November 14, 2006, - 1:48 pm

Europe’s Dumbest New Invention: Buttonless Elevators

By Debbie Schlussel
You type in your floor on a lobby keypad, but once you get in, you can’t change your mind. You’re stuck. Today’s Wall Street Journal has a cover story on it.
Another dumb creation of Europe that’s coming here. FOX News Channel’s NewsCorp building in New York already has them, and even Rupert Murdoch is complaining.
The Journal dubs the elevators, designed and produced by the European Schindler Group, “Schindler’s Lifts.” Haha, you’re so punny. Not.
Getting rid of elevator operators was a step forward. Getting rid of elevator buttons is a step backward.

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November 14, 2006, - 12:57 pm

More Al-Jazeera Puffery: English Language AgitProp Net Launches Weds, Insha’allah

By Debbie Schlussel
****UPDATE: We encourage readers to join the Al-Jazeera International English language net Audience Panel. Tell them to do stories on why jihad and Islamofascism suck and how Israel is the greatest, most successful country in the Middle East. ****
We thought we’d be able to breathe a few days news without being infected by the virus of Al-Jazeera puffery stories. But we were wrong. The gushing over the Terrorist News Network continues.
Yesterday, there were more Happy 10th B-Day, Al-Jazeera stories (the network turned 10 on November 1st, but apparently the party is still going on in the heads of the Mainstream Media).
And now there are more puff pieces on the new English language Al-Jazeera International about which we’ve already written a great deal (here, here, here, and here). Yesterday, it was a puff piece in the print edition of the New York Times. And, today, there are TWO articles (here and here) puffing up Jazeera in USA Today, written by media columnist Peter Johnson. Wish Peter had contacted us, as he sometimes does, because we just had to laugh at the quotes from new Jazeera talk show host and eternal buffoon, former Marine Josh Rushing (about whom we’ve written here and here):


AJI talk show host Josh Rushing, a former U.S. Marine captain who served as a spokesman during the invasion of Iraq, says that “senior military officers” are glad they will now be able to watch AJI coverage in English and will have the chance to appear on the channel. Rushing says AJI will appeal to Americans who “are craving alternative sources of information and are comfortable with it.”

Uh, which “senior military officers” are still talking to Rushing? Doubtful that any are, since they canned his ass from the military press liaison position at CentCom, once they saw his absurd, buffoonish pandering and airheaded comments in the pro-Jazeera movie “Control Room,” which included these gems:
* When bloated Al-Jazeera “journalist” Hassan Ibrahim complains about “Palestine” and compares it to Iraq and the Israelis to Americans, Rushing responds,

I absolutely agree with you. If I get out of the Marine Corps and do anything, I wanna do something with the Palestinian issue. I don’t think Americans are getting good information about it. I really don’t.

* Rushing tells Al-Jazeera how its footage of Iraqi bombing victims “didn’t affect me as much” as footage of dead American soldiers and hostages and that he just forgot about it and went to dinner

It upset me on a profound level that I wasn’t as bothered as much.

As my friend, Detroit Free Press film critic Terry Lawson–a liberal–wrote of Rushing,

[H]e often seems to be auditioning for a best friend role.

For the record, I have appeared on Al-Jazeera because, after all, someone has to represent the Infidels.
But I hope Al-Jazeera International’s (AJI) gazillionth launch, Wednesday, will be a failure (it still doesn’t have a cable system in America that will carry it, thankfully). And I predict that it will be, too, Alhamdillullah (praise Allah).

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November 14, 2006, - 11:31 am

The Schlussel Test: New Citizenship Exam Doesn’t Have the Questions it Should

By Debbie Schlussel
Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) is trying out a new citizenship exam in 10 U.S. cities, this winter. Allegedly, the new test will focus on the immigrants’ grasp of U.S. democracy instead of the current one, which is heavy on history, the flag, etc.
But hasn’t the test always done this–focused on democracy and the Constitution? It has, and it hasn’t made a dent in loyalty of certain aliens seeking citizenship, like the ones from the “Religion of Peace.” Changing the questions from a focus on the colors of the flag to the Boll of Rights–as this “new” test does–won’t change a thing. If, say, Mohammed Atta took the test, he’d know the answers through rote memorization. That’s what Sami Al-Arian was planning to do (he had his green card).
CIS spokesman Shawn Saucier claims the new test will

make sure people who apply for citizenship and want to become citizens understand and adhere to the values we have as a society.


But how does focusing on more rote memorization of the same Constitutional facts and phrases do that? It simply doesn’t.
Knowing the answers wouldn’t mean a thing about loyalty to America or belief in our democracy. My suggested citizenship test would be short and simple–and very revealing. Here are the questions that should be on the test, but which America doesn’t have the testicles to ask of those who want official membership in our country (must be taken with a lie detector test):
1. If a woman doesn’t want to cover her hair with a headscarf, she should be:
a) allowed to do as she pleases.
b) stoned to death, after being buried up to the neck in dirt. The woman exposed her sexy hair to men who are not her husband, so she is clearly a whore unworthy of life.
c) forced to watch PBS specials and the “ladies” of “The View.” Wearing a do-rag on my head is like way totally cool. Means I don’t have to wash or do my hair.
2. If a person who was once a Muslim chooses to convert to Christianity and attend an Evangelical Church, he should be:
a) allowed to worship as he pleases, in peace.
b) beheaded, after being tortured with cigarette burns and amputation of each of his extremities.
c) forced to take a poor Kazakh named “Borat” into his church and then pay for Borat’s busfare to California to meet his new wife, Pamela Anderson.
3. If you encounter a Jew walking down the street, you should:
a) do nothing and go on your way like any other normal American. Jews have been loyal citizens in this country from the time of its founding and serve in all branches of the armed forces.
b) point him out to your children as the son of pigs and monkeys (just like the followers of Jesus through Mary are), whom Allah will destroy when America becomes a Muslim country after decades of illegal aliens and kowtowing to the rights of Islam above all others. Teach your children that it is rewarding to stab him.
c) treat him to a gefilte fish souffle or bagels au lox.
4. Your religion is:
a) one of the Judeo-Christian theologies or one of the more peaceful Asian religions, such as the Bahai Faith.
b) the “Religion of Peace.”
c) House of Jim Jones with communion of purple Kool Aid.
5. The Constitution is:
a) a document written by our brilliant founders, which gives all people of all faiths, non-faiths, and creeds the right to life and liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, and many other rights that Islamofascists envy for themselves but want to take away from us.
b) contains certain sections which we can use to help jihadists and give them rights we didn’t have in our Muslim nations; is a document soon to be replaced by the Koran; is suitable for toilet paper by our dear brothers, the freedom fighter tenants of Guantanomo Bay.
c) something that is helped when senior citizens drink their prune juice and take their meds.
6. Jihad is:
a) the Islamofascist fight to defeat all non-Muslims, using force and violence.
b) the just cause and required course for all Muslims.
c) the first name of the exotic guy I’m “dating,” who gives me drugs and is teaching me the beauty of Islam and hating my Christian and Jewish parents.
7. The Koran is:
a) a document that sounds strangely plagiarized and poorly reworked from the Christian and Jewish Bible; has been used to justify mass murder of innocents for centuries, an excuse that continues to be employed for the same to date.
b) the document that is my ultimate authority and commands me to lie, cheat and steal from all non-Muslims until I forcibly convert them; will ultimately replace the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the United States, as Allah has commanded it shall be so.
c) that cool book that my boyfriend Jihad says will change my life, once I’ve covered my hair and had 7 children with him.
8. If a Muslim woman dates a non-Muslim man, she is:
a) an open and tolerant person. But who cares if he’s not a Muslim, and why is it our business?
b) a whore who disgraces us all and must be honor-“eliminated” immediately by her parents, brothers, or uncle.
c) Well, why should she date a non-Muslim, when she could become one of the multiple wives of my boyfriend, Jihad?
9. The American Flag is:
a) the symbol of the greatest country on earth, the emblem of freedom, bravery, and heroism, the emblem of our various states–the originals and the rest.
b) a dirty rag symbolizing evil Zionist imperalists and stupid, immoral Yankee gluttons. The flag will soon change, and we can’t wait to put our crescent and ugly colors of orange, black, green, and white that adorn every virtually identical, unoriginal flag of each of the Muslim/Arab nations.
c) Uh, can you pass the chips, please? Those joints made me hungry.
Yes, that test would be very revealing, and no-one needs to study for it. Again, potential citizens would have to take it while hooked up to a lie detector test. After all, Islam believes in taqiyah (deception of Infidels). It would help us root out a lot of undesirable citizens. And prevent us from having rallies on our own shores of 10 to 25,000 so-called Americans celebrating a group (Hezbollah) which murdered 300-plus Americans.
But why do it? After all, we’re just going through the motions. And we’re really not serious in the War on Terror. A re-worked, rote memorization exam won’t change that.
Hint: If you answer anything but “(a)” to all of the questions, you probably shouldn’t be eligible for citizenship.
CIS spokesman Saucier says the new test was

designed to encourage immigrants to really look at our history and government.

Believe me, they’ve looked. And, most recently, they see mush. That’s the problem.
Flashback: New Dutch Citizenship Test Irks Muslims. Now, that’s where we should be headed–a test like that before we become like the Dutch, who’ve lost their country to Islamofascism and are too late to take it back. But sort of trying.

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November 14, 2006, - 9:40 am

Another Silver Lining: Boneheaded Bush Nomination of “Judge” Abu Porno Likely Dead

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet another silver lining on the Democratic takeover of the U.S. Senate:
Capitol Hill sources tell that the boneheaded nomination by President Bush of bungling, terrorist-sympathizing, racist U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III for a federal judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals (Sixth Circuit) may be dead in the water.
I’ve been exposing this ludicrous nomination since before it happened.


U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy’s Nomination to Federal Bench in Distress

Murphy a/k/a “Abu Porno,” was a Bush compromise candidate. A lightweight in virtually every category, Murphy has no judicial experience, is not a conservative, and is known for looking at porn (child porn?) on his government-owned computer all day long at taxpayer expense–an allegation the FBI reportedly looked into when Bush nominated Murphy for U.S. Attorney (but they couldn’t locate his computer).
Bush offered Murphy up with a liberal Democrat nominee, Michigan Judge Janet Neff–who attended and sanctioned a lesbian wedding in Massachusetts. Senator Sam Brownback put a hold on her nomination, enough to stop the Murphy confirmation. But now that the Dems are in power, Murphy’s nomination is likely dead in the water, according to our Hill sources close to the proceedings.
That’s great news.
Murphy, the top Justice Department official in the Eastern District of Michigan–the heart of Islamic America, has a record of failures and empty prosecutions of terrorists that he has allowed to leave the country, prior to obtaining his empty, but publicity-grabbing indictments of them. In most cases, he hinted to the Islamist targets to leave the country and waited until they were long gone to safety in Islamofascist lands before he indicted them. In one case, Murphy waited about two years before he asked a court to unseal the indictment of a ring of Hezbollah-funding Hammoud family members. They were long gone from the States, by then.
A just-released study by Syracuse University concluded that Murphy had the worst record of prosecuting terrorist cases referred to his office by the FBI. In most cases, he shunned the FBI and declined to prosecute, and in the few cases he did, in fact, indict terrorists, he failed to convict them (that doesn’t include the terrorists he indicted after he deliberately let them flee the country, which would make his numbers even more abysmal).

Syracuse Showed Stephen Murphy (“Mich, E”) Has Worst Record on Terrorism, Ignores FBI

Then, there were Murphy’s statements at a mosque, praising Hezbollah for the “welfare work” that the group does and his statements that he did not know why the group–which murdered 300-plus U.S. Marines and civilians in 1983 U.S. Embassy and barracks bombings in Beirut–was on the State Department terrorist list.
I watched in shock and awe as Murphy enthusiastically clapped when the mosque’s imam–an Ayatollah Khomeini associate–said that Hezbollah is “legitimate resistance.” My jaw also dropped when Murphy praised left-wing lunatic John Conyers as a “great jurist.” Murphy hung out with and legitimized a cornucopia of “former” terrorists and terrorist money launderers and supporters throughout Michigan. Worse, Murphy has refused to prosecute any hate crimes committed by Muslims.
And then there were Murphy’s enraged statements against Blacks made in front of several witnesses at a party, when he was originally passed over for U.S. Attorney, with Bush choosing the equally incompetent and terror-sympathizing Jeffrey Collins.
This is one of Bush’s absurd nominations. But, fortunately, sometimes the “loyal opposition” is truly the loyal opposition and corrects such egregious errors, even if for the wrong, partisan reasons.
Time for Bush to do the right thing and withdraw the Murphy and Neff nominations. Otherwise, the Dems will let Murphy’s nomination die a slow death . . . which may even be preferable.
Read all the disturbing details about Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno.”

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November 13, 2006, - 4:15 pm

Want an Extra Wife?: Islamo-Polygamy is What’s for Breakfast in Tajikistan

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s been a crazy day, filled with e-mail and computer glitches. Thus, the absence. My apologies, loyal readers. Believe me, I hate staying away.
Still, had to note this funny and sad piece from today’s New York Times on what happens under Islamofascist statism a/k/a a Muslim caliphate. The title, “After a Century, Public Polygamy is Re-Emerging in Tajikistan,” says it all. The funniest and saddest part is how some Muslim feminists (isn’t that an oxymoron?) don’t mind being part of a menage a multiple wives.
A few scintillating excerpts of what you might be surprised to note is already going on in America (though not as openly, and we’re not talking the Mormons, here, either):


DUSHANBE, Tajikistan, Nov. 7 – Gulya Ismoilova cannot say exactly when men in Tajikistan broke with a century of tradition and began taking second and even third wives, but she remembers precisely when her husband announced he had married again.
A lack of men in Dushanbe and all of Tajikistan has led to polygamy.
“Two years ago he took a woman to his brother’s house,” said Ms. Ismoilova, her hand trembling as she lifted a cigarette to her lips. “That’s when my life ended, when I became a first wife.”
Ms. Ismoilova said she could not have imagined her present circumstances when she married 11 years ago.
Polygamy existed in this overwhelmingly Muslim and rural country in the 70 years when the Soviet Union enforced a fiercely secular governing ideology that continues to be the law of the land. But it was very rare, and occurred in secret arrangements by people living shadowy lives. . . .
[M]en have begun to practice polygamy openly, citing Islamic law and the desire among women for partners to justify the illegal practice. Tajiks say polygamous marriages can now be found in nearly every apartment block in Dushanbe, and few Tajik families seem to be without a recent example.
“These girls require a husband or their families are shamed,” said Ali Fidhoum, 37, an engineer here. “Our religion allows it as long as I have a job and I treat both my wives equally. My second wife’s family is thankful for me, and they should be.”
But not all wives are as grateful as Mr. Fidhoum supposes. Ms. Ismoilova said her husband’s second household had left her humiliated and impoverished, and undermined her authority over her children.
“He tries to get our kids to move to his new wife’s apartment because she can’t have babies,” Ms. Ismoilova said. “These are my children he wants to take away from me. And I can do nothing. First my husband said I can’t work. Now he won’t let me leave the house without his permission.” She spoke slowly, her face distorted with anger. . . .
“I am a slave,” she said. “And now this society accepts it.”
Even those men who disapprove of polygamy say they understand why it has re-emerged. “I wouldn’t consider it,” said Zafer Mahmoudov, 24, a professional. “But for many men here, they are in arranged marriages with girls coming from villages. They have nothing to say to them. These girls do not know how to behave in the city. So they don’t tell their wives, but they go and marry a second one. They just do it and eventually everybody knows.”
The revival in Tajikistan of polygamy – which has been outlawed by the government but is supported by many imams – underscores a surprisingly swift return to traditional cultural and religious practices in all the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. . . .
Ibodat Yatimova, 25, was 14 when her parents placed her in an arranged marriage. Her husband divorced her after five years, forcing her and her two children to move to her parents’ home. To ease the financial burden on her parents, Ms. Yatimova accepted the proposal last year of a 45-year-old laborer who worked in the office where Ms. Yatimova is a secretary.
But there was a catch. “I didn’t know he already had a wife,” Ms. Yatimova said.
She said she was resigned to the arrangement, at least for now.
“It’s important that I show my parents that I have a husband,” she said. “He pays the rent for my apartment. My children show him respect but he doesn’t help them. He has his own children. We don’t really matter to him. When he buys me an apartment, I will leave him. Let him go to his first wife.”
Miriam Cooke, a professor of Arab culture at Duke University . . . she warns against treating it as a black-and-white issue.

Not black-and-white?! Would you say that about the Mormons? Not How Predictable. Bend over for Islam.

“It is complicated,” Ms. Cooke said. “There are some women who consider themselves to be feminists who think it’s perfectly acceptable to be a second or third wife and to be a professional woman, a good Muslim and to have all her rights. . . .”

Complicated?! Feminists?! Un-fricking-believable. We wonder whether Cooke, herself, is married and, if so, whether she’d allow her hubby to have a couple more wives or more. Doubtful. But for Islam, everything’s okay. Incredibly, some Tajikistani women are more enlightened and clueful than this American professoratrix of Islamofascist Apologism.

Rokhshona Nazhmidinova, 26, an outreach coordinator at a nonprofit organization [in Tajikistan says] “It’s a sign that society is heading down. Just look at the countries that allow multiple wives. I wouldn’t want to live in them.”

Borat“/Sacha Baron Cohen should have parodies Tajikistan, not America. There’s lots of rich material here, without the need to dupe and trick people into it.
The location is Tajikistan, but that is irrelevant. What’s relevant is the governing religion, the “Religion of Peace.”

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November 10, 2006, - 12:51 pm

Wal-Mart & Neo-Nazis Respond on Nazi Skull Shirts

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet another example of how blogs make a difference, at least with Wal-Mart, NOT Neo-Nazis.
As we noted earlier today, Rick at Bent Corner noticed that Wal-Mart was selling a t-shirt featuring the Nazi SS Death’s Head Battalion skull. As we also noted, we doubt Wal-Mart knew that’s what it was, or the retailer wouldn’t have knowingly sold it.
Wal-Mart just confirmed that and informed us that they will remove the shirts immediately, but perhaps not in time for neo-Nazis who contacted us buy them up. Check out the two related e-mails below:


Nazi Death’s Head Battalion Emblem; Wal-Mart Skull T-Shirt

— Cal Penn wrote:
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:13:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Cal Penn
Subject: Wal-Mart
Dear Debbie:
Thanks for the tip on the Nazi t-shirts. I’m heading to my local Wal-Mart and plan to buy the entire stock; they’re going to make awesome Hannukah gifts for my friends. I used to hate Wal-Mart but I’m so happy to hear they support nazi causes against you filthy hebes!!!!!!!!!


— “Manson, Marshall” wrote:
Subject: Statement from Wal-Mart
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:53:51 -0500
From: “Manson, Marshall”
Good morning. My name is Marshall Manson. I work for Edelman doing online public affairs for Wal-Mart. I noticed your post about the t-shirts that Wal-Mart is selling. I wanted to make sure you saw the company’s statement about this and knew that Wal-Mart is now removing the t-shirts from its stores. Obviously, with a company as big as Wal-Mart, that may take a day or two.
The statement is just below. If you would like to discuss anything, feel free to respond to this e-mail.
Statement from Wal-Mart:
We were not aware of the origins of the image until this morning when we learned about it through the blog Bent Corner.
We are deeply sorry that this happened, and we are in the process of pulling all of these t-shirts from our stores.
Respect for the individual is a core value of our company and we would never have placed this t-shirt on our shelves had we known the origin and significance of this emblem.
We are reviewing our product review process in an effort to ensure this never happens again.

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November 10, 2006, - 12:07 pm

Weekend Box Office: Movie Punk Defames Homeland Security Agents, Military; Plus 2 Mushy Movies

By Debbie Schlussel
Slim pickins at the movies, this weekend:
* “Harsh Times“: All hail the loser punks and thugs of America’s killing fields. That’s this flick’s message. Plus, this long, awful, disturbing, and bloody movie defames Homeland Security agents and military veterans of Afghanistan and the Gulf War. Very skip-worthy.
Fighting in special forces in Afghanistan (referred “Trashcanistan”) and the Gulf War and killing Arabs makes you a pot-smoking, gun-toting, thuggish punk who terrorizes neighborhoods and rival thugs. And then you get recruited to be an agent for the Department of Homeland Security. That’s the life of Jim Davis (Christian Bale), a White guy who grew up in a Hispanic ghetto of Los Angeles and is trying to get a job in law enforcement.


He tries to evade a DHS drug screening (he’s been recruited to become a DHS agent) by drinking vinegar and inserting a dropper up his penis. And that’s the good part of this horrid pic.
Despite detecting drugs, DHS hires him anyway, in order to fight drugs and kill people in Colombia. For most of the movie, he hangs out with his Hispanic friend who is married to a lawyer played by Eva Longoria. They go on drug and drinking binges and engage in illegal gun and drug sales. Both are unemployed losers looking for a job.
Don’t waste your time.
* “Stranger Than Fiction“: A dull, predictable IRS agent (Will Ferrell) suddenly hears a voice in his head predicting his every next move. The voice is that of an author (Emma Thompson) who kills her characters and is writing a book about the IRS agent. The IRS agent also falls in love with a left-wing, tax-revolting baker (played by uber-homely, “America deserved 9/11” actress Maggie Gyllenhaal). Also stars Dustin Hoffman as English Lit Prof trying to help Ferrell find out who is writing the story in his head and Queen Latifah as the publishing employee hired to help Thompson finish her book.
While the inside your head plot starts out as different and new, it’s not even close to as good as a similar “inside-the-character’s-head” film, “Being John Malkovich.”
Entertaining enough and overall okay, but not a great movie. Not even a great Will Ferrell movie. The ending of this long, contrived, non-sensical plot is mushy and stupid, exposing this movie as the chick flick it pretends it isn’t, in order to hold on to Will Ferrell fans.
* “A Good Year“: Another long, boring chick flick. Russell Crowe tries to repair his public image by playing this cut-throat London stock trader who softens up once he goes to France to sell his uncle’s French winemaking estate. He meets his uncle’s illegitimate, American daughter (Abbie Cornish–hard to believe Ryan Phillippe cheated on Reese Witherspoon for that) and a Frenchwoman, with whom he falls in love. Together, they all live happily ever after in French wine country. The end.
Almost fell asleep, several times.

* “Babel“: This movie was a limited release, last weekend, and opens nationwide, today. Hopefully, it closes nationwide, not long after. Read my complete review.
The message is basically this: Americans and Westerners are spoiled, whiny, inconsiderate cretins. Muslims and Mid-Easterners are lovely, peaceful nice people who never engage in terrorism, but who are accused of it and have their idyllic lives turned upside down by the Westerners. Illegal Aliens are the best–they raise the selfish, rich Americans’ kids and then get deported by the evil ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and Border Patrol agents. And, oh yeah, young, deaf Japanese girls watch their moms commit suicide and constantly expose their naked crotches to onlookers in a desperate search for love.
Again, read my full review. And skip this long, boring waste of time.

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November 10, 2006, - 11:37 am

New James Bond Has Many Detractors

By Debbie Schlussel
Looks like I’m not alone in dissing the new Blond . . . James Bond. USA Today reports on the multiple critics of the metro, scrawny new Bond of “Casino Royale,” Daniel Craig. There is even a site that appears a little over-obsessive,, if somewhat funny.
As we noted earlier, we’ll never forget his absurd utterance as an apocryphal Mossad agent in “Munich,” in which he defamed those who pursued the Islamic terrorists who slaughtered the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, when warned that their antics would kill innocents:

The only blood I care about is Jewish blood.

Never happened. In fact, the Mossad agents went out of there way not to kill anyone except the terrorists, and they only killed one person by accident (a case of innocent mis-identification).
Given that, we kinda like the anti-Daniel Craig site.


Alfred E. JamesBondman

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November 10, 2006, - 10:48 am

Screw-Up: Wal-Mart Sells Nazi Death’s Head Ts

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, they’ve decided to bring Christmas back to Wal-Mart, but never did anything about their penchant for employing illegal aliens (here and here).
And now, Wal-Mart screwed up on something else. Rick at Bent Corner discovered that Wal-Mart is selling t-shirts that bear a skull and bones exactly like the Nazi SS division, Death’s Head Battalion (“Totenkopf”), which included such evil men as Johann Leprich. It’s now frequently worn by Neo-Nazis.
I’m sure the purchasers at Wal-Mart had no idea and wouldn’t deliberately sell Nazi emblem-laden clothing, but this screw-up needs to be corrected. Wal-Mart needs to immediately pull and destroy the shirts. And its personnel must investigate which of its vendors sympathizes with the Nazis and decided to pull a fast one on the retail giant. Check out the pictures of the Wal-Mart T and the Nazi Death’s Head:


Nazi Death’s Head Battalion Emblem; Wal-Mart Skull T-Shirt

Thanks to reader Chris D. who pointed this out and is rightly disturbed by this.
Let’s see if Wal-Mart responds appropriately and how quickly. We note that Islamists worldwide got mad at Burger King and Nike, merely because a swirl on Ice cream and running shoe emblems, respectively, slightly resembled the Arabic cursive for “Allah.” That was absurd.
But this is a legit concern.

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November 10, 2006, - 10:28 am

Great Piece: Cal Thomas Goes to Gitmo

By Debbie Schlussel
My friend and mentor, syndicated columnist (the most syndicated newspaper columnist in North America) and FOX News contributor Cal Thomas, has a great column, this week, about his recent visit to Guantanamo Bay. There have been many pieces about Gitmo, but this one’s the best . . . by the man who is the best political columnist in America. It’s especially apropos, given that tomorrow (Saturday) is Veterans Day.
A couple of excerpts:

Guards are exposed to significant threats and long-term risks. Many of the detainees threaten to kill the guards and their families should they get out or be given the chance to communicate with their associates on the outside. Guards cover up their names, but Admiral Harris says the detainees have ways of learning them through our legal system. The detainees are not nice guys, and none has been converted to the American point of view by being treated humanely. Yet, Admiral Harris says, “Not a single case of torture or inhumane treatment has ever been substantiated. We are the most transparent detention facility in the world.”


How We Treat Our Enemies: Gitmo Halal Meals For ONE Terrorist

One detainee has said he wants to write a book, How to Kill a Man in Three Seconds. Another, who has assaulted a Guantanamo guard on numerous occasions (with makeshift weapons, human waste, semen and vomit), stated that he can either go back home and kill as many Americans as possible, or he can leave here in a box; either way it’s the same to him. . . .
“At least 20, maybe as many as 40, who have been released have rejoined the battle,” says Admiral Harris, including one with a prosthetic leg paid for by American taxpayers.
Americans should be proud of those who serve their country by protecting us from these really bad men. They live up to their slogan, which is posted on a sign at the camp entrance: “Honor Bound to Defend Freedom.” They defend our freedom and their honor.

AMEN. Remember that, as we celebrate Veterans Day. And read the whole thing.
Flashback: “Chubby (Terrorist) Chaser Alert: Yo! Yo! Yo! There’re Fatties in Gitmo

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