April 11, 2007, - 11:52 am

“I Love Pot” Says Star of Kids’ Movie: Spiderman 3’s Mary Jane Endorses Mary Jane

Spiderman 3” will hit theaters on May 4th. And it’s being heavily marketed to young kids in all kinds of cross-promotions.
That’s why it’s very disturbing that plain jane actress Kirsten Dunst–who stars in the Spiderman trilogy as Peter Parker’s girlfriend (and fiancee, in this latest installment), Mary Jane Watson–is promoting the joys of marijuana a/k/a “Mary Jane” in interviews, including one with Britain’s “Live” magazine:

“I do like weed. I have a different outlook on marijuana than America does.”
“I’ve never been a major smoker, but I think America’s view on weed is ridiculous. I mean – are you kidding me? If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place.”

Kirsten Dunce . . .er, Dunst, Spiderman’s Chick: Just Say Yes to Drugs

Dunst, who broke into Hollywood with 1994’s “Interview With the Vampire,” insists she does not overindulge in drugs, but that marijuana has the ability to inspire creativity.
“I’m not talking about being stoned all day, though. I think if it’s not used properly, it can hamper your creativity and close you up inside. My best friend Sasha’s dad was Carl Sagan, the astronomer. He was the biggest pot smoker in the world and he was a genius.”

Uh, wasn’t that the same Carl Sagan who told us that Reagan’s nukes would soon result in nuclear winter? Sagan died, nuclear winter never happened, and Ronald Reagan’s steadfastness on our nuke build-up helped bring down the Communist Soviet Union. Sorry, but pot use does not equal genius, just fantasy.
Make no mistake. There’s a reason Dunst picked this moment–when she’s being interviewed left and right to promote Spiderman–to endorse regular pot use. If the unremarkable actress said it any other time, no-one would care . . . or notice.
But, now, that she’s in this big-budget, blockbuster film, her stupid, irresponsible comments are getting a lot of attention. And your kids will see and hear them. And even though they are the target audience for her Spiderman movies, Dunst doesn’t seem to care about your kids.
Young girls who might see the movie and want to be like Spiderman’s girlfriend will read Dunst’s interviews and be influenced by her comments that marijuana use is a great thing. Others, struck by the epidemic of fame-seeking in America, will read her comments about pot “inspiring creativity” in her acting career and think this is the way to stardom in Hollywood for similarly aspiring mediocre-ettes.
That’s not to mention her comments attacking America and Americans–you know, the very country and people that made this very mediocre woman a multi-millionaire.
Accounts say Dunst’s boyfriend recently dumped her. Sounds like he made the right choice.
Time for Spiderman, Peter Parker, and the rest of America to dump this Dunce . . . er, Dunst.

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April 11, 2007, - 10:22 am

On Imus: While I Was Out, the “Kramer” Story Repeated

So, while I was out for the last two days of Passover, the country’s race merchants and media seized on Don Imus’ racist comments of last week.
As usual, just like Kramer a/k/a Michael Richards, the even less sympathetic Imus made the grovelling White Man’s Mea Culpa World Tour. Yes, what Imus said was racist, but he has a history of that and of saying anti-Semitic things far worse (some of which are detailed in today’s WSJ piece by John Leo and in a USA Today editorial). There was no grovelling tour for those comments. The over-reaction to these comments is absurd. As is his extreme, shameless, phony grovelling to racists, who’ve said as bad, if not far worse.

Once again, the kings of race merchantry–Weird Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson–are the self-anointed arbiters of decency in their “Do as I say, NOT as I do” industry. That’s why I’m reposting , when Michael Richards was in the same boat. Substitute Don Imus’ name for Michael Richards’ and the same applies. It has a bullet-point list of Jesse’s and Al’s own comments and actions, which make them the kings of hypocrisy if they are truly kings of anything.
I changed my mind on one thing, though. Neither of these guys’ careers should be over for their racist comments. They should be over for lack of talent and, more importantly, the inability to see that their uber-grovelling is doing more to harm America and empower the hypocritical titans of the race industry than anything they said before-hand. I’ll have a new column on this later today, but in the meantime, review the Jackson/Sharpton history and substitute Imus for Richards here:

So three racists walk into a bar. Unfortunately, there’s no punchline.
What Michael Richards said about Blacks at an L.A. comedy club was racist. His career should be over.
But so should the careers of two other racists, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Instead, they’re thriving.
While Richards made a gazillion phony apologies for uttering what he really thinks at age 57 (and blamed it on the War in Iraq–huh?), Jackson and Sharpton have never apologized even once for constantly telling us what they really think, over decades.

It’s a little strange–no, make that, absurd–to see one racist groveling and apologizing to two other racists, especially when the latter two have made it a career. Even more ludicrous is the media’s blindness to the thick irony of it all.
Take Jackson. Perhaps everyone forgot his comments that Jews are “Hymies” and New York is “Hymietown,” for which he never apologized to America’s or even New York’s Jews. But check out these other Jackson utterances you probably don’t even know about because they didn’t get the “Kramer” treatment:
* He said he spit into White customers’ food when he worked as a waiter because, “[It] gave me a psychological gratification.”
* “You can’t trust the Jews. I never have trusted those people.”
* He claimed Nixon’s policies were harsh on the poor because, of Nixon’s top aides, “four out of five of them are German Jews.” Someone forgot to tell him that Erlichman and Haldeman were not “Hymies.”
* In working up a Black church about the Jews, he claimed Jews conspired to keep the Black man down (shown on PBS’ McNeil-Lehrer Report).
* Jews are “not willing to share power.”
* He told an Ohio County Commissioner, “You Jews are much too sensitive.”
* He said the Democratic Party was “perverted by a reaction . . . to the Jewish element within the party,” and that the relationship between Jews and Democrats was “a kind of glorified form of bribery. Financial bankrolling and moral bankruptcy.”
* He claimed labor unions were insensitive to Blacks because “Jews dominate the leadership at the top.”
* “I’m sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust.”
* “I have seen very few Jewish reporters who are objective about Arab affairs.” Unfortunately, Jackson is right about this. Most Jewish reporters bend over backwards to portray the Arabist position positively and the Israeli position negatively.
* When discussing his media critics, he said they were few in number (unfortunately, true) and “all Jewish.” (Not true).
Then, there’s Sharpton. At least Richards’ racist rant never resulted in murder. Al Sharpton’s words led to at least two killing sprees:

Weird Al Sharpton: Race Merchant, Coke Dealer & Kramer Critic

* At a 1991 funeral of a Black child accidentally killed by an out-of-control car driven by a Jew, Sharpton delivered this eulogy:

Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights.

Oppenheimer is the Jewish family that is a big player in the diamond industry, and Crown Heights is a Chassidic Jewish community, some of whose residents are in the diamond industry. It was clear he was denouncing the Jews. Sharpton spoke of how these “diamond merchants” had “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands and exhorted the crowd to commit violence in the Crown Heights, Brooklyn Jewish community:

If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.

Shouting, “No Justice, No Peace” with the funeral crowd, he incited riots in Crown Heights where a mob shouting, “Kill the Jews!” surrounded Jewish rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum and stabbed him to death.
* In 1995, Sharpton incited the shooting and arson murder of seven employees of Freddy’s Fashion Mart. When the Black landlord raised the rent on Freddy’s White (and Jewish) owner, he was forced to raise the rent on his Black subtenant. Sharpton organized a protest, at which he announced:

We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.

Sharpton stood by and nodded in agreement as speakers and the crowd shouted: “Burn down the Jew store!” “We’re going to see that this cracker suffers.”
A protester shot four employees and set fire to Freddy’s. It burnt to the ground and seven employees–all of them minorities–died.
Jackson and Sharpton. These are the new gods of race merchantry to which all others must apologize?
Next, the kettle will be apologizing to the pot. And the pot will say it’s not enough.
For the record, Michael Richards–contrary to reports in the media and by his own misinformed publicist–is not Jewish. He is a lapsed Catholic of Italian descent (and neither of his parents are Jewish).
He made a similar rant against Jews, back in April, calling them “Christ-killers.” But, unlike the two Black targets of Richards’ latest tirade, Carol Oschin and J. P. Fillet, two Jews who were in the audience–and were the targets of those comments, did not hire a lawyer. They are not seeking money or any kind of redress.
Maybe they know that prostituting your dignity to seek money from a bigot only takes away your dignity even more. And maybe they know that desperate, insincere apologies won’t change a thing. Richards’ rants–just as Jackson’s and Sharpton’s and Mel Gibson’s, too–are what he really thinks.
We should leave it at that. And all of their careers should be over forever.

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April 10, 2007, - 3:12 pm

Tax Scam Jihad: Did Farrukh Sohail Do Your Taxes?

It’s tax-filing season. Did Farrukh Sohail do your taxes?
If you’re one of the many Americans who hired someone at one of his 125 Jackson-Hewitt franchises around the nation, you might have reason to worry. And reason to wonder where the money you paid his Jackson-Hewitt franchises to do your taxes actually went.
Tax returns prepared at Pakistani-born Sohail’s J-H franchises bilked the federal government out of $70 million in phony tax deductions and other schemes.

The feds raided and shut down most of Sohail’s franchises in Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, and Raleigh, North Carolina. And they filed suit against Sohail and some of his key managers and operators. Not surprisingly, of the 55 branches of Jackson-Hewitt shut-down, the names of Sohail’s Detroit-based managers named in a federal suit are mostly Muslim, like Sohail, himself:

In Detroit, the franchises targeted are run by So Far Inc. Local owners and managers named are Maquit Hasnie, Tracey Pawczuk, Nafees Hasnie, Anita Alidino and Sohail Ali. The suit says the offices filed returns claiming refunds based on phony W-2s and used fabricated business expenses for deductions.
The offices also are charged with overlooking hundreds of bogus W-2s and turning a blind eye to organized W-2 fraud.
In addition, preparers solicited kickbacks for inflated refund claims and charged fees to provide Social Security numbers filers could use as dependents to get larger refunds, the suit claims.
The offices also are accused of engaging in “massive fraud” related to the earned income credit. The complaint says 67 percent of returns from So Far/Jackson Hewitt claimed the credit, three times the 22 percent Michigan average.

So, where did Sohail send his profits? Where did his managers send the all-cash “kickbacks”? Was some of the money “sent back home” to Pakistan or elsewhere in the Islamic world to finance jihadist activities? We may never know.
But one thing we do know is that Sohail pulled-off quite a tax-scam jihad against the U.S. government before he got caught. More from AP from last week:

The government said Tuesday it is trying to shut down more than 125 Jackson Hewitt tax preparation stores in four states for systematic “tax-fraud schemes.”
The Justice Department accuses the franchises of bilking the government out of more than $70 million through fraudulent practices such as using phony W-2 forms, bogus deductions and fuel tax credits and false claims regarding the earned income tax credit.
Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Inc. is the nation’s second largest tax preparer. The franchises were either totally or partially owned by Farrukh Sohail, the Justice Department said, and involved “a pervasive and massive series of tax-fraud schemes,” according to court filings.
Sohail and other defendants “created, directed, fostered, and maintained a business environment” at the Jackson Hewitt franchises “in which fraudulent tax return preparation is encouraged and flourishes,” according to court documents.
Employees were encouraged to ignore telltale signs of fraudulent information and to file claims even when it was obvious customers were using fake W-2 forms or false deductions.
A sample of returns prepared by franchises connected to Sohail found 31 percent contained false information such as phony earned income tax credit claims, bogus deductions and fraudulent W-2 forms.
The suits, filed in federal courts in Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit and Raleigh, N.C., also allege that managers and employees at the Jackson Hewitt franchises took kickbacks for filing fraudulent returns.

Reader John has been following the story, which raised red flags in his mind, too:

I was curious if you are following the story of the 125 Jackson Hewitt franchises being investigated by the Justice Department for “a pervasive and massive series of tax-fraud schemes.” The loss to the U.S. government is currently estimated at $70 million. The franchises were owned by Farrukh Sohail (originally from Pakistan). Many of them are in the Detroit area. The operators of the Detroit-area franchises include several with obviously Muslim names. It makes you wonder how much of the fraudulent profits was sent overseas.

So did Farrukh Sohail do your taxes? And if so, where did the money you paid him go? We already know he committed economic tax-fraud jihad against the U.S. What would stop him from also committing the physical kind of jihad, overseas (or even here)?

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April 10, 2007, - 1:20 pm

Jihad Darrell, GOP Congressman, Had Anti-Bush Message for Assad

When I wrote about GOP Congressman ‘s” visit –just a day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went to see him–some of you defend-Republicans-at-all-costers said that only Pelosi was wrong, not Issa, because she was bringing an anti-Bush message to Assad.
Well, here’s Jihad Darrell’s “pro-Bush” message, which he uttered from the Syrian President’s facility:

Rep. Darrell Issa of California said President Bush had failed to promote the dialogue that is necessary to resolve disagreements between the United States and Syria.

Jihad Darrell, Prez of the Bashar Assad Fan Club, American Auxiliary

Yup. Pro-Bush. Uh-huh. And the White House agreed that it was not a pro-Bush message:

White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Thursday the administration had a clear line on Congress members – Democrat or Republican – going to Syria.
“We do not think it’s productive; we do not think it is useful,” Johndroe said, adding that such visits “only makes (the Syrians) feel validated.”

Also last week, on ” & Colmes,” Ann Coulter also defended Issa, trying in vain to differentiate Jihad Darrell from Nancy Pelosi, claiming “Well, I’m sure he raised the issue of women.” (I hate to link to this liberal group, but they have the video.)
Even if that were true, it’d be a distinction without a difference. But,uh, no, Ann, he didn’t. I have far more difficulty with Ann excusing Jihad Darrell’s pandering to a terrorist nation and its leader than I do with her uttering the other “f” word.
In fact, Jihad Darrell has never raised the issue of women’s rights, terrorist groups, Nazi war criminals, and the sole surviving Munich Olympics massacre perpetrator–all holed up in Syria, or any other such issues each of the and repeatedly praised Assad, Syria, Hezbollah, Arafat, etc., etc., etc., ad absurdum.
Sorry, but neither Jihad Darrell nor Jihad Nancy nor anyone else from America should be feting the Assads, the Lions of Syria. Period. No need for distinctions without a difference to qualify their trips because one happens to be a Republican. Big whoop.

Jihad Darrell’s Crying Game:

Pro-Hezbollah Rep. Darrell Issa Sells Out America

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April 10, 2007, - 12:01 pm

OUTRAGE: 7,000 New Muslim Palestinian Aliens to Get U.S. Citizenship!

Recently, I told you about the . As I wrote, these slots were supposed to be reserved for Chaldeans–Catholic Iraqis who are being slaughtered left and right by both Shi’ites and Sunnis–and the maimed and endangered Muslim Iraqis who dared help our troops in Iraq as translators and now cannot safely live in Iraq. Many are multiple amputees and severely disfigured.
But I also warned not to count on those 7,000 slots going to the Christians and those who helped our troops. As we all know, our government has this nasty habit of admitting and granting green cards to the worst kind of America-hating Muslims. And I worried the same would happen here.
Well, I was even more right than I thought. Apparently, the State Department is now going to give those 7,000 golden tickets to U.S. citizenship to . . . the Palestinians!

This is an outrage beyond outrages, but sadly, UPI quotes Karen Koning AbuZayd, head of the mostly U.S. taxpayer-funded UNRWA (United Nations Refugee Works Agency–which ONLY deals with Palestinian “refugees”) as saying that the U.S. has told her we will accept 7,000 new Palestinian refugees who’ve fled Iraq, now that the Shi’ites in Iraq have kicked them out (most Palestinians are Sunni):

U.N.: U.S. offers refuge to Palestinians
DAMASCUS, Syria, April 5 (UPI) — The head of a U.N. agency charged with caring for Palestinian refugees said the United States has offered to receive 7,000 Palestinians who fled Iraq.
Karen Koning AbuZayd, commissioner general of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, said Thursday no specific country has offered to receive Palestinian refugees in Iraq, “but I know the United States confirmed it can take 7,000 of them.”

This is absurd! The Palestinians DO NOT BELONG HERE. And we have no way to verify that these people are even refugees from Iraq. They may be terrorists who trained in Palestinian refugee camp terrorist training in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, or elsewhere.
I’ve already written about the since this summer’s war between Israel and Hezbollah–kids and whole families whom you will raise from cradle to grave with your tax dollars but not your pro-American values. We don’t need more like them.
The 7,000 slots are for Christian Iraqis and Muslims who helped our troops at risk to–and to the detriment of–their lives and limbs. To take in these terrorist supporters–who lived freely in Iraq because they supported Saddam Hussein–is stupid beyond belief.
Pedestrian Infidel writes:

Just how clueless is Condi? Well she is working behind the scenes to get 7,000 Palestinians into the US without you knowing about it. Can you believe it? Condi is trying to import the enemy so that we can fight them over here rather then over there.

G-d help our country. It sure can’t help itself. But it’s letting our worst enemies help themselves to it.

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April 9, 2007, - 1:40 pm

Quick Links & Updates

* Surprise! Racist America-hater is a Muslim. He tells the New York Daily News that is “a white girl I would take to the mosque.” Thank Heaven for small favors.

White Chick Sienna Miller Welcome @ Racist Kanye West’s Mosque

* Spoiled brats having the chutzpah to do what some Americans “just won’t do”: 15,000 Illegal alien protesters say that even amnesty is not enough.

Illegal Aliens & Brit Billionaire Richard Branson: Both Laughing @ America

* Remember the (and charging others gazillions to go into space)? Just , New Mexico taxpayers–not English billionaire Branson–will pick up at least $50 million of the $198 million cost, in higher sales taxes.
* Tonight, Palestinian Broadcasting System a/k/a PBS features a special on Jim Jones Jonestown cult in Guyana. But , The History already did a special on Jonestown–“Jonestown: Paradise Lost.” And The History Channel isn’t funded by U.S. taxpayers. It also doesn’t feature anti-American, pro-Ahmadinejad specials, such as PBS featured a couple of weeks ago. Well past time to pull the plug on taxpayer funding of PBS, a great idea New Gingrich proposed–but never enacted–while he was Speaker of the House. PBS is boring, redundant, anti-American, and unnecessary.
* Fat: In Japan, it’s not just for Sumo wresters anymore. Cold Stone Creamery and Krispy Kreme open in Japan. Watch for fat Japanese people, and resulting new excuses about “gland problems” and “family conditions” in Japan.

* Donald Trump joins the furniture biz, claiming he designs the pieces he’s hawking. But we saw his taste in furniture on display in this apartment on “The Apprentice.” Do you really want your house to look like as gaudy as Saddam’s palaces?

Hard to Discern: Furniture From Trump . . . or Saddam’s Palaces?

* Yossi, a 7-ton bull elephant (the world’s largest in captivity) charged and killed a female elephant half his weight in Jerusalem on Wednesday. Yossi, do you know how to get to the Palestinian Authority? We should give him directions to the Ahmadinejad pad, while we’re at it.
* Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, a/k/a the “Holocaust Denier in a Nice Suit,” says that captured Israeli soldier Cpt. Gilad Shalit will soon be released. Watch for thousands of HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorists to be released to freedom–and more terror–in exchange for his one life. Just terrif. Yes, Israel does negotiate with terrorists. Cast thy terrorists upon the waters?

In Exchange for Israeli Soldier Gilad Shalit,

Send Yossi the Elephant to Mahmoud Abbas’ House

* In a series of suspicious articles claiming that Saudi Arabia has suddenly liberalized, we learn from reporter Karen Elliott House–whose husband was CEO of Dow Jones–that women in Saudi Arabia have better lives because, even though, they can’t drive, have no rights, and can’t get divorced or own property, they can wear more fitted abayas with designs on them. But, despite the decorations, they still have to eat in partitioned sections of restaurants. Oh, goody.

The “New Women’s Rights” On Display @ a Saudi Supermarket

In another article, we learn that even though a woman was forcibly divorced from her husband, taken from her child, and jailed by her half-brothers, women in Saudi Arabia now have more rights because they can go to law school. Hmmm . . . admission to law school vs. freedom–A tough decision?
Karen of Arabia, we hardly knew ye. And ye hardly know Saudi Arabia.

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April 9, 2007, - 1:14 pm

Is ICE Princess Julie Myers Leaking Anti-Giuliani, Anti-Bush Info to the WashPost?

An extensive story in the Sunday Washington Post, “White House Looks Past Alarms on Kerik,” about Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani and once-Homeland Security chief nominee, Bernard Kerik, raises questions about , Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) a/k/a “The ICE Princess”.
It appears that The ICE Princess may have leaked confidential information to The Washington Post about her involvement in the nomination vetting process for Kerik’s nomination by President Bush to head Homeland Security. The information leaked appears to be designed to hurt Giuliani’s Presidential bid (apparently Myers is supporting someone else for President–someone who will more likely keep her and her husband, John Wood, in the taxpayer-paid luxury welfare to which they’ve become accustomed). And Myers’ involvement in the Kerik process raises serious conflict-of-interest questions. And serious questions about why she is being portrayed as the ethical, tough heroine versus her boss, the President of the United States.

(Julie Myers Baglady by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

Here’s the applicable part from the Washington Post:

The White House had the perfect person to question Kerik about his relationship with [federal indictee Lawrence] Ray: Julie Myers, who arrived in the White House personnel office in November 2004 and had worked in the same U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn that prosecuted Ray. She flagged the relationship and other concerns about Kerik for her White House colleagues, sources said. She aggressively questioned Kerik about Ray and other affiliations. He bristled at her tone, sources said.
In an interview last week, Ray said he had told the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office as early as 1999, as he tried to stave off indictment, that he had incriminating information about Kerik. After his guilty plea in 2001, Ray said, he told the FBI that Kerik had agreed to help Interstate Industrial and its owners, the DiTomasso family, try to win city business despite their alleged ties with organized crime. At the time, Kerik solicited and received gifts from company sources, including $165,000 in renovations for his apartment.
“They knew 100 percent of it,” Ray said. “There was no way they didn’t. I was driving the ball on that.”
Kerik told the White House that the allegations were untrue, sources said. “He was told many times, ‘Be honest,’ ” said one person familiar with the process. Myers, presidential personnel director Dina Powell [DS: An Egyptian woman from Texas and one of Bush’s pandering “voices” to the Muslim world] and others raised concerns in the West Wing, according to the sources. They were “very, very adamant about how serious the vetting needed to be,” one source said.

But it appears that the source for this pro-Myers/Myers-did-her-job-strongly-despite-the-Bush-White-House part of the Washington Post story may be Myers, herself. Sources believe Myers told the Post this information that could have only come from her. Only Myers was in on all of her interviews with and work on Kerik, and only Myers has access to her notes and memories on the Kerik vetting process and knowledge of the “flags” she allegedly raised. Only Julie Myers, herself–or through an intermediary acting as her go-between with the Post–could have been the source of this Washington Post story.
In fact, only Myers blew far out of proportion her brief role as a U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a puffery that is conspicuous in the Post story. Agents and attorneys who worked with her at the office say she was not involved in any high profile or important cases, but rather piddling ones because she had no experience and was barely there. They believe Myers was barely involved, if at all, in the Ray prosecution and had little knowledge of it, they say.
The only time her brief experience as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of New York came in handy was to create a plum crony job at ICE for her friend and fellow former prosecutor in that office, –a job from which he quickly had to leave for apparently unethical behavior in a relative’s prosecution. (Just as her brief experience as an attorney with Chicago’s Mayer Brown & Platt came in handy to give , the son of the firm’s former Chairman, another crony job working for her at ICE. He’s had some “problems” with some female ICE support staff, we’re told.)
It is believed that Myers pops up prominently in the Washington Post Giuliani/Kerik story for two reasons: 1) She is trying to cover her butt for what happened with Kerik; 2) She is trying to paint herself as a heroine in the Washington Post, which–like most other media sources left and right–has been justifiably critical of her, in her quest to get a plum job in a new administration or elsewhere; and/or 3) She is trying to hurt Rudy Giuliani’s Presidential chances because she is supporting someone else. Regardless, the Post story, in which she is painted as a heroine, hurts the Bush Administration that has employed her and her husband extensively in so very many tax-paid positions and posts.
And then, there is the other problem–the glaring conflict of interest. When Kerik’s nomination was scuttled and he withdrew, Myers’ good buddy and former boss (and the boss of her husband), Michael Chertoff, got the job–and therefore, Myers, herself, ultimately got the job working as his Assistant Secretary over ICE. Given that and given that Myers already had decided upon herself for the ICE job, she should not have been involved in the Kerik vetting process. Did she help scuttle Kerik to help her former boss, her husband’s boss, and herself to jobs atop DHS?
If only Julie Myers had also been “very, very adamant about how serious the vetting needed to be” for the person .
But she wasn’t. Perhaps a little fact-checking–a la today’s colleges and universities–should have been conducted about her apocryphal “law enforcement” background.
The Washington Post story raises a lot of questions about Julie Myers and why she is being portrayed as a heroine in a story designed to hurt Rudy Giuliani . . . a story whose “sources” are anonymous and very likely include Myers herself.

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April 9, 2007, - 12:37 pm

Update: First Dubai Ports; Now Dow Chemical and Carlyle Group

The Dubai Ports sale to America’s AIG finally went through a few weeks ago. So, thankfully, the United Arab Emirates is now out of the American ports operation biz.
Unfortunately, two more disturbing developments are in the making involving Arab and Muslim nations owning important parts of American infrastructure.
First, there is the bid to buy Dow Chemical. Reuters reports that the key bidders involve the usual anti-American suspects from the Gulf:

LONDON (Reuters) – A consortium of Middle Eastern investors and American buyout firms is preparing a $50 billion approach for Dow Chemical Co. (DOW.N: Quote, Profile , Research) in what could be the world’s biggest ever leveraged buyout, a paper said on Sunday.
Quoting sources close to the deal, The Sunday Express, a UK tabloid paper, said a financing package has been put in place for a break-up bid of between $52 to $58 a share and an approach valuing the company at least $50 billion could come by the end of this week.
Dow’s shares closed up 35 cents at $44.47 on the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday.
At least half of the capital is being provided by investors from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman, with the rest contributed by a number of U.S. buyout firms including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR.UL: Quote, Profile , Research), it said.

Then, there is the $1.8 billion sale of the Carlyle Group’s aerospace units, Standard Aero Holdings, Inc. and Landmark Aviation–which have some top secret plane and aerospace technology–to state-owned/run Dubai Aerospace Enterprise Ltd. (Carlyle was previously the joint investment venture between George H.W. Bush, members of his former Administration, and the Bin Laden family.)
The question is whether the Committee on Foreign Investments in the U.S. (CFIUS) in the Department of Treasury (the committee also includes do-nothing DHS chief Michael Chertoff) allows the Dow and Carlyle sales to go through. That was the problem with the Dubai Ports deal. The OFAC didn’t really scrutinize the deal.
Will they fully examine the deals, this time?
Don’t bet on it. America is for sale to the highest–and often most detestable–bidder.

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April 9, 2007, - 12:21 pm

Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin: Missing Three Years

Today marks the third anniversary of the day that Army Sgt. Keith Matthew Maupin a/k/a “Matt” Maupin was captured in an insurgent terrorist attack on his Army convoy in Iraq.
Where is Matt Maupin? Is he alive? Will he come home? Only the Islamic terrorists and their friends at Al-Jazeera know for sure. But Matt Maupin’s parents aren’t just worrying about their son and trying to find him. They are also sending lots of needed supplies and care packages to the other troops.
More from Associated Press:

Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin, MIA: Bring Him Home Alive

Sgt. Keith Matthew Maupin was always called Matt by his parents, since his father was named Keith. He was a 20-year-old private first class when he was captured April 9, 2004, when his fuel convoy, part of the 724th Transportation Company, was ambushed west of Baghdad.
A week later, the Arab television network Al-Jazeera aired a videotape showing Maupin sitting on the floor surrounded by five masked men holding automatic rifles.
That June, Al-Jazeera aired another tape purporting to show a U.S. soldier being shot. But the dark and grainy tape showed only the back of the victim’s head and not the actual shooting.
The Maupins refuse to believe it was their son, and the Army continues to list him as missing/captured, Tallman said.
More than 1,000 people are expected at a banquet fundraiser Monday, the third anniversary of Maupin’s capture. Some 700 bikers are expected the following Saturday for a motorcycle ride sponsored by Rolling Thunder, a POW-MIA awareness group. A youth baseball tournament in May drew more entries than it could handle, even though games will be played on several fields.
All are raising money for the Matt Maupin Scholarship Fund, seed money for scholarships given by the high schools attended by Cincinnati-area soldiers who died in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Keith Maupin has lost track of the number of briefings he and his former wife, Carolyn, have received from the Pentagon. They’ve been persistent and he thinks the Army is doing its best to find his son. . . .
“We won’t let people forget,” Clermont County Commissioner Bob Proud said. “Whenever we see yellow ribbons, we think about Matt and all our warriors. It always reminds me of the sacrifice that Matt and all of our troops have made.”
Keith Maupin now works full time with the Yellow Ribbon Support Center, which Carolyn founded before their son was captured. Carolyn and Keith Maupin, though divorced, have united in their effort to be a touchstone for families who have lost loved ones in the war.
“A lot of people come in here and a lot of people call, and they just want to talk,” Keith Maupin said. “That’s OK by me; that’s what we’re here for.”
The center has sent thousands of packages of snacks, toiletries, sun block, bug spray, games and other things to soldiers in Iraq, putting photos of Matt Maupin in every box. The center helped troops obtain donated computers to send and receive e-mail.

You, too, can help at the Yellow Ribbon Support Center.
Sgt. Matt Maupin, Bring Him Back Alive. Keep him in your prayers.

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April 9, 2007, - 11:29 am

Harden Up, America!

While Arab and Muslim nations around the world teach their men to annihilate us, we are teaching America’s men to knit and
That’s why America needs to take the advice of Ronnie Johns of Australia’s “Ronnie Johns Half Hour” in this brief (under 2 minutes) and entertaining video (language warning), in which he plays his character, “Chopper”.
Harden Up, America!:

Thanks to Australian reader Marto, who writes:

I read your article on scrap book companies trying to “feminise” men and it reminded me of issues raised in this video.

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