July 28, 2006, - 6:18 pm

Ro’i Klein, Z”L: Heroic Israeli Soldier Gave His Life to Save Others in Hezbollah’s Bint Jbeil

We saw this incredible story of Israeli heroism on the Hebrew video news part of Arutz Sheva/Israel National News and are summarizing the story, here, in English.
Ro’i (pronounced “Row-ee”) Klein is one of the many heroic Israeli soldiers who, unfortunately, are giving their lives to save the people of Israel from Hezbollah terrorists. Klein, a Major and Deputy Commander of the 51st Unit of the elite Golani Brigade, committed the ultimate act of heroism.
Sadly, Klein gave his life on Wednesday in Bint Jbeil, Lebanon–the Hezbollah stronghold near the country’s southern border. He jumped on a grenade to spare his fellow soldiers’ lives.

Ro’i Klein and Amichai Merchavyah, Z”L

Klein was with several Israeli soldiers from his unit, trying to rescue their fellow soldier, Amichai Merchavyah. Merchavyah was seized by Hezbollah terrorists when his unit was in Bint Jbeil. Ro’i Klein and his fellow soldiers chased after the terrorists trying to rescue him. They soon found themselves cornered in a dead-end alley by Hezbollah terrorists who threw a grenade at them.
Ro’i Klein jumped on the grenade, using his body to spare the lives of his fellow soldiers. Also sadly, Amichai Merchavyah was not recovered. He, too, was murdered by Hezbollah terrorists.
What is significant–aside from their heroism in the face of Islamic terrorists–is that both Klein and Merchavyah are religious Jews from the Israeli settlement village of Eli, in the so-called “West Bank.” They gave their lives for so many Israelis who want them to give up their and their families homes to Palestinian terrorists and their supporters. Many of the Israeli soldiers fighting terrorists in Lebanon are the vilified settlers, whose homes are in dangers–even though they are on land owned by the Jewish tribe of Binyamin (Benjamin) for thousands of years.
Major Klein’s widow, Sarah, and their two young sons must now fight alone to keep her home, while her husband paid the ultimate price in the War on Terror. She is fighting a lawsuit by far-leftist Israeli group, Peace Now–the Israeli version of the and –which is trying to give her and her late husband’s home and land to Palestinians who never lived there. More details about that on the English version of Arutz Sheva/Israel National News.
Of Ro’i Klein’s tremendous heroism in trying to save his fellow soldiers, his Rabbi, HaRav Eliezer Kastiel said, “It was heroism not seen in our day.”
Yes, it was the ultimate act of heroism. Ro’i Klein and Amichai Merchavyah, Victims of Hezbollah Terrorism, Zichronam LiVrachah (Blessed Be Their Memories).
More pictures of Israeli soldiers who gave their lives in the War on Hezbollah Terror here.

Heroes: These Israeli Soldiers Died Fighting Hezbollah Terrorists

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July 28, 2006, - 5:04 pm

“Scoop”: Fun Thriller Opens Tonight (Overlooked in Today’s Reviews)

One movie we forgot to include in is “Scoop,” by Director Woody Allen. It co-stars him, as well.
Maybe we forgot because it’s the one tiny ray of light peaking out from this weekend’s heap of crappy box office debuts. While we dislike the French-loving, uber-lefty, dysfunctional-family-values Allen–and usually don’t like his films, we have to recommend this movie. It’s well done–a fun, light, comedy/thriller about a mass murderer in England and an American college student/journalist (Scarlett Johannson–a skilled actress we like) who tries to foil him. Her partner in non-crime is an annoying magician from Brooklyn (Allen), who poses as her father.

While Allen, his thick annoying accent, and Jewish stereotype shtick are jarring and wear thin, very quickly, the movie is funny and enjoyable. It’s the kind of movie that’s not a downer or a complete waste of time like the rest of the new fare at the theater this weekend.
We note that the movie hits some similar notes to Allen’s previous movie, “,” from December of last year. Both star Johansson, both take place in London, and both involve a rich patrician playboy involved in murder. Except this one ends more satisfactorily–in a way, it’s a parallel or mirror version in an alternate universe.
Recommended, even as we hold our nose for Mr. Soon Yee, Woody Allen.

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July 28, 2006, - 4:13 pm

Me on Michael Reagan Show, Today

I will be on the nationally syndicated “Michael Reagan Show” at 7:30 p.m. Eastern/4:30 p.m. Pacific, this evening–on radio stations across America. Click on “Watch Live” to hear/watch the show.
We will be discussing my various writings on Hezbollah, U.S.A. and Hezbollah, Lebanon, including my work on in Dearbornistan.

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July 28, 2006, - 1:33 pm

Weekend Box Office: Dreck-fest Includes “Miami Vice,” Which Glorifies Cuba, Attacks Israel; One Gem in “Scoop”

This weekend’s box office repertoire offers a number of skip-worthy, crummy “films,” but for Woody Allen’s “Scoop.” If you can’t see that, we recommend you rent something good, instead, and save the extra money for exploding gas prices. The movies out today (with the exception of “Scoop”) are so bad, it was difficult to decide which was the worst in this cinematic dreck-fest.
Here’s the run-down:
* “Miami Vice“–We never thought we’d say, “Bring back Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas!” (and their pastel suits). But even they were better actors than Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell, the stars of this stinker.

These Guys Were Way Better Than These Guys.

This movie has absolutely nothing to do with the original TV show, produced by the same guy who directs the movie, Michael Mann. Unless you count that there’s a Black guy and a White guy, and they’re both Miami cops out to get drug dealers. Besides being a horrid, way-too-long, waste of time, full of useless, gratuitous violence, we have other objections to it.
First there’s the outrageous, gratuitous , which we . Then, there’s the glorification of Cuba as a gorgeous night-life destination, full of glamorous clubs and gorgeous, exotic mansions. Sound like the real Cuba? It didn’t to us. Plus, there were so many strange accents in this film, it was hard to understand what anyone was saying. “Diversity” run amok.
And then there’s the plot, if you can call it that. Hispano-Narcos with a twist. They’re working with White Supremacists. We love how Hollywood, in every single movie where they don’t want to mention Arabs or Muslims goes to that old fall-back, even though the Klan et al are in big-time decline. Memo to Director Michael Mann: Hezbollah and Muslims produce a lot of the world’s coke. Bekaa Valley, anyone?
We laughed, reading “law enforcement” expert Colin Farrell’s quotes in about “the way undercover work has changed. . . . Now, drug cartels work with ‘sophisticated folks, and they’re not showy.'” How the heck does he know anything about law enforcement, and where were the “sophisticated folks” in this movie? Not in front of–OR behind–the camera, apparently.
If you’re looking for no plot, gratuitous violence, and stupid shower and sex scenes with both Foxx and Farrell, this movie is for you (and you sorely need to get a life). For the rest, save your $10 bucks. You’ll thank us.
****UPDATE: * “Scoop“–By Director Woody Allen (and co-starring him), it’s the one tiny ray of light peaking out from this weekend’s heap of crappy box office debuts. While we dislike the French-loving, uber-lefty, dysfunctional-family-values Allen–and usually don’t like his films, we have to recommend this movie. It’s well done–a fun, light, comedy/thriller about a mass murderer in England and an American college student/journalist (Scarlett Johannson–a skilled actress we like) who tries to foil him. Her partner in non-crime is an annoying magician from Brooklyn (Allen), who poses as her father.
While Allen, his thick annoying accent, and Jewish stereotype shtick are jarring and wear thin, very quickly, the movie is funny and enjoyable. It’s the kind of movie that’s not a downer or a complete waste of time like the rest of the new fare at the theater this weekend.

We note that the movie hits some similar notes to Allen’s previous movie, “,” from December of last year. Both star Johansson, both take place in London, and both involve a rich patrician playboy involved in murder. Except this one ends more satisfactorily–in a way, it’s a parallel or mirror version in an alternate universe.
Recommended, even as we hold our nose for Mr. Soon Yee, Woody Allen. ****
* “Shadowboxer“–Easily a contender for worst movie of the year–no, make that the decade. And biggest phony marketing campaign. This movie is billed as a movie about mob hitmen who suddenly get morals and save a life. But it is anything but that. Plus it has uber-fatty, disgusting co-star Monique in it, the hallmark of a bad movie (she’s the silver screen’s “Jump the Shark” version of Ted McGinley).
This disturbing imitation of the “Natural Born Killers” ethos was disgusting, depraved, gratuitous, and highly offensive. Graphic, gratuitous violence and sex, we really did not need to see Cuba Gooding, Jr.’s naked butt in a prolonged sex/murder scene with his senior citizen stepmother in the movie, played by Helen Mirren. Talk about TMI. This movie is full of that. We didn’t need to see “actor” Stephen Dorff’s penis en flagrante delicto. I suppose these warped studio execs thought they were being responsible by putting a condom on it. Whatever. If watching graphic killing and limbs being hacked off is exciting to you, don’t go see this movie. Get help!
We’ll try never to see another movie starring either Gooding, Jr. or Dorff again. They lost us and wrote their epitaphs with this giant piece of excrement. Avoid this horror show at all cost.
* “John Tucker Must Die“–More like, “This Movie Must Die.” Glad I grew up in the ’80s. Not only did they make a better version of “Miami Vice” (not that it was that good then, just WAY worse now), they also made much better teen angst films. This one was just very, very, very, very, very bad. The only reason it was made, apparently, was to give pop star Ashanti, “Desperate Housewives” teen lawnmower Jesse Metcalfe, and washed-up former MTV hostess/Playboy model Jenny McCarthy something to do (and star Brittany Snow, too). No worries about giving us moviegoers something to do, while being force fed this drivel.

The “plot”: A high school basketball star is a womanizer dating three girls at the same time. They take their revenge by recruiting another girl to pretend she likes him and draw him in, while they play tricks on him. Believe us, even that synopsis sounds more exciting than this movie actually is. Very bad jokes, not funny. We laughed about 2-3 times max. Rent your teen “The Breakfast Club” or “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” instead.

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July 28, 2006, - 9:56 am

Honoring Hezbollah: Feds’ Friends’ Moment of Silence “For the Martyrs” in Dearbornistan, Yesterday

DEARBORNISTAN, U.S.A.–Sometimes, the best laid plans go awry. And so it was, yesterday, regarding the pro-Hezbollah rally at Dearborn City Hall, sponsored by the extremist Congress of Arab American Organizations, but attended and endorsed by most Islamic leaders in town. I was there and got a lot of great pics. But, unfortunately, by a fluke in trying to transfer them to my computer, all the images were lost to oblivion.
Still, there was a lot that happened and that I saw which I’ll describe here. To note the tone of the event, check out the pin below, which was being sold there. The woman in the photo appears to be , a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist involved in the 1970 hijacking of three planes, one of which was an American flight (her code wordd to start the hijackings were “Labnah Sandwich”). We’ve , holder of the dubious “honor” of being the first known female Islamic terrorist. Read all the details about her .

Pins featuring Khalid were appropriate fare, since–among the complete cast of Islamofascist characters–one of the officials we saw at the event was Khalid’s “former” PFLP terrorist cohort, –now, Midwest regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and an . As we’ve repeatedly noted, Hamad is a of a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz,” the Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Perhaps Abu M might want to tell him to drop the silly black gangster hat–a bizarre, fashion faux pas.

U.S. Attorney and ICE SAIC :

Their Buddies Held Moment of Silence for Hezbollah/HAMAS “Martyrs”

Also there and a speaker at the event was Osama Siblani, editor and publisher of the Arab American News. He asked all those in attendance to have a moment of silence “for the martyrs.” No translation needed. Siblani’s open support for Hezbollah (and all other terrorist groups) is notable because of his close friendship with a/k/a “Abu Porno,” the Justice Department’s chief official in the heart of Islamic America.
As , Murphy invites Siblani to meet with him on a monthly basis. Is there a benediction “for the martyrs” before those meetings? And, as , Murphy and Siblani have openly spoken of their lunch dates and joked around about Hezbollah, saying it is just a charitable organization and not a terrorist group. Incredibly, President Bush has nominated Siblani buddy Murphy for a . Hmmm . . . maybe Murphy will allow Islamofascist crony Siblani to open a session of the court with one of his moments of silence “for the martyrs.”

Hezbollah Rally’s Jihadist Speakers & Officials:

Imad Hamad, Osama Siblani, Nasser Beydoun

(Hamadafat artwork by Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

Other speakers included , who was at the . As , Beydoun, Chairman of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, pretends to be a moderate and was touted as a U.S. Senate candidate by Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis.
But his speech yesterday was not the speech of a Senate candidate to the U.S. Senate. Maybe to the Lebanese Parliament or Hezbollah’s highest ranks. Beydoun, whose father lived in a mansion in Hezbollah stronghold Bint Jbeil (until U.S. taxpayers ), Lebanon delivered a fiery anti-American, pro-Hezbollah speech. And he didn’t just attack Americans, he specifically attacked the Republican Party and Michigan Republican officeholders (many of whom shamelessly pander to this jihadist).
This event wasn’t just to support Hezbollah. It was to promote Palestine . . . “all” of Palestine. We saw many protesters wearing the scarf famously at the in Jordan, last year. It features the map of hate–the entire state of Israel as a map of “Palestine.” Get it? Ethnic cleansing of all Jews from all of Israel is the hope. The scarf also features a photo of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the namesake of Palestinian terrorist faction, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

Map of Hate/Al-Aqsa Martyrs Scarf: Garb of Choice @ Hezbollah Rally

We saw lots of interesting signs: “U.S. is a terrorist state.” “Yes to Hezbollah. Yes to Hamas. No to Israel. No to America.” “Bush is a terrorist.” (Lots of those.) Etc., Etc., Etc.
But our favorite one, held by one Muslim teenaged girl, was: “Give Me Liberty or Give the U.S. Death.” Yup, these are real loyal, patriotic Americans. Aren’t they? Patrick Henry is turning over in his grave.
Finally, we note the security in place. We counted about 20 of Dearbornistan’s finest guarding these jihadists. We noted that among them was Officer Daniel Saab. After 9/11, Saab was hailed and glorified in USA Today and a gazillion other mainstream media outlets (like CNN and the New York Times) as a superhero Muslim Arab community police officer who is a moderate. But he was recently convicted of charges related to threatening, harassing, and stalking a Michigan legislator. We’re surprised, given that, he’s still on the force. But, hey, he’s a Muslim Arab. And anything goes in Dearbornistan.

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July 27, 2006, - 3:12 pm

Who is Marty Knollenberg?: Hezbollah & Syria Back Candidate for Michigan’s Legislature

Why are agents of Hezbollah and Syria and supporters of their occupation of Lebanon giving big dollars to a candidate for the Michigan Legislature?
That’s the question all voters in Michigan’s 41st House District, in suburban Detroit, should be asking of Republican primary contender Marty Knollenberg.
For a tiny state legislature seat, Knollenberg–the son of Republican U.S. Congressman Joe Knollenberg–has received some interesting contributions from outside the State of Michigan:

Marty Knollenberg Wants to be Hezbollah’s Rep. in the Michigan House

* Nijad & Zeina Fares–Nijad Fares is the son of Hezbollah-backed, Syrian installed former Deputy Prime Minister of Lebanon, Issam Fares, deposed not long ago. At the time of his and his wife’s contributions to Knollenberg, Issam Fares was still in power as Deputy Prime Minister. The Fares Family are strong supporters of Hezbollah and Syria and are believed to be conduits of Hezbollah campaign contributions in America, since they are naturalized U.S. citizens and legally able to contribute to American political campaigns.
Nijad Fares also gave thousands to Marty Knollenberg’s father, Congressman Joe, after he pushed through Congress about $86 million in USAID funds to Hezbollah-controlled Southern Lebanon at the request of pro-Hezbollah/pro-HAMAS Jim Zogby of the Arab American Institute in 2000. Knollenberg’s then-Chief of Staff, Paul Welday, aided in this allocation. The money was never traced. Who knows how many missiles and rockets that paid for?
* Abdallah Bouhabib–Bouhabib was the Lebanese Ambassador to the United States at the time that the U.S. Marine barracks were bombed by Hezbollah and over 241 U.S. Marines were murdered. He complained that President Reagan’s only concern in Lebanon was the Marines. Since then, Bouhabib settled in the U.S., where he became an official in the World Bank facilitating meetings with and billions of dollars for P.L.O. leader Yasser Arafat.
American Lebanese activists in the “March 14th Coalition” (a group of Christians, Sunnis, Druze and others who are working to free Lebanon entirely of Syria and Hezbollah) say that Bouhabib worked against them and supported Syria’s occupation of their country.

Bouhabib and Mr. and Mrs. Fares gave Marty Knollenberg $500 a piece. That might seem small to you, but it’s the maximum allowed under Michigan law per election cycle.
No state in the Union should have elected officials who take money from agents of Hezbollah and Syria. And Michigan is no exception.
What will Marty Knollenberg do for Hezbollah and Syria in the Michigan Legislature? We hope voters in his prospective district (containing Detroit suburbs of Troy and Clawson) don’t give us a chance to find out.
For those who are opposed to Hezbollah and Syria getting a foothold in the Michigan House of Representatives, we urge you to vote for his opponent in the Republican primary, Mike Bosnic–a true conservative who will represent the people in his Michigan district, NOT the terrorists in Hezbollah and Syria.
For those elsewhere in the U.S., please help defeat Hezbollah’s and Syria’s candidate for the Michigan House by donating to Bosnic:
Committee to Elect Mike Bosnic
370 Roth Blvd.
Clawson, Michigan 48017
Both Bosnic and Knollenberg are running as Republicans in the heated August 8th primary for this seat. Whoever wins that will be the likely State Representative from this very Republican district.

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July 27, 2006, - 12:49 pm

Another Picture That Speaks 1,000 Words: Hezbollah Teaches Kids Nazi Salute

To all those supporters of Hezbollah at rallies around the country holding signs equating Israel and Jews with the Nazis, we say look at this pic below for a view at who the real Nazis are. This is the same salute my grandparents saw when they were shipped off to the concentration camps.
We were sent the photo by one of our favorite Israeli journalists–Jerusalem Post star reporter, Michael Freund. His work is must reading, as is a daily visit to his blog, Fundamentally Freund on the Arutz Sheva/Israel National News site. Go to his blog to read the full story behind Hezbollah kids’ Nazi salute and where he got the photo.

Hezbollah: The New Nazis

This Equals This

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July 27, 2006, - 10:02 am

Pictures Worth 1,000 Words: U.N.’s Annan & Hezbollah’s Nasrallah

In response to all the whining regarding Israel’s accidental killing of a few U.N. “peacekeepers,” we present these pics of Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan:

Hezbollah-U.N. Lovefest

Question: Why is a U.N. leader meeting with a terrorist leader? Memo to Kofi: Hezbollah ain’t a country and doesn’t have a U.N. Mission.
Also, don’t forget our post, yesterday, about how in 2000.
Thanks to my friend, Bob “Arby” Arbetman, for sending one of the pics. He calls Hezbollah U.S.A., “HezUSA.” We like it, as we do Rush Limbaugh’s nickname for them, “Hezbos.”

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July 27, 2006, - 5:08 am

When Shi’ites Welcomed Israel Into Lebanon: P.L.O. Mass Murder, Torture & Rape in “Fatah-land”

How oblivious we are to the hypocrisy of the Lebanese Shi’ite Muslims, who in 1982, welcomed Israel into Lebanon to rescue them.
To rescue them from the P.L.O., whose Palestinian supporters their Hezbollah is now allied with. To rescue them from these people who then allowed their fellow co-religionists in Iran to found a terrorist group in their country, Hezbollah, to attack their rescuers.
Rapes, torture, murders. In 1982, that’s what Shi’ite Muslims (and Christians) in Lebanon suffered daily and en masse at the hands of the Palestinians who controlled the country from West Beirut to Lebanon’s southern border. Their rescuers were the “evil Zionists” whose elimination they and their Hezbollah now seek. South Lebanon was known as Fatah-land. The P.L.O. dominated–allied with a brutal leftist Lebanese militia, the Morabeitoun, headed by Ibrahim Kleilat.

In Lebanon, Today’s Hezbollah Replaced Yesterday’s P.L.O.

Hezbollah was founded by Shi’ite Muslims in Iran and injected into their country ostensibly to “get Israel out of Lebanon.” But in 1982, Lebanon’s Shia–who now wholeheartedly support Hezbollah–were desperate for rescue from their murderous Palestinian captors. When Israel did invade Lebanon (to stop the P.L.O. and its attacks from Lebanon onto Israel), the now-reviled Israeli Defense Forces were welcomed by Shi’ites with open arms–as liberators.
Yesterday–mass rapes, torture, and murder of thousands of Shi’ites at the hands of P.L.O. soldiers who took over their country. Today–through Hezbollah and HAMAS–they are partners. But in the ’80s, it was a different story.
In a front page story on July 25, 1982, “Lebanese Tell of Anguish of Living Under the P.L.O.,” The New York Times detailed how Arafat and company nearly established a Palestinian State . . . in Lebanon. The article is by David K. Shipler, no friend of Israel.
The hypocrisy of Lebanon’s Shi’ites is thickly evident when reading that account now.
For about six years (beginning in 1976), the P.L.O. controlled Lebanon with Syria. P.L.O. terrorists controlling Lebanon had an army, police, a “judicial system,” and a number of agencies that harassed and sanctioned violence against Shi’ites and Christians. Reported the Times then:

Those who lived within its [the region of Lebanon controlled by the P.L.O.] rough boundaries said they were too terrified then to describe it to outsiders. Now . . . they are telling of theft, intimidation and violence. . . . The major tool of persuasion was the gun, according to those who lived through it. . . . [They] said they felt powerless in their own homes.

Example after example of what the Palestinians–Sunni Muslims–did to the Shi’ites was reported by the New York Times. Example after example of what the Israelis saved them from, which they seem to have forgotten:
* Ali Bader El-Din was imam of Harouf, a Shi’ite village near Nabatiye. When he returned to town after 12 years of religious study in Shi’ite institutes in Iraq, he refused Palestinian demands to “inject Palestinian themes in to his sermons in the mosque.” As a result, in 1980, during Ramadan fasting, he was murdered by the P.L.O. After days of searching, his family found his body, shot through the head, underneath a bridge in Deir Zaharani, a village four miles away.
Fearing a large turnout for his funeral, the P.L.O. forced his family to hold the funeral at night, which is not done in Islam. Yasser Arafat visited El-Din’s family, told his 10-year-old son “the Zionists killed your father,” and gave him a gun, telling him to “take revenge.”
* Sheikh Mohammed Al-Masri, of another Shi’ite village near Nabatiye, refused to comply with Palestinian encroachment on his land. So, they raped and murdered his 15-year-old daughter.
* Hussein Hatib, a 19-year-old from Shi’ite village Harouf, was murdered by Palestinians. His 70-year-old father, Ali Ismaili Hatib, said his son was shot in the back at a P.L.O. checkpoint. They wanted gifts he’d bought for his family after returning from working in Libya.
* Zouhair Ladki, a Shi’ite from Khalde (just south of Beirut), was detained at a P.L.O. checkpoint, blindfolded, and questioned for 36 hours for the crime of having an American visa stamped in his passport after study in the U.S. One day, Palestinian and Syrian troops seized his family’s home, ordering them out and saying they had to find an “American spy” hiding inside. After the “search,” much of the house’s property and furnishings were gone, stolen by the Palestinians.
Later, because Ladki and his friends did rescue work for the International Red Cross in Lebanon and wore red crosses on their shirts, they were detained by Palestinians in Beirut. According to the Times, the Palestinians asked them, “Why are you a Moslem and put a cross on yourself?” Then, they killed three of his Red Cross team in front of him. “I lost too many dear friends [to the Palestinians controlling Lebanon],” he said. “For nine months I have been afraid to make friendships again.”
* The town of Nabatiye, where there were 35,000 Shi’ite Muslims dwindled to just 4,000 due to Palestinian murders of many and fleeing by the rest.
* Dolly Raad, a Christian Lebanese, said her father’s home in Lebaa (east of Sidon) was seized by the Palestinians and turned into a restaurant and casino. She told the New York Times, “[T]hey [Palestinians occupying Lebanon] stopped a bus and said that those who were Christians, come down. My cousin stepped down, and was killed. When we saw the Palestinians were killing us and threatening us and having barricades and shooting innocent people, then came the hatred.”
And other examples from other media in the days of Israel’s welcomed entry into Lebanon are legion:
* An Israeli soldier liberating Lebanon from the P.L.O. in 1982 said saw a P.L.O. tank parked in front of a Shi’ite Muslim’s house. He asked the Shi’ite, “Why did you allow this tank in front of your house?” The man replied that after he initially complained about it, the Palestinians murdered his son and raped his 15-year-old daughter, whom the soldier saw. She was pregnant.
* A Shi’ite OB/GYN doctor at a South Lebanese hospital complained to P.L.O. soldiers after they deliberately entered and watched each time he helped a woman give birth, in violation of Islamic modesty rules. In response, they killed his daughter.
These and a myriad of other stories like them are what Israel–now the enemy of Shia Islam and Hezbollah–rescued Lebanon’s Shi’ite Muslims from. That’s why, in 1982, when Israeli shortwave radio interviewed a local shi’ite military leader from a small town in southern Lebanon, he said, “We’ll gladly join the Israeli Army to attack Beirut.”
As renowned moderate Shia commentator, Fouad Ajami, recently wrote in U.S. News and World Report, of Israel then:

They boarded ships firing in to the air, freeing the Lebanese to embark on a new history of their own. . . . Israel had done for Shi’ites–Lebanon’s largest and most disadvantaged community–what they had been unable to do for themselves. In a chapter now long forgotten, those villages in the southern hinterland had welcomed Israel’s push into Lebanon.

Lebanese shia memories are short, indeed.
When Palestinians controlled Tyre (and maintained an outpost there), they begged Israel to rescue them. Now, Israel enters Tyre to protect itself from Shia Muslim shelling on Israel, and it’s the enemy.
In 1982, the Palestinians had already taken over Tyre. As in most other locales under their control, the entire City Council complied with the P.L.O.’s demand to resign, May Ali Khalid Shaalan told the New York Times:

“The Palestinians pressured me to resign and to leave everything in their hands. But of course I refused and told them I was ready to die before giving them the municipality.” Instead of killing him, they worked around him, stripping him of Authority.

Tyre’s Shia Mayor Shaalan and his entire police force were restored to full power by the Israelis who liberated them. One of the policemen told the Times that under the Palestinians it was deeply humiliating:

“I worked only with paper,” [he said] fingering a crime report. “If somebody shot somebody, he would be protected by the Palestinians.”

How soon the Lebanese Shi’ites forget how desperate they were under their new-found Palestinian buddies, then in the P.L.O. and now reconstituted as HAMAS. How soon they forget that when Israel liberated them from the Palestinians, there was no Hezbollah to do the job instead.
The July 1982 New York Times piece says it all:

Some are still circumspect, afraid the P.L.O. will return after Israel withdraws; others open up in a spirit of relief [about the Israeli liberation].

24 years ago, who knew these same Shi’ite Muslims would show such little appreciation and complete absence of a memory bank? Who knew that instead of the P.L.O.’s return, they’d fervently support their own barbaric Shia version and use it to murder those who rescued them from total destruction?
It’s the epitome of chutzpah.

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July 26, 2006, - 4:52 pm

Chutzpah, Inc.: Litigious Arab Group Seeks Asylum for All Palestinian, Lebanese ILLEGAL ALIENS!

Just what we need . . . more Palestinian and Lebanese Muslims who support Islamic terrorism getting asylum in the U.S. and roaming free. And they’re illegal aliens in custody, to boot.
That’s what FBI award revokee and “former” terrorist and House Banking Scandal convict Mary Rose Oakar–both officials of the Islamofascist American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)–want.
Monday, they whose travel out of Lebanon U.S. taxpayers covered. Now, they’re seeking instant asylum and release from illegal alien detention for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese illegal aliens on our shores. Is there ANY end to their cache of chutzpah? Answer: NO!

“Former” Terrorist Imad Hamad, Convict Mary Rose Oakar Seek Asylum, Release For Palestinian, Lebanese Illegal Aliens

(Hamadafat artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

The Lebanese-American (and we use the term “American” very loosely in her case) Oakar, a convicted criminal, is used to taking advantage of American citizen taxpayers. She bounced a lot of checks as a Congresswoman–and taxpayers paid for thousands to cover them–in the 1990s House Banking Scandal. She also laundered and faked campaign contributions, had ghost employees on her Congressional payroll, etc. etc. ad nauseam. (And she lied to the FBI, too.) She should have been a convicted felon behind bars (she faced 40 years hard time and $1.75 million in fines), but got a sweet plea deal allowing her to plea to two misdemeanors and get no jailtime.
Will she and her organization continue to get the bend-over-backwards treatment they’ve been getting from the Department of Homeland Security for the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens for whom they are seeking asylum? G-d help us.
Here are the details:

On July 25, 2006, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) requested that the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State designate Lebanon and the Gaza Strip for Temporary Protected Status due to the severe humanitarian crisis caused by Israeli attacks on those areas. Temporary Protected Status would allow nationals of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip to remain in the United States on a temporary basis to ensure that they are not returned to an area rife with violence, with dwindling access to water, medical and food supplies.
“Unfortunately these people have been caught in limbo between the US and a war torn country that they have no means of being transported to,” states ADC Regional Director Imad Hamad. “From a humanitarian standpoint, it is inconceivable to keep these people in detention, especially those who have no record, or pose any safety concerns.”

Cry me a river.
These illegal aliens should be headed outta here, along with Hamad, a “former” Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist whom the government fought to deport for years (but Clinton and Janet Reno gave up).

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