June 23, 2006, - 8:20 pm

Hilarious: Don’t Call Miami Islamic Terror Cell “Muslim,” Says CAIR


Darn it. Why did those ? Why can’t the media call them “Christians”?

That’s the sentiment coming from the not so American, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)–the Islamofascist “civil rights” group founded with HAMAS money and funded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, etc.
And they’re tickled pink that the spineless U.S. Dept. of Occasional Justice is refusing to mention that the terrorists are Muslims.

Take the Quiz . . . .

Which One is the “Muslim” Terrorist

& Which One is the Muslim Who Supports Terrorism?

Miami Islamic Terrorist Patrick Abraham, CAIR’s Dawud Walid

Here’s the hilarious details from a CAIR press release put out today, and repeated all day long on Detroit TV stations by CAIR-Michigan’s robotic chieftain, –a Black Muslim . . . just like the Miami terror cell members:


(WASHINGTON, DC, 6/23/06) – A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today called on media professionals not to refer to seven terror suspects arrested in Miami as “Muslims.” . . .
“Given that the reported beliefs of this bizarre group have nothing to do with Islam, we ask members of the media to refrain from calling them ‘Muslims,'” said CAIR spokesperson Ahmed Bedier. He thanked U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta for noting that “today’s indictment. . .is not against a particular group or a particular faith.”
Bedier urged the government to avoid confusing the public by using Arabic terminology in referring to the case. In a briefing today in Miami, government officials did not call the suspects “Muslims,” but did refer to allegations of plans for “violent jihad.”
At a news conference earlier today in Miami, CAIR called on police departments nationwide to protect mosques and other Islamic institutions from any possible backlash prompted by the mistaken linkage of this case to the American Muslim community.

CAIR’s (in white Islamic yarmulke) @ Pro-Illegal Alien Rally

In the ’80s, I used to get a laugh out of all the Communists and lefties who would tell me:

Well, you can’t really call the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China Communist. They’re not really Communists.

Uh-huh. And Muslim terrorists aren’t really Muslims. I suppose they’re really Martians in disguise, part of a giant conspiracy with the Venusians.
Time to call bananas “oranges.” Because anything else would just be wrong. And don’t you dare call either of them “fruit.” The “Religion of Peace” is now the religion of euphemisms.
And by the way, the Miami Seven pledged their allegiance to Al-Qaeda which is a Jewish group? A Christian group? A Hindu group? We all know what it is, regardless of CAIR’s and other Islamofascists’ standard tripe about “hijacked our religion.” Whatever.
Memo to CAIR: When you stop calling atheist (and a tiny aberration in that he is not a Muslim unlike almost all other terrorists–and as journalists Laurie Mylroie and Jayna Davis point out, was likely working with Muslim terrorists and possibly Saddam Hussein) a “Christian,” we’ll consider your absurd request.

CAIR-Michigan Chief Dawud Walid, Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi

We find it interesting that CAIR’s Walid appeared with Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi to demand we stop calling the Muslim terrorists “Muslim terrorists.” (Watch the eye-roll-inducing video of the two charlatans here.) As we’ve (see , , and , too), Mr. Elahi is an agent of the terrorist Government of Iran and Hezbollah, which murdered 300 U.S. Marines and civilians and is training and providing Al-Qaeda insurgents with explosive devices to murder our troops in Iraq.
At the CAIR “You Can’t call the Muslim terrorists Muslims” press conference, Elahi whined:

Why is it that some people, no matter what, try to make Islam and Muslim community a target? That should be a serious question for our nation.

Uh, no. Actually, the very serious question for our nation is why we continue to allow this Hezbollah agent and terrorist enabler, Elahi, to remain a citizen and resident of our nation. And why, no matter what, Elahi constantly excuses making Americans, Christians, Westerners, and jews a permissible target for terrorism from his Muslim community.
Don’t hold your Infidel breath for the answers.

Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi (right)

& Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Sheikh Mohammed Hassan Fadlallah (left)

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June 23, 2006, - 8:08 pm

Weekend Must Read: Why We Preferred FBI’s Freeh to Mueller

**** UPDATE, 06/26/06: OOPS! The link I posted below is from a related, similar WSJ op-ed piece by Louis Freeh. The latest one, from Friday, is here (and was not posted online by the WSJ until today). Sorry about that. Please read the latest one. It’s important. ****
One of the hires Clinton got right (and regretted it) but Bush got wrong is FBI Director. We long for the days when Louis Freeh was running the show. He had the moral courage that Robert Mueller doesn’t. And he recognizes the domestic Islamofascist threat in America, whereas Mueller caters to the Islamofascists.
Freeh’s piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Remember Khobar Towers: Nineteen American Heroes Still Await American Justice,” is a must read. While we cannot agree with him that domestically, President Bush “is a president who is serious about fighting and winning the war on terrorism” or his assessment of former Justice Dept. official James Comey, we agree with the rest of his piece. It is eye-opening. An excerpt:

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh: One of Slick Willie’s Few Good Hires

One of my last official acts as FBI director was to attend a memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery with the 19 stoic Air Force families with whom I had become very close. They all came to my office to thank the FBI for keeping faith with them and presented me with a signed plaque. It will always be for me the most cherished honor of my public service.
Yesterday the White House reiterated Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s recent statement that al Qaeda leaders are now conducting their operations from Iran. The time to bring that pressure to bear is right now, with Ambassador Bremer and our armed forces bringing democracy and justice to the Iraqi people next door. This time the United States should not just send Tehran a letter. American justice for our 19 Khobar heroes is long overdue.

We agree. If only Freeh were running the Bureau or even Homeland Security. Instead two big silicone boobs are. Woe is us.
Read Freeh’s whole piece (and previous piece)!
Thanks, Dad, for the tip!

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June 23, 2006, - 8:05 pm

Clearer Girlie-Man Hasselhoff Tears Video

Jay Leno gets in on the act. (Video is 11 seconds long, but HILAAAAAAAREEEEEEEUUUUUUUS!)

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June 23, 2006, - 7:39 pm

Waldemar Kaminski, a Great Unsung American, RIP

Until today, I’d never heard of Waldemar Kaminski. And that’s the way he wanted it.
This unsung Polish American is emblematic of everything that’s great about our country and how government is not always the solution. Whether you’re left, right, or in between, Kaminski is someone to be proud of.
For 50 years, Kaminski ran a small butcher shop/food stand at Buffalo’s Broadway Market. He only took a break to serve America in World War II and lived very modestly in an unadorned apartment. But secretly, Kaminski was a millionaire from wise stock market investments, and quietly gave away his millions to charities and neighbors in need.
Kaminski died Wednesday at the age of 88, and we think it’s important to recognize this great American. From the Buffalo News’ Owen Hearey:

Definitely in Heaven:

Waldemar Kaminski, a GREAT AMERICAN, RIP

“He didn’t want anyone to know him, but I just had to thank him,” said Anne Gioia, co-founder of the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation, to which Kaminski donated several million dollars. “Now I think we should shout it from the rooftops.” . . .
“He felt that if you died a wealthy person, you had not lived a worthwhile life,” Gioia said. “I don’t think he had any regrets.”
Kaminski gave so much to so many that it’s difficult to quantify just how much he’s given.
He donated millions to Roswell Park – including $1 million for an endowed chair in pediatrics and $1 million to build a two-acre park on the institute’s campus.
He gave handsomely to other groups as well, including the Father Baker Home, the Salvation Army, Hilbert College and Camp Good Days and Special Times. He even helped neighboring families with mortgage payments, college tuition and lines of credit at his stand.
“It wasn’t a handout. He was supportive and helped them maintain their dignity,” said one of his nieces, Marsha Kaminski of Oakland, Calif.
“If they were helping themselves, he wanted to help, too,” Eller said.
His gifts were kept quiet both because of his deeply humble nature and for his personal safety. Kaminski had been beaten and robbed several times over the years, and publicly revealing his wealth would only make him a larger target.
But now that he has died, no one who knew him is holding their tongue. The green space he helped create will be named “Kaminski Park” in his honor. . . .
Born July 23, 1917, in the Albany area, Kaminski first came to Buffalo in 1927 when his family opened a small grocery store in the Broadway Market. At age 17, he opened two food stands of his own, sometimes working as many as 18 hours a day.
Though he was brilliant enough to pursue higher education, he turned down a college scholarship and kept working so his late brother, Dr. Chester Kaminski, could go to University of Buffalo Medical School.
His grocery career was interrupted only once – when he joined the Army during World War II. As a first sergeant, Kaminski trained more than 1,200 men between 1941 and 1946.

Thanks to reader and trusted friend J, who says of Kaminski, “An Angel Lived Among Us.” Amen to that.

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June 23, 2006, - 9:32 am

More Notes on the Miami Terror Cell: FBI, ICE Incompetence Let Dangerous Muslim Go

While , yesterday, was a great development, there are many others around the country that are anything but.
The fact is most of these men were Black Muslims, converts to Islam, some of whom came from the Islands (Bahamas, Haiti). At least one was an illegal alien. ICE and the FBI have repeatedly failed in stopping these types of people. Not because they tried and failed. They just didn’t try.
I know from personal experience. In 2003, I received the from Robert Mustaq John, a Black convert to Islam who is here illegally (from Jamaica) and living in Brooklyn, NY. (The photos contained therein depict the beheading of Daniel Pearl, also a Jewish American.) Michigan FBI Agents (too busy writing a stupid book on the Michigan militia apparently on your tax-paid time) and his supervisor Bill Edwards did nothing regarding this threat and dropped the ball . . . until I told Edwards I’d write about it.

Thereafter, FBI agents in New York interviewed John who, according to Edwards, said he “didn’t really mean it” and “wasn’t really going to do anything about it.” Uh-huh. Agent Edwards urged me to forget about it and drop it. Thereafter, Assistant U.S. Attorney Sheldon Light refused to do anything and sat on it. Then, U.S. Attorney ) recused his entire office from doing anything on this case, while he prosecuted two men for sending less offensive e-mails to extremist Muslim terror-supporters.
Meanwhile, Special Agent Ouellet has apparently (under the screen name “SURREXI”) and disclosed confidential info on the case. And the FBI has lost contact with Robert Mustaq John. They don’t know where he is. We know that many converts to Islam–John Walker Lindh, , , Clement Rodney Hampton-El, –several of them Black Muslims and some illegal aliens from the Islands tend to get involved in Islamic terrorism.
If Robert Mustaq John ends up doing so–and it looks like he’s on his way–blame the FBI and U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III for dropping the ball.

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June 23, 2006, - 9:01 am

Weekend Box Office: “Click” . . . or How Hollywood Lies in Movie Marketing; Cheesy Hasselhoff

We recently ,” which was marketed in advertisement and trailers as a fun comedy. It was neither fun, nor a comedy, unless you want to watch Jennifer Aniston bitching, whining, and arguing with Vince Vaughn for almost two hours.
Then, there is “Click,” Adam Sandler’s latest “comedy,” debuting in theaters, today. It’s about a hard-working architect who gets a remote control that allows him to fast forward, mute, pause, etc. anything in his life. It’s another movie that Hollywood is lying about, trying to suck your $10 out of you. Trailers present it as an upbeat comedy. It isn’t. It’s a depressing, poorly acted movie, that starts out fun and happy, but most of it is depressing and sad, chock full of cheap attempts to make you cry (over Adam Sandler?–I don’t think so) with little pay-off at the end.

The only good jokes in the movie are in the trailer. It’s not a funny movie. Unless you enjoy fart jokes and the same joke about dogs having sex with a stuffed animal repeated over and over and over and over again. And Adam Sandler and his wife joking about imitating the dogs in bed. Try explaining that to your kid whom you took to this movie. Try explaining why everyone dies or grows old fast. Sound fun to you?
Then, there’s the Hasselhoff factor. It’s probably a good idea to skip any movie starring former Baywatch lifeguard David Hasselhoff. His presence is always a good measure of the cheese and stupidity factor, and he’s in this movie in a big way. For your Hasselhoff fix, it’s preferable to watch this free, four-second video of the Baywatch Crybaby . (Yesterday, Hasselhoff .)
Bottom Line: Skip “Click” and rent something better, instead. While we predict it will be #1 at the box office, this weekend, it’s yet another dumb movie in the long line of Adam Sandler moronism.

Girlie Man David Hasselhoff Cries @ American Idol Finale


(Photo from Defamer.)

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June 22, 2006, - 11:43 pm

Terrorist Life Imitates Art: Did Miami Terror Cell Watch Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell”?; Wanted to Bomb Miami Heat Parade

Does life imitate art in the antics of terrorists? Definitely. And details of the Miami Al-Qaeda terror cell, busted today, bolster that.
And were they busted today to avoid them bombing a building at Friday’s Miami Heat victory parade (for winning the NBA Championship) in downtown Miami? The team is owned by Israeli Jews . . . er, “evil Zionists.” And the Heat had for American victim of Palestinian terror, (more ), during the NBA Play-offs.
The Miami terrorists, Black Muslims, behaved just like the terror cell in Showtime’s “” (more ). (Lots of videos of arrests of the Miami terror cell members, interviews with relatives of the terrorists, and neighbors from various Miami TV stations here.)

The ten-hour show, which aired in late 2005, is far better than “” (but for a few failed political statements about Islam and Gitmo) and highly recommended by . We’ll be posting a review of it soon, per many readers’ requests.
Eerily, several of the plans and behavior of the Miami Islamic terror cell:
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the 5 terrorists (there were 6, but they assassinate one of them for screwing up) in the cell live and train in the martial arts, etc. inside a warehouse in a seedy area of Los Angeles. They don’t go outside during the day.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, the 7 terrorists (the Miami Herald says there were 12-15–that some escaped; most other news reports say 7) in the cell lived and trained in the martial arts, etc. inside a warehouse in a seedy area of Miami. They didn’t go outside during the day.
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the terrorists are infiltrated by an undercover FBI agent.
* In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, according to the Miami Herald,

The group thought that they “were doing (the attacks) in conjunction with al Qaeda” but were really dealing with “undercover law enforcement,” the official said.

Other reports say, the man who infiltrated the Miami Terror Cell was an undercover information working with the FBI, but was not an FBI agent, himself.
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the terrorists blow up a building in Los Angeles and plan to poison everyone in Dodgers Stadium.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, the terrorists planned to blow up the Sears Tower, the Miami FBI Headquarters and other sites.
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the terrorists, almost cultist–blindly following their leader Faris Al-Farik–wore military-style clothes and kept to themselves. They were urged not to have outside girlfriends who would compromise the operation.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, according to the Miami Herald,

A man who lives across the street from the warehouse where the search warrant was served described the suspects as an unusual group of men, almost cultist, who wore military-style clothes and kept to themselves.

* In “Sleeper Cell,” one of the terrorists flees and escapes as do some members of two related-terror cells elsewhere in the U.S.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, some members also escaped. A neighbor told the Miami Herald:

The 12 to 15 men in their 20’s and 30s appeared to be from Haiti and from the Bahamas.
“I bet they’ve gone across the water”‘ he said, believing some had escaped the federal agents. “They were not threatening but nobody messed with them.”

* In “Sleeper Cell,” two of the terrorists are U.S. citizens (including an undercover FBI agent), and the others are illegal aliens from France, Saudi Arabia, and Bosnia. They are all in their 20s and 30s.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, five are U.S. citizens, one is an illegal alien from Haiti, and another is a resident alien from the Bahamas. They were all in their 20s and 30s.
And there are so many other similarities. Hopefully the FBI and other JTTF members watched “Sleeper Cell.” They could learn a lot.
The show contains terror plots that could easily be carried out undetected.

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June 22, 2006, - 1:18 pm

Man Bites Dog, But Illegal Alien RAPES Dog

Remember the Genesis song, “Illegal Alien“?

Consideration for your fellow man;
Would not hurt anybody, it sure fits in with my plan;
Over the border, there lies the promised land;
Where everything comes easy, you just hold out your hand;
Keep your suspicions, I’ve seen that look before;
But I ain’t done nothing wrong now . . . .
It’s no fun being an illegal alien, I tell ya;
It’s no fun being an illegal alien, and it’s getting me down

Well, the song is wrong. It’s actually a lot of fun being an illegal alien, especially if you’re into bestiality, like Junio Trenta.

Where’s ICE?:

Illegal Alien Junio Trenta Raped Argentine Dogo Puppy

This one’s from the “jobs Americans won’t do” category.
According to Treasure Coast newspaper of Palm Beach, Trenta was found in South Florida

having anal intercourse with the dog amid the woods in the 3200 block of Southeast Dixie Highway about 12:11 p.m. Monday.
Upon being seen, Trenta said, “It’s my dog” and “What’s the problem?” The male dog ran and hid behind the deputies, according to a report released Tuesday.
Trenta, a Mexican citizen working as a laborer, was charged with one count of felony sexual bestiality and one count of felony animal cruelty. He was also charged with one misdemeanor count each of giving a false name to deputies, exposure of sexual organs and possession of paraphernalia after a marijuana-smoking pipe was found in his pocket, according to the report.

Gee, where is PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) when you need them?
More proof that the illegal alien invasion is harmful to America. And not just to its human.
Thanks to reader Mary for the tip.

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June 22, 2006, - 12:47 pm

OUTRAGE: U.S. Revokes 4-Yr-Old Death Certificate, Expunges “Jerusalem, Israel”

One of our favorite Israeli journalists, investigative reporter Michael Freund, alerts us to his outrageous story in today’s Jerusalem Post.
The U.S. Embassy has revoked a 4-year-old Death Certificate of an American who died in Israel, in order to expunge Israel from the certificate. The man died in Jerusalem, which has always been the capital of Israel, as long as it has been a country.
Disgusting. There’s really no more appropriate word for this latest action by Clueless Condoleeza’s State Department, four years after this woman lost her father. One wonders what the reaction would be if someone’s death certificate read Washington, DC, capital of Greater North America.

Memo to State Dept.: Jerusalem is in ISRAEL, NOT HAMASastan

Details from Freund’s article:

The saga began earlier this month when Wendy Serlin, a resident of Beit Shemesh, received a certified letter from the embassy stating that it had decided to reissue a consular report regarding the death of her father, Myron Friedman.
Friedman, an American citizen, passed away in Jerusalem in October 2002.
At the time of her father’s passing, Serlin had filled out the requisite consular forms, and shortly thereafter received an official US document known as a “Report of Death of an American Citizen Abroad.” It listed her father’s place of death as “Jerusalem, Israel.”
Then, in an unrelated move, Serlin’s neighbors, Naomi and Ari Zivotofsky, filed a suit against the State Department in the DC District Court in September 2003, demanding that their newborn son’s place of birth be listed as “Jerusalem, Israel.”
US policy in such cases is to denote the city as Jerusalem, while leaving blank the entry for the country so as not to imply recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the capital.
Earlier this year, after the US Court of Appeals allowed the suit to proceed, the Zivotofskys submitted supporting evidence to the court, which included a copy of Friedman’s 2002 death report that Serlin had given them.
Since the report said “Jerusalem, Israel,” the Zivotofskys hoped it would bolster their case.
Barely three months later, however, the US Embassy in Tel Aviv sent Serlin the letter informing her that they wished to “correct an administrative error regarding place of death” on her father’s forms.
Included with the letter were 10 original copies of her father’s death report, all of which listed the place of death as Jerusalem, with the country space left blank.
In an interview with the Post, Serlin expressed astonishment at the embassy’s handling of the matter. “I was surprised when I received the letter from them and the new forms on which the word ‘Israel’ had been removed,” she said, noting that, “I never asked them to correct it, so it seemed pretty clear they had done this because of the Zivotofskys’ court case against the State Department on this issue.”
Ari Zivotofsky said he was no less taken aback by the embassy’s move. “I was flabbergasted by the extraordinary effort of the State Department to perpetuate its illogical policy of not recognizing Israeli sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem.” “It smacks of an attempt to tamper with evidence,” he said.

It’s definitely evidence tampering, and we hope the Zivotofskys will seek sanctions in court against the government.
If anyone reading this has an American relative who died in Jerusalem, and the death certificate reads, “Jerusalem, Israel,” please contact me. I will make sure the info gets to the Zivotofskys.
Attention, State Dept.: IT’S JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, STUPID.
On another note, see Michael Freund’s other disturbing Jerusalem Post article, today, about how Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Turki Al-Faisal openly, shamelessly admitted that Saudi Arabia practices the Arab Boycott of Israel, which is in violation of U.S. law. Saudi Arabia ought to be fined, pursuant to the Anti-boycott laws.
Check out Michael’s blog, too.

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June 22, 2006, - 11:25 am

Baywatch CryBaby: David Hasselhoff Defends his Crying by Attacking White House

Starring on “Baywatch” must severely lower the IQ.
This morning on the PMS Bitch-fest known as “The View,” former “Baywatch” and “Knight Rider” star David Hasselhoff couldn’t figure out how to defend . (WATCH THE very brief VIDEO OF DAVID HASSELHOFF CRYING HERE for a big laugh.)
So he turned to a Hollywood standard. He attacked the White House.
When asked why he cried on the awards show, in whose audience he sat, the excessively cheesy Hasselhoff exclaimed:

Well, maybe if we had more emotion in the White House, we wouldn’t be having this mess we’re having.

Girlie Man David Hasselhoff Cries @ American Idol Finale


(Photo from Defamer.)

Predictably, the mindless desperate housewives that populate “The View’s” audience gave Hasselhoff–who was on the show to promote his roles in the movie “Click” (it stinks; stay tuned for review, Friday) and as a judge on Regis Philbin/Simon Cowell’s “America’s Got Talent”–loud applause and cheers for his outburst.
While Hasselhoff didn’t say to what he was referring, presumably his caustic remark was a criticism of the War in Iraq. We guess if President Bush cried like a girlie-man in public at silly awards shows, all would be solved. The beheadings would end, and the whole Islamic world would respect us. Peace through crying. That’s a new one.
Thanks, David Hasselhoff, for this useful advice.

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