October 27, 2006, - 10:51 am

Notes on the Friends of the IDF

A friend invited me to the Michigan Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces banquet, last night.
I note a lot of interesting contrasts between what happened at that event and those at other places in America, including airports and Islamic gatherings:
* Because there were several Israeli generals and soldiers there, security was high. But there were no metal detectors. Instead, at the door, there was a line of Israeli security officers looking everyone up and down. Yup, they were profiling. And, guess what? It worked. That’s the Israeli way of doing security. And that’s why they haven’t had the problems we can and will have at airports and other locales.
* The event opened with the singing of the American National Anthem (with the Israeli soldiers dutifully removing their hats and holding them to their hearts). That’s something I see at many Jewish events I go to.

And something I’ve NEVER seen at any of the many Islamic events to which I’ve gone undercover. On the scant few occasions that Muslims in America actually sing the national anthem, it’s purely for show–for the invited press and guests there–and predictably, the press goes ga-ga for the staged phoniness, as the Detroit Free Press’/USA Today’s Arab reporter Tamara Audi did recently. (Hallelukah, Americans who are supposed to be Americans are for once singing the American national anthem for a newspaper reporter. Let’s all bow down and end the war on terror now.)
At most Muslim events I’ve gone to, it usually starts with a “blessing” that’s basically a rant-and-rave against Jews and America (and often, Christians, too). Sometimes, it includes praise for the Hezbollah, HAMAS, or sundry other “martyrs,” and occasionally, some statement about George Bush being a terrorist. But the National Anthem? Sorry, despite their claims, they generally don’t see America as their nation. Study after study shows that–they see themselves as Muslims without borders.
* While a lot of mention and praise was made of America and Israel and both of their fighting forces, there was again–unlike at the Muslim events to which I’ve gone–no mention of jihad, no attacks on America, no mention even of Islam or Muslims. Even though an Israeli general spoke about the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, this summer, he didn’t mention the “Religion of Peace” even once. He did say something I’ve never heard at the Islamic events–that Israel wants peace and that Israel hopes to bring Lebanon and Hezbollah to the peace table.
But you’ll never hear that at the other sides’ events, that they want peace and to go to the peace table with Israel. And that’s the best evidence there is that they don’t want peace. Which they don’t.
Interesting contrasts in behavior that tell us a lot about the psyche of the American Muslim community.

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October 27, 2006, - 9:52 am

Weekend Box Office: Death of a President = More Re-Birth of Islamist BS

The much-hyped “Death of a President” isn’t worthy of its press. It’s a boring, silly movie that’s hardly plausible. Unless you’re a shrieking leftist who believes in all the BS about Muslims not being terrorists, but being loyal Americans who are wrongly maligned. If you’re one of those, then this is your movie.
If you want to see this movie and don’t want to find out who really killed President Bush, stop reading here. For everyone else, guess what? The assassin is not the Syrian Muslim, who trained in an Al-Qaeda terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, and was found with gun powder on his clothing.

Nope, the gun powder was on his clothing “by coincidence,” he trained at the terror camp because he’s a peaceful guy who thought the camp was just about learning more about Islam (the same excuse everyone who trains there uses when they get caught), and he’s just an innocent hard-working Syrian Muslim American patriot. Why, even his hijab-encrusted wife tells us she “cried for three days” after the 9/11 attacks and that the first thing she learned in English was the American National Anthem.
No, predictably, the assassin of the Prez is not the wrongly-convicted, innocent, peace-loving, Al-Qaeda trainee Syrian. It’s a Black American Vietnam Vet whose two sons fought in Iraq, one of whom was killed there. Of course, a Vietnam Vet or parent of kids serving or slain in Iraq would murder the President. Gee, why didn’t we think of that?
In “Death,” despite all the evidence that the vet is the killer, Congress has passed Patriot Act III, and the innocent Muslim is still in prison, easily convicted with no chance of getting out. And no-one will look at the evidence, including a suicide note apologizing for killing the Prez, that the Black American left behind. We’re also told that President Cheney is itching to go to war with Syria over this.
That’s the gist of this absurd movie, which is told documentary-style. The chubby, red-headed woman who plays Bush’s speechwriter, resembles the excessively fawning former George H.W. Bush speechwriter and friend of Oprah, Peggy Noonan, in a lot of ways. The movie version of her endlessly gushes BSingly over President Bush just as the real-life version does.
Other than that, this film bears no resemblance to reality. And should bear no claim on the time and money you’ll have wasted watching it.
Mark Cuban, whose Landmark Theaters are showing the film nationwide, told me he’s proud that he’s showing the movie. That should tell you a lot about him. Maybe, one day, he’ll show a movie where Muslims–as in real life–are actually the terrorists, and the movie doesn’t ask you to sympathize with them a la his “.”
And maybe, one day, a snowball will have a chance in hell.

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October 26, 2006, - 5:27 pm

TSA at it–or, Rather, NOT at it–Again

Does the TSA do anything right? Hard to tell. We’ve written so many posts about its egregious security failings and blunders (including two baggage screeners who support Bin Laden– and ), the latest being a . And if the agency’s non-progress and $200 million-plus waste on three counter-terrorism programs is a hint, the answer is in the negative.
AP reports that the TSA and its contractors spent over that amount and still haven’t enacted the Transportation Worker Identity Credential (TWIC), Secure Flight, and Registered Traveler programs. Two of those are being sent back to the drawing board and the third is being farmed out to private companies.
As we’ve noted, , but the other two are important. It’s incredible that more than FIVE years after 9/11, the TSA still can’t get its act together on even one of those.

The TWIC program is the most important because it involves the background checks and biometric credentialing of airport workers, truck drivers, longshoremen, and a number of others working in or around our ports. From the AP story, here’s how it is carelessly flailing:

The Transportation Workers Identity Credential, or TWIC, is an ID card to be issued to about 6 million longshoremen, mechanics, airport workers, locomotive engineers and truck drivers if they pass government background checks. The card will use a biometric identifier, fingerprint or eye scan, for example.
Bearing Point, a Virginia consulting firm, has done the bulk of TWIC development.
But years after the first cards were supposed to be issued, no contractor has been chosen, no technical standard has been issued for the card reader, and no regulations have been written to describe who will be required to get the card.

Frankly, this is President Bush’s fault. His people had no problem spending time on and rushing through the ostensibly now-cancelled (but still not transferred to another party) Dubai Ports World deal to run over 20 of our ports. Yet, more than half a decade after 9/11, his Administration still hasn’t done much on securing those ports and the people who work there. This is his TSA.
Shame on him.

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October 26, 2006, - 3:55 pm

World Series Controversy: “Smudge” vs. National Anthem & “World” Series

With the World Series going on, one wonders where the sense of patriotism is.
The huge controversy at hand seems to be “SmudgeGate.” Everyone in St. Louis and Detroit–the teams competing for the Series title–is talking about Detroit Tigers pitcher Kenny Rogers and a suspicious looking brown smudge on his hand in Game 2. That’s the game that Detroit won to tie the series in Detroit (St. Louis now leads by 1, 2-1 in the Series). The smudge looks a lot like Rogers was using pine tar or some illegal (in baseball) substance like it. Rogers denies it, claiming it was dirt.
Then there’s Bob Seger. The Detroit-based singer refused to sing the American National Anthem at the World Series in Detroit because he thinks it too “vocally challenging” for him. Instead, he chose to sing “America the Beautiful.” Nobody seems to care about that. Why not?

The Smudge, the World Series & Bob Seger’s New National Anthem

Sure, cheating is unacceptable in an ostensibly virtuous sport (which we all know baseball is, right? steroids, anyone). But what about patriotism? Is that unacceptable, too, because Bob Seger finds the notes too high in his ’60s? Maybe our national anthem should be changed to “Hollywood Nights.”
And finally, there’s the World Series moniker itself. Foreign sports press–and American lefties who dominate our sports press–are up in arms, this year more than ever. They’re constantly carping that it’s not the “World” Series of baseball because it only includes Major League Baseball teams from North America (mostly the U.S.). Sorry, whiners, but there’s nothing wrong with believing America is the center of the world. It is. We’re really not too concerned about the teams from Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. When they refuse to play in the same division as Israel in the World Cup of Soccer and other competitions, and none of the whiners about the World Series say a thing, it tells us a lot about them.
Besides, Major League Baseball created the Series, and we believe in free speech here in America. They can call it the Galactic Series if they like, and I won’t object. There’s nothing wrong with being proud to be American, and proud that we think of ourselves as dominating the world.
If only we would act like it in other ways besides sports, instead of constantly kowtowing to our world critics. At least MLB won’t give in and change the name. And for that, I respect them. Though we deplore cheating, not giving into our international critics and refusing to leave out our traditional national anthem are far more important than the “smudge” in the larger scheme of things.

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October 26, 2006, - 12:11 pm

Hezbollah Argentine Bombings: Finally, Gov’t Seeking Justice

Remember the Hezbollah Bombings of the Buenos Aires, Argentina Jewish Community Center (officially called the Argentine Israeli Mutual Aid Association) in 1994 and Israeli Embassy in 1992? 114 people were murdered, and countless others were severely injured.
Then-Argentine leader Carlos Saul Menem, an Arab of Syrian descent, covered up Hezbollah’s and Iran’s orchestration of the bombings in exchange for $10 million in a Swiss bank account. He shut down the Argentine investigation into the attacks.
But Hezbollah and Iran clearly ordered the attacks, and Ibrahim Hussein Berro–the 21-year-old homicide bomber who committed the Jewish Community Center attack–was confirmed to be a Hezbollah operative from Lebanon. DNA from and photo identification by his relatives, the Lebanese Berro family of Dearbornistan, confirmed his identity.

Now, finally, Argentine prosecutors are doing something about this, though it may be too little, too late. They asked a federal judge, yesterday, to order the arrest of former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and seven others for the Jewish Community Center bombing, saying the decision to attack the center “was undertaken in 1993 by the highest authorities of the then-government of Iran” and carried out by Hezbollah.
They asked the judge to seek international and national arrest orders for Rafsanjani, as well as Iranian intelligence chief Ali Fallahijan and foreign minister Ali Ar Velayati.
Argentina’s Jewish population is just over 200,000. America’s is about 5.2 million. Imagine a similar bombing here and a President of Arab descent orchestrating a cover up a la Menem, say ambitious, Hezbo-supporting Congressman (R-California) a/k/a “Jihad Darrell.” It’s possible. Maybe not in our generation, but definitely in a very near future generation. Iran’s and Hezbollah’s reach is global and throughout the free world.
And it’s time they were put out of business–instead of endless, tough-but-empty platitudes about sanctions. Time also to stop welcoming Hezbollah’s minions to our shores and rewarding them, by funding the ones they left back there with gazillions in our emergency relief aid (we’re giving them over $200 million).

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October 25, 2006, - 4:13 pm

Sesame Street & Bangladeshi Islamists

On Monday, a ferry in central Bangladesh, carrying about 70 people home for an end of Ramadan (Eid Al-Fitr) celebration, hit a cargo boat and capsized in the Meghna River. At least 15 of the Muslims aboard were killed, and several others remain missing.
If this happened in the United States to non-Muslims (as did Hurricane Katrina), the Bangladeshi Islamists would say (as many Islamists did) that the people died because they were Infidels, and Allah is showing his wrath. Or some such other extremist vitriol.
But since it happened in Bangladesh, we Infidels won’t say something like that about the Bangladeshis who populate what is now one of the key states in Jihad Central.

We note this because Bangladesh is still extremist, even though Sesame Street came to town. Last night on PBS a/k/a “Palestinian Broadcasting System,” an insipid 1.5 hour long program, “Independent Lens: The World According to Sesame Street,” showed us how the Sesame Workship people came to town in three parts of the world and, well, didn’t change much of anything.
They came to Kosovo and made separate shows for Serbs and Muslims, trying to force them to “understand” each other. But that didn’t stop Muslims from taking over the whole joint. They came to Africa and taught kids that you, too, can be HIV-positive. We cringed at the scene where 3-year-olds were watching the HIV muppet, Khami, telling another muppet that he is looking through a memory box of his mother because she’s dead of AIDS. Don’t kids get a childhood anymore? Not in the world according to Sesame Workshop.
Then, the Sesame people came to the extremists of Bangladesh. Except we’re not shown that they are Islamists or extremists. They are just nice people with an accent on PBS. The show goes out of it’s way to tell us that, due to stricter immigration rules after 9/11 (as if . . .), the Bangladeshis didn’t have enough time to get the proper visas to come to New York “to learn the Sesame process.” And they had to suffer and go to Africa to learn it there, instead. Pity.
Alas, after struggling with the political machinations of the Islamist Bangladeshi regime, “Sisimpur” (their Sesame Street) makes it on the air to government acclaim, etc. Nice to see it didn’t teach them anything about tolerance whatsoever, since journalist is facing a repeat prison term there and even the death penalty for daring to praise Israel and trying to visit. And, by the way, our tax money is funding this absurd Sesame Street project, through USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development).
Well, scientists were right when they said “Sesame Street” doesn’t teach kids how to read, just how to become addicted to television watching. And it also doesn’t teach tolerance to Islamists either.
“Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?”
Answer: 50 miles east ’til you smell it. 100 miles north ’til you step in it.

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October 25, 2006, - 9:16 am

New “24” Trailer Features ACLU-CAIR-John Conyers Message

We watched the two-minute trailer for the upcoming season of “24,” when it was unveiled yesterday. Passersby in New York’s Times Square saw it broadcast on a giant screen.
As we’ve noted previously, executive producer and star Kiefer Sutherland stated that this season the show “.” And judging from the trailer, we think it’s just as we predicted–a strong politically correct point of view. We were struck by the scene showing the woman who, last season, was the head of Homeland Security in L.A. In the trailer she is shown in the Oval Office, pontificating:

There are people in this Administration who are willing to tear up the Constitution!

Sound like Johns Kerry & Conyers/ACLU/Michael Moore/CAIR speak to you? Ditto for us. Gee, where have we heard these words before? Oh, just about every time there is any law enforcement measure enacted or about to be, enforced or about to be, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
But Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff and his top advisor, apologist for jihadists , should be proud of their apparent new female impersonator on “24.” She spouts their line in the trailer (Chertoff b/c of the enemies’ civil rights and got very upset that the FBI released photos of the 11 missing Muslim Egyptian students, this summer.)
Oh, sure, the trailer has scenes showing some Muslim terrorist mastermind out to get Agent Jack Bauer and blowing up U.S. cities. But, as insightful reader Sultan Knish, pointed out , that’s always the plot . . . at the beginning of each season. Then, we learn that it’s really corporate, whitebread Americans–not Muslims–who are really the main actors. With ,” this season, don’t expect that to change.
**** UPDATE, 10/27/05: Eddie Izzard has now been replaced by another White, British actor, David Hunt, to play the villain, Darren McCarthy in this season’s “24.” Hmmm . . . hardly an Islamic name.

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October 24, 2006, - 4:04 pm

Homeland Security Wishes You A Happy Eid Al-Fitr

We don’t recall any Rosh HaShanah or Christmas greetings from the Department of Homeland Security. But, hey, those ain’t the holidays of terrorists.
And in our country, those who are supposed to be protecting us feel it’s their job to wish the religion of the 19 hijackers a Happy End of Ramadan. That’s why the Department of Homeland Security and the Greater Saudi satellite state’s Embassy–the Embassy of Great Britain–co-hosted a Ramadan Iftar Dinner feast, last week, toward the end of Ramadan.

Gee, why didn’t I get Chertoff at my Yom Kippur “Break Fast”? Oh, I forgot. My people didn’t perform such great feats as flying planes into buildings and Pennsylvania ground, or blow up Marine Barracks, or bomb a disco, or even blow up a ship. And, therefore, we don’t deserve the ambience of having such officials as Homeland Security’s own tax-paid professional apologist for the jihad, , slapping our backs. You, too, Christian America. Don’t watch for Sutherland to be at your Christmas Dinner. Atheists, DHS doesn’t pander to you, either. Start Atheist Jihad, and maybe they’ll start courting you with a Festivus Feast.
Below are more of the details that some DHS agents sent us (a shortened, sanitized version is on the DHS site):

DHS Co-hosts Event Celebrating Ramadan; Training Video to be Distributed to Employees
DHS and the British Embassy last week co-hosted an interagency Iftaar reception in celebration of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.
Guests included leaders from the American Muslim community and senior officials from federal agencies, including DHS Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Daniel Sutherland, Under Secretary for Science and Technology Jay Cohen, and Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Alex Azar. Also in attendance was Dr. Akbar Ahmed from American University , who is a leading authority on Muslim-American relations.
In prepared remarks, Sutherland said a new training video explaining the basics about Arab and Muslim culture would be distributed to DHS employees. The video has two purposes, Sutherland said. “First, it will educate our employees, so that they can do a more effective job when they interact with travelers from the Arab and Muslim world. Second, we hope that it will demonstrate that we are taking seriously the goal of increasing the government’s level of expertise and engagement on these critical topics.”

More like increase the government’s level of capitulation.

America’s Tax-Paid Benedict Arnold, DHS’ Daniel Sutherland

(on right, with “former” terrorist at left; shown shaking hands with Ihsan Al-Khatib, extremist lawyer for –Apologies to Benedict Arnold)

For the record, Akbar Ahmed went on Oprah after 9/11 and told the world that honor killing has nothing to do with Islam. That’s why it takes place in the Islamic–not Jewish and Christian–world, every day. Notice they don’t tell you who the rest of the American Muslim guests in attendance were. Hiding something, Mr. Sutherland? You can bet that Sutherland guypal, sham marriage participant, and “former” Islamic terrorist was invited, as were some of his fellow pro-jihad ADC cohorts.
If the other guests are like the usual company the guy keeps–“former” Islamic terrorists, Hezbollah agents, and lawyers of terrorist money-launding charities–we can see why the guest list is under wraps from a public that “just wouldn’t understand.”
As for the video, we saw the last one Sutherland and DHS passed out, and we predict the new one is par for the course. The last one was produced by open supporters of Islamic terrorism, and featured Najah Bazzy, who said, “,” on the tape as one of the great, regular Muslim Americans. (She’s a third-generation “American,” FYI. We’re embarrassed you’re an American too, Najah.)
One DHS agent said to us, “Pray For Our Country.” Unfortunately, it appears we’re way past prayers. Unless it’s the Last Rites he’s talking about.

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October 24, 2006, - 12:03 pm

New Boy Scout Patch: Sign of the Times?

Maybe this should be filed under: “Why Not to Allow Your Son to be a Boy Scout in Los Angeles.”
The Boy Scouts in L.A. can now earn a patch for learning about the evils of downloading pirated movies and music. Thankfully, since it’s only an activity patch, this insipid activity is not required to advance in the scouts, as a merit badge is.
From an AP story:

Scouts also must choose one activity from a list that includes visiting a movie studio to see how many people can be harmed by film piracy. They also can create public service announcements urging others not to steal movies or music.

It figures that the Boy Scouts–maligned especially in Hollywood for not allowing atheist scouts or gay scoutmasters–would bow down to Hollywood. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Right?
How about a patch for learning about the dangers of terrorists and extremist Muslims, the dangers of the content of the copyrighted Hollywood propaganda, or something more useful than that?
Don’t expect that in America. Everyone knows the most important thing facing America is protecting the lucre of the entertainment industry. Teach the Scouts that, while they’re young.
Glad to see the Scouts in L.A. have re-adjusted their priorities in all the right ways. We think a patch for saying the Shehadah [oath of martyrdom, which is all that needs to be uttered to declare yourself a Muslim] must be coming next.

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October 24, 2006, - 11:03 am

HOprah Watch: Oprah Uses “World’s Moms” to Promote Al Gore Film, Sanitize Jihadists

When you think of “Moms Around the World,” do you think of global warming and how Egypt is so attentive to children with Down’s Syndrome? Oprah does.
Better yet, when you think of Egypt, do you think of the country of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Mohammed Atta, and some of the most extremist, anti-Semitic newspapers and universities in the world? Oprah doesn’t.
Yesterday, HRHSBotU (Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe) Queen Oprah did a show of “Moms Around the World.” Needless to say, if it’s on the Oprah show, that means it really doesn’t represent Moms Around the World.

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes/Six Meat Buffet)

The part about the Eskimo woman from Alaska was interesting enough, so long as the woman didn’t mind being laughed at and examined like an exhibit from the Ripley’s museum. But it degraded when Oprah concluded the segment by asking the Eskimo woman, “And so, can you see signs of global warming?” This was all pre-planned because the Oprah crew shot film, ostensibly, of an Eskimo city on the water.
The Eskimo-ette–now apparently a scientist–eagerly answered, “Yes, I can see it because the town nearby–they live right on the water. And the waves are crashing into their neighborhood. And soon they are going to have to move.” Roll tape. We’re shown waves crashing. Then we see streets flooded. We have no idea where this footage comes from. And the Oprah show has already been caught using fake footage.
Then, Oprah tells us, “That’s why I recommend everyone see ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. It’s by Al Gore, and it shows us that soon Manhattan and Los Angeles will be under water.” Thanks, Oprah, for this Moms Around the World as brought to you by the Environmental Liberation Front.
Then, there’s Egypt. In all of her “[Blank] Around the World” shows (; Moms Around the World; etc.), Oprah always picks a Muslim country or two to glorify for a tiny thing, while ignoring the extremism and Islamism that dominates every day life. In the “Moms” show, it was Egypt.
So, what were we shown about Egyptian moms? Not that they teach their kids to hate the Egyptian Jews that were banished from the country and the Christian Copts, who might soon be banished. Nope. Not that many of Egypt’s Moms voted for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood in the most recent Egyptian elections. Not that many of them read the anti-Semitic, anti-American Al-Ahram newspaper or send their kids to similarly inclined Al-Azar University.
No, that’s not what you’ll ever see on the Oprah show. Instead, we saw how Egyptian moms fought for and got the government to provide a generous mainstreaming setting for all Egyptian kids with Down’s Syndrome. Yup, that’s the true Egypt. Thanks, HOprah.
We can’t wait for Oprah’s show on the Palestinian moms. Don’t expect to see on that one. That wouldn’t fit in with the Oprah Sanitization of Islamofascisti Project.
And finally, Oprah showed us a mother who was a rape victim of the Sudanese government gangs, the janjaweed. Of course, she was Muslim. Because now, Oprah is so interested in this issue, now that the Muslim Arab government janjaweed raped, murdered, and tortured all of Sudan’s Christians. At that time, , saying the issue was “too complicated.” Seems less complicated now for Oprah, now that it’s no longer Arab Muslims attacking Black Christians. Now that it’s Muslim against Muslim, it is okay for Queen Oprah.
Oprah lectured her audience that the Sudanese mother “wants her to have the same things that you want for your kids, the same life that you want for your kids.” Really? What about the Christian Sudanese mothers, when you–Queen Oprah–? Didn’t they want the same things as the Muslim mom?
Just asking.

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