December 19, 2006, - 1:33 pm

No Conservative: Senator Sam Brown-BACKBONELESS

By Debbie Schlussel
There are a lot of pretenders to the conservative Presidential nominee throne. One is Mitt Romney, whom we exposed as an America-hating, tax-wasting phony.
Now, there’s Kansas Republican Sam Brownback, or as he shall now be called here: Sam Brown-BACKBONELESS.
First, he appeared on “FOX News Sunday” a week ago. The topic was the then-just-released Iraq Study Group report, and Brown-BACKBONELESS was supposed to be the conservative Republican. He was on to be the opposition to the Surrender Group report.
But, NO. In fact, he agreed with far-left Democratic Senator Chris Dodd that the report was “good.” He said he agreed with the report and its conclusions/recommendations and supported them. Lost my vote.


GOP Prez Hopeful Sam Brown-BACKBONELESS & Ally Tom Monaghan

Then, there’s his latest pushover move. Yesterday, Brown-BACKBONELESS pulled his hold on the Bush nomination of far-left Judge Janet Neff to U.S. Federal Court. Brown-BACKBONELESS put a hold on Neff because she attended (some say, Presided Over) a lesbian wedding of a friend in Massachusetts. But now, Brown-BACKBONELESS is backing down. And the real reason why he dropped his hold is interesting.
He claims that the lesbian wedding thing is not that bad for a would-be federal judge . . . “not that bad” because he’s taken a lot of heat over it, and, hey, he wants to be President, and now wants to do “the right thing” and allow a vote.
But here’s the real reason:
Domino’s Pizza founder and billionaire Tom Monaghan is bankrolling Brown-BACKBONELESS’ campaign for President. And Monaghan wants a vote on Bush’s companion nomination for the U.S. Court of Appeals, his friend U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno“–a man who is apparently addicted to porn (on the tax-paid job) and who is tight with a number of Islamic terrorists (many of whom he’s tipped off and allowed to leave the country). (Full details here.)
Bush nominated Murphy–NOT a conservative–as a compromise candidate (and sop to Monaghan) along with Neff–also a compromise candidate, in order to get Democrats to vote for them.
While Brown-BACKBONELESS had a hold on Neff’s nomination, there wasn’t a chance in hell that porn-addict, friend-of-terrorist-money-launderes Stephen Murphy would get a vote either.

Bush Should Cancel Judicial Nominees Janet Neff & Stephen Murphy III

But now, he will (assuming Bush renominates both of them). And Brown-BACKBONELESS will be 100% behind this soft-on-terror ignoramus candidate for judge because he wants to keep Murphy-ally Monaghan’s money flowing. We wonder if Brown-BACKBONELESS agrees with Monaghan’s new illegal alien legal defense program at Ave Maria Law School.
Is this the kind of guy you want as President?–A guy who thinks the Iraq Study Group report is good and thinks Bush should follow its recommendations, a guy who backs down on liberal judges that support gay marriage, a guy who is supporting the nomination of a federal prosecutor who is soft on terrorists and allows them to leave the country, a guy who takes money from a man funding lawyers for illegal aliens?
That’s not the guy I’ll ever be voting for. We need a President who has principles, who has a backbone. And that guy is NOT Senator Sam Brown-BACKBONELESS.
Bush must renominate both Neff and Murphy a/k/a “Abu Porno” in January, if he wants a vote on them. We hope he will have the good sense not to do so. Call the White House and demand that he doesn’t.

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December 19, 2006, - 12:54 pm

Missing Testicles?: Fathers Buying the Hype That They’re Not Necessary?

By Debbie Schlussel
Is it a case of male Stockholm Syndrome? Are fathers finally believing the hype that they are not necessary in children’s lives? The way the press, like USA Today, have been covering it, it’s a story Rosie O’Donnell and Kelly and “Baby Momma” Fantasia Barrino would love.
But, wait–not so fast.
USA Today (print edition) and other media sources reported that a survey by the National Fatherhood Initiative, “Pop’s Culture: A National Survey of Dads’ Attitudes on Fathering,” a majority of fathers think they are replaceable. Specifically (and sadly):


* 53% of fathers surveyed agreed that, absent an involved father,

a mother can be just as effective in preparing a child to be a well-adjusted and productive adult.

* 57% of fathers surveyed agreed that

a male role model, such as a teacher or family friend, can be an adequate substitute.

The survey was conducted among 701 men 18 or older with at least one biological or adopted child.
USA Today’s print edition even featured the headline “Fathers Say Their Roles Can Be Filled.”
That’s interesting. But looking at the 30-page study, itself, tells a different story than the Mainstream Media claims. But a breakdown of responses by age and education shows that the younger, Kevin Federline-style idiots without a high school diploma (or with just a HS diploma) comprised the bulk of the absurd responses to every question:

* 91% of the respondents agreed that there is a father-absence crisis in the country, but strong agreement varied considerably among the different kinds of respondents, being relatively low among the very young, the less religious, and those in high-income households.
* 81% of the surveyed fathers agreed that men generally perform better as fathers if they are married to the mothers of their children. Fifty-seven percent “strongly agreed” and only eight percent “strongly disagreed.” The respondents less inclined to support the importance of marriage to good fathering include those low in religiosity, the youngest respondents, and those not married to the mothers of their child or children. The relatively low support for marriage among the youngest respondents is consistent with results from other surveys that suggest a decline in pro-marriage attitudes.

The good news: America’s fathers don’t buy Rosie O’Donnell’s arguments. The bad news: The younger and less educated they are (the growing segment of America’s fathers), the more they buy into it.
Are fathers replaceable? No way. And it figures that the Justin Timberlake style idiots of the world believe otherwise.

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December 19, 2006, - 12:29 pm

READ THESE!: Why America’s Borders Are Going Down the Toilet

By Debbie Schlussel
Every day, I receive the most depressing e-mails from good, hard-working, patriotic Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents who are dedicated to protecting our national security, but frustrated beyond belief by those that are running their agency . . . into the ground.
The ICE Princess, current ICE chieftess Julie L. Myers, will likely soon be gone. But she will likely be replaced with someone as bad (if that’s possible). And the rest of the deadwood running it will still be there.
For those who vote based on the War on Terror, but believe in amnesty, you are mistaken in believing they are mutually exclusive policy areas. They aren’t. Why is our national security down the toilet? Because our immigration law enforcement is. Read these e-mails, which are but two samples of the e-mails I get every day from those about to throw in the towel. We can’t afford to lose these good men [I’ve put vaguer references in brackets to protect the identities of these agents]:


Deb, love reading your articles. I am a 20 year veteran of Customs (now ICE) and have had enough. Although I can stay [several] more years, I am choosing to leave [in 2007], along with hundreds of others from the 1987 hiring push that have now seen the light. In addition to my 20 years here, I have [many more as a top criminal investigator and military man] with numerous citations and awards. I don’t want to leave, but enough is enough.
[ICE Director of Investigations] Marcy Forman is a joke, [ICE chieftess] Julie Myers is a joke and Immigration enforcement is a media hype conjured up to appease the politicians and the bureaucrats. We have no money for cars, we have been told there is no money for installation of emergency equipment on our existing vehicles as well. My office has five vehicles that do not have the proper safety equipment nor the prospect of getting it in the near future. We have 10 agents for [almost as many] counties of largely migrant (illegal) persons. No immediate plans for the future of hiring more. I have been [top ranking agent and supervisory agent in this office] for the past [many] months (without pay) because they won’t pay to promote or transfer the proper supervisors here.
We have been directly involved in [a major investigation of a major crime committed by illegal aliens] but have not been able to enforce any immigration laws because it would look bad if we actually deported a couple of the individuals who have current deportation orders on them.
[One of our top supervisory agents] has insisted, at the bequest of Peppermint Patty [ICE Director of Investigations, Marcy Forman-Friedman], that we get into a battle with Border Patrol over smuggling investigations and that Border Patrol should turn everything over to us, even though they have authority to investigate shore landings and transport cases. We, effectively, have been ordered to ask the United State’s Attorney’s Office to “decline” Border Patrol investigations for prosecution and give them to us.
This, I was told directly, is because CPB is trying to get 1811 status [DS: allowing them to be federal investigative agents] back and if we let them continue to investigate (which they have full authority to do, especially at the border) they may actually be able to get the 1811’s back. This would kill ICE since any legacy Customs Agent would go to CPB as openings avail themselves. Then, ICE would be left with inept . . . persons and those managers who drank the Kool-aide.
Enough about this, I am sure you are familiar with all of this, just wanted you to be aware of the mass exodus of qualified experienced personnel planning to leave over the next twelve months.

This one is equally depressing:

I researched recess appointments on the Library of Congress website and concluded that MYERS’ appointment expires when the Congress adjourns “sine die” which I believe has already happened for this congress. She can be reappointed to another recess appointment but cannot be paid during the second appointment. SO hopefully she is GONE. BUT, just as she is a joke so is the whole agency! The entire structure needs an overhaul. Too many attorneys (sorry) running law enforcement functions leads to no results.
Anyway, the info on the latest joke “raid” [DS: on the Swift meat packing plants] (hyped for the press) is that MYERS authorized the spending of about one million taxpayer dollars to send 900 agents to do this “roundup.” They left [the previous] Friday [to do the raids]! The joke is all of these guys [the over 1,000 illegal aliens rounded up at Swift plants] will most probably be let go in a day or two and NO CRIMINAL charges will be brought against anyone. Remember the big round-up at the pallet company last spring? Any charges yet? NOPE.

This is from The ICE Princess, who promised fiscal accountability and cost-cutting at ICE, but instead wasted $1 million to do phony show-raids, and much more on undeserved $45,000 bonuses and week-long parties with Tommy Lasorda.
But the waste pales in comparison to the lack of morale and the brain drain of skilled, experienced agents who are getting out of ICE as fast as they can. Thanks, Julie Myers. You are responsible for this.
Just a glimpse into why we are losing and will continue to lose the War on Terror. It is inextricably linked with immigration.

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December 19, 2006, - 9:27 am

Merry Christmas, Aztlan! From Sears (Or is that, “Feliz Navidad”?)

By Debbie Schlussel
What is it with “American” retailers and t-shirts? First, we documented Wal-Mart’s Nazi Death’s Head Battalion skull t-shirts (which Wal-Mart is still selling, over a month later).
Now, SEARS is selling “AZTLAN PRIDE” t-shirts. Reader Mary sent us the tip and writes this:

I was shopping for my young cousins on They are wonderful young men who always want T-shirts for Christmas. So I was looking online this afternoon and look what I found.
Apparently Sears supports the reconquista movement. I called and cancelled our Sears charge account that we have had for 15 years.


Sears Aztlan Pride T-Shirts for Christmas?

Apparently, someone needs to remind Sears chief investor and honcho, Edward S. Lampert, that there is no Aztlan . . . for now, and that this is still the United States of America.

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December 18, 2006, - 6:01 pm

“The View” Hippos, Hitler & Rumsfeld

By Debbie Schlussel
I wasn’t suprised to watch aging, non-funny, so-called “comedienne” Joy Behar call Donald Rumsfeld “a Hitler type,” today, on ABC’s most annoying show ever, “The View.”
She said that TIME should have chosen “a Hitler type” like Rumsfeld as its Person of the Year.
As I’ve documented here, she’s pulled this kind of crap, several times before. She said that President Bush was a racist like a Grand Dragon of the Klan because of his non-instant response to Katrina victims, that ex-FEMA Director Mike Brown was worse than a child molester (for the same reason). And now this. Joy Behar is in desperate need of a sense of perspective . . . and an edit button. (A brain would be nice, too. And plastic surgery.)

Frankly, one of these days, we’d love to lock Behar up in a Concentration Camp with Hitler. So she can, for once, know what the heck she’s talking about. We figure she wouldn’t have much time to do so, though, because the minute he met her, Hitler would commit suicide.
What? He already did? Well, any other inhumane murderous genocidal dictator will do. And he/she’d take her life just as quickly, upon meeting the insufferable. Ditto for any of these bloated airheads on that annoying show.
Can’t understand why anyone calls them, “The Ladies of ‘The View'”. Between Behar and Rosie O’Donnell, it’s more like the Hippos of “The View.” Only a lot louder.
Donald Rumsfeld is an accomplished public servant, who didn’t have to leave his life of retirement and riches for the villainization he’s suffered at the hands of idiots like Bhear. He never wanted occupation of Iraq. That was a Bush thing. Ditto for the Democracy for Islamofascists.
To be compared to the likes of Hitler by Joy Behar?! What next–similarly-geniused Paris and Britney comparing him to Caligula?

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December 18, 2006, - 5:50 pm

NBA BFD: So, Thugs, Inc. Gave Out a Tiny “Punishment”

By Debbie Schlussel
So, yet another brawl broke out over the weekend between the spoiled brat multi-millionaires of the NBA. Predictably, all of the players involved only got penalties of a few games. Big Deal. That’s a drop in the bucket. A few games with no pay, but oodles of millions in endorsement deals continue on.
As I wrote after Basketbrawl I, two years ago, Thuggery, Inc. as Brought to You by David Stern is the same old, same old. And it continues. Unfortunately, it’ll never change. So much for Stern’s repeated claims of zero tolerance for violence.
Better your kids should play video games than watch these overgrown babies.

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December 18, 2006, - 5:03 pm

About 60 Minutes, the Holocaust Archives & the Red Cross

By Debbie Schlussel
Last night, CBS News’ “60 Minutes” did a story on the soon-to-be-opened (in June) Holocaust archives in Bad Arolsen, Germany. The archives store 50 million pages of records kept by the Nazis on the fate of the millions of Holocaust victims–6 million Jewish and 5 million non-Jewish murdered innocents and countless others who survived.
I watched the segment and have a few comments.
First, there’s the issue that the archives are housed and operated by the International Committee for the Red Cross. That’s something of a perversion, an abomination. This is the same Red Cross that gave the AOK for everything the Nazis were doing to these people. The same Red Cross that didn’t just idly stand by for the Holocaust, but was a full accessory to it–covering it up and helping it go on.


This is the same Red Cross that now gives money to Hezbollah, but won’t allow the Mogen David Adom (the Red Star of David) to belong to the Red Cross, while it allows the Islamic Red Crescent to join. Instead, the Jews had to have a red “crystal.” This is the same Red Cross that allows its ambulances to serve as transports for Islamic terrorists, homicide belts, and assorted other methods of cold-blooded murder by the “Religion of Peace.”
Most of my family on both my mother’s and father’s sides was wiped out by the Nazis. That the Red Cross now guards the records of how they were slaughtered is dusgusting. They are turning over in their graves.
Then, there is the issue of how the Red Cross is “maintaining” those records. My mother sent them a request, so that she could obtain the records on my late grandfather, her father, Isaac. The Red Cross wrote back to her that it was too busy to do so. Too busy? Too busy helping HAMAS and Hezbollah? Too busy preparing its ambulances as the personal limos of the “martyrs”? Too busy, indeed.
I noted that a couple of camps which housed my grandfather were mentioned. There was Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp, where Anne Frank was murdered. My grandfather was liberated from there. That’s where he met my grandmother. It’s where, as a displaced persons camp, my mother was born and lived until she was three and came to America.
Also mentioned was Dora. My brave, tough grandfather was sent there after almost starving to death in Nordhausen Concentration Camp. At Dora Concentration Camp, he was forced to work on the V2 rockets.
I would love to see these records of what happened to the various members of both my parents families, who mostly–unlike my grandfather–perished in the camps. I’d read them with interest.
I hope I can see them, some day. But, I’m unsure I’ll be able to see them . . . because the Red Cross just might be “too busy” with its other “activities.”

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December 18, 2006, - 4:01 pm

Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE, 01/30/08: EXCLUSIVE – Obama’s Nation of Islam Staffers, Edward Said & “Inflexible Jews” Causing Mid-East Conflict: An Obama Insider Reveals the Real Barack
**** UPDATE, 01/25/07: Barack Hussein Obama’s alleged debunking of Islamic background raises even MORE questions. ****
**** UPDATE, 01/19/07: Looks like Hillary Clinton’s camp agrees with me and has dug up more info that confirms my suspicions about Obama and his Muslim background, including his attendance at a Wahabbi (ie., extremist Sunni) Madrassa (Islamic religious academy). Hillary’s camp says Obama is covering up his Muslim past. Why? ****
Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.
But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.
And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not.


Then, there are the other items in his background. As best-selling author Scott Turow wrote in Salon, Obama went to a Muslim school for two years in Indonesia. His mother, Anna, married an Indonesian man (likely another Muslim, as Indonesia is Muslim-dominated and has the largest Islamic population in the world).
And Obama has a “born-again” affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya, and his Kenyan sister. (Although Kenya is largely Christian, it has a fast-growing Muslim population that has engaged in a good deal of religious violence and riots against Christians. And Kenyan courts will apply Sharia law, when the participants are Muslim.) Wrote Turow:

Obama’s father died in a traffic accident in Nairobi in 1982, but while Obama was working in Chicago, he met his Kenyan sister, Auma, a linguist educated in Germany who was visiting the United States. When she returned to Kenya in 1986 to teach for a year at the University of Nairobi, Obama finally made the trip to his father’s homeland he had long promised himself. There, he managed to fully embrace a heritage and a family he’d never fully known and come to terms with his father, whom he’d long regarded as an august foreign prince, but now realized was a human being burdened by his own illusions and vulnerabilities.

So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father’s heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?
Is that even the man we’d want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn’t turn down)?
NO WAY, JOSE . . . Or, is that, HUSSEIN?

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December 18, 2006, - 3:24 pm

Why HP SUUUUUUUUUCKS & Where I Was the Last FOUR!!!!!! Hours: On the Phone with HP

By Debbie Schlussel
Less than 9 months ago, I bought an HP printer/scanner/copier. It has suddenly stopped working, and I can’t scan pictures to post on my site or print articles off the web.
I spent the last FOUR (!!!!!!!) HOURS on the phone with an HP technician. First, I was told that my printer is “out of warranty” even though the HP person, Naman of (where else?) India, told me that the warranty period is a year, and I bought the damn thing less than 9 months ago.
Then, I proceeded to go through four hours of uninstalling, re-installing, and assorted other futile and useless exercises, until I was told by HP that I need the Windows XP CD to get this useless printer/copier/scanner to work. I explained to HP that my HP computer came with XP already installed on it, that I didn’t have that CD. Well, they told me, you’ll have to take that up with your computer manufacturer, which is none other than . . . . HP!


HP Invents Extreme Frustration

Yet another reason why I will NEVER buy HP again! They suck, they waste hours of your life you’ll never get back, and then they blame the failure of their sucky, non-working equipment that can’t even last 9 months on the failure of the way they, themselves, installed XP on my computer.
Great guys. Way to run a business . . . into the GROUND! YOU SUCK! YOUR PRODUCTS SUCK! And I will not buy from you again.
Period. Buh-bye, HP. And to think this is the company whose merged owners at Compaq are so busy spying on reporters and their phone records.
Maybe if they paid more attention to their own products, they’d actually have a good reputation.

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December 18, 2006, - 10:36 am

Northern Border Neglect is Alarming

By Debbie Schlussel
For those reading this site, the gaping holes at the Northern border are no surprise. We documented one in upstate New York, at which boaters were expected, on the honor system, to alert authorities they were entering U.S. waters and shores.
And for all the panning it rightfully deserved, even Michael Moore’s phony “Fahrenheit 9/11” showed the same problems at the Northern border.
Where is Michael Chertoff and Homeland Security, including Border Patriol sachem David Aguilar when it comes to the Northern border? Nowhere to be found.
Today, USA Today has yet another disturbing article on the neglected Northern border. The most alarming part is at the end. It echoes what my friend, Border Patrol Agent Robert Lindemann said after 9/11 (and nearly lost him job for saying):


Zero: The Number of Terrorists Daunted by This Sign @ the Northern Border

[A]gent Darryl Schermerhorn, who works in northwest Washington state, says the equipment the Border Patrol relies on now is nearly useless in some cases. Cameras along the border are poorly placed and often fog up or shake, the ground sensors fail, and the old four-wheel-drives and ATVs break down. He added that there are too few agents to read camera images and to patrol remote areas.
If a camera does pick up someone crossing a remote road, by the time an agent can get there to check it out, the person is long gone — into the United States.
“It happens all the time,” Schermerhorn says. He says the agents on the northern border are no better off in terms of protecting the country than they were on 9/11.
“If someone has a vested interest in getting in here,” he says, “they’d probably be better off coming across the northern border.”

Here are some other disquieting excerpts that really are nothing new, but remain unaddressed by failed Chertoff:

Along slim sections of the nation’s vast northern border, anyone can drive the back roads that flow from Canada into the United States.
So it’s only natural for Caribou (Maine) Police Chief Michael Gahagan to be concerned that terrorists could be in some of those cars.
“It worries us every day,” Gahagan says. . . .
[I]t’s still easy to cross illegally, across hundreds of small back roads, through the woods or over the mountains. . . .
Intelligence officials long have said the northern border is no less of a security concern when it comes to the potential for terrorists to sneak in to the United States.
Homeland Security Department chief intelligence officer Charles Allen won’t talk about classified intelligence reports, but he says not a day goes by when he doesn’t worry about the northern border.
The arrests in Canada last June of 17 alleged terrorists with 3 tons of ammonium nitrate, the same kind of fertilizer used to make the deadly Oklahoma City bomb in 1995, intensified those concerns in Allen’s department and at police stations along the border. . . .

But what did they do about it? Nothing. I know for a fact that Muslims from Dearbornistan have been smuggling people in their car trunks into the U.S. at the Detroit border crossings for years. Unfortunately, Dearbornistan’s illegal alien smuggling investigations are largely off-limits to ICE agents, per policy of ICE Special Agent in Charge of Michigan/Ohio Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz.”
Additionally, Customs and Border Protection agents at the border cannot do adequate inspections because they are constantly forced to “speed up” traffic at the Detroit-Windsor Ambassador Bridge, for example, by bridge owner Manuel “Matty” Moroun.

Local police such as Gahagan say that although security at official points of entry – including at big, busy crossings such as Detroit and Buffalo – has tightened considerably, there are still hundreds of easily accessible routes into the USA. . . .
Smugglers, who are paid up to $10,000 per person to get people across the border, drop illegal immigrants in the woods with a Global Positioning System [GPS] device so the person picking them up can easily find them, Gahagan says.

This was one of the true-life plot points in the just concluded second season of Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell” (only in reverse–an Islamic terrorist escapes to Canada through the Northern border, and his girlfriend finds him via GPS.
Safer than before 9/11? More like, far less safe. So much for President Bush’s “beefed-up” border security.
Where’s the beef?

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