October 30, 2006, - 1:55 pm

Hey, Julie, Where’s the $$$?: ICE Emasculates Important Local Police Program v. Aliens

In January, we wrote about . Of Arab descent, he bravely staked his political career on having his city become the first in the nation whose local police force would enforce federal immigration laws.
Mansoor, who was threatened with a recall by illegal alien advocates, worked out a deal with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to train Costa Mesa’s police force to check immigration status of those suspected of crimes and gang activity. They would work with ICE and help ICE do its job.
But apparently, ICE chief-atrix a/k/a The ICE Princess needs ICE’s money and resources for more important things–like a & a week-long –than having police in California help stem the tidal wave of illegal aliens in America.

Mayor Allan Mansoor Does His Job; The ICE Princess Doesn’t Do Hers

The program has now been scaled down by The ICE Princess and her minions. What was supposed to be training for 200 Costa Mesa police will now be perfunctory PC “cultural sensitivity” training and a few other things for 15 officers.
From Orange County Register columnist Gordon Dillow’s piece on this tragedy:

Just six months ago the feds seemed to be onboard. Immigration officials told me then that federal-local cooperation on immigration enforcement was a “tool to protect communities.”
But now it appears that the feds have chickened out.
In the draft agreement with the Sheriff’s Department, the feds agreed to train only 15 deputies who work in the jails, not 200 deputies who work serious criminal cases on the streets.
The feds apparently claim they lack the money and personnel to train more, while a sheriff’s spokesman said the feds were “more comfortable” with the smaller number and with limiting it to the jails – which means they’ll also probably be “more comfortable” with similar cutbacks in the Costa Mesa proposal.
But let’s face it: If the federal government really wanted to combat crimes by illegal immigrants, it would find the small amount of money needed for the local officer training.
So to me this is simply a case of federal politicians and bureaucrats looking at a sensible but controversial proposal to address the worst aspect of illegal immigration and then ripping the guts out of it.
Because they lack any guts of their own.

Amen. Our one beef is that Dillow doesn’t name the woman at the top who is to blame–The ICE Princess. She held the reigns on this one. And dropped them.
And as the Greeks say, “The fish rots from the head down.”

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October 30, 2006, - 1:41 pm

From Our U.S. Soldier Buds: Fun Iraq Photo of the Day

We received this fun photo from soldiers serving in Iraq. The photo features an up-armored HUMVEE with a Browning .50-cal machine gun turret. This is a convoy escort vehicle.

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October 30, 2006, - 12:59 pm

Time For Him to Go: Chris Shays’ Pan-Islamist Cover Up

Connecticut RINO (Republican In Name Only) Congressman Christopher Shays is one of those Republicans you’d never know was a GOP’er without the R after his name. He votes with the Democrats often and has been a thorn in the side of conservatives.
He’s one of those guys who votes against the President and against common sense and decency so often, you’d hardly miss him if he was replaced by a Democrat. Given a choice between a fake liberal and the real thing, you generally go for the real thing. That’s why Chris Shays may lose his seat in November and is locked in the toughest, tightest race of his career against Democrat Diane Farrell.
When it comes to extremist Islam, Shays is also on the wrong side. He went on a trip to the Middle East paid for by the Islamist government of Qatar and conveniently forgot to mention it in required public filings of federal financial disclosure forms, in violation of House rules. When he got caught by The New Republic, he lied about the sponsor of the event, the Islamist Emir of Qatar.

So why was Shays so evasive about his trip to Qatar?
Well, it might have something to do with the fact that the trip was ostensibly paid for by the Islamic Free Market Institute. (Quick, can you name an Islamic Free Market? Me, neither–unless you count Muslims in Israel. The name of the group is an oxymoron.)
The Islamic Institute, as it is known for short, is supposed to be the Republican outreach group to Muslims. But it’s really the extremist, pro-caliphate arm of Islamofascist influence on the Bush White House, founded by . We’ve heard about these extremist anti-Israel trips Grover organizes to Qatar in the name of phony “free trade” (there isn’t any in Qatar). We’ve even heard reports of Congressmen going on the trip and getting bricks of cash. And we’ve read how Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) went on one of these trips and praised the Taliban.
If I were running for re-election in the race of my life, I wouldn’t want anyone to know about that trip either. Especially since, in the wake of the Abramoff scandal, Shays still had the gall to take the trip. And especially since it was funded by extremists who support HAMAS, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc.
If I were Diane Farrell, I’d be all over this like white on rice. And if I were a voter in Shays’ Congressional district, this is one of those rare times I’d probably vote for the Democrat. Like I said, I’d rather have a real liberal, then one who pretends he isn’t one and takes money from extremists who want to Islamicize America.
Read the entire New Republic article. Very enlightening.
Best part of the article–Shays’ laughable claim that Qatar, an Islamist monarchy without free elections, is just like Connecticut:

“This nation, like my small state, has always played a large role in advancing participatory democracy, civil discourse, and stable commerce.”

Gee, where’s Connecticut’s Al-Jazeera? Have they into Connecticut? Can’t wait to see his opponent’s campaign commercial on this.

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October 30, 2006, - 11:30 am

News of The Title IX Weird: Why We Don’t Like Women in Football

Holley Mangold is the 16-year-old sister of New York Jets starting center, Nick Mangold.
She, too, is a lineman, playing football with the guys. No lie. At 5’9″, she weighs 310 pounds. A back-up offensive lineman–er, linewoman?–she plays on the men’s football team at Ohio’s Archbishop Alter High School. There are only two male players her size or bigger on the team.
I have mixed feelings about this, but am generally against women competing in men’s sports involving physical contact. On the one hand, she’s a big girl and will never be a supermodel (or even a cheerleader). She definitely has the size to play high school football as a lineman. It’s admirable that she’s not insisting that the school create a women’s football team or that the requirements and standards are lowered to allow her to compete with the guys. The evidence is that she’s pretty tough.

5’9″, 310 lbs. Offensive Lineman Holley Mangold

Her coach told the New York Times:

“She’s an in-your-face, knock-you-on-your-tail offensive lineman.”

But is it in the best interest of men or women to have this “in-your-face, knock-you-on-your-tail” girl playing on the high school football team? What do guys say or do when they are tackled by her and sacked to the ground? They then become the embarrassment of all embarrassments, whether or not they play for her team or the opposing school. They become the player beaten up by a girl. Is her self-esteem so important that they get to be emasculated emotionally? Then, there’s the contact issue. What of it? How is it addressed? Can male players get disciplined for molestation because they hit her in the wrong place on the field?
Holley Mangold says,

“I like to hit people.”

All fair and good. But what happens when Mangold wants to “hit people” in college and try out for the pros? The two most prominent women college football players–both kickers–ended up in scandals, with one suing her team (Duke) because she couldn’t kick on par, and the other claiming her Colorado teammates raped her. Imagine what will happen with a female linemen?
This isn’t one of those “Homecoming Quarterback Princess” TV movies of the week. In real life, women really can’t handle playing in a men’s sport. It puts everyone in an awkward position. And creates problems for everyone–men and women–involved, all in the name of women’s lib.
We’ll be watching Holley Mangold to see what happens in her case.

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October 30, 2006, - 10:29 am

Kidnapped Translator Violated Rules, Taken by Group U.S. Should Have Crushed

The missing U.S. soldier, serving as a translator, has been identified. Ahmed Qais Al-Taayie a/k/a Ahmed Qusai Al-Taei a/k/a Ahmed Kousay Altaie’s story raises several questions.
Al-Taayie was kidnapped at the home of his wife’s family. According to the family, he married their daughter, an Iraqi native, three months ago, in violation of U.S. military regulations, which, according to AP,

forbid soldiers from marrying citizens of a country where American forces are engaged in combat.

He would not be the first American soldier that has done this. Not long after the invasion of Iraq, two Florida-based American soldiers converted to Islam to marry Iraqi women they met there. Both were disciplined and released from the military. Will the same fate await Al-Taayie, if he’s ever found alive?

Army Translator Ahmed Qusai al-Taei & New Wife Israa Abdul-Satar

Don’t count on it. The Muslim, whose family lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, previously worked at Detroit Metro Airport as an airplane maintenance worker. His family there is lying, saying he married the woman 2 years ago, before serving in the military, according to the Detroit Newsistan. But his honeymoon photos from Cairo, Egypt are dated August 14th–this August 14th, AP reports.
As we all know, there are a separate set of rules in our country, our military, etc., depending on who you are and whether you are a member of the “Religion of Peace.” Remember U.S. Marine Wassef Ali Hassoun, a Lebanese Muslim who faked his kidnapping and drove to Lebanon? He remains MIA, because he was given two leaves–even after his outrageous conduct in Iraq. He is now on the NCIS Most Wanted List, charged with desertion and larceny. (Thanks to Diggers Realm re-the NCIS list.)
Then, there is the question regarding the power of his kidnappers. That’s our fault. According to the New York Times, Al-Taayie was kidnapped by Abu Rami, a local commander of the Mahdi Army. The Mahdi Army, a Shi’ite terrorist group headed by Muqtada Al-Sadr, is in existence, today, because we neither crushed Al-Sadr or his followers. We had a warrant for Al-Sadr’s arrest for several murders of peaceful, rival Shia imams and their followers. But in our attempt to “make peace” with Al-Sadr, we didn’t act on them and arrest him. And why are we allowing Abu Rami to live in the former Iraqi Ministry of Defense building (as reported by the New York Times)?
So much for justice in Iraq. If we don’t exercise our might and get tough–as we haven’t done–these kidnappings of our men will continue. And not just by Sunni Al-Qaeda insurgent terrorists. But by Shia ones, as in this case.

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October 27, 2006, - 5:01 pm

HOprah Watch: Bill O’Reilly Sucks Up Just a Little Much

Today, on Oprah, Bill O’Reilly was the guest, promoting his book, “Culture Warrior.” But his brown-nosing of Oprah was just a tad absurd.
O’Reilly told HOprah that she’s a traditionalist. Huh? If she’s a traditionalist, who isn’t? She’s at the very center of secular progressivism, and is its chief media promoter. Her show pushes radicalism and the wrong side of the culture war, every single week day.
Bill, stop sucking up. Oprah Winfrey has traditional values on nothing. Unless you count her passion for promoting traditional, extremist Islam. As for everything else, anything goes with her. Anything but traditionalism.
She’s as much of a traditionalist as Rosie O’Donnell. The only difference between the two of them is that Rosie is gay. Oh, wait, there is no difference.

(Islamofascist Oprah by Preston Taylor Holmes/Six Meat Buffet)

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October 27, 2006, - 2:44 pm

Serious Questions on Bush Judicial Nominees–Gay Marriage & Porn Addiction

Why did President Bush nominate liberal Democrat Janet Neff and squishy pseudo-Republican –both from Michigan–to the federal bench?
Neff attended a lesbian marriage in Massachusetts in 2002 and, therefore, lent her sanction to it. Is this the “compassionate conservative” version of Bush family values? And Murphy was known by colleagues in the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Eastern District of Michigan for . We don’t know whether the alleged images were underage or not. Regardless, in the age of the Mark Foley scandal, is this the kind of temperament Bush should have nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals? (And that’s aside from Murphy’s tight ties to terror supporters.)
Judicial nominees and the Federal bench are one of President Bush’s last excuses as to why he and Senate Republicans are worthy of our votes. But even here, it’s proof that Bush doesn’t nominate the kind of people he claims he will.

Bush Judicial Nominees Janet Neff & Stephen Murphy III Should be Pulled

Fortunately, Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) put a hold on Neff’s nomination. But where’s his hold on Abu Porno’s (Murphy’s) nomination? What’s good for the goose . . . .
Withdraw these nominees, Mr. President.

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October 27, 2006, - 1:52 pm

Dumb Lawsuit of the Week: Dumped NFL Groupie Sues

Will athlete groupies ever learn? Apparently not, judging from Gina Ballard’s absurd lawsuit against Detroit Lion Damien Woody.
It’s the story of “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and her lawyer.” This woman, who apparently gets around (she has an out of wedlock kid with someone else and dumped him for Woody), allowed herself to be treated like a groupie, chewed up and spit out. And now she wants $250,000 plus for it. Ballard, a Woody paramour, is suing him in a Detroit area court because Woody

broke up her engagement with another man and then wooed her into moving in with him with the promises of marriage, lifelong security and her own business. . . . After a few months of promising that he would divorce his wife and marry Ballard, Woody allegedly backed out on all of his original promises, she claims.

Damien Woody: Married Detroit Lion Sued by Groupie Dumpee

Ballard, 35, seeks more than $250,000 in damages that she believes she is owed by Woody, an All-Pro NFL offensive lineman who was a member of two Super Bowl New England Patriots teams in 2002 and 2004 before signing with the Lions in 2004. . . .
Ballard alleges when she met Woody in September 2005, she was employed and engaged to another man with whom she had a child. Ballard said Woody deliberately interfered with that relationship, causing her fiance to break off the engagement and fire her from her job.
The lawsuit alleges Woody then began dating Ballard and set up a home for her in Birmingham and promised to marry her, providing she move in, manage the home and assist him on his out-of-town trips. Woody allegedly offered to pay all her expenses and also purchase a business for her for $250,000.
Ballard claims she helped Woody prepare for the football season, traveled with him and agreed to have “extensive cosmetic and dental surgery.”

Question: How does a bimbo help an NFL player “prepare for the football season”? That is, other than maybe serving as the tackle dummy.
Woody, an offensive linemen, may be a scoundrel and a womanizer. Sounds like he’s both. But deserving of a law suit because yet another gullible groupie whored herself out to yet another spoiled NFL player (him)? Hardly (though, we would imagine his wife–if she has any self-respect–is shopping for a good divorce lawyer).
Frivolous lawsuits like this are why the court system is clogged endlessly. Don’t sue over being dumb and gullible after drooling over a pro athlete. FYI, Michigan does not have palimony, so it’s hard to see how she’s entitled to a penny.

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October 27, 2006, - 12:58 pm

“Men-streaming”: World Bank’s Attack on Men

Today’s Wall Street Journal, “Washington Wire” column has this very interesting item:

EQUAL TIME: New World Bank book says gender-equality advocates focus too much on women, not enough on men. The authors’ mantra: “men-streaming.”

Well, it’s about time. Hard to believe this common sense is coming from such a lefty, internationalist institution as the World Bank. According to a World Bank press release, the book, “The Other Half of Gender: Men’s Issues in Development,” says

Accomplishing the goal of gender equality will be difficult, if not impossible, without considering men in the gender and development debate and focusing on the relations between men and women. . . . Rather, women’s well-being can generally not improve without including men because it concerns relationships between men and women, and these relations are subject of constant negotiations.

World Bank: Dissing the World’s Men & Their “Hegemonic” Masculinity

Amen to that. But wait, it’s all a ploy. In fact, this book is not about men’s rights at all. It’s an attempt to change their “hegemonic masculinity.”

The book points out that while there are many ways of being a man, some ways are more valued than others across societies and cultures. Men feel social pressure to conform to the traditional ideals–hegemonic masculinity–of manhood.

Hegemonic masculinity? Puh-leeze. That’s just another way of dissing men and trying to say that they should be feminized. Nice try, World Bank, but you can’t change mother nature.
Listen to this gobbledy-gook and you’ll think you just rode a one-way ticket to Psychobabble-onia:

“With respect to men, this requires understanding masculinities–what it takes to become an adult man and the different ways of constructing a sense of male identity.”

Huh? That’s a quote from Ian Bannon, World Manager of the Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction Unit and co-editor of the book, in the World Bank press release. Well, no wonder the World Bank never solved any problems. If the men there are anything like Bannon, they’ve checked their testicles at the door.
Apparently, this silly book blames the Rwanda Genocide on men and masculinity:

“Gender is also about the way social structures and authority give men power over other men, resulting in their marginalization, discrimination, and subordination,” said Maria Correia, Manager, Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration in Africa, World Bank [DS: and a co-editor of this silly book].

There you have it. The World Bank is the World Anti-“Hegemonic” Male Bank. Filled with bozo “philosophers.”

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October 27, 2006, - 11:53 am

On the Edge of Hamtrackstan, a Sad Sign of the Times

The Detroit Catholic Church, Our Lady Help of Christians Church, will close after 83 years. Sadly, after celebrating its final Mass on Sunday, it will become a mosque.
The Archdiocese of Detroit sold it to the Islamic Center of North Detroit. Bangladeshi Muslims will now pray to Allah, there. While the church is in Detroit, it’s on the border of Michigan’s second or third caliphate, Hamtramckstan. The dhimmization (or, dhimmification–take your pick) of America continues.
Maybe they can call it, “Our Lady of Halalish Uncovered Meat.”
(Interesting that the Detroit Newsistan lists this story as a “lifestyle” story. Their lifestyle over ours.)
Sad Sign of the Times: From This to This . . .

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