June 13, 2006, - 2:30 pm

Once Beaten, Twice Soccer Shy: Why It’s a Bummer to Be an Iranian Chick

It’s a buzzkill to be a chick in Iran.
First they’re not allowed to cheer for their loser national soccer team, which got trounced by Mexico in the World Cup. (They’ve been banned, since 1979, from attending soccer games in their homeland. Their ankles and noses might turn someone on, and a riot could start.) Now, they get beaten for the crime of talking and asking for equal rights. And, oh, wanting to make it illegal for Iranian men to have four wives.
Yesterday, the Iranian police beat the women with batons and shields. And arrested 70 of them. Religion of peace, baby! And not a peep from Martha Burk, Gloria Steinem, or any of the sagging American bra-burner crowd.

Iranian Women: Once Beaten, Twice Soccer Shy

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June 13, 2006, - 1:53 pm

Alien vs. Predator = . . .

Fatah vs. HAMAS . . . if only they could both lose (ie., meet the 72 dark-eyed re-virginized).

Same Difference: Fatah Terrorists vs. HAMAS Terrorists

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June 13, 2006, - 1:00 pm

OUTRAGE: Bush Helps Illegals Get Medicaid, Softens Law HE Signed

It’s no secret that illegal aliens have long been getting billions on Medicaid healthcare coverage, courtesy of your tax dollar.
But it’s illegal. Medicaid is reserved for low-income U.S. citizens and legal residents. That hasn’t stopped many, many doctors, hospitals, and other medical facilities from ripping you off to pay for the care of illegal aliens.
So Congress finally put a stop to it. Or tried. On July 1st, a section of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 passed by Congress and signed by President Bush was to go into effect to stop illegal aliens from illegally obtaining Medicaid. It required aliens to provide birth certificates, passports, and other documentation of U.S. citizenship in order to get Medicaid. Not that this would stop the fraudulently-documented illegal aliens. But it would make it harder.

Thanks W!: Bush Helps Illegals Get Medicaid

But President Bush didn’t like that. So, on Friday, he and his Administration moved to “soften” (ie., castrate) the law, and allow states to accept sworn affidavits from Medicaid seekers (stating they are U.S. citizens), when these documents are “unavailable.” Yes, “honest, law abiding” illegal aliens–who are already breaking the law by being here–are going to be honest and never falsely sign a document saying they are U.S. citizens. Right? They’d never do such a thing. They’d never lie.
To make matters worse, Mark McClellan (bro of former Bush spokesman Scott McClellan), a Bush appointee who heads the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, claims he’s unaware of illegal aliens ever fraudulently obtaining Medicaid.
Puh-leeze. It happens all the time. And a lot of the time it’s by those who don’t just want to earn money to send home to Mexico.
, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), a Dearborn, Michigan Muslim welfare agency, gave pregnant Muslim women from around the world phony social security numbers to get Medicaid to cover the births of their children (who also got U.S. citizenship–documents from which can be sold over the open terrorist black market). The organization and a hospital were raided by the FBI in 2002 for doing so.
Thanks, President Bush, for making their crime and rip-off of U.S. taxpayers, so much easier to pull off.
And thanks for saying F-U to both houses of Congress and your own signature (Bush signed the law he is now softening).

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June 12, 2006, - 3:46 pm

Self-Serve: Welcome to Bush’s “Beefed Up” Border Security

So what was that President Bush was saying about beefing up our borders? Uh, not really.
Check out this photo, below, taken by St. Petersburg Times senior correspondent, Susan Taylor Martin. It’s self-service entry into the U.S. for boaters on the St. Lawrence River entering the U.S. from Canada at Ogdensburg, New York. Do you think they all do “the right thing” and check in? Think again.
Read Martin’s entire article about this, but check out this part, which is no surprise to those of us clued in (versus the “peace, love, and understanding” crack addicts):

Bush’s “Comprehensive” Border Security Program

When private boaters enter U.S. waters from Canada, chances are there won’t be any U.S. Customs officials there to meet them. Instead, they are supposed to go to a videophone – like the one at the city marina in Ogdensburg, N.Y. – and give the home port, boat registration number, the names and citizenship of all passengers and a list of alcohol or anything else acquired outside the country. . . .
“We like to think people obey the law,” says Kevin Corsaro of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. But, he acknowledges, “it’s hard to guarantee it.” . . .
“It’d be easy to get across,” says Jamie Kennedy, an auto mechanic who was helping a friend repair his boat at the Ogdensburg marina, about a mile across the St. Lawrence River from Prescott, Ontario.
“If you turned the lights off in the middle of the night, no one will know it.” . . .
Today, smugglers spirit cigarettes and firearms into Canada, while the main activity in the other direction is drug smuggling – much of it high-quality marijuana.
Then there are the people who try to sneak across.
“For a long time it was predominantly Pakistanis and Indians, a lot of eastern Europeans, then Chinese,” says Ashlaw, whose agents patrol a 40-mile stretch of river. “These were people who got off the plane in Canada and claimed refugee status. They had no intention of staying in Canada, but it was easier to get into Canada.”
In recent years, Asians have largely been replaced by other nationalities, including Arabs from the Middle East.

“Since 9/11 our mission has changed,” Ashlaw says. “We’re no longer looking at just illegal aliens, we’ve apprehended people with terrorist affiliations.” . . .
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents along the Canadian border has tripled, to about 1,000. That is still far fewer than along the shorter Mexican border. . . .
At the nearby city marina, the “U.S. Customs Border Protection Site” – actually a videophone – awaits private boaters coming from Canada.
“Open door, lift handset and press appropriate button to call,” the instructions begin.
After giving the required information, the boat’s captain either receives a clearance number and is allowed to proceed, or else is told to wait for a customs inspector.
The process is even simpler for boaters who pass criminal background checks and qualify for a “trusted traveler” program. All they have to do is call and be on their way.
Last year, about 12,000 boaters entering U.S. waters from Canada reported in to customs sites in upstate New York, according to Corsaro of Customs and Border Protection. It’s impossible to know how many didn’t report, but Corsaro presumes many do – if only from fear of being fined or having their boats seized if they don’t.
“We have various checks and balances,” he says. “We have the Coast Guard and Border Patrol in the water doing spot checks to assure that boaters comply. Certainly we like to think that everyone reports, but I’m sure there are times they don’t.”
Compliance is also thwarted by the occasional nonworking videophone. . . .

Sending the National Guard for a few months to the Southern border won’t do anything to help this situation. Now, don’t you feel safe?
Thanks to Lawrence Friedman of the always interesting Customs Law Blog for the tip.

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June 12, 2006, - 8:48 am


If you liked the Harriet Miers nomination, you’ll love the Stephen Murphy nomination.
I have known for three weeks–on the tip of a current Assistant U.S. Attorney–that FBI agents are conducting a background check on U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III, in preparation for President Bush’s impending nomination of Murphy to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
But the Bush nomination of Stephen Murphy should shock all freedom-loving Americans, let alone conservatives, because Murphy:

U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy: Don’t Let Him on the 6th Circuit Ct. of Appeals

* Spent his days as an Assistant U.S. Attorney showing fellow U.S. Attorneys his favorite porn on the web. (Sources say he may have done the same as U.S. Attorney.)
* Broke federal law by leaking federal grand jury proceedings to .
* Repeatedly hosted HAMAS and Iraqi Insurgent financiers and anti-Semites in his office and repeatedly praised them.
* Deliberately sat on multiple terror indictments and waited until Hezbollah terrorists were safely out of the country before he chose to do anything against them.
* Praised Hezbollah, said he didn’t know why it was on the State Dept. Terrorist list, and praised and hung out with terror supporters and charities that are funding HAMAS, Hezbollah, and insurgents murdering our troops in Iraq.
* Praised far-left U.S. Congressman and “” star John Conyers (who wanted Bush Impeachment and “Downing Memo” hearings), saying, “What a great lawyer and distinguished mind he is.”
* Prosecuted only non-Muslims who commit hate crimes against Muslims, but recused himself from all cases involving Muslim hate crimes against others.
* Deliberately leaked, along with allies, confidential information about competitors to Detroit News Reporter Shepardson, so he could become U.S. Attorney, defeat the nomination of Judge Henry Saad to the Court of Appeals, and get the nomination for himself.
* Attacked Black Americans, asking, “Why are we letting them control the Republican Party?”
Is this the kind of man President Bush should be putting on one of the most important courts in the land?
If your answer is no–and it should be–then you should be up in arms and calling the White House and Senate Judiciary members in protest.
Check out this picture. It’s worth a thousand words.
The Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .

U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy w/Islamic Terrorism Supporters Osama Siblani, Shereef Akeel, Imad Hamad & Noel Saleh

The men pictured, above, with a smiling Murphy are (from left) Murphy’s close personal friends Osama Siblani, publisher of the openly pro-homicide bomber Arab American News (which proudly supports, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Louis Farrakhan). The taller man standing in the back is Shereef Akeel, a lawyer for Islamic terrorist groups and charities. Beneath him and to Murphy’s right is “former” Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist (more about him below). To Murphy’s left is Noel Saleh, who openly stated that he gave money to Hezbollah. . The are pictured at their monthly love-fest at Murphy’s office.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys, whom he’s supervised for just less than a year on the job as U.S. Attorney, call Stephen Murphy “The Empty Suit.” Worse, a few months ago, I received the following e-mail from a current Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s office:

What concerned me most about that article [in The Detroit News] is the grand jury leak. My guess is that those leaks came directly from the U.S. Attorney [Stephen Murphy] himself. He has said in conversation that [the] case [the indictment of ] will keep him on the front page of the paper and he has ignored pleadings to just let the case go. He also has a history of leaking from his days as an Assistant U.S. Attorney and it is said that during the time he put in the first time for the U.S. Attorney position that he took confidential information from a committee member (I think from the Dean from U of D[etroit Law School, Bernard Dobranski]) and used it to give a story to the newspapers to kill the chances of a competitor who also is a former Assistant U.S Attorney [Michael LaVoie] (something about an undisclosed contribution to a Democrat) [$100 contribution to then-Michigan Attorney Gen. Candidate Jennifer Granholm, who is now Governor]. He [Murphy] ended up telling folks it was the Dean who planted the story and effectively ended that guy’s influence in judicial selections, etc.
You probably already know that when he was an assistant [Assistant U.S. Attorney], he used to watch pornography on his work computer all the time. . . .
During his background check last year, the legal community was abuzz that the he would never be confirmed because he liked to look at porn on his Department of Justice computer. You probably already know this but he went as far as inviting others into his office to look at the porn during work hours. Rumor had it that while it was an issue, D.O.J. probably did not have the ability to check back on computer usage in during his time as an assistant. This may have been accurate because he was confirmed.

[DS: Get a clue, FBI. Did you check his computer in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for porn? He’s probably already switched it and gotten a new computer.]

In light of the Ohio story, it looks as though the FBI choose to ignore his use of a department computer to watch pornography and bowed to the pressure . . . and pushed his confirmation through. . . .
It should have been easy enough for DOJ to examine the computer he used as it would be hard to believe that it would delete any information from its system.

In several years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Murphy prosecuted only one major case. Now, we know why. He was too busy “viewing” more important things. The porn allegations are bad enough, especially since he’s been traipsing around Michigan pushing a “Child Protection Initiative” against online porn. But the rest is damning, too.
It is illegal to leak Federal Grand Jury testimony and/or information obtained through a Grand Jury subpoena. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e)(2) prohibits such leaks. But that didn’t stop Murphy. Several sources, including the e-mail from the Assistant U.S. Attorney, above, say that Murphy is the source of leaked information–in several Detroit News stories–about the then-ongoing proceedings of a Federal Grand Jury that ultimately did a ham sandwich which apparently planned to blow up tourist sites throughout the U.S. and a U.S. Air Force base in Turkey. (See also, .)
The rest of the Assistant U.S. Attorney’s e-mail checks out. Bernard Dobranski, then Dean of University of Detroit Law School, sat on the committee that chose President Bush’s selection as U.S. Attorney. Information about Lavoie, whom Murphy believed was his chief competition for the position, was leaked from the committee to the Detroit News’ David Shepardson, to whom Murphy has long been a source. (See the related articles below and here and here.) Because Murphy did not get the job–he lost out to Jeffrey Collins, who is Black–he made a series of statements protesting that “Blacks control our party.”
Tom Monaghan, a big Republican donor and personal friend and supporter of Murphy, has a significant role here. His paid political point man, Joseph Cella, helped defeat the nomination of Arab American Judge Henry Saad to the Federal Court of Appeals position to which Murphy will now be nominated. After first pushing through Saad’s nomination, Cella, on Monaghan’s behalf, spread rumors of Saad’s alleged marital infidelities, saying Saad must be defeated because he is NOT a good Catholic. Those rumors made it into Saad’s FBI background check file, and ultimately into David Shepardson’s Detroit News articles.
Cella also lobbied, on Monaghan’s behalf, to get Murphy to his current position as U.S. Attorney and, it is said, the nomination to the Federal Court of Appeals.
But even more disturbing than all of these things is Murphy’s sympathies to those who support terror. And his refusal to go after Detroit area charities that fund Hezbollah, HAMAS, and INSURGENTS MURDERING OUR TROOPS. In fact, he has praised Hezbollah and wondered why it is on the State Department Terrorist List.

More of the Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .

Stephen Murphy’s–& Hezbollah’s–Favorite “American” Imam:

Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi (right) w/Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Sheikh Fadlallah

In September 2005, in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. The mosque was founded and is led by Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, who told The Washington Times that the Jews and Israel were behind 9/11 attacks (a statement he’s never retracted), and who repeatedly praises and defends Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his Detroit News columns.
Elahi, an official of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian government, was the Spiritual Leader of Khomeini’s Navy. In May 2005, Elahi met with Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hassan Fadlallah, and members of his mosque are Hezbollah funders and operatives. Elahi did not disclose his status as an agent of Hezbollah and the Government of Iran on his application and other documents obtaining U.S. citizenship. But Murphy refuses to open an investigation into that and strip Elahi of his fraudulently obtained citizenship.
In his speech to Murphy and other federal officials, Elahi told the audience that “What’s going on in the South of Lebanon [Hezbollah] is not terrorism. It is legitimate resistance.” Murphy applauded enthusiastically and in response stated, “Imam, we come with the humility and respect you mentioned. It’s a real honor to be here.” Responding to questions from the audience, Murphy joked and laughed when asked why Hezbollah, which murdered over 300 American Marines and civilians, was on the State Department Terrorist list. He joked that his friends say it is “a noble organization” that does a lot of good things for people–hospitals, etc. He started laughing.
Hezbollah tortured to death, over a number of years, U.S. Col. William R. (Rich) Higgins, who did not have a weapon because he was a member of the UN Peacekeeping force. The group tortured to death. Hezbollah tortured CIA Station Chief William Buckley to death. It worked with Al-Qaeda in blowing up the Khobar Towers and blew up the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, murdering about 100, injuring countless others. Currently, according to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, Hezbollah is working with Al-Qaeda to train insurgents in Iraq.
Does a man who doesn’t seem to know why this entity is a terrorist group and jokes about it become a Federal Appeals Court Judge?
Oh, and then there’s Murphy’s praise of far-left moonbat U.S. Congressman John Conyers. At the mosque, he spoke just after Conyers. “I’m honored to be on a panel with Congressman Conyers. What a great lawyer and distinguished mind he is. I cannot improve upon what Congressman Conyers said.” But Conyers’ speech attacked the Patriot Act, prosecution of Muslims who commit terrorist acts, and virtually the entire counterterror program we have in the U.S. Conyers spoke of voting for tougher penalties for hate crimes against Muslims, to Murphy’s vehement applause.
But that’s the point. Murphy will only prosecute alleged hate crimes against others. He will NOT prosecute hate crimes against, say, Jews. I know this personally because, while Murphy swiftly indicted men who sent e-mails to an extremist, pro-Hezbollah Muslim cleric–one of the men is a quadriplegic veteran in a wheelchair whose “threat” was “I hope I get the opportunity to kill a Muslim”– Murphy has recused himself and the U.S. Attorney’s Office from prosecuting any of three Muslims who sent me multiple, far more serious death threats (including one by a Muslim illegal alien). Check out the threats and . U.S. Justice Department civil rights attorney Lisa Krigsten and other Justice Department officials told me so. And Murphy has not prosecuted any hate crimes committed by Muslims. He refuses to do it, especially when it comes to Jewish victims like me.
Then, there’s the problem of Murphy’s seriousness on terrorism. He isn’t. For him, it’s strictly about PR. Not about justice for terrorists. Murphy appointed Eric Strauss as his chief counterterrorism attorney in the heart of Islamic America. But it is well known that Strauss had a dart board in his office. The target of the dartboard: FBI Michigan Counterrrorism chief Paul George. And Strauss’ incompetence and deliberate actions have led to several terrorists either going free or getting laughably short sentences.
More of the Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .

Convicted Murderer Khalil Chahine (left), Indicted Tax Evader Talal Chahine (second from rt), Hezbollah/Iran Agent Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi

@ the Hezbollah Mosque

Murphy and Strauss have deliberately allowed a number of key Hezbollah money launderers and funding sources to go free. They sat FOR TWO YEARS on an indictment of the Hammoud brothers, who ran a Black market smuggling ring garnering millions in Hezbollah funding, while most of the Hammoud brothers, on to the federal investigation of them, fled the country. Murphy did nothing to stop them. Murphy also allowed multiple raids of without indictments. . What good are indictments of terrorists when Stephen Murphy has allowed them all to leave the country?
Even More of the Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .

Stephen Murphy with Terrorist Charity Officials Khalil Jassem (left), Ihsan Al-Khatib (far right) & “Former” Terrorist Imad Hamad (Murphy’s left)

Murphy’s close ties with supporters of terror besides Hezbollah’s Imam Elahi are disturbing. , a Detroit area charity, openly stated on its taxes that one of its three primary recipients is Human Appeal International, which the FBI says is HAMAS’ Jordanian operation. In 2004, the group–which takes in millions of dollars and is one of the largest Muslim charities in North America–had a fundraising event in the Los Angeles area, at which speakers hinted that money was going to fund insurgents in places like Fallujah. Its first registered agent is tied to Al-Qaeda and one of its chief financiers. The group has long been under investigation by Detroit FBI and then-Customs agents, and its headquarters was raided by U.S. troops in Iraq.
But Murphy has not only praised the terror-funding charity and hung out with its chief, Khalil Jassem, and general counsel, Ihsan Al-Khatib, he hosts them at monthly meetings in his office. And he refuses to indict the group. Murphy also frequently socializes with another official of the charity, Mohammed Alomari, who hosts an anti-Semitic, anti-American Arabic radio show, hosted an anti-Semitic website, and is the author of a anti-Semitic book and articles attacking the Bush Administration for hiring Jews. Alomari has also been invited to meetings with Murphy at the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Then, there is Mr. Murphy’s tight relationship with “former” Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist , now a U.S. citizen and head of the Midwest Chapter of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Mr. Hamad openly supports Hezbollah, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and the like. In an interview with a local TV station, he praised “Children’s Club”– Palestinian Authority TV program, like Sesame Street, that urges three-year-olds to become homicide bombers–saying it is “patriotic.” When asked by a Detroit radio host Mitch Albom if he was a member of the PFLP, also on the State Department terrorist list, Hamad responded, “Well . . . not really.” He declined to utter a more definite “No.” Because of his terror ties, the FBI in 2003.
Murphy has frequently praised Hamad. He’s very tight with Hamad, and attends all of Hamad’s organization’s events and functions. Hamad is the organizer of the monthly meetings in the U.S. Attorney’s office with the various terror supporters and money launderers.
It’s no surprise that Michigan’s far left U.S. Senator, Democrat Carl Levin, signed off on the Murphy nomination but blocked that of Henry Saad for several years. Levin is an ally of Hamad, pressured the U.S. government to grant Hamad citizenship, and at Hamad’s suggestion, helped terror-charity LIFE for Relief and Development get millions in USAID money.
Finally, there is Murphy’s attendance at meetings of the Congress of Arab American Organizations, an amalgamation of extremist Muslim groups and charities, like LIFE for Relief and Development. In October 2005, Murphy was the keynote speaker at the group’s annual dinner held at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn. The center, named for a Hezbollah stronghold in Southern Lebanon, is well known for its alliance with the terrorist group. According to a report by one Muslim group, in his speech, Murphy “expressed [his] solid commitment . . . and mission [for] a forum of dialogue to address issues of common interest and concern to the government and community. Mr. Murphy extended his warm greetings.”
As the chief official of the U.S. Department of Justice in the Detroit area, Stephen Murphy has shown an affinity for pornography, Islamic terrorists, money launderers, racism, anti-Semitism, and leaking grand jury proceedings to reporters.
Would you trust him on the Federal Court of Appeals bench?
Call the White House and Senate Judiciary Committee members. Tell them to just say no to Stephen Murphy.
Legible version of the following article here.

Legible version of the following article here.

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June 9, 2006, - 3:20 pm

Reality Check: Muslim Palestinians MOURN Zarqawi Death, Vow to Continue His Work

It was fun hearing Muslim leaders throughout the world, including “former” Palestinian Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, claim they are happy .
But are they really? Just like on 9/11, we saw the REAL sentiment of the Arab Street, well, on the Arab Street. Check out the many Muslims MOURNING Zarqawi’s death. They’re SORRY he died. SORRY! Get it?!
Our friend, Jerusalem Post reporter Michael Freund, sent us this photo from his Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) blog. It depicts Palestinians in Khan Yunis, Gaza mourning and protesting Zarqawi’s death and “vowing to continue in his path.”

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June 9, 2006, - 2:51 pm

DANGER: Your Daughter’s MySpace Suitor Could Be Muslim Man in Mid-East

If your under-aged daughter is on MySpace, your worries of sex-fiends targeting her shouldn’t be confined to the continental U.S.
Take the story of 16-year-old Katherine Lester, who lives in Western Michigan. She was lured by a 25-year-old Muslim Palestinian, over MySpace. And she flew all the way to Jordan, to meet him. She was on her way to meet the Palestinian Muslim, from Jericho, in the West Bank (Israel). As reported by CBS News broadcast reports, he used the screen name, “Abdullah Psycho.” Abdullah, a Muslim name, means “Slave of Allah.” You know what “Psycho” means. Online, the man claimed to be 14. Mid-Michigan’s WEYI/NBC 25 reports that the man’s name is Abdulla Babsheh.
It’s outrageous, but not surprising, that some media reports are referring to the man as an “Israeli.” He is NOT. I love how they are “Isrealis” when they do bad things against Americans, but they are “Palestinians” when they are “aggrieved” by the actual Israelis and want their own terror-based country from which to launch more attacks on Jews and Christians.
Her mother is lucky that the U.S. law enforcement authorities were able to persuade her to return home. If she’d married the guy in a quickie Muslim wedding, her parents would be out of luck. Shariah law requires the husband’s permission for a divorce.

DANGER: Your Daughter’s MySpace Chats Could Mean . . .

From THIS . . . to THIS

(Katherine Lester, Pictured at Left)

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June 9, 2006, - 2:19 pm

On Castro’s Death, Mariel Boatlift 2: Another Reason to Table Guest Worker Amnesty

**** UPDATE, 06/12/06: TO MY MANY CUBAN-AMERICAN FRIENDS & READERS: I’m very sorry if the comments by myself in this post or other posters offended you. I hope you will accept my apologies, as my post was never meant as an attack on Cuban Americans, whom I so deeply respect. I have always been a strong advocate of the Cuban people who sorely want freedom, but have been denied it by Fidel Castro and his Communist henchmen. I also have always been a strong advocate of the Cuban Americans who came here for the freedom and peace they do not have in Cuba. From Armando Valladares to Elian Gonzalez, to the recent (see also, ), I am with you. Cuban Americans are among the most patriotic, hard-working, loyal people I’ve encountered in our great country. They are the model of the desired legal immigrant.
If my post offended you, and if I am wrong about the number of criminals in the Mariel Boatlift in 1980, please forgive me and accept my apologies. It was not meant to attack Cubans, but to point out that the government is planning for this, and that if, indeed, Castro dies and there is mass immigration here from Cuba, law abiding immigrants or not, we are NOT equipped to handle it. That is the truth. I do not agree with any of the comments attacking Cuban Americans. My apologies for them.END UPDATE****
Behind the scenes, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Red Cross, and various other government agencies have been meeting with Miami and Florida agencies to prepare for an upcoming disaster.
But it’s not a natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina. It’s Fidel Castro’s death. He turns 80, this year, and the CIA believes he is dying of Parkinson’s Disease. Authorities fear that upon his death, a mass migration even greater than the 1980 Mariel Boatlift–which put 120,000 Cuban criminals on our shores–will occur. They’ve prepared a “Cuba Transition Project” report as a rough plan. Supposedly, there are other secret plans.
But are DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) really ready for this? It’s hard to tell. Some important questions we ask:

(Fidel Castro Trading Card from Infinite Jest)

* What will happen with laws granting automatic citizenship to Cubans once they have one foot on dry land in America?
* Is there an exception proscribing criminals?
* How will we determine who the criminals are and which are just innocent Cubans trying to escape Communist Cuba?

Clearly, we have a possible tidal wave of aliens on our hands that we need to prepare for, but how will we be able to handle it, if all of our agents are already too busy processing guest workers who’ve been here breaking our laws for years?

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June 9, 2006, - 1:42 pm

Absurd: Queen Latifah Wants Women’s “Confidence” Day (?!); Wants to Run for Senate (??!!)

They . They . And they , too.
So do women, who now greatly outnumber men, in all of these areas need more “confidence”? That’s what actress, hip-hopper, and former drug dealer Queen Latifah (real name: Dana Owens) claims. She is endorsing yet another stupid, meaning less national day that costs time and money to pass it through Congress: National Women’s Confidence Day. Latifah was in Washington, this week, visiting the House of Representatives to endorse this–yet another waste of Congressional resources like National Embalming Day.
Apparently it’s part of her political “toe in the water” in preparation for her announced future run for the U.S. Senate. Excuse us while we stop laughing. (We’re still laughing about “The Nanny’s” Fran Drescher’s announced plans to run for the same.) Besides, she’d have to change her name from “Queen” Latifah to “Senator” Latifah. Isn’t that a demotion?
“Women need more confidence to reach their goals,” she claims. Really? With her absurd announcement of plans to run for office, it seems maybe some women have too much confidence.

Senator Latifah?: Heaven Help Us

With , it’s clear that if there needs to be a “National Confidence Day” for anyone, it’s men and maybe Infidels (a/k/a non-Muslims).
But don’t look for that to happen. Or for stupid celebs to make silly pronouncements about it. And quit announcing plans to run for office.

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June 9, 2006, - 1:14 pm

PETA Wins: No More Fur for Polo Ralph Lauren

Well, despite the fact that they’re a bunch of fringe characters on the far left, PETA or, as we like to call them, PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals & humans), has won.
Polo Ralph Lauren announced it is eliminating fur from all of its apparel and home collections:

We are publicly announcing this decision because the use of fur has been under review internally and we feel that the time is right to take this action.

What’s the difference between fur and the leather (and suede) that Polo Ralph Lauren will continue to use? Nothing. Both cover animals that must be killed to obtain the skins. Hy-Polo-Pocrisy by Ralph Lauren.

Something Smells at Polo Ralph Lauren (& It’s Not the Fur)

Also, watch for less warm fake fur to be used at the same inflated gazillionaire prices Ralph Lauren (real name: Ralph Lipshitz) charges.
As for us little people, we’ll continue wearing leather and eating meat.
PETA by Ralph Lauren.

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