June 6, 2006, - 12:52 pm

HAMASastan 2: We Went to IRAQ for THIS?

As we’ve pointed out, our new “democratic” ally, the government of .
That’s bad enough. But now several other items have emerged that are far more worrisome and repeatedly confirm our strong belief that Muslim countries cannot handle democracy, especially when Islamic law rules supreme:
* Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari defended Iran’s “right” to obtain nuclear weapons and said Iraq will refuse to allow the U.S. to use it’s country to stop Iran. “Our democratic ally” Iraq is now poised to become Iran’s chief ally. If it isn’t already.
Of note, Zebari, a Kurd, has cousins in the Detroit area who are Chaldeans (Iraqi Catholics). Zebari’s side of the family became Muslims when Kurds demanded it in exchange for protection and safety. The Chaldean Zebaris own a coffee shop in the Detroit suburb in which I reside. If only they were running the show, instead of their cousin. Unfortunately, Chaldeans are being driven out of Iraq in droves as Shia Muslim intolerance is killing them.
* Modest Jihadi Tennis Anyone?: Gunmen in Baghdad killed Hussein Ahmed Rashid, coach of the Iraqi national tennis team and two players, for wearing Western-style tennis shorts, according to an Iraqi Olympic officials.
Hey, if Shariah is the law, the law’s gotta be enforced, right?
* We usually strongly disagree with lefty NYTimes columnist Frank Rich, but on one point in his latest column (the rest of which we, yet again, strongly disagree with), he is correct:

On Thursday, the latest American-backed Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri Kamal Al-Maliki, whom President George W. Bush is “proud to call” his “ally and friend,” invited open warfare on American forces by accusing them of conducting Haditha-like killing sprees against civilians as a “regular” phenomenon.

With friends like the Iraqis, who needs enemies?! Yet, another reason why .
We should have, instead, turned it over to a benevolent, pro-U.S., Shah-like dictator.

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June 6, 2006, - 8:48 am

HOMELAND SECURITY OUTRAGE: DHS Official Joins Homicide Bomb Filmmaker

As usual, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (note which is the adjective – American- and which is the noun – Arab) is hosting the Department of Homeland Security’s official, paid Islamo-fascist butt-kisser Daniel Sutherland at its annual convention.
Of note, along with Sutherland, the group is also hosting , filmmaker of “,” the anti-Semitic, pro-homicide bomber movie. Is it now the official position of DHS that homicide bombers and terrorists are cool and to be celebrated? If not, why the heck is he kissing butt, yet again this year, of a group that does believe that and is openly celebrating this man and his movie? Ask Mr. Burns (Michael Chertoff).
Your tax dollars “at work.” (Also of note, the ADC is hosting one of the few non-dead Jews it likes, Mike Wallace.)

DHS’ Daniel Sutherland: Paid to be America’s Benedict Arnold

(on right, with “former” terrorist Imad Hamad at left)

(Apologies to Benedict Arnold)

Does Homeland Security Condone this Movie? Apparently So.

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June 5, 2006, - 1:44 pm

OUTRAGE/Break’g Schlussel Exclusive: Bush Admin Hiring For Guest Workers Program as if Done Deal!!!

Homeland Security federal agents in charge of enforcing immigration laws and watching borders are very angry. And we should be, too.
They know something we don’t: President Bush is arrogantly assuming his proposed Guest Workers amnesty is a done deal. And he’s spending on the still illegal program like a drunken sailor.
Whenever President Bush speaks of his “commitment” to stemming illegal immigration, he always claims he wants “the complete package.”
That means Bush isn’t really committed strengthening the borders and interior enforcement of immigration laws. Unless it comes paired with his proposed “Guest Workers” program a/k/a more bloated amnesty for illegal aliens. He won’t sign off on it, otherwise.

But new evidence makes it apparent that Bush is more committed to the amnesty portion (which most American and U.S. House members oppose) than he is to borders–and our nation.
Agents see the handwriting on the wall in the form of government job postings on the Net.
Homeland Security agents point out that the new hiring and job openings at Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) have suddenly ballooned (here and here). The ONLY reason that would happen is to hire new workers to administer the new Guest Workers program (a/k/a ShAmnesty).
Says one Homeland Security federal agent:

Take a peek at the job listings at the govt. site. It is at http://www.usajobs.opm.gov (from there prompt to DHS/CIS). Normally they have 20 to 30+ various
positions open at any given time within CIS. This week, however, there is over 100. Interesting that they are seeking massive quantities of Adjudication Officers GS-9/12, all over the country. Some areas don’t even specify how many openings are available. I haven’t seen this since pre-IRCA of 1986…AKA “AMNESTY”. It
is no secret now., the decision has already been made. It WILL happen.

Future Guest Burqas, er . . . Workers?

Since they are not beefing up on Deportation Officer positions, their direction/intention is obvious.
Just give the f—ing store away, and it makes me
S–t! we can’t even use the term ‘Alien’ any longer, in spite of the fact it has a legally recognized definition.
The American people have not been heard, and the bastards in DC are going to lick Vicente Fox’s boots, irrespective of what the majority of the voters wish. And THIS is a democracy?
“Path to citizenship” or “shot at citizenship” aren’t these euphemisms cute? Time for a 3rd political party while we still have a country left.
Think I’m gonna hurl.

Yup, President Bush and his buds are taking us for dummies. Suckers. He thinks we–through our political activism and voiced anger–can’t outsmart him. Screw us. Who cares what we–the American people–want, as in stopping the illegal alien hemorrhaging. He’s already hiring for his new program, before he even gets it passed.
We think the House would be interested to know that they are not needed, in the Bush view, to get a bill signed into law.
No wonder President Bush is focusing on gay marriage. Trying to keep our minds on other things while he’s sneaking behind our backs to sell out America’s borders.

Coming Soon To Citizenship & Immigration Services?
(Illegal Aliens Congregating Somewhere Near You)

Another federal agent from the Department of Homeland Security writes:

Here are ALL the job openings, the very employees who will be authorizing amnesty and guest worker applications. The Adjudication Officers are the guys who will be reviewing and APPROVING all amnesty and guest worker applications.
The job description states:
“You will write detailed decisions on applications/petitions filed with USCIS.”
Take a look! THERE ARE 92 JOB OPENINGS for Adjudications Officer!!
Also, did you happen to notice most of those jobs were opened on June 1st?
That means the money for these positions had to have been approved
months ago, and the only people who can approve such a large
appropriation would be?… yep. CONGRESS!

The Bush administration’s hiring behavior betrays Bush’s claim that stricter enforcement is the priority. More amnesty is. That’s especially disturbing since the Bush version of immigration–especially amnesty–is illegal for now. And it’s unlikely Bush will convince the House to go for it. Yet, he’s spending as if that has already happened.
The American people want strict enforcement at the borders and tough interior enforcement first. Then, they’ll think about whether to reward illegal behavior. But Bush wants to reward illegal invasion first, and let the chips fall where they may. The USA Jobs postings tell the story. Talk about premature articulation.
If only this were just about cart-before-horse hiring on yet another government boondoggle. But this is about putting illegal aliens first, ahead of America’s security.
If this is “the complete package” in the immigration World According to Bush, why is there a gag gift inside?

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June 5, 2006, - 12:55 pm

Immigration Alert: Supreme Court Decision May Swell Alien Problem

While , dealing with whether the Bush administration can try Gitmo detainees in special military courts (Hamdan was Bin Laden’s driver), is an important Supreme Court case to be decided this month (and we’ve ), there are two cases that may be far more important.
Those cases, Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon and Bustillo v. Johnson (see also, here), if decided the wrong way could further exacerbate our illegal immigration problem and clog the courts with illegal alien criminals demanding new trials. And the case is yet another reason why the U.S. must protect its sovereignty and not submit to the World Court.
At issue in both of these cases is whether foreign prisoners in the U.S. have a right to reopen their cases if they AND their consulates were not read their rights at the time of arrest. The World Court said Mexican illegal immigrants in our prison system have legal rights to contact their consulates, under the Vienna Convention, and that, if not informed of and afforded that right, they can re-open, and in many cases, even have the charges against them thrown out. You know, the same Vienna Convention that is anachronistic and only abided by our government and no other.

Will More Illegal Aliens Get Away w/Murder . . . & Other Crimes?
(Illegal Aliens Congregating Somewhere Near You)

The ruling of the World Court is completely absurd. It is a move that–if the Suprem Court agrees with it–our legal system and our country cannot handle. Both are already overstressed with thousands of illegal alien criminals who are violent and hardened. G-d help us if they are set free over this technicality.
We can only hope that the Roberts court has some common sense. We can only hope that at least five Justices say NO to the question: Can foreign felons challenge convictions because they were not told of right to contact their consulate? If they answer in the affirmative, that will mean hundreds of felons roaming free while they await new trials to which they will likely never show.
With the way the Supreme Court is increasingly citing the law of other lands and sovereignties in deciding our cases, our hopes and prayers that Supreme Court Justices do the right thing may not be enough.
And it may be the straw that broke the border-hemorrhaging nation’s back.

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June 5, 2006, - 12:01 pm

HOprah Watch: HRH HOprah Crashes Wedding, Keeps Guests Away w/Security

Reader Lui alerts us to the following story about HOprah. Hands down, we prefer to this wedding crasher.
Her Royal Highness, Self-Anointed Moral Authority of the Universe randomly visited a wedding in Oklahoma–with boyfriend, Gayle King, in tow. Well, “visited” is a generous term.
Actually, HOprah was not an invited guest and unexpectedly barged in on the wedding to say hello and drop off a gift. But she kept all the wedding guests in attendance at least 50 feet away with body guards and security.

It’s All About HOprah

(Artwork Courtesy of the Talented David Lunde)

[Wedding guest] Judy Pattinson: “But the security guards had us about 50 feet away. Everyone was taking pictures with their cell phones, so.”

You know, can’t have the cattle a/k/a “the little people” anywhere near Queen HOprah. They might leave a smudge or get her dirty.
Leave it to the big, fat O to steal the bride’s day and limelight from the bride. (And being the HOprah fan that she is, she was apparently too dumb to notice that she just allowed Oprah to upstage her at her own wedding.) Everything’s all about Oprah. Just ask the .
To listen to the blind adulation of brain-addled guests, it’s as if the Second Coming happened, instead of the self-centered parade-rain by an overweight egotistical talk show host empress who wears no clothing:

[Wedding guest] Austin Zellner: “I’ve never seen so many people in tuxes, and nice formal dresses horde in one place so fast in my entire life.”
[Wedding guest] Heather Klein: “We were just in shock. I mean, we were truly in shock.
[Wedding guest] Ben Klein: “And then all the screaming began. One thing lead to another and here we are so.”
Oprah stayed and posed for pictures with the wedding party. But guests say she was off within ten minutes. The couple said it was a night they’d remember no matter what. Oprah’s surprise appearance just makes it a better story to tell.
Bride Bethany Francis told me Oprah said she was hitting 16 weddings, and just found the two in Tulsa on the Internet.
The footage her crews shot Saturday night should air on her show sometime in September.

Wedding Crasher’s Sequel, Starring HOprah?

As , ever since the movie, “The Wedding Crashers,” wedding crashing has become a low class trend. And far be it from HOprah to miss out on a trend, no matter how low class.
Question: Since the “Angel” of relationship death visited 16 weddings, will she provide the divorce lawyers free of charge when these marriages end (we predict, very soon)?
Having HO-prah visit your wedding is kind of like having a black cat cross your path. Not exactly a good omen.
For more on the REAL Oprah, check out OprahSucks.com.

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June 5, 2006, - 11:18 am

GRID, Er . . . AIDS: 25 Years Later, Dire Predictions for Hetero America Didn’t Pan Out

25 years ago, today, the Centers for Disease Control recognized a new disease. They called it GRID–Gay-Related Immuno-Deficiency.
But amid political pressure from the PC and Gay lobbies, the name was changed to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). We were told, “This is not a gay disease. This is everyone’s disease.” We heard dire predictions about millions dropping like flies from this disease. Millions of straight, non-gay, non-drug user Americans.
And yet, it never happened. Other than disease-infested athletes who slept around with disease-infested groupies like, say, a guy named “Magic,” there really weren’t too many straight people struck by the disease, unless they were prostitutes, complete sluts, and/or intravenous drug users who shared needles.

Remember all the annoying celebs with their red AIDS ribbons and all the few reasonable ones who were ridiculed when they refused to sport the ribbons at awards shows?
As reader Joel G. points out, our fave media pimp, HOprah, got in on the act, too:

Remember back in 1990 (I think it was 1990 or around that time) when Hoprah got on her show and pontificated that in 10 years time 1 in 5 Americans who were heterosexuals woudl be dying of AIDS? Guess what Hoprah, you were wrong! Nobody has ever called her or the other “AIDS breakng out into the heterosexual community” out on their fear tactics.

The millions we were told about dropping like flies just didn’t happen. In fact, it turned out that in America, AIDS really isn’t “our” disease. But drunken Congressman allocate medical research funds to the disease in such disproportionate amounts that you’d think it still is “our” disease, that you’d still think millions were or are about to drop like flies. They aren’t.
Yes, that is happening in Africa. And maybe that says something about behavior there. But it just simply isn’t happening here. So, when are non-breast cancers, heart disease, and other less hip afflictions going to get their fair share of research dollars? We’re certainly not advocating expanding the research dollars and making government even more bankrupt and large. And we’re not saying that AIDS shouldn’t be researched and treated. We’re saying there are other diseases. The world’s cosmos is not San Francisco . . . or even DuPont Circle (memo to Barney Frank).
We’re saying it’s time to stop the insanity. Time to redistribute much of the disproportionate amount medical research money from the red ribbon disease of Elton John’s friends and needle park inhabitants to the rest of us who have other, equally pressing maladies that run in our families by the misfortune of genes versus someone else’s irresponsible behavior in George Michael’s back seat and drug dens.

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June 2, 2006, - 3:57 pm

Man or Woman?: Weird Basketball’s Tenth Anniversary (WNBA)

Is the basketball player below a man or a woman? Too bad that dumb multi-colored basketball gave it away. Other than that, it’s hard to tell.
Yes, it’s that Weird Nuisance Brought on America–the WNBA–Lesbian Basketball, Season 10. The season started 1.5 weeks ago, but no-one noticed. Confucius say: What is the sound of one hand clapping? If a tree fell in the forest, and no-one was there to hear it, did it still make a noise?
Last night was the tenth anniversary of the founding of the WNBA, the “Women’s” National Basketball Association. Every season, I write a column making fun of this phony league of amateurs. They tried to market this as a low-cost family source of entertainment, but hard to take little Susie to a game, where the audience is full of butch women making out with each other (ditto for many of the players after the game finishes and they hit the locker room).

WNBA’s Yolanda Griffith: Looks Like A Man, Claims It’s a Woman

Hard to justify the 10th anniversary of something no-one watches (lower TV ratings than the XFL in its one and only season) and if you are an NBA (ie., REAL pro basketball) fan or sponsor, you are heavily subsidizing this silly league. Since I’ve said all you can say about the WNBA, this season I’m sticking to giving you the links to some of my past anti-WNBA produce: , here, , , and here. All of them still apply today, and I think you’ll appreciate the humor.
And I’d be remiss to forget the (real b-ball coach Lute Olson’s Granddaughter) and the .

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June 2, 2006, - 2:09 pm

Wonder “Woman” & Bat”woman”: Most Chick Superheroes are Masculine in Comics

Many are up in arms that a new, “retooled” Lesbian Batwoman will soon be on the pages of comic books. If you think this is the first lesbian your daughters and sons will be stung with in comic books, you haven’t been paying attention.
Most comic book heroines are VERY masculine, especially those drawn by DC Comics, which also publishes Batwoman comics. They are basically men with long hair . . . on a ton of steroids. They may not be openly lesbian as Batwoman will be. But they are definitely butch and don’t look a thing like women. No femininity involved with these she-male monstrosities. Is that what you want your kids learning that a woman should be like? And is blurring the genders such a great thing? Hardly.

Take Wonder Woman, one of our fave superheroes (when she was actually a woman). Look at the photos we’ve posted from Wonder Woman over the decades and Wonder Woman, now. She used to be a woman. Now he/she/it is a . . . ?
Feminine Wonder Woman, Then . . .

(from Schlussel Wonder Woman collection)

(from Schlussel Wonder Woman collection)

(from Schlussel Wonder Woman collection)

Masculine/Steroidal Wonder Woman, Now . . . .

Which one would you rather see your daughter emulate, your son date?
Thanks to reader Earl E. for the BBC article on Lesbian Batwoman.

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June 2, 2006, - 1:41 pm

Schlussel Site Among Top 40 Blogs

Thanks to John Hawkins of Right Wing News for picking this site as #28 in the top 40 blogs. We’ve never put together such a list. But if we did, you’d be on ours, too, John.

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June 2, 2006, - 12:35 pm

Under Water: Welcome to the John Conyers Tunnel

When you’re one of America’s kookiest Members of Congress, it helps to have your wife on the Detroit City Council. Especially if you want an international tunnel named after you.
Far-left Democratic U.S. Congressman John Conyers’ wife Monica, who sits on the Detroit City Council, introduced a resolution to rename the Detroit half of the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel to “John Conyers Jr. Tunnel.” Monica Conyers is the same allegedly drunk woman who assaulted and punched another woman at a Christmas holiday party at a Detroit dive, after Ms. Conyers repeatedly tried to get the woman’s companion to buy her a drink. She gave the woman a black eye.
After hearing an important international passage may be named after John Conyers, somebody buy us a drink.

Tunnel Vision of Partners in Crime: John & Monica Conyers

Predictably, the People’s Republic of the Detroit City Council–which also voted for Black only business enterprise zones called “African Town”–voted 8-0 in favor of the Conyers Tunnel resolution.
“He is truly a great man” said Councilwoman JoAnn Watson. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that Conyers, according to charges under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, forced his federal tax-paid Congressional staff to work on Watson’s campaign to get election to the Detroit City Council.
Puh-leeze. Conyers record is anything BUT that of a “great man.” He:
* forced a Congressional staffer of his to serve as his sons’ baby sitter, cook, butler, maid, chauffeur, etc., while his wife/their (artificially inseminated?) mother (Monica Conyers, who introduced the Conyers Tunnel resolution) went to law school in another state. Your tax dollars paid for that.
* scandalously withheld Thanksgiving turkeys meant for poor people. The turkeys were not disbursed as Conyers had promised. But when the media called him out on it on what happened to the turkey money, Conyers finally and belatedly gave out the turkeys.
* took thousands in campaign money from Saddam Hussein’s U.S. agent and oil-for-food scammer, .
* appeared in Michael Moore’s “,” denouncing our country.
* is a tireless advocate of Islamo-fascism and the ACLU.
* has one of the most wacked out, far-left voting records in the U.S. Congress.
Remember, this is the man that the Dems want as House Judiciary Chairman if and when they overtake the Republicans. With a record like this, if John Conyers gets a tunnel, what’s next–Benedict Arnold Airport? How about Cynthia McKinney Metro Park?
If the resolution is signed by Detroit’s wacked out Pimp Daddy Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, at least there will be something appropriate about naming the tunnel after John Conyers.
Like all of his absurd ideas and behavior, it’s under water.

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