By Debbie Schlussel
At this time, last year, I wrote about Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell.”
If you like “24,” you’ll LOVE “Sleeper Cell.” The series, about an Islamic terrorist cell in Los Angeles, makes “24” look like the moderate apologism for extremist Islam that it is. “Sleeper Cell” gets it right, and Season Two, “Sleeper Cell: American Terror,” starts Sunday Night, for eight nights in a row (just like Channukah).
Unlike “24,” where the Muslims always end up working for the WASPY White Man (a/k/a “The Real Terrorists”), “Sleeper Cell” gets it right. While I have a few slight criticisms, for the most part this is the best portrayal of extremist Islam and those in our neighborhood mosques, coming out of Hollywood in a long time. And it’s created, written, and co-produced by a Muslim, Kamran Pasha.
It’s rare that a sequel is as good as the original. But, the second season of the series, of which I’ve now screened quite a bit of (will have my entire review on Sunday), comes close to being as good. And is definitely accurate. So far, I recommend it highly (though I was disgusted by one government interrogator’s comparison of extremist Muslims to religious Christians). Israeli actor Oded Fehr is back as the wickedly convincing evil Al-Qaeda terrorist cell leader Faris Al-Farik a/k/a Saad Al-Safwan, now in prison. Michael Ealy stars as Muslim FBI agent and undercover operative Darwyn Al-Sayeed.
Here are my observations. So far, “Sleeper Cell” Season 2:
* accurately depicts conversion and recruiting of prisoners by Islamic extremists working in mosques.
* accurately depicts the conversion and recruitment of Hispanics by Islam. There is a Jose Padilla-type of character recruited for terrorism in the mosque.
* accurately depicts the involvement of Muslims involved in cash businesses (a Halal meat market owner, a cab driver, and a grocery store owner) in terrorism. Their sons may even be in the U.S. Marines (though the one portrayed here is far more patriotic than other Muslim American Marines, like
Wassef Ali Hassoun, currently on the NCIS most wanted list).
* nice-seeming, hip, “modernized” Muslims, including the female, Dutch nanny for a wealthy family, aren’t so nice after all–they can be members of a terrorist cell.
* accurately portrays of the ineptness of FBI superiors in the War on Terror.
* MY FAVORITE: dumb, liberal women love to be whores–literally–to the jihad. A Slavic Muslim terrorist is being sheltered by a leftist woman who works at the Sunset Drive Tower Records. And she’s also a moonbat who believes in the “Loose Change” conspiracy theories that Bush and the CIA committed 9/11. Here’s how she justifies having sex with the terrorist:
Every time we have sex, it’s like the ultimate f-ck you to Bush, Cheney, and the whole 9/11 plot. I just keep picturing Giuliani and the rest of those a–holes supervising the whole thing from that 15 million dollar bunker on the 23rd floor of building 7. You know that’s where they broadcast the homing signal from to make sure the planes would hit the towers. And what idiot could believe that Osama Bin Laden and his cave-dwelling militia managed to outsmart the CIA, NSA, and the Pentagon . . . unless Uncle Sam was behind the whole thing.
So typical. And unfortunately, there are too many terrorist whores like this in the U.S.
The first season of “Sleeper Cell”–“Sleeper Cell: Know Your Enemy“–was great, but for two things–1) it makes it look as if we create terrorists by kidnapping innocents and sending them to Gitmo–uh, no-no, uh-uh, we didn’t create the 20th hijacker or Bin Laden’s chauffeur; 2) the hero is a Muslim FBI agent, when we know the real Muslim FBI agents, like Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, are hardly heroes–more like co-conspirators. Still the Muslim Agent, Al-Saeed, is shown to be a Sufi. And these days, the mystical Sufis are generally the only moderate, friendly, pro-American Muslims around, such as Sheikh Mohammed Hisham Kabbani, who heads Sufi Islam in the U.S. and is a loyal, heroic Muslim who warned of Islamic terrorists and extremists back in 1997. He is extremely philo-Semitic and pro-Israel, as is his Italian counterpart, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi.
Last year, when this short Showtime series aired, far-leftist Jewish activists in the Detroit area, like the calorically-endowed (and Lilliputian-brained) Sharona Shapiro (more on her latest “sleeping with the enemy” in another post, later today), protested in the Detroit Free Press that this series did not reflect “the real Islam” and that us American dummies (unlike the “smart,” gushing-over-Islamofascism Shapiro) would be prejudiced against Islam. Uh, Sharona, dear apologatrix, we know the REAL Islam, and we get it. Far better than you, hun.
Her fellow Monica-Lewinsky-servicing-Islam, Steven Spreitzer, told the Free Press that “Sleeper Cell” failed to
show the beauty and peacefulness of Islam. They’re messing up the portrayal of Islam to sell a TV series.
Puh-leeze. Get off the crack, you delusional fool. We’ve seen the beauty and peacefulness of head-choppings, nun-murders, etc. “Sleeper Cell” portrays it just right.
If you don’t get Showtime, it’s worth it just to watch this show. I recommend the DVD set for Season One as a riveting, can’t-stop-watching Christmas or Channukah gift. Again, see my full review on Sunday.