July 14, 2006, - 3:31 pm

Nadir of Slippery Slope?: Terrorist Padilla to See U.S. Secrets

Even though President BILL CLINTON, not George W. Bush, signed into law counterterrorism measures that made secret evidence against terrorists secret, the law is being nullified with no legal basis.
U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke–the latest addition to our new novella “Stupid Judges & The Terrorists Who Love Them”–ruled that top-ranking Al-Qaeda official Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla (of dirty bomb fame) will get to see U.S. government secrets and secret evidence before his September trial on terrorism charges. Like Stephen Murphy, Cooke is another disastrous GEORGE W. BUSH nominee.
As we’ve written, Al-Muhajir/Padilla’s co-defendant, –who will also get to see this classified info–was a superintendent of Detroit and Washington, DC schools, in charge of water and air ducts–both of which he could have poisoned. Do we really want these kind of people ever getting their hands on our sources and methods? No, we don’t. But a stupid judge does. And decisions like these will be the death of our country.

Al-Qaeda’s Abdullah Al-Muhajir (“The Immigrant”) a/k/a Jose Padilla

One of the reasons cited is for the terror defendants’ lawyers to “refresh their memories” about what they told government interrogators. You know–so that they don’t change their story, lie, and get caught in front of a jury. We would never want to allow that to happen to Islamic terrorists, would we?
This is the latest slide down the slippery slope of what happens when you try terrorists in a justice system not designed for national security problems. Although the Supreme Court ruling in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld did not require that Al-Muhajir/Padilla and Jayyousi be allowed to see the secret evidence–nor did any other court ruling of note–this judge is obviously affected by it, in her ill-advised decision.
With judges and decisions like this, good luck winning the domestic war on terror.

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July 14, 2006, - 1:52 pm

Get Out the Violin: Jailed Islamic Terrorist Misses Family, AP Sobs

We’ve , several times, that Islamic Jihad fundraiser and unindicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing suspect –Imam of the Cleveland Mosque–is still here.
He’s here, as we’ve written, because as we’ve written no country will take the man who was stripped of his citizenship for lying about and participating in terror activities that funded the murders of many innocent victims, including American college student .
We were the only media outlet to attend and (and we of his plea agreement to be deported). We watched in disgust as his family members and prominent members of the Cleveland Islamic community showed their support for this wimpy-looking, cold-blooded terrorist.
Now, AP feels bad for this financier of mass murder. Today, in an article on this cretin, the newswire sniffles:

Islamic Terrorist Fawaz Abu Damra: May He Rot in Jail

An Islamic religious leader convicted of concealing ties to terrorist groups remains jailed in Michigan seven months after he reached a deal with the U.S. government to be deported. . . .
There is no definitive rule on how long Damra can be held in jail, according to his attorney, Robert Birach. . . .
Damra is having a difficult time in jail and misses his wife and three children, who still live in the Cleveland area, friend Haider Alawan said.
“He’s a man without a country,” Alawan said.

So sad, too bad. We’re sure the Unabomber, Ted Kaczinski, and plenty of other jailed criminals miss their families, too. But no weeping AP stories over their state of melancholy. They don’t merit AP’s sympathy, since they did not openly praise murdering Christians and Jews at a mosque–and raise money for it to actually be carried out, like Damra did.
Since our government was too Erectile Dysfunction-stricken and didn’t seek the death penalty against this mass murder funder, we won’t mind our taxes going to his eternal rot in jail. That would be a whole lot better than his deportation to freedom in an Islamic banana republic where he’ll be feted.
But if he must be released to freedom and misses his family so much, we’d be happy to see his terror-sympathizing concubine and progeny deported with him. Unfortunately, because he fraudulently obtained entry and citizenship, they get to stay by virtue of the accident of birth.
Time to change that. And get rid of them all.
Thanks to reader “Anonymous Twit” for the tip.

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July 14, 2006, - 1:23 pm

Company Uses “Gay Friends” To Sell Women on Shampoo

Men, the next time your female significant other asks you, “Does this make me look fat?” she doesn’t really care what you think (so long as you make the mistake of saying the accurate answer: yes).
Unless you’re gay.
Unilever, the consumer products company is using gay men to sell their shampoo, “Sunsilk,” to American women. According to Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal,

in what will be one of its biggest [product]launches, [Unilever] has hired three actors to play a girl’s best gay friends. It will position them as style experts and they will write advice columns in magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Star, appear as commentators on television, and diagnose consumers’ hair problems.

Unilever marketers, after quizzing hundreds of women, settled upon the characters as the best way to target 20-something women. . . . Women admired the “best gay friend” character on TV shows like “Sex and the City” and “Will and Grace”. . . .
Sunsilk marketers went shopping, bowling and even bar-hopping with more than 500 young women for research. From the conversations, they realized that the women loved the gay characters on TV shows.

The company is spending $200 million for this silly advertising campaign. Perhaps, they didn’t notice that both the vapid shows cited above are now off the air and in stale, old re-run hell.
We don’t recommend buying Unilever products, aside from this absurd marketing moment. Unilever also owns and produces “Ben & Jerry’s” ice cream, in which far-lefties Ben & Jerry still have financial stakes. ‘s endless PR tours.

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July 14, 2006, - 12:09 pm

ABSURD: ACLU, Terrorist Buddy of ICE’s Abu Moskowitz v. English

Sterling Heights is one of the biggest cities in Macomb County, Michigan a/k/a “Reagan Country.” Macomb County is home to the Reagan Democrats–conservative, working-class Catholic Democrats considered a bellweather in most modern Presidential elections.
These are good, hard-working, middle-class Americans with unbounded common sense and decency. Their common sense came into play, recently, when in May, Sterling Heights councilwoman Barbara Ziarko proposed , such as “bakery,” “grocery,” etc.
It’s a matter of public safety. We can just envision the lawsuits from when a Muslim illegal alien (there are plenty in Sterling Heights) dies because ambulance drivers can’t read Arabic script on falafel and hookah joints in Sterling Heights.

Imad Hamad: Michigan ICE SAIC Abu Moskowitz’s Favorite John

(Hamadafat artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

(RuBrian Moskowitz artwork courtesy of David Lunde)

But the ACLU and FBI award revokee/”former” Islamic terrorist don’t like English. Yesterday, they sent a threatening letter to Sterling Heights. And if the law is passed, they will likely sue. Suing America for mandating English signs in the name of safety. What has happened to the United States of America?! This is NOT (yet) ISLAMerica.
Like the warring, terrorist-host Muslim Mid-East? Then you’ll love it here, decades from now, when the forces there (whom Hamad supports) solidify their increasing campaign to change America to their old world culture and Islamofascist dhimmitude statehood.
As we’ve noted here previously, Hamad–a too-close for comfort crony of a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz,” Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)– about both the proposed English sign law and the U.S. military. He’s made a career out of protecting Muslim illegal aliens here, with the active help of Abu Moskowitz (who has declared illegal alien investigations in Muslim areas off-limits, invited Hamad to his home for meals, for which he was not qualified).
We find this very disturbing. But we note that ICE doesn’t care that a Special Agent in Charge in the heart of Islamic America (and Terror Cell U.S.A.) is in bed with a “former” Islamic terrorist (still suspected of being involved in terrorist activities, such as laundering, but Abu M won’t investigate his bud) who is actively aiding and abetting illegal aliens with his unbridled advocacy against law enforcement and public officials who are trying to protect America as we know it.
In fact, ICE “leadership”–including incompetent, do-nothing ICE Princess –is just too busy with more important things, like preparing to , to the tune of up to $100,000 or more (if you count salaried man hours of ICE personnel lost) or your tax dough–plus the $30-50K they’re paying Lasorda.
Gives new meaning to the lyrics of the song, “Kansas City“: “Kansas City, Here I Come.” Maybe that should be ICE’s new motto.

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July 14, 2006, - 8:30 am

Weekend Box Office: Hilarious “You, Me & Dupree” Has Anti-Slacker Message

It’s “What About Bob?” for the 2000s starring the blond Bill Murray of the 2000s–Owen Wilson.
If you loved last year’s “,” you’ll really like “You, Me & Dupree,” out tonight and sharing the same comedic star as “Crashers,” Wilson. The movie is hilarious. Not nearly as funny as “Crashers,” but close enough.
What if you had a slacker friend whose chutzpah knew no bounds– shamelessly freeloading, playing on your sympathies, and taking advantage of you? What if your new wife was the spoiled, sheltered daughter of Gordon Gekko, had he not gone to jail in “Wall Street“? What if they had that bizarre going on? What if you put them all together in your house during the early days of your marriage?

That’s the plot of “You, Me & Dupree.” Wilson’s “Dupree” is every Gen-X slacker who never grew up because American society has dumbed down personal responsibility and discipline, because liberals have said this state of loserdom is “a new mode of living” (in Hillary Clinton Wellesley valedictory speech parlance). We’re supposed to have infinite compassion for these do-nothing slackers. But Matt Dillon’s character does, and it ruins his life.
We all know one “Dupree” (or more), an aimless ne’er-do-well who can’t get his/her act together. Or rather, won’t. Because our define-deviancy-down nation demands our sympathies toward these unworthy human empty vessels. And that’s why “Dupree” is funny. It shows us the ultra-hilarious end result of Pearl Jam groupie Future World. “Dupree” is like Bill Clinton minus the elective offices. He’s riding on fumes.
Most allegedly funny movies, this summer, aren’t. Studios lie to us in marketing campaigns. They put the best jokes, the only funny parts, in the trailers, misleading you to waste ten bucks and two hours plus of your life you’ll never get back. (Not so in this movie.)
We trashed “” for doing just that. A non-funny film filled with a couple’s painful bickering and starring “Wedding Crashers'” other star, Vince Vaughn, trailers marketed it as the comedy it wasn’t–the comedy this film, “Dupree,” is. “Dupree” is non-stop laughter and light fun all-around, the bickering couple movie that isn’t about bickering.
Wilson makes this film. Matt Dillon serves as a great straight man, masculine husband Carl Peterson, who refuses to be feminized into a girlie-man–another message we liked from this movie. Michael Douglas plays Gordon Gekko revisited. Kate Hudson is okay. But just okay. As a proud American, her presence is our only objection to this movie. She made a series of disturbing comments dissing America and Americans–while in France(!), and we, therefore, hate to contribute to her bottom line. Anyone could have played her role with equal or better talent. Other than her, this film is recommended.
A quick warning, though: It’s not for kids. There are multiple sexual themes and jokes (language, too). Plus, you wouldn’t want to expose your kids to a guy like “Dupree,” anyway.
We won’t give away the lackluster ending, except to say that Dupree ends up in the ultimate, overpaid slacker BS dream job.

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July 13, 2006, - 8:11 pm

Radio Appearances Across America

Tomorrow (Friday) Morning, at 8:45/8:50 a.m. Eastern, I am scheduled to be on the “The Michael Smerconish Show,” on WPHT-AM 1210, Philadelphia. Listen live.
I’ll be discussing of “You, Me and Dupree,” out in theaters Tomorrow (Friday) Night. (I liked it.)

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July 13, 2006, - 3:53 pm

Darwin Awards Revisited: Stupid Hip-Hop Trend Causes Health Risks

Natural selection of idiots and survival of the non-stupid class takes place every day. The latest repeat winners of the Darwin Awards should be hip-hoppers.
If you’re hip to pop culture trends as we are, you’ve no doubt noticed the latest stupid hip-hop status symbol over the last few years: grills.
What are grills, you ask? They’re dental accessories that look like very ugly (and painful) braces worn over the jaded, phony smiles of rap artists and other assorted malefactors. The removable fixtures fit over front teeth and snap into place, usually made of gold or platinum and studded with diamond inlays. They can cost thousands of dollars and are yet another gaudy chapter in the look-at-me-and-the-riches-I-got hip-hop world. (We’d use the word “bling,” but we got the memo a couple of years ago. That word is out.)

Rapper Paul Wall (w/Name in Grills); Diamond Grill

Rapper Nelly wrote a song glorifying them, “Grillz,” gushing over robbery of jewelry stores to make these absurd mouth appliances:

Rob the jewelry store and tell ’em make me a grill.
Dirrty, R&B.
Add da whole top diamond and the bottom Row’s gold.
Yo we bout to start a epidemic wit dis one
Ya’ll know what dis is… So So Def
Got 30 down at the bottom, 30 mo at the top
All invisible set in little ice cube blocks
If I could call it a drink, call it a smile on da rocks
If I could call out a price, let’s say I call out a lot
I got like platinum and white gold, traditional gold
I’m changin grillz errday, like Jay change clothes,
I might be grilled out nicely (oh) In my white tee (oh),
On South beach (oh) in my wife beat.
V V and studded you can tell when they cut it
Ya see my granmama hate it, but my lil mama love it . . . .
What it do baby
It’s da ice man Paul Wall
I got my mouth lookin somethin like a disco ball
I got da diamonds and da ice all hand set
I might cause a cold front if I take a deep breath
My teeth gleaming like I’m chewin on aluminum foil
Smilein showin off my diamonds sippin on some Pinot Noir
I put my money where my mouth is and bought a grill
20 carrots 30 stacks let ’em know im so fo real
My motivation is from 30 pointers V VS the furniture my mouth
Piece simply symbolize success
I got da wrist wear and neck wear dats captivatin
But it’s my smile dats got these on-lookers spectatin
My mouth piece simply certified a total package
Open up my mouth and you see mo carrots than a salad
My teeth are mind blowin givin everybody chillz
Call me George Foreman cuz I’m sellin everybody grillz

Yum, chewing on aluminum foil. Sounds like a real pleasurable experience. Delish. Yet another sign there’s no accounting for good taste–literally AND figuratively–in America.

Nelly and the rest of this silly portion of our culture apparently think their mouths are the fronts of Jeep Grand Cherokees and H2 Hummers. Do they think they should brush with Turtle Wax and anti-freeze, too? More swell photos of grill-wearing dummies here.
Now comes word that from dentist Dr. Matt Messina of the American Dental Association that grills harbor bacteria, are hard on teeth and gums, and cause lasting damage to various areas of the mouth. Gum infections, irritations, and cavities are just some of the costs of this latest, absurd hip-hop waste of money. It’s Mother Nature’s way of fighting back against the uber-ludicrous (not to be confused with rapper “Ludacris”).
Reasonable human forces are noting the ridiculous and in appropriate nature of grills on teens. The Suburban Dallas school district of Arlington, Texas recently banned grills. Good for them.
Well, nobody said the rap world was synonymous with wisdom. In fact, it appears there’s a very strong negative correlation between the two.

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July 13, 2006, - 1:03 pm

Religion of Peace . . . and Black Eyes for 6-Year-Old Girls

We missed this “Religion of Peace” episode from April. But it’s important, nonetheless.
Why does this 6-year-old have black eyes? She was beaten up by the Imam at her family’s mosque in Morocco. Why? She accidentally walked on his prayer rug. Doesn’t he know that it’s “72 Dark-Eyed Virgins,” NOT Black-Eyed ones?
Religion of Peace? Well, maybe Piece . . . as in the piece of steak her mother probably had to put on her eyes to stop the swelling (assuming her mother was sad about the beating of her daughter in the name of Islam–and that’s a big assumption).
Read the WHOLE SCOOP at France=Echol in English.

Lasting Cosmetic Face Enhancement for 6-Year-Olds

Courtesy of the “Religion of Peace”

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July 13, 2006, - 8:53 am

Dept. of Homeland Lasorda-ty: Hey, ICE, Stop Lying

It’s a Lasordid affair.
Yesterday, I reported on in Kansas City, next week. Baseball’s Tommy Lasorda is being paid his $30-$50K fee to be the keynote speaker at a steak dinner, also costing tax payers $50 per steak. Taxpayers are paying for ICE employees to travel there to serve as full-time bartender and photog, too. And there is no real purpose for the event.

Partying in Kansas City on Your Dime:

Homeland Security’s Tommy Lasorda, John Torres, Mikey Chertoff

(Thanks to Fred Taub of Boycott Watch for the excellent photoshop)

So, what does ICE–the federal agency that is supposed to enforce immigration laws–do? Does the agency apologize for the bad PR and cancel the conference? Do they cancel baseball’s Tommy S.? No. None of these things. Instead, predictably, they put their spin machine in overtime. Irate readers of my site (not to mention irate ICE agent readers of my site) are complaining to ICE. So ICE is denying it. They are referring all angry callers and e-mailers to Carl Rusnok, a PR honcho, whom ICE and his tight relationship with “former” Islamic terrorist and FBI award revokee .
Rusnok and ICE are lying to my readers, claiming that Lasorda is speaking for free. But he isn’t. Technically, ICE can claim that b/c Lasorda is donating his speaking fee to charity. But do taxpayers really want $30,000-$50,000 they paid in the name of apprehending and deporting illegal aliens to Tommy Lasorda’s fave charity? Hardly. Let Tommy donate his own money, not ours. Memo to ICE mouthpiece Carl Rusnok: That’s not the definition of “free.” Check your dictionary.
And Rusnok fails to answer the other questions. Even if Lasorda is not being paid–but he is–the conference is still an incredible waste of tens of thousands of ICE money and agents, supposedly for stopping the illegal alien invasion, not a week away from it, pontificating and navel-contemplating.
Why is this conference being held? How will Detention and Removal Operations Field Office Directors–in charge of apprehending and deporting aliens and with years of experience under their belts–learn anything useful to their jobs from ICE officials, like and , who are legacy Customs agents with no immigration experience? They won’t. What will they learn about alien removal from the full-time ICE employee bartender and pics with their boss John Torres? They won’t. They will merely serve as the mannequins and mostly male supermodels in Torres’ image rehab campaign, which is what this event is all about. And your tax dollars are funding it.
Then, there is the ICE agent, who , attacking me (the lone one) and claiming, again falsely, that Lasorda is not being paid (he is). The agent posted this from ICE Headquarters in Washington, during the workday (so glad he/she’s hard at work catching illegal aliens on my website). The agent posted again from his/her home in nearby Alexandria, Virginia.
Here’s what one high-ranking ICE Agent–among many who’ve contacted me with outrage over this silly weeklong party–wrote me (I have removed some information to protect his identity):

Love your website; have been reading it for sometime and enjoy your unabashed pile-driving of this totally dysfunctional agency. After [decades] of service, both in [another law enforcement agency] and ICE, it’s refreshing to see the malfeasance brought to light.
I wanted to take the opportunity to express some of my opinions and observations regarding your recent postings, specifically the article addressing the latest dog-and-pony debacle starring Torres, Tommy “SlimFast” Lasorda, and the rest of the Clowns of Renown. Once again, here’s valuable money and time being wasted on a showboat production when it can be better utilized elsewhere. It ires me to be told that we can’t get new vehicles, upgrade our computers, incarcerate and/or remove aliens, and perform other critical functions because there’s no money. [DS: The agent describes non-working, vital communications equipment] which limits us access to several of the information and processing systems vital to effecting our mission. When we ask for a status update, all we get is the same rhetorical psycho-babble responses with no action. It’s a sad day when I can go home and access whatever I need [to communicate] with light speed but have to wire up my tin cans and string at the office so I can [communicate at work]. What irritates me further is to have these same upper management dweebs make a feeble attempt at insulting my intelligence by thinking I buy off on their BS.
If you would, please keep my name, rank, and such out of the limelight. I’m not in fear of the Beltway; I just don’t need the aggravation of hearing them gripe and threaten me because I called their hand.
Keep up the great work!
[Name Withheld]
Special Agent/ICE

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July 12, 2006, - 5:15 pm

Sgt. Duane Dreasky, RIP: Terrorist IED’s Brave Victim Fought for Months to Live

On the 4th of July, I wrote about of Company B, 125th Infantry Regiment–who valiantly fought to live, despite burns over 75% of his body. “Born to Be a Soldier,” the Army National Guardsman was the lone survivor of a terrorist IED explosion that hit a HumVee on November 21, last year.
He was in Iraq because, although he finished a year-long tour of duty guarding prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, he volunteered to go. He could have remained safely in Michigan as a recruiter, where he was assigned.
Sadly, he died Monday at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, after fighting to live for eight months. He was 31 years old. Details from one of two touching pieces by The Detroit News’ only decent reporter, Edward Cardenas:

Wounded War Vet Duane Dreasky w/ Bush, Before Injuries

“He went out with so much dignity,” his wife, Mandeline Dreasky, said Tuesday.
“He fought and defied death four times. We had hoped that he would make it.”
He had been living a life-long dream of serving his country when the Humvee in which he was riding near al-Habbaniyah, Iraq, was hit by an improvised explosive device on Nov. 21, 2005.
He was airlifted out of Iraq and ended up at the San Antonio burn center, where President George W. Bush toured on Jan. 1 and met with soldiers. Sgt. Dreasky, in bandages, tried to salute when Bush entered the room. . . .

Sgt. Duane Dreasky & Wife/Fellow Soldier Mandeline

He was also the last survivor of the five-man Humvee unit that was attacked on Nov. 20.
The shock of his death resonated beyond his family.
“He was a big imposing, somewhat intimidating person who loved kids and they loved him,” said Kim Anderson, whose son took martial arts classes from Dreasky.
“He just tried to make his family proud, and he definitely did that.”
Memorial contributions can be sent to the Duane J. Dreasky Scholarship Foundation, P.O. Box 23116 Lansing, MI 48909-3116.

Even though he passed from this world, Dreasky is a symbol of the determination, struggle, and will to survive of all our brave men who are protecting our freedom. When he was alive and in tremendous pain, Dreasky and his wife thought of others, setting up a foundation for scholarships for special needs kids to attend the Special Olympics and for others to pursue medical careers–the address of which is above.
Read both of Edward Cardenas’ moving pieces–here and here–about Duane Dreasky.
More on Duane Dreasky, from the October 15, 2005 issue of The Iron Soldier (Official Newsletter of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, Al-Anbar Province, Iraq):

Although he recently finished a year long stint in Guantanamo, Cuba guarding detainees, Sgt. Dreasky volunteered for duty in
Dreasky utilized his professional expertise to create panoramic views of terrain sketches at all guard towers occupied by his platoon. He also used his initiative to take digital photos with a new picture system. The pictures he took were used to create a targeted mission and check out suspicious activity.
Sgt. Duane J. Dreasky epitomizes the Army values and lives by the Warrior Ethos. His leadership, attention to detail, and professionalism is a credit to himself and the Michigan Army National Guard.
Sgt. Dreasky is married to another outstanding Soldier from the Michigan Army National Guard, and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Mandy Dreasky is a former Sgt. 1st Class from the 1775th Military Police Company. She was wounded in action while serving
during OIF 03.

Sgt. Duane Dreasky, American Hero, Rest In Peace. May G-d Bless You.
**** UPDATE, 07/17/06: . Plus, protesters plan to mar his funeral. How you can help stop them. . ****

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