June 23, 2006, - 8:20 pm
Hilarious: Don’t Call Miami Islamic Terror Cell “Muslim,” Says CAIR
Darn it. Why did those ? Why can’t the media call them “Christians”?
That’s the sentiment coming from the not so American, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)–the Islamofascist “civil rights” group founded with HAMAS money and funded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, etc.
And they’re tickled pink that the spineless U.S. Dept. of Occasional Justice is refusing to mention that the terrorists are Muslims.
Here’s the hilarious details from a CAIR press release put out today, and repeated all day long on Detroit TV stations by CAIR-Michigan’s robotic chieftain, –a Black Muslim . . . just like the Miami terror cell members:
(WASHINGTON, DC, 6/23/06) – A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today called on media professionals not to refer to seven terror suspects arrested in Miami as “Muslims.” . . .
“Given that the reported beliefs of this bizarre group have nothing to do with Islam, we ask members of the media to refrain from calling them ‘Muslims,'” said CAIR spokesperson Ahmed Bedier. He thanked U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta for noting that “today’s indictment. . .is not against a particular group or a particular faith.”
Bedier urged the government to avoid confusing the public by using Arabic terminology in referring to the case. In a briefing today in Miami, government officials did not call the suspects “Muslims,” but did refer to allegations of plans for “violent jihad.”
At a news conference earlier today in Miami, CAIR called on police departments nationwide to protect mosques and other Islamic institutions from any possible backlash prompted by the mistaken linkage of this case to the American Muslim community.
In the ’80s, I used to get a laugh out of all the Communists and lefties who would tell me:
Well, you can’t really call the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China Communist. They’re not really Communists.
Uh-huh. And Muslim terrorists aren’t really Muslims. I suppose they’re really Martians in disguise, part of a giant conspiracy with the Venusians.
Time to call bananas “oranges.” Because anything else would just be wrong. And don’t you dare call either of them “fruit.” The “Religion of Peace” is now the religion of euphemisms.
And by the way, the Miami Seven pledged their allegiance to Al-Qaeda which is a Jewish group? A Christian group? A Hindu group? We all know what it is, regardless of CAIR’s and other Islamofascists’ standard tripe about “hijacked our religion.” Whatever.
Memo to CAIR: When you stop calling atheist (and a tiny aberration in that he is not a Muslim unlike almost all other terrorists–and as journalists Laurie Mylroie and Jayna Davis point out, was likely working with Muslim terrorists and possibly Saddam Hussein) a “Christian,” we’ll consider your absurd request.
We find it interesting that CAIR’s Walid appeared with Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi to demand we stop calling the Muslim terrorists “Muslim terrorists.” (Watch the eye-roll-inducing video of the two charlatans here.) As we’ve (see , , and , too), Mr. Elahi is an agent of the terrorist Government of Iran and Hezbollah, which murdered 300 U.S. Marines and civilians and is training and providing Al-Qaeda insurgents with explosive devices to murder our troops in Iraq.
At the CAIR “You Can’t call the Muslim terrorists Muslims” press conference, Elahi whined:
Why is it that some people, no matter what, try to make Islam and Muslim community a target? That should be a serious question for our nation.
Uh, no. Actually, the very serious question for our nation is why we continue to allow this Hezbollah agent and terrorist enabler, Elahi, to remain a citizen and resident of our nation. And why, no matter what, Elahi constantly excuses making Americans, Christians, Westerners, and jews a permissible target for terrorism from his Muslim community.
Don’t hold your Infidel breath for the answers.
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Tags: advocacy group, Ahmed Bedier, al-Qaeda, Alex Acosta, attorney, bizarre group, CAIR, CAIR spokesperson, chief, China, Cuba, Dawud Walid, Dawud Walid Here, DC, Detroit, explosive devices, Government of Iran, Hizballah, Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi We, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jayna Davis, Laurie Mylroie, media professionals, Miami, Michigan, Mohammed Hassan Fadlallah, Patrick Abraham, Saddam Hussein, Soviet Union, spiritual leader, spokesperson, terrorist, the American Muslim, Washington