October 18, 2006, - 2:01 pm

New Clint Eastwood Movie Just As I Feared

I’m prohibited from posting my review of Clint Eastwood’s new movie, “Flags of Our Fathers,” today. But I’ve seen it.
The movie debuts Friday, and it’s almost exactly as . The movie is about “the story” behind the famous photo of the flag-raising on Mount Suribachi during the Battle at Iwo Jima in 1945.
As I in August, I’m glad he didn’t live to see this movie. Remember the photo from 9/11, below? It’s a good thing most of us don’t know the names of the men who raised it. Let’s hope one of their sons doesn’t go out and write a book about alcoholism, racism, and lying–trying to destroy the patriotic image of that historic flag pic, too.

World Trade Center, Post 9/11 Attack, 2001

Stay tuned.

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October 18, 2006, - 8:36 am

Homeland Security Frees a Nazi

Johann Leprich is Exhibit A in the futility of America’s immigration laws. Not to mention our inability to guard international borders.
Leprich now lives in the Detroit suburb of Clinton Township because, yesterday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security set him free. During World War II, he was a guard at one of the most evil Nazi concentration camps, a member of the Nazi group, Death’s Head Battalion. At the very least, he should die in prison.
Leprich, who voluntarily joined the German Waffen SS, guarded Mathausen–where at least 150,000 mostly Hungarian Jews and others were murdered in cold blood–in 1943-’44. Mathausen inmates were starved, worked, tortured, and gassed to death. Others were ordered to undress and sprayed with freezing water in minus ten degree Celsius weather, until they froze to death. According to accounts, some of Mathausen’s male inmates were first raped by two gay SS officers, who then killed them with picks or by dropping them off cliffs.

No Justice:

Mathausen Nazi Guard Johann Leprich Should Die in Prison, But Won’t

According to “The Forgotten Camps,”

Mauthausen was classified as a so-called “category three camp”. This was the fiercest category, and for the prisoners it meant “Ruckkehr unerwunscht” (return not desired) and “Vernichtung durch arbeit” (extermination by work).

On May 5 1945, the camp was liberated by the US’ 11th Armored Division.
Leprich, now 81, has managed to live a life of freedom, despite lying about his Nazi past on his citizenship application. His citizenship was revoked in 1987, and ostensibly, Leprich lived in Canada, where apparently they have no problem with Nazi murderers living openly in their midst.
But, in fact, Leprich actually lived in Clinton Township, Michigan. He repeatedly snuck in and out of the U.S. at Detroit area border crossings from Canada. Incredibly, despite being on a list of deportees not eligible for re-admission to the U.S., Leprich re-entered the United States on a number of occasions after 9/11.
So much for President Bush’s beefed-up border security. If a deported, banned Nazi can repeatedly and openly traverse our borders after a major terrorist attack, who else is doing the same?
Whenever authorities–suspicious he was back in the States–checked at Leprich’s family home, they couldn’t find him. His wife and adult children helped hide Leprich in a secret room inside the stairway of the house.

American Soldiers Who Liberated Mathausen View Dead & Near-Dead

Eventually, in 2003, Leprich was caught and put in jail, awaiting deportation. But no country will take him.
And that’s the problem with America’s soft immigration laws. Hardened Nazis, like Leprich, and terrorists, like Sami Al-Arian and , can’t be deported unless another country grants “travel documents” allowing them to go there and take up permanent residence. Is this any way to get rid of terrorists, murderers, hardened criminals, and other illegal aliens?
No, it isn’t. We are at the mercy of the international community regarding who we can kick out, once they’ve made it in. That includes countries who hate us and would love their criminals and terrorists to remain here and wreak havoc. While, the State Department has the power to shut down diplomatic relations with countries who won’t take their own criminal and terrorist citizens back, it rarely does so. Our immigration policy, coupled with a limp State Department, simply doesn’t have teeth.
Add to that the reason that Leprich, the Nazi guard, was released. A 2001 Supreme Court decision, INS v. St. Cyr, says that aliens held for more than six months of obtaining a court order to deport them are presumed to be held unreasonably. They can petition the court for their release, as did Leprich. Rather than lose in court, as they likely would have here, the Justice Department agreed to force ICE to let Leprich go.
Our “allies”–Romania, Hungary, and Germany–refuse to accept the man, so now this Nazi guard gets to live in freedom in America for the rest of his life.
Al-Arian and Damrah–both detained for more than 180 days for terrorist offenses and pleading guilty to immigration violations–can also petition the court. None of the Muslim countries from which they emanated–including Kuwait and the Palestinian Authority–will accept them. One has to hope that liberal federal judges won’t agree to release them into the great American abyss.
But it is possible.
Leprich’s lawyer, Joseph McGinness, built a career on freeing Nazis who lied to get citizenship in America. “They’ll have to call it quits,” he gleefully told the Detroit Free Press, announcing his Nazi client’s freedom.
“What country is going to accept an 81-year-old man who is in declining health?”
If he’s a Nazi or Islamic terrorist, America will.

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October 18, 2006, - 8:05 am

Update on Bangladesh Muslim Editor Under Attack for Supporting Israel: Beaten by RoP

Almost a month ago, we wrote about , the moderate Muslim editor of The Weekly Blitz in Bangladesh.
For daring to plan a trip to Israel, he was imprisoned for 17 months by Bangladesh authorities. Now, he faces additional charges of sedition, a new trial on Thursday, and more jail-time. Our friend, Michael Freund of The Jerusalem Post, sends us his latest installment on Choudhury. He was assaulted and beaten at his offices by a mob, including members of the Bangladeshi government:

A Muslim journalist facing charges of sedition for advocating ties with Israel was recently attacked and beaten by a crowd in Bangladesh that allegedly included leading officials of the country’s ruling party, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury: Courageous Muslim Under Repeated Attack

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, editor of the Weekly Blitz newspaper, an English-language publication based in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, was working in his office on October 5 when nearly 40 people stormed the premises.
The mob beat Choudhury, leaving him with a fractured ankle, and looted cash that was kept in the company safe. Choudhury was briefly hospitalized.
According to a statement appearing on the Web site of the Weekly Blitz, the attackers were led by Helal Khan, international affairs secretary of Jasas, and included Babul Ahmed, Jasas’s secretary-general. Jasas is the cultural wing of the ruling Bangladeshi National Party (BNP).
During the assault, Ahmed is said to have shouted at Choudhury, labeling him an “agent of the Jews.” . . .
No arrests were made, and police refused to allow Choudhury to file charges against his attackers.

As , we ask again:

Sound like a “Religion of Peace” to you? This guy, Choudhury, is a Muslim hero. But predictably, the fake “moderate” Muslims in the U.S. are completely silent about Choudhury’s plight because they aren’t, in fact, moderate at all and support this extremism.

Visit Free Choudhury. Choudhury can be e-mailed here, here, or here.

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October 17, 2006, - 5:01 pm

300 Million is Case for Dismay, Not a Milestone

A lot of media have been touting the 300,000,000 population mark allegedly reached this morning. Supposedly conservative New York Times columnist John Tierney writes, “This morning, when the 300 millionth American is born . . . .” American? Born here? Or snuck here as an adult illegal alien over the border, some time ago?
Tierney’s entire set of premises is faulty. In fact, we don’t know when that 300 million mark was reached, and it may have happened long ago.
That’s because we really don’t know how many illegal aliens have slipped into our borders, never to be found again. And that’s why, in July, . Hundreds of the estimated 2,800 immigrants who come here each day are illegals.
My friend, Dan Stein (of the Federation for American Immigration Reform–FAIR), wrote an excellent op-ed in USA Today that sums it up. Here’s an excerpt:

FAIR’s Dan Stein

Thirty years ago, the Rockefeller Commission could find no benefit from further increases in the size of the U.S. population. In 2006, it is hard to see how the massive government-mandated population growth of the past 30 years has improved life for most Americans. The addition of a staggering 100 million people since the late 1960s has accelerated virtually every environmental problem, exacerbated resource depletion, contributed to sprawl and congestion, and strained nearly all public services.
Many of our nation’s opinion elite now seem intent on further acceleration. The Senate recently approved an illegal alien amnesty and immigration increase that would have resulted in at least 66 million new immigrants arriving in the USA in the next 20 years – and we’d hit a billion people before 2100. This is insane, and only a massive public outcry and strong opposition in the House prevented this from occurring.
Our population future is entirely within our power to determine. Just as the government has mandated soaring overcrowding and congestion in the past several decades, it has the power to slow population growth by curtailing immigration and enforcing laws against illegal immigration.

Dan’s blog is a daily must read for those who want to take back our country.

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October 17, 2006, - 3:40 pm

Lil’ Kim’s North Korean Art History

Check out this “art,” a poster from North Korea’s National Art Gallery in Pyongyang, as featured in “The Varsity,” the University of Toronto’s student newspaper. We think it might be a hint about Kim Jong-Il’s plans. . . .

You don’t need to read Korean to get the point, but for the slow, the writing translates as follows:

Don’t mess with us. We will wipe the U.S. off the face of the earth!

For all of you liberals and America-haters (redundant?), no, it is not the same thing as “Don’t Mess with Texas.”
Thanks to Canadian reader Greg R. for the tip.

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October 17, 2006, - 2:01 pm

Muslim Riots in France: They’re BA-A-A-ACK; New Euphemism for Muslims; Targeting Police

Remember the Muslim riots in France? They’re back. Attacks on police by Muslim gangs? They’re back, too. And they’re targeting police, injuring an average of 14 officers per day, EVERY day.
In the latest case, French police were set up with a fake report of a car theft. That reeled the officers into the trap, where the French Muslim youths attacked them.
And remember the wimpy, mince-every-word, PC press coverage of the Islamic violence? That’s back, too.
The Telegraph can’t–and won’t–bring itself to properly identify the perpetrators as Muslims, using the euphemism “North African.” That’s the new key code-word, in Telegraph correspondent Henry Samuel’s report:

France Still Burning Amidst Muslim Violence

The French government yesterday held crisis talks with community leaders in an effort to halt mounting violence in suburbs around Paris, amid news that gangs of youths, mainly of North African descent [DS: MUSLIM], were intensifying attacks on police.
Dominique de Villepin, the prime minister, ordered his interior and justice ministers to “toughen up” sentences for those found guilty of assaulting officers, following a meeting with community leaders.
His announcement followed a series of violent incidents over the past weeks, culminating in the ambush of three police officers on Friday by youths in Epinay-sur-Seine, north of Paris.
These guys came to kill. They wore balaclavas, and had baseball bats and iron bars,” said Joaquin Masanet, the general secretary of the powerful UNSA police union.
The three officers from the anti-crime brigade, BAC, entered the Orgemont housing estate after an anonymous caller reported a violent car theft.
Once inside, their exit was barred and they were set upon by around 50 [DS: MUSLIM] youths, who pelted the men with stones. Iron bars smashed their windscreen. They tried to reverse, but a second vehicle boxed them in.
The criminals fled only after the officers fired live ammunition into the air and police reinforcements arrived.
One of the officers, Christophe Esteve, 30, had two teeth knocked out and needed 30 stitches in his jaw. He was discharged from hospital yesterday.

First, it was and other French Jews. Now, it’s the cops. Who’s next? Or, rather, who isn’t?!
Coming to America soon? When critical mass of the “Religion of Peace” is reached, don’t be shocked.
Thanks to reader Phil who alerted us to the article. He says of this “sensitive reporting”:

Why don’t they state who the gangs really are…Islamic…not North African.

Good question. See this definition for the answer.

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October 17, 2006, - 12:00 pm

Excited About the World Series? Don’t Be–Abu Moskowitz/ICE Princess Update

I get e-mails from all over the country cheering on the Detroit Tigers in the World Series. And being a native Detroiter, I’m supposed to be in agreement with them.
Hate to sound like a party-pooper, but, if anything, the Tigers in the World Series means that for over a week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Michigan (and from as far away as Southern Ohio) will be pulled off the already strained job of investigating and arresting illegal aliens.
Instead, as happened during and , ICE agents will be acting as Major League Baseball’s personal, overzealous trademark police. Their boss, Michigan/Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” will give them a handbook full of phrases, like “Detroit Baseball,” that should be undebatably in the public domain and whose use should be unfettered free speech. The agents, costumed as frat boys, will go all over the areas near Comerica Park a/k/a Taxpayer Park, harassing salesman–mostly Black–from trying to make an honest buck selling t-shirts and hats.

A-Ha! So That’s Where All the Illegal Aliens Are

Not a single arrest will be made, not a single illegal alien caught, not a single tie to terrorist money-laundering uncovered. But what there will be is a lot of press for Abu Moskowitz and even his boss, that girl from the mall– a/k/a “The ICE Princess.” They will get their mugs all over ESPN.com, the pandering Detroit papers, and even watch for The ICE Princess to try to use this to get on FOX Sports Net. Finally, we have a candidate for “Worst Damn Sports Show Period.”
We’ll hear a lot of pap about how harassing these salespeople selling cheap t-shirts is counterterrorism, and how taking their shirts away will make us safer. Don’t believe the hype. We’ve seen it before. Abu M’s salivation over being on the pages of ESPN’s site, etc. It’s the same re-run, over and over again, with each different major sporting event that comes to town. We’ll probably even see a , also paid for with your tax dollars . . . and , too.
Well, it won’t make us any safer. But World Series week is the week for illegal alien smugglers at the Michigan/Canada entry points to do their work unfettered. What will be safer will be the profits of gazillionaires like Detroit Tigers owner Mike Ilitch and the other mega-moolahed bunch of team owners. Major League Baseball Properties will be safe from terrorism (the terrorism of these harmless street vendors) come this World Series.
I’m glad that near-billionaire Ilitch will be able to afford more Grecian Formula for his toupee, courtesy of the ICE agents protecting his strange new ownership of such phrases as “Detroit Baseball,” “Hockeytown,” “D,” and other assorted letters and phrases that have been in the English alphabet and lexicon for at least decades. The way I saw him grabbing up the on-sale Grecian at a local drugstore, you’d think he, not the t-shirt vendors, needed to scrounge and scrape to eke out a life.
Outfielder Maglio Ordonez and Pitcher Kenny Rogers stand to make millions in endorsement deals, just by being in the World Series. They won’t pay a dime to guard the use of their names and images, though. Instead, you’ll be paying ICE agents–who should be going after illegal aliens–to do it. Gee, I wonder why this important national security task is not highlighted in the .
Thanks, Abu Moskowitz. Thanks, The ICE Princess. We are now safe from t-shirts and hats invading the country with nefarious purposes. I feel so much better now. And by the way, get a new playbook. The old one you’re still using is far too predictable.
Here’s what the World Series T-shirt would look like. Wonder if it would get confiscated by ICE:


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October 16, 2006, - 4:20 pm

It’s About Time; But Chertoff Won’t Profile Which Police Get Terror Info

Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that Michael Chertoff and his Homeland Security Department will finally work with local police in the war on terror–more than 5 years after the 9/11 attacks. He reportedly announced this, today, at the annual meeting of the International Association of Chief of Police.
But we’re not buying it, and we’re alarmed by the new plans, even if they do go into effect.
For the entirety of its existence, DHS shunned local police, a problem which the Wall St. Journal illuminated in a plethora of in-depth stories and interviews with police chiefs. DHS refused to share terrorism databases and information regarding threats with local police, but expected the locals to share information with the department, unfettered.

Michael Jackson, Deputy DHS Secretary or Michael Jackson, Bizarre Pop Singer: Often Hard to Tell Which One is Running Homeland Security

In some cases, this ill-advised policy is appropriate, such as in the case of the City of Dearbornistan in the heart of Islamic America, where the Chief of Police and some of his Muslim community-based police are not to be trusted. Federal law enforcement officials have told us of some Dearborn police apparently tipping off their co-religionists about raids and investigations, rendering them useless and blown.
But in most other cases, the relationship has been sour for no reason, and DHS hoarded valuable information. In other instances, DHS employees tipped off friends in New York to alleged terror threats, causing heartache and resentment by NYPD officials who were not privy to serious threats that threatened their lives and limbs.
Deputy DHS Secretary Michael Jackson–whose pronouncements –says that security clearances will be resolved more quickly by a private company (uh-oh!–like the private company that granted visas to the deceased 9/11 hijackers) and that police officers will soon be able to access terror databases. DHS will also create “fellowships” for senior police to work in Washington with DHS analysts and intteligence officials in Washington.
Since the article does not mention how the security clearances will be limited and to whom they will be doled out–and it also mentions civil liberties advocates–we hope that a floodgate will not open in order to make up for the trickle thus far. That is to say, we hope local police officers like Daniel Saab–a Muslim community based police officer in Dearborn, who was convicted of using his position to harass a Michigan official, yet remains on the force–will not have access to any terror databases, regardless of what Islamists and ACLU types accompany Chertoff civil rights advisor, , to meet with the boss (Chertoff). Several sources told us that Saab, who should have been fired from the force pursuant to his conviction (but wasn’t–hey, he’s Muslim and, thus, untouchable), posted Hezbollah posters at or near his post in the Dearborn Public Library.
Unfortunately, Chertoff does not know how to limit things in this way. He repeatedly told USA Today he’s against profiling of Muslim males, using a phony excuse about “the women.”
His real reason: He simply doesn’t have the testicles to do what the Israelis do to save lives–profile. And that includes profiling who gets what information in local law enforcement, even if it means the corner of Hezbollah-occupied America will get this information.
Like , which Michael Jackson is running this show?

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October 16, 2006, - 3:15 pm

Illegal Aliens Cause More Traffic, Longer Commutes

Tired of longer commutes, more traffic, more spent on gas and higher taxes for road repairs?
Well, these are yet more things for which you can blame the growing illegal alien problem.
Today’s USA Today reports on a new study that says a growing immigrant population is one of the two biggest demographic factors shaping Americans’ commuting habits.
Released today, “Commuting in America III”–an analysis of Census data from 1990-2004 by transportation expert Alan Pisarski, finds that immigrants are affecting traffic patterns. According to the study:

Illegal Aliens = Congestion, Longer Commutes, Etc.

More than 80% of immigrants who arrived between 1995 and 2000 were between 16 and 64. Most quickly joined the workforce, swelling the ranks of commuters, the report says.
Immigrants represent only about 14% of the nation’s labor force but make up 20% of two-person carpools and more than 40% of large carpools. Immigrants also increase the numbers of commuters using public transit and those who bicycle or walk to work.
“This is consistent with transit’s historical role of introducing immigrant workers into the workforce and the nation’s economic mainstream,” the report says.
The study, citing research by the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University, also reports that congestion is rising not only in big cities and suburbs but smaller metropolitan areas.
Another finding: Extremely long commutes are increasing. In 1990, New York was the only state where more than 10% of workers traveled more than 60 minutes to work. In 2000, New Jersey, Maryland and Illinois earned that distinction.

Since we know that the many of these immigrants–perhaps even a majority–are illegal aliens (12-20 million in our midst illegally), it’s a logical conclusion that illegal aliens are a huge contributor to these problems: longer commutes, more congestion on the roadways, and more crowded public transit.

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October 16, 2006, - 11:17 am

What Will Donna Do?: Miami Players Should Be Expelled

Donna Shalala has a very easy decision to make.
But in the world of professional athletics that parades as American higher education, odds are that she won’t make it. Her hemming and hawing is already echoing loud and clear.
Shalala heads the University of Miami, 13 of whose football players were suspended from their next college football game.
They started and engaged in a violent brawl against Florida International University players, Saturday. The violence included some Miami players literally stomping on those of the opposing team.
This kind of violence shouldn’t be tolerated, whether on the sidelines of a college football game or on the civilian streets of America. Thuggery is thuggery.

But don’t tell that to Shalala. The former Clinton Secretary of Health and Human Services pays lip service to the right slogans. Yet, she’s far from doing the right thing when it comes to the general well-being of her own campus or the well-being of American academia.
According to the Denver Post, Shalala e-mailed the Miami Herald, Saturday night, that “Unsportsmanlike behavior is unacceptable, period, no matter who started it.”
Unacceptable? Unsportsmanlike? Both words are shocking understatements. People could have been killed.
The Miami players? They’re only suspended for one game. Hardly treatment for this degree of violence. Ditto for 18 other players from FIU, but that school–with a lackluster football program–has much less to lose.
“These suspensions send a clear and definitive message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated,” ACC Commissioner John Swofford said. But it is being tolerated. A zero tolerance policy would result in much more harsh and deserving punishment for such unacceptable behavior.
And the double standard is striking. TV analyst Lamar Thomas, a former Miami and NFL player, was fired for saying that this “whupping” was somehow deserved because FIU players “came into our house.”
He should have been fired. But the players who actually did the “whupping” should be, too. By fired, they should have their scholarships canceled, their season canceled, and their chance to ever play in the NCAA again canceled. And they should be expelled.
Don’t count on anything close to that ever happening. These 31 thugs are money in the bank for Miami. No football season means no money from the unprincipled, lumpen proletariat alumni base that makes up not just the Miami alumni donor pool, but that of every college or university with a major sports program.
These funders of college athletics who allow this violence to go on are more outraged by an 8-4 season than they will ever be over unbridled violence of members of the home team.
Football players will be football players. You take the boys out of the killing fields of America, you can’t take the killing fields of America out of the boys.
Sorry, but we have to expect more. We have the right to expect more.
Tax deductions and tax-free donations to NCAA schools are de facto subsidies from America’s taxpayers. So long as taxpayers finance these college programs, humane behavior must be demanded. We’re not talking the violence of tackles and the pulling of face masks during play. We’re talking benched players who left the bench en masse to go wilding.
It’s not about race either. For every suspended Miami player who is Black, there’s a , who is White, and nearly killed a man while he was a football player at Texas Christian University. (The man was read his last rites.)
It’s about college sports run amok, and wannabe pro sports team general managers, like Shalala, who are running major athletic farm systems that have no business being on campus.
Congress recently sent a letter to the NCAA’s Myles Brand asking questions and demanding answers about what taxpayers get in return for the billions in untaxed profits they subsidize for schools like Miami.
And just what do we get from these schools? We don’t get a share in the profits from their multi-billion dollar TV contracts, the way Shalala and her school do. We don’t get to party with corporate execs at bowl games.
All of that is reserved for the thuggish players who start fights and don’t appreciate free rides to colleges to which they’d never be admitted if they couldn’t run and throw the ball.
So will Donna Shalala show us she’s worth the tax deductions we give her and fire her violent players. Or will she coddle them with this slap on a wrist?
If it’s the latter, look for them to revisit this mob violence another day, with more chilling consequences.

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