June 29, 2006, - 6:51 am
Snakes on a Plain: Playing With Terrorists Gets Israel Bitten
You make nice to snakes, you get bitten.
With Palestinian terrorists kidnapping Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and a 62-year-old Israeli civilian–and murdering an 18-year-old Israeli, Israel says it will not negotiate with terrorists.
But, in fact, Israel has long negotiated with terrorists. Even worse, it has given vital unilateral concessions, without even negotiations. Throughout recent history, Israel has played with Islamic terrorists, including those in the Palestinian government. And it got bitten. Unfortunately, the nation is not “once bitten, twice shy.” More like multiple bites, but repeatedly coming back for more–often under American pressure.
This is What Gilad Shalit’s Release Looks Like
A series of releases of thousands of Palestinian terrorists from prison in meaningless deals has garnered Israel nothing, except proof that it lies when it claims it does not negotiate with terrorists. A year ago, Israel released 400 Palestinian terrorists from prison in addition to 500 terrorists released in February 2005, per an agreement with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. What did Israel get in the agreement? A big fat nothing.
In August 2003, Israel released almost 400 Palestinian terrorists from prison “as a goodwill gesture” to the Palestinians. The results are clear: It didn’t garner much good will.
Then, there was that January 2004 “exchange” of hundreds of Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorists for three dead Israeli soldiers’ mutilated bodies and a live drug-dealing Israeli businessman, Elhanan Tannenbaum, who was a double agent for Hezbollah. Yet another stupid deal Israel made with Shia Hezbollah and Sunni Palestinian Terrorists (both of whom are working hand in hand to defeat the evil Zionist entity and even Jews at the Buenos Aires, Argentina Jewish Community Center).
In 1985, Israel “traded” 1,100 Palestinian, Lebanese, and Syrian terrorists for three Israeli soldiers held by Palestinian terrorists in Lebanon–one of the first trades that led to the ceaseless others.
So does Israel negotiate with terrorists? Unfortunately, yes it does. Often under pressure from the U.S. government, particularly the “counter-terrorist” President, George W. Bush.
That’s how the country got itself into the position it is in. It constantly makes empty deals with terrorists with Uncle Sam demanding it. And never learns its lesson, nor does its U.S. taskmaster, which continues requiring more from the tiny besieged State. Imagine if our country released all terror suspects at Guantanamo, plus most of those in U.S. Prisons–including the Blind cleric who was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing–as a goodwill gesture to Bin Laden.
Last year, Israel gave Palestinians–sworn to wipe Israel off the map–an important base from which to carry out that oath. That was just after Israel released several hundred Palestinian terrorists. Under pressure from the “Your either on our side or the terrorists’ side” American President, Israel gave terrorists the Israeli Texas, Arizona, and California. With nothing in return.
Now, the Ehud Olmert Israeli government is in the process of violently expelling its own citizens from West Bank towns, giving those to the Palestinians also. The Israeli Detroit, Chicago, Boise, and Seattle. (Well, they can have Seattle.) Soon, Jews will no longer be able to visit Ma’arat HaMachpelah, the cave in which Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are buried–one of the holiest Jewish sites. There is no American equivalent for that. Or anywhere else on earth.
Murdered by HAMAS: Eliyahu Asheri, Z”L (Blessed Be His Memory)
It should not shock anyone that Palestinians now use Gaza as a base of attack on Israel. It’s no surprise that they tunneled into Israel (from Gaza) and kidnapped Israeli soldier Shalit. It should be no surprise that yet another young Israeli civilian, Eliyahu Asheri, was brutally murdered, and another–a 62-year-old Israeli civilian, Noah Moskovitch–has been kidnapped.
All by Palestinian terrorists, er . . . government officials. All by Palestinian government terrorists who Israelis–on President Bush’s command with Israeli Prime Ministers’ Sharon and Olmert’s rear-kissing obedience–never served any real, deserved retaliation.
And that is happening even now with Israel’s entrance into Gaza. It is too little, too late. Israel cannot now take back Gaza. The vipers have taken over the snake pit.
True, Israelis are blowing up some bridges. But there are hardly any casualties. There’s nothing on the order of a real War on Terror. Because Israel isn’t allowed to do one. Clueless Condoleeza Rice of the pan-Arabist State Department–with 22 Arab Desk jockeys and countless other Muslim ones–is demanding “restraint” from Israel in seeking to save its own citizens from terrorists. And sadly, Israel is listening.
Don’t look for the well-deserved mass casualties on the Palestinian side. Israel won’t do it. It doesn’t have the guts . . . because it’s U.S. big brother doesn’t have the guts.
Gilad Shalit: Israeli Soldier Kidnapped by HAMAS
Incredibly, Matt Drudge and the Times of London are asking about captured Israeli soldier Shalit, “Will This Man [Shalit] Trigger War in the Middle East?” But Shalit didn’t trigger war in the Mid-East. That’s been going on for decades, even centuries. And he did not kidnap himself and murder his fellow civilians. That was the act of the HAMASastan government. They triggered war in the Mid-East.
America wants Israel to make nice with the snake that has already bitten. The same species of snake that America is fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even on American shores.
But no matter how conciliatory you are to the viper, you always feel the puncture of its fangs.
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Tags: Afghanistan, Aires, America, Argentina, Argentina Jewish Community Center, Arizona, bin Laden, blind cleric, Boise, Buenos Aires, businessman, California, Chicago, counter-terrorist, Department of State, Detroit, Ehud Olmert Israeli government, Elhanan Tannenbaum, Eliyahu Asheri, Gaza, George W. Bush, Gilad Shalit, Hamas, HAMASastan government, Hizballah, Iraq, Israel, Israel Bitten By Debbie Schlussel, Lebanon, London, Mahmoud Abbas, Matt Drudge, Middle East, Noah Moskovitch, Olmert, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian government, President, Seattle, Sharon, Texas, the Times of London, the Times, U.S. government, United States, West Bank, World Trade Center