEN! Predictably, after Judge Warren’s piece ran on Wednesday, Michigan Board of Education officials have been back-pedaling and issuing a gazillion different stories and denials on this. Among them is the Michigan Department of Education Social Studies Consultant, Karen Todorov. She verbally told social studies advisory
committee (a committee that is responsible for informing Michigan teachers about what the Department of Education wants done) that “America” and “American” should not be used by teachers.
Now, Todorov and her allies are eating crow. Had Judge Warren not exposed this, instead of crow, all of Michigan’s public school students would be eating–and regurgitating this absurd propaganda (minus “America”). Kudos to him for doing his civic duty, bringing it to the public’s attention, and helping put the kabosh on this absurd and detrimental movement to erase the unique American identity from the minds of Michigan’s kids.
Coming to your state? Or, perhaps, already there?

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May 26, 2006, - 3:49 pm

Muslim NYC Subway Bomber Convicted: Why We Must Be Vigilant/Not Rely on the FBI

For those who think that the terror threat on our shores is exaggerated, that Islam is the religion of peace, whose followers here are all loyal Americans, and that 9/11’s 19 men were some sort of aberration, remember the case of Pakistani Muslim immigrant Shahawar Matin Siraj.
On Wednesday, Siraj was convicted of conspiracy to blow up one of New York City’s busiest subway stations. He wanted to bring down the mall above it and also spoke of blowing up the Verrazano Bridge.
Siraj, 23, was arrested with James Elshafay, another plot suspect, on the eve of the 2004 Republican National Convention in NYC. They were carrying diagrams of New York’s Herald Square subay station. He caught the attention of an informant and an undercover police officer , due to his anti-American rants at an Islamic bookstore.

Shahawar Matin Siraj: Convicted Terrorist Stopped by NYPD, NOT FBI

Note this was a NEW YORK COP, NOT an FBI Agent, who noticed the man and foiled the plot. The guys at “Famous But Incompetent” are too busy –and –to discover these kinds of things. The FBI doesn’t like that the NYPD has a large undercover counterterrorist division or that it has sent terrorism experts to learn from the pros in the evil Zionist entity, Israel. Maybe they don’t like it because it’s successful, whereas the FBI’s counterterrorism efforts are, well . . . .
Islamic terrorists in our midst? Yes, sirree, Bob. And plenty of them still out there on the loose.

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May 26, 2006, - 3:41 pm

SCARY for Travel: 1431 TSA Uniforms, Badges Missing

Not exactly comforting news on the eve of a high travel weekend. CNN’s Brian Collister did Freedom of Information Act requests on DHS and discovered that TSA airport screeners are missing more than 1,431 badges and uniforms since 2003. Many have been stolen, likely by terrorists and sleeper cells.
Watch the whole frightening video displaying how easy these materials allow non-screened entrance into major airports.

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May 26, 2006, - 3:24 pm

Qaeda Central: Religion of Peace in Somalia

Yesterday, the deadliest fighting in Somalia in 14 years broke out, but the U.S. wasn’t there. Muslims were there in spades, however. We’re sure they’ll find a way to blame it on us evil, capitalist, western Infidels anyway.
But we’d like to point out why the fighting is going on. Islamic terrorist militias are fighting secular militias in Mogadishu and beyond. It got worse Thursday because fanatical Muslims will not let others live in Somalia in piece. Muslim terrorists captured a strategic road junction and seized the Sahafi Hotel, owned by a member of the anti-terrorism Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism. The fighting began in Northern Mogadishu and expanded eastward and southward.
A May 14th cease-fire, like all cease-fires with Islamic terrorists, means nothing. The Muslims have killed more than 60 people and wounded more than 150.

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May 26, 2006, - 2:26 pm

Hilarious: Saudi Dry-Run “Bus Riders” Here on “Cultural Understanding” Scholarship

Some of us understand Islamic culture very well. And many, many Muslims understand American culture VERY, VERY, VERY WELL (enabling them to take very good advantage of it–to our detriment).
So we were annoyed some months ago when we read that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, via an agreement with King Abdullah and President Bush, was granting scholarships to hundreds of Saudis to study at schools here. Even more annoyed when we learned, today, that in Tampa are here on such a scholarship.
What is there left to “understand” . . . other than their taqiyah (deception of all Infidels and non-believing Muslims) and our falling for it; their hatred of us and our desire not to want to violate the civil rights of those who want to take away our ultimate civil right, life?

Mana Saleh Almanajam & Shaker Mohsen Alsidran:

Saudi Dry-Run Bus Riders Here for Cultural Understanding

Yes, the two Saudi men who conducted an apparent dry run of hijacking a Tampa school bus, last Friday, are here on just such a “cultural understanding” scholarship. Looks like they got a lot of cultural understanding when they boarded a school bus without the bus driver stopping them or refusing to move the bus, lied about it to police, and ultimately, are walking free here. We doubt King Abdullah would stand for that if Americans did it in his country, er . . . Kingdom.
According to The Arab News, the English house press organ of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

The two Saudis came to the United States via a scholarship program offered by Saudi Arabia to promote cultural understanding between the two countries.

Well past time to end this kind of “understanding” and give these two men a new version, as in deportation or jail.
More about the two Saudi men , , and , .
Thanks to eagle-eyed private investigator Bill Warner for the tip.

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May 26, 2006, - 2:14 pm

We Made a Difference: Hasbro Cancels Stripper Dolls for Girls

Recently, we wrote about aimed at 6-year-old girls, further denying them a childhood.
Many of our readers to complain about this outrage. And it apparently worked. Hasbro announced that it has cancelled the scheduled production of the stripper dolls, giving some phony reason about their music marketing partner.
The real reason is well-expressed outrage by readers of this site and other equally upset, concerned Americans. Sometimes we can make a difference, correcting wrongs. And in this case, we did.
To any of our readers who think you cannot make a difference, this is evidence that, indeed, you can.

“The Pussycat Dolls”: NOT Coming Soon to Your Daughter’s Toy Chest

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May 26, 2006, - 1:36 pm

“Enemy of the State”: ABC Network Up To Old Tricks; But HAYDEN CONFIRMED to HEAD CIA

Surprise, surprise. ABC is up to it’s old tricks again.
Tomorrow night, the network will broadcast “Enemy of the State,” a PRE-9/11 movie whose plot involves sinister NSA agents tapping the all telecommuncations, etc. of an innocent labor lawyer (whose wife just so happens to be an ACLU lawyer) and making his life hell–all to cover up a murder of a U.S. Senator who opposed more lax surveillance legislation.
Is it just me . . . or do you notice that ABC picks “coincidental” times to run certain programming?
The last time ABC ran this 1998 movie . Strange that the network is now running it again when the network believed that Michael Hayden, recent NSA Chief, would still be up for confirmation as CIA Chief. But the joke’s on ABC programmers with an obvious political agenda. Today, Hayden was confirmed by the U.S. Senate by a vote of 78-15.

ABC’s Hollywood Paranoia Tries to Obscure REAL Enemies of the State

–circa :

The movie’s posters say, “It’s not paranoia if they’re really after you.”
But . . . “Enemy of the State” was written and appeared in theaters in 1998, well before 9/11. ABC is still living–with that movie–in a pre-9/11 world. In that film, the enemies were villains in the NSA.

Today’s real enemies are Islamic terrorists that want to destroy us. Almost 5 years after 9/11, ABC has forgotten.
“American” Broadcasting Company? Not really.

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May 26, 2006, - 1:24 pm

American Farm Held Hostage, Day Ten



in search of Jimmy Hoffa.
Yesterday, they brought in the dogs to sniff for Hoffa’s non-existent body. The K9s smelled nothing. We’ve heard of cruelty to animals, but really–making dogs involve themselves in this silly waste of taxpayer money is truly animal cruelty. Where is PETA–or as we like to call it, PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals & humans)–when you need them?
Today, a big deal was made about finding the roots of a tree that was 30 years old, one year younger than the disappearance of Jimmy Hofa. This non-development merited a special press alert and breaking news. A 30 year old tree. Perhaps our friends at the FBI can visit Yellowstone National Park. We’re sure they can find a few 30 year old trees there, too. And as at the farm in Milford, Michigan, no Hoffa.
To date:
* A $1 million taxpayer tab on the dig up of a Michigan farm for Jimmy Hoffa;
* The only possible living suspect is now 92 years old;
* 50 FBI agents plus assorted anthropologists and archeologists (and they thought they’d be exploring African ruins and pottery; instead it’s a dung-filled horse farm);
* K9 dogs who sniffed nothing;
* A barn and its cement floor destroyed and removed by the FBI; and
* No Jimmy Hoffa body found.


(More information on this .)

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May 26, 2006, - 12:42 pm

Schadenfreude: “Baywatch” Babe Balloons to 300 LBS., Joins Fat Show

Remember Erika Eleniak? We hardly do.
She’s one of the many vapid bleach blondes who played lifeguard babes on “Baywatch,” and then posed for Playboy. Now, she’s ballooned to 300 pounds and has joined the cast of the latest incarnation of VH1’s “Celebrity Fit Club.”
Yup, people from that Silicone Valley show have been popping up everywhere in bizarre ways. First, girlie-man for no worthy reason. Now, a Baywatch babe becomes yet another fat chick.

Erika Eleniak: Then & Now

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May 26, 2006, - 11:42 am

Money Pit: Islamic Bank Bleeding Funds

Early this year, we wrote about University Bancorp, Inc. of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and its much touted Community and , which garnered nationwide press. (Interesting that “Islamic” is separate from “Community.” But, hey, we already knew that.)
Now comes word that the bank is doing poorly and its Islamic Banking division is bleeding money. The Islamic portion of the bank lost $36,000 for the first quarter of 2006 (it broke even in the same quarter in 2005). The whole bank reported net income of only $14,687 for Quarter 1 of 2006, compared with $163,865 for the same period last year. Earnings per share for Q1 were -O-, compared with 4 cents in 2005.
No surprise that this news of failure is nowhere to be seen in the mainstream media that gushed over this bank, nationwide (and globally).

Islamic Bank Loses $$$. . .

Clearly, Islamic banking ain’t where it’s at. Unless you’re looking to practice employment discrimination against Infidels.
As we previously noted, the Islamic banking division of University Bank did not appear to employ ANY non-Muslims. We’ve been following announcements of newly hired employees as they’ve appeared in the Detroit area media. And guess what? They are all Muslim women wearing hijabs. Non-Muslims need not apply. As we wrote, this is employment discrimination.
Even if the bank does not specifically refuse to hire non-Muslims–and we find that hard to believe–the federal government looks at “disparate impact” in hiring results. Clearly, with 100% Muslim employees, there is a disparate impact against Non-Muslims. Very disparate, since there are none.
Time to file a lawsuit. We challenge any of our readers in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area to apply for a job with the Islamic portion of University Bank. If you’re not hired–and you won’t be, please let us know.

AND Practices Employment Discrimination Against Infidels

Laws against employment discrimination are not meant to only protect Muslims. They’re meant to protect us against extremist Muslims who use our country’s great marketplace to discriminate against all of us and benefit only their own in hiring, too.
As we’ve noted, Islamic, Shariah-Complaint Banking is a fraud.
Islamic law forbids the payment of interest, but the way this Islamic lending system is set up, there is interest whether they admit it or not. The bank utilizes a land contract enabling Muslim customers to avoid paying interest, and instead, they pay monthly rental payments. The bank is in it to make money (despite not doing well in achieving that goal). The bank has to charge interest to recoup the investment and make a profit. Therefore, the monthly payments on the mortgage are set up to include interest for the entire period of the payments. They can call it whatever they want. But the customers are still paying interest, regardless of the semantics.

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