April 18, 2007, - 11:03 am

I Called It: “Soup Nazi” Rosie O’D Says “No Guns for You”

Well, , it didn’t take long for 9/11 conspiracy theorist Rosie O’Donnell to push for gun control in light of the VTU massacre. Yesterday, she mentioned it.
Today, she’s going full-steam: attacking the NRA, calling for more gun control legislation, etc. She’s like the “Soup Nazi” from “Seinfeld”: “No Guns for You.”
So, what is fake conservative/real airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s a/k/a Hasselrock response. Well, yesterday, when Rosie mentioned the need for more gun control, Hasselrock responded with how she’s upset that people are harping on John Edwards for his $400 haircut. He’s entitled to do what he wants with his money. Yup, that’s her defense to Rosie’s gun control push.

Rosie O’D: The New Soup Nazi Says, “No Guns for You”

Today, we were spared the fake Hasselrock’s dumb attempts at being a conservative. Rosie went on and on and on about fighting the gun lobby and pushing for gun control. And Hasselrock was absent from the show–a distinction without a difference, since even when she’s “there,” she’s absent. Instead, we heard from actress Aisha Tyler, who supported Rosie.
“The View” . . . the amen crowd for taking away our Second Amendment rights.
Now, Joy Behar is attacking “white men’s rage and their guns” as a defense against those attacking rap artists. HUH? Hello . . . has she ever seen a rap video? Has she ever read the repeated reports of rappers–BLACK rappers–being arrested for illegal firearms possession? I guess she missed those gazillion stories. Ditto for that dude Pacman Jones, just suspended for a whole season from the NFL for gun-related violence, which resulted on a person being permanently paralyzed.
Sorry, Joy, but both races own guns. And most of them are law-abiding Americans who want to defend themselves.

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April 18, 2007, - 9:18 am

Me on KSFO San Francisco, This Morning

I will be on San Francisco’s KSFO-AM 560: “The Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show” at 10:05 a.m. Eastern Time/ 7:05 a.m. Pacific, this morning. Listen Live Here.

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April 17, 2007, - 8:29 pm

“Random” Washington Post Online Cover Photo from VTech

Hmmm . . . I’m sure of all the thousands of students at the memorial mourning the dead at Virginia Tech’s convocation, today, the Washington Post took this and chose this particular one at random for its cover shot at its website, WashingtonPost.com. Just a random photo, right? I mean, I’m sure this objective mainstream media outlet would nevah evah have an agenda . . . .
Thanks to Mark’s Soap Box for the tip.

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April 17, 2007, - 4:18 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah’s Imus Race-Fest, Day 2 of the Ordeal

Yesterday, I gave my . Unfortunately, it was only Day One. Here’s the “Debbie’s Notes” from Day Two:
Oprah introduced Benjamin Chavis, head of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. Except that isn’t his real name. It’s Benjamin Chavis Muhammad. Why did she skip the full name? Hmmm . . . . Then, we heard Chavis proclaim:

Don Imus’ awful comments. . . . Don Imus is a racist. Don Imus is a sexist.

It was hilarious to hear him utter that, along with the cheering of his friend Rap mogul Russell Simmons who hand-picked Chavis Muhammad to head up the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN).

(Artwork Courtesy of the Talented David Lunde)

In fact, Chavis Muhammad was fired as executive director of the NAACP, when he was caught trying to pay off a female NAACP employee with whom he was having a sexual relationship and had harassed. She threatened to sue. He illegally (and without NAACP knowledge) took NAACP funds to pay her off. When he got caught and was fired. He attacked–who else?–the JOOOOOOS. He converted to Islam, joined the Nation of Islam, and became Louis Farrakhan’s right-hand man. From there, he was hand-picked by Simmons to head his hip-hop group.
From my March 2004 Jerusalem Post column, “”:

Simmons announced his “One Mind. One Vote” campaign on ABC Radio. His aim to register millions of young urban voters might seem laudable. But Simmons’s HSAN is headed by Farrakhan’s righthand man and has supported some frightening, anti-Semitic candidates.
The individuals include Benjamin Chavis Muhammad. The president and CEO of HSAN, Chavis Muhammad was organizer of Farrakhan’s 1995’s “Million Man March” and 2000’s “Million Family March.” In 1994, he was fired as executive director of the NAACP when he reportedly stole at least $64,000 to settle a sexual harassment suit.
He blamed his ouster on “right-wing Jews.” Rather than allow him to remain an anti-Semitic pariah, Simmons personally sought out and hired him. Chavis runs Simmons’s current hip-hop voter-registration drive.

So, again, Mr. Chavis Muhammad, who is the sexist and bigot? Hmmm . . . Sounds like you surpass Don Imus in that department.
Predictably, just like yesterday, when she had Weird Al Sharpton on, HOprah did NOT point any of this anti-Semitic history out.
Rapper “Common” blames Slavery for the “ho” and “bitch” comments in rap, not the rappers:

This started back 300 years ago when women were devalued and dehumanized through slavery.

HUH? When did slavery end? Just how many centuries does it take to change?
Hypocrite Russell Simmons starts yelling at the and then asks Oprah not to allow him to respond. Predictably, HOprah agrees, and doesn’t allow him to respond. Then, Simmons starts yelling again at Whitlock, telling him that rappers have done more for Black civil rights than any civil rights leader. I can hear Martin Luther King, Jr. turning over in his grave.
Rapper Common says that its no problem that rappers call women “hos” and “bitches” becuase, hey,

I tell my daughter I love her all the time. And, you know, women can’t be ministers or have full roles in a lot of churches.

HUH? How does that have anything to do with the price of tea in China?
Finally, New York Daily News columnist Stanley Crouch gets back to being a good guy and tells the hip hop industry creeps, including Simmons and Chavis Muhammad, that they are “clowns.” (He made all kinds of ) Unfortunately, HOprah gives the hip-hoppers plenty of time to respond and yell at him, and doesn’t let him answer them. Predictable.

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April 17, 2007, - 2:32 pm

Pulitzer Prize Could Mean Fakery

This is the week that Pulitzer Prizes in all areas of journalism are being announced. Many Pulitzer winners have been announced yesterday and today.
But the Pulitzer ain’t what it used to be.
A great example is the story of Allan Detrich, a Pulitzer Prize finalist in photography, who shot photos for the Toledo blade. He resigned from the paper on April 7th after acknowledging that he altered a photo of baseball players kneeling at their first game following a bus crach that killed five players in Atlanta.
Detrich said he altered the photo “by mistake.” But Blade VP and executive editor Ron Royhab admitted in a column that at least 57 other Detrich photos that had appeared in the Blade were altered. He erased people, tree limbs, and utility poles. But who knows what else he altered.
As we all know, a picture’s worth a thousand words. But those words are phony, when the picture is faked.
If this faux-tographer can come that close to winning a Pulitzer for his work, who else is in Pulitzer contention–or has won the Prize–for fake, fabricated “journalism”?
We know that, last year, several anti-Israel photographers for AP and Reuters got caught faking photos in the Israel-Hezbollah war.
You can’t believe everything you read . . . or see.

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April 17, 2007, - 1:05 pm

Virginia Tech Shooter Had “Ismail” Written on Arm

The Chicago Tribune reports that Virginia Tech University massacre perpetrator, Cho Seung-Hui,

died with the words “Ismail Ax” in red ink on one of his arms.

Hmmm . . . Ismail–the Arabic name for Ishmael–considered the father of all Arabs and a very important figure in Islam.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, right? Doesn’t mean anything. Right.
Maybe “Ismail Ax” is the name of a friend of his. Or maybe he wanted to remind himself to buy an Ax for his friend Ismail for next Ramadan. Or I’m sure we’ll hear some other similarly absurd “explanation.” We’ll see.

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April 17, 2007, - 10:24 am

Israeli Holocaust Survivor, Hero of VTU Massacre: Gave Life to Save Students; Palestinian Student Related to Terrorist Compares Massacre to “Occupied Territories” (but Grew Up in Saudi)

While at least 32 were murdered in yesterday’s massacre at Virginia Tech University, a lot more could have been killed. But a number of students were spared because of the heroic efforts of Liviu Librescu.
Librescu, a 76-year-old Holocaust survivor and Israeli, was a professor at VTU, yesterday, when the gunman tried to enter his classroom. But he stopped the gunman and saved the lives of his students by jumping in front of him and giving his life.
More from the Jerusalem Post:

Liviu Librescu, Z”L

As Jews worldwide honored on Monday the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust, a 76-year-old survivor sacrificed his life to save his students in Monday’s shooting at Virginia Tech College that left 32 dead and over two dozen wounded.
Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter, who had attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, “but all the students lived – because of him,” Virginia Tech student Asael Arad – also an Israeli – told Army Radio.
Several of Librescu’s other students sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he blocked the gunman’s way and saved their lives, said the son, Joe.
“My father blocked the doorway with his body and asked the students to flee,” Joe Librescu said in a telephone interview from his home outside of Tel Aviv. “Students started opening windows and jumping out.”
Liviu Librescu, was respected in his field, his son said.
“His work was his life in a sense,” said Joe. “That was a good place for him to practice his research.”

Librescu also did research for NASA.
As reader Anthony reminds me, the Talmud says, He who saves one life is as if he saves the entire world.
Liviu Librescu, an Israeli hero who saved Americans’ lives, Zichrono LiVracha (Blessed Be His Memory).
On the Palestinian side, Jamal Al-Barghouti, a Palestinian Student from the “West Bank” (who grew up in Saudi Arabia) took video of the shooting that made TV worldwide.
His film didn’t save a single person, but he’s getting far more media attention and kudos than the barely-mentioned Librescu is getting. And he used the “opportunity” on CNN, to compare the Virginia Tech massacre to “violence” in the in the “Occupied Territories”. One problem with his story: He grew up in SAUDI ARABIA.
Wolf Blitzer noted that Barghouti is from a “distinguished Palestinian family.” That “distinguished” family is none other than the family of Palestinian terrorist mastermind Marwan Barghouti, now in prison for planning mass terrorist attacks and homicide bombings, which murdered many Israelis. Glad to know that Wolf Blitzer and CNN now believe that being a terrorist and orchestrating the murder of several innocent people in cold blood is now “distinguished.”

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April 17, 2007, - 9:52 am

Hypocrite: O.J. Simpson Condemns VTU Massacre

One of America’s most famous murderers of two people is upset with the murderer of 32 at Virginia Tech University. I guess it’s all about proportion and scope when you’re murdering innocent people in cold blood . . . in O.J.’s world.
This morning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern in an exclusive interview with Detroit’s top morning radio show, “Drew & Mike,” O.J. Simpson commented on the Imus story and the Virginia Tech massacre. Simpson brought up the VTU massacre with hosts Drew Lane and Mike Clark of WRIF-FM, saying:

It really upsets me because I have two kids on college campuses [Justin and Sydney, his son and daughter with one of his murder victims and ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson].

I’m sure Fred Goldman will find that interesting. But, hey, his son, Ron Goldman, was not on a college campus where O.J.’s kids are. Apparently, that excuses his murder.
“The Juice” condemns the VTU murder. Waiting to hear from Scott Peterson and Osama Bin Laden.

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April 16, 2007, - 10:07 pm

Taking Bets: How Long Until Rosie O’Donnell . . .

. . . starts spouting off about how the VTU massacre, today, is cause for renewed efforts for gun control?
I give her two minutes into the start of ABC’s “The View,” tomorrow (that’ll give her time to walk on stage and sit down). Unfortunately, intellectual midget–no, giant airhead–Elisabeth Hasselbeck won’t have a clue how to respond. (She doesn’t know what the 2nd Amendment is and will have to wait until gets his talking points from his people and then hand them down to her. That means a few days.)
Don’t forget that the Columbine massacre occured when Rosie O’D had her own daytime talk show. She used the attack as an excuse to push for gun control (despite her armed bodyguards), to march and speak at the Million Man March, and–most memorable–to attack Tom Selleck on her show.

Rosie O’D Likes Gun Control For YOU . . .,

But Not For Her Bodyguards

Don’t expect a difference on “The View,” beginning tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. Mark my word.
Remember, if even one student in proximity to the killer, today, had a gun, he/she might’ve stopped the mass murders at VTU and saved some lives.

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April 16, 2007, - 8:55 pm

The Student Shooter & More Questions; UPDATE: S. KOREAN Student

**** UPDATE, 04/17/07: The shooter has now been identified as a South Korean who is a permanent resident. ****
So, the perpetrator of the Virginia Tech massacre is a Chinese national here on a student visa. And, today, this alien did “the job that Americans just won’t do.”
Remember that the next time you hear President Bush and Condi Clueless waxing lyrical about how we need more foreign students in America. We do not. Remember the , two Saudi students in Tampa, last year, who hijacked a school bus full of kids while wearing trench coats in 90-plus degree weather?

* How did a Chinese national get two 9 MM guns and plenty of ammo to go with it?
* Where did he learn ?

* Was he behind the bomb threats in the last couple of weeks?
* Will America–and its out-of-touch university officials in their ivory towers–finally let its college students have the right to keep and bear arms on college campuses, instead of ?
And most important:
* Will this make America more vigilant in who it accepts as foreign students and less eager to take in these nationals–site and background virtually unseen?

That’s the only question I can answer with a great degree of confidence:
Don’t Bet On It.
The biggest lesson here is how vulnerable America’s college campuses are to bloody massacres like this one. And how unprepared and poorly-trained campus police are to deal with such situations.
Don’t count on that to change too much either.
And remember: Just because this attacker was not Muslim, doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of potential and hopeful ones among the thousands Muslim nations are sending here to “study” under Saudi King Abdullah’s scholarships.
Like I said, don’t forget the from last year.
One other thing: Watch for the gunmaker (whichever manufacturer it is) to get sued by a million sleazy lawyers.
Reader Chas asks:

(1) “Officials said the gunman acted alone. But at one point three
people were seen being escorted away from Norris Hall, the teaching
building where most of the shootings took place, in handcuffs. That
raised at least the possibility of a wider criminal conspiracy.”
(2) if this is just a unplanned domestic dispute gone south, why would
the shooter call in bomb threats to test security days before and then
arrive at the norris bldg heavily ammo up?
(3) if he didn’t kill his estranged g/f at the dorm and went looking for her at the norris bldg two hrs later (!!!!!!), is she one of the 32 dead or still alive?
(4) where did the illegal guns come from, if here on a visa and not
allowed purchase firearms? [DS: I asked this same question, above.]
(5) seems like too much damage done for one shooter and two guns.

Good questions, Chas. As yet, no answers. Seems a little too convenient for such a large and effective massacre–and there are a lot of loose ends. But we’ll see.
Reader Jeff makes this interesting observation:

HE CHAINED THE DOORS – on other side of campus – cool and collected. If it was domestic why would he have chains (MUST HAVE BEAN A LOT OF CHAINS! AND THAT WOULD TAKE MORE THAN BOOK BAG – to hold all those chains and ammo and two prob Tek-9’s – figure he was on his bike or another shooter and perhaps more that were locking those exit doors? . . .
And yes, the enemy is more than certainly watching – and it shows an easier mass casualty rather than all the planning for bombings???


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