April 20, 2007, - 10:00 am

Are Detroit FBI & U.S. Attorney Pawns of Known Iranian Agent? Apparently

Earlier this week, I told you about the . Their actions resulted in the murders of innocent people, and they should face justice for it.
But, while the indictments of –are based on solid documents and information captured by U.S. forces in Iraq in 2003, it appears that the Detroit FBI and (a Bush judicial nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals) are taking their cues from Imam , a known agent of the government of Iran. (Read my New York Post piece on Al-Husainy.)
Al-Husainy told the Detroit Newsistan that he provided “files” to the FBI on those he claims spied for Saddam Hussein, including and especially Shemami, a Chaldean:

Extremism Goes Mainstream:

Iranian Agent Imam Husham Al-Husainy is FBI “Informant”

The Muslim leader said that several years ago he presented the FBI with files on suspected spies for Saddam. “I have held in my hands the information on who was spying on the Iraqi immigrant community,” Husainy said. “I know this Shemami. He terrorized our community.”

(In the same article, it’s claimed that Al-Husainy has 10,000 congregants, but that’s false. The “reporter,” Gregg Krupa, routinely fabricates numbers–which have no basis in fact–to exaggerate the size of the Islamic community.)
Strange that Al-Husainy didn’t provide any info to the feds on Saddam spy, Al-Awadi, a Muslim who is in Husainy’s neck of the woods (Shemami lives in a Northwest suburb of Detroit; Al-Awadi lives in Al-Husainy’s Dearbornistan). It’s a likely bet that all of Husainy’s files contained the names of Christians and Sunnis, but not a single Shi’ite (though plenty of Shi’ites, like , spied for Saddam on their own co-religionists).
What’s more disturbing is that Al-Husainy was using the FBI and Murphy to go after Christian Iraqis spying for Saddam, but not the more plentiful Muslim Iraqis working with Saddam. It’s frightening to note that the feds are willingly involved in Iraq’s internecine warfare of Muslims against Chaldeans (whose churches are being bombed and whose people are being targeted for death by both Shi’ites and Sunnis).
As readers of this site know (and viewers saw and heard of on this), . He is not only allied with the Iranian government, but was working with Iran to try to elect its hand-picked candidate for Iraqi President, Mohammed Bakr Al-Hakim (who was later assassinated). Al-Husainy and his family have made several mysterious trips to Iran.
Al-Husainy refuses to condemn Iranian-backed Shi’ite terrorist Muqtada Al-Sadr, whom he supports. It is believed Al-Husainy worked with the Iranian government to coordinate the travel and , this summer. And there are .
Al-Husainy in early February.
Who else is the FBI investigating as a result of “files” given to its agents by Al-Husainy? Why are the FBI and U.S. Attorney Murphy taking directions from Husham Al-Husainy? Why are they willingly playing the pawns in Iran’s Islamist bidding in the American Justice system?
Lots of questions raised by the questionable relationship between the FBI and Iran’s American agent, Husham Al-Husainy.
And, unfortunately, those questions can only taint hurt the prosecution of Iraq spies Shemami and Al-Awadi.

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April 20, 2007, - 9:47 am

Cho-Seung Hui Tributes?: YouTubers Use VTech Massacre for Gun Control, anti-Iraq War Advocacy

Incredibly, there are already Cho-Seung Hui “Tribute” videos on YouTube.
One of them is an excuse to rail for gun control (yes, the gun control on the VTech campus work very well, didn’t it?).
But the worst one is the video which argues that it’s not such a big deal–that the number of those killed “by the U.S.” in Iraq is far larger. And this absurd anti-Asian one, the poster of which comments about Iraq also (and makes light of the whole VTech incident). “Me Love You Long Time.” Gee, I’m sure no Asian has heard that one before. (Thanks, 2 Live Crew.) Haha, funny.
Glad to see the “American” left views everything in “perspective.” (Don’t hold your breath for the Media Matters folks to get on the case of these items.)

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April 19, 2007, - 5:16 pm

OUTRAGE: VTech Muslims Upset Over Request to Pray for Non-Muslim Victims

It’s that tolerant “Religion of Peace” at it again.
Members of the mailing list for the student Muslim community at Virginia Tech are up in arms that one of their members dared ask them to pray to Allah for non-Muslim victims of the massacre.
Aafaq, a reformist Islamic website edited by Omran Salman of Bahrain, reports the following:

Debate on Virginia Tech Muslim Students’ Association Mailing List Concerning Permissibility of Praying for Mercy for Non-Muslim Victims

The liberal Arabic-language website Aafaq reports that a Muslim student set off a debate when she sent an email to the mailing list of the Muslim Students’ Association at Virginia Tech asking the students to pray that Allah have mercy on those killed and wounded in the shooting attack at the university.
According to Aafaq, the dean of student affairs at American International University, Abu Hamza Hijji, responded, writing that Allah the Most Merciful forbids praying for mercy for the non-Muslim dead, or even for the non-Muslim living, and that it is only permitted to pray that they be rightly guided [DS: convert to Islam]. He added that what happened was a sad occurrence, but that does not give Muslims the right to transgress the laws of Allah the Most Merciful.
Aafaq reported that a student named Chris, a recent convert, did not agree, and wrote that he usually does not intervene in this kind of discussion, but that this time he had to say “no.” He added that his German teacher, who was wounded in the shooting, is a good man, and that he was praying that he would not die. He said that he would pray for him and for his family, whether they are Muslims or not, and would pray for all those who suffered from this calamity. He expressed the view that religion must bring people together, and not drive them apart, and that the brotherhood of humanity takes precedence over brotherhood of religion or of state.
According to Aafaq, Hijji answered Chris, saying that there is no problem with praying that non-Muslims be kept safe and not be killed, if there is hope that they might be guided [to the right path] [DS: conversion to Islam]; but one cannot pray for the non-Muslim dead, since there is no chance of their being guided. He said that the Prophet Muhammad had told the Muslim soldiers at the battle of Badr to not kill some of the nonbelievers, even though they were on the battlefield, as they had treated Muhammad well when he was in Mecca.
Hijji wrote that the students should ask Allah to save Chris’ teacher (i.e. the German teacher) from death and turn his heart to the truth [DS: convert to Islam]. But he said at the same time that the Prophet did not pray for forgiveness for the non-Muslims, and in particular did not ask Allah to have mercy on them, even those whom the Prophet had wanted to be guided when they were alive. Once they died, the Prophet was not permitted to ask for mercy for them. Hijji added that the Prophet behaved this way on Allah’s instructions.
Hijji wrote that the relative importance of brotherhood in humanity or religion needs to be evaluated according to Allah’s laws, and not according to human reason. He added that he might seem to be a hard-hearted person, but that this is what people throughout the generations said about the prophets and messengers who came with God’s message to guide others to the truth.
According to Aafaq, some students expressed their uneasiness with the discussion and asked to be taken off the mailing list, while others tried to justify the seemingly difficult matter.
Aafaq noted that at least one Muslim student, Waleed Shaalan, had been killed in the attacks.

Source: Aafaq.org, April 17, 2007
Thanks to my friend, Jan, for the tip.

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April 19, 2007, - 3:18 pm

The New “American Idol”: Muslim Rapper Akon, Simulated Rough Sex on Underage Girls, Etc.

A number of people have been sending me a video of rapper Akon having simulated sex with an underage girl on-stage at a Caribbean “concert.” And others are suddenly up in arms about his music.
While a number of other sites have posted the very graphic and disgusting video, I’m not because it’s in extremely poor taste. If you must see it–and you like minstrel shows mixed with child porn and molestation–it is here.
But I wonder why everyone is suddenly up in arms about Akon. Like, where were they for the last several years as Akon was repeatedly hitting the top of the charts. For the fourth straight week, Akon tops the national radio airplay chart, according to Nielsen BDS, Arbitron, and “Radio & Records.”

But it’s not the first time. He’s repeatedly achieved these heights or close to them for the last few years.
I’ve been following his career because not only is he disgusting, but he’s a Muslim who bragged he had three wives on a New York radio station, and then his record company, Universal, made him shut up about it.
Although Akon isn’t just any Muslim, like many Muslims born here, he’s an anchor baby Muslim. His father is a Muslim from Senegal–whom he bragged also practiced polygamy–made sure Akon was born here in the States to get him U.S. citizenship. But he was not raised here with American values. Akon–whose full name is Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam–was raised in Senegal as a Muslim with Muslim “values.”
Akon is a convicted felon, who spent five years in prison for armed robbery, distribution of illegal drugs, and auto theft. He was also involved in a drive-by shooting. And not only that he’s an ex-con, he’s proud of it, with a hit album entitled “Konvicted,” a hit single, “Locked Up,” and two companies, Konvict Muzik and Kon Live Distribution. Another hit single, “Smack That”–well, you can imagine what it’s about: rough, graphic sex.
And not to forget Islam, he also has raps praising his chosen religion as well, amidst the vile other stuff on his CDs.
The biggest outrage about Akon is not that he’s openly pushed and accepted by the music industry and Black–and WHITE–America, but that he was recently featured on FOX’s top-rated “American Idol,” doing a “duet”–if you can call it that–with singer Gwen Stefani.
When I saw Akon on “Idol,” I could hardly believe my eyes.
“American Idol” is watched by a lot of young, impressionable kids. It’s marketed as a wholesome show, which has kicked off a number of contestants who’ve been involved in far more minor crimes than Akon and even a woman who was once in lingerie online.
So why would “American Idol” give the floor and exposure to Akon and pimp him on America’s kids.
Only the people at FOX know for sure. But they and “Idol” producers ought to be ashamed.

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April 19, 2007, - 1:36 pm

Life Imitates Joke: NYTimes Laments “Illegal Aliens Hardest Hit By Slump”

“Life imitates art” is a trite adage. But I’ve never heard “Life imitates joke.”
But that describes the New York Times. There’s an old joke:

G-d informs the leaders of the world’s nations that he will end the world tomorrow. The next day, the Wall Street Journal bears the headline, “World Ends Today, Market to Close Early.” The Jerusalem Post reads, “World Ends Today, Islamic Terrorism to End.” The Washington Post: “World to End, Women and Children Most Affected.” And the New York Times top headline: “World to End Today, Minorities Hardest Hit.”

Unfortunately, it’s no longer a joke. Tuesday’s New York Times–for real!–featured this headline:

Housing Slump Takes a Toll on Illegal Immigrants

And the text of the article is even more absurd:

HURON, Calif. – Some of the casualties of America’s housing bust are easy to spot up and down California’s Central Valley.
From Fresno to Sacramento, big tangles of wire and PVC pipes clutter vacant lots in silent subdivisions, waiting for houses to be built – some day. Dozens of “For Sale” signs already dot the lawns across new residential communities. And right next to the ubiquitous billboards from builders are fresh signs offering homeowners help to avoid foreclosure.
But another set of losers is less visible: the immigrant workers, mostly illegal, who rode the construction boom while it lasted and now find jobs on building sites few and far between.

So, there’s a housing slump in California, and rather than worry about Americans and how badly they are affected, we worry about lawbreakers who shouldn’t be here. Or rather, the New York Times–the “newspaper of record”–does.
Yup. New, updated punchline for the joke:

New York Times Headline: World Ends Today, Illegal Aliens, er . . . Undocumented Workers Hardest Hit.

(Runner Up: World Ends Today, Bush, Democrats Lament that Comprehensive Immigration Reform Not Attained.)

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April 19, 2007, - 10:31 am

Jon Voight: Angelina Jolie’s Father Knows Best

Well, no wonder Angie Voight (that’s her real name) a/k/a Skankelina Jolie won’t speak to her father, actor Jon Voight. The dude is one of the only men in Hollywood who loves America and knows the threat we face in the war on terrorism. AND–horror of horrors!–he supports the Patriot Act and understands Hezbollah. Voight gets it. He gets that Islamism is like Third Reich Nazism. And for those, like me, who’ve followed his moves, he’s always been a strong supporter of Israel.
If only he could talk some sense into his . Check out Voight’s enlightened, intelligent, and very classy comments from an interview with Radar Online, extensive excerpts of which I’ve posted here:

Radar caught up with him on his return from a visit to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center with a group of New York City firemen, where he met with soldiers freshly wounded in Iraq. The experience was a powerful one for the 68-year-old, who was eager to discuss the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, critics of the war on terror, and Dick Cheney’s bad rap.

Jon Voight: Father Knows Best

You recently visited with wounded troops at Walter Reed. What were your impressions?
I was deeply impressed by them. Most I spoke to were young people, around 20 years old. And they were really very eloquent, very positive, very respectful. You have to be proud of the children we’re turning out from looking at this group of people. For me, I would much rather hear from these guys than the people who are presenting the news on television on a daily basis.
Were you able to gauge the mood among the troops–have they lost a sense of mission?
These guys say, well, it’s possible to win it. And I’ll tell you one thing they said that was very remarkable: the increase in troops that has been recommended by the president, they say anybody who’s over there knows the value of backup and we should be behind this. When you’re out in that situation in danger, you want to know you’ve got backup. Only one guy said he wasn’t going back to Iraq, and he had been wounded a couple times. But all the other guys wanted to go back. One young woman, a very attractive young woman, had her leg amputated. But she says she’s going to find a way to get back into it. She just reupped and she said they would find something for her to do.
Do you think it’s possible to win the Iraq War?
Here’s what I think: this is a real war, extended beyond the borders of Iraq.
As in the more general war on terror?
The war on terror is real. People would have you believe it’s not real. This is not Vietnam. This particular situation is not the same wherein we can walk away and just leave destruction behind us. No, we can’t. Anyone who has paid attention to what [Iranian President] Ahmadinejad is saying, what all the mullahs are saying in this country and in England, and in all of the Arab world, this is serious–they’re calling for the destruction of America and all democracy and that’s what’s going on. We could lose this war.
Was the Iraq war part of the war on terror before we got there?
I’m interested in talking about this, but it’s been so politicized, it’s very disturbing, very dangerous. My view of it is this: they say our president lied to us. Well, he didn’t lie to us, everybody else had the information he had, and they voted for that tactic. And the idea of weapons of mass destruction, whether they were in fact removed to other places, to Lebanon, to Syria, that’s still in play, we don’t know the full answer of where all that stuff went, because they had it, they have the pieces. Now, whether someone else has them or whether we’re playing a careful game not to reveal that we know where things are, that’s another big aspect of it. The Administration’s in a tough spot, because if they say they know where these pieces are, and they can’t get at them, they’re alerting other energies to know where they are. . . .
We really just want a fair interview, nothing more. We try to talk to people in the public eye who are interesting and ask them about topics our readers care about. I think most people have strong opinions on this subject, and they might want to hear yours, considering who you are.
The question for me is: who are you and where are your sensibilities? If you’re part of a left-wing bias and want to turn what I say in favor of someone on your agenda, I would say I don’t want to talk about it with you. It’s difficult for me … because I see so many people go in the wrong direction. I see it all the time and it’s very, very disturbing. What’s being said in so many places in the country is just dangerous.
While you might not hear people say, “I don’t support the troops”, the country and the media on the whole are increasingly caustic and critical of the president and Iraq. Does that bother you?
It’s a tidal wave going in this direction. It’s sad for me. The attack on George Bush I find to be reprehensible. From the beginning it was politically motivated, and it’s been very successful, the disrespect for our president and for our country and for our government. I have a great regard for our government. We have all sorts of checks and balances that are afforded to us by our constitution. We have a lot of wonderful hardworking people in the government. Once it gets to be partisan, it takes the energy in another direction. There was a big movement to impeach Lincoln during the Civil War, but it is not healthy at this time when we are fighting a very vicious enemy that has made it very clear in their attacks on American embassies and the Twin Towers, and on our forces what they intend.

So I imagine you’re a supporter of the Patriot Act?
Yes, I’m a supporter of the Patriot Act. I support protecting us and investigating anyone who indicates they’re going to be dangerous to our country. It’s one of those things; it depends on which side you’re on politically. If we had these things in place we could have anticipated 9/11. We’re not interested in investigating someone who’s doing something appropriate. We don’t have time for that. That’s nonsense. I certainly hope we’re paying close attention to all those people crossing our borders who might be dangerous to us. We know for sure there are cells in the United States that are ready to erupt. We know that Hezbollah is here; we know there are cells from different terrorist organizations that are here and operational and that there are others waiting too. So listen, it’s a serious business. It’s wartime, guys. Because we don’t have a continuous attack on our shores, we can get complacent. We’ve got to all be alert now, we’ve got to be a part of it and be supportive of our troops for sure. . . .
I imagine [VP Dick Cheney’s] less gruff with wounded troops than reporters.
It all gets distorted. Rumsfeld was maligned and villainized; he’s a hardworking guy, doing the best he can. He’s got such a huge responsibility, and if he makes the slightest error, people’s lives are at stake. So, you don’t think he carries a big weight? He does. Now they’ve gotten rid of Rumsfeld. Well okay, maybe he didn’t have the answer, maybe there was a fresh answer required. But you’ve got to respect the guys who are out there, working hard as public servants. These guys are good guys. People don’t like the war because we don’t seem to be winning it. And these people think that if we just walk away everything will be fine, but that’s not the case.
Even if you disapprove of the war, it seems pretty clear that simply pulling the troops out might not be the best option.
More than that, the war does not end. When we look around and see the evidence of what is being done and the preparations that are being made to disrupt our country and to destroy it. This growing cancer of fanaticism, it’s like 1938‚Äîit’s very, very similar.
To the Third Reich?
Islamic fundamentalism?
Whatever you call it, the things that are being said are very similar. It’s a matter of whether we recognize that or go into a cocoon and make our own little drama. Do you know what I’m saying? We’re debating things instead of recognizing that the real fundamental aspect is that we’re at war with a very vicious, very clever enemy. . . .
I’m contractually obligated to ask those questions, my apologies. Thanks for taking the time to talk international relations with us.
I hope it comes out in a nice way so I can look at it and go, “That’s pretty much what we said.” It’s very hard this stuff. For instance, the issues we talked about with George Bush, I was also against the attacks on Clinton. I thought they distracted from his focus on the presidency. Clinton was a very brilliant guy and can probably handle a lot of things, as George Bush seems to in the face of this attack. He seems to keep his center, as did Clinton, surprisingly. I’m not saying they don’t make mistakes, these guys. They do. But to use it just in order to step into a place of power and take advantage, there’s something distasteful to me about that. And it can get downright dangerous. We should be very high-minded. And if that doesn’t sell magazines, I’m sorry about that. But the portrait of American leadership from the beginning has been people rising above the mud, being able to be strong enough hold themselves against the nonsense.
But there’s still a role for journalism in democracy, right?
Of course. You bet. There’s a place for good actors in movies too. But you can do damage to a decent movie by going off in the wrong direction too. . . . Journalism can be helpful too, but once it bends to sensationalism and commercialism and becomes agenda-driven, it’s not so good.

If only there were more Jon Voights in Hollywood . . . .

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April 18, 2007, - 4:55 pm

Mein Fuhrer, Media Matters: Thanks, Keith Olbermann and Nazi George Soros

Yesterday, Keith Olbermann–MSNBC resident uber-left crank and bizarro–picked me for the bronze for his daily “Worst Person in the World Award.” Damn–Only bronze?
Yes, with all the terrorists, murderers, and assorted other malefactors in the world, I am the third worst person in the world. As usual, the nutty, angry Olby’s got his priorities and sense of proportion straight. Well, at least, his puppet masters at the apocryphally named, far-left “Media Matter for America” have their priorities straight. When they say jump, Olbermann asks “how low.” (And FYI, in case you haven’t heard, there are all kinds of rumors that Olbermann stalked then-WNBA player Rebecca Lobo, when she was no longer interested in him. Only a girlie-man would stalk a manly-girl.)


Soros, Olbermann: Nazis ‘R’ Us

(George Soros Dr. Evil Image from Moonbattery)

Media Matters bragged to the Wall Street Journal that it was responsible for taking down Don Imus. I suppose now that Don Imus is gone, they’ve assigned the vegan lesbian transsexual “interspecies erotica” devotee they had monitoring the Imus show to monitor my site.
For like the fourth time or so in the last year, yesterday, Media Matters decided to send out a mass conniption, er . . . e-mail attacking me. I’m quadruply honored. More on that later.
But first, a little note on who’s behind Media Matters. It’s run by David Brock–you know, the “journalist,” who wrote a whole book attacking the Clintons and exposing Clintonesque free love, courtesy of the Arkansas State Troopers. Then, he said he lied and made the whole thing up. Hmmm . . . Interesting that this lying media member is now the self-anointed media watchdog. Hey, David Brock, you can’t be a Pitbull, when you’ve always been a bitch. The same bitch tried to join my “friends” list at my Facebook account. (FYI, he’s a close friend of pseudo-conservative Laura Ingraham. You can tell a lot about people by the company they keep.)
Then, there is the funder of Media Matters, billionaire George Soros. As my friend David Horowitz has painstakingly detailed in his book, “The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party,” the Jewish Soros is a fake Holocaust survivor, who–instead of “surviving” the Holocaust–helped the Nazis perpetrate it.
Horowitz details how Soros bragged on CBS’ “60 Minutes” of helping his adopted father round up Jews to send them to their deaths at the camps and confiscate their property. Before that, he enjoyed his job as a “courier” delivering notices to Jews instructing them to pack up food for a two-day retreat, which was really their round-up for the death camps. He found this “exhilarating.”
Yes, this war criminal and proud Jewish Nazi is the money bags behind America’s new self-anointed “Media Watchdog.”
The first time they attacked me, the folks at Media Matters for attacking Hillary Clinton for doing nothing while Suha Arafat, then the Palestinian first “lady” (I’d call her the Palestinian first artifically-inseminated) spouted off about how Jews infect Palestinians with cancer. The nerve of me to mention one of future Prez Rodham Cankles’ most memorable moments.
Then, they got upset when I pointed out B. Hussein Obama’s Muslim background and loyalties–all of which have since been borne out in spades. Gee, the chutzpah of someone to point out the loyalties of a man who wants to be President to the Religion of the 19 Hijackers. And since I wrote the piece in question, more and more and more and more has come out about Obama’s Muslim background, all of which he keeps trying to cover up.
Then, the Media Matters people got upset that I gave an interview to a Colorado radio station attacking the media for covering up the Muslim background of the Trolley Square terrorist, who murdered several people, execution-style, while they were picking out Valentine’s Day cards at a Salt Lake City mall. How dare I point out the Muslim attacks on America. Why, everyone knows the Samoans and Fijians committed 9/11. They’re the real security threat to America. Just ask Vijay Singh (he’s a native Fijian, and he’s always swinging these long dangerous metal sticks at such nice manicured lawns).
And a-day-and-a-half after I speculated who the VTU massacre perpetrator might be–a full day after I corrected the info with updated links and new reports that it was a South Korean student, Media Matters was on my case about that, too. And, in fact, they claimed I reported that the shooter was a Chinese national on a student visa. Uh, no, I didn’t report that–I linked to a Chicago Sun-Times report which reported that. Did Media Matters mention that or condemn the Sun-Times or any of the many mainstream media outlets that picked up on that report? Of course, not. It wouldn’t fit into their agenda of sliming conservatives.
And, thus, Olby got his latest Reichstag marching orders from “former” Nazi George Soros’ regime. Heil Soros!
Best site documenting the freak show that is Olbermann: Olby Watch. Also check Soros Monitor.
Here are some of the e-mails I got from Olby’s and Media Matters’ enlightened stooge-like (with apologies to Larry, Curly, Moe, and Shemp) followers. Not only are the sponsors of Media Matters Nazi collaborators, but the followers of this “liberal, open-minded” organization are also:

From: gaur37835@mypacks.net
Date: Apr 18, 2007 9:54 AM
Subject: right on, debbie
To: “writedebbie@gmail.com”
you are sooooo right, debbie. there are waaaay too many immigrants in this country, and this boy is just one more example. we should seal off the borders! enough is enough!
then, we should get rid of the jews. they own the liberal media and have most of the money. they think they’re so smart! let them all go to israel. we don’t need them here!
you are right on the money. i wish more people would listen to people like you and me!
white power!!! you go, debbie

I guess Nazis are allergic to capital letters.

From: P. Sterrett psterrett@gmail.com
Date: Apr 18, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: VTech Shooter
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Since you thought it prudent to bandy about the word “Paki” on your blog, I thought I’d take a few seconds to remind you that no matter how much peroxide you pour on your hair, you’re still a big nosed kike.


From: Schnuck schnuck@gmail.com
Date: Apr 17, 2007 8:51 AM
Subject: vt
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
fucking jew.

But my absolute favorite is the one from the kindly Pakistani (not being facetious, his letter was nice . . . for someone from the nation of infidel-killers) who told me I need to go to Pakistan before I can comment on the country–sort of like committing suicide first before you condemn the joys of suicide:

From: Ali Zaki
Date: Apr 17, 2007 4:17 PM
Subject: Why the hate?
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Dear Ms. Schlussel,
Reading through your post on the VA shootings, the first thing that came to my mind is “What does she have against Pakistanis?” Being one, I ask, have you ever been to Pakistan? Have you ever met a Pakistani before, in fact? Or do you just condemn an entire population based on clinches and stereotypes. . . .
Ali Zaki

My response:

Don’t need to go there to know all about it. Daniel Pearl already went to Pakistan for me.

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April 18, 2007, - 3:50 pm

AUDIO: Murderer O.J. Simpson Condemns VTU Massacre

Yesterday, I told you about how my fave Detroit media personalities, the always entertaining Drew & Mike, interviewed O.J. Simpson, whence this cold-blooded murderer of two condemned the cold-blooded VTU murderer of 32.
Now, Drew Lane–a Virginia Tech alum–and Mike Clark have posted the audio of their interview with O.J. Listen here (at first it sounds fake, but it’s VERY REAL). They discuss a ton of OJ topics, and the best part is when Drew makes his snide side comments.
Nobody was nekkid.” “I’m not the most employable person. . . . I’m the guy that might get less sponsors than Imus, right now.”

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April 18, 2007, - 12:23 pm

Now That He’s Dead: Two More of Saddam’s “American” Spies Get Busted

Last week, I told you about , a Chicago O’Hare Airport gate agent and U.S. citizen, who was also part of an Iraqi terror cell, working for Saddam Hussein. He was convicted on Monday and could be convicted to up to 40 years in prison.
His name was in Iraqi government documents that U.S. forces discovered in 2003.
Yesterday, an indictment was unsealed for two Detroit-area men, Ghazi Al-Awadi, a Muslim, and Najib Shemami, a Chaldean (Iraqi Catholic), who were arrested and arraigned on also working as agents of Saddam. One of the men even murdered his son-in-law for working for an anti-Saddam group. He pleaded to manslaughter and served only six years in Michigan prisons. And you–the American taxpayer–are now paying for his federal public defender.

“American” Spies for Iraq Ghazi Al-Awadi & Najib Shemami

Surprise, surprise–both men are U.S. citizens, too. Unfortunately, there are men who are well-known former spies of Saddam, who have gone untouched and unpunished by pan-Islamist
Men, like liberal Democrat , made over $70 million in doing business with Saddam in violation of the U.S. embargo on Saddam’s Iraq. He goes untouched, and I regularly see him in suburban Detroit with . He also gave $400,000 to former U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter to produce a pro-Saddam documentary, and contributed thousands to pro-Saddam Democrats and Republicans.
On the Republican side, there is Assad Kalasho, who helped Saddam broadcast on satellite airwaves to America, in violation of U.S. law, and made a hefty profit off of it. He gave thousands to Republican U.S. Congressman Joe Knollenberg, Hezbollah’s 2nd favorite Republican in Congress. Near my home, Kalasho, the free multi-millionaire owns a club, “The Palace.” Yes, Saddam even his a palace in America, months after his death.
More details from the Detroit Free Press:

Two metro Detroit men have been charged with spying for Saddam Hussein’s intelligence service, supplying the executed dictator’s regime with information about its enemies in the United States, according to federal court documents unsealed Tuesday.
Ghazi Al-Awadi, 78, of Dearborn allegedly told the Iraqi Intelligence Service in 1997 that he killed his son-in-law because the man belonged to an anti-Hussein political party, court documents said.
Najib Shemami, 59, of Sterling Heights allegedly provided Iraqi intelligence with information about Iraqi expatriates who might be called upon to guide U.S. troops during the invasion of Iraq and potential political candidates for the new government. . . .
Metro Detroit Iraqis have long complained they were being spied upon.
Both men are charged with conspiring to act as agents of a foreign government without the approval of the attorney general, and acting as an agent for a foreign government. Shemami also is charged with violating the U.S. International Emergency Powers Act and making false statements to the FBI.
The most serious charge against Shemami, violating the emergency powers act, carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The most serious charge against Al-Awadi, acting as a foreign agent, carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Donald Scheer freed both men on $10,000 bonds following brief appearances Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Detroit. He ordered them to surrender their passports and confined their travel to southeast Michigan.
Both men are U.S. citizens. Shemami is married, has nine children, has lived in the United States for about 40 years and is disabled, Mateo said.
Al-Awadi, who lives alone in an apartment and appeared frail and hard of hearing during Tuesday’s court hearing, has been in the United States since 1974, court records said. He has seven children and lives on Social Security.
In 1996, he was paroled from the Michigan Department of Corrections after serving six years of a 5- to 15-year sentence for manslaughter in the stabbing of his son-in-law, Imad Muttar, in Dearborn.
The captured documents said Al-Awadi, code named Ghassan, met with Iraqi officials in 1997, offered to cooperate and said he had killed his son-in-law for belonging to the Al-Da’wa Party in the United States.
The documents said he provided information about a retired Iraqi physician who was planning to flee to the United States and his nephew, a major general in Iraq, who allegedly was put under surveillance as a result of Al-Awadi’s information.
When the FBI interviewed him in 2006, he denied working as an Iraqi agent, court documents said, adding that he had gone overseas in 1997, 2001 and 2002 to visit family members.

So when will Shakir Alkhafaji and Assad Kalasho get their just rewards? . . .
Don’t hold your breath.

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April 18, 2007, - 11:10 am

2nd Amendment Rights on Campus Would Have Saved Lives

My friend, Dr. Aaron Lerner of the invaluable IMRA (Institute for Middle East Research and Analysis), writes:

Dear Debbie,
I wanted to point out that if the gun laws in the USA were like they are here that this incident would not have taken place.
To qualify for a license you have to take a course and given the description of how this kid was behaving in class I find it hard to believe he would have succeeded in appearing normal through all the sessions.

Best regards,

David Kopel of the Independence Institute agrees, and mentions Israel in his op-ed piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Gun Free Zones,” by . He discusses how absolute gun control on campuses leads to more deaths. Some excerpts:

The bucolic campus of Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Va., would seem to have little in common with the Trolley Square shopping mall in Salt Lake City. Yet both share an important characteristic, common to the site of almost every other notorious mass murder in recent years: They are “gun-free zones.” . . .
In many states there are certain places, especially schools, set aside as off-limits for guns. In Virginia, universities aren’t “gun-free zones” by statute, but college officials are allowed to impose anti-gun rules. The result is that mass murderers know where they can commit their crimes. . . .
Last year the Virginia legislature defeated a bill that would have ended the “gun-free zones” in Virginia’s public universities. At the time, a Virginia Tech associate vice president praised the General Assembly’s action “because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.” In an August 2006 editorial for the Roanoke Times, he declared: “Guns don’t belong in classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same.”
Actually, Virginia Tech’s policy only made the killer safer, for it was only the law-abiding victims, and not the criminal, who were prevented from having guns. Virginia Tech’s policy bans all guns on campus (except for police and the university’s own security guards); even faculty members are prohibited from keeping guns in their cars.
Israel uses armed teachers as part of a successful program to deter terrorist attacks on schools. Buddhist teachers in southern Thailand are following the Israeli example, because of Islamist terrorism. . . .
The founder of the University of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, understood the harms resulting from the type of policy created at Virginia Tech. In his “Commonplace Book,” Jefferson copied a passage from Cesare Beccaria, the founder of criminology, which was as true on Monday as it always has been:
“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

Time to let college students, faculty, and employees–most of whom are adults and of legal age to keep and bear arms–have the same rights to protect themselves on campus as they do off-campus.

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