April 16, 2007, - 4:42 pm

UPDATE on Virginia Tech Shootings: VT Lobbied Against Student Gun Possession; Shooting Appears Professional

**** UPDATE, 04/17/07: The shooter has now been identified as a South Korean national, who is a permanent resident. ****
Still no word on the name or background, other than “young Asian male,” on the shooter of 60 (32 dead, 28 wounded) at Virginia Tech University. University President Charles Steger just said that the shooter did not have I.D. on him and that he is not sure there is a connection between the first and second shootings (No connection–how could that be?).
But some interesting e-mails. First, Reader Jenn, who sends this article about how Virginia Tech lobbied against students being allowed to carry guns on campus to protect themselves:

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.

House Bill 1572 didn’t get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill’s defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. “I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.” . . .
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making “rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit … from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun.” . . .
Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university’s authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech’s governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.

On a related note, Reader Dempsey writes:

You wrote, “… it is extremely easy to shoot and kill multiple American college students”
Of course it is. Our schools have been designated as “gun free” zones. That’s like hanging a shank of lamb in a den of wolves: it’s only a matter of time. What’s next? Another church, a polling place, a government building…

Private Investigator and Terrorism Expert Bill Warner says the shooting is professional, appears to be the result of military training:


Reader John, a VT alum, writes:

Just read your . I was a student there in the mid-80s and have family that have graduated from there as well. The distance you state in your article from the dorm (Ambler Johnston Hall) to the classroom (Norris Hall) can be walked in about 10 minutes. I lived in an adjacent dorm and had classes in Norris Hall. It takes about 5 minutes to walk from the dorm (same distance as A-J) to the edge of the drill field and another 5 minutes to cross the drill field to Norris, which is on the opposite side of the drill field. For the gunman who wishes to be “lost” on campus, it would be fairly easy to do given the number of buildings between the dorm and the classrooms, not to mention the Duck Pond, a park that is landscaped with a lot of large trees and bushes. At that time of the morning (7am) there would probably be little traffic on the walkways and roads as classes don’t start until 8am. If the police are correct about the times, the gunman could have gotten himself “lost” in or around the Duck Pond, regrouped, and then walked back up to Norris Hall after classes had started at 8am. If the gunman were dressed as a student (since he has been reported as being one) then he probably had a backpack and heavy coat considering the poor weather conditions today (cold and very windy). Two 9mm pistols would be easy to hide in a pack or coat pocket. Given that the gunman wasn’t identified as being Asian until AFTER the last shooting by bystanders and victims would have given him plenty of opportunity to blend into the foot traffic coming out of the dorms between 730 and 8 am.
It will be interesting to note if the person is Pakistani or perhaps from Indonesia. Tech is an internationally recognized engineering school and draws from a lot of countries like India and Pakistan where engineering schools either don’t exist or are poor in comparison. However, it’s the wealthy of those countries who can afford to send their children there.

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April 16, 2007, - 4:06 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah Still Harping on Imus Story; Read the Incredibly Stupid Comments

**** UPDATE: OY! This is a TWO-DAY(!) Show (continues tomorrow). Move on, HOprah. Move on. ****
Enough already. HOprah–am I still allowed to call her that?–has several guests on today harping on the whole Imus thing . . . again.
Fortunately, the is on, but he is “balanced” out by several others saying that their sister or daugher has been called a ho. And it’s all Imus’ fault.

I think a lot of White people don’t understand. Ho . . . bitch . . . it has been a part of our history and our culture.

Uh, Oprah, I understand what it’s like to be called a “ho” and a “bitch.” But I’ve never made a federal case out of it.
Get a clue. And a life.

(Artwork Courtesy of the Talented David Lunde)

Stanley Crouch (who I thought was a reasonable man . . . until now):

4 out of 5 hip-hop albums are sold in the White suburbs. . . . They [White people] want to go on an audio safari.

Who are “they”? Why is it that while one can’t stereotype Black people with “they,” it’s okay to do so with Whites?
Here’s an FYI for Mr. Crouch: Plenty of us don’t want to go on an “audio safari.” But if you consider hip-hop albums an audio safari for White people, does that mean you are calling your own people who perform on those albums “animals”?
Just asking because safaris usually consist of viewing animals. And that is a pretty sad view on your part.
So sad that this whole discussion has degraded thusly. And that the “conversation” is still going on at all.
It happened. He said it. He got fired. Get over it.
Oy, Al Sharpton joins in on the “conversation.” No need to repeat what he said on HOprah. You’ve heard the same for the last week. Broken record.

When White people do something, we [Blacks] go full steam [against them].


White people created rap.

It’s all Whitey’s fault. Thank you, sir, may I have another?
Students at Spelman College (a Black women’s college) on Imus:

It’s part of who he is. He raped us. He’s a racist man.

HUH?! Don Imus “raped” them?!

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April 16, 2007, - 1:32 pm

Chuck & Larry: Summer Movie I’m Looking Forward To

Among the many reasons conservatives like me object to “domestic partner” benefits for gays (or anyone else) is the potential for huge fraud. How are you going to prove or disprove that guy A is really the long-term boyfriend of guy B–give him a road test?
That’s the plot of “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry,” a new Adam Sandler/Kevin James vehicle in theaters in July, which looks to be a Sandler movie that’s actually funny (a very rare feat for him). It’s about two single New York firemen (oops, PC alert: “firefighters“)–who want to pass their health benefits on to the kids of one of them–pretend they’re a gay couple to get them. Gay activists are very upset by the movie, and watching this trailer, you can see why: It’s hilarious!

Can’t wait to see this one.

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April 16, 2007, - 12:29 pm

Constitutional Rts v. Nazis: Poignant Piece From Holocaust Survivor’s Kid

As , today is Yom HaShoah–Holocaust Remembrance Day or Holocaust Memorial Day. I will probably have something about my family posted later. But in the meantime, I liked this piece by Ralph J. Rubinek, a law enforcement veteran and gun-rights advocate, whose mother survived the Holocaust. Ralph wrote this several years ago for Mother’s Day, and it reminds me of my late grandfather Isaac, also a Holocaust survivor, who owned a gun and was a conservative because of what he survived.
Because far too many liberals have taken ownership of the Holocaust to promote their far-left causes and defense of Islamists, the real message of the Holocaust–against Statist and pan-Islamist policies–is forgotten.

A Mother’s Day Message From the Son of a Holocaust Survivor
By Ralph J. Rubinek
The Way to Stop These From Taking Away Our Rights . . .

Is to Own At Least One of These . . .

On Mothers Day, we honor our Mothers for all the good, love and wisdom that they have given us in life.
On this day, I honor my Mother by sharing with my fellow citizens some of her wisdom, gained through hard experience.
My Mother, just like most other Mothers, taught me how to live right. But she did much more. She was a Holocaust survivor who learned from her hard experiences. Se was victimized by the Nazis, a tyranny led by a madman. Adolf Hitler. Gun-toting Nazis dragged her family to their deaths. Unarmed she was unable to resist.
Sent to Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp, she was chosen by “Doctor” Mengele for “experiments” which were simply medical torture. Of the women in this program, most who were lucky were systematically executed.
Mother was a source of strength and inspiration to other prisoners. She told them of a land where individuals are judged on their own merits, not condemned as a group. She spoke of land, America, where the people control the government, as opposed to Europe, where governments for centuries enslaved people.
Finally – when liberated by Allied forces – she emigrated to America, the land of her dreams.
I am her only son. She raised me with the only family legacies she had – her memories. She taught me that there are few things more destructive than a government gone bad.
She instilled in me an abiding love of the United States Constitution, which she studied closely in order to become a citizen. Swearing loyalty to the Unites States was one of her proudest moments. Mother died in August, 1974 after many beautiful years in America, but never free from her painful memories. She left this message, one well worth sharing with every son and daughter in the land:
“You must fight for your freedom every day of your life . . . even if as a last resort, you must take up arms to defend your freedom do so! Freedom is your G-d given right–along with all other rights under the Constitution. Protect it.”

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April 16, 2007, - 11:49 am

This is a Network News Anchor?!: Katie’s “Hot Like Me” Ringtone, “2-Mommy” Household

A More Magazine interview with CBS News Anchor Katie Couric leaves you wondering:

Vapid teen valley-girl . . . or next female teacher most likely to have sex with her students?

It certainly doesn’t make you think: Serious national broadcast news anchor, but it’s no change from her previous , comment.
Some excerpts, as reprinted in the Detroit Free Press:

More’s Amy Wilentz interviewed Couric — whose cell phone features the ring tone of the Pussycat Dolls’ “Don’t Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me.” . . .

“They [viewers] seem to think it’s like I’ve had a lobotomy”

Yes, that sounds about right.

* About her nanny and housekeeper, Lori Beth Meyer, whom Couric calls her wife: “We try to discourage all of her relationships! We always joke in the household that the girls have two mommies, that we’re a family, but a ‘different kind of family.’ But seriously, I couldn’t be me without Lori Beth. And by the way, she rules with an iron fist.”

Hmmm . . . Sounds like there’s only one mom in that household. And it ain’t the one with the “Don’t Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me” ringtone.

* About her 10-year-old daughter, Carrie: “She doesn’t like the way I smack my lips. She’s always, like, ‘Look, Mom, you just did it again.’ If she had her way, she’d be happy only if I stopped breathing.”

She’s not the only one, Katie.

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April 16, 2007, - 10:45 am

Treated as House Slave, Kenyan Catholic “Bahraini Muslim” Gets Shaft in Marathon Apartheid

When you allow yourself to be the house slave, that’s exactly how you’ll be treated.
That’s the experience of Leonard Mucheru a/k/a “Mushir Salem Jawher”–a world-class Catholic marathoner from Kenya–who sold himself and his religious status to Bahrain. Now, his life has been turned upside down because he dared to go to Israel in January and win the country’s Tiberias Marathon. (As readers of this site know, I’ve written repeatedly–including and –about the anti-Semitic sports and travel apartheid regularly practiced by the Islamic World.)
It’s a phenomenon I’ve been following for years: Arab Muslim countries, whose native Muslim Arab inhabitants suck at all sports (except bomb-detonating and molotov-tossing), buy Black athletes from Africa. They make them convert to Islam, change their names, and the athletes then make Muslim countries–mostly Gulf States–into fake athletic powerhouses.

Leonard Mucheru (right) & Other “Muslim Arab” Athletes:

Property of Arab Muslim Sheikhs

Today’s Wall Street Journal–which has a front-page story on Mucheru/Jawher–reports this new form of Islamic slavery of athletes as a relatively new phenomenon, but it isn’t. It’s been going on for years. Still, the article is otherwise important, as it further highlights the anti-Semitic sports apartheid regularly practiced by our Islamic “allies,” like the “moderate” Bahrain, which features the enlightened “Bahrain Society for Resisting Normalization With the Zionist Enemy.” One wonders what the hazing is for initiation into that exclusive “club.”
Here are the notable excerpts:

MANAMA, Bahrain — Leonard Mucheru, a world-class long-distance runner from Kenya, agreed four years ago to change his name and his nationality in order to take a prized job: a place on the national athletics squad of this tiny Gulf kingdom.
A churchgoing Roman Catholic, he began competing under a new Arab-Islamic identity as Mushir Salim Jawher, to “improve my career,” he says.
At the Asian Games in December, the 28-year-old won a silver medal for his new country in the 5,000-meter race. He finished just ahead of a Burundi-born athlete running for Qatar and behind a fellow Kenyan, who won gold for Qatar, which hosted the event.
The unusual trifecta for a region not generally known for its sporting prowess highlighted a quirky feature of the global economy: Wealthy Gulf states, long conspicuous consumers of fast cars, have become a big market for another status symbol — Africans who run fast.
But winning isn’t everything, as Mr. Mucheru has discovered. He has spent the past three months on the run from accusations of betraying both Arab solidarity and African pride. “I’m not a criminal. I didn’t kill anyone or steal anything,” he says. “All I did was run.” [DS: In the Evil Zionist Entity.]
His ordeal began in early January after he added what he thought would be another feather in Bahrain’s sporting cap: He won an international marathon [DS: the Tiberias Marathon], a first by an athlete representing Bahrain. He beat out a Kenyan in a sprint finish. The catch is that the race took place in Israel, which the Arab kingdom shuns.

Leonard Mucheru, er . . .”Mushir Salim Jawher” Wins

Israel’s Tiberias Marathon

Bahrain went ballistic. The Bahrain Athletics Association, headed by a member of the royal family, issued an angry statement saying Mr. Mucheru would be kicked off the team and stripped of Bahraini nationality.
Bahrain’s Society for Resisting Normalization With the Zionist Enemy denounced Mr. Mucheru as a national disgrace.
“We are in this business to give Bahrain a good name, not a bad name,” said Sheik Talal al-Khalifa, president of the Bahrain Athletics Association [DS: Khalifa is a member of Bahrain’s ruling royal family]. Mr. Mucheru’s trip to Israel, said the sheik, “was a big embarrassment for us, and we are not going to take that.”
The furor flowed from an increasingly common dynamic in this part of the world: the tension between the grand global ambitions of Gulf kingdoms and their conservative local moorings.

“Conservative local moorings”? This is how a Wall Street Journal reporter–Andrew Higgins–describes blatant apartheid-esque, anti-Semitism and extremism?! Incredible.

Bahrain has a state-of-the-art racetrack to host Formula One auto racing, but in deference to Islam sprays the winner with rose water instead of champagne. Abu Dhabi, the richest part of the United Arab Emirates, this year signed a deal with the Louvre in Paris to rent art treasures for a new museum. The arrangement raised a ticklish question: Will Abu Dhabi, a devout Muslim land, hang paintings that feature nudes or Christian motifs? The Louvre contract stipulates that works of art won’t be banished on “unreasonable” grounds.
Before the African runners, the biggest sporting imports to the Gulf were camel jockeys, mostly impoverished children from the Indian subcontinent. This trade has waned since Qatar and the U.A.E. raised the minimum age for camel jockeys to 18, under pressure from the U.S. and human-rights groups.

Uh, actually, the camel jockey trade of underage Muslim slaves continues. Most of these kids are young Bangladeshis (fellow Muslims)–some as young as 10-years-old–who are forced to be camel jockeys, are not allowed to eat (good jockeys need to be small and underweight), and are often the sex-slaves of wealthy Bahraini Muslims.

The deep pockets of Gulf nations have turbocharged the market. Mr. Mucheru, who was put on the payroll of Bahrain’s military, declined to discuss his salary, saying only that he earned more than he did in Kenya. More than 40 Kenyan athletes have decamped in recent years, many to Bahrain and Qatar. . . . “We have to avoid a situation where athletes are being bought like mercenaries,” says Nick Davies, an IAAF official.

FYI, the IAAF made rules forcing athletes who change nationalities to sit out three years. But the IAAF refuses to outlaw the anti-Semitic marathon (and other sports) apartheid practiced by the Muslim member nations of the IAAF.

Though lagging far behind sporting powers like China, which has more than a billion people, Qatar and Bahrain ranked ninth and 14th respectively out of 36 nations in the December Asian Games — not bad for countries with a combined population of barely 1.5 million. To celebrate, Bahrain’s crown prince invited Mr. Mucheru and his fellow medal-winning runners — more than half of them from Africa — to his palace.

Wow, the house-slaves get to go see the Master and visit the main mansion on the plantation.

So, when Mr. Mucheru went to Israel and beat 850 other competitors in the Tiberias Marathon around the Sea of Galilee, he figured that would only win kudos in Bahrain. After the race, he told the Jerusalem Post that he was “very proud” to be the first Arab national to compete in the event and hoped “to come back and compete next year.” Elated, he flew back to Kenya to be with his family.
He first realized there was a problem when he started getting calls on his mobile phone during a church service.

Gee, and I thought he’d converted to Islam. Silly me.

Tiberias Marathon>

Kenyan journalists wanted to get his reaction to Bahrain’s decision to revoke his passport. “I had no idea Israel was such a big deal,” he says.
He turned off his phone and went into hiding. His German manager and coach, Dorothee Paulmann, called the athletic governing body in Monaco for help but was told there was not much it could do.

Uh, no. There was not much it wanted to do. The IAAF, which governs international marathons, does not want to outlaw the Muslim world’s travel-apartheid against Israel.

After a series of abject apologies and promises not to run in Israel again, he awaited news of his fate.
“I now know I made a big mistake,” he said in an interview at a small apartment where he had taken refuge in late January not far from a big U.S. naval base here. He kept the curtains drawn and rarely ventured outside.
In late January, Bahrain partially relented: He could keep his passport, sports officials told him, but his banishment from the national squad stood. Mr. Mucheru then flew back to Africa, where he and other defector athletes still do much of their training. It’s way too hot in the Gulf for running. . . .
His coach, Ms. Paulmann, isn’t amused. Gulf countries, she says, “have money and oil. But they have no idea about sport.”

Uh, actually, the Gulf States have exactly the right idea about sport. They know that they can outlaw passports and passport stamps from Israel and keep out Israeli athletes–like tennis player –from all internationally sanctioned tennis tournaments, marathons, and everything else.
And that they will get away with it . . . without a peep from anyone. Apartheid lives on for all those who oppose the Jewish State.

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April 15, 2007, - 1:51 pm

Remembering the Holocaust; Recognizing Today’s Nazis

Tonight, Yom HaShoah–Holocaust Memorial Day–begins and lasts until nightfall Monday Night. My maternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors, and on both my mother’s and father’s sides our family was mostly wiped out by the Nazis. I’ll have more to say, tomorrow, about how the Holocaust has been misused and misappropriated by the left–with the liberal Jewish Community “leadership” complicit.

Two Symbols, Same Deal

It is important to memorialize the 6 million Jews who were specifically targeted and murdered by the Nazis for the crime of having Jewish blood (and also the 5 million others who were murdered by them as well). But it is also important to note the message of the Holocaust which is largely forgotten, especially by liberal do-gooder Jews, the unelected, unrepresentative, self-anointed who purport to lead my community: that those filled with hate today also want to eliminate the Jews–and they are Muslims. Today’s liberals–most shamefully, Jewish liberals–have built an entire industry on the Holocaust. Yet, while they remember dead Jews, they think it’s A-OK to hang out with today’s Nazis and justify their wholesale slaughter of Jews in Israel, today.

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April 13, 2007, - 7:07 pm

My New Hero, Jason Whitlock

Yesterday, I on the whole Imus debacle. Well, since then, Whitlock appeared on several national TV news shows, including MSNBC’s annoying bowtied geek, to discuss further what he said in the column.
And all I can say is: Jason Whitlock, Bravo! I do disagree with one comment he made, though. He said that much of Black America has no respect for Weird Al Sharpton and Jesse Salad-spitter Jackson. And while, they’re certainly not as popular as they once were, they’re both still mighty popular enough in Black America–as evidenced by the huge crowds and following they have, at least here in Detroit. And as evidenced by Imus’ dual firings.
The video is under five minutes and well worth watching (not for Bow-tie, but definitely for Whitlock).

BTW, love hearing how the bow-tied FAKE conservative likes racist Al Sharpton a lot personally. I’ve had my own several experiences with Sharp, including when I slaughtered him on ABC’s “Politically Incorrect” and he couldn’t take it. I know it won’t take much suspension of belief to believe me when I say that the guy is NOT personally likeable. Period. He’s the same in person as he seems on TV–a bigoted thug.
Thanks to The Big Lead for the tip.

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April 13, 2007, - 3:21 pm

Animal Rights Terrorist-in-Chief Writes a Book: Life w/Al Sharpton & Martha Stewart; KFC “Huge w/Blacks”?!

USA Today features an extended puff-piece interview with Dan Mathews, publicity hound and crusading terrorist for PETA a/k/a “PUTAh” (People for the unethical Treatment of Animals and humans), in an effort to promote his new book. The piece is mostly laughable in its absurdity, but there are interesting tidbits about Weird Al Sharpton and Martha Stewart and their PETA opportunism:

Dan Mathews isn’t just another pretty face, although he was a model in a previous life. Over the years, he has made a name for himself as the high-profile rabble-rouser for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA. He’s out with a memoir, Committed, in which he recalls everything from a fish that changed his life to getting arrested to running with celebrities such as Paul McCartney and Pamela Anderson. He talks with USA TODAY about his life in and out of jail. . . .

PETA Clown Dan Mathews

Q: How did you persuade the Rev. Al Sharpton to narrate a PETA anti-cruelty video?
A: I ran into him at an MTV party. I always thought he was a great speaker. We had just started targeting Kentucky Fried Chicken, and I knew they’re huge with the black community. When I asked, he said yes. His video has turned away customers in droves. Martha Stewart joined up, too. We had targeted her for wearing fur, and we had an icy reception at parties. Finally, when she got sent to jail, I sent her a note and said, “We both know our way around jail cells now.” She wrote back and had a change of heart and narrated our anti-fur video.

Hmmm . . . PUTAh officials are allowed to make the comments about Blacks and fried chicken that Fuzzy Zoeller was not. And yet, Al Sharpton not ony lets the comment slide, he does a commercial for these cretins.

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: I don’t. I travel too much. But almost all of the people I stay with have animals. People bring their animals to work here, too, so I’m surrounded by animals.

Uh, I thought having pets was cruel punishment, according to animal rights orthodoxy. Yup, in addition to murdering puppies, PUTAh is even more “unethical” as we carnivores supposedly are. Typical liberal hypocrisy: Do as I say, not as I do.

Q: Tell us about that first fish you caught.
A: Around the time I got beaten up for being gay, gasping for breath, surrounded by people looking down at me laughing, I caught a very big fish. When I pulled him on the boat, it was just an ugly flounder, and he was gasping for breath, too, and in that instance, the flounder was the only creature I could relate to. I had turned into the bully.

Uh-oh. Apparently, if you eat fish, it’s like your condoning beating up gays. Not exactly what I’ll be thinking the next time I enjoy grilled salmon. Yummy.
Among his antics, Mathews hijacked a float in the Rose Bowl Parade. Just what young kids watching the parade need to see: hijacking freaks trying to scare them out of eating meat.
Charming guy. And he’s endorsed by annoying celebs like Tommy Lee, Andy Dick, Lily Tomlin, Chrissie Hynde, and Bill Maher.
The title of Matthews book is, “Committed.”
As in, he ought to be . . . .

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April 13, 2007, - 1:29 pm

Do Illegal Aliens Really Pay Taxes?: Letter to the Editor of the Day

Rarely are the Wall Street Journal’s editorial and reporting staffs in sync. But on one issue–illegal aliens–they write in unison, telling us how valuable and great illegal aliens are for America and why we shouldn’t crack down on them.
Last week, the Journal did a huge “investigative” piece–“Even Workers in U.S. Illegally Pay Tax Man”–informing us that illegal aliens pay a lot of taxes. They even have a special tax preparer in Los Angeles, Petra Castillo, who caters largely to Hispanic illegals, to make sure they properly file and pay their fair share to the IRS by April 17th. The emphasis on the article was about how much illegal aliens contribute to Uncle Sam and how honest they are in this pursuit.
But a letter to the editor in today’s Wall Street Journal shows that it ain’t necessarily so–that plenty of illegal aliens are gaming the system. I reprint Shaffer Page‘s well-informed, well-written letter, here:

Are Illegal Immigrants Claiming Tax Refunds?
April 13, 2007; Page A11
The booming business of filing tax returns for illegal foreign nationals employed in this country most likely stems from their learning that under favorable international tax treaties, non-citizens who are here legally can, under certain circumstances, claim a refund of nearly all U.S. employer-withheld taxes (“Even Workers in U.S. Illegally Pay Tax Man,” Marketplace, April 4). This concept appears to have been stretched to cover foreign nationals who are here illegally. They aren’t paying taxes like the rest of us, but our tax dollars pay for processing their refunds.
Are the illegal foreign nationals who file for refunds of U.S. employer-withheld taxes paying taxes in their home country? When the IRS receives a refund claim from an illegal foreign national who has used a stolen Social Security number, will the IRS send the rightful owner letters about undeclared income? Why doesn’t the U.S. government impose a surcharge on all tax refunds paid to illegal foreign nationals?
Shaffer Page
Moorpark, Calif.

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