August 1, 2006, - 2:31 pm

Me on FOX NEWS Cavuto Today

I’m scheduled to be on FOX News Channel’s “Your World With Neil Cavuto,” today at 4:35 p.m. Eastern Time. The show repeats at 1:00 a.m., which means my segment on the repeat will be at about 1:35 a.m. Eastern.

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August 1, 2006, - 1:43 pm

Radio Appearance Across America

At 2:30 p.m. Eastern today, I will be on “The Fred Honsberger Show,” KDKA-AM 1020, Pittsburgh. Listen live. I will be discussing my .

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August 1, 2006, - 10:14 am

Hilarious!: NBC’s Matt Lauer to Campbell Brown–“Is There Such a Thing as the Female Brain?”

In a hilarious outburst, this morning on NBC’s “Today Show,” host Matt Lauer asked dizzy, clueless guest co-host, Campbell Brown, “Is there such a thing as the female brain?” In the case of ditzy, liberal, Campbell Brown, the answer is probably “no.”
Lauer and Brown were doing a segment on and were playing “Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Buggles, the first song played on MTV 25 years ago. He said the name of the song and the group and then asked Campbell Brown what the song was. The clueless Brown didn’t know the answer, despite having just been clued into it. So, Lauer responded with the sarcastic “Is there such a thing as the female brain?” to tremendous boos from the outdoor audience.

“Is There Such a Thing as The Female Brain?”:

Ditzy Campbell Brown “Dated” Saudi Flack Adel Al-Jubeir

The ditzy Brown, of course, took the insult. That might be because, in Campbell Brown’s case, there, indeed, might not be such a thing as the female brain. After all, she spent a great deal of time .
And that is brainless. But not as brainless as NBC allowing her to “report” on Saudi then-Crown Prince Abdullah’s visit to the Bush ranch in Waco, Texas. In a glaring journalistic conflict of interest, she was “dating” the Saudi’s Jubeir at the time, and strangely, didn’t mention the ban on women at the Waco airport’s tarmac and air traffic control tower. More proof that pillow talk is the most effective form of speech.
And that, in certain cases, Lauer’s comment was correct.
****UPDATE: AllahPundit @ Hot Air has the video.

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August 1, 2006, - 7:27 am

25 Years Too Old: Unhappy Birthday, MTV

Twenty-five years ago, today, MTV was born with the broadcast of “Video Killed the Radio Star.”
Radio is still here (though under mild attack by its satellite stepsister). But MTV is on life support. Internet killed the MTV star. And so did irrelevance.
At 25, MTV is an old fogie compared to the demographic the network is targeting. For years, there’s very little music left on the network. From IPods to YouTube, the young market MTV craves has found other, better outlets to get the music programming they want and weren’t getting in the myriad of inane shows like “The Real World.”
And even all the outrageous stunts of the last 25 years of “Music Television” combined won’t bring them back.

Original MTV VJs .

Twenty-five years ago, today, I was part of the first “MTV generation.” But MTV lost us. It simply wasn’t good for America.
Instead of keeping up with new trends in music, it chose another path–social engineering, left-wing politicking, and shock TV. Eventually all of us were turned off, and most of MTV’s “programming” died a quick death.
Remember “Beavis & Butthead”? Outrageous stunts on “Jackass,” that resulted in copycat stunts by children who ended up injuring themselves? “The Osbornes,” a reality show, which later turned out to be scripted? All of them are in the trashbin of MTV non-history.
“Yo! MTV Raps” is history, too. Unfortunately, the hip-hop culture it spawned isn’t. Both “Live Aids” and “Hands Across America” raised a lot of money for the poor. But the money didn’t go to them. Most of it went to administrative expenses and can’t be documented.
The most remarkable comments made on MTV are a thing of the past, too. Bill Clinton answering the “Boxers or Briefs” question (it was briefs) and saying he smoked pot but “didn’t inhale.” Al Gore saying he “smoked the herb on occasion.” Both of them have been out of office for at least six years. The last time MTV’s uppity “Rock the Vote” and “Choose or Lose” campaigns worked was in electing Bill Clinton in 1992. In 2000 and 2004, they backfired.
Boy George, George Michael, INXS, Duran Duran. All of these pop sensations created by MTV are over. Then, there are the more classless MTV moments, whose perpetrators have also bitten the dust in their show-biz careers:
* “Comedian” Tom Green masturbating animals on “The Tom Green Show.” Remember him? Today, looking for the former Mr. Drew Barrymore and his career is significantly more difficult than playing “Where’s Waldo.”
* Madonna and Britney Spears’ open-mouth kiss on the MTV Music Awards shocked the world. Today, it’s doubtful that even kept husband Kevin Federline wants to kiss Britney Spears, whose sexpot image and figure are long gone. Her career is down the drain, unless you count bizarre Matt Lauer interviews on Dateline. Madonna is entangled in pseudo-Kabbalah and can’t get radio airplay for most songs on her new album.
* Jenny McCarthy–The former Playboy Playmate host of the silly “Singled Out” dating show has no career, unless you count playing someone’s trashy mom in a bit part of a bad teen movie.
* “The Real World”–Watching 7 insipid 20-somethings (including the standard gay one) in a house got old. It spawned a lot of reality programming all over television. But that got old, too. And viewers fought back, by going to unreality shows like “24” and “Desperate Housewives.”
* MTV’s 1999 “Woodstock” reunion wasn’t all that, either. Multiple women were raped by drunk men. Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit–another MTV creation now in the dumpster–is credited for provoking much of the violence.
* Do you remember MTV’s original movies, like “Anatomy of a Hate Crime”? Me neither. Apparently Naveed Afzal Haq didn’t either, when he committed the hate crime, Friday, at the Seattle Jewish Federation and shot six people.
* Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video mini-movie and his kiss with then-wife Lisa Marie Presley. Well, we know what happened to “them” and to him. They’re over. His MTV career is now safely under wraps, somewhere in the Middle East.
Even “Newlyweds,” the show about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey’s marriage, the network’s most recent hit of note, is laughable. They’re now divorced.

MTV Moments: Rapper Lil’ Kim (& Breast) in Pastie, Mug Shot

USA Today listed “25 Key Moments” from 25 years of MTV. Was your life changed when you got to see the chubby, middle-aged, has-been rockers of KISS without make-up, for the first time? Or the now ex-con rapper Lil’ Kim’s exposed breast with a pastie on it? Or Janet Jackson’s nipple at the 2004 MTV-produced Super Bowl half-time show?
Was your life enhanced by whipped cream bikinis contests on MTV Spring Break or at the MTV beach house?
MTV celebrates its silver anniversary today. But in dog years, the network is far older and out of touch.
And a lot less relevant.
The saying that “everything old is new again” doesn’t apply to everything. Leggings, big hair, and Vans from the ’80s days, in which MTV was born, are in again.
But MTV isn’t. And that’s a good thing. MTV was a bad influence on America.
Like the bad tattoo you got in a moment of foolish youth, it’s a fad, whose 15 minutes–or 25 years–are up.
Read my piece from . Original MTV VJ Martha Quinn won’t let her kids watch MTV. Original MTV VJ Nina Blackwood won’t watch MTV, either.

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July 31, 2006, - 3:17 pm

EXCLUSIVE: ICE Official Gave Away Undercover Techniques/Methods to “Miami Vice” Stars, Filmmakers

Jesus Torres, the apparently star-struck Miami Special Agent in Charge for ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement), is in hot water for giving away undercover drug ops sources and methods to “Miami Vice” stars Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx and the movie’s scriptwriters and producers. ( of this terrible, , pro-Cuba movie . Read about the movie’s .)
Specific ways undercover drug buys and deals are done were disclosed in the movie, which was number one at the box office, this weekend.

Only an Idiot Would Show These Idiots Undercover Ops.

Torres–whom agents describe as a “musclehead” body-builder with little intellect or qualifications for his top ICE position–was apparently so dazzled by the chance to meet “Miami Vice” actors Farrell and Foxx, that he took them to the SAC (Special Agent In Charge offices) Miami undercover storefront operation during the production of the film. Showing them the top-secret, classified facility–and how it operates!–was unauthorized by ICE authorities. Torres’ boss, a/k/a “Peppermint Patty,” was justifiably perturbed about it and reportedly suspended him.
This man, Torres, shouldn’t be suspended. He should be fired. But since ICE wouldn’t fire Torres’ friend, then-Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Frankie the Fig,” for committing a sex crime against a teen-ager, don’t expect much more to happen to big mouth Torres. Loose lips sink ships . . . and endanger federal agents. But if you have , they .
But that was before the movie came out. Now that the movie is in theaters, agents who have been involved in undercover work and who’ve seen the movie say it is clear that Torres gave out way too much information. They say operational techniques made it to the screen and fear it will jeopardize agents lives. Drug dealers watch these movies and know that all of them have “law enforcement consultants” who work on them. (After 9/11, terrorists–Hezbollah finances its operations through a large drug operation based in the Bekaa Valley– said they watched American movies to get ideas.)
They also fear that Farrell and Foxx may have friends and contacts in Hollywood who are involved in the drug trade, as is common among many movie stars and with whom they may share information on what they saw and learned through their new friend, Special Agent in Charge Torres.
The problem is not just Torres. It is the incredible lack of good people promoted by ICE “leadership.” If Forman-Friedman and soon-to-be-departing ICE chieftess a/k/a “The ICE Princess” actually appointed qualified people–instead of cronies–Torres would never have been in the position to give away important confidential law enforcement information to airhead actors from Hollywood. The fish rots from the head down and Julie Myers is the rotten current head.
Although ICE’s Undercover Review Committee hasn’t approved a new drug, arms, or money laundering undercover operation in years–largely because ICE has dropped all old Customs investigations and focuses mostly on immigration enforcement–there are still old investigations that are ongoing, as well as many other federal and local law enforcement parties and officials who use the same techniques and methods in undercover operations.
Another problem is not just the drug trade. Agents say that and smugglers–such as an Iranian arms dealer caught by Torres’ Miami ICE office–are caught using many of the same methods the new “Crockett & Tubbs” got to see. Ditto for money laundering. But ICE is not involved much anymore in these kinds of investigations, making American more vulnerable, not safer from these kinds of crimes with the Homeland Security reorganization, creation of ICE, and elimination of Customs.
ICE still gives lip service to these investigations for the purposes of positive PR for Julie Myers. But in fact they are not being done, and we are less safe. Now we can thanks Myers et al for Special Agent Torres’ legacy, which they can add to their career epitaphs.
ICE . . . It’s the comedy that keeps on giving. Joke’s on you, America.

ICE’s , a/k/a “The ICE Princess, Detention & Removal Honcho/Self Promoter ,” and New $30-$50K ICE

(ICEfeld by Assistant Homeland Security Secretary for PhotoShop David Lunde)

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July 31, 2006, - 3:04 pm

To Our Jihadist Readers: Good New For Israel; Bad News for Hezbollah

To our many hate-infested readers from the Islamic Republic of Dearbornistan, welcome. We know you love the stories alleging that “Israel is losing the war.” Don’t believe your own hype and propaganda. We have some great news for you, today. Read it and weep:
* Big Economic Growth Year for Israel Still on Track: Israel’s $130 billion economy (more than all your Jihadist countries combined) is still headed for a second straight year of strong growth. Standard & Poor’s expects 4% GDP growth in 2006.
* Lebanon’s Economic Losses @ $70 Million Per Day
* Uh-Oh! Hezbollah Has Only a Few Rocket Launchers Left: So sad, too bad.
Your insane jihad against Israel is failing. When you kidnap and kill soldiers and innocent civilians, you lose.

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July 31, 2006, - 10:41 am

Mel Gibson, The Jews & 72 Virgins

Just before Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” was released in theaters in 2004, my friend and Philadelphia’s top morning radio host, Michael Smerconish, wrote an excellent column about Mel Gibson and his father’s anti-Semitic rantings.
At the end of his column, Smerconish–a Catholic, not a Jew–asked, “Like Father, Like Son?” Well, now Michael Smerconish has the answer to his question. And so do the rest of us. Yes, LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON.

(Cartoon by Joel Pett, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader/from USA Today)

By now, you’ve probably read the reports that, Friday, Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving and launched into an anti-Semitic tirade (not to mention his classy reference to a female cop as “sugar-t-ts”).
Among Gibson’s attacks on the Jews was this: “F-cking Jews. . . . The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” This from the man who started one of the greatest cultural wars between American Jews and Christians in modern times and willingly marketed that war to fill his deep pockets with ticket sales. Thankfully that war was quenched and put out–but not before, his “Passion” was a top box office seller in anti-Semitic Muslim and Arab nations. And not because they care a lick about Christianity. They simply hate the Jews, just like Mel Gibson. They become martyrs, he makes “movies” and engages drunken tirades.
Now, comes Mel Gibson’s “apology,” now that he is sober and his inhibitions are once again in place. (We heard what he really thinks about Jews, when the alcohol made his thoughts flow free, without any publicist handlers nearby to cleanse them.)

While Gibson specifically apologizes to the cops who arrested him–including presumably “sugar-t-ts” (though he doesn’t mention her by “name”)–he does not apologize to the Jewish people he defamed and attacked at a time when anti-Semitism is at its highest post-World War II levels. It’s not an accidental omission. It’s a glaring and deliberate one. Mel Gibson owes me and every other Jew in the world a specific apology. Don’t hold your breath to hear one, though.
For his “Passion” days a few years ago, Gibson employed publicist/spokesman Alan Nierob–constantly trotting out Nierob’s status as a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors. Now, he’s trotting out Nierob, again, as his own personal, high-paid apologist. (“Some of my best publicists . . . er, friends . . . are Jewish.”) On Detroit’s Eight Mile Road, they have another world for it, and the women get paid less per hour or “act.”
Is anyone buying Gibson’s “apology”? If you are, I have some land in ancient Israel to sell you. “Sugar-t-ts” not included.

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July 31, 2006, - 9:39 am

On Qana & Dead Muslim Kids: The One Thing Muslims & Media Love More Than Dead Jewish Kids

War is hell. People die. Some are innocent. Some are women and children. Some just so happen to be living right next to rocket and missile launchers aimed at women and children on the other side. And next to terrorist headquarters. In a Hezbollah stronghold too close for comfort to the Israeli border. And so, they die. That’s what happens in war. It is nothing new.
Israel has known dead children for decades. Jews have known dead children for thousands of years. Over the centuries, many of these dead children were murdered by Islamists. A Muslim man deliberately goes into a Jewish center in Seattle and deliberately shoots innocent people because he wants to target Jews. He is a “lone gunman,” a “disturbed, troubled” man. Not a big deal.

But Israelis trying to defend their country from missile attacks and accidentally hit “innocent” supporters of Hezbollah and martyrs-in-development next door. And THEY are the monsters. For mainstream media “reporters,” it is as if innocent children have never before been murdered. As if the children in Ma’alot in schoolbuses, slaughtered by Islamic terrorists never existed.
There is only thing that Muslims–and the media–seem to love more than dead Jewish children: dead Muslim children. It is a great marketing tool for recruiting more martyrs, enlivening a stale jihad, and unifying the base already so unified in their hate for Jews, Christians, and America. So, this weekend, in an accident, both Muslims worldwide and the media got what they wanted: dead Muslim children. The same dead children Muslims have no problem, themselves, sending to Martyrdom deaths. In this case, though, their lives were not as valuable to Islam because they simply died, without blowing up Jews along with them.
The media, too, found their holy grail. NBC’s Richard Engel seemed to have seen dead children for the first time in his life, this weekend. On last night’s NBC Nightly News, he thought of so many ways to describe dead Muslim kids’ bodies, one thought he was auditioning for the Pulitzer maudlin poetry prize. At least the bodies he saw were whole. Let him check out a Sbarro pizza shop in Jerusalem, Mayor’s Falafel restaurant and Mike’s Bar in Tel Aviv, a bus, or coffee house. Then, he could have added violently amputated and exploding limbs and some rolling heads to his woe-is-the-dead-children haiku collection.
From Dearbornistan to Pakistan, to places near and far from those, are Muslims truly angry that these kids died? Or happy that they’ve found their media turning point to, yet again, get the world against Israel?
Looking at Muslims protesting in Dearbornistan at the monument to two Qana deaths ten years ago, the last time Israel attacked the Lebanese town, it’s hard to tell. (Yes, you U.S. taxpayers paid for Islamofascists’ Qana monument in Dearbornistan.) Osama Siblani, the Arab American News editor, who last Thursday urged another crowd to have a moment of silence “for the martyrs” seemed happy that now his crowd gained some more “martyrs” to enliven their demon cause.
Late Israeli Prime Minister Gold Meir once said that there will be peace in the Middle East when Muslims and Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews. We haven’t reached that day.
And likely, we never will.

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July 31, 2006, - 9:09 am

Right: These Lebanese Blame Hezbollah for Qana Deaths

Read this press release from a large group of Lebanese exiles from all over the world–exiles who were forced from their Lebanese homes by the group Qana residents support loud and clear, Hezbollah. They correctly blame Hezbollah, not Israel, for the casualties of a war Hezbollah started and asked for:

New York, July 30, 2006
The World Council of the Cedars Revolution, after having observed the security developments in the last 48 hours and the horrific deaths caused by warfare between Hezbollah and Israel on Lebanese territories, and in the area of Qana in particular; and after having reviewed the causes of the civilian casualties, including children and women who were located in a shelter, the Council declares the following:

1) Its total dismay at the sight of innocent civilians who were killed during an exchange of long range fire between Hezbollah and Israeli forces. These civilians were put in a defenseless posture between the two warring parties, against all laws of war, and were killed and maimed as a result of irresponsible acts of war. Their deaths and the injuries caused by the shelling calls for an immediate investigation by the international community as to the causes of the fight and the particular military acts that lead to the massacre. The Council calls on the United Nations to dispatch a team to the region to investigate this and other incidents where civilians are caught in the firefight, and establishes the reasons for their victimization.
2) The Council, in view of the history of this conflict, which started by an irresponsible War launched by Hezbollah, without authorization by the Lebanese Government, and triggered harsh Israeli responses causing damages to the people and infrastructure of Lebanon, blames Hezbollah, its leadership and the Syrian and Iranian regimes for dragging Lebanon into the horrors of a suicidal War. The WCCR accuses Hezbollah and its regional allies of intentionally forcing the civil society of Lebanon, and in particularly the communities under the control of Hezbollah’s militias, to become a shield for Hezbollah’s military operations. By doing so, Hezbollah is breaching international law and must respond to international responsibility. Any military force, which is in control of the security of a civilian population in geographical areas, is responsible for their security. By maintaining that control over south Lebanon and the Bekaa valley, Hezbollah, even as a Terrorist organization is responsible for the safety and security of all civilians it has under its control. Hence the WCCR, representing the aspirations of millions of Lebanese inside the country and in its Diaspora, urges the United Nations to take immediate action by dispatching international troops to protect the civilian populations of Lebanon from the effects of the ongoing war on Lebanese territories.
3) The Council, after reviewing reports from South Lebanon, strongly condemns the deployment by Hezbollah of artillery and rockets in the vicinity of civilian population centers. This tactic, which puts civilians at risk of death and destruction, is a war crime to be sanctioned by international law. The Council attributes the responsibility of the deaths of Lebanese citizens by Israeli fire, to Hezbollah’s leadership and to its Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. For installing guns and launchers just next to a civilian shelter and firing from it, during a military confrontation that already started two weeks ago, is a calculated decision to cause retaliation and deaths, which are being used in the media to further the image of Hezbollah. This tactic, while using the pro-Jihadi media in the region, and abusing the horrific images of corpses of Lebanese citizens, won’t change the reality of Hezbollah’s responsibility and won’t be used to shield Nasrallah from the international community or from the popular majority of the Lebanese people.
4) The Council calls for an investigation of this war crime by questioning Hassan Nasrallah and the Hezbollah militiamen who were deployed at the location of the massacre. The Cedars Revolution is not going to allow Terrorists to use the blood and flesh of Lebanese citizens to shield their organization from disarmament. It won’t accept that an entire Lebanese community is taken into hostage by a Pro-Iranian, pro-Syrian organization which aim is to obstruct democracy in Lebanon and reverse the Cedars Revolution.
5) As expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the massacre’s victims, the Council calls on the Lebanese masses to resist the tactics of Terrorism and to upraise against Hezbollah’s control of civilian centers. Let M. Nasrallah and his supporters chose another land to wage their personal wars with whomever they want. Lebanon is not their private property to use and abuse. The Council calls on the Lebanese people to mobilize in order to end this suicidal war, even if it is going to take another revolution.
The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Joe Baini, President, Australia
Tom Harb, Secretary General for UNSCR 1559, USA
Dr Anis Karam, President World Lebanese Cultural Union
Fady Bark, Secretary General, World Lebanese Cultural Union
Attorney John Hajjar, North American director, USA
Attorney Joanne Fakhre, Director Caribbean Region
Toni Nissi, Coordinator Committee 1559, Lebanon
Sami Khoury, Chairman, Hispanic America
George Chaya, Media Chairman, Latin America
Iskandar Riachi, Secretary, Cedars Revolution, Brazil
Roni Doumit, Secretary General, WCCR, Europe
Kamal El-Batal, Human-rights, WCCR

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July 28, 2006, - 6:42 pm

American Hero’s Last Good-Bye: Sgt. Duane Dreasky Goes to Arlington

We’ve written quite a bit about Michigan National Guardsman, (, , , and ), who fought for 8 months to survive wounds from a terrorist attack near Habbaniyah, Iraq. The heroic Dreasky suffered burns over 75% of his body, but still tried to salute President Bush when he visited his bedside.
Dreasky wasn’t even supposed to be in Iraq because after a year as a guard in Guantanamo Bay, he was assigned to be a recruiter in Michigan. But he volunteered to go.

Staff Sgt. Duane Dreasky is Buried in Arlington Natl. Cemetery

Sadly, after a valiant fight, Sgt. Dreasky, at age 31, passed away, just over two weeks ago. His memorial service was Saturday in Walled Lake, Michigan. On Tuesday, this American hero was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, an honor he certainly has earned. He was also promoted in rank to Staff Sgt.
Here is an excerpt of the coverage from The Detroit News’ Edward Cardenas and Gordon Trowbridge:

They remembered Staff Sgt. Duane J. Dreasky’s gung-ho attitude, how he was proud of the sharp, starched lines of his uniform and his spit-shined boots. They chuckled over how he once turned off the hot water to a friend’s shower as a practical joke. How he made a cake out of Twinkies and Ho Hos for a birthday celebration.
Most of all, members of Michigan National Guard Company B, 125th Infantry remembered Dreasky as a fighter . . . .
“Even though I was his leader, he had qualities I wanted to have,” said Staff Sgt. Keenon Wallace, who supervised Dreasky during an earlier deployment to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. “He wasn’t ‘like’ my brother. He WAS my brother.” . . .
“If I had an army (of soldiers) like him, I wouldn’t have a job to do,” said Sgt. Maj. Dan Lincoln, whom Dreasky begged for a spot on deployments to Cuba and then to Iraq. . . .
Staff Sgt. Tom Barrett, 25, of Kalamazoo became close friends with Dreasky while they roomed together in Cuba. . . .
“There wasn’t one thing he did poorly as a soldier,” said Barrett. “Here he is, a National Guard soldier who’s supposed to work one weekend a month and two weeks a year, and he would constantly volunteer to serve.”

Staff Sgt. Duane Dreasky

From the Detroit Free Press:

Maj. Gen. Tom Cutler of the Michigan Army National Guard [said] “America just lost an outstanding young person.” . . .
Staff Sgt. Rob Witgen, 39, of Williamston served with Dreasky in Cuba and Iraq. Witgen was not surprised when Dreasky fought to live, for so many months, enduring so much pain while showing so much dignity and class. . . . “He was the epitome of a soldier,” Witgen said. “He was a fighter. His body gave out before his will.”

Staff Sgt. Duane Dreasky, American Hero, Rest in Peace.

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