June 16, 2006, - 5:24 pm

Chi-Comms Help IslamoFascisti

Just in case you didn’t notice, the Chi-Comms are back to the old Communist tricks. In this case, the Communist tricks of funding Islamists.
In the old days, it was the USSR/Soviet Union funding the PLO. Now, it is China funding HAMAS and playing footsie with Iran.
When HAMAS/Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahr returned, this week, from an international trip, he came with a suitcase filled with $20 million cash to pay rioting Palestinian government workers. Among the countries that donated? You guessed it–the Chi-Comms.
Then there’s Iran’s lunatic fringe leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He’s urging China to “increase cooperation and blunt the interference of ‘domineering powers’ in global affairs,” according to a number of media reports. When he says “domineering powers,” he means America.

So, will the Chi-Comms say yes to the nutcase Iranian leader? Our bet says yes.
First, the PLO. Then, HAMASastan. Next, Iran. It’s hard to teach old Communists new tricks.

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June 16, 2006, - 5:00 pm

OUTRAGE: Colorado May Be New Haven for Muslim Underage Marriage?

What is it with Colorado’s screwy courts? We reported that the .
Now, the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled (yesterday), that girls can marry as young as age 12. Yup, AGE TWELVE!
Many revered, prominent Islamic clerics encourage the oppressive Islamic rite of marrying off young daughters, barely teens, to men far older, in arranged marriages. This goes on in Dearborn, Michigan, the heart of Islamic America. As Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer wrote, this practice was endorsed by the Ayatollah Khomeini, who urged that parents marry their daughters off before her “first blood” (their first period). Spencer wrote about this because “respected” Dearborn, Michigan cleric Imam Husham Al-Husainy (Director of the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center) was carrying a poster of Ayatollah Khomeini at a “memorial” march for Yasser Arafat.
We shudder to think that this practice will now be sanctioned by the State of Colorado, to which we know that many Muslims engaging in this reprehensible practice will now flock.
How can any court, which acknowledges that a 12 year old girl cannot be treated as an adult for criminal prosecution (except under very extreme circumstances), rule that a 12-year-old girl can even have the capacity and understanding to enter such an arrangement?
It is utterly regressive, not to mention, ABSURD!

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June 16, 2006, - 4:46 pm

Duh!: Nigerian Muslims Boycott Polio Vaccine as “U.S. Plot,” Get Polio

While we’re constantly lectured about the Muslim advancements in the science and math worlds, centuries ago, let’s look at THIS century.
In THIS century, Islamofascist science is that of a crackpot witch doctor. And the Third World, Banana Republic style quackery to which the Islamofascists subscribe is getting them killed.
Yesterday, Nigerian health authorities reported a huge surge in polio in Muslim areas. You know, polio, the disease long ago eradicated in civilized countries. Nigeria has at least 467 new cases of polio in the first months of 2006, compared with 224 in all of 2005.
Why is that happening? Well, the great Islamofascist scientists of the Muslim-dominated northern Nigeria ordered a boycott of all polio immunization and vaccine medicines in 2003, saying it is part of a U.S.-led plot to make Muslims infertile and infect them with AIDS.
90% of the new polio cases were in the Muslim northern Nigeria. More proof that, contrary to conventional Madrassah dogma, the West doesn’t kill Muslims. Islamofascist idiocy kills Muslims.

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June 16, 2006, - 4:35 pm

Wake Up, America: Disturbing Census Figures on U.S. Fathers

**** UPDATE: Thanks to all the readers who found the Census press release and noted that these figures refer to Mr. Moms, and not all married dads with kids, as the WSJ’s Harwood made it sound. . ****
As we approach Father’s Day, a trend that’s at even more disturbing depths than we thought.
According to John Harwood’s “Washington Wire” column in today’s Wall Street Journal, the Census says only 147,000 of America’s 66.3 million fathers are married and home with kids under 15.
That’s disturbing because, besides those many fathers whose kids are over 15, the rest are either NOT living at home with their kids, are not married to their kids’ mother, or BOTH.
Tens of millions of America’s fathers not with their children. Are we becoming “Fatherless Nation”? Maybe “Single Mother Nation” is an equally appropriate appellation.
No wonder American culture and family are both declining. Kids need fathers in their lives.

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June 16, 2006, - 12:37 pm

We Love the Free Market, But . . .: Psychotherapy Nation Bears New Sissy Services

We love capitalism. It and the free market are two of the greatest things about America. Societies with more capitalism tend to have greater freedom.
That said, today’s USA Today has an article that makes an interesting statement about the degree to which capitalism has run out of control. Actually, it’s not an indictment of capitalism at all, but a statement of how the free market bears out the wimpy tendencies of a sissy nation of the great helpless.
The article, “When Opulence Just Isn’t Enough,” details the most ridiculous new services created and sold on consumers at some of the nation’s swankiest hotels. The two new jobs that annoy us, in particular, are these:
* Bath Concierge a/k/a Bath Butler; and
* Suntan Butler.
In case you don’t know, the “bath concierge” helps draw your bath, remove your robe, and in some cases, even help bathe you. Uh, no, we’re not making this up.
The “suntan butler” slathers on your suntan lotion for you at the beach. Wasn’t that job previously reserved for boyfriends?
Person A: “What do you do for a living?”
Person B: “Oh, I’m a bath concierge/suntan butler. Yes. I have a Masters in Bathtub Enhancement Services Science/Suntan Lotion Slathering Technology Science.”
Puh-leeze, America. It’s one thing to help disabled people do such things they cannot do for themselves. That is noble and underappreciated work few will do. But these services are not for disabled people. They’re for the rich, lazy, and just plain mentally-challenged.
If you and/or your therapist can’t bathe yourself and put on your own suntan lotion, you don’t need a concierge or butler. You need a reintroduction to the civilized human species.

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June 16, 2006, - 12:34 pm

Recommendation: What NOT to get Dad for Father’s Day

From the “Shameful Feminization of America’s Men” category, don’t get this for Dad, this Father’s Day . . . unless he’s a girlie man. Remember, men and moisturizer don’t mix. Neither do men and make-up. Unless your dad is Boy George.

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June 16, 2006, - 11:41 am

Weekend Box Office: Jack Black Cheese; Somewhere in Time for the 2000s

A mixed bag at the movies, this weekend:
* “Nacho Libre“–Jack Black stars in this patently dumb, unfunny, and just plain cheesy comedy about a Mexican monk who is a wrestler by night, cook of slop by day. In fairness, I should probably not review this movie, because I walked out in the middle, one of 2-3 times I’ve done that in my life. But the movie was THAT bad, not to mention, filled with bigoted portrayals of Mexicans (and Blacks). The Catholics aren’t treated too well, either. If you liked the “Three Stooges,” you’ll love this movie. But otherwise, don’t waste your time. Apologies to Larry, Curly, Moe, and Shemp, because they were, at least, funny.

* “The Lake House“–Readers of this site know that I generally dislike chick flicks. Still, I found this romantic science fiction fantasy movie charming and enjoyable, if a much duller 2000s version of a Schlussel favorite, 1980’s “Somewhere in Time.” Starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, two actors I usually avoid at all cost, this remake of Korean film “Il Mare” is about two inhabitants of a lake house, one current and one former, who fall in love through a series of letters. But for one problem, they discover a time warp–one is living in 2004, the other 2006.

And that’s the main problem with this movie. They handwrite letters to each other, anguishing over how they will ever meet up. But, hello, they could have easily used the internet or, even, good old fashioned telephone directory assistance to find each other. This is, after all, only a two year difference and it is in the 2000s, not the 1930s. And that’s what makes suspension of disbelief severely difficult with this movie. Ditto for a tree that grows from a mere sapling to a giant one in just two years.
Could have done without the–not one, but THREE!–pronouncements about “global warming” inserted into this film and completely irrelevant to the plot. Thanks, liberals.
This is no “Somewhere in Time,” though it badly wants to be. Still, it’s a light-hearted, escapist, fun movie with a happier ending than “Time.” And FYI, there is no sex or violence in this film. But, in the end, the most interesting thing about it is the very cool, unusual lake house that connected the two main characters.
Bottom Line: Skip “Nacho Libre,” but check out “The Lake House.”

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June 16, 2006, - 9:46 am

Video From My MSNBC “Scarborough Country” Appearance

Here’s the video from my Wednesday Night appearance on MSNBC’s Scarborough Country (I’m on after Michael Smerconish). They put so much hairspray on me, I look like my hair collided with an oil slick. Blecch!
FYI, the topic is Ann Coulter, her new book, “Godless,” and whether she should apologize.

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June 15, 2006, - 5:11 pm

Sen. Grassley Questions DHS Sex Offender’s Pension

(see also, ) why convicted sex offender and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Frankie the Fig” will receive his full pension and not be forced to resign. We’ve asked why Fig, the former head of ICE’s Operation Predator (whose mission is to catch sex predators of kids) won’t be forced out for the crime.
Now, according to today’s Tampa Tribune, U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is asking the same question.
We also provided an answer. His name is John Clark, Homeland Security Deputy Assistant Secretary for ICE and second-in-command in the nation on immigration enforcement. And , enabling Fig to get his pension with NOTHING in return to taxpayers.

In Response to Sen. Grassley:

ICE 2nd in Command John Clark & Sex Criminal Frank Figueroa

Why would he do such a thing? Well, as we noted, Clark was friends with Fig and likes him. And then, there is that rumored lawsuit regarding one of Clark’s, um, “relationships.”
We suggest Sen. Grassley look into that.
A retired Customs Agent pointed out to us that, at his sentencing, Figueroa blamed his public fondling crime on 9/11, saying he hadn’t been the same since. The agent asked, rhetorically, whether Fig blamed his 1977 arrest for the same crime on the Bicentennial (1976).

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June 15, 2006, - 4:03 pm

Homeland Security Official Wanted 2 Give Classified Info to 14-Year-Old; What Would Abu Murphy Do?

When the story of Homeland Security official Brian J. Doyle broke, he and other DHS officials with predilections for sex crimes are incredibly vulnerable to terrorist blackmail. We said it would be a great plot device for next season’s “” (Attention, Joel Surnow).
Well, it is even more like “24” than we thought. Today’s Tampa Trib has more details on frightening antics of Doyle, who solicited what he thought was a 14-year-old girl on the Net (it was actually a Polk County, FL Deputy Sheriff).
Doyle, the #2 Press guy at DHS,

talked about shoulder-fired missiles with a person he thought was a 14-year-old girl.

DHS Official Brian Doyle, ICE Official Frank Figueroa, U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy Jeopardize Our Security

The Polk County Sheriff’s office did not wait for Doyle to try to meet with the fictional girl because they feared he’d already shown a proclivity to share confidential national security information with strangers on the Net:

His frankness about his job, however, spurred investigators to arrest him before he arranged to meet the girl, which carried a more serious penalty, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said.
“We believe he had the proclivity to release confidential documents,” Judd said by telephone Wednesday. “Who else was he bragging to and talking to?”

We’ve already written about the saga of high-ranking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official a/k/a “Frankie the Fig,” who exposed himself to a teenager at a mall. But he is not on the job, just on paid leave waiting to take his full pension to the tune of $100K-plus and full benefits per year.
More chilling is a/k/a “Abu Porno,” the Justice Department’s highest ranking official in Southeastern Michigan, the heart of Islamic America. Assistant U.S. Attorneys who’ve worked with him spoke of his habits, including viewing porn on the job and showing it to others, on a regular basis. He, too, has made the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Justice Department investigations vulnerable to terrorist blackmail.
And now President Bush wants to put him on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. NOT a good idea.
When will the Bush Administration do something about sex criminals who are supposed to be protecting us, but, on the contrary, are jeopardizing national security in the most blatant and exploitable (by terrorists) way possible?
The Trib reports:

Homeland Security ordered a national review of its background checks after Figueroa’s October arrest. Since Doyle’s arrest, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Homeland Security Committee has been discussing whether to further strengthen background checks for the agency’s employees and contractors.

But it is now mid-June, and sources say DHS has not done a thing to change its shoddy background checks. Congress hasn’t moved swiftly either. If this is the way they “investigate” federal law enforcement employees who are supposed to be stopping terrorists, think how “well” they are investigating terrorists.
As in, not very well at all.

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