June 16, 2006, - 5:24 pm
Chi-Comms Help IslamoFascisti
Just in case you didn’t notice, the Chi-Comms are back to the old Communist tricks. In this case, the Communist tricks of funding Islamists.
In the old days, it was the USSR/Soviet Union funding the PLO. Now, it is China funding HAMAS and playing footsie with Iran.
When HAMAS/Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahr returned, this week, from an international trip, he came with a suitcase filled with $20 million cash to pay rioting Palestinian government workers. Among the countries that donated? You guessed it–the Chi-Comms.
Then there’s Iran’s lunatic fringe leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He’s urging China to “increase cooperation and blunt the interference of ‘domineering powers’ in global affairs,” according to a number of media reports. When he says “domineering powers,” he means America.
So, will the Chi-Comms say yes to the nutcase Iranian leader? Our bet says yes.
First, the PLO. Then, HAMASastan. Next, Iran. It’s hard to teach old Communists new tricks.
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Tags: America, Chi-Comms Help, China, Debbie Schlussel Just, foreign minister, Hamas, Islamic Republic of Iran, lunatic fringe leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud Zahr, media reports, Palestine Liberation Organization, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian government, Soviet Union, USD, USSR/Soviet Union