December 16, 2006, - 7:25 pm

Chanukah Wishes From a Fan

By Debbie Schlussel
She sent this one three times, and each time without a message in the text. Just the very clear one in the subject line. File under “Deranged Chanukah Wishes”:

— wrote:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 20:43:49 EST
> Subject: you fucking jewish bitch!
> To:

Happy Chanukah to you, too, Janet . . . or Hamida, or whoever you are at IP address

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December 15, 2006, - 3:35 pm

Weekend Box Office: Mediocre Kids Film & Phenomenal “Pursuit of Happyness”

By Debbie Schlussel
This weekend finds two notable films newly released at the box office:
* “The Pursuit of Happyness“: Read my full review of this true story of homeless-to-millionaire Chris Gardner. An inspiring, uplifting film that is the epitome of the American story. Despite all odds against him, hard work and moxie enable Gardner to overcome tremendous odds. One of the best movies of the year. Will Smith is excellent as Gardner, and ironically looks like a taller, thinner, younger version of shakedown king Jesse Jackson in this one. His son, Jaden, is great as Chris, Jr. Again, read my full review of this movie.


* “Eragon“: This “Lord of the Rings” wannabe is entertaining and charming enough for kids, but I’ve seen better. The special effects are thin, and the story is too light, too familiar, and somewhat stiff. The computer-generated dragon looks very fake. This story of Eragon–a dragon rider who is marked for death by the evil king in Medieval England and must fight and beat the kings murderous forces–features Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich. Based on a best-selling book of the same name, written by a then-teenager (who is now 23).

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December 15, 2006, - 3:20 pm

Early Christmas Present at Immigration?: Rumors Swirl on Senate Reject ICE Princess’ Impending Departure

By Debbie Schlussel
Ever since the Senate, last week, rejected the latest nomination of incompetent, unqualified Immigration and Customs Enforcement chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” there has been much speculation about when and if she will go willingly.
This is, after all, the woman who picked herself for the job, despite almost universal objections and despite jeopardizing national security. Recall her movie likeness, Veruca Salt, the spoiled rich English girl in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” screaming:

Daddy, I want a Golden Ticket, and I want it NOOOOOOW!!!


Wonka’s Veruca Salt & ICE’s Veruca Salt, Julie Myers

Well, it looks like our own American immigration version of Ms. Salt may be leaving in the next couple of weeks. Here’s what a long-time, high-ranking ICE official tells us:

Great articles over the past few days.
Rumor is that the ICE Princess will leave quietly between Christmas and New Years…. No fanfare and just an ICE Broadcast Message that [Assistant Secretary of DHS for ICE John] Clark [about whom we’ve written and about whom allegations are also swirling] will be in charge . . . .
All the Schedule C appointees [Political appointees below Secretary level] are sweating because they will be history.
The Peppermint Patty [a/k/a ICE Director of Investigations Marcy Forman-Friedman] story is demoralizing . . . .
The ICE Princess . . . a legacy to be proud of.

Yup, it would be great if ICE’s Veruca Salt got her “golden ticket” outta town and away from “enforcing” immigration law, forever.
If the rumors of her departure are true, we’ll certainly miss having her to kick around. Unfortunately, the Prez will probably give her some other undeserved nomination to something or other (if she can manage to pick herself for it).
Also unfortunate, we’ll probably have plenty of others at ICE to continue kicking around on this site: We’re told that The ICE Princess’ replacement will be Clark, Peppermint Patty, or some other old deadwood.
Time for new blood at this agency. Blood that actually knows about and wants to enforce our nation’s immigration laws.

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December 15, 2006, - 2:47 pm

Could Bloomberg be the Ross Perot of ’08?; Blacks Oppose Alien Amnesty Even More Than Whites

By Debbie Schlussel
Today’s Wall Street Journal “Washington Wire” has two interesting items.
* The first is on immigration:

Hispanics strongly support Bush’s temporary-worker program for illegal immigrants. But 52% of whites and 59% of blacks express opposition.

Hear that, President Bush? Hear that, Congress? So why do Blacks oppose amnesty even more than Whites? Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that many Black laborers have lost their jobs and business to the illegal alien worker problem.


The Wall Street Journal ran an excellent front page piece on this on Wednesday, “How Immigration Upended Dreams of an Entrepreneur,” about William and Starletta Hairston. Mr. Hairston hired illegal aliens for his thriving stucco business and made hundreds of thousands. But then they started their own stucco business and the competition of illegal alien wages drove him out of business.
* Remember when billionaire H. Ross Perot got 19% of the vote in 1992, just enough to usher Bill Clinton into office and George H.W. Bush out?
Well, 2008’s Ross Perot might just be liberal fake-Republican and Islamist-embracer, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, depending on who the Dem and GOP nominees are:

NYC’s Billionaire Liberal “GOP” Mayor Michael Bloomberg

An independent Bloomberg presidential bid, scoring among upscale independents, gives Clinton a 40%-39% edge over McCain in three-way 2008 race.

Yup, Bloomberg could lose it for the GOP. What is it about deranged, egomaniacal billionaires who need attention?

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December 15, 2006, - 2:14 pm

Unhinged Katie Couric to America: “Bite Me”

By Debbie Schlussel
The class and dignity of Network TV news anchors went down yet another notch (and we thought it couldn’t get any lower).
Dan Rather’s replacement at CBS, Katie Couric, has a rather interesting and angry–not to mention, classless–response to her critics, relayed to the January issue of Esquire, according to Radar:

You have something in the November issue, something about how since I’ve become an anchor, you don’t know me anymore. You don’t know me anymore? Bite me.


CBS Evening “Bite Me” News with Katie & Elmo

(This is after she said, by the way,

We kind of ignore people who are observing everything we do and praising, criticizing or analyzing it.

Hardly sounds like she’s ignoring them, if they got her to say, “Bite me.”)
“Bite me”? Would love to see her have the guts to say those two words on her newscasts. But no-one will hear it if she does. Judging from the ratings, most of America, has already said, “Bite me,” to Katie Couric.

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December 15, 2006, - 12:46 pm

Happy Chanukah!

By Debbie Schlussel
To all my Jewish Friends & Readers:
I wish you a Chag Chanukah Sameach [Happy Chanukah]! Thanks to all of you who sent e-cards and e-mail wishes to me.
This is a message I received from my friend, the great Ruth S. King–a message which embodies my sentiments to you on this Chanukah–so I am repeating it here:

I’m never a hundred percent sure of how to spell it, but I do know that it is a holiday of triumph of good versus evil and Jews versus their oppressors. May you and all those you love have a healthy and wonderful holiday. May we prevail over the millions of enemies we have. May America and Israel survive in strength, deterrence and determination. And, a special thanks to those not of our faith whose friendship and support are crucial and inspiring.


The holiday of Chanukah starts at sundown tonight, the first of eight nights and days. And I cannot wait to light my Menorah (the 9 candle candelabra–the ninth one, the “shamash,” lights the other eight).
Although Chanukah is NOT a major Jewish holiday, it has been “elevated” to one, due to its close proximity to Christmas. Still, it is the magnificent story of the will to survive coupled with so many miracles. It has so many lessons for the fight we face against extremist Muslims all over the world.
The Chanukah story is that of the Maccabees, who were vastly outnumbered by the Greeks, but valiantly fought them anway . . . and beat them. We are constantly told the figure of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide. But if we don’t fight their extremism and their wish to take over the world and just give up, we won’t win.
And Chanukah is the story of the fight for religious freedom. Matityahu (Matthew) the Maccabee, and his son Judah (after him), led a revolt against Antiochus Epiphanies, the Greek leader, who wanted the Jews to give up their religion and assimilate.
Like today, in those days, there were many Hellenists, Jews who wanted to assimilate and give in to the Greeks. Today, they are my fellow co-religionists–parties with names like Sharona Shapiro, Brenda Rosenberg, and the Jewish Community Council of Metro Detroit–who cozy up to extremist Muslims in Dearbornistan who support Hezbollah, HAMAS, Holocaust denial, and Ahmadinejad.
There are other Hellenists like Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz,” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan/Ohio who on a regular basis panders to the most extremist, terror-supporting Muslims he can find. For a raid, last week, of an Islamic organization, ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services–he instructed agents that they could not wear their normal tactical gear or use long guns and rifles, as they always do, when rounding up Hispanics and other illegal aliens. He told them to wear khakis and professional dress and use pistols. “Because we can’t scare the Muslims”–that’s the goal above and beyond the safety of agents and the preservation of our national security.
But there are plenty of non-Jewish Hellenists in our society, too. They are people like Daniel Sutherland–who’s made it his job at Homeland Security to help our Islamofascist enemies and advance their causes.
They are reporters like Rick Hampson, who wrote a front page USA Today story, this week, about how persecuted Arabs in America are (they were all Muslim in the story, no Christians). The article, filled with inaccuracies and false information, spoke of how Muslims are afraid to apply for hunting licenses. Hello . . .? Muslims generally don’t hunt–because the food they’d kill isn’t Halal. A real reporter would look into this instead of taking their Chicken Little “the sky is falling on ‘innocent’ Muslims” word for it.
But not the Hellenists. Our modern day Hellenists–the modern day liberal enablers of extremist Islam–are helping the modern day Antiochus Greeks. Time for us all to be the Maccabees. And put an end to this stuff.
The mighty Greek Empire fell, and so will extremist Islam . . . if we have the will to survive before it’s too late.
We light the Menorah–one candle for each of the eight nights–to symbolize the miracle that, once the Maccabees defeated the Greeks, a bottle of oil that was supposed to last only one day, lasted for eight days, and the candles of the Menorah in the Jewish Temple miraculously burned for eight days, while new oil was made.

Chanukah Dreidel

On Chanukah, Israelis eat jelly donuts, called “sufganiyot,” and the rest of us eat fried potato pancakes, called “latkes.” We also play a game with a spinning top called a “dreidel,” with Hebrew letters on it that stand for the phrase, “A great miracle happened there [or here, if you’re in Israel].”
From Shraga Simmons and Shimon Apisdorf at Matityahu’s Revolt:

The name “Maccabee” is an acronym for the [Biblical] verse “Who is compared to You among the mighty, oh Lord” (Exodus 15:11).

I’m frequently asked why Chanukah is spelled so many different ways in English. That’s because transliterating Hebrew into English is all phonetic and yields no one certain result.
While at the gym, today, I got a good laugh out of VH1’s “Hanukkah” special. The show included such celebrity Chanukah experts as Greg Fitzsimmons, Edwin McCain, Willard Scott, and . . . Rick Springfield. Rick Springfield (ne Richard Springthorpe)? And Luis Guzman? (Feliz Chanukah?)
No, none of these guys are Jews (though I do appreciate their philo-Semitism). It reminded me of the movie, “The Jerk,” when Steve Martin runs after the Hispanic guys who just bought gas from his gas station (and ripped him off), shouting, “Mrs. Nussbaum, you forgot your credit card.”
More on Chanukah from Judaism 101, Matityahu’s Revolt, and the Constantia Hebrew Congregation of Capetown, South Africa.
Happy Chanukah!


Temple Mount Faithful Light Chanukah Menorah in Israel

(Part of the Jewish Temple–the most holy part–has a mosque built on top of it.)

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December 14, 2006, - 11:07 pm

Baker’s Back

[Note from Debbie: This article is written by my father, H.L. Schlussel, MD, an expert on the Mid-East, terrorism, and Islam and a Vietnam-era U.S. Army Veteran. His columns appear on this site from time to time, including the ones here and here. DS]
By H.L. Schlussel, MD
It’s like deja vu all over again.
James A. Baker III–the enabler of the Butcher of Baghdad, Saddam Hussein, and the Butcher of Beirut, Hafez Al-Assad–is back to his old tricks. If a policy doesn’t work, why try it again, and again, and again. I thought that was the definition of insanity.
Baker, who served Presidents George H.W. Bush as Secretary of State from January of 1989 to August 1992, was one of the architects of the “Syria is the key to peace” theory. He enlisted Syria’s support in the Gulf War and saw Syria as the lynchpin in an Arab-Israeli peace agreement. In order to get Syrian acquiescence in the Gulf War, Baker stated, last Sunday, that he had made 15 trips to Damascus.


James A. Baker III

He also gave Hafez Al-Assad a green light to do what was necessary to control Lebanon in 1991. This was followed by the execution-style murder of 600 unarmed Lebanese Christian soldiers who were prisoners of the Syrian Army.
(It seems that the murder of unarmed prisoners is a proud tradition of the courageous Syrian Army. After the 1973 “Yom Kippur War,” a Syrian soldier who had slit the throats of more than 100 Israeli prisoners–who had their arms tied behind them–was given a medal for heroism before the Syrian Parliament. This medal was awarded by Mustafa Tlas, Syrian Defense Minister. Tlas, who is still Defense Minister, is the proud author of the book, “Matzoh of Zion,” which perpetuates the blood libel against the Jewish people. It is interesting that this blood libel was refuted in a Papal bull by Pope Innocent IV in 1247.)
The Syrians also agreed to participate in the Gulf War effort, which they did by sitting in an army camp in Saudi Arabia, while U.S. Forces did the bulk of the fighting. The brave Syrian troops did not participate in combat or fire one shot in anger.
Who can forget the anguish on the face of the late Ambassador Philip Habib, the distinguished Lebanese American diplomat, when he left the State Department offices? He had gone there as the head of a delegation of Christian-Lebanese Americans to plead for the fate of his fellow Lebanese Christians. Habib said, “They are totally controlled by the Syrians,” regarding his former State Department colleagues.
After Bush I left office, the State Department continued Baker’s policy of appeasing Syria. Secretary of State Christopher made more visits to Damascus than to any other national capital. For all of our efforts, we were rewarded with a visit by the Syrian Foreign Minister to Camp David, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Barak, under the aegis of President Clinton. The Syrian neither spoke with or even looked at Barak for the whole weekend meeting.
When the Gulf War started, Baker initiated a campaign to encourage the Kurds and Shi’ites to revolt against Saddam Hussein. Yet, at the conclusion of the war, he allowed the Iraqi army to retain its combat helicopters and heavy weapons. Saddam Hussein then proceeded to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shi’ites. He flooded the South of Iraq to destroy the communities of the “Marsh Arabs.” (Please see the book, “Cruelty and Silence,” by Kanan Makiya, and the article, “A 1991 Kurdish Betrayal Redux?” by Najmaldin Karim, MD, in the December 2, 2006 edition of The Washington Post.) It is because of Baker’s previous betrayals, that we are so distrusted by the people of Iraq. This is undoubtedly one of the important causes of our problems there.
Fast forward to the 21st Century. Baker’s Iraq Study Group (ISG) is filled with irrelevant figures, like former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor–who is obsessed with a paranoid fantasy about a “right-wing assault on our courts”–and Washington fixer, Vernon Jordan. Its expert list is stacked with Arabists and anti-war activists. (See “James Baker’s Stacked Commission,” by Michael Rubin in the 10/25/06 issue of The Weekly Standard.)

Baker Was a Principal in the Bin Laden Carlyle Group

Among the ISG’s 79 recommendations are negotiations with Iran and Syria, which along with Al-Qaeda, have been working since 2003 to foment a civil war in Iraq. According to Y. Bodansky, a Congressional terrorism expert, it was Iran that was responsible for the murder of Imam Baqir Al-Hakim and 200 worshippers at the Imam Ali Mosque on August 29, 2003 in Najaf, Iraq. Syria has been the doorway through which thousands of jihadists have poured into Iraq. Both Syria and Iran have been implicated in the design and export of the IEDs that have killed so many of our soldiers and in the training of the terrorists.
Although Israel was not a party to the Gulf War in 1991, she was hit with 39 rockets from Iraq. Baker did not allow Israel to respond militarily to these attacks. Instead, he forced Israel into the Madrid Peace Conference, which over the years has led to 3,000 dead and countless maimed Israelis, a demoralization and demonization of Israel, and no peace.
Now Baker proposes to “flip” Syria away from the Iranian orbit by offering it the Golan Heights which is part of Israel. Israel is not even invited to the regional conference where this offer is to take place. Israel’s weak government, fresh from its humiliation in an inept war this past summer, is in no position to refuse.
Baker is known as a shill for Sunni forces in the Middle East. This is evidenced by the “experts” who advised this committee. In the words of Karim, they are “die-hard Arabists who bend over backwards to accommodate . . . the Iraqi Sunni Arabs. One of them is an Iraqi Sunni, and none is a Shi’ite or Kurdish Iraqi.” In the first Gulf War, if Saddam Hussein had been deposed, Baker’s State Department had the temerity to propose a fellow Ba’athist from Tikrit as Saddam’s successor. For these reasons, the plans of the ISG are opposed by the Shi’ites and the courageous Kurdish President of Iraq, Jalal Talabani.
As Karim states, “the Iraqi Kurds are massively pro-American,” as are the Israelis. The motto for Baker and his ISG should be, “Talk to your enemies. Betray your friends.”
President Bush has wisely chosen to consign the recommendations of the ISG to the dustbin. However, Senator Bill Nelson just met with Bashir Assad, and three other Senators are on the way. Tony Blair was in the Middle East, last weekend, to set up the regional conference that will, no doubt, bring peace in our time.
Umbrellas, anybody?
H.L. Schlussel, MD, is a physician, Vietnam-era U.S. Army Veteran, and Middle East expert.

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December 14, 2006, - 4:07 pm

QUICK QUIZ: Which ’08 Presidential Hopeful Said This . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . About the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games, for which we paid over $300 million in U.S. tax money for security?:

Around the world it was like, ‘Boy, those Americans, always beating their chests.’ This is not our time to talk about how great America is. It’s not designed to be a patriotic American display.

I’ll give you a hint: It wasn’t Hillary Clinton. Not Barack Hussein Obama. Not even Al Gore. And not a Democrat, at all.
Here’s another hint: Mitt Happens. And he uttered these words–attacking his fellow Americans–to the Guardian UK, a foreign newspaper, in 2002.


Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney: Mitt Happens . . .

But Hopefully Not to the White House

Yup, Mitt Romney, who wants our votes for President, made that anti-American statement about the Olympics, a statement that sounds like it could have come from Hillary’s mouth or Susan Sarandon’s. Or any America hater’s mouth.
And by the way, Romney–who headed up the organizing committee for the 2002 Salt Lake Games–refused to have an Olympic memorial ceremony for the slain Israeli athletes who were murdered at the Munich Games in 1972. But he managed to find $28 million to waste on the opening for the opening ceremonies of the Games. And he wasted millions more on a stupid choreographed memorial to Olympian Florence Griffith-Joyner (Flo-Jo), whose death–unlike that of the Munich Israelis–had nothing to do with the Olympics.
From my February 12, 2002 column:

Our tax-money coupled with exorbitant ticket prices will fund things like the $2 million twisted glass Olympic cauldron and a $291 million system to gather competition results for the media and fans. IBM, a past Olympic sponsor, decided it wasn’t worth paying for this time around, so now we get to be the lucky “investors,” along with Gateway computers which donated $20 million worth of cable.
Millions will also be spent wining and dining sponsors’ bigwig executives–money that could be better used to offset our “contributions”–you know, the $315 million security allocation the Congress granted the Olympics. President Bush, who attended Harvard Business School with 2002 Winter Games chief Mitt Romney, supports that allocation. Romney’s haphazard spending is not the fiscal conservatism and responsibility he preached in his 1994 run for the U.S. Senate against Ted Kennedy.
Certainly security is more important since September 11th. But why should we Americans–not Olympic sponsors and the well-paid US Olympic Committee–pay for it, especially when Romney won’t scale down Olympic spending, including the $28 million opening ceremony and an exorbitant, commissioned Alvin Ailey choreographed dance tribute to the late Florence Griffith Joyner? There isn’t even a bidding process to scale down costs. More money was blown on his choice of sand “legacy bricks” that disintegrated in cold weather and twice building the Utah Olympic Oval after screw-ups. It’s this waste of our money that led to the brisk sale of 2,500 “Mitt Happens” pins in Salt Lake. . . .
Romney claims the Games may break even. Maybe, for him and other Olympic bigwigs. For the rest of us, it’s a total bust.

And a Romney Presidency will be a total bust, too. He’s not a conservative. Just a phony who badly wants to be Prez and will say anything to get there.
Yup, Mitt Happens. But he won’t happen to get my vote. American chest-beating and talking about how great America is, is never off-limits or inappropriate.
Anyone who thinks so is off-limits and inappropriate as our Commander-in-Chief.
**** UPDATE: More Mitt Happens–Check out ****

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December 14, 2006, - 3:57 pm

Boycott Watch Site, Readers Credit Schlussel for Exposing, Changing UPS Israel Package Delivery Apartheid Policy

By Debbie Schlussel
The respected organization, Boycott Watch, credits me for exposing UPS’ Package Delivery Apartheid policy in Israel and stopping it. However, the real credit goes not only to you readers who called UPS in protest, but especially reader Ruth G. of Baltimore, who initially drew my attention to UPS’ previous misguided policy.
Ruth writes to tell me that UPS has virtually changed its policy overnight (well, over two nights). Read her latest experience trying to send a package to Israel via UPS:

Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:34:42 -0800 (PST)
From: ruth g
Subject: Thank you for making a difference with UPS
To: Debbie Schlussel
It is hard to believe what a difference you made. I called UPS today and asked about delivering a package to Elon Shvut, 90433. They said okay, no exceptions whatsoever. The only problem was that it would cost me $71.92 to mail a 2 lb package with delivery in 3 days.
Thank you for stopping the boycott of Israel by UPS.
I really appreciate your help.

Thanks Ruth, Boycott Watch, and dear readers for helping me put the pressure on UPS.

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December 14, 2006, - 2:32 pm

“We Are Marshall” = We Are Girlie-Men

By Debbie Schlussel
Some producer of Damsel-in-Distress Movies of the Week for Lifetime must have insisted on inserting him/herself into a sports movie. Because that’s what “We Are Marshall” seemed like to me: “Lifetime Does Brian’s Song.”
While I’m prohibited from reviewing the movie until it’s released next week, I can tell you this: I’ve never seen more men crying repeatedly in one venue than on the screen during this movie.
This isn’t a sports movie or a football movie. It’s a Lifetime chick-flick melodrama with shoulder pads and jerseys thrown in as hapless accessories. It’s so overwrought and filled with sobbing, that I think Terry Bradshaw would feel right at home with his anti-depressants.


For the rest of America’s guys: stay away. “We Are Marshall” = We Are Girlie-Men. This is not a good tribute to the Marshall players who died in the plane crash. They’re probably turning over in their graves (and trying not to drown from the rivers of tears that are flooding the coffins). It’s no surprise that the movie was directed by “McG,” who also directed the “Charlie’s Angels” movies. That says it all.
For the record, I’m very familiar with the Marshall story. I’ve been to the Marshall campus, and was shown on ESPN standing on its football field to give bowl game baseball hats to the Marshall Football team, including then-quarterback Chad Pennington. (I was on the board of the NCAA Motor City Bowl, and the MAC champion plays in the bowl game. Several times, that was Marshall.) I doubt these guys will like this sappy sacharine.
Not one of the great football films. Not even close.

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