June 9, 2006, - 12:31 pm

It’s Official: ICE Princess Gears Up for Guest Workers Amnesty

The evidence is mounting that the Bush Administration has decided the legislative process in our democracy doesn’t matter. They are going ahead with illegal alien amnesty in the form of a Guest Workers Program, regardless of whether this becomes law through a vote of BOTH houses of Congress.
First, we reported on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) sudden for the new Guest Workers seeking citizenship. Yesterday, I reported that DHS employees and agents said .”
Now, ICE–DHS’ subagency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement–is openly getting in on the act. And, yes, the new insistence that there WILL be Guest Workers AMNESTY (despite Congress NOT approving such a deal) comes right from “The ICE Princess” a/k/a ICE chieftess .

(ICE Valley Girl by David Lunde)

Yesterday, USA Today reported that ICE created 10 anti-fraud task forces to combat document fraud by illegal aliens. That’s all well and good. But, why now? What took so long? The answer: Guest Workers.
The USA Today article states:

U.S. officials are beefing up efforts to stop immigration fraud partly out of concern that proposals before Congress could create a boon for document forgers.

[DS: Oh, I get it. Because they didn’t do their job, before, in stopping immigration fraud, now that there will be a massive wave of immigration fraud–brought on because millions of illegals are here because they committed fraud ICE/INS didn’t worry about in the first place–NOW, they will finally do a tiny bit of something. So comforting.]

The rising concern over immigration fraud comes as Congress considers a plan to give many of the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants a chance to stay legally as guest workers or residents, depending on how long they have lived and worked here. A new law could increase demand for documentation among immigrants seeking to prove their length of residency.

The ICE Princess told USA Today:

“There’s no question it will be a tremendous increase in workload.”

Will be? Uh, when did the House pass this “tremendous increase in workload” a/k/a Amnesty/Guest Workers?
Time for Tom Tancredo, Jim Sensenbrenner and the other House members who’ve yet to vote on this to haul The ICE Princess before their committees and demand to know why she’s spending money on an Amnesty program that is heretofore ILLEGAL.

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June 8, 2006, - 4:58 pm

Perfect Timing: Yemen Sullies U.S.S. Cole Return to Mid-East, Releases Cole Conspirator

Timing is everything. So, it’s just a tad annoying that not almost simultaneous with today’s important return of the U.S.S. Cole to the Mid-East, Yemen releases one of the co-conspirators in the bombing of the ship.
It’s no coincidence, either, that this happened a day before the previously announced deployment of the Cole–its first return since the 2000 Al-Qaeda attack on the ship. The deployment is a cause for celebration. But this “auspicious” release of a conspirator in murder of innocent Americans is not.
Yesterday, a circus court in Yemen released Nawaf Mohammed Bouhij, who hid those accused of bombing the U.S.S. Cole. Bouhij and another man hiding suspects in Marib, Yemen and also participated in forming an armed gang to attack military personnel in charge of monitoring other U.S.S. Cole convicts. and he helped hinder the Yemeni “investigation” into the Cole attack. The same Yemeni court gave two other men involved in the Cole attacks only 5 and 10 years for the many men they murdered.

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June 8, 2006, - 12:55 pm

ICE Legacy: Pee Wee’s PlayHouse is Ba-a-a-ck!

What do immigration and Pee Wee Herman have in common?
More than you know.
You can thank John Clark, Deputy Assistant Homeland Security Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), for bringing “Pee Wee’s Playhouse” back to TV.
After all, Clark, the second highest ranking immigration official in the nation, made it hip again to masturbate in public. As we reported here, between ICE and his buddy high-ranking ICE Agent a/k/a “Frankie the Fig” (who fondled himself in front of a teen girl at a mall while on the job) to allow Figueroa to retire in comfort with a huge $100,000-plus annual pension and full benefits.

ICE’s John Clark, Frank Figueroa, Pee Wee Herman

Given that, it’s no surprise that Cartoon Network announced, this week, that Paul Reubens a/k/a “Pee Wee Herman” and reruns of his former show, “Pee Wee’s Playhouse” shall return to children’s television.
“Pee Wee’s Playhouse” was pulled from TV when Reubens was caught fondling himself at a Florida porn theater in 1991.
Proof that if one Florida man, a high-ranking federal agent, can be instantly rehabilitated, so can another–a former kid’s show host.
But, at least, Pee Wee had the courtesy and good sense to do his “duty” in an adult-only facility where one would expect that kind of thing. 15 years ago, it was not acceptable to do this kind of thing in public, and his show was yanked. And it still shouldn’t be.
But, hey, if a federal agent once in Charge of ICE’s Operation Predator can do it and still get his pension, why can’t Pee Wee have his kid’s show?
What’s good for the Fig is good for the Pee Wee. Fondling in public made hip . . . the ICE legacy.

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June 8, 2006, - 11:17 am

DHS Officials in TeleConference: “THERE WILL BE GUEST WORKERS . . . PERIOD”

Reliable Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees and agents tell us that DHS officials told them in a high-level teleconference that the Bush/Senate-proposed “Guest Workers Program” WILL HAPPEN. They’ve announced sketchy plans and told the participants in the teleconference to prepare.
According to one of them, this statement was made in the teleconference by a high-level DHS official:


Those in on the teleconference say DHS is getting ready for the avalanche of illegal alien “guests” to which it seems all too eager to grant this ShAmnesty.

Clearly, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)–who , that he doesn’t believe –is sadly out of the loop. And out of touch. Facts are stubborn things, and I the unusually high number of job openings that are very obviously skewed to that purpose.
Sad to say, but the Amnesty of decades past is just like what they used to say about Nixon: Tan, rested, and ready. And making a comeback.
Welcome to the USA, home of ShAmnesty International. The free and the brave went elsewhere, apparently.
Questions: Since when was the Constitution amended and the House amputated from the American legislative process? Or did the Prez secretly sign his own Mega-Mariel Boatlift Executive Order and only tell the DHS peeps about it?

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June 8, 2006, - 5:57 am

Buh-Bye 2-Fer: Palestinian ZARQAWI DEAD; Oil Prices Drop; MUST SHOW BODY to Islamic World; 1 Down, 1 Billion Qaeda Fans to Go

Ding-Dong, the Wicked Witch is Dead!
Splendid news this morning: Al-Qaeda leader (who basically took over where Bin Laden left off) Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is dead. U.S. air strikes took the Islamic Long John Silver down. (And don’t forget, . Ever hear any Palestinians say, “I’m embarrassed “? Didn’t think so.)
Score not One but Two for the Great Satan Infidels. Since he’s dead, oil prices are dropping, Bloomberg News reports.
Since the Islamic World is populated by a cornucopia of conspiracy theorists, we will have to do the Uday/Qusay sew-up job and show his body on television. That will be the only way to convince the few convinceables that Zarqawi is really dead, and that it is not an evil Zionist plot to take attention away from the Haditha relative paper-cut.

Buh-Bye: Rigor Mortis for Qaeda Leader/Palestinian Zarqawi

And while this is cause for celebration and a huge symbolic/moral victory, it’s still a drop of water in the ocean of Al-Qaeda supporters. We still have (like, right near my home), that are apparently funding the insurgents, and yet feds like U.S. Attorney and ICE Michigan/Ohio Chief a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” refuse to go after them (and are even partying with them!).
So with Zarqawi, it is One Down, Over 1 billion Muslim Qaeda Supporters Left to “Serve.” Don’t think so? Then, you forgot this hot Palestinian centerfold, who represents the vast majority like her throughout the “Arab Street” (and Muslim Street). And, again, don’t forget that, like her, Zarqawi was NOT an Iraqi but from the Jordanian town of Zarqa (thus, the nickname, Al-Zarqawi, “The Zarqan”).

Palestinian Centerfold on Ramallah Street Cheers 9/11 Attacks.

And don’t forget this picture, below, either. Bury Zarqawi in pig skin (some nice antique American football covers would do).

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June 7, 2006, - 8:39 pm

SCHLUSSEL vs. U.S. Senator Cornyn on FOX News re-Immigration

This evening, I was on FOX News debating U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) regarding immigration policy.
Except that I wasn’t on in person. Apparently, John Gibson, host of “The Big Story,” was my proxy.
Gibson said to Cornyn: “A blogger named reports that her sources say .”
Cornyn said he didn’t believe it. Well, Senator Cornball, believe it. is correct. The Bush Administration is hiring new workers to administer the new Amnesty that YOUR esteemed body passed in your esteemed immigration legislation.

Senator-in-Denial John Cornyn: My Doubter by Proxy

Amnesty is here, it’s ready, and–unless the House and voters do something to stop it–it’s happening.
Don’t forget, Senator Cornball is the same guy who originally said he opposed a/k/a “The ICE Princess” as head of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and then suddenly did a 180 for no valid reason and supported her. Call him Senator Gullible. If he had an ounce of courage, he’d be hauling her in before his committee every week to explain why she and her agency are such a mess.
But he does not. And that’s why I was probably not on the show with him to defend my accurate reporting. He can’t answer tough questions regarding his hypocrisy on this issue.
G-d save our country. And next time, John Gibson and FOX News, G-d save my reports by, at least, allowing me to come on your show to defend them against naive Senators forever in denial.
BTW, John, since we’ve e-mailed each other before, you know how to reach me.

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June 7, 2006, - 4:24 pm

Girlie-Man America Update: “Brokeback” Groomzillas

Yet another development in the blurring of the sexes and the feminization of America’s men.
It used to be that a wedding was the bride’s domain. She planned everything (or is lazy and hires a planner), and the groom just showed up in his tux. No more.
Today’s USA Today reports that more grooms are getting involved in planing weddings. There are even books for grooms in how to plan a wedding: “The Knot Guide for the Groom” and “Well Groomed: A Wedding Planner for What’s-His-Name (and His Bride).”
Guys picking dresses and bridesmaid outfits, flowers, and cake flavors. Come on. What is this–“Brokeback Wedding”?

At Least the Lego Groom is Still Masculine

Since many bachelorette parties are trending toward the antics and behavior of bachelor parties, it’s hard to tell, these days, whether it’s the groom or the bride who wears the pants in the relationship.

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June 7, 2006, - 3:25 pm

Thanks, U.N., for the Tip

Yet more evidence that your U.N. dollar buys you less. And why the U.S. should end its practice as the U.N.’s highest paying John.
A U.N. report says that the world’s deserts are under threat from global warming as never before because there’s a “lack of water” and “parched regions.” Allegedly, this lack of water and parchness is making wildlife face dramatic changes.
Gee, doesn’t seem to be hurting Vegas. But then, it’s civilized.
Since much of the world’s deserts are dominated by Islamo-fascists and poisonous snakes (oops, was that redundant?), we really wouldn’t mind if they had less water (see the alleged “global warming” has its good uses). But they never had much water to begin with. It’s a D-E-S-E-R-T.
A lack of water, scarce water supplies, and parched regions in a desert? NO WAY! Just incredible. Next, the U.N. will be telling us that ice cream is cold and soup is hot (unless it’s fruit soup).

Let Them Eat Sand

Thanks for the tip, Kofi, baby. And just how much did we pay for this piece of rocket science?

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June 7, 2006, - 9:00 am

Meet the Real Faris Alami: Illegal Alien Sham Marriage & SS Fraud Expert (Attention, ICE/Abu M)

is a great example of the media whitewash on illegal aliens. He’s a great example of how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is NOT doing its job.
And he’s yet another chapter in the , “Stupid Americans and the Illegal Aliens Who Love Them.”
He doesn’t drink or smoke, and his current wife makes pleasant-smelling chicken in a “tidy home.” Muslim, Palestinian, and hard-working, Alami is a loving father who adores babies and America. Right?
Wrong. His second ex-wife–out of at least three wives, thus far, during his illegal stay–says otherwise.

Aw, Isn’t That Cute: Illegal Alien Faris Alami Likes Babies . . .

Almost As Much as He Likes Sham Marriages & Social Security Fraud

In March, when illegal aliens began protesting, the mainstream media was doing its part for the alien jihad, too. Not to be left out, The Detroit News and its “reporter” Michael H. Hodges (who used to write far-left opinion columns) did their part.
They told Alami’s story. THEIR (and his) version of it:

Faris Alami’s got a great job.
He’s married to an American he adores and is the doting father of 8-month-old Noah. In his spare time, Alami volunteers at the Troy Chamber of Commerce, whose president can’t say enough about him.
He attends his mosque and, on occasion, goes to services at his wife’s Presbyterian church, whose congregation is nuts about him. Alami, 33, is a homeowner and a taxpayer, and works nights on his electrical-engineering degree.
But the government wants to boot him out of the United States — anywhere, anytime someone will take him.

The only gushy thing the reporter missed is that Alami is a prominent member of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, where America is always an adjective, never the identifying noun–and where he is involved in “Bridge Building” (!).
But here are the facts: Alami came here on a phony student visa. He dropped out of community college shortly after getting here, but stayed anyway. He was ordered deported in 1993. And yet 13 years later, HE’S STILL HERE.
There’s a reason we weren’t told that the wife Faris Alami loves is the third one he’s “loved.” It’s hardly news that many illegal aliens, especially Muslims, engage in sham marriages to U.S. citizens to evade immigration laws and invade our country.
And apparently Alami is one of them . . . who just happens to have engaged in Social Security fraud. Here’s what his second ex-wife wrote me:

Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 13:03:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Shandi Cooper scoopergrl@yahoo.com
Subject: Important Faris Alami article
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
I just wanted to let you know I am the ex-wife of Faris Alami. Actually I was his second wife. He used my Social Security Number that took me three years to clear up. He cheated on me, I decided to leave him, and then he asked me if I would stay married to him so that he could get his green card.
No I am not the bitter ex but I do want people to know what type of person that they are dealing with.
Also, if they switch the last four digits of his social security number they will find all kinds of things with his name on it. He would do this and if they caught him he would say that he did not understand with a heavy accent. I saw him do this many times.

Hmmm . . . why didn’t “reporter” Hodges tell us of Alami’s other wives? It’s the new game of illegal alien “don’t ask, don’t tell” in which far too many of the mainstream media engage. If only immigration authorities would investigate these charges about Alami, but there are two obstacles.
As The Washington Times recently reported, ICE’s new PC policy is not to investigate sham marriages anymore. That’s what agents in Dallas ICE offices told the paper. One adjective is missing from the Times’ sotry. It appears ICE is still going after some sham marriage aliens. Just NOT the Muslim ones. Most sham marriage participants the government is going after are Hispanics and Christian Arabs. Despite coming from terror-linked nations, our jihadi friends are simply off-limits.
Like Faris Alami. And like . He’s the second reason people like Alami are still here–at least, why they are still here in Michigan, the heart of Islamic America.
It would look bad for , ICE Special Agent in Charge of Michigan and Ohio to send his agents to question Alami’s first and second ex-wives and investigate his various instances of Social Security fraud. After all, Moskowitz is tight with another sham marriage artist who is now a U.S. citizen and a prominent Muslim leader who has not only been invited to the home of Moskowitz, but is frequently courted by top Homeland Security official Daniel Sutherland. In the early ’80s while overstaying a student visa, Hamad married a San Francisco woman in a sham marriage. He is currently on marriage number two, to Arwa Hamad.
The U.S. government knew this, but under Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, they gave up fighting Hamad. And embraced him.
Like Hamad before him, Alami is now getting the strong support of Michigan Democrat Senator Carl Levin, who is pressuring Homeland Security not to carry out Alami’s removal. Not that DHS has done its part. Like clockwork, they’ve renewed this fraud’s work visa every six months, while Alami’s army of lawyers clogs the courts with his case–a case that should have been over 13 years ago, when he was ordered to leave. And don’t forget the 250 gullible parishioners at Birmingham, Michigan’s First Presbyterian Church who wrote DHS letters demanding Alami be allowed to stay.
So will Alami continue to get the Hamad treatment. Or will he finally be sent packing, as is long overdue?
Bet on the former.
Alami told the News, “I feel American. I understand business here. This is what I know.”
Yes, unfortunately, he knows the business of our desperate-but-not-serious immigration system very, very well.

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June 6, 2006, - 1:45 pm

INSANE: U.S. Offers Nuclear Technology to IRAN!

It’s Clueless Condoleeza, the sequel.
Amidst the Rice-inspired U.S. “incentives” to Iran to get them to stop developing nuclear weapons is giving Iran U.S. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY!
HUH?! HUH?! Yes.
AP reports today:

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — World powers on Tuesday gave Iran a package of incentives that includes U.S. nuclear technology to persuade Tehran to curb its uranium enrichment program, and the Islamic republic’s initial reaction was relatively upbeat.
Speaking on state television after receiving the proposals, top Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said the initiative contains “positive steps” but also some “ambiguities.”

Larijani, who met with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana, called the talks “constructive” and said Iran would respond after studying the incentives.
Diplomats told The Associated Press that the package includes a provision for the United States to supply Tehran with some nuclear technology if it stops enriching uranium – a major concession by Washington.

While we’re at it, perhaps we should give it to Bin Laden, too.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, normally a hard-line critic of the United States who insists that Tehran has a right to enrichment, said over the weekend that a breakthrough in negotiations was possible and welcomed the U.S. offer to join talks.

Ya think? Gee, we offer him nuclear technology in exchange for stopping nuclear technology, and the woman who orchestrated this tops the list of Republican women favored to become Prez?
Unbelievable. Diplomacy = Idiocy.

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