April 13, 2007, - 12:25 pm

Weekend Box Office: Thrilling “Rear Window” Rip-off Trumps Left-Wing Halle Berry Dud

Two thrillers hit the box, this weekend, and ironically, the one targeted at teens is excellent, whereas the one starring the pretty starlet is a trashy waste of time:
* “Disturbia“–Readers of this site know how much I dislike . But Schlemielberg strikes gold with this clear rip-off of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window.”
“Disturbia” is one of my two favorite thrillers, so far, this year (the other is next week’s excellent “Fracture“)–and one of the best movies of 2007 overall, so far. Although it clearly plagiarizes the plot and many scenes from the Hitchcock classic, it is a great movie and extremely thrilling nonetheless.

And like Hitchcock, this one is not high on gore and blood, though there are a very few slightly disturbing scenes. A hallmark of a great thriller is that it does not rely on sickening visuals to creep you out, but plays with your mind, instead.
The movie cleverly updates Hitchcock using teens as the voyeurs– instead of Jimmy Stewart (who was about 40 at the time he did “Rear Window”)–and the huge mass of technological gadgets and devices that have come to market since Raymond Burr was spied upon by his wheelchair bound neighbor committing murder. David Morse–of “St. Elsewhere” fame–while no Burr, is far creepier.
Shia LeBeouf plays Kale, a teen under house arrest for punching out his Spanish teacher. Bored to tears at home after his mother disables his personal TV and video games, he first wastes time doing inane things, like building a strange Twinkie sculpture. Bored with that, he soon begins spying on the cute new girl next door (who is bright and charming, but not Grace Kelly). Then he begins to see his other neighbor engaged in mysterious behavior.
Soon, Kale suspects his neighbor of being a serial killer he’s heard about on the news and in the paper. With the girl next door and a high school friend, Kale begins spying on the neighbor, despite his mother’s admonishment.
The movie is thrilling, edge-of-your-seat stuff. And I can’t recommend it highly enough. This is what an escapist, enjoyable, movie experience is supposed to be about.
I’d bet Hitchcock is smiling down from above. Although this contemporary emulation will never be as good as his original, it’s close enough. And very well updated for today’s American audience.
Go see this. It’s great stuff.

* “Perfect Stranger“–More like Perfectly Cockamamie. This movie is a huge mess. It’s a cardinal rule of murder mysteries that you’re supposed to get at least some hints and clues as to whom the murderer is. In this one, all the clues point to someone else. And in the end, the plot turns out to be preposterous.
And that’s not surprising, given that—-this movie is , from the very beginning. And the messages have nothing to do with the plot or the storyline. Usually, movies that rely on political propaganda are heavily laden with politics to try to compensate for extremely weak plots. This one falls into that template. And not even pretty Halle Berry–whose looks far surpass her vastly overrated acting ability–can save it.
Berry plays an investigative journalist for a New York Post-style tabloid. She tries to expose a Mark Foley-esque Republican Senator, secretly having gay affairs with male interns while he professes conservative family values. Not that this has anything to do with the plot that eventually materializes–it doesn’t, but Hollywood wants to remind you that evil conservative Republicans are all like Mark Foley . . . just in case you forgot. (Because no liberal Congressmen have been caught in immoral sex scandals. ? ? ? Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.)
Berry quits her job when the paper tables her Mark Foley story (the Senator’s name is Sachs; get it–“Sachs-ual Harassment”? Haha, funny). Soon her childhood friend is found murdered. She and her former research assistant suspect her friend was murdered by a high-powered ad executive–Bruce Willis in possibly the worst toupee I’ve ever seen. Guess they spent the entire hair and make-up budget on Berry.
Berry goes online to singles chatsites to try to entice Willis to try to get into his head. Then, she goes undercover as a temp in his large ad agency to try to get into his computer while he tries to get in her pants.
The biggest thing I learned from this movie was that Victoria’s Secret must have wasted a boatload of cash on repeated, annoying product placement in this movie. I almost thought Victoria was Halle’s co-star (though, sorry guys, you won’t see her in any stage of undress).
From my on this incredibly ludicrous movie, it even uses the dead bodies of our troops for meaningless dialogue, completely irrelevant to the plot (if one dares call that a “plot”):

And then there’s Berry’s snide dialogue about dead bodies of U.S. soldiers coming home from Iraq and how the government is trying to hide them. What on earth is this doing in a movie thriller that has not a whit to do with Iraq? Shame on the makers of this movie and Halle Berry for using dead U.S. soldiers for dialogue fodder.

And shame on pseudo-patriot Bruce Willis, too, for being in this dumb film.
Trust me when I recommend that you skip this one and see “Disturbia,” instead. It’s a total dud. At the end, you’ll wonder why you wasted time on this idiocy. Complete stupidity.

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April 13, 2007, - 9:56 am

The Black Imus: Will Damon Wayans Get Imus-ized over Blonde “Crackers” “Taste Better” Ad?

As I was thinking what would be the equivalent of a Black entertainer saying the equivalent of what Don Imus said, I remembered the ads that ran for two months on BET, last year, starring Damon Wayans. A close friend complained about them to me, last summer.
Wayans, who hosted the 2006 BET Awards, did an ad, entitled “Back to My Roots,” promoting the BET Awards show. With a bunch of scantily-clad, buxom White blonde chicks surrounding him, Wayans slaps one of them on her butt, remarking, “Things taste better on a Cracker” (at the very end of the ad). Hint: He wasn’t referring to Saltines.

Damon Wayans: “Things Taste Better on a Cracker

As a fake-blonde like those in the ad, should I be “scarred for life” a la the whining Scarlet Knights women’s basketball team at Rutgers. Will Damon Wayans lose everything–all his comedy, acting, and hosting gigs–for his racist comments against White women and implying that they are all “hos”? His comment in this disgusting ad was despicable.
Don’t hold your breath. There is only one difference between Don Imus and Damon Wayans (they are especially similar in their unfunniness): Don Imus is a White man. And Whites don’t enjoy full free speech, as dictated by the new thought police Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and White liberal America.
Instead of being up in arms like they were over Imus’ comments, Blacks all over the internet just loved Wayans comment about “Crackers,” laughing effusively about it, calling it “Hilarious! . . . LMAOOO [Laugh My Ass Off Off Off]” Haha funny, just like Imus’ comments. The creator of the ad, E. B. Dixon, Jr.–a Black man–bragged about it on his MySpace page.
And despite the offensive, racist ad, Queen Oprah–who, yesterday, featured the Rutgers womens basketball team on her show–still gave an exclusive invite and starring role to Wayans in her “Legends Ball.” Apparently, to Oprah, “Nappy-headed Hos”–not okay. But say “Crackers” about white chicks–and you’re a “Legend.”
We must begin to address why prominent Black Americans can get away with saying the most racist, most anti-Semitic, most bigoted statements–and get away with it, unscratched, while White Americans lose everything over it.
As George Orwell observed, all the animals in the barnyard are equal. But some are more equal than others.
Since we constantly hear cries and shouts about the lack of “equality in America” from minority activists, but they really don’t want true equality. They want to be able to continue for hate and bad behavior from their people to go unaddressed, while the same coming from a White guy, like Imus, draws a vastly overreactive punishment.
And that’s why we’ll never have true equality in America. Just watch the Damon Wayans “Back to My Roots” video, and you’ll see that’s definitely the case.
George Jefferson will always be “enlightened” and accepted for saying what, today, Archie Bunker would be a “racist” for saying (and would lose everything).

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April 12, 2007, - 5:45 pm

Score 2 For Snoop, Jesse, Weird Al & the Race Pimps; O for America

Well, as you’ve probably heard by now, CBS Radio just fired Don Imus–in addition to his firing, yesterday, from MSNBC.
As I’ve written several times since this controversy erupted, I don’t like Imus one bit and never have. But his firing is a tragedy because it is a huge victory for the PC Thought Police Nazis. Hate to say it, but on that, Rosie O’Donnell and I are in agreement (for the first and, probably, last time).
This is also a huge victory for Al “White Interloper” Sharpton and Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson . . . and all of their ilk. It strengthens them. My friend, Braunstein Speaks, says it best:

Don Imus was fired-not by NBC or by CBS-but by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. . . .

Mazel Tov, America. You Lost, They Won . . .

Who put these two clowns in charge? You did. Every time you said, “let it slide” you gave them aid. Every time you overlooked some stupid deed because, “what else can you expect?” you added to their power. Every guilt-driven liberal who feels that blacks cannot be held to the standards that all others live by gives Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton sustenance. . . .
It’s a lot easier to ring the forty-year-old liberal guilt bell. Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times, and, of course, CBS, NBC, and ABC will all come running. Pavlov demonstrated this “classical conditioning” on dogs over 100 years ago.
Wake up. If you think it’s bad now, wait for the Muslims to hit critical mass in this country. I never met a liberal who could resist the siren call of Sharia law, or the honor of “dhimmitude.” . . . Wake up.

And it’s not just liberals at fault, here. It also includes a couple of prominent female conservatives who knee-jerkingly called for Imus’ ouster in unison with Sharp and Jack and the rest of the PC squadron. One of ’em, the clueless Elisabeth Hasselbeck, was cheering Sharpton on–completely clueless about even one basic transgression in Sharpton’s history of racism and anti-Semitism. Yup, that’s why she’s the “conservative” on ABC’s “The View.” She’s the gun-moll for America’s political gangsta scum, but she’s too dumb to notice. Kinda like J-Lo with Sean “Diddy” Combs at the shooting at the club.
And it’s also a huge victory for specimens like Snoop Dogg a/k/a Calvin Broadus, who uttered this gem in a “statement” (if you can call it that) released to MTV News:

Admittedly, Snoop and some of his peers have called women “b—-es” and “ho’s” in their lyrics, but as the Dogg put it Tuesday afternoon (April 10), there is no parallel to what Imus said.
“It’s a completely different scenario,” said Snoop, barking over the phone from a hotel room in L.A. “[Rappers] are not talking about no collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports. We’re talking about ho’s that’s in the ‘hood that ain’t doing sh–, that’s trying to get a n—a for his money. These are two separate things. First of all, we ain’t no old-ass white men that sit up on MSNBC [which announced Wednesday it would drop its simulcast of Imus’ radio show] going hard on black girls. We are rappers that have these songs coming from our minds and our souls that are relevant to what we feel. I will not let them mutha—-as say we in the same league as him.”
Snoop did say, though, that the media needs to treat Imus as it treats some MCs (or football players, even).
“Kick him off the air forever,” he said. “Ban him like they did [Adam] ‘Pacman’ Jones. They kicked him out the [National Football] League for the whole season [for numerous violations of the NFL’s personal-conduct policy, including multiple arrests], but this punk gets to get on the air and call black women ‘nappy-headed ho’s.’ ”
At the time of this interview, Snoop’s arraignment on felony charges (possession of a firearm and sale or transportation of marijuana) was looming.

Wow, I had no idea that–in addition to being the Trash-Connoisseur-in-Chief–Snoop was the Master of “distinctions” without a difference. And, FYI, people died and were paralyzed, due to Pacman Jones’ actions, and he is a multiple-arrestee. Imus’ statements never resulted in violence to anyone or any arrests.
Yup. Score 2 firings for Snoop, Jesse, Al, and posse–with two conservative chicks taking their positions as the gun molls. A big fat zero for America.
The Race-Merchant Terrorists Have Won.

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April 12, 2007, - 1:22 pm

EXCLUSIVE–OUTRAGE!: U.S. to Admit Thousands of Muslim “Refugee” Terrorists; DHS Recruits Employees for SYRIA!

Remember the , er . . . I told you about–who , despite so many apparent dangers they pose?
Well, Michael Chertoff and the Department of Homeland Security are ramping up to welcome these unknowns–who have a high likelihood of being Islamic terrorists–to the U.S. In early March, Citizenship & Immigration Services employees of the Department of Homeland Security employees received e-mails from Vinnell Corporation (a subsidiary of Northrop-Grumman), soliciting fingerprint technicians throughout their 100+ Application Support Centers Nationwide to accept details to Syria???
As one DHS employee asked,

Homeland Security’s Emilio T. Gonzalez & Michael Chertoff:

Giving Away American Citizenship to Muslim Terrorists in Syria

Why are we going to need fingerprint technicians OUTSIDE the country? To fingerprint/photograph and “identify” Muslim “refugees” in Syria, as it says in the e-mail?! They claim Arabic translators will be furnished. So numbnut fingerprint technicians will be creating official records for G-d knows who, based on what some translator tells them! Many a Viet Cong slipped through the cracks years ago too!

That employee is exactly right . . . and worse. Anyone in Syria–from the worst terrorists at Islamic Jihad, HAMAS, and assorted other terrorist groups headquartered in Syria–can claim to be a “refugee” from Iraq. And we have no way to stop them from claiming that status or keeping them from entering the country. Mohammed Atta Bin Allah can claim he is Ahmed from Baghdad, and the Citizenship and Immigration Services employee must accept that claim at face value. Welcome–up to 7,000 (or more) Islamic terrorists–to America! Welcome!
The only thing that is being done is a taking of fingerprints–fingerprints which will only be connected to whatever name and claim the fingerprintee gives the Arabic translator.
What the hell are Michael Chertoff and Citizenship and (who ) thinking?! They AREN’T thinking. And that’s the problem.
Up to 7,000–and likely much more–Islamic terrorists soon to be headed, legally, to our shores. And soon sending for their terror cell, er . . . “family members” to join them here.
Here is the very disturbing e-mail, sent by DHS supervisors to their employees:

—–Original Message—–
From: Bandel, Raymond (TS) mailto:Raymond.Bandel@ngc.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 11:02 AM
Subject: An Opportunity to Fingerprint Overseas
Please ensure that all employees are noticed of an opportunity to travel overseas and fingerprint refugees in Damascus, Syria. Volunteer conditions follow:

The NG team will consist of a SS and a BT Team members must have valid passports and will require Visas. The NG team will be under the supervision of a USCIS team. Our NG Team will travel with the USCIS team.
Team members will stay in hotels and receive per diem IAW the JTR.
Interpreter support will be provided.
Teams will arrive Washington DC two business day prior to overseas travel for training and briefings.
Each team member needs a NG American Express (preferred) or another credit card.
The team will capture biometrics using Crossmatch equipment, very similar to Identix.
Volunteers must agree to support the entire fingerprinting time frame for each mission
The NG team will travel and arrive Washington DC on 9 May for briefings and will depart for Damascus, Syria on 14 May for fingerprinting in Damascus until 6 July 2007.
Administrative requirements will be provided by the PMO and USCIS.

Please contact your regional staff by 23 Mar 2007 if you are interested in volunteering and can meet all the above requirements.
Regards, Lee
Lee Bandel
12900 Federal Systems Park Drive, MS: FP1/5177
Fairfax, VA 22033-4411
Phone: 703-818-7901 Fax: 703-818-7913
Email: raymond.bandel@ngc.com

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April 12, 2007, - 12:56 pm

Must Read: Black Columnist’s Excellent Column on Imus-gate

You must read this excellent column on Imus-gate (the best I’ve read on the topic, other than ) written by Kansas City Star columnist Jason Whitlock (who is Black):

Thank you, Don Imus. You’ve given us (black people) an excuse to avoid our real problem.
You’ve given Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson another opportunity to pretend that the old fight, which is now the safe and lucrative fight, is still the most important fight in our push for true economic and social equality.
You’ve given Vivian Stringer and Rutgers the chance to hold a nationally televised recruiting celebration expertly disguised as a news conference to respond to your poor attempt at humor.

How Long Will Their 15 Minutes Last?

Thank you, Don Imus. You extended Black History Month to April, and we can once again wallow in victimhood, protest like it’s 1965 and delude ourselves into believing that fixing your hatred is more necessary than eradicating our self-hatred.

Read the rest. Thanks to reader Tim for the tip.

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April 12, 2007, - 12:10 pm

Park Financial: Is Your Investment Firm Helping Fund Terrorism . . . or Exposing It?

For those who attack the Patriot Act on the left and the libertarian right, I would hope the one part of the law with which they have no quibble is the portion requiring financial institutions, investment houses, etc. to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) based on suspicious transactions, such as those reaching a certain federally-mandated threshold amount and other red flags.
SARs are one of the best clues available to federal law enforcement, regarding terrorist financing. Unfortunately, while many financial institutions have skilled investigators who compile the SARs–including detailed reports of their investigations of suspicious transactions–federal agencies, like the FBI, ICE, and others don’t look closely at the reports. In fact, most of the time, federal agents ignore the SARs, which could tell them a lot. Instead of examining this gold mine, they’re busy having breaking pita with the local flying imam.

Patriot Act SARs Help Expose Money Laundering

But, today, the story is different for Park Financial Group, Inc. of Winter Park, Florida and its principal, Gordon Cantley. The Securities and Exchange Commission filed it’s first Patriot Act case against the two, yesterday. Yup, this wasn’t an FBI or ICE case, though it should have been. Those agencies are too busy pandering to Islamists, apparently.
The SEC says that Cantley and his company executed numerous trades in securities through British Virgin Island accounts, despite obvious red flags, and failed to file SARs with the feds.
Filing SARs–especially when large amounts of money are being transferred overseas beyond the reach of U.S. authorities–is very important to combat money-laundering activities. As I wrote earlier this year, it is to open overseas companies and transfer money there through a series of shell companies here in the U.S. It’s a loophole that hasn’t been closed–or even tightened–since 9/11.
While we don’t know exactly why Park Financial Group, Inc. violated the Patriot Act and failed to report transactions to the feds, that’s the problem. We don’t know where the money went from there. Although it’s unlikely that the money went to fund terrorism, who knows? While Park is being prosecuted, many other companies fall beyond the radar. The SEC staff is only so big, and focuses primarily on many other issues (like insider trading and fraudulent filings).
Time for ICE and the FBI to pay closer attention to the millions of Suspicious Activity Reports filed by financial institutions around the U.S. on a regular basis.
A lot of important information regarding terrorist money laundering is falling through the cracks.

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April 11, 2007, - 11:05 pm

How Don Imus Got Tall Chicks Their 15 Minutes; Plus CAIR Gets in on the Act

Poor Larry Birkhead. He finally gets his day in the sun as the soon-to-be wealthiest sperm donor in America (and the Bahamas).
But his DNA test results are replaced by the national debate over whether a certain ethnic DNA (which includes White basketball players) causes nappy hair and sexual promiscuity. Don Imus took away Larry’s moment, and he is now “scarred”–and set–for life.
The identity of the Pops Trash was rapidly eclipsed by several sullen-faced, overly melodramatic women auditioning for the remake of “Beaches,” Amazon edition.

Fifteen Minutes of Feigned Indignance Almost Up

These women–who seemed to be basking in their 15 minutes of fame quite exuberantly for women claiming to be upset by it–tried so hard to seem glum, it was hard to tell if I was watching a press conference . . . or extras tryouts for the Lifetime Channel’s latest angry-women-done-wrong-by-the-White-man movie of the week, big-and-tall-size.
Who are Essence Carson, Heather Zurich, and C. Vivian Stringer? Before Monday, we’d never heard of them. After all, they play in a college sport no-one on earth cares about: women’s basketball, which has a popularity level lower than the XFL (pro-wrestling’s failed football league, which didn’t last a full season). And these women weren’t even the champions. They lost.
But now, even though we don’t want to, we know their names, while we don’t even know–and couldn’t care less about–the names of the women on the team (University of Tennessee Volunteers) that beat them and actually won the NCAA women’s basketball championship.
Sounds to me like they owe Donald Imus a big thank you. He put them on the map, to the point that we know more of their names than we do pro women’s hoops players. The WNBA President was so jealous that even she had to insert herself into the controversy by piling on with her Imus condemnation.
It’s difficult to hear players like Heather Zurich–who is White, by the way, so could hardly be personally “scarred for life” by the racial part of Imus’ insult–say, with feigned seriousness:

Our moment was taken away. We were stripped of this moment by the degrading comments made by Mr. Imus.

Moment? What moment? Her team LOST the NCAA championship. Hard to believe that Don Imus took away their chance to celebrate being first loser in women’s college basketball. He actually gave them a moment–actually way more than the standard Warhol-esque 15–that they never would have had. How many losers–let alone, winners–of women’s basketball, even in the WNBA, get a fraction of the attention these women have gotten?
Ditto for similar comments by Rutgers women’s coach Stringer, who told NBC’s Brian Williams that she would give up the championship in exchange for not feeling so hurt. But, wait a second, she didn’t win the championship. And yet, she seemed to be enjoying more media glory and exposure than Pat Summitt, the woman whose team actually won.
Sorry, but it’s hard to watch these women claim they’re “scarred forever,” when I don’t feel scarred for life. For muscular, masculine women, these girls are pretty soft. Perhaps their team motto should be:

Sticks, stones, and names.

I get called far worse names than Imus called these women. But you don’t see me demanding the total silencing of my attackers. It’s rare if I even respond, except to laugh.
And here’s what Dapper Don and his phony crotchety populist cowboy routine featured about members of my ethnic and religious group:

* “boner-nosed, beanie-wearing Jewboy”
* “thieving Jews”
* “money-grubbing bastards”

I’d say those are as bad–and probably worse–than what Imus said about a basketball team.
But you never saw a failed group (remember, the Rutgers hoopster-ettes LOST) of yarmulke-wearing, er . . . “beanie-wearing” Jews in the financial district holding a press conference about how they were scarred for life or how they lost “their moment” of loserdom, how Imus took them away from their chance to celebrate a financial loss– despite their supposed “grubbing”–by calling them names.
You don’t see a yarmulke, er . . . “beanie-wearing” Rabbi Alan Sharpowitz and Cantor Jesse Jackstein demanding Imus’ ouster.
But, as we all know, we do see –who are –playing their traditional roles as the masters of the circus, with Imus pathetically groveling through their hoops.
But Sharp and Jack aren’t the only ones getting in on the act. This exposed meat is far too attractive to be left alone by the rest of their ilk.
Congresswoman Caroline Cheeks-Kilpatrick–who made racist comments against White people to get her son Kwame re-elected as the pimp-daddy Mayor of Detroit–stuck her finger in the Imus frosting, too.
This is the same woman who told Black voters that “y’all need to re-elect our boy” (meaning our Black people’s hood-esque candidate–his opponent was half White), while her husband compared their son’s re-election campaign “suffering” to the Holocaust and its death camps. Some people have no shame. This is also the same race-tolerant chick who won’t allow Whites to join the Congressional Black Caucus.
And the stupid, misinformed indignance isn’t just reserved for one race on this issue. On ABC’s “The View,” resident airhead and pseudo-“conservative,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck, heartily cheered on Al Sharpton and his antics in the face of aghast liberals Barbara Walters and Joy Behar. But, later in the week, once the peroxided ditz received her talking points, she finally discovered America . . . and Sharpton and Jackson for whom her new race-merchant heroes really are. I thought she was stuck on “Survivor” for only a month. Who knew it was actually 30 years?

Dawud Walid: CAIR’s Don Imus

But my favorite party, by far, entering the fray is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). In their press release, today, CAIR decried Imus’ comments against Blacks and Jews, which is just plain hilarious, since they defend Islamic terrorist groups’ rights to murder both of these groups in cold blood in the Middle East and Africa.
What happens in Sudan and Ramallah, stays in Sudan and Ramallah?
Then, there is CAIR’s statement that:

No advertiser who seeks customers, and no guest who wants to maintain his or her credibility, should have anything to do with a host who has such a long history of bigoted and racist comments. We all value the First Amendment right to free speech, but the listening and viewing public has no obligation to reward, or support those who reward the promotion of hatred and intolerance.”
CAIR’s statement is part of the group’s ongoing “Hate Hurts America” campaign designed to counter hate speech on talk radio.

Hmmm . . . Since CAIR-Michigan’s Executive Director Dawud Walid sent out an e-mail calling me a “Shyster“–which is to “Jewish Lawyer” what “Nappy-headed Ho'” is to “Black Woman”–one thing is for sure:
CAIR doesn’t care about intolerance, Don Imus, or the basketballerettes.
Like all the other opportunists, this is strictly about hitching a ride on the giant race-merchant’s gravy train.
As baby-daddy Larry Birkhead knows, only DNA tests tell the truth, anymore, in America.

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April 11, 2007, - 3:21 pm

Arab Member of Israeli Knesset Spied on Israel for Hezbos, Flees Country

Jews in Israel celebrate a shorter Passover than Jews outside of Israel. So, I was out of commission when a big story struck Israel, a story to which I was alerted by Shawarma Mayor. Eliyahu of Emet m’Tzion/Zion Truth has so much more and some incisive analysis.
I’ve written many times before about Azmi Bishara, the most well-known and outspokenly anti-Israel Arab Member of the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament). Although he was elected by Israeli citizens (mostly Israeli Arabs voted for him), he’s repeatedly and openly called for HAMAS and Hezbollah to attack Jews in Israel. That he was allowed to remain in the Knesset, instead of being tried for treason (which Israel threatened to do over the years, but never had the guts to do), is incredible. Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi calling for homicide bombings of Republicans?
Now, Bishara and his entire family have fled Israel. Why? Well, because he was spying for Syria and Hezbollah, and–finally–Israel was about to charge and prosecute him.

Azmi Bishara:

Arab Member of Israeli Parliament Spied for Hezbos, Syria

According to an English translation of Arab media source, , linked by Shawarma Mayor, Russian intelligence sources warned Bishara that Israeli intelligence had discovered his status as a spy for Syria and Hezbollah and urged him to flee Israel, since the country was about to take away his diplomatic immunity and ban him from travelling outside of the country.
While it’s cause for celebration that Bishara is gone from the State of Israel, he will soon be replaced by another Israeli Arab who is equally hateful of the Israel and who will make similar calls–without consequence–for terrorists to attack his fellow citizens. Although much of his constituency are Israeli Arab Muslims and he deals in their currency of hate, Eliyaho of Emet m’Tziyon/Zion Truth informs me Bishara is a Christian Arab.
So, are Arabs and Muslims loyal citizens of their country of choice . . . or are they friendly foes, just waiting until they reach critical mass–and spying to help the enemy until then?
Bishara aside, we’ve had far too many examples of the latter.
I agree with Shawarma Mayor:

Anyone needs further proof that double speaking in the name of leftism while fully supporting Islamists is a facade for actual Islamist Spies? I have no doubt that some on the left who repeat the same vile stuff that Bishara did are Useful Idiots or devoted Communists – but the facts are simple: When you spout single sided views in veiled support of extinction of Jews – you meet the definition of an Anti-Semite, and you serve no-one other than Jihadi Nazis.

The same goes for the many Islamists (including those who are not Muslim but sympathetic to their cause, like Bishara) in America who hate us all. They profess to be loyal citizens. But far too many wish for our extinction . . . once they get the chance.
Not sure if he’s still checking his e-mail, but you can let Azmi Bishara know what you think of him.
Even far-left major Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot’s columnists Ron Levintal and Majdi Halabi (with whom, on whole, I totally disagree), noted that this Arab Member of Knesset was more interested in helping Islamic terrorists than his own Arab Muslim constituents:

Azmi Bishara finds no interest in the sewage situation or poverty problems of Arab Israeli villages, but rather, is interested in a hot date with Syria’s president, an interview to al-Jazeera, or a quick visit to Saudi Arabia.
Bishara forgot that he was sent to the Knesset by Arab Israelis, who are citizens with voting rights. They elected a representative in order to legislate laws in their favor, represent their views, speak on their behalf.

Unfortunately, these two Israeli columnists don’t realize that by shilling for terrorists and openly calling on them to murder Israeli citizens, Bishara was, indeed, representing the views and speaking on behalf of his Arab Muslim constituency. That’s why he remained such a popular and repeatedly-elected Member of Knesset, courtesy of that constituency.
Azmi Bishara, good riddance. Unfortunately, Israel has plenty of similarly-minded Arab and Muslim replacements. And we have plenty of Azmi Bisharas in the making here in the good ole U.S.A.

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April 11, 2007, - 2:52 pm

Afronerd & a Top Late-Night Comedian on Imus

Okay, this will be my second-to-last post on Don Imus. I promise.
Center-conservative Black writer Afronerd has this to say about

Once again, due to the oh great and powerful White man, factions within the African-American community are angry, motivated and ready to march in order to oust Imus from his radio gig. I ask today, what I have continued to inquire about since this blog’s inception-where are these self-same folks when many in the minstrel end of the hip hop spectrum commit similar acts against Black women?

A good friend of mine, who is a top comedian on late-night TV (and is a closet conservative–so I can’t name him and ruin his career), writes that the idiotic Imus, his , and the complete media over-reaction has ruined things for his comic act:

I can’t even believe what’s happening. What our world has become?! They’re talking about these Rutgers women as if Imus raped all of them individually. My only solace is in my belief, I’m pretty sure, that he’s a pretty hardcore liberal (thus enjoying the world he helped create). On the other hand though it has chilling reprecussions for everyone that talks for a living. It even has me scared that feminists can one day decide I’m offensive and try to ruin my career. I guess the only thing I can hope is that it’s going to remain a “black” thing and not seep into other areas, since we’re all bending over backwards lately to not offend these fragile people. Anyway, I digress, I just wanted to check if you knew for a fact Imus was a lib?

My comic friend is right, and Imus is, indeed, sowing what he reaped. Yes, despite his phony act, Imus is a liberal. He’s an opportunist liberal with a fake populist affect. I’ve never liked him, always thought his show was stupid, and was shocked that he was picked several years ago to host the White House correspondents dinner. His phony crotchety old man from the country act is dumb and over. He’s a despicable person, which really has nothing to do with his dumb, racist comments from last week.
Imus most owes us an apology for his pandering to Weird Al Sharpton and Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson and further empowering them against those of us, who–unlike Imus–are not racist and don’t make sweeping statements about a basic American ethnicity’s hair characteristics or sex-life.
Glad to see that there are at least two people (and, I’m sure, many, many more) who see the light beyond all of this stupid hype.

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April 11, 2007, - 1:32 pm

FBI Raids Islamic Charity; State Dept. Sends Its Exec on Tax-Funded Luxe World Tour

The FBI raids an Islamic charity–long known for openly funding HAMAS and believed to be funding Al-Qaeda insurgents in Iraq. So, what does the State Department do?
It sends the Islamic charity’s lawyer–one of its most prominent employees–on a luxury world tour, courtesy of you, the American taxpayer.
That’s what happened with Ihsan Al-Khatib, general counsel of , which the (and the Iraqi headquarters of which the U.S. Army raided well before that). And–even worse–the numbskulls at Foggy Bottom (that means the State Department employees, for those of you from the Frank Beckmann show and The Detroit Newsistan) picked Al-Khatib to be a representative to Muslims in the Gulf states of Muslims in the United States.

Ihsan Al-Khatib: Terrorist Charity Employee on Tax-Paid World Tour

Here are the details from the deceptively named American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee/Michigan’s (of which Al-Khatib is President) “News and Views” newsletter:

By invitation of the US Department of State, ADC Detroit Chapter President Ihsan Alkhatib visited the countries of Qatar and Kuwait , in an effort to create a greater awareness of the Arab and Muslim American communities in the United States. During his visit to Kuwait, Attorney Alkhatib met with the Kuwait Bar Association and spoke at Kuwait University and the American University of Kuwait . He was also interviewed by the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA). In Qatar, Attorney Alkhatib spoke at Qatar University’s College of Law and addressed an audience of future leaders at Qemam, a leadership training group affiliated with Qatar Charities. Attorney Alkhatib’s visit through the State Department program was covered in the local media in both Qatar and Kuwait . “I am glad that, as Arab Americans, we can help our government reach out and educate the Arab world about the lives of Arabs and Muslims in the US,” states Attorney Alkhatib.

I guess the “reach out and educate the Muslim masses” message must have been: Hi, I’m a terrorist supporter and a lawyer for a charity on U.S. soil that openly funded Islamic terrorists. And we get away with that every day, thanks to the stupid Americans who let us run the asylum.
And Al-Khatib is kind of a dumb choice, aside from his terror-funding connections. He’s repeatedly stated and written in various sources, things like this about Muslims in America:

It has been going downhill since 911.

So, either he lied over there. Or he’s lying over here.
Remember, you paid for this employee and lawyer of a terrorist-funding charity to travel in style all over the Arabian Gulf.
United Dhimmi States of America.
(Full disclosure: Al-Khatib once wrote a silly, fraudulent article about me in the Arab American News, calling me a “verbal terrorist,” whatever that means. Since he works for a charity that openly and knowingly funds terrorists, I figure he must know. The article was designed to incite Muslim violence against me, and with several death threats from readers of the paper, I guess it was successful.)

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