October 13, 2006, - 5:20 pm

Wall Street Journal Reporter Needs to Check Facts on Terror-Funding Charity

Somebody needs to teach Wall Street Journal “reporter” Sally Beatty how to report. It means checking facts, investigating, not just regurgitating. Just trying Google would be a start for this woman.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Beatty’s “Giving Back” column is subtitled, “Nonprofits Fight Terror Guidelines.” In it, she sympathizes with a host of lefty and Islamist charities on our shores who don’t want to do due diligence on their recipients, who are often terrorists or terrorist money launderers.
That’s bad enough. But, then, this airhead “reporter” goes and quotes extremist, terror-apologist lawyer Ihsan Alkhatib, general counsel for Islamic charity LIFE for Relief and Development, as an example of a Muslim charity that has “struggled to comply” with U.S. Treasury requirements to root out terrorists:

Islamofascists Lie for LIFE for Relief & Development

(Debbie Schlussel Islamofascist Fan Club by David Lunde)

“Even if you comply with all of these, there is no guarantee you won’t get in trouble,” says Ihsan Alkhatib, a lawyer working with Life for Relief & Development, a Muslim charity in Southfield, Mich.

Puh-leeze. Doesn’t this woman do a speck of research? LIFE was raided by the FBI just weeks ago. And as I wrote on this site ( and ) and in the , the “charity” hardly complied with the laws against funding terrorism. They skirted them. The charity apparently violated embargo laws against dealing with Saddam’s Iraq, funded HAMAS through its Jordanian operation, had ties to Al-Qaeda, and laundered money to Al-Qaeda terrorist insurgents blowing up our soldiers all over Iraq.
The charity openly embraces Islamic extremism and terrorism. One of its key employees fled the country, and another one of its apparent terrorist money-launderers to Qaeda in Iraq was recently shot to death there–a start.
Had this “reporter” done the research she’d know at least some of this. But she didn’t. Talk about journalistic malpractice. The Wall Street Journal’s reporters are generally top notch in investigating, verifying, and reporting information. This woman is a clear aberration who does not belong at the venerable national newspaper.

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October 13, 2006, - 4:52 pm

Weekend Box Office: Bad Comedian Prez Conspiracy Movie; Bizarro Capote Repeat

If you’re planning to go to the movies, tonight, my best advice is to go see the movie I (blood, violence & gruesomeness alert), one of the best movies of the year and one of the best mob flicks ever. It’s still the pick of the bunch. This week’s two biggest choices, neither of which are recommended, are:
* “Man of the Year“–Do you want Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Lou Dobbs, or Robin Williams to be Prez? Me neither. And it would never happen. Even with some of the dummies who go to the polls, thankfully most of the dummies stay home. And it didn’t happen in this movie either.

A late night comedian/talk show host, Tom Dobbs, runs for Prez and wins (and even has a fictional website). But, in fact, it’s a sinister glitch by a computer company that got a national contract to run America’s elections. He didn’t win. The woman who discovered it and tries to tell Dobbs about it is the target of a murder plot by her employer, the company that runs the elections.
So many flaws in this movie. First, the mechanics. This movie tried to be all things–a comedy, a mystery, a political statement, a riff on reality–and it ended up being too much, a mish-mash. While some of Robin Williams’ jokes were funny and his statements–about illegal aliens and false security at airports for lack of profiling–were much appreciated and unusual coming from a sympathetic, Hollywood-created protagonist, some of the jokes were dated and others just too corny. Much of the movie is Robin Williams’ ad-libbed monologues, without which this is a 25-minute storyline, max.
Also, why is there a movie whose most promoted line impresses the need for term limits now that the GOP is in control and were on the eve of an election that could change that? Where were these movies when Clinton and Tip O’Neill were running the show? It’s no mistake this movie came out now. It’s deliberate, as is the story line about the electronic program stealing the election for the wrong guy. That’s the line about Ohio the Kerry people are still harping on. : Just a coincidence, right?
Then, the factual stuff. Secretaries of State and local municipality clerks decide the balloting methods. Congress doesn’t award a national blanket contract. And since when–under the federal HIPAA health privacy laws–can a company hold a press conference to announce an employee’s health record to defame her. Just doesn’t happen in the real world. Etc., etc., etc.
Comedian Louis Black and Jeff Goldblum don’t make the movie better or more interesting.
* “Infamous“–How many movies about the flamingly gay writer Truman Capote do we need? And how many big movies do we need in which we watch weird men make out with each other, Britney-and-Madonna style? Bleechhhh! This movie was sick, dark, and dreadful. Did we really need to see four farmers being murdered in cold blood, or men being hanged, and still not dead yet? Disturbing. Yet another movie that is high on fashions of the time and vintage sets, but low on substance.
Did Truman Capote, who went to middle America to write about the murder of a farm family by two thug robbers, really fall madly, deeply in love with one of the murderers (played by new James Bond, Daniel Craig, who seems to enjoy playing gays a lot)? That’s the kind of defamatory license this movie takes. And is it really true that he made up facts and quotes in his “reporting”? If so, no wonder Hollywood likes him enough to make two very similar movies. Exactly the kind of “journalist” they love to death.
Sandra Bullock gives a good, convincing performance as Harper Lee, on the edge of novelist stardom.

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October 13, 2006, - 3:53 pm

More Famous But Incompetent: The Saga of Ineptitude Continues

Domestic War on Terror, huh?
Then, why does the lead agency on terrorism, the FBI, still only have 33 agents who speak (LIMITED) Arabic more than FIVE years after 9/11?! And NONE are fluent in the language, nor do any of them work on international terrorism. HUH?!
HELLO . . . ? HELLO . . . ? HELLO . . . ?
Gee, I wonder why that Egyptian Muslim FBI agent in New York turned down my friend Becky, who scored 100% on the FBI Arabic proficiency exam. Oh yeah, she’s a JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And we can’t have that. (Ditto for all the other Arabic-fluent from the Sephardic Jewish Community Center of Brooklyn, over a hundred of whom tried to become FBI linguists and 100% of whom were rejected for no valid reason.)
From the Washington Post:

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October 13, 2006, - 2:54 pm

40 Years of Violence & Murder: UnHappy Anniversary, Black Panthers

Today through Sunday, the Black Panthers are celebrating their 40th anniversary. Check out their absurd, celebratory website. Talk about chutzpah. This group is the epitome of it. “In your face, American Honkies. We got you.”
It’s been a long 40 years under the Panthers reign of terror in America. The Black Panthers’ 40 years has been marked by violence, murder, cop-killing, anti-Semitism, anti-White racism, pan-Islamism and a host of other things that are no good for any free and democratic society.
Several Black Panthers are now extremist Muslims and cause celebres in the Islamofascist community, like convicted, imprisoned cop-killer . Al-Amin, who bragged, “Violence is as American as cherry pie,” killed one sheriff’s deputy and wounded another in March 2000. The group–so vicious, so violent–even savagely tortured and murdered its own. The disgusting way they tortured and dismembered their living victims was so sick, it rivals that of the Islamic terrorists we are fighting now. Ungreat minds think alike.

Extremist Makeover:

Black Panthers, Then & Now

So there’s really no reason whatsoever to celebrate that this group is still around. Yet, the Panther alums are not only celebrating. They’re expecting us to buy their extremist makeover. These murderous thugs now want you to believe they are “activists” and want you to see “a positive image.” They think donning fancy suits instead of berets and military garb will instantly erase our memory banks about their “activities.”
They’ve tried this before, with . But the only thing that was burning is America under their reign of terror. You can’t remake years of murderous thuggery with a sudden Halloween costume of the Black Martha Stewart. They never apologized for murdering innocent people, leaving cops’ children fatherless, taking others’ lives for nothing.
From an apologist San Francisco Chronicle piece on the 40th confab, we’re racists because we don’t like “civil rights” groups that murder for a living:

Clarence Walker, a professor at UC Davis who specializes in African American history, said activist black organizations in the United States often are seen as militant by the general public because the country has a schizophrenic vision of black people.
“You are either dancing and happy or you are a militant. The Black Panthers represented that phase of black power that believed black people should be armed and defend themselves and turn away from the nonviolent resistance movement,” Walker said. “There is this image of them in white America — as well as some parts of black America — as a threatening and dangerous thing.
“Then there are a large number of people — especially in the Bay Area — who grew up seeing them do good things. There have always been two sides to it.” . . .
But the image that stuck with many Americans was that of black militants with berets and guns. Stories of Panthers’ shootouts with police overwhelmed coverage of their work with the poor, said Seale, who changed the group’s name from Black Panther Party for Self-Defense to Black Panther Party because “we got tired of being confused with a paramilitary-type organization.”

More Extremist Makeover:

Black Panthers’ Emblem Then, Black Panthers’ Emblem Now

The party gained international notoriety when Seale and Newton sent armed members to the State Assembly in Sacramento in 1967 to oppose gun restrictions. Several members who walked onto the Senate floor with loaded weapons were arrested for disturbing the peace but not on weapons charges, because they were carrying theirs legally, Seale said.
At its height, about two months after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered, the Black Panther Party had 5,000 members in 49 chapters and branches across the country, Seale said. The 1968 confrontation that left Hutton dead, along with other shootouts with Oakland police, caused the negative image, members say. The incidents also brought the federal scrutiny that they say ultimately broke up the party. The FBI infiltrated the Panthers and several other activist groups in its infamous counterintelligence program called Cointelpro, begun in 1967.
“J. Edgar Hoover saw the guns and what we were accomplishing and said the organization was a threat to security, and he told people that we wanted to shoot and kill white people,” Seale said. “We were about defending ourselves against white racists.” . . .
“Even though we were doing a lot of things in the community, like running for political office, grassroots organizing, handing out breakfast and offering free preventative medical health care and sickle cell tests, people remain confused to this day,” Seale said.

So do Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Al-Qaeda. And so did Hitler. J. Edgar Hoover was right. And deluded professor Walker and his “two sides to every story” pap? Sorry, there’s only one side to this story. 40 years of Black Panther violence, murder, and mayhem was more than enough. Here’s hoping there won’t be another 40. These domestic terrorists never represented Black America.
The only good thing for Black Panthers in America to do is fade to black.

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October 13, 2006, - 2:11 pm

Justin Timberlake: Yet Another Airhead Liberal Hollywood Punk

From Today’s USA Today print edition, pop star, former Mouseketeer, concubine of fruitcake actress Cameron Diaz, and former Britney Spears paramour Justin Timberlake reminds us yet again why he’s such a punk.
He was asked by USA Today’s Donna Fredkin, “What Are You Watching?” a weekly USA Today feature. He, predictably, likes a left-wing, enviro-conniptive, Al Gore “documentary”:

An Inconvenient Truth.” It was an amazing documentary by what I think is the former future president of the United States of America. It was an eye-opening film. I’m so behind the curve! Six months ago everyone saw it, and I was locked up in a closet writing songs.

Can we put him back in that closet . . . permanently? What an airhead.

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October 13, 2006, - 12:56 pm

Class Action I Like: Lawsuit Against Illegal Alien Employer Tyson Foods Gets Big

On this site, I’ve repeatedly .
But, finally, there’s one for a great cause–Americans who lost their jobs to illegal aliens. It’s Trollinger v. Tyson Foods, Inc., 370 F.3d 602 (6th Cir. 2004).
Curtis L. Collier, a federal judge in Chattanooga, Tennessee granted class-action status to a lawsuit filed against Tyson Foods by four former employees who lost their jobs or had their wages depressed because Tyson knowingly hired illegal aliens at eight meat-packing plants.
The four employees–Birda Trollinger, Robert Martinez, Tabetha Edding and Doris Jewell–say the deliberate hiring of illegal aliens depressed their earnings by $8-$10 per HOUR! Note that three are women and one is Hispanic. Yes, opposition to illegal aliens stealing America out from under us is not about racism, nativism, or bigotry. It’s about taking back our country and instituting just a tad of national security.
It’s a huge move because it means that lawyer Howard W. Foster, who filed the suit, is now potentially representing thousands of American citizens who lost their jobs to illegal aliens, thanks to Tyson’s unscrupulous and illegal behavior. Tyson may have to pay multi-millions in a settlement or judgment, the only kind of punishment most American employers of illegal aliens understand.

Attorney Howard W. Foster Fights Tyson Foods’ Illegal Alien Biz

Of course, Tyson could also face criminal charges–if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chieftess a/k/a “The ICE Princess” would bother to have her agents investigate, raid, and make arrests of Tyson executives breaking immigration laws. But she isn’t. Because there are jobs that some Americans just won’t do–like enforcing immigration laws. Remember all the ? We haven’t seen any in a while, now that there’s now way immigration legislation will pass before the election. So, these days, The ICE Princess is busy making , courtesy of you.
Well before Myers’ fleeting, unworthy tenure at ICE, then-INS agents did their job well trying to get Tyson. In March 2003, an O.J.-style jury acquitted Tyson and three former managers of conspiring to hire illegal aliens from Latin America, in order to bring down wages and shore up the bottom line. But we don’t know the quality of the case the lackluster Bush Justice Department put on. Bush’s Justice allowed two Tyson managers to plead and get a year of probation, a slap on the wrist and hardly a tough message to the alien-hiring crowd.
This time, when it’s out-of-work, hard-working Americans and their lawyer running the show, we think–and hope–the result will be different.
Until then–and probably after–don’t by Tyson Foods products. Me–I don’t buy ’em anyway. I only eat kosher meat. Regardless, we now know Tyson Foods simply isn’t kosher for American survival.
The eight Tyson plants named in the suit are at Shelbyville; Corydon, Ind.; Gadsden, Ala., Blountsville, Ala., Ashland, Ala.; Sedalia, Mo.; Center, Texas and Glen Allen, Va. If you work or did work at one of these Tyson Foods plants–or know someone who did–please contact attorney Howard Foster of Chicago law firm Johnson & Bell to join the suit.

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October 13, 2006, - 7:30 am

Skankelina of Aliendom: Jolie Compares American Secure Border Advocates to Hitler

We’ve never been fans of skank Angelina Jolie and her phony “activism.” We didn’t like her sickening pan-Islamist writings in Jerusalem. We didn’t care for her kids in America. And we take the rest of her doings in the same dumb-Hollywood-chick-who-wants-to-be-taken-seriously vein.
So, it comes as no surprise that this modern-day Eva Braun of the new Nazism (extremist Islam) is invoking the memory of the Holocaust and Hitler to attack those of us in America who want the torrent of illegal aliens flowing into our country to stop. This Queen ‘O Skanks can write her epitaph with it. Ditto for her skank-o-phile male concubine, Brad Pitt, who .

Eva Braungelina Jolie: SpokesSkank for Illegal Aliens & Islamic Terrorists

Here are Skankelina’s absurd words in “Solving the Global Refugee Crisis” in the U.N.’s “Refugee” Magazine:

Only half a century ago – a blink of the eye in human history – there were at least 40 million refugees and displaced people in Europe: the product of Hitler’s Germany, Franco’s Spain, Mussolini’s Italy . . . . In America, Martin Luther King had to be assassinated before racial equality became anything like a reality. . . .
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres put it very succinctly recently. He said that the special status of refugees – people fleeing persecution or war – is being jeopardized by the battle over whether or not we want economic migrants.
Those of us who are still well disposed towards refugees, and are shocked to see them turned into hate figures in order to win elections or sell newspapers, are failing. We don’t want uncontrolled movements of people across our borders, but . . . . We will put band aids over themost gaping wounds, because they look a bit ugly. . . .
Ignoring simmering conflicts is equally damaging and hugely expensive. Think Bosnia, think Rwanda, think Afghanistan, where more investment and more thoughtful international politics in the 1980s and the early 1990s might have changed the course of history for all of us. Osama Bin Laden thrived on our neglect of Afghanistan.

Here’s a clue, Big-lipped Boobelina, we gave Afghanistan gazillions of dollars. You–or the U.N. America hater who really wrote this dumb piece and signed your name to it–need to do just a tad of research before opening your mouth (other than to make out with your brother) and taking the cap off your ballpoint.
From my on the male version of Skankelina, Bono, and the male version of her libido and brain size, Steven Tyler (who made the same false argument):

The U.S. funded Afghanistan to the tune of billions over the last two decades. In Fiscal Year 2001, alone, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Agriculture, and other U.S. agencies provided over $117,869,525 in aid to Afghanistan. And that was only the figure through July 9, according to a USAID Information Bulletin on that date. The aid included food, educational assistance and many other things beyond what the new secretary of state (in his own mind), Steven Tyler, thinks we “should have done,” but, in fact, did.
And still, Afghanistan allowed the Taliban to take over and the terrorists to live and flourish there, anyway.

Time for Skankelina to go back to .
We liked her a lot better then, when she was only harming herself.
And by the way, how the heck did she get her pretentious stage name, anyway? Her father is Jon Voight. Her mother is unknown French actress Marcheline Bertrand.
So, let’s call her by her real name: Angie Voight.

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October 12, 2006, - 4:02 pm

HOprah Watch: NYTimes Frank Rich on “Truth in America”

Today, HOprah is having a phony, biased “Town Hall” with New York Times columnist Frank Rich, talking about his lefty new book against the War in Iraq and the Bush Administration. The name of this episode of the Oprah show is “Truth in America.”
They should subtitle it, “is not found on the Oprah Winfrey Show.”
Is there any doubt where HOprah stands politically? Read more on why Oprah Sucks.

For the record, I know and am friendly with Frank Rich, because he once attacked me in his NYTimes column, but in a very nice and respectful way. We’ve had a friendly set of conversations and keep in touch. He’s a very nice guy, personally, but politically, I rarely agree with what he writes. And the book is just BS.

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October 12, 2006, - 3:06 pm

OUTRAGE: Raising Hezbollah Aliens on OUR Shores

When American taxpayers paid to fly and transport at least 25,000 nominally “Americans” from Lebanon, this summer, as Israel fought back against Hezbollah, we wrote that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and CIS (Citizenship & Immigration Services) agents told us of thousands more Lebanese who aren’t American even in name, who were “paroled into” the U.S.
That’s right. Thousands of Hezbollah supporters who were born and raised in Lebanon and have barely a connection to America (except, maybe, a distant relative) are now somewhere in the great American abyss, collecting all kinds of tax benefits from you, the American taxpayer.
Two of those are Hassan Saad, 13, and Mohamed Saad, 11 who came here from the Hezbollah stronghold of Bint Jbeil, where 110% of inhabitants are America-hating Hezbollah cheerleaders. Is there any reason why these two brothers should be here? NO. But they are. And they’re not going back because ICE Special Agent in Charge Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” is not doing a thing about these Islamofascist aliens–many of them illegal–who are bleeding into our shores.

Hezbo Nation: Your Tax $$$ Pay for Special Tutors for Hezbollah Aliens, like Mohamed & Hassan Saad, in America

Check out the Saad brothers’ story in the gushingly sympathetic Detroit Newsistan:

DEARBORN — Thirteen-year-old Hassan Saad and his brother Mohamed, 11, planned to spend their summer climbing trees and splashing in the river near their family’s ancestral vacation home in Bint Jbeil, in southern Lebanon.
But in early July, just 18 days into their annual holiday, the boys found themselves in the middle of an international nightmare.
Now, they’re among the scores of Lebanese children adjusting to life in Dearborn schools, having fled their war-torn country.
Exact numbers aren’t available, but Dearborn Public Schools spokesman David Mustonen said the exodus is partly responsible for enrollment increase of 100 students. . . .
Many of the Lebanese children’s families sought refuge in Dearborn because they have relatives in the city that is home to one of the largest Arab-American populations outside the Middle East. . . .
The family escaped during a brief lull in the fighting, and returned to Beirut for a short time before coming to Dearborn.
The boys say they will return home when the homes and buildings in their old neighborhood are repaired.

Uh-huh. Don’t count on it. Odds are they’ve already filed papers for naturalization, as likely have the thousands of other Hezbo supporters who came here illegally . . . and got in easily because no-one in our government has the testicles to say “NO.”
“Welcome” to America. While it’s still America.

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October 12, 2006, - 2:36 pm

Renewed Sign of Civilization

On this site, we’ve lamented the “” mentality that rules America (and other Westernized portions of the world).
But, now, there’s a sign that civilization is returning, wits and all. Genetic Savings & Clone (luv the name)–a giotechnology firm which sold cloned cats–will close at the end of 2006 for lack of demand.
The company, based in Sausalito, CA, reduced the cloning price from $50,000 to $32,000 cloned five casts and sold two, since it opened in 2000.
Now, it’s closing. So sad, too bad.

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