June 29, 2006, - 6:51 am

Snakes on a Plain: Playing With Terrorists Gets Israel Bitten

You make nice to snakes, you get bitten.
With Palestinian terrorists kidnapping Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and a 62-year-old Israeli civilian–and murdering an 18-year-old Israeli, Israel says it will not negotiate with terrorists.
But, in fact, Israel has long negotiated with terrorists. Even worse, it has given vital unilateral concessions, without even negotiations. Throughout recent history, Israel has played with Islamic terrorists, including those in the Palestinian government. And it got bitten. Unfortunately, the nation is not “once bitten, twice shy.” More like multiple bites, but repeatedly coming back for more–often under American pressure.

This is What Gilad Shalit’s Release Looks Like

A series of releases of thousands of Palestinian terrorists from prison in meaningless deals has garnered Israel nothing, except proof that it lies when it claims it does not negotiate with terrorists. A year ago, Israel released 400 Palestinian terrorists from prison in addition to 500 terrorists released in February 2005, per an agreement with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. What did Israel get in the agreement? A big fat nothing.
In August 2003, Israel released almost 400 Palestinian terrorists from prison “as a goodwill gesture” to the Palestinians. The results are clear: It didn’t garner much good will.
Then, there was that January 2004 “exchange” of hundreds of Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorists for three dead Israeli soldiers’ mutilated bodies and a live drug-dealing Israeli businessman, Elhanan Tannenbaum, who was a double agent for Hezbollah. Yet another stupid deal Israel made with Shia Hezbollah and Sunni Palestinian Terrorists (both of whom are working hand in hand to defeat the evil Zionist entity and even Jews at the Buenos Aires, Argentina Jewish Community Center).
In 1985, Israel “traded” 1,100 Palestinian, Lebanese, and Syrian terrorists for three Israeli soldiers held by Palestinian terrorists in Lebanon–one of the first trades that led to the ceaseless others.
So does Israel negotiate with terrorists? Unfortunately, yes it does. Often under pressure from the U.S. government, particularly the “counter-terrorist” President, George W. Bush.
That’s how the country got itself into the position it is in. It constantly makes empty deals with terrorists with Uncle Sam demanding it. And never learns its lesson, nor does its U.S. taskmaster, which continues requiring more from the tiny besieged State. Imagine if our country released all terror suspects at Guantanamo, plus most of those in U.S. Prisons–including the Blind cleric who was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing–as a goodwill gesture to Bin Laden.
Last year, Israel gave Palestinians–sworn to wipe Israel off the map–an important base from which to carry out that oath. That was just after Israel released several hundred Palestinian terrorists. Under pressure from the “Your either on our side or the terrorists’ side” American President, Israel gave terrorists the Israeli Texas, Arizona, and California. With nothing in return.
Now, the Ehud Olmert Israeli government is in the process of violently expelling its own citizens from West Bank towns, giving those to the Palestinians also. The Israeli Detroit, Chicago, Boise, and Seattle. (Well, they can have Seattle.) Soon, Jews will no longer be able to visit Ma’arat HaMachpelah, the cave in which Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are buried–one of the holiest Jewish sites. There is no American equivalent for that. Or anywhere else on earth.

Murdered by HAMAS: Eliyahu Asheri, Z”L (Blessed Be His Memory)
It should not shock anyone that Palestinians now use Gaza as a base of attack on Israel. It’s no surprise that they tunneled into Israel (from Gaza) and kidnapped Israeli soldier Shalit. It should be no surprise that yet another young Israeli civilian, Eliyahu Asheri, was brutally murdered, and another–a 62-year-old Israeli civilian, Noah Moskovitch–has been kidnapped.
All by Palestinian terrorists, er . . . government officials. All by Palestinian government terrorists who Israelis–on President Bush’s command with Israeli Prime Ministers’ Sharon and Olmert’s rear-kissing obedience–never served any real, deserved retaliation.
And that is happening even now with Israel’s entrance into Gaza. It is too little, too late. Israel cannot now take back Gaza. The vipers have taken over the snake pit.
True, Israelis are blowing up some bridges. But there are hardly any casualties. There’s nothing on the order of a real War on Terror. Because Israel isn’t allowed to do one. Clueless Condoleeza Rice of the pan-Arabist State Department–with 22 Arab Desk jockeys and countless other Muslim ones–is demanding “restraint” from Israel in seeking to save its own citizens from terrorists. And sadly, Israel is listening.
Don’t look for the well-deserved mass casualties on the Palestinian side. Israel won’t do it. It doesn’t have the guts . . . because it’s U.S. big brother doesn’t have the guts.

Gilad Shalit: Israeli Soldier Kidnapped by HAMAS
Incredibly, Matt Drudge and the Times of London are asking about captured Israeli soldier Shalit, “Will This Man [Shalit] Trigger War in the Middle East?” But Shalit didn’t trigger war in the Mid-East. That’s been going on for decades, even centuries. And he did not kidnap himself and murder his fellow civilians. That was the act of the HAMASastan government. They triggered war in the Mid-East.
America wants Israel to make nice with the snake that has already bitten. The same species of snake that America is fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even on American shores.
But no matter how conciliatory you are to the viper, you always feel the puncture of its fangs.

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June 29, 2006, - 6:31 am

Me on WABC-New York Radio

I will be on WABC-AM 770, ABC’s flagship station in New York City, this morning at 9:09 a.m. Eastern, on “The Curtis & Kuby Show,” to discuss “Superman Returns.” Listen live.

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June 28, 2006, - 7:18 pm

Me on the Michael Reagan Show

I’ll be on the Michael Reagan Show in less than an hour, at 8:10 p.m. ET/5:10 p.m. PT. Listen live.

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June 28, 2006, - 5:06 pm

Me on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country” Tonight

I am scheduled to be on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” tonight at approximately 9:30 p.m. Eastern. I will be discussing my review of “.” Truth, Justice and the Metrosexual Man/Slutty Single Mom Way.

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June 28, 2006, - 4:27 pm

ABSURD: U.S. Doubles Saudi Visas to America

Our friend, investigative reporting superhero Michael Freund who reports for The Jerusalem Post, sends us this outrage, which he wrote in today’s edition to the paper.
In his exclusive report, Michael documents that America is doubling the visas it gives to Saudis seeking to enter America. Much has been written about the absurd Visa Express program, which granted Saudis visas from over there, without much of a background check if any. It was basically a rubber stamp for Islamic terrorists to freely enter our country.
Looks like a similar program is back in place, and our Condoleeza-Clueless State Department is VERY HAPPY that the number is increasing. Not even five years since 9/11, who’s looking out for you? Clearly not a President and Secretary of State who remember the nationality of 15 of the 19 hijackers–the same nation where the hate they learned continues to be the conventional education and thought throughout.

Hmmm . . . Did Bush & Condo-Clueless Miss the Sword on the Saudi Flag?

As for the State Dept.’s Saudi-harpy spokeschick, don’t believe her claims that the visa process is secure from terrorists. It isn’t. We’re told very little background check is done, if any. And visa applications are pushed through under pressure from State Dept. cretins.
From Michael’s piece:

For the first time since the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the US State Department has begun to sharply increase the number of entry visas granted to Saudi Arabian nationals seeking to visit the United States, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
Figures obtained by the Post reveal that after three years of steady decline, 2005 saw the number of US visas issued to Saudis remain relatively stable, while this year the number has more than doubled.
In an e-mail to the Post, Amanda D. Rogers-Harper, a spokeswoman for the US State Department, confirmed that as of June 10, a total of 18,683 non-immigrant US visas had been issued to Saudi citizens since the start of the current fiscal year.
“This,” she noted, “is twice as many as the 9,338 issuances to Saudis” in the corresponding period last year, marking an increase of over 100 percent in just the past 12 months. . . .
“We are pleased to see an increase in visa applicants at posts around the world, including Saudi Arabia,” Rogers-Harper said, adding that this year’s increase could be attributed to “a new student scholarship program funded by the government of Saudi Arabia, which encourages students to pursue their studies in the US.

[DS: See and for my work on the Saudi scholarship program.]

“We hope to see a continuation of this positive momentum,” she added.

Read the whole article and cringe. We did.

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June 28, 2006, - 2:14 pm

OUTRAGE: ICE Air, the Private Jet Airline for Illegal Aliens

You’ve heard of “Soul Plane,” the dreadful movie (starring Snoop Dogg) about the maiden flight of an all Black airline.
Now, meet “ICE Air,” the maiden flight of Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s (ICE’s) airline of private jets for Muslim illegal aliens–paid for with almost $200K of your tax $$$.
Our friends at Ummah News (“Ummah” is Arabic for nation or community, and usually refers to the Islamic nation or community) posted this OUTRAGEOUS story about ICE Air:

In April 2005, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials flew Jama to Somalia, the East African country he fled in 1991 when civil war broke out. ICE hired a private company to drop off Jama in the country, which had no central government to accept him.

Forget “Soul Plane”:

Muslim Illegal Alien Keyse Jama’s Ride on ICE Air is a Better Comedy

At least two men accompanied Jama as he entered the airport in a region of Somalia called Puntland. But Jama had no passport and was denied entry. So he was flown back to the United States and put in jail in Minneapolis-St. Paul. . . .
ICE denied most of MPR’s [Minnesota Public Radio’s] Freedom of Information request seeking details of Jama’s round-trip excursion, saying: “We are not able to locate complete records that are responsive to your request.”
MPR said ICE provided a one-line statement that reads: “It appears the flight that was scheduled to return Mr. Jama back to Somalia cost $197,680.”
It is not clear whether that figure includes the agents who accompanied Jama on the flight or any other costs.
ICE spokesman Tim Counts did not supply the cost breakdown to MPR. He said fuel was a major cost. Other costs included the flight crew, landing rights, ICE agents to escort Jama and at least one medical person on board.
There was also another deportee on the flight, a war criminal sent to Africa. Jama’s immigration troubles began in 1999 when he was convicted of assaulting a man with a knife in Waseca, Minn., and sentenced to a year in prison. . . .
After Jama was returned to the Minnesota, his lawyers asked U.S. District Judge Jack Tunheim to allow him out on a conditional release while he awaited deportation. ICE appealed. Ultimately, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Tunheim’s order and Jama was released last July.
After checking in twice a week with ICE for about six months, Jama fled to Canada, where he has applied for asylum, said one of his former lawyers.

Read the AP and Minnesota Public Radio stories on ICE Air–an incredible waste of your tax-dollars.
And visit Ummah News often, to keep up on our “friends” in the “Religion of Peace.”

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June 28, 2006, - 10:09 am

Radio Appearances Across America

Today, I’ll be discussing my “” review on the following shows:
* 1:10 p.m. Eastern: “The Billy Cunningham Show,” WLW-AM 700, Cincinnati. (Billy subbed for Matt Drudge on his nationally syndicated radio show, this past Sunday Night.) Listen live.
* 1:30 p.m. Eastern: “The Fred Honsberger Show,” KDKA-AM 1020, Pittsburgh. Listen live.

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June 28, 2006, - 8:17 am

New York Dog: Buh-Bye, Star Jones; 1 Down, 4 Annoying Biddies to Go

So the annoying, insane former tub o’ lard, Star Jones, has been fired from anti-male yenta-fest “The View,” a/k/a “The Spew.” One down, 3 more old biddies (and one younger annoying one who pretends to be a conservative but is just an inane airhead) to go.
The best part about this whole thing is that we get to watch the forever annoying Baba Wawa (Barbra Walters to those not in the know) and Jones fighting about it all over the place, not to mention Walters openly lying about the whole thing (and getting caught with a million different stories). It’s like “.”

Dogs AND Bitches Pose for the Camera

While we’re happy to see Jones go, we’re outraged that the only reason she was let go was “the research,” according to Walters. They didn’t fire her when, the day after the 2002 Passover Massacre in Israel, Jones urged understanding of the terrorists because people in “different cultures” deal with their problems in other ways, and “we shouldn’t apply our western mores to them.” Innocent families were blown to bits while they celebrated Passover at a hotel, but Jones’ absurd commentary was, unfortunately, not a reason to fire her in the absurd mind of unduly-respected pseudo-journalist biddy Walters. Nor was it even enough of a reason for Walters or any of the other co-hosts to protest or respond.
Then, there are the other reasons we shan’t miss Star Jones:
* Her nationally broadcast . TMI.
* Her statements on “The View” .
* Her use of an unemployed Iraq War veteran to denounce the war. We’re still waiting for her (and other View co-hosts) to carry out their promise to get him a job. Jones: “!” Ri-i-i-i-i-ight.
* Her endless blind love odes to Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and any other liberal politician of note.
* Her endless discussions of her overextravagant, multi-million dollar wedding, at age 42 to a gay man 10 years her junior, and her many extracted free “gifts,” including her free honeymoon courtesy of . Shameless whore that she is, Jones gave the confederation and country Dubai plenty of free plugs on “The View,” in exchange.
* Her breast implant operation (openly admitted on the show) and her stomach-stapling surgery (not admitted on the show; she pretended she lost her outer whale of blubber through “exercise”).
We also won’t miss her pre-“View” antics like celebrating the acquittal of admitted murderer Lemrick Nelson and asking him “How do you feel?” three times. Who cares how he feels. How does the family of his victim– a Jewish man taking a walk in Brooklyn, who was deliberately targeted by Lemrick for murder because he was a Jew– feel? Jones didn’t care about that.
More on why we hate Star Jones, courtesy of our friends at Am I Annoying. Here’s our fave pic of Star Jones (which she obviously didn’t write)–a book ostensibly about exercise, nutrition and weight loss advice by a fat chick who got a stomach-stapling operation. Snake oil in a (size 45) skirt.

Star Jones Discovers What’s in the Book She “Wrote”

The bad news is that there already rumors the former fatty and still-currently fathead will guest host on CNN’s “Larry King Live.” Heaven help us (or, at least, help the idiots still watching that silly show).
Buh-Bye, Star Jones. And don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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June 27, 2006, - 1:33 pm

So, Lois Lane is a Single Mom . . . & a Slut: Notes on “Superman Returns”

**** Scroll Down for UPDATE ****
So Lois Lane is a single mother . . . and a slut. That’s the most disturbing part of “Superman Returns,” heavily marketed to kids and in theaters tonight.
Or is that “Lois and Her Feelings,” co-starring Supe? That’s what this dull, 2-hour 33-minute long latest rendition in the Superman series seemed like.
A better version would have been more relevant. It’s great that new Superman Brandon Routh .

“Superman Returns” is Really “PC Superman”

But put your money where your mouth is. In World War II, Superman’s comic book inventors had him fighting the Nazis. Today, they won’t dare show him fighting contemporary Nazis–Islamofascists. Lex Luthor working with Al-Qaeda terrorists, with both evil forces getting defeated–now that would have been dynamic and exciting, a great plot. But, unfortunately, too politically incorrect, current, and exciting for the Hollywood culturatti. Maybe that’s why “Truth, Justice & the American Way,” is now just “Truth & Justice (and all that other stuff).” Though, the studio didn’t have a problem lying to its prospective American audience by using the for the movie.
Some have asked whether Superman is still relevant post-9/11. He would be . . . if he were fighting the post-9/11 enemy and being a man while doing so.
Instead, we get a dumbed down, girlie-man version of Superman in “Superman Returns.” Like every sensitive, slacker metrosexual, Supe’s gone off for five years to “discover himself.” In the meantime, Lex Luthor gets out of prison because Supe failed to show up to testify at his trial. And the dullest Lois Lane ever has a child out of wedlock. Nice message to send to your kids who will be begging to see this. No smoking lectures by Superman and plugs for tofu sandwiches got a lot of play though. Script-writers were more concerned with that kind of health than the splendid problems single motherhood brings.
In what is more reminiscent of a Maury Povich “Who’s the Daddy?” show than a Superman plot, Lois apparently slept around and thinks the cutesy kid–very annoying and distracting in the film–is her fiance’s child, not that of the other guy she was simultaneously sleeping with–the Man of Steel.
Hard to still call him that, because in this film he’s far less muscular. Even the formerly bright red of his cape is now a muted, dingy brownish-burgundy. All masculinity is toned down, in favor of the testosterone of career woman Lois, who doesn’t believe in marriage. Too busy riding the space shuttle.

This Lois Lane Was Better Than This One.

That hardly makes her spectacular. Kate Bosworth has nothing on Margot Kidder (aside from her far-left wackoism) or even Terry Hatcher. Their renditions of Ms. Lane were far superior. Bosworth’s is as ho-hum as the lady at the supermarket looking for her Clairol fix. The only thing that seems apropos is Lane’s Pulitzer Prize for her “Why the World Doesn’t Need Superman.” It’s the work of unethical journalism–a “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” manifesto by a jilted lover against her boyfriend.
In the real world’s Daily Planet a/k/a The New York Times, the “Pulitzer-level” stuff is “Why Al-Qaeda is Less Dangerous to the World Than President Bush.”
And by the way, there’s no Internet in this movie–a glaring absence when Lois’ editor is lecturing about what sells newspapers. Uh, nothing sells newspapers these days. They’re in rapid decline.
There are no memorable lines like the ones Margot Kidder’s Lois uttered to Christopher Reeve’s Supe: “You’ve got me? Who’s got you?”
More like, who’s got this movie?

This Superman Was Better Than This One.

With a $300 million budget, Warner Brothers must have a hit with this film. There’s so much marketing hype and so many product tie-ins, it will be hard for it to fail. And with newcomer Brandon Routh’s spot on impersonation of Christopher Reeve playing Clark Kent/Supe, he’s not as difficult to adjust to as Bosworth’s Lois. His imitation invites the comparison, and he doesn’t live up to it. Christopher Reeve can smile from the grave that he died undefeated champion of Superman portrayals.
“Supe Returns” writers also paid too much attention to the accuracy of minute and unimportant details, such as the fact that Kryptonite was found in Addis Ababa. But who cares about those things?
Is that more important than the messages projected to America’s kids–especially girls who may want to emulate Lois Lane? And is it more important than an exciting, believable, and relevant plot? Hardly.
Still, aside from its dullness and the poor examples it sets for kids, “Superman Returns” is a fun, escapist film.
But nothing to write home–or even, Krypton–about.
**** UPDATE, 07/03/06: .

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June 27, 2006, - 12:59 pm

Nuts: Newsweek Claims These 15 Make America Great

If we asked Americans with any sort of brains to name the “15 People Who Make America Great,” none of them would pick Brad Pitt or Soledad O’Brien.
But then none of them are Newsweek editors desperate to keep their sinking readership afloat in a world where newsweeklies are as dead as the Model T. The mag picked:
* that Americans–who give –are stingy. Strange, he’s not whining about oil-rich, gazillionaire Muslim countries, none of which are even in the top ten (we’re NUMBER ONE).
* Soledad O’Brien–for covering Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath. And this makes America great because . . . ?

* Others on the silly, irrelevant list:
Benita Singh and Ruth Degolia, Pierre Omidyar, Randy Rusk, Rick Warren, Aaron Dworkin Organization, Boys & Girls Clubs, Ruby Jones, Soledad O’Brien, Target, Nancy Cox, John Read, Frederick Kaplan, Timothy Hernandez, Margaret Ross, Lance Armstrong, Veronica Atkins, Eli Broad, Jimmy Carter, Michael J. Fox, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Gordon Moore, Paul Newman, Rosie O’Donnell, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods

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