October 30, 2006, - 1:55 pm
Hey, Julie, Where’s the $$$?: ICE Emasculates Important Local Police Program v. Aliens
In January, we wrote about . Of Arab descent, he bravely staked his political career on having his city become the first in the nation whose local police force would enforce federal immigration laws.
Mansoor, who was threatened with a recall by illegal alien advocates, worked out a deal with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to train Costa Mesa’s police force to check immigration status of those suspected of crimes and gang activity. They would work with ICE and help ICE do its job.
But apparently, ICE chief-atrix a/k/a The ICE Princess needs ICE’s money and resources for more important things–like a & a week-long –than having police in California help stem the tidal wave of illegal aliens in America.
The program has now been scaled down by The ICE Princess and her minions. What was supposed to be training for 200 Costa Mesa police will now be perfunctory PC “cultural sensitivity” training and a few other things for 15 officers.
From Orange County Register columnist Gordon Dillow’s piece on this tragedy:
Just six months ago the feds seemed to be onboard. Immigration officials told me then that federal-local cooperation on immigration enforcement was a “tool to protect communities.”
But now it appears that the feds have chickened out.
In the draft agreement with the Sheriff’s Department, the feds agreed to train only 15 deputies who work in the jails, not 200 deputies who work serious criminal cases on the streets.
The feds apparently claim they lack the money and personnel to train more, while a sheriff’s spokesman said the feds were “more comfortable” with the smaller number and with limiting it to the jails – which means they’ll also probably be “more comfortable” with similar cutbacks in the Costa Mesa proposal.
But let’s face it: If the federal government really wanted to combat crimes by illegal immigrants, it would find the small amount of money needed for the local officer training.
So to me this is simply a case of federal politicians and bureaucrats looking at a sensible but controversial proposal to address the worst aspect of illegal immigration and then ripping the guts out of it.
Because they lack any guts of their own.
Amen. Our one beef is that Dillow doesn’t name the woman at the top who is to blame–The ICE Princess. She held the reigns on this one. And dropped them.
And as the Greeks say, “The fish rots from the head down.”
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Tags: Allan Mansoor, Allan Mansoor Does His Job, America, California, Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa police, Costa Mesa's police, Debbie Schlussel, federal government, Gordon Dillow, Julie L. Myers, Kansas City, local officer, Mayor, Orange County Register columnist, Princess, sheriff, Sheriff's Department, spokesman, Tommy Lasorda, USD