November 8, 2006, - 4:57 pm

Schlussel Endorsements Help Decide Michigan Elections

By Debbie Schlussel
We can’t take credit for the huge victory that the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, Proposal Two, garnered. Though we endorsed it, the huge victory was all due to the hard work of Jennifer Gratz, Ward Connerly, and Doug Tietz–three wonderful, brilliant people with whom I’m proud to have the honor of having worked.
But we can take credit for the huge loss of Republican Michigan Supreme Court Candidate Marc Shulman. In a hugely embarrassing loss, Shulman barely beat the Libertarian nominee, Kerry Morgan (for whom we proudly voted). In Tuesday’s election, Shulman got the lowest vote total–BY FAR–of any statewide Republican candidate in Michigan.
We take credit because, since Shulman’s nomination, this site garnered hundreds and hundreds of hits from concerned Michigan voters looking for information on this phony Republican shill for trial lawyers and Islamists.
They got that info here, and he was trounced, big-time. Buh-bye, Marc.
Final results from the Detroit Newsistan:
Supreme Court
Cavanagh, Michael (i) 1,981,259 39.77
Corrigan, Maura (i) 1,687,850 33.88
Beckering, Jane 560,475 11.25
Shulman, Marc 384,794 7.72
Morgan, Kerry 367,094 7.37
**** UPDATE, 11/09/06: Shulman, who was recruited to run by failed Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis despite Anuzis’ knowledge of Shulman’s trial lawyer history, was not expected to win (he ran hoping the Republicans will nominate him to another judgeship, which, thankfully, will now not happen). But he was not expected to lose this big.
Ironically, Anuzis claims that he did a good job in getting Republicans elected, Tuesday, and is running for re-election as Michigan GOP Chairman. That’s hilarious, considering he lost the Michigan House, several statewide incumbents on virtually all of the University Regents Boards and the Michigan Board of Education, and lost the Governor’s race to an incumbent Democrat in what is Michigan’s worst economy in decades.
Couple all of that with the fact that he openly opposed the most winning item on the ballot, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, Proposal 2. If he’d openly endorsed it along with his party, I guarantee things would be a different story in Michigan. But he didn’t do the right thing, and he lost the state to the Dems, big-time. Time for him to lose, too.
If Anuzis is re-elected, it will tell us that Michigan Republicans are really not interested in winning.

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November 8, 2006, - 4:42 pm

Enemies Celebrate: Arab Muslim World Happy GOP Lost

By Debbie Schlussel
So those who hate us, who celebrate Islamic terrorism, are happy the Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, yesterday. (See here, also.) That should tell you something.
Especially since we only recall one other time in recent American history when our Islamist enemies throughout the world were this happy . . .


Palestinian Muslim Beauty in Ramallah Celebrates 9/11 Attacks

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November 8, 2006, - 4:02 pm

President Bush Clueless on Immigration/Election Loss Correlation

By Debbie Schlussel
Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that national exit polls say that among Americans who voted “based on issues voters called ‘extremely important,'” those who voted on the immigration issue, voted 45% Republican and 54% Democrat. That should tell the President something. Those who vote based on immigration are overwhelmingly those who want to end our lax immigration enforcement, to end the hemmorhaging of illegals into our nation.
And they don’t think Bush and the Republicans are getting it done. But apparently, Bush still doesn’t get it. He’s still pushing away for his unpopular amnesty program. Time for him to wake up. He will never have to worry about being out of a job because an illegal alien took his job at a meat-packing plant or drove the wages down below livable levels. He will never have to worry about an illegal alien breaking through his Secret Service detail to commit a crime against him or his family.


So, what does he do? The exact opposite of what he should. He’s pushing for illegal alien amnesty.
During his press conference this afternoon, President Bush stressed that Michael Chertoff has “ended catch and release.” But even Chertoff doesn’t claim that. He claims that he ended catch and release of Mexicans only, on the Southern border only. And even that is a lie.
But Bush was doing that in order to push forth his illegal alien amnesty that is now very likely with the Pelosi’ites in power and the RINO Senate there to rubber stamp it.
Sources at Citizenship & Immigration Services tell us the gearing up for Amnesty has begun.
Wake up, el Presidente Bush!

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November 8, 2006, - 1:10 pm

HAMAS Emboldened by Pelosi Dems?: Urges Attacks on “American Targets”

By Debbie Schlussel
Did Nancy Pelosi and the Dems’ takeover of the U.S. House embolden HAMAS? It appears that my be the case.
For those who forgot about 9/11, perhaps the latest urgings by HAMAS’ military wing might wake you up. Today, HAMAS called for Muslims around the world to attack Americans. And guess what? Neither CAIR, ADC, ISNA, nor any of the other Islamic groups that represent American Muslims is denouncing the comments or distancing itself from these comments. Why not? Do they support HAMAS’ urging of Muslim attacks on Americans?


Sure seems like it. So, why now? Well, Israel went after terrorist murderers just as we would do, and hundreds of hijab-encrusted women in Beit HaNoun protected the terrorists as human shields. In the commotion, a couple of the Palestinian women and several other terrorist accomplices became the martyrs they’d fantasized about becoming. That’s the breaks.
For this, Americans deserve to be murdered by Muslims? Well, actually not. Americans deserve to be murdered by Muslims for being non-Muslim American Infidels. This latest set of events is just yet another phony excuse for the same old, same old.
More from AP:

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (Nov. 8) – Hamas’ military wing called Wednesday on Muslims around the world to attack American targets. . . .
“America is offering political, financial and logistic cover for the Zionist occupation crimes, and it is responsible for the Beit Hanoun massacre. Therefore, the people and the nation all over the globe are required to teach the American enemy tough lessons,” Hamas’ military wing said in a statement sent to The Associated Press.

Interesting timing. Nancy Pelosi’s impending Speakership in the U.S. House has apparently emboldened America’s and Israel’s enemies. Timing is everything.
They know that a steeled America is tougher and better than a soft America in lipstick and pearls. Apparently, that’s why they’re so happy and brave now that she’s in.

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November 8, 2006, - 8:25 am


By Debbie Schlussel
Open Hezbollah supporter and extremist Muslim, David Turfe, was unfortunately elected Michigan District Court Judge in Dearborn Heights’ 20th District. (Dearborn Heights is home to North America’s second largest mosque, headed by the former spiritual leader of Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian Navy, Imam Mohammed Elahi–a domestic agent of Iran & Hezbollah.)
Remember the Hezbollah rally I attended at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center a/k/a the Hezbollah Social Club, at the height of the war between Hezbollah and Israel–where speakers made a plethora of anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian speeches? Turfe was there campaigning, and openly supporting and cheering all of those statements. Not surprisingly, the Pro-Hezbollah/pro-HAMAS, Islamist Arab American PAC, which denies Israel’s right to exist, endorsed Turfe. (AAPAC’s then-Secretary Lola Elzein sent me and my family death, torture, and rape threats, coupled with Holocaust denial.)

Michigan Judge-Elect David Turfe Supports Hezbollah

And his father, Mohammed Turfe, was one of the speakers uttering those statements. From my July 26, 2006 column, “Hezbollah U.S.A, Part III: My Date at Dearbornistan’s Hezbollah Social Club“:

Haj Mohammed Turfe (AP incorrectly called him Mohammed “Torfah”), Founding Chairman of the Bint Jebail Cultural Center, gleefully and repeatedly spoke of how “only a few thousand Jews will survive Armageddon.” This mantra, repeated often throughout the event, got raucous, deafening applause and cheers. Well, for once–I thought–extremist Muslims have respect for Christianity. . . when they can twist it to suit their fascist hopes and dreams.

The 20th District of Michigan is now apparently Hezbollah-occupied territory. And, apparently, many non-English speaking Muslims voted for Turfe, only Turfe, on the ballot Were they all legal U.S. citizens? Don’t count on it. From our spy in Dearbornistan Heights:

The city had a large turn out. From what was witnessed…many many FOREIGNERS….couldn’t even speak English. Lots of young people…headscarves & all.
From what was observed, many ballots were marked off with 1 vote….for Turfe. Just goes to show how much they care about all the other issues. They have an agenda & we are losing a damn fighting battle !!!! Sad part is…We still outnumber them here…so far.

Final results from the Detroit Free Press:
100% of precincts reporting
David Turfe 8,524 51%
Donald Rivard 8,138 49%
Justice Mid-West style, Meet Justice Mid-East style.

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November 7, 2006, - 11:49 pm

Take That!: MCRI/Proposal TWO Passes; Prediction Comes True; Buh-Bye, Affirmative Action

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE, 11/08/06, 7:32 a.m.: Proposal TWO/MCRI blew away the opposition, 3-2, 20 point margin. Latest numbers from the Detroit Free Press:

With 73 percent of precincts reporting, 59%, or 1,491,457 people, voted yes on Proposal 2 and 41%, or 1,052,209 voters, opposed it

. ****
Just as I predicted earlier today, MCRI–the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative/Proposal TWO of which I’m General Counsel–PASSED!!!! And it passed by LARGE NUMBERS/a HUGE MARGIN, so far! Most Detroit TV stations are calling it. Buh-bye, affirmative action.
Take that liberal extremists! TRUE Equality is back in Michigan. But this is only the beginning. Let the lawsuits begin.
My friends, Jen Gratz, Ward Connerly, and Doug Tietz did a great job on this campaign, despite all the odds against us and spending at 3-10 times as much by the opposition to true equal rights. I am proud to have worked with all three of them on this. Great minds all.


As I said, here come the lawsuits. They tried to keep us off the ballot. They failed. They sued us in Federal Court. They failed. They tried to defeat us at the ballot box. They failed. Soon, they will try to defeat the voters of Michigan and their clear choice with more lawsuits in court.
And they will fail there, too.
One more note: All the Michigan GOP statewide candidates who got trounced should have supported MCRI. Instead GOP bigwigs opposed us every step of the way. Maybe if they’d supported Proposal Two, they’d have gotten the numbers we did.
Instead, they lost. A lesson for the future and for the failed, “moderate” Michigan GOP. The only statewide GOP figure who supported MCRI, Mike Cox, was only helped by doing so. He was soundly re-elected by a huge margin, getting one of the highest total number of votes among statewide candidates.
Got that, Dick and Betsy DeVos (and MI GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis)?
**** UPDATE, 11/08/06: Numbers @ 12:13 a.m. from the Detroit Newsistan. . .
Proposal – 2 Affirmative Action – Michigan 3137 of 5681 Precincts Reporting
Yes 1,082,169 Votes 57.53 Percent
No 798,748 Votes 42.47 Percent

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November 7, 2006, - 6:44 pm

No Surprise: Extremist Muslim Group Endorsed GOP’s Bouchard for Senate

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, whaddya know? Michigan Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike Bouchard was endorsed by Islamist Arab American PAC, the only Republican to get the group’s endorsement.
There’s a reason for that. Bouchard, an Arab, is very sympathetic to the groups issues, including its anti-Israel stance. AAPAC does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and open supports Hezbollah and HAMAS. AAPAC also supports Islamic homicide bombings and the Hezbollah murder of over 300 U.S. Marines and civilians. Its then-Secretary, Lola Elzein, sent death, torture, and rape threats to me and my family and denied the Holocaust.
That the group endorsed Mike Bouchard is telling. That they also endorsed liberal Democrat Andy Levin (son of crotchety, far-left Congressman for life Sander Levin) against Republican John Papageorge for Michigan State Senate is also telling.
Here’s hoping both Bouchard and Levin lose.


Michigan GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Bouchard w/Extremist pro-Hezbollah/HAMAS Imam Hassan Qazwini

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November 7, 2006, - 4:00 pm

More Bad News: Heavy Voting in The People’s Republic of Ann Arbor

By Debbie Schlussel
Just got this note from reader G.K.:

Debbie, I live and vote in the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor. I got in line at my precinct right at 7am, and when I finally got to the head of the line to vote, I was # 245. So the liberals are turning out very heavily in A2.

Hopefully, Proposal 2 will still pass. If you live in Michigan, don’t forget to vote YES on 2 to end reverse bigotry based on race/gender/ethnicity.

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November 7, 2006, - 3:45 pm

Heroic DHS Employee Inspires Fellow Military Wounded

By Debbie Schlussel
Although this site frequently laments the failures of Homeland Security “leadership,” we celebrate the efforts of hard-working patriotic rank-and-file DHS agents who try to do a good job, despite supervisory desk jockeys with little vision and even fewer brain cells.
That said, every broken clock is right twice a day. And one of those times is the Department of Homeland Security’s welcome back for Alvin Shell, a wounded Army Captain who served in Iraq.


(Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

Check out this piece on Shell from the latest “DHS Today” newsletter:

DHS Employee Makes the Transition from Iraq Battlefield to Office of Security
For Alvin Shell, a physical security specialist with the department’s Office of Security, the road to coming to work for DHS went through Iraq. Now, he’s hoping that other veterans of the conflict in Iraq follow his path.
Shell, who served as a Captain military police officer in the U.S. Army, sustained severe injuries while stationed in Iraq in August 2004. Blinded in one eye and burned over 40 percent of his body, he was transported to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, where he began his 18-month rehabilitation. While there, he also discovered that he still wanted to serve his country – only this time as a civilian working for DHS.
Through a program sponsored by the Defense Department called Operation Warfighter in which DHS participates, Shell began a detail assignment working at the DHS headquarters Office of Security. He did so well, that after being discharged from the Army, he was offered a permanent position. Last week he represented the Office of Security at an Open House event sponsored by the DHS headquarters Office of Equal Employment Opportunity. At the event, DHS component representatives discussed their hiring needs with disabled veterans and students with disabilities. For him, it was a chance to tell other veterans attending that, “There is light at the end of the tunnel, even though it may be difficult to see after you’ve been injured as I was.”

Inspiring. But does he know that while he was fighting the enemy over there, his new DHS employer is coddling them over here?
DHS Hypocrisy. It’s what’s for dinner.

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November 7, 2006, - 3:07 pm

Same Old: 2/3rds of Palestinian Women Abused by Pal. Men

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s not exactly rocket science or a shocking development that the majority of Palestinian women experienced psychological abuse at home and that 23% suffered domestic violence. That’s from a Human Rights Watch report, just released.
Human Rights Watch loves Islam and Palestinians and hates America and Israel. So that means, the HRW’s figures are probably low compared to the real numbers.
More on this study of widespread Palestinian Islamofascist abuse of women:

RAMALLAH, West Bank — A new report presents an alarming picture of the abuse of women in the Palestinian territories, with police, courts, and government agencies failing to treat violence such as rape and beatings as crimes.


Human Rights Watch cited practices such as rape victims being forced to marry assailants, and light sentences for men who kill female relatives suspected of adultery. In a report released Tuesday , the rights group said families, tribal leaders and authorities, backed by tradition and discriminatory laws, often sacrifice victims’ interests for “family honor.”
And the problem is getting worse.

Predictably, terror-supporting Palestinian Prez Mahmoud Abbas blames his people’s abuse of women on Israel. Yup, it’s always the Jews’ fault. Didn’t you know?
But even extremist Palestinian “chick” (and former bedmate of the late Peter Jennings) Hanan Ashrawi says it’s the Palestinians’ fault and the abuse will continue:

Rapists who marry their victims are not prosecuted, it said, and such deals often are arranged by the families, tribal leaders, and police.
Even those assigned to protect the victims often push for such an outcome. The director of the West Bank’s only shelter for teenage girls is quoted as saying she arranged five such marriages in her six-year tenure.
Palestinian law is lenient with men who kill female relatives because they committed adultery. It also bars rape and incest victims from having abortions. Rape within marriage is not considered a crime, the report said.
Women’s fates are increasingly determined by tribal leaders or Palestinian Authority-appointed governors, rather than the overloaded courts. The informal justice system often is arbitrary and biased against victims, Human Rights Watch said.
Victims often are afraid to come forward because of social stigma, the perceived futility of complaining, and fear of inviting retribution by relatives, the report said. . . .
Some families no longer force daughters to marry rapists, [a Palestinian lawyer] said, citing the case of a 14-year-old girl taken to a secret shelter in the West Bank with her family’s support.
Hanan Ashrawi, an independent legislator, expressed doubt that Human Rights Watch’s call for a repeal of laws that discriminate against women will go anywhere .
“We don’t have a majority for reforms on these issues,” she said.

They support the bloodshed of innocent civilians. Of course, they don’t have reforms on these issues. If it walks like an animal and talks like an animal . . . .
“Religion of Peace,” baby. Yeah.

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