November 7, 2006, - 2:46 pm

RE-PREZ: So, Daniel Ortega is Back . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
Don’t say I didn’t warn you (this year AND last year).
Blame El Presidente Bush (and El Clueless Chica Condi) for doing nothing to stop the re-emergence of El Presidente Ortega. A remake we didn’t need.


The Radical Chic Captain & Tenille:

“Love, Love Will Keep Us Together; Think of Me, Babe, Whenever…”

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November 7, 2006, - 1:55 pm

Jimmy Hoffa’s Revenge?: Incompetent FBI Islamo-Panderer Gets Promoted

By Debbie Schlussel
Michigan FBI Special Agent in Charge Daniel D. Roberts has the right stuff. He’s got everything it takes to make it to the top of the FBI:
* Wastes significant taxpayer funds . . . CHECK! (Wasted two weeks and about $2 million in U.S. taxpayer resources on digging up the non-existent Jimmy Hoffa body);
* Panders to Islamofascists and terrorism supporters . . . CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK!
* Works Bankers’ Hours . . . CHECK! (in the Heart of Islamic America and amidst the War on Terror, we see him at the gym, like clockwork, at around six, when it takes about an hour to get from his offices).


Because he has all these valuable Famous But Incompetent supervisory qualities, the FBI is promoting Daniel Roberts to FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the agency’s entire criminal division. This was reported in today’s Detroit Newsistan by his good friend, fabricator David Shepardson.
In most companies, a stunt like the fruitless Hoffa dig would mean he’d be out of a job. But at the Bureau, making your agency the laughing stock means you’re a star.
Well, at least, it will take him and his terrorist-pandering ways out of the terror-“fighting” biz. And that can only be a good thing. On the other hand, he stood by as his agent and good friend, John Ouellet, ignored Islamic death threats I received. Roberts’ new job involves overseeing “civil rights violations” investigations by the FBI. That means the agency’s policy of Muslims’ being the primary victims worthy of law enforcement will continue in force.
So, is this Jimmy Hoffa’s revenge on America, that a guy–who wastes our time and money, not on terrorism, but on digging up Hoffa’s non-existent body and paying a farm for new barn after the fact–has now gotten a major promotion in the Bureau?
Who knows? But one thing is certain. Despite all the hype, the FBI rewards empire builders, not crime and terror fighters. If you’re a true hero, like courageous Special Agent Harry Samit (see also, here), fuhgeddaboutit. You’re treated like crap by the incompetent supervisors that line the agency all the way to the top.
Bonus: Roberts appears never to blink, and he reminds us of a younger version of Dr. Zachary Smith from “Lost in Space.”

Even Paranoid Dr. Smith Would Be Better Running FBI Criminal Division


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November 7, 2006, - 1:33 pm

Strange as a $2 Bill: What do Strippers & Illegal Aliens Have in Common?

By Debbie Schlussel
They both like $2 bills. And since there are so many–way too many!–aliens (and strippers) in our country, Reuters reports on how they’ve fueled resurgence of the forever-dissed Thomas Jefferson double buck. (Aliens from Canada & Europe like them.)
It figures that foreigners and aliens would like yet another American joke . . . like Jerry Lewis, Woody Allen, and crybaby David Hasselhoff.


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November 7, 2006, - 12:57 pm

Studies: On Election Day, Men Smart, Women Stupid

By Debbie Schlussel
You’ve heard of the gender gap, the much-proven theory that women tend to be liberal and men tend to be conservative, women tend to vote Democratic and men tend to vote Republican.
Well, there’s also the stupid factor. Study after study consistently shows that men know way more than women about the issues and who takes which positions on them. Even on so-called “women’s issues,” like healthcare and education. Yup, women voters are dumb. We didn’t say it. The studies did . . . studies conducted by . . . women.


From my September 29, 2005 column, “Commanderatrix in Chief: Desperate Housewives Pick a Prez“:

Every presidential election year, Harvard’s Shorenstein Center conducts 26 polls. Each time, the school finds that women didn’t quite know what was going on. Men, on the other hand, were more likely, during the preceding day, to have thought about the elections, talked about it, and read or heard about it on the news.
The University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center does a similar set of polls and studies each presidential election year, conducted by two women professors. The results of these studies are even more disturbing. Out of 25 questions on policy issues, women lag behind the men on most of them. In 2000, women lagged behind men in knowledge of all policy issues but one (on which they were equal).
The men knew more about the Presidential candidates’ positions on taxes, weapons treaties, gun control, and even “traditional women’s issues”–healthcare, education, and abortion.
Sorry, but I don’t want “Thelma and Louise,” Star Jones, and the women of “Desperate Housewives” picking my President. Keep them out of the ballot box and busy whining, crying, and obsessing over a broken nail and the handsome plumber next door, instead.
The women voters in these surveys bested the men on one issue: They knew what Oprah wore on the previous day’s episode. Just kidding. But it’s a safe bet.

Yes, there are exceptions . . . like yours truly and our my many sagacious and street-wise readers of both sexes. But we’re talking general trends. And the trend is: Women voters = Ignorant voters. Gee, no wonder the Dems get their votes so much more easily.

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November 7, 2006, - 12:39 pm

Glug, Glug, Ahhh: In Philly, No More Voting in . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
Bars and Candidate’s Houses. Yes, both were polling places until now. Hard to believe it was allowed for this long.
Attention, Casey voters: Please proceed to your nearest bar.


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November 7, 2006, - 11:40 am

Turnout in My Detroit-Area Suburb

By Debbie Schlussel
I voted just after 11:00 a.m. at my suburban Detroit area precinct. There are several precincts at my polling place, and I’VE NEVER SEEN IT THIS CROWDED!
Turnout is VERY high. When I left just after 11:00 a.m., they’d handed out 179 ballots in my precinct. On Election Day 2004, a Presidential Election, only 133 people voted in my precinct the entire day. If turnout is like this all over the Detroit area, that is NOT good for Republicans or Proposal Two. If you have not voted yet, PLEASE VOTE FOR PROPOSAL TWO. It will be close!


My city is a majority Black city (they tend to vote overwhelmingly Democratic in this city), with pockets of Orthodox Jews who mostly vote Republican. Most of the turnout I saw were Black voters. I heard some of them say that “so much is at stake in this election.” I believe they are referring to Proposal 2, which will end so-called affirmative action racism, sexism, and bigotry in public contracting, hiring, promotions, and college admissions.
The Michigan Republican Party and its candidates made a mistake by not endorsing Proposal 2. Voters for Prop 2 are predisposed to the conservative philosophy. But they were shunned by the GOP. On the other hand, the Michigan Dems and trial lawyers used Prop 2 to mobilize their voters to the polls. They were smart; the GOP dumb.
Whenever the GOP tries to out-liberal the liberals, they always get burned. Big-time. Watch for that in Michigan, where I predict Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm will be re-elected, as will Dem U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. The GOP blew it. Ironically, one of the few GOP statewide officials who will get re-elected by a landslide is Attorney General Mike Cox. He is the only statewide GOP elected official to endorse Proposal 2 (which I predict will also pass–with your votes).
Is there a correlation? Time for the Republicans to put two and two together.
Remember, VOTE YES ON PROPOSAL TWO. Do NOT vote for liberal trial lawyer Marc Shulman for Supreme Court.

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November 6, 2006, - 6:37 pm

Terror Plot?: Why Did Two Indians (Muslims?) Break Into Heinz Field? Explosive Residue Found

By Debbie Schlussel
Why did Carnegie Mellon University students, Sudeep Paul, 21, of Woodbury, New York (check out his homepage and resume), and Anand Shankar Durvasula, 20, of Morgan Hill, California, break into Heinz Field in the middle of the night? And why did their Lexus SUV test positive for explosive residue, twice?
They were arrested at 2:00 a.m., this morning. The students, both of Indian descent, may be Muslims. Heinz Field is where the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers play home games. The two claimed that they were there to shoot a music video. But why would they break into an NFL stadium to shoot a video. What would they need the video for? And, again, why did they have explosive residue in their SUV?


Heinz Field Terror Suspects Sudeep Paul and Anand Shankar Durvasula

Even the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force–which is investigating–and the judge know something is up. Bond was set at $1 million dollar straight bond, each. That means the entire amount must be paid for them to get out. (That’s high. But holding them without bond would have been more appropriate.)
Something is up. And it ain’t a music video shoot.
Thanks to reader David H. for the tip.

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November 6, 2006, - 5:46 pm

Endorsements: If You Vote in Michigan, Remember . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
Vote YES on Proposal 2End Reverse Racism/Sexism/Bigotry, NOW.
Do NOT Vote for Marc Shulman for Supreme Court–He may have the “Republican” label after his name. But he’s a Pro-Choice, Failed Trial Lawyer Who Took Money from and Propaganda Trips with Extremist Muslims. He also took hundreds of thousands of dollars from far-left trial lawyers, including the Michigan Trial Lawyers Association and the “largest plaintiffs’ law firm” in Michigan, Sommers Schwartz, P.C. He also did cases together with Geoffrey Fieger. Complete scoop on Shulman here and here. DON’T VOTE FOR HIM.
Read the info on Republicans Dick DeVos (candidate for Michigan Governor) & Mike Bouchard (candidate for U.S. Senate/Michigan) and their close ties with extremist Muslim groups. Not good. Ditto for Bouchard’s entanglement with drug/pimp culture charlatan, Kid Rock.

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November 6, 2006, - 4:15 pm

End Reverse Racism/Sexism Now: VOTE YES on Michigan Proposal 2

By Debbie Schlussel
I am proud that I have acted as the General Counsel and advisor to the Michigan Civil Rights Inititiative, which will end race, gender, and ethnic preferences in state hiring, promotions, and college admissions. I am proud to be associated with the sagacious Ward Connerly and the bright, courageous campaign manager, Jennifer Gratz, who was a plaintiff in the Supreme Court case against the University of Michigan’s affirmative action policy.
It’s time to end preferences in Michigan. It’s time to end the racism, sexism, and bigotry that comes with preferring Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, women, Muslims and Arabs over the rest of us. Yes, that’s right. In Michigan–and even at federal government levels–Arabs and Muslims get preferences in hiring, promotions, and admissions. That’s why Muslim and Arab groups in Michigan have joined other minority and left-wing groups in trying to stop the end to their gravy train.


If kids of gazillionaires like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, and Denzel Washington sent their kids (if Oprah had any) to college, they’d get preference over more qualified Whites in getting into the University of Michigan. Kids of Oprah and Denzel would be considered underprivileged, whereas working class White kids whose parents are maids and welders would be considered the privileged majority.
Then, there’s the issue of women being admitted in huge numbers over men to universities nationwide, to the point that they–men–are now in the ever-shrinking minority. We see the results in the rest of the public workplace–where, for example, in ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), well-qualified men are repeatedly passed over in favor of unqualified women, and the job conditions are relaxed to accommodate those women.
That’s not fair, and it’s not right. It’s time for everyone to truly be judged on their merits and the content of their character, not the color of their skin, the way their internal plumbing works, or whether their ancestors ate burritos or aged, smoked whale.
End the unfairness now. VOTE YES on 2!
It’s a measure of the desperation and lack of merit for those who oppose Proposal 2 that they make the ABSURD claim in an ad that ending race/ethnic/gender preferences would be like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.
They’re on crack. And they’re going to lose. No wonder they call themselves BAMN–By Any Means Necessary.

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November 6, 2006, - 2:52 pm

Desperate But Not Serious: Numbers Show Justice Won’t Prosecute Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel
War on Terror? Sounds like there really isn’t one, judging from the ludicrously low numbers of terrorism cases developed by the FBI that are not pursued for prosecution by the Justice Department.
The Justice Department rejected 87% of international terrorism cases referred to it by the FBI during the first nine months of Fiscal Year 2006, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).
TRAC found that the number of terrorism case rejections by DOJ decreased almost ever year since 9/11. In Fiscal Year 2002, there were 118 defendants prosecuted in international terrorism cases, but with most of Fiscal 2006 over, there have been only 19 such defendants prosecuted. It is abysmal:




Referred for Prosecution-Not Prosecuted-Prosecution Filed-Convicted

All Terrorism———–6,472—3,171———-2,179————-1,348
Terror Financing——–1,078—–571————176—————-98
Identity Theft————801—–301————336—————185
OCDETF Drugs—————55——19————-30—————-14
Non-OCTETF Drugs———–61——33————-21—————–9
Violent Crimes————148——98————-36—————-24
All Other Terror——–1,294—–525————564—————322

So much for saying terrorism is a national security problem, not a crime problem–and worrying about the way terrorists use courts assert technicalities and Constitutional rights they shouldn’t have. It seems very few of them ever see a court, or any other type of justice.
After the 9/11 attacks, both the FBI and the Department of Justice announced that they would focus their mission on investigating and prosecuting terrorism cases. But what use is that, if the Justice Department refuses to pursue solid FBI investigations to their logical conclusion?
One other thing: The data shows that in the Eastern District of Michigan, the HEART of Islamic America (and terrorist America), U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno” has an abysmal record of pursuing and convicting terrorism (the worst of any U.S. District handling terror cases). He and his office are a JOKE!:


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