May 31, 2006, - 6:43 am

On Immigration: Diamonds Are Forever, But Postage Stamps . . .?

Our immigration policy is like the U.S. Postal Service. Both are broken beyond fixing.
Though few Americans use postage stamps anymore, the USPS is mired in yesterday. To combat the incombatible, the Postal Service recently introduced a “forever stamp.” Amid constantly rising postage prices, the stamp will be immune from those prices. Stock up now for forever.
But does anyone really believe the forever stamp will save the USPS? If you do, we have some land in Lake Erie to sell you. It’s like stocking up on S&H Green Stamps from the ’70s.
Nothing is forever. Except, maybe, a diamond.
While postage stamp sales are still strong, that is largely among gerontolical stamp collectors, who buy some of the new U.S. stamp designs to add to their collections. Few kids today are stamp collectors, rarely receiving or sending snailmail letters. You cannot sell an ancient hobby to an IM/MySpace kid.

These Are Not Forever, But . . .

(Lou Piniella card from Schlussel collection)

First-class mail declined over 20 percent from 1998, and last year.
It is sad that today’s generations send scant few hand-written, personal notes and letters–to the point of extinction. That day and an American tradition are all but gone.
But it is what it is. Technology kills many traditions, whether good or bad. Markets must adapt to changing conditions or die.
A fight against market trends in any industry usually loses, especially when it’s too late. While Canon has finally seen the light and declared it will stop developing dinosaurish film cameras in favor of digital ones, Major League Baseball and its players are spending $7 million to re-energize a dying interest in baseball cards. But trading baseball cards is boring to kids raised on Snoop Dogg, Paris Hilton videos, and “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” video games overflowing with prostitutes and drug dealers. Perhaps Baseball owners and players should have been more instrumental in opposing hip-hop, rather than embracing this competing source for entertainment dollars.
While the Postal Service–which projects a 5.7 percent further drop in postal usage by next year–is a government sanctioned monopoly whose dinosaur will only affect deliveries of Christmas cards, packages, and nasty letters from lawyers and collection agencies, immigration policy is another story.
It is not a matter of cameras, sports, or communications delivery. It is a matter of our nation’s survival. And where we will be in 100 years . . . if our country as we know still exists. The debate is far more important than postage stamps versus e-mail. Yet, the emergency gets no urgency.
Our elected officials and bureaucrats in Washington are acting in a vacuum. They are the U.S. Postal Service of national security.
While aliens hemorrhage inward, our President and the U.S. Senate are still acting like it’s yesteryear. Their “Forever Stamp” is the latest promise of the “last, last amnesty.” If we only raise the price of stamps a few cents, everything will be fine.
But it isn’t. It’s not just the estimated 12 to 20 million illegal aliens roaming free in our nation–most of whose whereabouts are either unknown or are of no concern. A new amnesty, dressed as a “Temporary Guest Workers” program in the recently-passed Senate Immigration Bill, will not put the genie back in the bottle.
It will not stem the tide of crime, job-loss, and other dangerous forces brought to the market by the mass tide of illegal aliens already far beyond the shore. The anachronistic solutions the see-no-evil guest worker/amnesty crowd offers are those of an aging postage stamp generation that refuses to face an e-mail world. Yesterday’s aliens wanted to live the American Dream. Some of today’s aliens have more nefarious motives.
And it’s not just those in Congress and the Oval Office who refuse to face the real world and the changing technology of the illegal alien invasion. The mainstream media are particularly guilty.
Unfortunately, These May Be Forever.
(Islamic Eid Stamp/USPS, Illegal Aliens Congregating Somewhere Near You)

Desiree Cooper, a left-wing Detroit Free Press columnist, cites a 2002 Kaiser Family Foundation survey of Latinos in the U.S., which claims that by the third generation, 80% no longer speak Spanish.
But that was a third generation of a family that came here in the 1950s or ’60s, when our country was actually a melting pot, not a discordant stew from a bad cook. In those days, bilingual education was non-existent. Separatism was discouraged. Today, both are the norm. A third generation spawned from illegal aliens coming into this country in 2006 will not necessarily speak English in 2050.
And the survey assumes a premise that is fallacious. The language they are still speaking three generations later may not even be Spanish. It may be the Arabic recited on four planes on 9/11 and in hate-filled Madrassahs worldwide. Instead of their third generations speaking English, ours may be forced to speak their tongue.
Far-fetched? Not if the status quo continues. You can easily raise the price of the stamp. But you can’t save a dying industry or a dying country by putting a band-aid on metastasizing cancer.
It’s time for our leaders to read market trends and adjust to them. Or like the U.S. Postal Service, America will die little by little.

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May 30, 2006, - 10:23 pm

American Farm Held Hostage, Day 14: Farm Finally Freed From Capitivity, No Hoffa Found (As Predicted Here)

We , when we in its latest silly incarnation of “.”
Today was DAY FOURTEEN of the . And, fortunately, after 14 days in captivity, the FBI finally freed the Hidden Dreams horse farm from the hostage situation, ending its Hoffa search escapade. After two weeks, the FBI finally saw the absurdity of this incredible waste of taxpayer dollars and resources in search of a body they will never find (and , even if they found it, so what?!).
But before the silly search was ended, we were treated to the empty humor of FBI spokewoman Dawn Clenney, who joked about taxpayers paying overtime to workers digging up the farm on Memorial Day weekend. “We’re the FBI. We doze, but we never close.” Haha, Dawn. You’re so punny.
In addition to the overtime, the two weeks of digging up the Milford Township, Michigan horse farm in search of Hoffa “achieved” the following results by the Famous But Incompetent (we refer to FBI management, not the street level agents):
* A $1 million taxpayer tab on the dig up of a Michigan farm for Jimmy Hoffa;
* 50 FBI agents plus assorted K9 dogs, anthropologists and archeologists (and they thought they’d be exploring African ruins and pottery; instead it’s a dung-filled horse farm);
* A barn and its cement floor destroyed and removed by the FBI (will taxpayers have to pay to replace it?); and . . .


(More information on this .)

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May 30, 2006, - 5:33 pm

FRIGHTENING!: Saudi Muslim Couple “Videotapes” Baltimore Jewish School

Why were an Islamic Saudi man and his American Muslim-convert wife secretly videotaping a Jewish school in Baltimore? And why did they send the footage back home to Saudi Arabia?
Gee, maybe they wanted to convert to Judaism and start a Jewish girls’ school in the Kingdom of Saud. Fat chance.
A reader sent us this frightening Boston Globe story from late 2003, which is still relevant and frightening today:

The Saudi man, who came to the United States on a student visa four years ago, and his wife were seen videotaping an Orthodox school for girls, Beit Yakov, on Oct. 26 and fled after witnesses wrote down their automobile’s license plate number, officials said. Law enforcement officials were contacted and later interviewed the couple, who said the video was intended for the man’s parents in Saudi Arabia.
The couple has not been charged, and law enforcement officials have declined to identify them.
Federal and local law enforcement officials emphasized that they have not uncovered any reason to believe the couple was casing the school.

Hmmm . . . . Maybe they were looking for a soda machine . . . or doing an “architectural study.”
We’re less concerned that the feds won’t release the names of the videographer Muslims who’ve taken a sudden interest in Judaism. We’re more interested in getting the names of the feds.The feds referred to in the story are Homeland Security and FBI personnel. Which begs the question: Does one need a negative IQ to get hired by either of them? A Muslim couple surreptitiously videotapes a Jewish school and sends the tape back to “philo-Semitic” Saudi Arabia. And the feds have “not uncovered any reason to believe the couple was casing the school.”
Remind us NOT to hire them as my security consultants. And, oh yeah, they let the videotape go, too.

[A]uthorities reported that the man and his wife, a Muslim convert, were not initially asked for a copy of the tape by local authorities because they had no legal grounds to seize it. But he said officials at the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia are trying to help the FBI recover it as part of the investigation.

[DS: We’re sure that effort will be really successful. Not.]

“The tape that he had used ended up not being seen by local authorities,” [Baltimore Jewish Community Council Executive Director Arthur C.] Abramson said. “It ended up in Saudi Arabia.” He added that officials said the Saudi end of the investigation has been delayed somewhat, in part because American officials there have been focused on the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks on a housing complex in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

Jewish schools (and Christian ones, too) all around America need to be on the alert. The feds certainly aren’t doing it for them.
That’s for sure.

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May 30, 2006, - 2:47 pm

Me on MSNBC “Scarborough Country” Tonight

I’m scheduled to be on MSNBC “Scarborough Country,” tonight at 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time to talk more about , the most dangerous woman in America (and the world).
For more on why she’s bad for America, visit

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May 30, 2006, - 1:43 pm

BS Headline & Interview of the Week: Immigration Princess Valley Girl

We came across a precious Dallas Morning News interview with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) chiefatrix a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” when we noticed a pointed letter to the editor in response. More about the letter, later.
First, the interview. The headline is laughable: “Julie L. Myers: Securing America and Its Borders.” Is there ANYONE (other than The ICE Princess and her well-connected husband) who really believes that she has done a thing to secure America and its borders? Thankfully, in August, she’ll start maternity leave and, likely, not return.
Apparently, the Dallas Morning News didn’t get the memo: Most of the border stuff is handled by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). , this paper clearly has NOT done its homework and keeps hammering on the proposed border fence. She’s not in charge of the fence (thankfully)! Get it right, and ask better questions.

(ICE Valley Girl by David Lunde)

Then there was this:

Dallas Morning News: Clark Kent Ervin, the former Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, cited your appointment as an example of what he considers the Bush administration’s habit of putting politically connected people in positions of authority instead of those most qualified to do the job. How do you respond?
Julie Myers: Well, it’s not the first time I’ve heard that (laughs).

[DS: That she’s not qualified but got the job, anyway, is cause for laughter? Haha Funny. You really got us, ICE Princess.]

You know, I think I’ve already started to show some tremendous results with this agency.

[DS: Such as? Name one.]

I think I was underestimated. In fact, I think misidentified.

[DS: Uh . . . not really.]

I was previously unanimously confirmed by the Senate to supervise a law enforcement agency that had nationwide responsibility in export enforcement, which the former Customs Enforcement did, and which ICE now does.

[DS: Anyone know what law enforcement agency she headed before ICE? She NEVER supervised ANY law enforcement agency. Quit lying.]

There are very few individuals who have had that position. I served as chief of staff to Michael Chertoff, who is now the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. In that, I oversaw large portions of the criminal division – worked on a lot of those immigration issues and customs issues from the view of the criminal division – and had earned his complete trust. I had also served as deputy assistant secretary for money laundering and financial crimes, in which I oversaw a lot of regulatory things on the financial side, worked with immigration issues in terms of particular consular cards and the Patriot Act, those sorts of things. I think I’m proving my critics wrong, and I’m having a great time running this agency.

Now, THIS is the money quote. “I’m having a great time running this agency.” Like way totally cool, I’m a girl from the mall who gets my own office, parking space, free flights to Kansas. Awwwwesome.
Is this a sorority party or an immigration agency that’s supposed to end the illegal alien invasion? Judging from her comments, it’s the former. And we’re not the only ones who noticed.
Check out this “Letter to the Editor” from eagle-eyed Dallas Morning News reader Cara Lyons Lege:

Her Great Time Isn’t Mine
Re: “Securing America and its borders,” Q&A with Julie L. Myers, May 21 Points.
This political appointee’s quotes are dumbfounding: “I am not a fencing expert,” “… not an expert on fencing,” “… haven’t spent much time on fencing.”
But, on the plus side, she oversaw a lot of “regulatory things,” and Secretary Michael Chertoff likes her.
Let’s not overlook this: “I’m having a great time running this agency.” People are dying, and she’s having a great time.
My head is going to explode.
Cara Lyons Lege, Frisco

Right on, Cara!

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May 30, 2006, - 12:26 pm

Immigration Bill & Corporations That Give College Scholarships to Illegals

You get rid of more bees with vinegar than with honey. So why are America’s corporations providing more honey to illegal aliens?
Today’s Wall Street Journal has an interesting article/sob story, “When the Corporate Scholarship Winner Is Here Illegally.”
We learned a lot from the article. We learned that a lot of American corporations help the illegal alien invasion by granting college scholarships (funded by profits from your patronage of their products) to illegal aliens.
We also learned that while illegal aliens can’t qualify for federal grants and loans to finance higher education, the Senate Immigration Bill would change that and make them eligible for your tax-financed college loans, too. They call this “The Dream Act.” But whose dream? Our budget is not unlimited. Helping their dream may take a U.S. citizen’s (a/k/a your child’s) dream away.

These Products Fund College Scholarships for Illegal Aliens

According to the Journal, while some companies–such as Coca Cola Scholar’s Foundation–prohibit illegal aliens from receiving their college scholarships, they don’t enforce it. That’s what happened with Hector Vega, an illegal alien, to whom Coke gave a $20,000 scholarship. Coke claims it won’t give scholarships to illegals, but Vega promised he’ll try to become legal. That sufficed. No more Coca Cola Blaq for us.
Are there no legal U.S. citizen high school grads worthy of scholarships? Ask MetroPCS, a Dallas-based cellular phone service company that doesn’t require credit checks for customers. That company also gave the illegal Vega a $1,000 scholarship.
And shame on the National Association of Secondary School Principals. It also showered the illegal Vega with $1,000. Know any high school principals? Ask them why they give scholarships to illegal aliens.
We also learned that the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, supported by Anheuser-Busch, gives out $25 million in scholarships, much of it to illegal aliens. It certainly gives new meaning to the words, “This Bud’s for you.” Don’t buy Anheuser-Busch, and let the company know why.
Our favorite was the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy used by Microsoft. The company specifically does NOT ask for proof of legal residency of scholarship candidates and recipients.
Ironically, the only company that won’t consider illegal aliens for scholarships is Wal-Mart. Yet the company is notorious for hiring illegal alien contractors and forcing subcontractors to employ illegals (as we detailed and ). Hypocrisy-Mart.
If your company or employer gives out college scholarships, you should inquire whether U.S. citizenship or legal residency is required of recipients. And you should demand that it is.
To sum up, the following companies give college scholarships to illegal aliens (ask yourself if you want to finance this by continuing to by their products):
* Coca-Cola
* Anheuser-Busch Cos.
* Microsoft
* MetroPCS
* National Association of Secondary School Principals
We’re not for discouraging illegal aliens from becoming educated members of society. We’re for discouraging illegal aliens from coming to America in the first place and bringing their children with them.
These companies make their entry into and survival in our country easier and more attractive. Like we said, you get rid of more bees with vinegar than with honey.

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May 30, 2006, - 12:20 pm

Me on Tammy Bruce Radio Show

I’ll be on Tammy Bruce’s Nationally Syndicated radio show at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time/1:30 p.m. Eastern Time, today.
We’ll be discussing the proposed , a trend that is occurring nationwide.

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May 29, 2006, - 9:11 am

On Memorial Day


U.S. Army Sgt. Chris Moore @ the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

(Photo by H. Darr Beiser/USA Today)

On this Memorial Day, we remember the men (and women) who died serving our country and protecting our freedom.
We also recommend two brief pieces:
* USA Today photographer H. Darr Beiser’s photos and brief essay, “In Honor of the Unknowns: An Iraq War Veteran Stands Guard at Arlington,” which details the U.S. Army’s Sgt. Chris Moore (of the Third Infantry Regiment) and his current duty at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. It comes with a an excellent presentation/slide show featuring the voice of Sgt. Moore.

“I like Memorial Days,” Moore says. “It helps remind people what kind of sacrifice was made for their country.”

* U.S. Army Chaplain Capt. James Key’s very poignant commentary, “Remember the Guys in the Foxholes,” also from USA Today. Some excerpts:

Capt. James Key, U.S. Army Chaplain

One evening, a casualty officer and I drove down the road on our way to inform a soldier’s spouse that her husband had died in Iraq. As an Army chaplain, I thought about how difficult it would be for this young mother and how empty the two children’s’ lives would be without their dad.
On our way to the house, the casualty officer had assured me that he would be able to deliver the sad news. But when we got to our destination, his confidence disappeared. “Chaplain,” he asked, “will you pray for me?” I placed my hand on his shoulder and began to pray. I asked God to give us the strength to perform our duty. I asked God to control our thoughts and actions and comfort the household we were about to enter. When I finished, we got out of the car and with great pain did the job that we were both called to do.
Memorial Day reminds us of the soldiers who gave their lives for our country. But often we forget to also honor the families they left behind. . . .
There was a time when I considered leaving the ministry. Then a friend asked me to join the military chaplaincy. It changed my life. The past year, I served as chaplain for a 600-soldier logistics battalion in Baghdad. Whoever said that “there are no atheists in the foxhole” was absolutely right. These soldiers had to deliver supplies along the most dangerous routes in Iraq. When bombs exploded, reality of war forced many to do some serious soul searching.
Countless soldiers came to talk to me about war, death and faith. They presented me with many perplexing theological questions: Is God on our side, and will he protect me from death? Will God forgive me if I kill an innocent person by mistake? Will God be angry with me for participating in this war? Exactly where do we really go when we die? . . .
This year, as we celebrate Memorial Day, we should pause as a nation from talk about high gas prices, what language our national anthem should be sung in and the latest celebrity gossip, and instead think about the men and women who continue to fight and die in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan. It is true: War is hell, freedom is expensive, death is painful and faith still matters – especially to those in the foxhole.

U.S. Army Sgt. Chris Moore @ the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

(Photo by H. Darr Beiser/USA Today)

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May 28, 2006, - 10:35 am

American Farm Held Hostage, Day TWELVE



in search of Jimmy Hoffa.
To date:
* A $1 million taxpayer tab on the dig up of a Michigan farm for Jimmy Hoffa;
* The only possible living suspect is now 92 years old;
* 50 FBI agents plus assorted anthropologists and archeologists (and they thought they’d be exploring African ruins and pottery; instead it’s a dung-filled horse farm);
* K9 dogs who sniffed nothing;
* A barn and its cement floor destroyed and removed by the FBI; and
* No Jimmy Hoffa body found.


(More information on this .)

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May 27, 2006, - 10:04 pm

American Farm Held Hostage, Day Eleven



in search of Jimmy Hoffa.
To date:
* A $1 million taxpayer tab on the dig up of a Michigan farm for Jimmy Hoffa;
* The only possible living suspect is now 92 years old;
* 50 FBI agents plus assorted anthropologists and archeologists (and they thought they’d be exploring African ruins and pottery; instead it’s a dung-filled horse farm);
* K9 dogs who sniffed nothing;
* A barn and its cement floor destroyed and removed by the FBI; and
* No Jimmy Hoffa body found.


(More information on this .)

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