July 26, 2006, - 3:31 pm

Are You a Terrorist?: Absurd, PC Air Marshal Quota System Says Yes

The hard-working Air Marshals in the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) have enough problems on their hands.
From silly dress codes and procedures that make them stick out like a sore thumb to terrorists, to incompetent, intractable management, they have a tough job which has been made even tougher.
The past few weeks, a series of brave and justly angry Federal Air Marshals have been granting television and other media interviews around the country. The latest and most disturbing is one from Denver’s ABC 7 News, in which a Federal Air Marshal discusses the new, absurd quota system put into place by FAMS management.

Apparently because the FAMS has fallen pray to the political correctness throughout the Department of Homeland Security, the agency can’t just put Islamic terrorists in the federal terrorist database. No. That would be wrong. Instead, FAMS has instituted quotas, requiring Air Marshals to file a report on at least one , every month, even if the traveler did nothing wrong. This outrage could put you on a no-fly or watch list and affect your ability to travel.
Here’s more from the report:

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they’re reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.
The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they’re required to submit at least one report a month. If they don’t, there’s no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.
“Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft … and they did nothing wrong,” said one federal air marshal.
These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.
“Do these reports have real life impacts on the people who are identified as potential terrorists?” 7NEWS Investigator Tony Kovaleski asked.
“Absolutely,” a federal air marshal replied.
7NEWS obtained an internal Homeland Security document defining an SDR as a report designed to identify terrorist surveillance activity.
“When you see a decision like this, for these reports, who loses here?” Kovaleski asked.
“The people we’re supposed to protect — the American public,” an air marshal said.
What kind of impact would it have for a flying individual to be named in an SDR?
“That could have serious impact … They could be placed on a watch list. They could wind up on databases that identify them as potential terrorists or a threat to an aircraft. It could be very serious,” said Don Strange, a former agent in charge of air marshals in Atlanta. He lost his job attempting to change policies inside the agency.
That’s why several air marshals object to a July 2004 memo from top management in the Las Vegas office, a memo that reminded air marshals of the SDR requirement.

Political Correctness run amok at the Federal Air Marshal Service. G-d help them.
Thanks to reader, Bill R., and many brave Federal Air Marshals and their association for the tip.

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July 26, 2006, - 3:12 pm

Extreme Kudos: Diligent ICE Agent Puts Iranian Arms Dealer Behind Bars

On this site, we’re quite critical of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) management.
But that doesn’t diminish one iota our respect for the patriotic, hard-working thousands of rank-and-file ICE agents around the world who are trying to do their job protecting America, notwithstanding their incompetent, selfish, PC higher-up desk jockey bosses.
One of those great agents is ICE Special Agent Brian Bucaro based in San Diego. He is a finalist for a 2006 “Sammie”–Service to America award for Justice and Law Enforcement–for putting an Iranian arms dealer behind bars. This is especially important in this day when Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and its arms cache and reach is felt in Israel’s attempts to defend itself against Hezbollah.

Here are the details from Federal News Radio:

For more than 20 years, Arif Ali Durrani illegally trafficked U.S. military weapons and components. One of his biggest clients was the Iranian government, which he supplied with missile and aircraft parts.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Brian Bucaro led the investigation that put this internationally renowned arms dealer in jail.
Bucaro discovered that Durrani was operating out of Mexico and was acquiring U.S. military parts by using American front-men. By January 2005, Bucaro had identified and located Durrani’s two key co-conspirators.
Over two years, Bucaro was able to build an airtight case against Durrani. Then, with a tip that Durrani would be in the United States for a connecting flight at L-A-X, Bucaro and his team were able to nab the elusive arms smuggler.
Thanks to Brian Burcaro, this criminal is behind bars and his smuggling network has been dismantled.

Right on, Agent Burcaro. We salute you and hope you get the Sammie award that you much deserve. (A list of all finalists is here.)
If only people like this were running ICE.

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July 26, 2006, - 1:33 pm

Poetic Justice?: U.N. Peacekeepers Aided Hezbollah in 2000 Kidnapping of Israeli Soldiers

We are not shedding too many tears over the accidental Israeli killing of U.N. “peacekeepers” (a misnomer if there ever was one).
While we are sorry for any innocents who lost their lives, it’s a tad of poetic justice for the U.N. in Lebanon. Why?
Well, to those who forgot–apparently, that includes the entire mainstream media–the U.N. aided and abetted Hezbollah in the October 2000 abduction of three Israeli soldiers at Har Dov, Israel. They turned a blind eye to the kidnapping, and it is believed they provided Hezbollah with U.N. uniforms, insignia, and vehicles. The U.N. for months denied knowledge of the attack and kidnapping or that it had a tape, which it had all along and withheld, aiding Hezbollah.

Here’s an excerpt from a 2001 article from Israeli newspaper Ha’Aretz, which is posted in its entirety at the International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers site:

Friday, July 6, 2001 Haaretz Daily Newspaper – English Internet Edition
By Amos Harel, Yossi Verter and Shlomo Shamir
UN Admits it has a Videotape of Soldiers’ Kidnap
Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer yesterday announced that United Nations officials last Friday acknowledged the existence of a video tape with information on the kidnapping of three IDF soldiers by Hezbollah guerrillas at Har Dov on October 7, 2000. Israeli security sources suspect the tape has scenes recorded immediately after the abduction. In a strongly worded letter, the government demanded that the United Nations immediately transfer the tape to Israel.
Israeli officials had insisted for months that the cassette existed, but the UN adamantly rejected the claim. According to Ben-Eliezer, information about the existence of the tape was leaked from New York.
While it is still unclear what the recording contains, two pictures, showing UN tow trucks removing two vehicles used by the Hezbollah guerrillas during the kidnapping were shown last night on both Israeli television news channels.
The pictures were acquired by Shlomi Afrayat, owner of Topline in Kiryat Shmona, who has worked for months to make contact with the persons responsible for the recording. Afrayat is not in possession of the original tape.
“The scene was taped 18 hours after the abduction of the three soldiers”, said Timor Goksel, spokesman for UNIFIL (UN interim force in Lebanon) peacekeepers in south Lebanon. “It contains footage of abandoned vehicles the Iran-backed Hezbollah guerrillas used in the attack,” he added.
“Inside the vehicles, UN peacekeepers found UN insignia, uniforms and license plates along with weapons and explosives,” Goksel said. . . .
Israeli security officials suspect that the UN soldiers witnessed the attack and may have turned a blind eye to Hezbollah preparations to carry it out.

So, as for the U.N. “Peacekeepers,” our response is: War is hell. You chose to go. And to be involved in an organization that works with Hezbollah in a very friendly manner.
Read the whole account here.

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July 26, 2006, - 5:03 am

Hezbollah U.S.A, Part III: My Date at Dearbornistan’s Hezbollah Social Club

DEARBORNISTAN, USA – Sunday was a busy day.
First, I watched Michigan FBI Special Agent in Charge chase after Hezbollah terrorists on the elliptical machine at a swanky suburban Detroit gym.
Then, I did the work he and his agents should be doing. But aren’t. (Don’t believe claims by Roberts and paunchy FBI sidekick, William Kowalski, that they are “monitoring” Hezbollah.) I headed to the Bint Jebail Cultural Center in the heart of Islamic America–Dearborn, Michigan. More on that club–a hangout for thousands of Hezbollah supporters on our shores–later.

Hezbollah Club on Our Shores (One of Several)

Bint Jebail–also spelled “Bint Jbeil”–located in southern Lebanon and very close to the border, is the key Hezbollah stronghold. Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah makes most of his fiery anti-Semitic, anti-American speeches there . . . to eager ears. It is the site from which much shelling of rockets and missiles, onto Northern Israel and beyond, emanates. .
Hezbollah’s U.S. Citizen Mayor
Bint Jbeil’s Mayor, Haj Ali Bazzi, is a U.S. citizen, with a Michigan Driver’s License and an American passport. Even though he cannot speak English, he spent a short time in Dearborn and–voila!–American citizenship was served up. Bazzi told an ABC News TV crew he’s sorry he ever spent any time in America. But he’s not renouncing his U.S. citizenship or giving up his passport and license. He also said that he “would defend Dearborn against invasion by another state.” Of course, he would–it is Little Bint Jbeil. But would he defend America against a foreign invasion? Not likely, judging from many of his relatives in Dearborn, open supporters of Islamic terrorist groups.
Shi’ite Muslim Nurse Ratched
In October 2004, one of them, Najah Bazzy, announced–at a Michigan CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) event–that she is “embarrassed to be an American,” even though she claims she is a second- or third-generation American. We’re embarrassed she’s American, too.

Shia Muslim Najah Bazzy: “Embarrassed to Be an American”

The Shia Muslim Nurse Ratched, Najah Bazzy served as the head Muslim transcultural nurse at Oakwood Hospital, also in Dearbornistan. During her tenure, the hospital was raided by the FBI for providing tax-paid Medicaid deliveries to pregnant, foreign Muslim women with fraudulent social security numbers. All of those kids are now U.S. citizens, and their American birth certificates can be sold in the Muslim world’s black market. Bazzy is one of the women featured in an exhibit in the tax-funded Arab American National Museum to which she donated an anti-Israel video by a fringe nurses group.
Hezbollah’s American “Social” Club
Then, there is the Bint Jebail Cultural Center, Sunday. Many of the Bazzis were in attendance at the club, whose Chairman is Nazieh Bazzi. They were ostensibly there to mourn members of the Bazzi family who died in Israel’s defensive war against Hezbollah. But this was no memorial service. It was a Nazi-style hate-fest.
The Bint Jebail Cultural Center was founded in 1994. Incredibly, American taxpayers subsidize this “cultural center,” since it has 501(c)(3) tax-deductible status. In 2004, the year of its last tax return on file, the club spent over $85,000 on “cultural and religious seminars and lectures,” most of them extremist. The decor of the club is elaborate, if you like the Saddam Palace/Donald Trump Apartment style of gaud. The extremists who founded the club apparently think paradise looks like Liberace-land.
While it operates mostly as a banquet facility, the Bint Jebail Cultural Center is also used as a frequent meeting place for Hezbollah supporters and a locale for Hezbollah rallies that frequently feature anti-American and anti-Christian hate, not just anti-Semitism. (Despite all that, U.S. Attorney –now a Bush nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals–is a frequent guest at this Hezbollah club, including last October, when he told its members that the club and the U.S. government had “issues of common interest and concern.”)

Hezbollah’s Fed Stooges: U.S. Attorney Fetes Hezbollah Club, FBI SAIC Chases Hezbollah Terrorists @ The Gym

Sunday’s event was no different than the usual Bint Jebail hate fare, minus the bloated, pandering federal officials. It was a Hezbollah rally filled with anti-Semitic and anti-American rhetoric, as well as prayers for the Mujahideen and the Martyrs. What I saw and heard should be must viewing for all Americans.
But you didn’t read any of it in the whitewash AP story by a reporter who apparently doesn’t speak or understand Arabic–the language of most of the speeches (and probably not English, either, since he couldn’t even get the name of the club right). Not that Arabic fluency was necessary. It was quite clear that this was a modern day Nazi hate-fest.
While AP reported that there were 1,000 people in attendance, this was the one time when the mainstream media under-reported numbers at an extremist Muslim rally. There were easily 2,500-3,000 Jew-hating, anti-American bodies in the room that has a maximum capacity of 1,000. No fire marshals, though. The Dearborn police were guarding these Hezbollah supporters in a car outside the venue. The fire was reserved for the speeches.
Among the many speakers, several things were in common: multiple statements about the Jews, cheers for the total destruction of and end to Israel, and support for Hezbollah, the Mujahideen, and the Martyrs.
A very religious Islamic event, I sat with the many bitter-looking, hijab-encrusted women in Black (the women were relegated to separate seating in the back). Every imam of every Shi’ite mosque in town was there, white turban et al. That includes Imams of the Islamic Center of America and of the Islamic House of Wisdom–heads of the two largest mosques in North America. (I’ve about Elahi’s connections to Iran and Hezbollah.) Also there, Imam Husham Al-Hussainy of the Karbalaa Islamic Institute. At a Dearborn rally in memory of Yasser Arafat, he held a poster of his hero, Ayatollah Khomeini. Both Qazwini and Al-Hussainy were hugged by President Bush in media photo ops when he came to town upon Iraq’s “liberation.”
Haj Mohammed Turfe (AP incorrectly called him Mohammed “Torfah”), Founding Chairman of the Bint Jebail Cultural Center, gleefully and repeatedly spoke of how “only a few thousand Jews will survive Armageddon.” This mantra, repeated often throughout the event, got raucous, deafening applause and cheers. Well, for once–I thought–extremist Muslims have respect for Christianity. . . when they can twist it to suit their fascist hopes and dreams.
Dr. Ali Ajami, Lebanese Consul General in Detroit, delivered a fire-and-brimstone anti-Semitic tirade that would make Father Coughlin blush. An open supporter of Hezbollah, sources say he was installed in the position by Hezbollah officials in the Lebanese and Syrian governments. Incredibly, he is constantly feted by Department of Homeland Security officials.
Then, there was . First, he said that Americans and Jews are “diseased,” among other attacks. He sang a prayer for the Martyrs and Mujahideen–to the fervent applause of the attendees. He urged those in attendance not to buy new clothes for the next year, and to instead donate the money to “them, our brothers and sisters.” It was quite clear he was speaking of Hezbollah (giving money to it is a violation of U.S. law). Incredibly, this Islamic David Duke is still a regular columnist for The Detroit News, thanks to editorial page editor Nolan Finley.
Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Sheikh Mohammed Fadlallah

& Dearborn Heights Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi

Throughout the speeches there were cheers and statements of support from the crowd for Hezbollah and against Jews. Some of the loudest cheers came for the repeated mantra, “Pray for the Speedy Dismantling of the Jewish State.” It was a take on the business card of extremist Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the Neturei Karta, a surprise speaker at the event. But his card says, “Pray For the Speedy Peaceful Dismantling of the Zionist State.” They were not interested in the “peaceful” part, apparently.
Weiss, a Jewish self-hater, has no following in the mainstream Jewish Community. Ultra-Orthodox rabbis from high and low have denounced and disavowed this extremist “rabbi” who makes a career of attending anti-Israel rallies sponsored by Muslims. But not Imam Husham Al-Hussainy. He told two Muslim women that he and Rabbi Weiss made a great team, last week, in denouncing Israel at various rallies. I watched Rabbi Weiss, whose sole legitimacy is his ultra-Orthodox religiosity, shake the hands of the Muslim women–a total no-no for observant Orthodox Jewish men (who are not allowed to touch women that are not their wives or close relatives).
Below is Rabbi Weiss’ business card, should you wish to tell him what you think of his participation in a modern day Nazi rally. He wore a giant Palestinian flag as did his rabbi sidekick companion.

Hezbollah’s Rabbi

Also in attendance and cheering for the various expressions of hate was Nasser Beydoun–who that morning went on a local TV show, claiming he is a moderate that has respect for Jewish people and the State of Israel. He is Chairman of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce and an organizer of the U.S. Arab-Economic Conference, last month in Houston (attended by President George H.W. Bush, State Dept. official (more on Hughes ), etc.). Incredibly, Michigan Republican Chairman Saul Anuzis–so desperate to get the minuscule Muslim vote–was hyping Beydoun as a U.S. Senate candidate. Beydoun’s father, Mohammed, is a U.S. citizen but lived in his elaborate Bint Jbeil, Lebanon mansion, until U.S. taxpayers paid to bring him back here, last week.

Nasser Beydoun:

Arab Chamber of Commerce Leader Cheered @ Hezbollah Rally

Why are these extremists–Nasser Beydoun, Mohammed Ali Elahi, Husham Al-Hussainy, etc., etc. ad absurdum–commanding the respect and attention of U.S. officials? Why are these supporters of Hezbollah terrorism against Americans and Jews getting the light of day?
It’s an enigma that has no reasonable explanation. Pandering to this extremist hate by our government officials–whether for political pragmatism or –is unacceptable.
All freedom-loving Americans need to wake up to the “culture” I saw on display at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center.
More pics from the Hezbollah event at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center (will use a better camera next time):


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July 25, 2006, - 8:39 pm

Me on WABC New York, KSFO San Fran Radio Tomorrow (Weds) Morning

Will be making the following radio appearances tomorrow, discussing Hezbollah U.S.A. (columns , , and ):
* New York’s WABC-AM 770: “The Curtis & Kuby Show” at 7:40 a.m. Eastern Time, Tomorrow (Wednesday) Morning. Listen Live Here.
* San Francisco’s KSFO-AM 560: “The Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show” at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time/ 7:00 a.m. Pacific, also Tomorrow (Wednesday) Morning. Listen Live Here.

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July 25, 2006, - 6:26 pm

Me on Michael Savage Today

I will be on the nationally syndicated “Michael Savage Show“–heard on radio stations across the country–at 7:30 p.m. Eastern, this evening. I will be giving an update on Here is . Some of the rest, I will put up later, tonight.

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July 25, 2006, - 2:47 pm

What Happened to Beirut’s Jews?: How Hezbollah Murdered Lebanon’s Jews in the ’80s

My dad (work by him and ) reminded me of this article from his wing of the library archives. The article describes what “The Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth,” Hezbollah’s original name, did to Lebanon’s Jews. In the past, I’ve written about the Lebanese Jews named below, including information not included in the article (but which I’ve provided in brackets).
I reprint the article in its entirety, and ask the question: “Legitimate resistance” or murderous terrorist group that targets innocents? I report, but the answer is apparent. You don’t need to decide.

Shi’ite Group Kills Lebanese Jewish Hostage
February 21, 1986
Paris (JTA [DS: Jewish Telegraphic Agency])–The body of a Jewish Hostage shot and badly beaten before his death was found last Sunday in west Beirut. Ibrahim Benesti, 54, is the third Jewish hostage to be murdered in two months by a Shi’ite fundamentalist group.
The gang, “The Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth,” said they have kidnapped two more Jewish hostages. In addition, they are believed to be holding five other Jews.
Benesti’s body was found dumped near a vegetable market in the Kaskas area which borders the Green Line separating de facto the Christian east from the predominantly Moslem west Beirut. He had been shot once in the back of the head but medical examiners say he had been badly tortured and beaten before his “execution.”
A statement found pinned on the body said he had been killed “for having been an Israeli spy” and as an example “to all other Israeli agents.” Police found in one of his pockets Polaroid photographs showing the victim and two other middle-aged bearded men with visible scars on their faces. They were identified as Yehouda and Yossef Benesti, presumably members of the same family.

[DS: Spy for Israel? No. I researched Mr. Benesti. Benesti, whose family–like many Lebanese Jews–had been in Lebanon since 2,000 B.C. (before the birth of Mohammed), was a charitable and kindly candy store owner who gave free candy to children of all religions, including Shi’ite Muslims. Benesti’s “crime” was being a Jew.]

Some reports from Beirut say the dead man’s actual name might have been Ibrahim Tinesti.
Two months ago, the Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth murdered two other Jewish hostages, Isaac Tarab, 69, and Haim Halala Cohen, 36. Since these killings, most members of Beirut’s already small Jewish community are said to have fled. Some reports say there are now less than 20 Jews left in Beirut.
The group had also claimed responsibility for the . The hijackers had then demanded that Israel set free all prisoners held in Israel and south Lebanon. Israel had refused to deal with them or give in to their demands.
The statement found pinned to their latest victim renewed this demand. It said that 300 Shi’ites are being held prisoners by the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army in a camp near the Israeli border. The SLA has refused to free the prisoners it holds in Khiam, some 20 miles north of the border.
The group also said Benesti had been killed to protest “Israel’s violation” of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It called the victim “a pillar of Israeli espionage in Lebanon.” The dead man was known, Jewish circles said in Paris, as a quiet businessman who minded his own business. He settled in Beirut, coming from Sidon, 35 years ago. It is not known if he was married and had children.

As you can see, “The Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth” a/k/a Hezbollah has not changed in the 20 years since this article. First, they got rid of Lebanon’s Jews. Now, they want to eliminate Israel’s Jews. America and the rest of the world–including Christians–are next, if Hezbollah is not stopped and eliminated.
The new Nazis must go.

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July 25, 2006, - 1:17 pm

Sensitive Man’s Bubble Gum: Bazooka Joe & Friends Meet “Diversity”

Our favorite gum is (or, we should say, was) Bazooka bubble gum. We like the hard pink square that isn’t chock-filled with softeners and bizarre flavors. Grape, Cherry, and Regular were just fine for us. At age 53, Bazooka Joe is just fine to us and doesn’t need changes.
Now, however, political correctness has struck even our fave bubble gum and its emblematic American boy portrayed in the comics insert.
Bazooka Joe product managers at Topps claim that today’s softened youth prefer “softer chews,” and so the pink gum is being softened. Ditto for Bazooka Joe. He’s being “diversified” along with his friends and given a girlie-man, hip-hop makeover. Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Old Bazooka Joe; New Extreme Make-over Bazooka Joe

Predictably, Bazooka Joe’s new comic “friends” include a complete line-up of the left-wing version of diversity: a masculine Title IX-style chick, a European student, an environmentalist chick, and a hip-hop DJ. The only thing missing: a transsexual, lacto-ovo bra-burning Hezbollah member.

Bazooka Joe’s New Diversity Gang

According to reports (scroll down):

Out with his rolled-up pants. In with a backward hat and ripped jeans.


Out with his old friends. In with a multicultural gang who will appear in Bazooka comics: tomboy Casey McGavin, German exchange student Wolfgang Spreckels [DS: Like Deiter from “Sprockets”?], greenie Cindy Lewis, sci-fi fan Kevin Griffin, and DJ Chen, who loves mixing records.

Another report on Bazooka Joe’s unnecessary “extreme makeover,” here.
More on Topps and Bazooka here.

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July 25, 2006, - 10:20 am

Morgan Spurlock & Idiotic Former Minuteman on Immigration

Who is the imbecilic former Minuteman hanging out with left-wing illegal alien supporter Morgan Spurlock?
Remember Spurlock? He’s the phony “documentarian”–really fake-umentarian–who lambasted McDonald’s in his “Supersize Me” silver screen screed. Then, last summer, he did a silly “30 Days” series on F/X. Unfortunately, it’s ba-a-a-a-ack.
Spurlock and his peeps tried to recruit me to be on two of the episodes, including one in which his airhead best friend was indoctrinated by Islamofascists. I wrote about my experience with Spurlock’s Islamo-sympathizing people in this “Wall Street Journal” column. More about it . And more on how . And don’t forget how he recently used .

Morgan Spurlock: Supersized Creep Helps Illegal Aliens

Now, an idiotic former Minuteman, Frank George, is in the season premiere of season two of Spurlock’s “30 Days” show, Wednesday Night. He’s living for 30 days bunking with a family of illegal aliens so he can “feel their pain.”
I know plenty of patriotic Minutemen, none of whom would be this gullible. Surely, they are upset at the silly way this wayward former Minuteman sold them out for the $30,000 Morgan Spurlock pays “contestants” in each of his phony, pre-determined “30 Days” shows.
We have a good idea for a Morgan Spurlock show you’ll never see–an illegal alien lives for 30 days as an unemployed, homeless man whose wages he lowered to unlivable levels and whose job he took.

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July 24, 2006, - 5:19 pm

Me on FOX News Radio, Michael Reagan Show Today

Will be making the following radio appearances today, discussing eschlussel.com/archives/2006/07/most_americans.html”>here):
* FOX News Radio’s “The John Gibson Show: 7:35 p.m. Eastern, today (Monday). The show is on many radio stations (find your station here), but also both Sirius and XM Satellite Channel 168. Or you can Listen Live Here.
* The Michael Reagan Show: 8:00 p.m. Eastern/5:00 p.m. Pacific. Click on “Watch Live” to hear/watch the show.

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