June 15, 2006, - 10:18 am

Pimp My ICE: Immigration Princess Says AMNESTY Push is Reason 4 Latest Illegal Alien Show Arrests

The ICE Princess , but she LO-O-O-O-O-V-ES amnesty for illegal aliens. Many readers have written asking my opinion on the latest spate of mass arrests of illegal aliens, nationwide.
In case you didn’t figure it out, these latest 2,000-plus illegal alien arrests are yet more fakery in the Bush Administration’s propaganda war to get amnesty for illegals. Amnesty, not protecting our borders, is the Holy Grail for W & The ICE Princess.
It’s not me saying so. It’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chiefatrix, a/k/a “The ICE Princess.” In a series of interviews, most notably one broadcast on “Good Morning America,” today, The ICE Princess openly endorsed a “Temporary Worker Program,” a/k/a AMNESTY for illegal aliens. She stated that many illegal aliens come here for jobs, and “that’s why we need a Temporary Worker Program, so we can focus on the criminals.”

Operation Jumped the Shark/Return to Sender:

Please President Bush, Return Her to Sender.

(ICE Princess Embarrassment artwork by David Lunde)

That’s why ICE is doing these show arrests. Guaranteed, like the last set of show arrests in April, most of these individuals will be back out on the street in no time . . . if they aren’t already.
Catch-and-release of these and other illegal aliens has not stopped. It has only ramped up to catch up with the ramped up PR arrests. ICE has not increased its number of beds to what is needed to hold and deport these illegals. And ICE continues to issue these people Notices to (Dis)Appear, turning them back into the great American abyss, many never to be found again.
Arrests are one thing. Deportations are entirely another. That’s why it’s a joke that The ICE Princess & Co. have called these latest empty arrests, “Operation Return to Sender.” The only thing that’s being returned to sender is a mass of illegal aliens that came from the American street going backto the American street, not back to Mexico, greater Arabia, or anywhere else.

“Pimp My ICE”:

ICE BS Artist Marc Raimondi Watches the Fakery He Helps Orchestrate

More proof that the arrests are a mere PR stunt is an Associated Press photo of ICE questioning a woman in Boston, who was arrested in the latest sweeps. According to the caption, the pic shows the back of ICE Agent Marc Raimondi:

Marc Raimondi watches as a woman is questioned about a fugitive during a sweep in the Boston area Wednesday.

But Marc Raimondi is one of ICE’s top press people. He hasn’t been a street agent for ages. During the Superbowl, he graced our presence here in the Detroit area. He was all over the Detroit media pimping , allowing illegals and dangerous terrorists to roam free during Superbowl week.
Don’t watch for Special Agent Raimondi to gaze upon too many more sweeps of illegals, once the November Congressional elections are over and/or the fight to establish Temporary Worker/Guest Worker amnesty is resolved one way or another. Then, it will be back to business–or rather, no business–as usual at Immigration and Customs non-Enforcement.
It’s all about PR. Not about deporting illegal aliens. More smoke and mirrors, my dear readers.

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June 14, 2006, - 5:21 pm

Me on MSNBC “Scarborough Country” Tonight

Rescheduled , I will be on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” tonight at 9:15 p.m. Eastern, to discuss Ann Coulter and her new book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.” Check it out.

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June 14, 2006, - 4:46 pm

3 Cheers for Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, Fighter Against the Alien Invasion

Kudos to Colorado Republican Governor Bill Owens for having the guts to go after the Colorado Supreme Court on immigration.
He called the Court “arrogant.” And he is right.
A ballot initiative was set to be on the Colorado ballot in November to deny most state services to illegal immigrants. As we’ve noted, the Prez has softened such laws on the national level. So state and local officials, like Owens, must take it upon themselves to do the job an American (the Prez) won’t do: stop the illegal alien invasion and tax-grab.
But, Monday, the arrogant–and very politically left–Colorado Supreme Court threw out the ballot initiative on a technicality. They were apparently afraid that the measure will pass in a landslide.

Colorado Governor Bill Owens:

Courageous American Fights Illegal Alien Invastion

The measure would deny in-state college tuition, welfare, etc. to illegal aliens, but would not stop public education and emergency medical services (both are mandated under federal law). Now, Owens will have to–and said he will–call a special legislative session requiring a 2/3 vote of both the Colorado House and Senate, to make the ballot. Both houses are controlled by the Dems, so it will be difficult.
Still, we applaud Gov. Bill Owens for doing the right thing. And having the guts to fight the illegal alien sob story crowd. He has a history of speaking out on this hemorrhaging problem. And he is always right.
If only he were not term-limited.

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June 14, 2006, - 3:57 pm

Live From Egypt: BS Quote of the Week

In announcing Egypt’s bans of the novel and film, “The Da Vinci Code,” Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni announced that,

“We ban any book that insults any religion.”

Oh, really?
Hmmm . . . Then, why, is “Mein Kampf” number one on the Egyptian best-sellers list? Maybe the Egyptians simply don’t believe Judaism is a religion. Or perhaps they view the book as a “compliment” to that religion. And, not to mention, , “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” also perpetually selling like hot cakes in Egypt.

Egypt’s Book-Banning Hypocrisy

We especially loved the comment by Egyptian Coptic Christian Member of Parliament Georgette Sobhi in the debate over the ban of “The Da Vinci Code”:

“It’s based on Zionist myths.”

Great strategy–Attack Judaism when denouncing a book that attacks Christianity, written by a . . . Christian.

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June 14, 2006, - 3:25 pm

Coolest Presidential Diplomatic Field Trip: Goin’ to Graceland

For once, the White House PR machine is fully operational.
In the coolest diplomatic White House field trip we’ve heard of (write us or comment if you know of others), President Bush will take Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, an Elvis fan, to visit Graceland, the Memphis home of “the King.”
Given the decor, it will be as if Koizumi made trips to Iraq and the U.S. in one shot. Graceland is, after all, our version of a Saddam palace. (Please no hate-mail from Elvis fans. We’re only comparing the decor, not the two men or their actions.)
Incredibly, Koizumi and his bro, Masaya, have been members of the Elvis Presley fan club in Tokyo for more than 30 years, according to USA Today. Do they know that Elvis was Jewish?

“Wise Men Say” or “Fools Rush in”?:

Bush, Japan’s Koizumi do Elvis, Graceland

Besides doing Elvis Karaoke of “I Want You, I Need You, I Love You” at Prez Bush’s 59th B-Day at the G8 Summit, Koizumi also recorded a CD, “Junichiro Koizumi Presents My Favorite Elvis Songs.” Oops, another William Hung is born.
Apparently, Graceland gets thousands of Japanese tourists each year, but this is the first visit by an sitting U.S. President or world leader.
What’s next on the Presidential agenda–Space Mountain rides with Muammar Qaddafi?
Now word on whether grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches are on the Bush-Koizumi menu.
UPDATE: 06/30/06–Check out these photos of lefties protesting the Pres & the Prime.

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June 14, 2006, - 2:32 pm

Happy Flag Day, America!

Happy Flag Day, America! Proudly, we have the most beautiful flag of any nation in the world. Our flag has been through a lot, but it is still waving strong and free.

On this Flag Day, it’s auspicious that the U.S. Senate is just ONE vote short of banning flag burning. Just ONE. Is it your U.S. Senator?
Important to point out that Nemr Ali Rahal, a Detroit-area man convicted of bank fraud (he also engaged in credit card and mortgage fraud) to fund Hezbollah, proudly displayed in his home photos of himself and a friend burning the American flag. Funny how they never burn the Saudi flag, the Palestinian Authority flag, the HAMAS flag, or the Hezbollah flag.
Here are some interesting facts about the old Red, White and Blue:
* The flag was adopted by the U.S. as our official flag on June 14, 1777 by the Second Continental Congress.
* George Washington originally wanted six-pointed stars (like the Jewish Star) on the flag. But Betsy Ross convinced him to go with the five-pointed stars, according to the Detroit Free Press.
* Wearing the flag (like this jerk) is a violation of U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8(d), which states:

The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.

Got that, Kid Rock?
Here are two of my favorite pictures of the flag:

Iwo Jima, 1945

World Trade Center, Post 9/11 Attack, 2001

Happy Flag Day. Forever May You Wave.

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June 13, 2006, - 5:09 pm

Me on MSNBC “Scarborough Country” Tonight

I will be on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” tonight at 9:30 p.m. Eastern, to discuss Ann Coulter and her new book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.” Check it out.
**** UPDATE: Unfortunately, MSNBC told me–at the last minute–to go to a different studio than the one at which they originally scheduled me. I went to that different studio and it was THE WRONG ONE! So I was not on. Sorry to all of you who stayed up to watch or watched to see me. But these things happen in the TV biz. I’ve never missed a live shot of my own accord. C’est la vie.
Had I not walked out of the screening of “Nacho Libre,” tonight (which SUCKED!!!), I would not have gotten the messages from MSNBC producers about the switched studio, would have gone straight to the correct studio, and made the taping. Oh, well. Guess it was not meant to be tonight.

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June 13, 2006, - 4:25 pm

Breast Cancer Apartheid: Shame on You, Mrs. Bush

That giant sucking sound is getting really annoying.
In our never-ending campaign to suck up and pander to those who hate us, Laura Bush announced yesterday that she will team up with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to help spread awareness and research about breast cancer. The move is designed to reach out to the countries’ women.
But there is a country in the Middle East that is a world leader in cancer research, treatment, and technology. That country, Israel, is a world leader in the breast cancer fight. Unfortunately, it is also a country that is boycotted by both Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Though Israel has allowed many patients from Islamic countries into Israel, Israeli doctors are not allowed into Saudi Arabia or the UAE. No Israeli citizens are nor any Jews. Israeli products, including cancer medicines developed and manufactured in Israel or by Israeli companies, are NOT allowed in. Nor are they allowed to be purchased. It’s part of the official Arab boycott of Israel that is ongoing.

On this site, we’ve reported on the , , and even against Jews practiced by these countries in compliance with the Arab boycott. So why does Mrs. Bush condone this? And why is she speaking on breast cancer issues in countries that deny their citizens the benefits of important life-saving treatments and medical professionals, merely because both emanate from a Jewish state? In Saudi Arabia, women can’t even drive themselves to the doctor for a breast exam/mammogram. They’re not allowed to drive. Period. In both Islamic countries, women can’t get divorces and they are killed in honor killings, something that is far more preventable than breast cancer.
But Mrs. Bush is glossing over all of that with the broad stroke of the PC cause of breast cancer. She can wear all the pink ribbons she wants. But speaking out on breast cancer in countries which have far deeper cancers that inspire deliberate murder around the world–not to mention, the murder of their own women, is like putting lipstick on a pig. And being laughed at by all the pigs in the poke, while you keep falling over in their slop.
Shame on you, Mrs. Bush.

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June 13, 2006, - 4:08 pm

Maybe, Now, Detroit Suburbanites Will Note Illegal Alien Prob

While some northern border states feel the pain of the illegal alien problem, most of the suburbanites where I live (in the Detroit area) don’t seem to care.
They never go anywhere near Little Ramallah (a/k/a Dearborn, where many Muslim illegals reside). And since our federal authorities–Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chief a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” and a/k/a “Abu Porno”–make few arrests and even fewer prosecutions of illegal alien criminals, no-one seems to notice that it’s a burgeoning problem.
But since an illegal alien criminal has now broken into homes in swanky soccer mom RINO Republican country and stolen jewelry (scroll down linked page), maybe they’ll get a clue. And hear the ring of the wake up call. Even those Birkenstock Republican BoBos (Bourgeois Bohemians) who love to pity those illegal aliens might finally side with that mean Mr. Immigration Man, after this:

BIRMINGHAM: Illegal immigrant, 16, suspected of break-ins
Birmingham police arrested a 16-year-old illegal immigrant whom they suspected of breaking into homes in the North Eton-Graefield area.
Over the last three weeks, about a half-dozen break-ins were reported at a condominium complex in the area. In each case, entry had been made through ground-floor windows that had been left open while no one was home, police said.
Police began surveillance of the area, and at about 2:30 p.m. Thursday observed the teen concealing some audio equipment and jewelry in a plastic bag in a garage. He was arrested that day.
The teen was turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A deportation hearing will be held soon, police said.

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June 13, 2006, - 3:04 pm

Limp-Wristed: State Dept. on Gitmo Suicides; New Euphemism for Terrorists: “Dangerous Citizens”

Colleen Graffy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, is in hot water.
For making statements against Muslims? For having a wisp of hair fall out of her hijab? For eating non-halal Chicken McNuggets? Nope.
She’s in trouble for saying that the three suicides, Saturday, of Gitmo terrorist detainees (a Yemeni and two Saudis), were a “great PR move” by terrorists.
That’s actually a pretty tame comment about something that was, in fact, not just a great PR move, but also a tremendous propaganda coup–eaten up by the ACLU/Islamo-fascist crowd. But the spineless, weak State Dept. Pan-Qaedists are peddling backward faster than Ed Begley, Jr. on his bicycle.

Colleen Graffy & Karen Hughes:

One of these State Dept. Officials Tells Truth (Gasp!) re-Gitmo

“We do not see it as a PR stunt,” said State Dept. mouthpiece Sean McCormack said. He added that the U.S. is seriously concerned about the suicides and would not question their motives.
Hello? Hello? He-e-ll-o-o-o-o-o? These are terrorists. They killed themselves for a reason: to be martyrs and make the U.S. look bad. McCormack calls them, NOT terrorists, but “dangerous citizens.”
HUH? HUH? HUH?! “Dangerous citizens?” Citizens of what? They are TERRORISTS!
So what’s at play here? We mean, besides complete stupidity. Well, Graffy who made the “PR stunt” comment, works for , who is in charge of sucking up to Islamo-fascisti worlwide. Yup, Hughes is the chief, well, sucker. And Hughes and the other State Department-ites (like Condoleeza Clueless) don’t want to offend the Islamic world by daring to call them terrorists or tell it like it is.
These people could sell fertilizer by the gallon. And they’d never run out of their self-pepetuating supply.
As for us, regarding the suicides, we say: Buh-Bye! And have fun with the 72 re-virginized.

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