December 12, 2006, - 11:10 am

When Gay Marriage/Gay Rights DON’T Matter to the Media, Left

By Debbie Schlussel
Nigeria is about to overwhelmingly pass a bill that would ban gay marriage and ANY form of association among gays, INCLUDING two same-sex people sharing a meal at a restaurant. Doing so will get a gay person up to five years in prison. Homosexuality is already punishable by execution, there.
But you won’t hear much protest about this from gay activists, the Mainstream Media, or the Left–here or anywhere in the world. Why?
Well, it might have something to do with the dominant religion, which also now dominates the government in Nigeria.
Hint: It begins with an I, ends in an M, and has an S-L-A in the middle. In this case, the Christian minority in Nigeria thinks the bill goes too far:

Bishop Joseph Ojo, who presides over the congregation at the evangelical Calvary Kingdom Church, . . . adds that gays should “have freedom of speech and expression.”

But the Muslims just love this soon-to-be enacted Sharia-inspired legislation.
And gays, the media, and the left don’t dare criticize any actions by those of the holier-than-us-all “Religion of Peace.” Now, if Nigeria were a mostly Christian country, that would be a different story.
Hey, where’s Rosie O’Donnell’s big mouth on this one? . . .

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December 12, 2006, - 10:29 am

Me on ESPN, Wednesday Night–CANCELED

By Debbie Schlussel
****UPDATE: The appearance was canceled due to Allen Iverson news. Oh, well. That’s showbiz.****
I’ll be on ESPN’s “Frankly Speaking with Stephen A. Smith,” Tomorrow Night (Wednesday Night), at 11:00 p.m. Eastern.
Nope, no jihad. Just sports topics.

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December 12, 2006, - 9:33 am

Package Apartheid: UPS is Official Delivery Service of the Jihad (DHL, FedEx Much Better)

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE V, 12/14/06: Reader credits me for exposing, ending UPS Package Apartheid Delivery Policy; can now send to Jewish settlement. ****
**** UPDATE IV, 12/14/06: Complete Story at Boycott Watch, which confirms UPS’ Package Apartheid policy and credits this site for exposing and ending it. ****
**** UPDATE II, 12/14/06: UPS ends Package Apartheid, but lies about it. Read the full details. ****
**** UPDATE, 12/13/06: Per readers comments and suggestions, I called FedEx, and FedEx will deliver to anywhere in Israel and the so-called “West Bank,” so I recommend FedEx, too, over UPS. ****
With the Judeo-Christian holidays upon us, now is one of the biggest package shipping times of the year. And given that, I hope you, dear readers, will reject UPS in favor of DHL for your package deliveries. Apparently, UPS is the official package delivery service of the jihad and practices delivery apartheid against Jews.
I thought the “P” stood for Parcel, but I was wrong–it’s the United Palestinian Service.
Yesterday, I received this e-mail from reader Ruth G.:

Dear Debbie:
A friend of mine has a son learning in the Gush in Israel. She wanted to send him a package. She called UPS about shipping her package to Gush Yeshiva [DS: A yeshiva is a Jewish academy] in the Gush EtZion. UPS told her they do not deliver packages beyond the green line. He would have to go the Jerusalem to pick it up. My friend asked if they deliver packages to Ramala. The reply was yes. After further research for a delivery service she called DHL, they had no problem taking her package and delivering it to her son.


UPS: Jihad Package Service; DHL: For Us Infidels

Are you aware of this? Why won’t UPS deliver in all areas of the State of Israel?
Ruth G.
Baltimore, MD

Last night, I called UPS to verify this, and, in fact, it is true. Not only is it true, but UPS will not recognize even parts of Israel that are within the “Green Line,” such as the Golan Heights. A man from UPS read me the following statement (which is not on the UPS website–perhaps they are too cowardly to acknowledge this online):

UPS service is provided to and from most addresses within Israel and the Palestine [sic] Authority area, except for Jewish settlements in the West Bank, a few remote areas in the Golan Heights, and the Southern Negev desert.

I asked the UPS employee if I could send a package to “Palestinian” areas of the West Bank. He said yes. I asked him if I could send a package to terrorist-infested Ramallah. He said yes. I asked him if I could send a package to Arab areas in the Golan Heights. Again, the answer was “YES.”
I asked the man why UPS would not deliver to Jewish areas of these regions. He responded, “for security reasons. It’s dangerous there.” A big, fat lie–the Jewish areas are the only safe areas in these regions. In the Palestinian areas, the UPS man might be tortured and/or beheaded and his “package” castrated without anesthetic, as is a traditional form of torture there.
I asked the UPS employee how it could possibly be safer in the streets of Ramallah, where Fatah and HAMAS terrorists are killing each other and Westerners, daily, than it is in Gush Etzion. “I don’t know. I just work here. I don’t set policy,” was the response.
Well, now we know the official “policy” of UPS–giving in to Islamic terrorists and their anti-Semitic views.
The Etzion block is an important place in Israeli history and Jewish history. There were Jews living in villages there well before the State of Israel existed. It is the “Southern Gateway” to Jerusalem. History of Gush Etzion is on the official Gush website.
In 1948, all four Gush Etzion settlements were totally destroyed. Arab Muslims tortured and murdered 240 men and women, with another 260 being taken into captivity (and tortured). Prime Minister Ben Gurion in 1948 eulogized the defenders of Gush Etzion and their heroic stand against the Jordanian Legion:

I can think of no battle in the annals of the Israel Defense Forces which was more magnificent, more tragic or more heroic than the struggle for Gush Etzion – If there exists a Jewish Jerusalem, our foremost thanks go to the defenders of Gush Etzion.

The heroism of the people of the Etzion Bloc in the face of Islamic terrorists is captured in a great (and sad) book I enjoyed reading, “Siege in the Hills of Hebron: The Battle of the Etzion Bloc” (edited by Dov Knohl).
Now, the new battle is apparently in the package delivery arena. Since anti-Semitic UPS won’t deliver to Jewish areas, I suggest you send your packages via DHL, which has no such phony “security” problems. And tell your friends and family, too. (Ironically, DHL is German-owned; UPS is supposed to be American.)
Today, they won’t deliver to Jewish areas. Tomorrow, it will be Christian areas. But the Islamic terrorist-infested areas, no prob. UPS: Official delivery service of the Jihad. DHL: Still free and strong.
Related: AT&T’s telephone service apartheid.

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December 11, 2006, - 12:27 pm

BREAKING: Dubai Ports Sells U.S. Ports Operation to USA’s AIG; Lax Foreign Investment Scrutiny

By Debbie Schlussel
A great bit of breaking holiday cheer and good news: Dubai Ports World has finally sold its U.S. ports operations to AIG–American International Group, Inc., an insurer, and its AIG Global Investment.
That’s especially great news because recently-retired AIG Chairman Maurice R. “Hank” Greenberg is a patriot, loyal American, and somewhat of a right-winger (on certain issues, like foreign policy). And he still has a lot of influence on the company. Glad to see the company he helped build will operate our ports.
Both the Dow Jones and AIG’s stock got a big lift on the news. We’ve been following this story and wondering what was happening with DPW’s operation of the ports and why it wasn’t yet sold. Now, we’re happy to report the deal is done . . . and sold to an American company headed by a true patriot.


Hank Greenberg, Retired Chairman of AIG, New U.S. Ports Operator

The deal was a cash sale covering 100% of the assets of the U.S. ports operations. No value has been put on the sale, and the amount of the deal has not been made public, thus far.
Well, it’s about time. Americans–and blogs like this one and others–who spoke out in big numbers made this deal happen and deserve a pat on the back.

Mazel Tov, America! And Buh-Bye, Terror-Supporting, Apartheid Dubai Ports

Related to this is news that the U.S. is scrutinizing “more foreign business deals than in past years,” according to press reports. But that’s hardly good news. The number has increased from 65 deals looked at last year–to 100 this year–by the 12-member Treasury Department Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States.
That, out of millions–possibly billions–of foreign investments in the U.S., ONLY 100 of them are scrutinized in a year. It’s a tiny minuscule fraction, a speck of dust. ABSURD!
We are being bought out from under us–selling the rope on which we’ll hang.

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December 11, 2006, - 12:06 pm

Is This For Real?!: Education Secretary, Prez Waste Time/Money on Barney Cam Video

By Debbie Schlussel
Now that she’s voiced her opinion supporting the absurd Title IX (which discriminates against men and male athletes in favor of women in public education), Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings (and her boss, President Bush) must think all of America’s educational crises in the publick skools are solved.
First, Spellings guested on “Jeopardy.” And now, she, President Bush, and Karl Rove are wasting taxpayer time and money on stupid “Barney Cam” videos with former NFLer/”Dancing with the Stars” contestant Emmett Smith. We thought these video skits were a once a year thing at the National Press Club dinner. But, now, apparently, they’re a year-round production. Did we elect a President, or a Saturday Night Live skit team?
When I first got this e-mail from Dept. of Education Deputy Press Secretary Trey Ditto, I thought it was a joke, a scam e-mail, a spoof. But, no, it’s all true. Is this the kind of juvenile stuff the Education Secretary should be wasting time on–and promote in PR e-mails? Click on the link:

— “Ditto, Trey” wrote:
Subject: Barney Cam, Secretary Spellings and Emmitt Smith
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 11:43:43 -0500
From: “Ditto, Trey”
To: “Ditto, Trey”
Pardon the blast…
Hall of Fame running back turned ballroom dancer Emmitt Smith has added another line to his resume:
After apparently being rejected in an American Idol style try-out, U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings calls Emmitt Smith who gives her advice on dancing. As you know, Emmitt won the Dancing with the Stars Competition.
But who comes out with that coveted yellow American Idol piece of paper? None other than Karl Rove.
Here is the link to the short film:
Thought this would be a great mention!
Trey Ditto
Deputy Press Secretary
Office of Communications and Outreach
U.S. Department of Education

I can just see Barney, the Bush White House dog, rolling his eyes at this dumb exercise in government waste. Too bad they dishonored the U.S. Marine Corps Band, by making them participate in this absurdity.

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December 11, 2006, - 11:07 am

Philo-Semitic E-mail Message of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Reader, Neo-Nazi, or whatever he is, “Rick Randerson,” is upset that I wrote about Gary Busey’s and Billy Zane’s starring roles in the Turkish anti-Semitic movie, “Kurtlar Vadisi.” As I’ve written, Busey plays a Jewish American military doctor who steals Muslim Iraqi’s organs and sells them to Orthodox Jews in London, New York, and Tel Aviv. I recommended that since he defamed Jewish American doctors, they should all refuse him medical services in the future.
“Rick Randerson”–who could really be named Mohammed Ahmed, for all we know–had this eloquent response:

— Rick Randerson wrote:
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:24:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Randerson
Subject: Busey Article.
Debbie you dumb jew-
Read your little BS write-up on Gary Busey. You jews are something else, bantering about how you ” rule the world” and always crying wolf. I bet you were very mad when you wrote it, wantiong
[sic] to protecy [sic] your little fucking bullshit religion. You will get yours debbie. Dumb jew bitch. Boycott? Who are you Nazi Germany? I’d love to smack you around!

Hey, “Rick”, you forgot to add something to the bottom of your e-mail . . .


You might want to give up on your fantasy of “smacking [me] around,” because if you try, this might be the response . . .

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December 11, 2006, - 9:08 am

Kofi Annan: Buh-Bye . . . And F-U, USA

By Debbie Schlussel
Here’s the headline from the front page of today’s USA Today:

Annan to Blast U.S. in Farewell; End U.N. Tenure With Dig at Bush

Today, Annan (thankfully) says good-bye as Secretary-General of the U.N. Instead of discussing his many failures (are there any successes? NO.), Annan will blast America on American soil.
Annan and his whole U.N. wouldn’t even exist without the generosity–no, the stupidity– of the U.S. But this America-hater on U.S. soil loves to gives us the middle-finger salute, all courtesy of U.S. taxpayers (who pay the majority of U.N. costs, including Annan’s high-styled mansion and salary). We’ll be paying a good deal of Annan’s pension, too. And, don’t forget, he and his son got away with impunity, despite participating in the Iraq oil-for-food scam.
Kofi Annan Photos Say it All . . .


Hezbollah-U.N. Lovefest


More from USA Today, with which Annan shared his speech, in advance:

In a farewell speech on U.S. soil today, retiring United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan plans to deliver a tough critique of President Bush’s policies. He will accuse the administration of trying to secure the United States from terrorism in part by dominating other nations through force, committing what he termed human rights abuses and taking military action without broad international support.
Though Annan has long been a critic of the war in Iraq and other Bush foreign policies, the planned speech is among his toughest and is unusual for a U.N. secretary-general concluding his tenure.
Annan’s remarks, provided to USA TODAY by his office, list principles for international relations, among them “respect for human rights and the rule of law.”
These ideas can be advanced only “if America remains true to its principles, including in the struggle against terrorism,” the speech says. “When it appears to abandon its own ideals and objectives, its friends abroad are naturally troubled and confused.”

Uh-huh. Just like Annan was “tough” on Palestinian terrorism, right?

In the 61-year history of the U.N., no secretary-general has ended his tenure by criticizing U.S. policies so sharply, said Stanley Meisler, a historian of the United Nations and author of a new biography of Annan. . . .
In his speech, Annan refers to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. When “military force is used, the world at large will consider it legitimate only when convinced that it is being used for the right purpose – in accordance with broadly accepted norms.”

Interesting that he attacks our “military force,” in which we handled Iraqis and terrorists with kid gloves (and continue to do so), but makes no mention of the Sudanese Army that slaughtered millions of Sudanese Christians on Annan’s watch (there are none left). He makes no mention of the Syrian Army, the Egyptian Army (building up to attack Israel), Iran’s nuclear quest, etc.

The speech continues that “governments must be accountable for their actions in the international arena, as well as in the domestic one.”

Again, see above.

The speech, to be delivered at the presidential library of the late Harry Truman in Independence, Mo., contrasts Truman’s support for the United Nations with the Bush administration’s unilateral actions.

Harry Truman is turning over in his grave. This speech–and Annan in general–is against everything he stood for.

Annan acknowledges terrorism and other global threats but cautions against nations acting alone. “Against such threats as these, no nation can make itself secure by seeking supremacy over all others,” the speech says.

Yes, “seeking supremacy” by bending over backwards in Iraq instead of bombing the heck out of it, and by bending over to extremist Islam in America. Get a clue, Kofi . . . .

Critics of Annan in Congress, including Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., faulted the Ghana-born, U.S.-educated diplomat for lax management of the $64 billion U.N. oil-for-food program. The 1996-2003 effort was tainted by $1.5 billion in kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein.
“Annan’s legacy will be one of missed opportunity and failed leadership,” said Coleman, who urged Annan to resign last year.

Amen to that. If he’s intellectually honest about (something he never has been), Annan has only himself to blast.
Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright backed Annan for U.N. Secretary general–a HUGE mistake. His departure is none too soon, and far too late.

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December 8, 2006, - 4:01 pm

Weekend Box Office: Chick Flick & Blame America First on Diamond Violence

By Debbie Schlussel
Due to a scheduling conflict, I did not screen “Apocalypto” (too busy being “responsible for all the wars in the world”), so my apologies to the many readers who want my take on it. May try to catch it over the weekend. But here are the ones I did see, both of which are equally skip-worthy:
* “The Holiday“–Two words: Chick Flick. Cameron Diaz (horrid actress) and Kate Winslet are two women done wrong by cheating men (are there any other kind in the movies?). Diaz lives in a giant mansion in the Los Angeles area, and Blanchett in a cozy country hamlet outside London. They switch homes through a vacation exchange website. Both meet the sensitive girlie-men of their dreams (Jude Law and Jack Black) and live happily ever after. The end. Sappy beyond belief and waaaaaaay tooooooooo looooooooooooong.


* “Blood Diamond“–Leonardo DiCrapio (no, not a typo; just this site’s name for the hypocritically preachy leftist actor) and Djimon Hounsou play two men in search of a giant pink diamond that will get them away from Sierra Leone diamond mining violence forever. Jennifer Connelly is the do-gooder, liberal American reporter out for the story. Not bad as an action adventure thriller (and both DiCrapio and Hounsou are excellent actors), but not good as far as its far-left, blame America, and whitewash Islam message.
DiCrapio’s Danny Archer is a soldier of fortune/diamond smuggler for the Van De Kaap diamond cartel (which is supposed to be the real-life De Beers diamond cartel). Hounsou is Solomon Vandy, a poor black man from a poor Sierra Leone village raided by the R.U.F. Black guerrillas, who maim, torture, kill, and enslave in the name of diamond profits. Vandy’s young son is kidnapped by the R.U.F. and forced to become a killer for the group.
A good and a bad message from this movie: I reject the movie’s claim that it’s somehow White women’s (read: AMERICAN women’s) fault that Black guerrillas are fighting innocent Blacks in an African country. It’s kind of like the way Israel is blamed whenever Arabs kill other Arabs. And it’s intellectually dishonest. However, the larger message, the good message, is that of a father’s strong love–in the face of torture and death–for his young son. We need more movies with that message.
Also of note is that, while this movie focuses on “blood diamonds” a/k/a “conflict diamonds,” I wonder why it doesn’t focus on the Bin Laden and Qaeda diamond trade. Actually, I don’t wonder. We all know that Hollywood whitewashes the crimes of extremist Islam in favor of blaming Whitey. The movie claims that the “blood diamond”/”conflict diamond” trade has ended, and actually, when it comes to funding Islamic terror, it has NOT ended.
I object to the other Islamic whitewash message at the end of this movie. The chyron on the screen informs us that, now, Sierra Leone is in peace. Oh, really? Tell that to the many victims of Hezbollah-related crimes and terror there, as many Lebanese Hezbos have set up shop in Sierra Leone and control a lot of the goings on there (as they have for some time). You can hardly call it “peace.”
Finally, full disclosure: Although I do not own diamonds (I’m not into the jewelry stuff, as the subject matter of this site should indicate), my uncle’s uncle is Maurice Tempelsman, in the diamond biz and rumored to be the De Beers diamond cartel’s man in the U.S. (He was also Jacqelyn Bouvier Kennedy Onassis’ “escort” and is was rumored to be a CIA agent.) A big-time liberal and Dem fundraiser, he gave money to my campaigns both times I ran for the Michigan House of Representatives (about $1,000 total–I’m probably the only Republican and the only conservative to which he’s ever donated), but I’ve only met the guy once or twice.

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December 8, 2006, - 3:48 pm

Clint Eastwood’s Iwo Jima Movie (From Japanese Point of View)

By Debbie Schlussel
I just got back from seeing Clint Eastwood’s “Letters from Iwo Jima,” told from the point of view of the Japanese fighting in the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II. YA-A-A-AWN.
Sorry, but I just can’t see why everyone’s ranting and raving over how fabulous this movie is. It’s possibly one of the most boring movies I’ve seen in my lifetime. A total snoozer. I struggled–and failed–to stay awake during this 2.5 hour movie told completely in Japanese (and English subtitles). The thing could have been told in half the time (and still would have been boring, though not at much so).
Fortunately, the movie was not as I’d feared, in sympathizing with the enemy. It didn’t do that very much, a few brief–but patently unfair–scenes showing Americans shooting Japanese soldiers who’d already surrendered. There is no evidence anything like this ever happened, but the point is to make American soldiers look bad. And it does the trick. But, again, this movie does the trick for the insomnia-inflicted.


I only hope that when Clint Eastwood’s grandchildren, 60 or 70 years from now, make their movie “from Al-Qaeda’s” point of view, it is equally boring and ineffective.
Stay tuned for my complete review when the movie is released.

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December 8, 2006, - 9:52 am

Alhamdillullah [Praise Allah], “Sleeper Cell” is BACK! (Season 2, Sunday)

By Debbie Schlussel
At this time, last year, I wrote about Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell.”
If you like “24,” you’ll LOVE “Sleeper Cell.” The series, about an Islamic terrorist cell in Los Angeles, makes “24” look like the moderate apologism for extremist Islam that it is. “Sleeper Cell” gets it right, and Season Two, “Sleeper Cell: American Terror,” starts Sunday Night, for eight nights in a row (just like Channukah).
Unlike “24,” where the Muslims always end up working for the WASPY White Man (a/k/a “The Real Terrorists”), “Sleeper Cell” gets it right. While I have a few slight criticisms, for the most part this is the best portrayal of extremist Islam and those in our neighborhood mosques, coming out of Hollywood in a long time. And it’s created, written, and co-produced by a Muslim, Kamran Pasha.


It’s rare that a sequel is as good as the original. But, the second season of the series, of which I’ve now screened quite a bit of (will have my entire review on Sunday), comes close to being as good. And is definitely accurate. So far, I recommend it highly (though I was disgusted by one government interrogator’s comparison of extremist Muslims to religious Christians). Israeli actor Oded Fehr is back as the wickedly convincing evil Al-Qaeda terrorist cell leader Faris Al-Farik a/k/a Saad Al-Safwan, now in prison. Michael Ealy stars as Muslim FBI agent and undercover operative Darwyn Al-Sayeed.
Here are my observations. So far, “Sleeper Cell” Season 2:
* accurately depicts conversion and recruiting of prisoners by Islamic extremists working in mosques.
* accurately depicts the conversion and recruitment of Hispanics by Islam. There is a Jose Padilla-type of character recruited for terrorism in the mosque.
* accurately depicts the involvement of Muslims involved in cash businesses (a Halal meat market owner, a cab driver, and a grocery store owner) in terrorism. Their sons may even be in the U.S. Marines (though the one portrayed here is far more patriotic than other Muslim American Marines, like Wassef Ali Hassoun, currently on the NCIS most wanted list).
* nice-seeming, hip, “modernized” Muslims, including the female, Dutch nanny for a wealthy family, aren’t so nice after all–they can be members of a terrorist cell.
* accurately portrays of the ineptness of FBI superiors in the War on Terror.
* MY FAVORITE: dumb, liberal women love to be whores–literally–to the jihad. A Slavic Muslim terrorist is being sheltered by a leftist woman who works at the Sunset Drive Tower Records. And she’s also a moonbat who believes in the “Loose Change” conspiracy theories that Bush and the CIA committed 9/11. Here’s how she justifies having sex with the terrorist:

Every time we have sex, it’s like the ultimate f-ck you to Bush, Cheney, and the whole 9/11 plot. I just keep picturing Giuliani and the rest of those a–holes supervising the whole thing from that 15 million dollar bunker on the 23rd floor of building 7. You know that’s where they broadcast the homing signal from to make sure the planes would hit the towers. And what idiot could believe that Osama Bin Laden and his cave-dwelling militia managed to outsmart the CIA, NSA, and the Pentagon . . . unless Uncle Sam was behind the whole thing.

So typical. And unfortunately, there are too many terrorist whores like this in the U.S.
The first season of “Sleeper Cell”–“Sleeper Cell: Know Your Enemy“–was great, but for two things–1) it makes it look as if we create terrorists by kidnapping innocents and sending them to Gitmo–uh, no-no, uh-uh, we didn’t create the 20th hijacker or Bin Laden’s chauffeur; 2) the hero is a Muslim FBI agent, when we know the real Muslim FBI agents, like Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, are hardly heroes–more like co-conspirators. Still the Muslim Agent, Al-Saeed, is shown to be a Sufi. And these days, the mystical Sufis are generally the only moderate, friendly, pro-American Muslims around, such as Sheikh Mohammed Hisham Kabbani, who heads Sufi Islam in the U.S. and is a loyal, heroic Muslim who warned of Islamic terrorists and extremists back in 1997. He is extremely philo-Semitic and pro-Israel, as is his Italian counterpart, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi.
Last year, when this short Showtime series aired, far-leftist Jewish activists in the Detroit area, like the calorically-endowed (and Lilliputian-brained) Sharona Shapiro (more on her latest “sleeping with the enemy” in another post, later today), protested in the Detroit Free Press that this series did not reflect “the real Islam” and that us American dummies (unlike the “smart,” gushing-over-Islamofascism Shapiro) would be prejudiced against Islam. Uh, Sharona, dear apologatrix, we know the REAL Islam, and we get it. Far better than you, hun.
Her fellow Monica-Lewinsky-servicing-Islam, Steven Spreitzer, told the Free Press that “Sleeper Cell” failed to

show the beauty and peacefulness of Islam. They’re messing up the portrayal of Islam to sell a TV series.

Puh-leeze. Get off the crack, you delusional fool. We’ve seen the beauty and peacefulness of head-choppings, nun-murders, etc. “Sleeper Cell” portrays it just right.
If you don’t get Showtime, it’s worth it just to watch this show. I recommend the DVD set for Season One as a riveting, can’t-stop-watching Christmas or Channukah gift. Again, see my full review on Sunday.

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