December 7, 2006, - 1:40 pm

Kristallnacht 2: The Jewish-American Surrender Group Issues Its Own “Report”

By Debbie Schlussel
When I get e-mails from anti-Semites, they usually include sentiments like “You can’t trust the Jews.”
Well, sometimes, I have to agree–on issues of terrorism and national security, you can’t trust the Jews . . . the liberal Jews in the sneering, snobbish, self-anointed, unelected, unrepresentative, so-called “leadership” of the Jewish community. One of the best–and worst–examples is the Detroit Jewish Community Council. Even the politburo of Hezbollah is less pan-Islamist.
In the late 1930’s, on the eve of the Holocaust, and even thereafter, Jews from Europe were constantly beseeching the American Jewish community to help them from certain extermination at the hands of the Nazis. Unfortunately, the sneering, smug Jewish leadership of that day is the same “leadership” of my fellow co-religionists, today. They largely ignored and turned their backs on the Jews of Europe, basically sending them to their deaths. Among those Jews were many members of both sides of my family, among the 6 million that perished.


Today, at the height of the new anti-Semitism, the new Nazism, my fellow co-religionists are doing it again. Forget the Baker Iraq Study Group report. And read this obnoxious Jewish Surrender Report, below, from the Detroit Jewish Community Council. It recommends kowtowing to Muslims who’ve openly, simultaneously praised and denied the Holocaust, Muslims who’ve uttered the most vile anti-Semitic, anti-American statements, Muslims who support Hezbollah and HAMAS terrorism against not just Jews but Americans. If these Jews cannot remember that they are Jews, can they at least remember they are Americans? Not exactly.
The message is written by Robert Cohen a/k/a “Abu Cohen”, the unelected, unrepresentative, far-left Executive Director of the Detroit Jewish Community Council, a group with about a $1 million budget in tax-deductible, American taxpayer-subsidized funds that it gets mostly from the falsely-named Detroit Jewish Welfare Federation. Cohen is a former employee at a New Jersey PBS (a/k/a “Palestinian Broadcasting System”) station. My grandfather, the late Irving W. Schlussel, was once President of the Jewish Community Council, and I envision him turning over in his grave, right now, as I post this piece. Almost all of those whose names are listed agree with this position and are going along.
(You will note that Mark Schlussel, my uncle, is listed, but he is not on the Jewish Community Council, and doesn’t agree with this absurdity. His son, my cousin Ira, tried in vain to get this bunch of idiots to do the right thing. It’s like trying to give a rock a brain. Another listed is my cousin, Daniel Cherrin, who unfortunately goes along with and supports this “dialogue”-with-the-Nazis crap proudly, so he’s earned a special mention here.
Note the name Marc Weinbaum, the ignorant head of AIPAC in Michigan (I had to explain Google to him, very recently, and he ignored my requests for him to do something about the 2002 University of Michigan Divestment Conference featuring terrorist Sami Al-Arian). If this doesn’t tell you that AIPAC is not a pro-Israel group, or dedicated to fighting the threat of Islamic terrorism, I’m not sure what will. Both Cherrin and Weinbaum sit on this absurd politburo they call the “Jewish Community Council.” Also note the names of two liberal, kowtowing Federal judges, Avern Cohn and Nancy Edmunds. This should disqualify them from hearing any future federal cases regarding terrorism. Moe Freedman ran the Jewish campaign for Bush and DeVos in Michigan and kowtowed to Islam–he and his father are useless on Jewish issues and terrorism. Our favorite: Brenda Rosenberg–she verbally services Muslim extremists the way Monica Lewinsky physically serviced Bill Clinton.)
Remember: If the Nazis had a viable group here in town during the Holocaust, these schmucks would have sent out an e-mail urging “dialogue” with the greater German-American Bund Society.

From: Sharryl Tensley
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 1:34 PM
To: Alan Schwartz; Avern Cohn; Barbara Cook; Barbara Goodman; Barbara Horowitz; Benjamin Rosenthal; Beverly Liss; Brenda Rosenberg; David Page; Deena Lockman; Diane Klein; Doreen Hermelin; Douglas Bloom; Elaine Tell; Ellen Labes; Eugene Applebaum; Eugene Sherizen; Fred Leeb; Gary Shiffman; Gary Torgow; Gerald Cook; Hadas Bernard; Harold Blumenstein; Helene White; Irwin Alterman; James Grosfeld; Joel Tauber; Josh Opperer; Linda Klein; Linda Wasserman Aviv; Lynda Giles; Margot Halperin; Mark Hauser; Mark Schlussel; Marta Rosenthal; Mandell L. Berman; Merrill Gordon; Michael Eizelman; Michael Horowitz; Michael Perlman; Nancy Grosfeld; Nancy Jacobson; Nora Lee Barron; Norm Pappas; Paul Zlotoff; Paula Glazier; Peter Alter; Robert Aronson; Robert Gordon; Robert Kleiman; Robert Naftaly; Robert Slatkin; Scott Eisenberg; Scott Leemaster; Sharon Hart; Stephen Grand; Steve Schanes; Steven Weinstock; Terry Nosan; Aaron Scheinfield; Adam Forman; Allen Zemmol; Andrew Meisner; Ann Zousmer; Arnold Mikon; Barbara Goldman; Bert Schreiber; Beth Applebaum; Beverly Yost; Carla Schwartz; Carol Freedman; Daniel Cherrin; David Hecker; David Kramer; David M. Techner; David Saperstein; Deanna Sperka; Eric Adelman; Florence Herrmann; Francine Wunder; Gabe Werba; Gail Katz; George Cantor; Harriet Cooper; Harvey Bronstein; Howard Wallach; Irma Glaser; Jeannie Weiner; Jeff Aronoff; Jennifer Ostfield; Judy Loebl; Judy Rosenberg; Julie Greenberg Hazan; Kathy Straus; Larry Horwitz; Linda Finkel; Marc Shulman; Marc Weinbaum; Marcia Gershenson; Marla Drutz; Maxine Berman; Michael Berger; Moe Freedman; Monica Woll; Nancy Edmunds; Nancy Glass Kanat; Pearlena Bodzin; Rabbi Joseph Krakoff; Randall Fogelman; Richard Nodel; Robert I. Brown; Roselyn Blanck; Shari Cohen; Sharon Lipton; Sharryl Tensley; Steve Tobocman; Steven Silverman; Todd Mendel; Wendy Wagenheim; William Sider; Zieva Konvisser; Allan Gale; Beverly Phillips; Michael Daitch; Phyllis Jarvis; PJ Cherrin; Robert Cohen; Sara Bernstein
Subject: From Robert Cohen – The Insider’s View
From Robert Cohen “The Insiders View”
As a community relations agency, the Jewish Community Council is charged with promoting positive, productive relationships with Detroit’s general community and with the religious and ethnic communities that surround us. But as a staunch Israel advocacy organization, Council often takes positions and engages in actions that alienate our Arab and Muslim neighbors. Such was especially the case this spring and summer because of the deeply personal impact that the war in Lebanon had in our conflicted communities here.
Throughout the war, the priority was clear: Council’s energies must be focused on advocating for Israel. [DS: They neither advocated for Israel or America. They advocated for surrender, kowtowing, and sucking up.] We declined to visibly interact [DS: for about a month–BFD–then they went back to kowtowing] with Arabs or Muslims who would not explicitly condemn terrorist groups and recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state and to defend itself [DS: the only Arabs in town who do this are Maronite Christians and the idiots at the Jewish Community Council won’t have anything to do with them]. Even moderate Arabs and Muslims with whom we had longstanding personal relationships [DS: NONE of those with whom the Detroit Jewish Community is cavorting ARE MODERATE] were unwilling or unable to publicly meet that standard. And to be frank, they had little interest in engaging with representatives of a Jewish community which they saw as unwilling to criticize Israel under any circumstances.
Now, some months after Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon, it is time for us to assume a more nuanced posture [DS: “nuanced” is liberal code for “let us bend over backward, forward or whatever way our Muslim masters want it–you sane ones are too stupid to understand why we enjoy this”], maintaining our activism on behalf of Israel while looking for ways to reconnect with Detroit’s Arab and Muslim communities. We need to do this for several reasons:
* Christian religious leaders expect us to. [DS: What Christians? Not the ones I know. Vegan leaders “expect us to” not drink milk or eat eggs, so we should follow their expectations, too, using this warped “logic.”] Local Jewish community organizations have been reticent to take part in “peace” oriented events or in public discussions about the Arab-Israeli conflict that appeared likely to degenerate into platforms for criticizing Israel. Yet many mainstream Protestant and Catholic clergy, already sympathetic to the Palestinians and now the Lebanese, were troubled by what they saw as stubbornness and even militancy on our part. If we hope to promote support for Israel among Christian leaders, and to preserve overall good relations with our Christian neighbors, we must be seen by them as door openers, not door closers.
* Our Arab and Muslim neighbors aren’t going anywhere. We will continue to live in close proximity with them. If a violent incident involving our communities were to occur, open communications with them could help prevent it from escalating. And the chances of such incidents may be reduced if our reaching out emboldens moderate Arabs and Muslims to reciprocate and assert greater leadership in their communities.
[DS: The Nazis are here, so let’s kiss their asses.]
* On a more positive note, the Jewish community stands to benefit from normalized relations with the Arab and Muslim communities. We need each other to stand together in areas of shared interest such as minority rights and hate crimes, freedom of religion and the separation of church and state, immigration reform, and social justice. Our communities have been especially successful working together to support state funding of our social service agencies.
[DS: This paragraph is total fertilizer. Stand together on hate crimes? When did the Muslim community denounce the death threats I got from a prominent Detroit Muslim Arab, Lola Elzein? Freedom of religion? They love freedom of their Islamic religion, but don’t care about ours. Separation of church and state? They love that. It’s the separation of mosque and state that they don’t want. Immigration reform? Since when is it the Jewish position that we should let more Muslim extremists into the country or give them citizenship amnesty? State funding of social service agencies? Uh, stop my tax money from going to these liberal idiots. And stop my tax money from going to ACCESS, the Muslim agency that spends it on anti-Israel Divestment conferences and anti-Semitism.]
* Our traditional Jewish values compel us to strive for shalom bayit [DS: “shalom bayit” means piece in the house, which doesn’t have a damned thing to do with kissing your would-be exterminators’ butts], peace not only in our individual homes, but also in our home communities. Our lives will be enriched to the degree that we can replace enmity and acrimony with reconciliation and friendship.
[DS: Dream on, idiot.]
We have already begun, working behind the scenes to foster a climate that is receptive to slowly and cautiously reengaging our communities. At a meeting with Detroit Free Press managers following a front-page story declaring that “metro Detroit’s world-famous interfaith tapestry is unraveling” we reminded them that our city was untouched by communal violence even at the height of hostilities in Lebanon. We also explained how we expect reengagement to begin –with informal private conversations between old friends and colleagues, modest cooperative projects unrelated to the situation in the Middle East, and activities bringing children and teens together to learn about each other.
We remain active in Interfaith Partners, a program of the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion (the new name for NCCJ), which brings together Jewish and Muslim lay and religious leaders, along with Christians and those of other faiths. And our participation in New Detroit’s Race Relations Summit and Immigration Task Force [DS: supporting illegal aliens and more Islamic extremist immigrants] provided opportunities to work in concern with Arabs and Muslims on important community issues [DS: like hastened building of new crematoria].
Reaching out to Arabs and Muslims does not mean selling out Israel [DS: No, it means selling out America AND Israel]. It means challenging ourselves to walk nimbly along a path that undoubtedly will be bumpy and not well marked. While we cannot project how long it will take to get there, we look forward to some day finding safe venues where we can discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict with Arabs and Muslims who share our commitment to peace in the Middle East and here at home.
This is a time when caution should be joined by hope, steadfastness with prudent risk taking. It is a time to move forward.

More like, time to move backward to Kristallnacht II, whose arrival will be hastened by these imbeciles.

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December 7, 2006, - 12:04 pm

Jimmy Carter’s New “Book”; Request To Secret Service Agent Readers

By Debbie Schlussel
A famous peanut farmer whom we once made the mistake of electing President is off the farm touting his new book. Our friend, David Lunde of Lundesigns, has designed three new book covers for the Prez, so you can customize your Carter book according to your preferred particular screed contained inside:


Frankly, we think he should have called the book “Mein Carter.” But we’ll always remember him, thusly . . .

Many have asked me to write a column on Jimmuh’s latest outrageous utterances and chickenscratchings. But why do that, when I can’t improve upon my column from 2001, “Shut Up, Jimmy Carter,” a thorough primer on Carter’s record and hypocrisy.
I remember when I was in elementary school and the Peanut Prez was in office, desperately trying to get re-elected. I helped my dad and the Republican Jewish Coalition for Reagan/Bush campaign for Reagan. My dad and his friend made and distributed bright florescent orange bumper stickers with black writing, reading:

ABC: Anybody But Carter

Yes, some slogans are timeless.
I also remember that the overwhelming majority of U.S. Secret Service agents (including those on the Carter Presidential Protective Detail) polled, privately said they were voting for Reagan. They made yellow t-shirts bearing the Presidential Seal with bullet holes through it and the slogan:

You Elect ‘Em. We Protect ‘Em.

The t-shirts were made to demonstrate the disrespect the Secret Service agents had for their idiotic protectee. I badly want one of those t-shirts (as a memento of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Disaster), but can’t find one. I’ve looked and looked, in vain. If you are one of the many federal agents (including from the U.S. Secret Service) who reads this site, and you can help me get one of those shirts, please e-mail me.

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December 7, 2006, - 11:37 am

Messages for James “F-CK the Jews” Baker

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember when James Baker, Co-Chairman of the Iraq Study Group (read: Iraq Surrender Group), said, “F-CK the Jews. They didn’t vote for us anyway“?
Well, now the new report he and his “study” group issued is the written version of his statement. And he’s going further in f–king the Jews by insisting on a regional Mid-East peace conference without Israel. Hello . . . ?
James Baker is right. I, Debbie Schlussel, a Jewish American, never voted for him. Thankfully, he was never on any of my ballots. And, hopefully, he never will be. That said, there is a great response to James A. Baker III on t-shirts, aprons, and even this Christmas tree ornament. Gotta say my favorites are the thong and doggie t-shirt bearing this response to the Iraq Study Group anti-Semitic honcho:


Reader Sean sends a good assessment of Baker’s erroneous Surrender Report and a message for Baker from Winston Churchill:

Hi Debbie
I need to vent here.
I can hardly wait until the furor over the Iraq Surrender Group dies down so I can stop watching the crusty, wrinkled faces of James Baker and Lee Hamilton on my television. What have we become as a nation when we honor – nay, kowtow to – a group of men and one woman who decide we should not only speak directly to our direst enemies in the middle east (no small feat given the neighborhood), but that we should inexplicably seek THEIR help with OUR problems. Um, how are we supposed to do that Mr Baker? Ask them politely to stop being the problem? I have no issue with talking directly to Syria and Iran‚Ķas long as it’s something along the lines of “We understand you guys want nuclear weapons. How about we send you a few? We can have them there quicker than you can blink.” And it floors me that they’re still harping on the distracter of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as if it’s our fault and Israel’s fault that the Arab nations surrounding the Jewish state want to eliminate it. How can you even think that will help? Carter and Clinton put a great deal of effort into it, and it was almost entirely for naught.
One thing I noticed was that there was no career military person on the panel. Having one on there isn’t a guarantee of success of course. I mean, they COULD have signed up Wes Clark in a heartbeat and that would have been worse than none. I’m with Ralph Peters on this one (and I don’t always agree with his assessment). The lack of military experience, other than a stint with Washington at Valley Forge, indicates that their recommendations are completely in the realm of political appeasement. I haven’t read the whole document yet, but it doesn’t surprise me that some have written that the word “victory” does not appear anywhere. I also see there’s not one person on that panel you could name as a conservative. Baker and Sandra O’Connor are certainly not, although I know less about Alan Simpson.
Our IT people made us all remove quotations from the end of our emails, but I still believe in the one I pulled from Churchill: “You ask: What is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror. However long or hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.” Unfortunately our political leadership and national will has been weakened by a generation of feel-good pop-culture psycho babble.
Thanks for letting me unload.

AMEN, Sean!

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December 7, 2006, - 10:27 am

Hezbollah’s Congressman Endorses Iraq Surrender Group Report

By Debbie Schlussel
Something smells like dung in San Diego.
The best indication that Jim Baker and company’s Iraq Study Group report is a bad thing is that Hezbollah/Syria/Palestinian terrorists’ best friend in the U. S. Congress likes the report.
Republican Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a “Jihad Darrell”–who was elected from the San Diego area, but thinks he was elected by Ismail Haniyeh and Ramallah residents–loves the Iraq Surrender Group recommendations, according to his local, hometown newspaper:

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista [DS: Jihad Darrell], said he would stress the report’s recommendation to deal with the Arab-Israeli conflict and achieve broader peace in the Middle East as a way to curb violence in Iraq. He said other conflicts in the region breed fighters in Iraq.


Jihad Darrell:

Crying Pro-Hezbollah Rep. Darrell Issa Endorses Iraq Study Group Proposals

“This is an interlocked theater,” Issa said. “Anyone that thinks it isn’t hasn’t looked at the fact that these are porous borders.”

Porous Borders? Hmmm . . . maybe Jihad Darrell can introduce a bill to de-unionize the “Iraqi border patrol” like he did to the Border Patrol here in America (because they stopped him for speeding and gave him a well-deserved ticket).
Or, maybe he could ask his good friend, Bashar Assad, to stop allowing terrorist to get through the border to Iraq. Nah. He’s too busy putting together oil deals for terrorist-host state Syria.
Besides, why should he do these things, when he–Jihad Darrell–could just take the easy PC route and blame it all on Israel?
“Interlocked theater?” More like Jihad Darrell’s poorly acted drama theater. Yup, blaming the Jews is the solution to everything.

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December 7, 2006, - 9:45 am

On Pearl Harbor Day, 65 Years Later

By Debbie Schlussel
Sixty-five years ago today, we were fighting a more finite, defeatable enemy. On December 7, 1941, 2,388 U.S. military personnel were killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 1,178 American servicemen were wounded. 12 ships were sunk or beached, 9 damaged. We lost 164 aircraft to total destruction, and 159 others were damaged.
Today, we are fighting the new version of those allied with the Japanese–the new Nazis. They are far more committed, far more dangerous. They don’t just bomb ships and planes and military. They torture and murder innocent civilians.
Do we have the resolve? It seems that our resolve is sinking along with the Pearl Harbor Memorial which is sinking into the ground beneath it and may need to be propped up? Who will prop the back-to-sleep America from its sinking beneath the Islamic fundamentalism on our own shores?


Sadly, the “final reunion” of Pearl Harbor attack survivors was recently held. They are getting old and dying out. Will we remember well enough when they are all gone?
From The Chicago Tribune:

In the decades since the bombing of Pearl Harbor, countless survivors have made the long journey back to Hawaii every five years to remember comrades who were lost and to catch up with those who lived but later went their separate ways. They drink Scotch and tell war stories; they brag and weep. They often just sit together and say nothing at all.
But this year’s reunion holds an urgency that hasn’t been part of gatherings past: Most Pearl Harbor survivors, nearing their 90s or even older, say it will be their final trip back to this place that changed the course of their lives and their nation forever. Event organizers–many of them children of survivors who are ailing or already have died–pragmatically are calling this the “final reunion.” And survivors’ extended families, including children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, are coming along to the reunion in unprecedented numbers to glimpse history firsthand through their loved one’s eyes before the opportunity is gone.
“This is their last swan song,” said Sue Marks, an event volunteer whose father, a Pearl Harbor survivor, died a decade ago. “They know that a lot of them either won’t be around in five years or won’t be able to make the long trip.”
On Thursday morning, some 1,500 survivors, friends and family members will gather with 2,000 other guests and dignitaries for the 65th anniversary commemoration at Kilo Pier on Naval Station Pearl Harbor, looking out at the USS Arizona Memorial a half-mile away.

I’m proud that my great-uncle, the late Maurice J. Schlussel, MD, was a high-ranking Army officer (and career Army man) and, became head of Veteran’s Services for the South Pacific under the Veteran’s Administration. Read more on the attack at the National Park Service’s page on the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial. “Five Things About Pearl Harbor” in today’s Detroit Free Press. Another touching Pearl Harbor vet’s reunion story in the Honolulu Advertiser.
From my coverage of this, last year, don’t forget these words from the Memorial:

My brothers lie in state,
In clear waters
Of testimony, their willingness
To answer our Nation’s call.
An angel bends down, whispers in my ear,
Never forget. Never forget.
Honor them. They
Gave their lives for you.
No man hath a greater love.
Do them honor.
And never forget.

Never forget Pearl Harbor. And never forget that we are facing an enemy far more fierce, an enemy that is slowly defeating us.


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December 6, 2006, - 1:45 pm

Fitness Mosque: New Islamofascist Kowtow Rules for Your Gym

By Debbie Schlussel
In the wake of Dhimmified gym “Fitness USA” and its various problems with Islamist customers (to whom it always eventually bows) (details here, here, here, and here), a site call Fitness Business Pro informs all fitness and gym professionals the “right way” to bend over and spread ’em for Islamofascist customers:

Privacy Tips
Here are some tips for health clubs that serve a large Muslim community:
1. Since some Muslim women are not allowed to answer the phone at home, refrain from leaving them phone messages.


Fitness Mosque USA(Artwork by David Lunde)

2. If you’re expecting service or delivery men to stop by your club, let your female Muslim members know in advance so they can cover their heads with scarves or hijabs or have a staff member watch the door or window.
3. Consider allowing your female Muslim members to wear T-shirts and nylon pants while swimming or designating a women-only time in the pool.

Fricking Absurd. (Thanks to reader Robert C. for the tip.) We’ll add another rule for the gyms that do these things:

4. Say the Shehadah (Islamic “Oath of Martyrdom” that converts you to Islam), and say, “Thank you, Master. May I have another.”

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December 6, 2006, - 12:32 pm

ABSURD: Immigration’s Tax-Paid Week Off For Australian Sports Event

By Debbie Schlussel
Want to get paid for work while you’re spending the week in Australia? If so, then you should join Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Detention and Removal Operations (DRO).
One of our “favorite” ethically-challenged, tax-money wasting “leaders” at ICE, DRO Director John Torres (ICE’s own, evil version of George Costanza) is at it again. Torres–who heads up the efforts to seize illegal alien fugitives, house them in prison, and deport them–is continuing to waste tax money on silly sports pursuits which have nothing to do with rounding up and deporting illegals.
First, he wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars meant for immigraiton enforcement on a time-wasting, week-long confab in Kansas City featuring a $30,000-$50,000 speech by Tommy Lasorda. Now, he’s telling ICE DRO employees they can have a full tax-paid week off if they go to the World Police and Fire Games in Australia in March, 2007 (PDF version of the memo.)


What the heck does a police and fire olympics have to do with immigration enforcement? Will the “Village People” be there? You’ve got police and fire and Aborigines (Indians). The only thing missing are the leatherclad motorcyclist and the construction worker.
When ICE resources are stretched thin enough, when DRO and other ICE agents tell me there isn’t enough money for new agents, oil changes on their government vehicles, or even pens and files to open cases, why are taxpayers funding up to a week of time off for jaunts with law enforcement in Australia? Why does ICE have the money for this, but not enough money for beds for aliens and not nearly enough money for agents to round up alien fugitives?
Guaranteed, agents won’t learn much about Detention & Removal techniques for aliens in Australia. The country is dominated by extremist Muslim aliens who won’t be deported, like the “Uncovered Meat”-deserves-to-be-raped cleric. They don’t deport them. They welcome them. That’s the problem.
Then, there is the just-released Department of Homeland Security Inspector General report about Torres’ own performance. The report says Torres’ DRO was paying our tax money to jails for aliens who were already deported and that there was not very good record keeping on this issue.

ICEFELD: ICE’s John Torres Wastes Tax $ on Australian Police & Fire Games

That’s incredible, given the fact that agents are constantly telling me that there aren’t nearly enough beds to house aliens. It’s also incredible given the Inspector General report I wrote about in May, which said that about 45,000 illegal aliens with criminal records and/or ties to terrorist nations were set free into the great American abyss due to lack of bed space and other problems.
Despite the fact that ICE chiefatrix Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” accepted all of the Inspector General’s recommendations in his latest report against DRO (and, thus, his report on the many shortcomings of administration and “leadership” under Torres), she anointed Torres to permanently head it up. And she canceled his unpaid suspension for malfeasance in hiring his unqualified extramarital honey for a high-ranking DRO posision.
Yet another reason why we’re losing the war to round up illegal aliens and deport them. But Torres’ sports interest remains top notch (so long as we’re paying the tab in the name of immigration “enforcement”).

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December 6, 2006, - 10:11 am

It’s Official: Only Justice Clarence Thomas Cares Enough About the Alien Problem

By Debbie Schlussel
Shame on all U.S. Supreme Court Justices, with the exception of Clarence Thomas. He’s the only one committed to protecting our borders and our interior from alien drug offenders.
As we noted in early October, the Supreme Court had an important set of cases, Lopez v. Gonzales and Toledo-Flores v. United States, regarding drug crimes and aliens–legal and illegal. And, yesterday, 8 of 9 Justices decided the wrong way, with effeminate wimp David Souter writing for the majority (how apropos).
Only Clarence Thomas voted to make it harder for drug criminals to remain in this country illegally (and wrote a dissent reflecting that). (His dissent begins on page 16 of the decision.) The rest voted to make it easier and to clog our immigration courts far more than they are already clogged.
Thank THEM (minus Clarence Thomas) . . .



Here are excerpts from my previous explanation of these cases and why it was so important that Justices vote the way they unfortunately did not (but for Justice Thomas):

Although both Jose Antonio Lopez and Reymundo Toledo-Flores, both Mexican nationals were legal immigrants, they were convicted in drug crimes–Lopez of aiding and abetting possession of cocaine and Toledo-Flores of possessing cocaine.
At issue is whether anti-drug and immigration laws can be used to deport aliens based on drug-possession offenses. Is a drug-possession offense that is a felony under state law (but a misdemeanor under federal law) rise to the level of “illicit trafficking,” making it an “aggravated felony” and requiring mandatory deportation for a legal immigrant who is not a U.S. citizen?
If so, that means that aliens convicted for such drug offenses can be routinely deported and cannot appeal to an immigration judge (which ends up in years of appeals thereafter). . . .
It’s imperative that Justices vote that any felony, whether under State or Federal law, should result in automatic deportation. Otherwise, we will have an even more endless backlog of illegal aliens here for years until they exhaust endless appeals. Ask any Detention and Removal Operations official at ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement), and they’ll tell you:
This will simply make their jobs tougher. And we will be stuck with more criminals in our midst. Additionally, we simply do not have the bed space for these people while they await years-long appeals. And most of them are mandatory imprisonment cases.
As I noted in April, Detroit Free Press reporter Dawson Bell reported that the State of Michigan alone pays tens of thousands of dollars to imprison aliens we should be deporting. Watch for those dollar figures to go up–in every state. . . .
And aside from that, do you want coke (or other hard drug) users and dealers becoming citizens because they got off on a technicality of state law versus federal law? A felony is a felony. A druggie is an undesirable resident or citizen.

Look for more illegal alien criminals within our borders . . . and on the streets. Look for more alien drug dealer selling to your kids. And thank all of the Supreme Court Justices except for Clarence Thomas. That’s right–“conservatives” Alito, Roberts, and Scalia are a huge disappointment on this one. They went along with Suprematrix Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who said–in oral arguments on the cases–that she thought it was “unseemly” (!) to treat alien drug dealers with automatic deportation. Apparently, we’re running an etiquette shop, not a country.
Thanks to this decision, the lawyer for cokehead Jose Antonio Lopez (plaintiff of one of the cases) has announced that his client, deported in January to Mexico, will now try to return to the States. Excellent.
This is why we’re losing the war on illegal aliens and alien criminals. Not only are our President and immigration enforcement chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” not serious about either, an overwhelming majority of the Supreme Court has now followed suit.
Shame on those 8 men and women in black robes. And kudos to the one man–a Black man–who had the courage to decide the right way.

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December 6, 2006, - 9:27 am

“High-Class” Hatas in Ann Arbor: Even Lefty Politicians Want Them Banned

By Debbie Schlussel
When I was an undergrad at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, my dad and I used to refer to both U-M and A2 as “Moscow on the Huron.” Sorry, Moscow–a big apology is owed to you.
The latest Ann Arbor news is that of the “classy” Israel Hatas (haters, in real English). Reader Night Rider tips us off to the antics of far-left, anti-Israel, pro-Iran activist Blaine Coleman. Coleman displayed a “F-CK Israel” sign at Monday Night’s televised Ann Arbor City Council meeting, at which boy scouts from a local elementary school were guests.
We’re glad that the boy scouts got some lessons while they’re young. The lessons:

How NOT to lobby for your cause. Ann Arbor is full of nutjobs, who cheer on America’s enemies, like Iran. Those nutjobs are mostly on the far left. Some of them were born Jewish by accident of birth, but that doesn’t give their anti-Israel, anti-American views any more validity (probably less). Mental health experts can’t help them. They rage and rage and rage. And get arrested and arrested and arrested. They can’t control their behavior. It doesn’t get them far. Even their fellow lefties on the Ann Arbor City Council denounce them. Freedom of speech ain’t absolute. You can’t be disruptive. You’ll get arrested.

Three cheers for my friend, Ann Arbor Police Chief Rev. Dr. Barnett Jones, and his able handling of this idiot. More on this moonbat eruption from the Ann Arbor News:

Anti-Israel activist Blaine Coleman was arrested Monday night after he walked into an ongoing Ann Arbor City Council meeting carrying a sign that read “F— Israel” and stood in front of a group of visiting Boy Scouts from Lawton Elementary School.
Coleman was quickly approached by Ann Arbor Police Lt. Mike Logghe, and was physically led out after he resisted leaving the meeting. . . .
It was the second time in the last five days that Coleman has been arrested for disruptive behavior. He was among three people arrested after police said they ignored warnings to stop disrupting a speaker at the University of Michigan on Thursday evening.
Coleman, who is Jewish, has a history of disrupting council meetings with his criticism of Israel and its treatment of Palestinians. But his conduct has stepped up recently in the four years he’s been speaking before the City Council trying to get the city to pass a resolution urging the United States to divest from Israel.
Logghe said Coleman was arrested and later released. Possible charges will be reviewed by the city attorney, and could include accusations of disorderly conduct and disturbing a public meeting, Logghe said.
“Clearly, he was instructed to leave and refused,” Logghe said. “I took hold of him and removed him from the council chambers.”
After Coleman was led away, several council members said it may be time to consider banning him from future meetings for a specified period of time. They said the council rules would give them that power.
Council Member Wendy Woods, D-5th Ward, said she would consider such action.
“He’s gone past the point of decency,” Woods said. “They (the public) don’t need to see that junk.”

Amen. Finally some sense of decency and decency standards in Ann Arbor. Wonders never cease.

During a break in the meeting, Council Member Bob Johnson said he wouldn’t consider banning Coleman, but Mayor John Hieftje said that option should be open.
“I don’t know, Bob,” Hieftje said. “If you have someone disrupt your meeting every time, why not prevent him from coming?”
“That’s a reasonable argument,” Johnson said.
The council made no decision on Coleman on Monday. . . .
When contacted after his release from police custody, Coleman wouldn’t comment other than to repeat his accusations against Israel.
“Israel is killing Palestine and Lebanon, and is trying to kill Iran, too. That’s why City Council has a duty to divest from that racist state of Israel now. Look, Israel just dropped 1 million cluster bombs on Lebanon last summer.”

Cheering on Hezbos, too. Only in America.

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December 5, 2006, - 4:37 pm

The Farting Lady vs. The Flying Imams: No in-Airport Smell-Ins for the Flatulently Profiled

By Debbie Schlussel
Who would make you feel less safe on a flight?:
a) a farting lady with body odor due to a medical condition beyond her control; or
b) six extremist Muslim imams who imitate the 9/11 hijackers, ask for seatbelt extenders that could be used to strangle passengers, take unauthorized seating patterns suitable for hijacking, verbally attack America, and have ties to HAMAS, Al-Qaeda, and other groups whose raison d’etre is “Death to America.”
I’d pick the smelly chick. Personally, I’ve been on planes with flatulent passengers, and it smells putridly bad. I’ve had to put my nose under my crewneck collar and smell mint balm (before terrorists kept us from taking that on the plane, outside of a quart-sized bag).
But, still, I’d pick the smelly chick. Why? Well, for one thing, I like a couple of hours or more of malodor far more than I like death.
But that’s not what American Airlines and the FBI think. Nope. US Airways hasn’t banned the flying imams. Nor has any airline (though we’d bet they never set foot on El-Al). Yet, a woman who lit a match on American Flight 1053 from Reagan National to Dallas/Fort Worth is banned forever from American.
The woman farted and had body odor. She lit the match to conceal the smell. Then, there are the lying, flying, scheming, whining, disruptive, disobeying, belligerent imams. They did all the things outlined above and in this letter by US Airways Flight 300 passenger Pauline Klemmer. They were testing the system, conducting a dry run, or who knows what else. Either way, they were deliberately jeopardizing our safety.
And the anonymous woman from American 1053 wasn’t trying to do any of those things. She has a foul-smelling medical condition and was just trying to save other passengers’ olfactory senses and sensibilities.
Who’s more dangerous? We know the answer. And it isn’t the woman banned by American, questioned by the FBI and TSA, and very embarrassed even though we don’t know her name.
Nope, the dangerous are the brazen Islamic men who don’t care about our noses or any other organ. They cheer on those who would murder us. And unlike them, we don’t see the farting lady with the medical condition holding a smell-in at Reagan National to show us how the malodorous are wrongly profiled when they are “Flying While Smelly.”
Yet, the FBI is questioning the farting lady. And American’s banning her. And the Flying Imams live to fly another day, another day when they make sure we don’t live to fly another day.
I’ll take a stinkbomb over their real bomb on my flight, any day.

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