****UPDATE, 10/19/06: OOPS! My friend, magnificent author and journalist Paul Sperry, points out that I erred about Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, who paid rent for two of the 9/11 hijackers. As he notes, Princess Haifa is Prince Bandar’s WIFE, not cousin, which makes it that more frightening that such a BS book is being so heavily promoted and that Bandar is such a trusted bud to the Bush White House. Buy Paul’s excellent book, “Infiltration,” which is chock full of evidence and research into the Islamist influence upon to our government and how it panders to those who support and fund Islamic terrorism. ****
A new book is out. Its subject? Take a guess about whom these people are gushing:
A man for our times who has been at the very heart of world events for two decades
–Margaret Thatcher
A man of principle, a diplomat of astonishing caliber, and one of the great peacemakers of our time.
–Nelson Mandela
It figures a man with connections to 15 out of the 19 9/11 hijackers would be called “a man of principle” and “one of the great peacemakers” by blowhard Mandela.
But Can It Fertilize Your Lawn?
The book, “
The Prince: The Secret Story of the World’s Most Intriguing Royal,” is about Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the slimy, sleazy Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. through 2005. He’s the guy that is so close to the Bush family, they nicknamed him “Bandar Bush.” He’s the guy that’s so close to the Prez, that on the eve after 9/11 happened, he and Bush smoked stogies together on the White House balcony. (I’m no Michael Moore. And while he’s better than the alternative–Bin Laden extremists worse than the Al-Sauds controlling Arabia, and us getting no oil/gas from them–this guy is pretty bad and the President’s close friendship with him is very troubling.)
And he’s the guy whose family has been justly maligned for their part in Al-Qaeda terror. He’s the guy whose
WIFE, Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, was paying the rent for two of the hijackers.
He’s the man who was the face of the country that is the chief financier and proselytizer of Islamic hate against Jews and Christians that leads Muslims to try to annihilate us. But this book focuses more on how he’s “just like us,” with his skiing skills and fancy, chintzy highest priced mansion ever, just sold for about $150 million in Colorado. Just like us. Right.
Peacemaker? Principle? Sorry, Charlie, but this man–yet another phony leader emanating from our “ally in the War on Terror,” Saudi Arabia just doesn’t fit those fecal material-filled words of praise.
We wonder just how much William Simpson got for writing and Judith Regan got for publishing this absurd book on Prince Bandar that brought the fertilizer spigot a-flowing with such volume. And with no less a shabby launch than a half-page, full color ad in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal A section.
And who subsidized that ad? Let me guess–relatives of the same woman who paid the rent for Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaf Al-Hazmi?
Probably not much of a stretch.
The author, Simpson, is hardly an objective observer. Part of England’s noblesse oblige, he’s an old chum of Bandar–a former classmate of his at a fancy English prep-school style college–who was granted all kinds of access in exchange for all kinds of accolade-laden bloviating. Whoever thinks this frizzy-haired terror-apologist Prince is “intriguing,” needs to get the lobotomy reversed.
How many days until “The Prince”–a bloated brick of future recycling paper–goes to the $1 bin? Not soon enough, in our opinion.
If you like this book, your name is probably James A. Baker III.