April 8, 2007, - 7:33 pm

Another Brief Passover Break

To my friends and readers:
Since tonight, at sundown, the last two days of Passover begin, I’ll be out of blog commission until Tuesday Night. I will have some stuff I’ve written beforehand, though, which my webmaster will post in my absence. Since I’m a little under the weather given the freezing “global warming” we’re having, this is a reminder that I needed to take a brief break.
Since tomorrow (Monday) is my birthday, I thought I’d share with you one of the cards I got from my family members. It’s an American Greetings card, and I think you’ll find it funny, as I did:

To my Jewish friends and readers, I wish a joyous last two days of Passover. To my Christian friends and readers, I hope you enjoyed Easter. And to everyone, I thank you for your continued support and readership.

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April 6, 2007, - 3:22 pm

Religion of Danger: Beware of Ugly Women with Guns & Fake Grenades @ Airports


****  UPDATE, 02/15/10:  ‘Memba Her?: Texas Lesbian Muslim Terrorist Chick Caught Again . . . w/ Three Bombs ****

I’m for gun control for them. No gun control for us. And while we’re at it, why are we letting Syrian women remain citizens when they’ve already been involved in fake grenade stunts on public highways.
Ugly nutjob women who want to see an airport museum and “watch planes”. . . or Muslim jihadist chicks testing the system (for less obtrusive jihadists who will actually do something at a later date)?:

Dallas police and federal terrorism officials are investigating two women, both dressed in camouflage pants under their traditional Muslim robes and scarves, who were seen conducting what appeared to be surveillance and acting suspiciously at Dallas Love Field.

Kimberly “Asma” Al-Homsi & Aisha Abdul-Rahman Hamad:

Just Ugly . . . Or Surveilling Airports for Future Terrorists?

One of the women, Kimberly “Asma” Al-Homsi, 42, of Arlington, who is on probation for a 2005 Garland road rage incident involving a fake grenade, is said to have long-range assault rifle and explosives training, according to a Dallas police intelligence bulletin issued March 5.
“I’m a trained sniper and proud of it,” Ms. Al-Homsi said in an interview Thursday after first refusing to comment on whether she has any terrorism ties. She then said no. . . .
“I am not a dangerous individual,” said Ms. Al-Homsi, who said she is an accountant who has dual Syrian-U.S. citizenship.
On the afternoon of Feb. 25, Ms. Al-Homsi and a friend who could not be reached for comment, Aisha Abdul-Rahman Hamad, 50, of Irving [DS: who appears to be one of the many stupid Infidel women who convert to Islam], were spotted at Love Field wearing Muslim robes and camouflage pants and “acting suspiciously,” the bulletin states. The surveillance video shows one of the women walking back and forth, apparently pacing off distances.
When confronted, the women told officials they were looking for the Frontiers of Flight museum. They left in a red Honda. Descriptions of the incident and the car were circulated at the airport.
Two days later, the museum executive director was leaving for the evening when he noticed the Honda parked facing the runway. A woman, later identified as Ms. Al-Homsi, was sitting on the hood, looking through binoculars at the airplanes. He told the women the museum was closing, and they left.
Dallas officers stopped the car nearby, but the women refused to let police search their car, according to a police report. The women had digital camera memory cards, binoculars, a flashlight and several lighters on them.
Police issued one of them a citation for having no front license plate and failing to change her address on a driver’s license. They were released.
“We were watching the airplanes,” Ms. Al-Homsi said. “That’s not a crime, unless you’re Muslim.”

The problem is that Muslims have been caught “just watching the planes” while acting suspiciously at airports all over America, including Detroit Metro Airport in the heart of Islamic America. And all of them just happen to be Muslims. There aren’t reports of Jews and Christians having time to waste the day away “just watching planes” at airports. Because their religions don’t prescribe jihad.

On Dec. 20, 2005, Ms. Al-Homsi was arrested after a report that she waved a grenade at a motorist on Central Expressway near LBJ Freeway. Richardson police stopped her car and arrested her. The Garland bomb squad determined the grenade was a fake. She was released the next day, after officials charged her with making a bomb hoax. She was placed on probation.

Why did she get probation for that (watch the video, and you’ll see it was not a “minor” incident)? Why is she not in jail for that? And why was this not a violation of her probation?

Law enforcement sources acknowledge that activities of both women have garnered substantial attention.
“We are aware of the activities that occurred at Love Field in February and are giving it appropriate consideration,” said Lori Bailey, spokeswoman for the Dallas FBI.
Ms. Al-Homsi said that she has been questioned by local authorities “maybe a dozen times.”
She said that she practices her rifle skills at the Alpine Shooting Range in Fort Worth. An employee confirmed that she’s been going there for years.
“In all the Muslim garb, shooting an assault weapon, it seemed at first like she was trying to draw attention,” said Dave Rodgers. “But then she came out so much, it became normal.”

Yup, normal . . . if you’re a Muslim jihad-atrix. More from Dallas/Fort Worth’s WFAA-TV News (also has must-watch video):

Al-Homsi was already under surveillance and is on the government’s no fly list. . . .
As for long-range assault rifle and explosives training, officials said Al-Homsi said she admitted to have studied, Al-Homsi said it was something she was educated on while growing up.
Back during the February incident, Dan Hamilton said he was suspicious when he spotted the two women along a fence at Love Field with binoculars.
“I saw a car parked along this fence here; and there was a young lady sitting looking through the fence at the control tower in that vicinity using binoculars,” he said.
Hamilton, who heads the Frontiers of Flight Museum, said police told him previously to be on the lookout for two suspicious women wearing fatigues and scouting runways.
“When she got off the car, I noticed that she did have fatigues on and matched the description of what police had mentioned to us a week or so before,” he said.
Sources told News 8 the women were not only spotted outside the airport, but they were also seen inside the terminal pacing distances in what they said appeared to be typical surveillance techniques. . . .
The FBI and the Dallas Police Department said they consider the women potentially dangerous and issued a crime bulletin in February of this year. Despite that, neither has been arrested or charged with any crime.
Al-Homsi said she is Syrian and is sympathetic to the Palestinian people. Both women said they disagree with the United States’ Middle East policy.
“I don’t like the government,” Al-Homsi said. . . . “I think they stick their nose in business where it doesn’t belong,” Hamad said.
The women said they have been questioned by the FBI more than a dozen times and believe they are the subjects of the persecution of Muslim women.
The government insists they are a potential danger.

Actually, this is one of those times where the government is “sticking its nose” exactly where it does belong.
Thanks to all the readers who sent this story. Yet another reason we need less Syrians (and other Muslim and Arab immigrants) coming into America to become citizens. And less “dual” citizens.
**** UPDATE, 04/08/07: One of these women, Al-Homsi, confirms to Dallas/Fort Worth’s WFAA-TV News, that she was friends with Wadih El-Hage, Osama Bin Laden’s personal secretary (who lived in Texas), who is in prison, convicted of the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa. But law enforcement–federal and local–say she has “not ties to terrorism.” Uh-huh. ****

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April 6, 2007, - 2:52 pm

Girlie-Man Nation: Men & Scrapbooking (“Man Books”)

Readers of this site know that I document the frequent attempts in America to feminize America’s men and blur the genders.
Today’s Wall Street Journal has a hilarious (though it wasn’t meant to be funny) article about how the scrapbooking industry is trying to appeal to men to shore up its sagging (in many ways) female customer base. In case you didn’t know, scrapbooking is a Rosie O’Donnell hobby (not mentioned in the article, but it is illustrative of scrapbooking–it ain’t for real men). They’re calling it a “man book” instead of a scrapbook in order to euphemize and sanitize it for men. Ain’t gonna work.
Best part of the article, “Wanted: A Few Good Men (With Scissors),” hands down:

Scrapbooking For Men?

Mike Cargill, a product manager for car-parts maker Axiom Automotive in Phoenix, says he enjoys sitting down with his 10-year-old daughter and flipping through the scrapbooks his wife makes, but he’s not about to start laying out new pages. “Working in the automotive industry, you’re never going to see me walk into work with a scrapbook under my arm,” Mr. Cargill says. “I would probably have to cash in my Man Card.”

Right on, Mike. Also:

“Men have got to have a place in this hobby,” says Shelli Gardner, chief executive of Stampin’ Up in Riverton, Utah. “They may not be begging for it, but we need them.”

Uh, no they don’t. And no, you don’t. If you don’t believe me that the women’s and scrapbooking industry’s are deliberately and aggressively attempting to get men to become “more sensitive,” wimpy, and girly, this says it all:

For some men, the emotions are easier to embrace than the crafting world.

I can just hear Rodney King: Can’t we all just scrapbook, er . . . “man book” along?
I learned from the Journal article that:
* Actor Brendan Fraser and director Brett Ratner are girlie-men–they scrapbook, er . . . “man book.”
* Canadian men are more girlie-manish than American ones, with a lot more of them scrapbooking. (FYI, actor Fraser is a Canadian, which the article doesn’t note.)
* Scrapbooking started with the Mormon Church, and most scrapbooking suppliers are in Utah.
* Thank Heaven for small favors: Women generally ban men from “scrapbooking” weekends, so they can openly talk about sex. Hey, where’re the ACLU and the DoJ Civil Rights attorneys? FYI, if you’re a man who goes on a “scrapbooking” weekend, you’re really not a man.
* Scrapbooking is the domain of the feminist movement. Women’s studies departments at universities have the most BS academic position I’ve ever heard of: “scrapbook historian and archivist.” Hello, they are books with stickers and ribbons and pictures of ugly babies and when Susie skinned her knee.
Suddenly, this is the stuff of “history” and “archives”? Apparently so. Susan Tucker is the “scrapbook historian and archivist” at Newcomb College Center for Research on Women at Tulane University in New Orleans. Attention Tulane alums: your alma mater doesn’t need your donations, as it apparently has money to burn on womens’ scrapbook historians.
* Scrapbook feminists are trying to claim that some of America’s great men–Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain–were scrapbookers. I don’t think so. Jefferson had volumes of “commonplace books,” quotations, letters, event programs and pressed flowers. Not sure about the flowers thing, but the rest doesn’t sound the same as putting stickers, lace and ribbons in books at chick paties. Twain is even more of a stretch. He pasted reviews of his writing into books. Again, not the same.
Some other interesting and funny excerpts from the piece:

With an armful of keepsake photos, $300 worth of colored paper and a leather album, a would-be scrapbooker recently headed to a Friday night class hoping for practical tips on assembling a memory book.
But once Stephen Webb stepped into the “crop party” at a store in Savannah, Ga., his courage faltered. “It’s all these young soccer moms sitting around, giggling,” says the 27-year-old firefighter in Atlanta. All he wanted was to organize five baskets of baby photos, shots of him playing for his state championship high-school football team and snaps of his life at Station 8. He spent the next two hours sitting with 15 women at long tables overflowing with frilly paper, packages of ornate stickers and neat piles of photos. “It was just really awkward,” he says. . . .
With sales tailing off, the industry has a new plan: Get a few of the nation’s 138 million men to pick up a pair of zigzag scissors.
This year, direct-seller Stampin’ Up rolled out scrapbook goods aimed at men, including papers that look like rusty tractors and weathered barn doors and $17 stamp sets of lifelike deer and war medals. David Palmer, a Seattle consultant for scrapbook heavyweight Creative Memories, organizes scrapbooking events for single fathers and a few years ago started selling his $89 die-cutting scrapbook tools at home-improvement conventions. Even the sister of Nascar driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. created a line of macho merchandise, called Speed Scrap Design, in 2004. Supplies range from a $2.49 pack of lug-nut stickers to papers dotted with wrenches, checkered flags or mugs of foaming beer.

Just ‘cuz her bro is in NASCAR, doesn’t mean her hobby is for men or “macho” in any way.

The marketing push is finding a few takers. Just over one million men made scrapbooks in their spare time last year, according to the Craft & Hobby Association. . . .
But for men, the decision to “scrap” can be fraught with complications. . . . Few want to be caught hanging out in a craft store. . . .
The campaign is achieving some success [DS: In CANADA!]. In Toronto, Scrapbooks by Design store owner Patrick Piette says 18% of his shoppers are now men, up from “zero” three years ago. (Bachelor-themed books made by the best man are newly popular gifts for grooms, he says.) Mr. Palmer, the Seattle scrapbook pro, has a roster of 80 male scrapbook clients, up from 12 three years ago. He encourages men to try embellishment-free layouts with darker papers, and recommends handwritten captions to tell stories. Can’t come up with the right words? He tells them to paste favorite song lyrics. . . .
Meanwhile, women aren’t uniformly thrilled by the scrapping-man movement. Men are still largely banned from the country’s 20-odd scrapbook retreats — where women gather for catered meals, manicures and lots of “cropping” — because those retreats typically sleep six to a bedroom and have communal bathrooms. And groups like the 30 women who gather regularly as the Fort Bragg Croppin’ Mamas of Fort Bragg, N.C., worry that their conversational camaraderie will suffer if men join in. “The women wouldn’t talk about sex if there was a man around,” says Tiffany Adams, a Croppin’ Mama. “And we’d need a new name.” . . .
At first the guys at the station called me Hobby Lobby,” Mr. Webb says, referring to the chain of craft stores. “But everything I’ve done — all the hard work — it’s in these books.” . . .
Some men have an altogether different word for their newfound hobby: romantic. After Mike Blanc got divorced a few years ago, the agricultural researcher from Oakland, Neb., sifted through photo negatives and decided to create a scrapbook featuring only him with his seven children. His search for supplies and help reconnected him to his high-school sweetheart, who happened to sell scrapbook goods. Two years ago, the couple married, and now they occasionally scrap on “date night” Wednesdays, he says. “It’s a real aphrodisiac.”

Aw . . . . Sure it is.
Men and scrapbooking. Al-Qaeda and the rest of the world are training their men to destroy us and we’re training our men to . . . be women.

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April 6, 2007, - 12:06 pm

Weekend Box Office: Anti-American, Pro-Terrorist Film on Iraq

Because of Passover, I was unable to attend screenings for most of the movies coming out this week, so I will, unfortunately, be unable to review new releases such as “Grindhouse,” “The Hoax,” and “The Reaping,” all of which I wanted to review for you. My apologies–you are on your own for those. Caveat emptor. (Though, I may see them later and post a review, if I’m so inclined.) On the other hand, it was a nice break for my mind to have a movie-free week.
The one new release I did see, however, is a must-not-see:
The Situation“–Brought to you by lefty billionaire , this movie is a sad piece of propaganda against America and in favor of Iraqi insurgents (read: Islamic terrorists).

At the beginning of the film, we see American soldiers harassing and eventually beating and throwing over a bridge two Iraqi teens, who’ve done nothing wrong. The two Mohammeds are good, nice kids. But evil American soldiers kill them to relieve their stress. Nice to defame our troops with this story. The investigation into the soldiers goes throughout the movie, complete with wicked, evil commanding officers upon commanding officers trying to cover it up.
Then, we see a nice family headed by an insurgent terrorist operative. He’s an innocent man, who is wrongly murdered, all because of the botching by the U.S. You know, those insurgents blowing up our troops? Nice, innocent people.
Then, there’s the heroine of this story, reporter Anna (played by Danish actress Connie Nielsen, the live-in girlfriend of Metallica’s twit drummer, Lars Ulrich). Aren’t liberal, America-hating, terrorist-loving reporters always the heroes? Visions of Jill Carroll. Anna is trying to get to the bottom of the story
of the evil American soldiers killing innocent Iraqi kids for sport. And her best friends, an insurgent terrorist and his family, are helping her. Unfortunately, the terrorist is assassinated. That’s the “tragedy” in this movie. Anna is kidnapped by insurgents, who turn out to be really nice people interested in getting to the bottom of evil murders and releasing her without a papercut.
Then there’s Anna’s bed partner, Dan Murphy, the crude, gullible yet jaded and evil, U.S. government administrator. He is trying to give terrorists a hospital to run, in the hopes of changing them. But above all, he’s just an idiotic schemer working with the terrorists. There are echoes of Dan Senor a/k/a Mr. Campbell Brown, who worked as one of the top officials of the U.S. Irag Coalition Provisional Authority. He was a former employee of the Bin Laden Carlyle Group and before that helped pan-Islamist Senator Spencer Abraham squire CAIR representatives around Capitol Hill.
Still, the moral of this long, boring waste of time is this: American troops–evil, killers of innocent Muslim boys for sport; Islamic terrorists a/k/a “insurgents”–nice people who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Leftist reporters who love “insurgents”–beautiful, blonde heroines.
Thanks, Mark Cuban. E-mail Mr. Cuban with your thoughts. Though, the last time I asked you to do that, . Hopefully, that’s not still the case.

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April 6, 2007, - 11:23 am

I Told You So: Elizabeth Edwards on HOprah, Today

I said it was if his wife truly has terminal (or even serious) cancer. Back in the fall, in an interview with The Buffalo News, I said that her cancer book was just another tool to .
And guess what? Surprise!–Elizabeth Edwards is back on Oprah, today. Just as I predicted. And very predictable.
“My wife has cancer”–the new Presidential campaign marketing tool.

**** UPDATE: Glenn Bartley of Ballseye’s Boomers tips me to today’s New York Post exclusive, “Edwards Cashing In on Wife’s Cancer,” detailing John Edwards campaign solicitations of Mrs. Edwards’ well-wishers and other similarly sleazy Edwards tactics.

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April 6, 2007, - 10:50 am

Arab Nations See Brit Hostage Incident as Ahmadinejad Victory

The Arab nations of the world see the Ahmadinejad hostage standoff as a victory, claiming it shows that “diplomacy” works.
But does it show that at all? Not really. Ahmadinejad held hostages and then released them. What did he get out of it? Not much. So if you count that as a victory, then Israel should count its incursion into Lebanon as a victory. And it wasn’t that at all. The victory was in showing that both the U.S. and Britain are paper tigers. But we already knew that. Years of tiptoe-ing around Iraq and the rest of the Muslim World instead of showing them who means boss was a victory in and of itself. This is just a tiny episode of that larger pic.

On the other hand, a missing official from the Iranian embassy, Jalal Sharafi, in Iraq was mysteriously set free a/k/a released by U.S. officials–a decision made by the White House, reports the New York Sun. Mysteriously, right after that, the Brit sailors were released (in new suits). That’s hardly “diplomacy.” That’s called “negotiating with terrorists” and making deals with them. Don’t forget, Iran is on the State Department terrorist list. And making the U.S. deal with Islamic terrorists is, indeed, a victory for the Arabic world–a stupid victory we handed to them.
More on the Arab world’s assessment from the Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire:

ARAB ENVOYS SAY IRAN WON the 13-day standoff over British sailors.
By releasing the Britons – smiling and dressed in new suits – President Ahmadinejad scored a propaganda coup. “He showed the world that Iran can be reasoned with, that confrontation is not the way to go,” says one Arab ambassador to Washington. “The U.S. would be wise to open up to Tehran,” says another. “The best way to shake things up would be to engage Iran.” Arab diplomats applaud House Speaker Pelosi’s Syria trip, saying it could help ease frictions between Washington and Damascus.
U.S. allies in the Gulf, while worried about Tehran, also tell the U.S. they won’t support a military campaign against Iran as debate bubbles within Bush administration over whether to conduct another Persian Gulf naval maneuver. The latest message comes from Bahrain, site of large U.S. naval fleet and home to a restive Shiite Muslim majority sympathetic toward Iran.

Sorry, but “engaging” Iran won’t do a damn thing. It’s what we’ve been trying to do for years, while they’ve been developing nuclear weapons. As for the “allies” in the Gulf, they never really support us, anyway. They are the same “allies” who enabled the 9/11 hijackers and then wouldn’t cooperate with our investigators. They’re the same “allies” that hate us but put up with us when there’s something in it for them.
If they are allies, who needs enemies?

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April 5, 2007, - 5:32 pm

Will Rosie Go? Maybe, But Not Soon Enough

Apparently, , , and all-around America-hater Rosie O’Donnell only has a one-year contract with ABC, which runs out May 31st (which can’t come soon enough).
O’D says this on a question and answer video posted on her blog, regarding whether she’ll come back to “The View” to spout more hatred of the country that made her a multi-millionaire:

I have no idea. We take a family vote in May. We are going to decide then.

The rest of the video is her vs. Trump and more 9/11 conspiracy theory BS. And FYI, she’s getting her make-up done. And she gives diet and hangover advice. Fake conservative/real airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck makes a cameo at the end. Watch at your own risk.

Based on the letters she reads, Rosie’s fans are as nutty as she is. They could fill several psych wards.
Unfortunately, if she comes back to “The View” for another year, Rosie gets her own ABC show.
Does anyone know how we can bribe her kids to vote “no”?

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April 5, 2007, - 5:30 pm

Happy Blogiversary to Jeremayakovka

Happy 1-year Blogiversary to reader and fellow blogger Jeremayakovka.

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April 5, 2007, - 4:14 pm

Illegal Aliens, USA Today Feels Your Pain: A Call to Action

Dear readers, in today’s USA Today, the print edition featured this solicitation, to which I hope you will respond:

Voices of Immigration
Are you feeling the impact of immigration? What is life like for an illegal immigrant living in the USA [DS: Like that should be the guiding sentiment for immigration policy], and for others in the communities where he or she works and lives? We’re interested in hearing your experiences. Send comments to letters@usatoday.com or fax to 703-854-2053. Please include your contact number, city and state for verification purposes. Comments will be considered for an ongoing conversation on this page and online.

Clearly, USA Today is concerned with the illegal aliens more than you. Their feelings and what their life is like should not be a guiding force in protecting our national security, our borders.
Make your voice heard and write with the views of those of us who are here legally.

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April 5, 2007, - 3:51 pm

Coyotes vs. Animal Rightists

Last year, I wrote about a six-year Ohio State study documenting that .
It put the lie to claims by animal rights activists in PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans), environmental activists, and –all of whom claimed that our development hurts animals (and, according to Ingraham, we therefore deserve all the attacks by sharks, bears, and other animals upon humans).
Now, a story in the Chicago Sun-Times bears out the study. The Ohio State study was based on coyotes in Chicago. On Tuesday, a coyote walked into a downtown Chicago Quiznos sub shop and sat down in an open cooler. The coyote did quite well with us scary humans in pants.


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