June 27, 2006, - 9:24 am

Illegal Alien Spokesman Punches Secure Borders Leader

What do illegal alien advocates do . . . even when they get their way?
They resort to violence and punch their opponents.
That’s what happened to Joseph Turner, who is trying to get an initiative on the ballot to make it illegal for San Bernardino, California residents and businesses to hire, rent to, or provide other services to illegal aliens. A judge ruled he did not have enough signatures, but the illegal alien spokesman punched him anyway (with no provocation).
Watch the video from KNBC-TV/Channel 4 Los Angeles.
Power to Joe Turner. Stay strong. Thanks to reader Mary for the tip.

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June 27, 2006, - 8:56 am

Muslim Doctor Indicted for Immigration/Medicare Fraud; Family Tied to Hezbollah

**** UPDATE: Dr. Makki gave $1,000 to Democrat Congressman and pro-Islamist John Dingell. Will Dingell return the ill-gotten gains? Don’t bet on it. ****
On Friday, Dr. Ali S. Makki of Dearborn, Michigan, was indicted for Medicare and immigration fraud, helping illegal aliens–who CANNOT NOT SPEAK ENGLISH–get U.S. citizenship by lying about their mental and other medical conditions.
That Makki was allowed to engage in medical services for aliens is a cautionary tale of the incompetence of federal immigration authorities, particularly U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and its Michigan chieftess Carol Jenifer. His tardy indictment after fleeing to Lebanon is yet another example of ‘s incompetence and lack of concern about terror-related cases.
Sources say Makki, a Shi’ite Muslim of Lebanese descent, is related to the several notorious Makki family members (such as Hassan Moussa Makki, Tarek Makki, and another Ali Makki) who’ve smuggled and sold cigarettes and other goods on the black market to raise and launder money to Hezbollah. In 1999, Makki’s medical license was placed on probation because of mail fraud. Both of these facts should have been a clue to the government, but weren’t.
Despite mail fraud and ties to Hezbollah, Makki is a USCIS approved doctor, whose name is recommended on immigration lawyers’ websites. Gee, we wonder why.
The 39-count indictment says that Makki, 46, billed taxpayer-funded Medicare for seeing patients when he wasn’t in his office, patient appointments that never occured. In fact, some of the billings were for a period of time that he was away on a Carnival Cruise. He also ordered unnecessary tests and sold painkiller prescriptions to non-patients.
Allegedly, between May 2003 and July 2004, Makki charged more than 500 alien patients $150 each in cash–more than $76,000–to complete medical forms for green card applications. A la Congressman Jefferson, agents seized $76,000 from his home in 2004. But most disturbing is that Makki also charged aliens $300-$400 to fraudulently certify on a separate INS form that patients were mentally disabled and, therefore, prevented from taking/passing English and civics tests required for citizenship.
For those seeking citizenship, mental disability is the only way to avoid taking the test in English (and taking it at all–must be taken in English) and obtaining citizenship.
a/k/a “Abu Porno” did his usual shtick, raiding and seizing property from Makki’s home in 2004, without indicting him or preventing him from leaving the country. Thereafter, Makki went o Lebanon on “an extended trip.” He took a stupid chance and returned to Detroit, Friday.
Murphy’s indictment of Makki only alleged fraud by him during a yearlong period in 2003-2004. But how likely is it that someone accused of mail fraud in 1999 was only involved in this fraud for a year? Not very.
Then, there is U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Magistrate Mona Majzoub. In an affirmative action program, she was picked for the job because she is “the nation’s first Muslim federal magistrate”–the way federal judges in Detroit touted her when they announced her selection.
But her Majzoub’s bias is apparent. Makki already fled the country once. Yet, Majzoub agreed with Makki’s lawyer at a Friday hearing that Makki was not a flight risk and didn’t need to be detained.
A Muslim doctor with ties to Hezbollah who engages in mail fraud is certified to fill out Immigration forms. Then, he’s allowed to flee the country by an incompetent U.S. Attorney–and a biased Muslim federal magistrate says he’s not a flight risk.
And we wonder why we are the laughing stock of the Islamic world.

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June 26, 2006, - 4:37 pm

Mr. Burns’ BS Quote of the Week; 24’s “Chloe” Disses Conservatives

On Friday, Rush Limbaugh hosted an event in Washington, featuring some cast members of FOX’s “24.”
We had to laugh, however, when we heard that the event also featured a man who thinks he’s like “‘s” brave, resourceful counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer, but isn’t.
The man, Department of Homeland Security Secretary a/k/a “Mr. Burns,” reminds us of several characters on “24”–the recalcitrant, incompetent, desk jockey Homeland Security bureaucrats who, every season, oppose Agent Bauer’s attempts to get the terrorists and always throw obstacles in his way.
We especially laughed at Chertoff’s speech in which he claimed he can relate to Jack Bauer because, “like Homeland Security,” the characters on the show,

they’re always trying to make the best choice with a series of bad options.

(Video here.)

Wrong FOX Show: Michael Chertoff Thinks He’s . . .

Jack Bauer; More Like Mr. Burns Running DHS

Uh, no. It’s the exact opposite. At DHS, the real-life Chertoff “makes the worst decisions out of many available good options.” Sometimes, he picks options so bad no-one would even think such options were on the table, like picking to head up our nation’s failed immigration enforcement–with her sole qualification being that she has relatives (and a bed partner) in high places. Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.

“24’s” Mary Lynn Rajskub: She’s Calling Us “odd”?!

Then, there is Mary Lynn Rajskub, the actress who plays supercompetent, but diplomacy-deaf “Chloe” on “24.” She was a failed artist and loser from a working class Detroit area town, whose best role was as Adam Sandler’s sister in one of his worst movies (and since most of his movies are horrid, that’s saying a lot). But she lucked out when producer Joel Surnow hired her for the hottest show on TV.
So what does she do? She disses the conservatives who make up a huge portion of the “24” fan base that helped make her rich, calling them

sort of odd, you know. I don’t know what to think of it. I’m really kind of beside myself.

(Video here.) Thanks, Chloe. Way to bite the hand that feeds you.
Time to send Chloe and Mr. Burns to early retirement. Watch the video report by our friend, ABC’s Jake Tapper, to watch both of their absurd comments. And President Logan in a beard and multiple earrings. No joke.

Carlos Bernard Played “24’s” Tony Almeida

We’ll take Tony Almeida (played by actor Carlos Bernard), any day, though. If he weren’t dead.

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June 26, 2006, - 2:40 pm

From Mickey Mouse to Bucky Badger: Like We Needed This

One of the greatest things about unfettered capitalism is that there’s a market for almost everything. One of the worst things about unfettered capitalism is that there’s a market for almost everything.
And this one falls into the latter category. Former Disney chief, Michael Eisner, announced that his company, The Tornante Co., will acquire Team Baby Entertainment.
And just what valuable product does “Team Baby Entertainment” produce?

College-sports-themed DVDs for babies and children, which expose tots to school fight songs and mascots.

Forget Mozart music, Baby Einstein toys for the brain, your child needs to learn about Bucky Badger and learn the lyrics of the Wolverine Fight Song in order to succeed and make this world better.

Nice Yarmulke: Michael Eisner

As you can guess, this line of products is aimed at parents who have their priorities straight–straight out of whack. Like we really needed Michael Eisner to cater to their parental ineptitude.

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June 26, 2006, - 2:19 pm

Take That, Food Police: Meet the Cheeseburger Donut

On this site, we’re very critical of fat people. But that doesn’t mean we support government and liberal food police efforts to remove pop machines and candy from schools and become nannies over our menus.
Just the opposite–personal responsibility without tax-paid big brother involvement is key. And that’s why we enjoyed reading USA Today’s article on the many new cheeseburger offerings, especially the Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger Donut.
Keeping kosher, I, myself, have never eaten a cheeseburger. Nope, not in my lifetime. (Kosher diets prohibit eating dairy and meat/poultry within several hours of each other.) And I will never eat one.
But I liked the fact that America rebels against the liberal, no-fun, no-taste-buds, food police. Comedians used to joke that in the Communist Soviet Union the culinary choices were breakfast borscht, lunch borscht, and dinner borscht. Eating what you want and challenging the conventional menu is very American and yet another American freedom and marketplace triumph to be celebrated.

Krispy Kreme Donut Cheeseburger

This USA Today article is chock full of that:

Recent cheeseburger pairings:
* Cheeseburger egg rolls. A promotion by Bennigan’s Grill & Tavern of this $6.99 appetizer sizzled, so it gets a permanent menu slot in July, says Clay Dover, vice president of marketing. It is stuffed with ground beef, cheese, pickles, onions and mustard, and deep fried.
* Cheeseburger pizza. Uno Chicago Grill launched a Bacon Cheeseburger Deep Dish Pizza, topped with 6 ounces of grilled ground beef, pickles, mustard and ketchup. Locations are selling about 30 a day, “an unbelievable number for a new item,” says CEO Frank Guidara.
* Cheeseburger doughnuts. The Gateway Grizzlies, an independent baseball league team in Sauget, Ill., started selling “Baseball’s Best Burger” this month: a $4.50 cheeseburger with two strips of bacon grilled between a sliced Krispy Kreme doughnut. (The glazed sides are flipped to the inside for less mess.)
It comes to the plate with 1,000 calories and 45 grams of fat, but the Grizzlies are selling 150 a game, says team spokesman Jeff O’Neill. “People ask us what to put on it,” says O’Neill. “We like to think it doesn’t need anything.”

Yum. If I didn’t have the religious dietary restriction, I’d try that.

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June 26, 2006, - 1:43 pm

Don’t Eat There: Chicken, Waffles, and an NBA Killer

Remember Jayson Wililams, the ex-NBA gazillionaire and TV commentator, who shot his chauffeur and then covered it up?
He’s opening a new restaurant, a franchise of “TRY J’s Waffles and Chicken.”
Well, we couldn’t think of a more appropriate name. Williams is, indeed, a chicken and he did waffle–a lot–about what happened on that fateful night at his giant mansion. He was found guilty in April 2004 of trying to cover up the shooting. On second thought, there is a better name for Williams’ new restaurant: “Dead Meat.”
Not only did this overgrown brat kill his the driver, Costas “Gus” Christofi, but Williams–awaiting retrial on reckless manslaughter–shot his dog, too . . . deliberately.
Forget about Christofi. He’s only a human. But, oppressing chicken by cooking and eating them AND shooting a dog? Where is PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans)?

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June 26, 2006, - 12:46 pm

Real Sports?: Racist Bryant Gumbel Attacks Ann Coulter on Sports Show

He hates Israel. He barely likes America. He hates White people (except the ones he has sex with). He hates the Winter Olympics because they have too many White people.
And now, add Ann Coulter to the list of non-sports-related targets of Bryant Gumbel’s hate-filled rants on “Real Sports,” his “sports” show on HBO.
USA Today’s Michael Hiestand reports that Bumbel, er . . . Gumbel, says he likes watching World Cup soccer even thoush “in soccer they score about as often as Ann Coulter makes sense.”
It’s not that the comment is that offensive. It’s that the creeping political commentary in the world of sports commentary is getting obnoxious. Gumbel’s show is a sports show, not a political one. His ranting on all things political is irritating and annoying. If you can’t talk about the game or the athlete, shut up. But Gumbel–Arrogance in Chief–won’t shut up. He can’t help himself.

Chicken Gumbel Rants About Ann Coulter

We wonder where his colleague and “Real Sports” reporter Bernard Goldberg is . . . when it comes to Bryant Gumbel. Easily, Gumbel qualifies for one of Goldberg’s critiques of media lunatics and wackos. But he never gets such recognition by Goldberg.
We can’t say we blame Bernie. After all, once he was outed as a centrist and kicked out of PC CBS News, the only TV outlet he’s got left is this gig with egomaniac Gumbel. He doesn’t want to lose that, too.
By the way, we’ve had our own run-in with mucho-egoed Gumbel (at Detroit Metro Airport). And we much more than and Bryant Gumbel combined.

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June 26, 2006, - 11:58 am

Celeb Absolution?: Divorced Nicole Kidman Allowed to Marry in Catholic Church

We couldn’t care less about movie star Nicole Kidman’s marriage to country singer Keith Urban. But there’s an interesting twist to the story that leaves us wondering. Perhaps our Catholic friends and readers can say whether this common or just special treatment for a celeb.
Since Kidman is a divorcee (from first “husband” Tom Cruise), it is our understanding that she would not be able to get married in the Catholic Church unless that marriage was annulled by a Bishop (it wasn’t).
But reports say that, this past weekend, Kidman was, indeed, allowed to marry in a Catholic Church in a Catholic ceremony in her native Australia because the Church did not consider her marriage to Cruise to be a real marriage, since he was a Scientologist.
Is that the general rule or the exception in the Catholic Church? More discussion in this BBC News article (which asks the same questions as we do).

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June 26, 2006, - 10:55 am

BREAKING OUTRAGE: Florida WON’T Prosecute Saudi Men on Tampa School Bus Dry Run

It’s ironic that, this week, “” debuts in theaters. He’s the fictional “Man of Steel.”
Now meet the real-life Man of Mush, Republican Mark Ober, Florida State Attorney for Hillsborough County, Florida’s 13 Judicial Circuit. He’s the men overseeing “justice” for . (Now, we understand why the pro-Sami Al-Arian, terror-apologist St. Petersburg Times endorsed him for the job.)
Remember Almanajam and Alsidran–the two Saudi men who, in May, boarded a Tampa school bus filled with children? They told a zillion different stories to police about why they were on the bus, except for the apparent one–a dry run to see how easy it would be to hijack and/or blow up a school bus filled with innocent American children. (More about them , , , , and .)

Mana Saleh Almanajam & Shaker Mohsen Alsidran:

“Get Out of Jail Free Card” for Dry Run Men

They lied to police about their nationality (Saudi), and they are here on Saudi scholarships for Saudis in American colleges and universities. Of note, one of them has a driver’s license, but neither has a car, and they live within walking distance of their classes at the University of Sami’s [Al-Arian] Friends, er . . . South Florida.
Pursuant to my investigation this morning, Ober has decided to allow the two men to enter a “Misdemeanor Intervention Program” for first time offenders. That means, the charges against them for the school bus incident will be set aside. If they stay out of trouble for a few months the case against them will be dismissed.
While it’s typical to offer first-time misdemeanants (the mean were only charged with a misdemeanor by the spineless Ober), as the chief prosecutor for Hillsborough County Ober had the discretion to charge the men with more serious crimes (as did the pro-Islamist U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta), or at least prosecute them for the misdemeanor, instead of offering them a deal. He chose not to. It’s outrageous that he started out by treating the Saudi men’s obvious scheme as a simple misdemeanor. But, worse, now he’s taking the easy way out in the face of high-priced defense attorneys paid for by the Saudi Embassy, our “allies” in the War on Terror.
The men repeatedly lied to police, obstructed justice, endangered the welfare of children, trespassed on the bus, etc., etc., etc. But they are being charged with none of those crimes and definitely not prosecuted for them. Thanks to MARK OBER.

Tan, Rested & Cowardly:

Florida “Prosecutor” Mark Ober Wins MAN OF MUSH Award

And that is why MARK OBER is the inaugural recipient of the “Man of Mush” of the week award (we may not bestow it every single week). Call Mark Ober’s office to register your outrage: (813) 272-5400.
While it is not like the 2 Saudi men “beat” the charges–the first-time offenders’ program is typically given in simple misdemeanor cases in many States–the slimy cretins at CAIR–the Council on American-Islamic Domination . . . er, “Relations”–are acting as if they did.
Like clockwork, the slimy cretins at CAIR are gloating, big-time. No concern by CAIR that the men were likely doing a dry run for a terrorist attack on a school bus filled with children. Why else would a man be wearing a long trench coat on a hot South Florida day? And why else would two grown men board what was clearly a school bus filled with children far young then the men (in their 20s).
Here’s terror-apologist CAIR-Florida’s sleazy press release gushing over the release of these two men who obviously intended to do harm–or case out a situation for someone else to carry out that harm:

College students arrested last month for riding a public school bus
(TAMPA, FL, 06/26/2006) – On Monday, June 26, the Florida office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) will hold a news conference in Tampa to welcome a decision by the State Attorney’s office not to prosecute two Saudi college students who made headlines nationwide last month when they were arrested for riding a Hillsborough County school bus.
WHAT: CAIR-FL News Conference on case of USF Saudi students
WHEN: Monday, June 26 at 11:30 AM
WHERE: CAIR Tampa office, 8056 N 56th Street, Tampa, FL
CONTACT: Ahmed Bedier, 813-731-9506, E-Mail: abedier@cairfl.org
Last month, the Saudi students were charged with trespassing on school property when they mistakenly boarded a school bus. A day after the arrest, a judge revoked their $250 bail to give law enforcement officials additional time to insure the two men were not a threat. CAIR helped advocate for the rights and release of the students.

And people still wonder why the Islamic world hates us. Get a clue: They don’t respect us. And right now they’re having a really good laugh, thanks to Mark Ober.
We prosecute soldiers who kill violent Iraqis in the midst of a war, but look the other way when men on our own shores look for ways to attack us. Since 9/11, absurdities like this comprise the best comedy act the Muslim world has seen in years.

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June 23, 2006, - 8:32 pm

Star Struck Jihad Pimp: MySpace Teen’s Dad Pimps Her to IslamoCyberPredator, Media; FBI Roberts’ Cameo

What happens when your teen daughter flees to the Muslim Mid-East to convert to Islam and marry a Palestinian cyberpredator she met online?
Most parents would be outraged and lock their daughter up for as long as possible. But NOT Terry Lester, father of Katherine Lester–the girl cyberstalked on MySpace by Palestinian Muslim Abdullah Jimzawi a/k/a Abdullah Psycho. We’ve detailed the story , , , and . But the latest developments are simply shocking. Terry Lester and his latest wife, Krista, are pimping his daughter to the IslamoCyberstalker and the media–to get their 15 minutes of fame.

Katherine Lester: Pimped by Dad to IslamoCyberPredator for Fame, Fortune

First, they did an “exclusive” interview with an ABC station in central Michigan (in which the shameless Terry and Krista Lester blamed everyone–airlines, Greyhound, etc.–but themselves and the Islamocyberstalker for their daughter running away). Then, they did another “exclusive” interview with “Good Morning America,” this morning, complete with an all-expense paid trip to Manhattan and luxury accommodations. They seemed to enjoy watching their daughter cry on live national TV. Reportedly, Terry Lester has also been contacted by producers wanting to do a movie about his daughter. So he’s squeezing out all the 15 minutes he can get.
And he’s encouraging his daugher’s online relationship with Jimzawi, even encouraging him to travel here to visit her. After all, Hollywood wouldn’t actually be interested in making a movie about the runaway teen’s relationship abruptly coming to end after the first trip, without any contact. Meeting and marrying the Muslim and converting to his religion–even vowing to cover her hair–now that makes a much better story, especially in the world according to Hollywood.
Divorced from the girl’s mother, Terry Lester went to court to obtain sole custody of the teen, now 17, ostensibly to protect her from further runaway trips to the Mid-East and media attention. Katherine Lester ran away while she was under the care of her mother, Shawn Lester.
But it appears the real reason Terry Lester sought custody of his daughter is his newfound love of media whoredom–something he’s put way ahead of his daughter’s welfare. In a petition filed in court attempting to regain custody of her daughter, Shawn Lester cited the first of multiple media interviews Terry Lester has granted with his daughter.
Watch the “Good Morning America” interview. You can see the dollar signs and media stardom twinkling in the eyes of these sick “parents”–a word which is used very loosely here. They conjure memories of the Chandra Levy Parents’ World Tour, only worse–because the Lester’s daughter is still alive and they’re abusing her for their own gain, extracting as much media emolument as possible.
Parents who truly love their children would never do this.
Points about the interview:
* Father and Evil Stepmom Terry and Krista Lester say they don’t see the man, Abdullah Psycho, as a predator. Hmmm . . . he sought her out on MySpace, repeatedly e-mailed her, sent her money for a plane ticket, and encouraged her to lie to her mother to get a Passport and runaway to the Palestinian Muslim terrorist stronghold of Jordan to convert to Islam, cover her hair, and marry him. But no way he’s a predator. Ri-i-i-i-ight.
* The Evil Father and Stepmom are encouraging Katherine to continue the online relationship with Abdullah Pyscho and welcoming a trip by him to meet her here in Michigan to solidify “their bond together.” They don’t want to “lose her [Katherine’s] confidence. We would lose her trust in us.” What ever happened to parenting? It’s not supposed to be about gaining your incorrigible, foolish child’s “confidence.” It’s about gaining her respect, which parental pimps usually don’t attain.
* Evil Stepmom Krista says that they don’t blame MySpace, and that it’s because of MySpace that they found the girl in the Mid-East. Well, how does she think her stepdaughter was able to meet and communicate with this Islamocyberstalker in the first place? Hello? . . .
* Katherine Lester insisted that she will marry Jimzawi in a year (when she turns 18) and refused to answer questions about whether she will convert to Islam. Bet on this: she will. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have had a problem answering the question.
* Note Palestinian Jimzawi’s nice house and other buildings on a large property his family owns. They live nicer than many Israelis and Arab Muslims in Arab Muslim countries. Busts the myth about all Palestinians living in squalor in tiny quarters on a refugee camp. But, of course, you’ll only see that when the mainstream media is interested in showing what a good life it would be with an Islamocyberstalker. Other than that, you won’t see the good life many Palestinians live, because it doesn’t fit the media’s “their horrible life made them blow up 100 people in the pizza shop” agenda.
* We enjoyed the brief cameo by Michigan FBI Special Agent in Charge . After his (see , also) (a ) and his repeated failures in the domestic War on Terror in the heart of Islamic America, we’re so impressed to see he could glom on to the continuing soap opera of “Stupid MySpace Teen Hick Girls & and the Palestinian Muslims Looking for a Green Card Who Love Them.”

Daniel Roberts:

Failed Michigan FBI Chief Gets Cameo in IslamoPredator Saga

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