October 20, 2006, - 9:51 am

Like a Terrorist?: Going Overboard on the Foley Richter Scale

Yes, then-Congressman Mark Foley’s instant messages to a Congressional page who egged him on, were explicit and inappropriate.
But is the guy–who, thus far, has not been proven to have committed any crime–as bad as a terrorist leader who has murdered countless Americans, Israelis, and others?
That’s what a name recognition poll–just out–says, according to the Wall Street Journal’s “Washington Wire“:

Seven in 10 Americans rate him negatively, comparable with past assessments of Yasser Arafat and Michael Jackson.

Come on.


Is Mark Foley Really as Bad as Terrorist Murderer Yasser Arafat?

Mark Foley is not even close to the level of brazen evil of Yasser Arafat. And neither–as bizarre as he is–is Michael Jackson. In addition to ordering and orchestrating countless terror attacks and homicide bombings, Arafat ordered the early ’70s torture murder of Cleo Noel and George Curtis Moore, two U.S. Diplomats in Sudan. They were tortured so badly that authorities could not tell the bodies of Moore–who was the highest ranking Black American in the U.S. Foreign Service at the time–and Noel apart.
Mark Foley is as bad the guy who ordered those murders and countless others?
Get Some Perspective, America. Or our country will die.

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October 20, 2006, - 9:05 am

Elephants vs. Islamists: Where’s Animals For the Ethical Treatment of Humans?

Hard to decide for whom to root in the battle between extremist Muslims and wild elephants.
Yesterday, wild elephants rampaged through the Bangladeshi village of Bashkhali, trampling to death five members of a family, while they were asleep in their hut.
As you’ll recall, Bangladesh is the extremist Muslim nation which imprisoned and newspaper editor , for daring to try to travel to Israel, and is now seeking the death penalty against him. Given that, it’s hard to shed a tear for something that just might be an act of natural selection where human barbarians are eliminated by wildlife barbarians.
Still, since we always hear from so-called animal rights groups whenever a human sneezes in an animal’s direction, one wonders where their condemnations are when animals clearly and deliberately murdered humans.

“Humanitarian” Elephants Play with Bones

Well, predictably, they’re blaming the humans. Ainun Nishat, of IUCN–The World Conservation Union (a PETA-style animal-apologist group), told AP that the victims deserved it:

Elephants sometimes wander into residential areas looking for food but usually do not attack “without a valid reason.”
“Maybe once the area was a source of food, or somebody from the localities had caused injuries to one of the elephants,” Nishat said. He said elephants often become angry when they find homes or other establishments where they once used to roam.

So absurd, it’s hilarious.

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October 19, 2006, - 10:09 pm

American Tragedy: Border Agents Get More Than Decade in Prison FOR DOING THEIR JOB!

In early August, I wrote about the , two Border Patrol officers for doing their jobs.
They were chasing an illegal alien drug smuggler. Another drug smuggler he was with bloodied and beat one of the agents down to the ground. The smuggler turned on the other agent, and the agent shot at him in response. For this, these agents, military veterans with families, will do over a decade in federal prison. Even more incredible is that the USDOJ (rather, USDONONJ) went to Mexico and gave the drug dealer immunity to cooperate with them against the two Border Patrol agents.
In an incredible outrage, today, Federal Judge Kathleen Cardone–a George Walker Bush (ie., the current resident of the White House) appointee–sentenced Ramos to 11 years and a day, and Compean to 12 years in prison.

Illegal Aliens Must Be Laughing @ Absurd Sentencing of 2 Border Agents

. Read it all. It will break your heart. And make you wonder whose side President Bush and his administration are on.
That they were prosecuted–with the full support of Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez–is bad enough. That they were convicted is even worse. But most outrageous is their absurd sentencing, today. It’s an outrage that Lynne Stewart helped a top Al-Qaeda cleric perpetrate jihadist murders worldwide, and yet these two Americans protecting our border will do geometric multiples of the 28 months she got.
Stupid Judges and the Illegal Aliens & Criminals Who Love Them, Volume 5,769. (And the Presidents who Aid & Abet Them, Selling America Down the River.)

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October 19, 2006, - 1:53 pm

He’s BA-A-A-ACK: Gucci Glasses Ortega 2 B Re-Prez, Control New Nicaraguan Canal

He’s tan, rested, and ready. Yes, Gucci Glasses Daniel Ortega is set to win Nicaragua’s November 5th Presidential election. All of our Reagan-era efforts to oust him and his communist, totalitarian dictatorship are now negated.
This time, though, the glasses and military garb are gone, and he has friends in power throughout Latin America, including his bud Hugo Chavez. There is, indeed, power in numbers, and what was once a beachhead of anti-Americanism on our hemisphere is rapidly becoming an entirely infested continent that is too close for comfort. All because we weren’t paying attention.
EXTREMIST MAKEOVER: Daniel Ortega, Then . . .

(Daniel Ortega with Buds Yasser Arafat, Fidel Castro, Dems John Kerry/Tom Harkin)

Daniel Ortega, Now . . .

(Daniel Ortega & Buddy Hugo Chavez w/Latin America Liberator Simon Bolivar Looking at Them Ominously)
Ortega’s portraying himself as a moderate who will work with Washington. Check out the pics above. If you believe that, I have several parcels of property in Managua to sell you. The guy is a Communist thug. Then, now, and forever.
As I , President Bush was asleep at the switch on this one and didn’t do anything to stop Ortega, a dangerous communist in our hemisphere. Instead, we ignored Nicaragua’s Presidential race, to our peril. And we’re still wasting millions on Fatah versus HAMAS elections in a land far away (we’re spending $42 million on the Palestinian elections!). While we’re playing Islamic terrorist vs. Islamic terrorist, over there, Ortega was busy winning votes here, so he can once again welcome Islamic terrorists from all over the world to train there and terrorize Jews.
An AP story gives a new reason why Ortega’s re-reign over Nicaragua will be nefarious: Nicaragua has announced plans to build an $18 billion waterway passage that will rival the Panama Canal. Imagine the terrorist cargo (human and materiel) that will be transported in and out of our hemisphere unfettered at a “Nicaraguan Canal” under Daniel the Dictator. That includes shipments to the U.S. I wonder how Homeland Security will treat its preferred shippers that go through that waterway, but have already been approved at their shipping point and won’t be searched once they reach the States.
From my :

Ortega–the man who terrorized his country with the Sandinista goons, seized property, took Jewish synagogues and set fire to them while people were praying inside (and “transferred” Jewish centers to Palestinians for youth clubs)–is about to regain his position as President of Nicaragua, which he held in the ’80s. As el Presidente, he trained PLO, IRA, and various Communist and Islamist forces on Western hemisphere soil, allowing them to roam Nicaragua.
Ronald Reagan fought to get him out, even risking his Presidency through the Iran-Contra scandal, because getting rid of tyrannical Ortega and Communism on our hemisphere was so important. Aid to the Contras, Violeta Chamorro, and La Prensa–I guess it was all for nothing. George W. Bush seems not to notice Ortega is about to get back in, establishing his strategic, far-left beachhead once more. It’s yet another sign that George W. Bush is the Jimmy Carter of the ’00s.
Oh, sure, President Bush is threatening to send Nicaragua’s ambassador home. I’m sure that will be as effective as it has been for the following ambassadorless countries: Iran, Saddam’s Iraq, Cuba, etc. . . .
In the late ’70s, the Peanut Farmer Prez allowed Ortega to seize power in Nicaragua and establish a Soviet-funded Communist beachhead on our hemisphere (in addition to Cuba). Today, same deal, different face in the White House.
Same old Ortega, too. The Gucci glasses of the ’80s are gone. He probably got Lasik. But he did not get a conscience. Plus, since he last presided in Managua, he’s been accused of sexually molesting his step-daughter–the same way he molested Nicaragua. New fashion accessories, same old despot.
We’ve had enough bad remakes from the ’70s in the theaters this summer. But the worst remakes–like the return to power of scumbags like Ortega–appear not to be produced by Hollywood. Instead, this one is executive produced by an absentee investor: President Bush.

I wonder what Ronald Reagan is doing looking down upon us and knowing that Commandante Ortega will soon become El Presidente, yet again. Probably turning over in his grave. And asking, “I did Iran-Contra for THIS?!”

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October 19, 2006, - 1:31 pm

Chutzpah Lawsuit of the Week: Illegal Aliens Sue for Western Union Funds; WU Donates to Aliens

Last week, we wrote about a Wall Street Journal story on from serving as the Coyote Hawala [money changing service].
Western Union has been accepting fake IDs from illegal alien senders and knowingly allowing those who sneak illegal aliens into the U.S. to wire the money back to the coyote conglomerates back in Mexico. MoneyGram International does it, too.
Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that an illegal alien activist group, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, filed a lawsuit against Goddard and Arizona, yesterday, trying to stop Goddard from freezing and seizing the funds.
Even more outrageous, guess who’s apparently funding the suit? Western Union told the Journal that it made “financial contributions” to the illegal alien rights group.

The grounds for the lawsuit are absurd. The WSJ reports:

According to the suit, the senders were notified by law-enfrocement agents that they had to show that money transfers were legitimate in order to unfreeze the funds. One plaintiff alleged she was told that her recipient, a cousin, would have to be questioned by a law-enforcement officer.

And this is a bad thing because . . . ? We are fighting against a tidal wave of illegal aliens–some criminals and terrorists–invading our country. And we are supposed to make it easier for them to send money back to those who helped them sneak in?
Hello . . . ?

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October 19, 2006, - 12:45 pm

HOprah Watch: “60 Minutes” Creator Says She’s Cronkite of Our Day

Don Hewitt, the liberal creator of CBS’ TV news mag “60 Minutes,” is praising HRHSBotU (Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe) Queen Oprah and comparing her to Walter Cronkite, in the Cornell Daily Sun.
He does have a point on the Cronkite thing, since Cronkite commanded unearned globs and globs of respect from empty-headed American TV viewers and used it to inculcate them with his left-wing agenda. During the Vietnam War, his newscasts helped us lose. Oprah does the same thing for the mindless American women (and effeminate men) who watch her. She’s helping us lose several wars–the War on Terror, the culture war, etc., etc., etc.

HOprah & Cronkite: Both Helping Us Lose America

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes/Six Meat Buffet)

Here’s what Hewitt said:

Sun: Does our generation have its own Walter Cronkite, or anyone close?
Hewitt: It’s probably going to be a woman. I don’t think there’s anyone on television today who demands more respect than Oprah. Oprah is to television what Walter Cronkite was at one time. There is no more broadcast that anyone wants to be on more to publicize anything than Oprah.

Thankfully, with the internet, cable news, and many other choices, there are no longer just the three networks that included Cronkite’s. And even Oprah, no matter how very powerful she is, will never command as large or as broad an audience as Cronkite did.
Oprah’s way too influential and powerful, fortunately not as much so as Cronkite was in his day. But just as dangerous.
Cronkitis . . . the disease is spreading.

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October 19, 2006, - 10:43 am

New FOX Series From “24” Producer is Anti-NSA

We’ve already told you how “24” star and exec producer Kiefer Sutherland says the new season of the show, up in January, will . We’re expecting the worst, based on the evidence we’ve already seen about the season’s plot. (The terrorist is played by pale White, gay, non-Muslim .)
Now, FOX has announced plans for a new show produced by “24” honcho Joel Surnow. The title says a lot, “NSA Innocent.” The plot is about “an everyman who gets caught up in espionage.” He is “an Everyman who winds up being recruited by the NSA — and forced to spy.” So, is this the ACLU’s and pan-Islamist groups’–like CAIR and ADC–fantasy show? Sure sounds like it.

We hope not, but we’re not holding our breath. The pilot for the show is being co-written by David Ehrman, who has written for “JAG,” among other shows. While promoted as a patriotic series, JAG, in fact, presented a host of PC story lines promoting the Islamic and pan-Arabist agenda, including anti-Semitic episodes questioning the work ethic, loyalty, and patriotism of Jewish U.S. servicemen, attacking Israel, and promoting Islamist leaders roaming the desert as our buds. The show was unkind to Christians, as well.
And, finally, the show was just plain inaccurate. Every single JAG I know, regardless of the military branch, has told me they are never involved in adventurous, globe-trotting investigative secret agent stuff, which the show presented in spades. Instead, they are basically prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Don’t look for Ehrman to change his tack for “NSA Innocent.” Perhaps it would be better called “ACLUCAIRADC Inaccurate.”

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October 19, 2006, - 7:38 am

RUSH Limbaugh Cites Schlussel Blog as His Regular Read

Yesterday, on his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh cited this blog as one he reads regularly and cites frequently on the air. THANKS, RUSH!
Here’s the portion of the transcript from RushLimbaugh.com:

I quote countless posts from many blogs on this program. I use them as resources. . . . I’m going to tell you the blog postings that I regularly read in my RSS reader. I’ve communicated with many of the people who run them. They’re fabulous people . . . .
I left out some blogger names that I routinely read. . . . The American Thinker, which I cite and quote on this program constantly, and — and I’m sure there are more. Not all of them are on my RSS reader. Some of them I have to go look for.

The full audio is at Hot Air.

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October 18, 2006, - 4:38 pm

A New BS Book About Bandar Bush

****UPDATE, 10/19/06: OOPS! My friend, magnificent author and journalist Paul Sperry, points out that I erred about Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, who paid rent for two of the 9/11 hijackers. As he notes, Princess Haifa is Prince Bandar’s WIFE, not cousin, which makes it that more frightening that such a BS book is being so heavily promoted and that Bandar is such a trusted bud to the Bush White House. Buy Paul’s excellent book, “Infiltration,” which is chock full of evidence and research into the Islamist influence upon to our government and how it panders to those who support and fund Islamic terrorism. ****
A new book is out. Its subject? Take a guess about whom these people are gushing:

A man for our times who has been at the very heart of world events for two decades

–Margaret Thatcher

A man of principle, a diplomat of astonishing caliber, and one of the great peacemakers of our time.

–Nelson Mandela
It figures a man with connections to 15 out of the 19 9/11 hijackers would be called “a man of principle” and “one of the great peacemakers” by blowhard Mandela.

But Can It Fertilize Your Lawn?

The book, “The Prince: The Secret Story of the World’s Most Intriguing Royal,” is about Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the slimy, sleazy Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. through 2005. He’s the guy that is so close to the Bush family, they nicknamed him “Bandar Bush.” He’s the guy that’s so close to the Prez, that on the eve after 9/11 happened, he and Bush smoked stogies together on the White House balcony. (I’m no Michael Moore. And while he’s better than the alternative–Bin Laden extremists worse than the Al-Sauds controlling Arabia, and us getting no oil/gas from them–this guy is pretty bad and the President’s close friendship with him is very troubling.)
And he’s the guy whose family has been justly maligned for their part in Al-Qaeda terror. He’s the guy whose WIFE, Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, was paying the rent for two of the hijackers.
He’s the man who was the face of the country that is the chief financier and proselytizer of Islamic hate against Jews and Christians that leads Muslims to try to annihilate us. But this book focuses more on how he’s “just like us,” with his skiing skills and fancy, chintzy highest priced mansion ever, just sold for about $150 million in Colorado. Just like us. Right.
Peacemaker? Principle? Sorry, Charlie, but this man–yet another phony leader emanating from our “ally in the War on Terror,” Saudi Arabia just doesn’t fit those fecal material-filled words of praise.
We wonder just how much William Simpson got for writing and Judith Regan got for publishing this absurd book on Prince Bandar that brought the fertilizer spigot a-flowing with such volume. And with no less a shabby launch than a half-page, full color ad in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal A section.
And who subsidized that ad? Let me guess–relatives of the same woman who paid the rent for Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaf Al-Hazmi?
Probably not much of a stretch.
The author, Simpson, is hardly an objective observer. Part of England’s noblesse oblige, he’s an old chum of Bandar–a former classmate of his at a fancy English prep-school style college–who was granted all kinds of access in exchange for all kinds of accolade-laden bloviating. Whoever thinks this frizzy-haired terror-apologist Prince is “intriguing,” needs to get the lobotomy reversed.
How many days until “The Prince”–a bloated brick of future recycling paper–goes to the $1 bin? Not soon enough, in our opinion.
If you like this book, your name is probably James A. Baker III.

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October 18, 2006, - 2:26 pm

More on Johann Leprich, the Nazi Roaming Free in America

Earlier today, I wrote about , the SS Waffen guard at Mathausen Concentration Camp, who was set free, yesterday, to live with his family, which actively helped him elude authorities.
I didn’t put it in the column for the purposes of brevity, but one of the survivors of Mathausen is Sam Offen–a friend of my late grandfather, Isaac. Mr. Offen and my grandfather, both Holocaust survivors, came to the Detroit area to try to rebuild their lives.
I tried but couldn’t reach Sam at home, today, since I know he followed the case, and we’ve discussed it. From the Detroit Free Press, here’s what Sam said about Leprich, when Leprich was captured in 2003:

Sam Offen: Survived Johann Leprich’s Mathausen Nazi Death Camp

Death camp survivor Sam Offen of West Bloomfield says the arrest is the closest he will feel to personal justice. He was 22 years old when he was held captive at Mauthausen, staying there for nine months until he was liberated in 1945 by the U.S. forces.
Offen has followed Leprich’s story from the begining and remembers many of the details of the case. He said his arrest had an impact on him.
“I am a very lucky survivor,” Offen said.

Right after Leprich was captured in July 2003, I discussed it on my Detroit radio show. I tried, unsuccessfully, to get some of Leprich’s neighbors on the air to discuss their comments to the Free Press. Imagine your neighbors saying this about Mohammed Atta (at least 150,000 were murdered at Mathausen):

In 1997, Leprich was profiled on the television program “America’s Most Wanted.”
Some of his neighbors of the Clinton Township home said they did not understand why the authorities were pursuing him. They said it was common knowledge that he lived in Canada and was eluding authorities. But no one said they ever saw him.
Why don’t they just leave him alone. He’s an old man,” said neighbor Mary Bombassei, 65. “I know what he did was wrong, but they seemed like real nice people.”
He lived in a brick home with an immaculately kept yard. [DS: What does it matter what a Nazi’s lawn was like?]
One neighbor, who asked to not be identified, felt Leprich was being treated unfairly. . . .
They make him out to be a butcher, but he’s not,” the neighbor said. “He was a hell of a neighbor.”

Incredible. Incredibly obtuse. Similar outrageous comments in the Detroit Newsistan, also from 2003:

Neighbors said . . . . The man they remember was soft-spoken, gentle and neighborly.
Leprich would stop over unannounced, neighbors said. He chatted easily about the weather or his children, never leaving without saying goodbye in his faint German accent. At home, he spent hours in the back yard of his tidy ranch in Clinton Township tending to his vegetable garden.
“He grew everything in that garden and he shared his vegetables with everyone — that’s just the way he was,” neighbor Clarence Sonntag, 73, said Monday across the street from the home where Leprich’s wife and son still live.

Here’s what survivor Sam Offen told the Detroit Newsistan in 2003:

“His neighbors were not there — other prisoners and I can attest to the fact that guards like Mr. Leprich performed brutal tasks,” said Sam Offen, 81, of West Bloomfield, who was at the Mauthausen Concentration Camp in the mid-1940s, when Leprich was stationed there.

Stupid Neighbors and the Nazi Murderers Who Love Them, Volume II. (.)

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