April 26, 2007, - 3:42 pm

Me on MSNBC, Tomorrow (Friday) Morning

I will be on MSNBC, tomorrow (Friday) morning, at approximately 8:20 a.m. Eastern, to give my Friday .
Many Fridays, I’m on Philadelphia’s Michael Smerconish Show on WPHT-AM 1210, “The Big Talker.” Since Michael is now auditioning for the former Imus slot on MSNBC, his radio show will be seen/heard live.
You can also Listen Live.

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April 26, 2007, - 11:49 am

“The Condemned”: Time for a Divorce from GOP’s Version of Pimp & Ho Rap

Sometimes a Republican pot needs to do its own introspection. And get its own house in order, while it keeps the heat on the kettle.
In the wake of Imus-gate, we’ve been hearing about Democratic Presidential candidates–like Hillary Rodham Cankles and Hussein Obama–hangin’ with the worst purveyors of hip-hop trash.
They should be ashamed. Hip-hop is among the worst cultural influences, and it has helped speed up the decline of American civilization. By standing side-by-side with–and accepting campaign contributions from–vile rappers, prominent Dems have legitimized their beat-laden spewing.
But the GOP has its own version of Hip-Hop. In fact, the Party of Lincoln and Reagan has also embraced a violent pimp-and-ho culture all of its own: WWE–World Wrestling Entertainment.

WWE CEO Vince McMahon, Exec Producer of “The Condemned”

I was reminded of this, Tuesday Night, when I screened the thoroughly sickening new movie, “The Condemned.” Starring convicted wife-beater and WWE star “Stone Cold Steve Austin” a/k/a Steven James Anderson, this horrifying snuff film is produced by WWE and its CEO, Vince McMahon. Normally, I’d have skipped this killing-and-torture fest. But because I will be reviewing movies on a national cable news network on Friday Morning, I was obligated to see it.
Two hours later, I’d viewed a two hour series of non-stop torture, slashing, hacking, shooting, beating, raping, dismemberment, exploding humans (with bombs strapped on), and other assorted killings.
The “plot”–if you can call it that–is that 10 men and women condemned to death and sitting in prisons around the world are acquired by an egomaniac American (of course) millionaire and dropped on an island for 30 hours. The millionaire is shooting a sadistic online reality game show, “The Condemned.” At the end of 30 hours, only one of the condemned can survive. He/she must kill the other nine or be killed by virtue of an exploding ankle bracelet. At any time, one participant can try to blow up another by tugging on the other’s exploding ankle bracelet.
The tagline for this horrid blood-fest on film:

10 People Will Fight. 9 People Will Die. You Get to Watch.

And, sorry, this is no “.” It’s not art. And there isn’t any brave or important message about freedom. Though the movie pretends to have a moral message, uttered by a Diane Sawyer knock-off named Donna Sereno, that’s really just a phony attempt to give the kosher seal of approval to this celluloid horror.
Yet, despite movies like this and other products like its regular TV shows filled with the pimp-and-ho mentality, the Republican Party continues its long-term relationship with WWE and the McMahon family that owns, runs and stars in it.
At the 2000 Republican National Convention, then-WWE wrestler Dwayne Johnson a/k/a “The Rock” addressed delegates. Vince McMahon and his wife had a luncheon reception attended by George W. Bush and wife Laura. At the 2004 Convention, the GOP again invited WWE personalities as the GOP’s special guests and invited McMahon to include the GOP in his effort at having WWE consumers and fans influence elections.
That, despite the disgusting pimp-and-ho story lines on WWE shows. And there is no sign the GOP will change course in 2008, especially when the party is desperately fighting to beat Hillary in a very uphill battle.
It’s time for the GOP to finally divorce itself from WWE–not because its fan base is waning, but because it’s the right thing to do. If the GOP cannot do that, Republican activists and conservatives are in no position to attack Hillary and B. Hussein Obama for their alliances with disgusting rappers.
“The Condemned” is just the latest in a long line of disgusting trash coming out of WWE. If conservatives and Republicans are truly offended by the trash coming out of hip-hop, why are they so silent about the trash coming out of WWE?

GOP’s Fave Pimp & Ho Purveyor:

Kid Rock (& Drug Kingpin White Boy Rick, right)

And finally, there are “conservatives” like Bill O’Reilly, who are upset about Obama’s friend, rapper Ludacris. His raps are obscene and disgusting. But the pimp-and-ho and drug-pushing phenomena he is glorifying is the same stuff “Kid Rock” a/k/a Bob Ritchie is gushing over.
Yet, O’Reilly has praised Kid Rock because “he’s a friend of ‘The Factor,'” while O’Reilly rips on Luda. And the GOP initially invited Kid Rock to perform at Bush’s 2004 inaugural festivities (he was disinvited after some family-values conservatives protested).
But here’s the scoop on Kid Rock, from my on this sleazebag:

Rock/Ritchie has repeatedly told the world that he modeled himself after convicted, imprisoned Detroit drug kingpin “White Boy Rick” a/k/a Richard Wershe, Jr., with his fur coats and pimp hats.
Wershe ran one of the most notorious drug rings in America in the 1980s. He ordered the murder of countless people. Kid Rock glorifies Wershe in his lyrics and wrote a letter on his behalf to authorities in an attempt to get Wershe paroled. Thankfully, Wershe was not paroled, and soon after, he was discovered to have been running a national auto theft ring from his prison cell, for which he’s since been convicted.
Kid Rock is an admitted former drug dealer, but he still speaks glowingly of doing drugs. He gleefully raps about his life as a drug dealer, doing crack, and having sex in a school bathroom with the fellow drug dealer who had his out-of-wedlock kid. (It’s not like he had to be this way. He comes from a wealthy family. His father sold his lucrative Ford dealership for millions. The whole trailer park thing is an act.) He had to go to court to stop the circulation of a video of him and another rock star getting oral sex from groupies on tour.
Glorifying hard drugs and misogyny are themes in a lot of his most popular “songs.” He used to “date” porn stars, and they and strippers are a constant accessory on his tours. Don’t forget what he told Rolling Stone:

Bill Clinton … a [expletive] pimp. … The guy’s my hero.

(He told the mag he was stoned on drugs when he met Clinton at the White House.)
Ritchie–the self-proclaimed “Pimp of the Nation”–likes to give the one-finger salute in every publicity shot and toured the country in his “White Trash on Dope Tour.” He used the Michigan chapter of crime-prone “Outlaw Biker Gang” as security at a video shoot. . . .
A sampling of Kid Rock’s lyrics:

I’m a pimp. You can check my stats . . . . Smack all the hos.
Because I do so much pimpin’, one day I’ll probably walk with a limp . . . one day, watch, I’ll be the pimp of the nation.
I be the early-mornin’ stoned pimp, straight-limpin’, Boone’s Farm-drinkin’, at the party big-booty pinchin’.

There really is no difference between Kid Rock and the most perverted Black rap “artists.”
If Kid Rock were Black, we’d call him Snoop Dogg.

The GOP must end its relationships with WWE and Kid Rock. Or shut up about the Dems and Hip-Hop.
You can’t be a family-values, moralizing pot. . . when you’re as black as the kettle.

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April 26, 2007, - 10:36 am

Dumb: Women’s Mag Honors Topless War Protesters

Time for another installment of “I read the women’s mags, so you know what’s infecting your daughters, girlfriends, and wives.”
Meet the women of SAG, which stands for . . . sag.
The May issue of Jane Magazine–which used to be home to the monthly “column” of Silicone Valley Pamela Anderson–features a glowing article on topless anti-war protesters. Not that we want women going topless around America, but let’s just say that for you guys who dream of topless women, these are not the ones occupying your REM.
They’re against the war, against our troops, and against President Bush. And these braless, topless, zaftig ones are also mad that men can go shirtless, but they can’t. They call themselves the “Top-Free 10.”

And here’s Jane’s editorial caption for this photo:

Says their lawyer, the coincidentally-named Mark Tietig:

We prefer the term “top-free” since “topless” has a connotation of strip clubs.

Uh, check out the pic, and I doubt anyone is getting these women mixed up with “strip clubs.”
“Top-free.” “Topless.” I just call them what they really are:
Brainless and witless. Brain-free and wit-free will do, though.
Yup, while our troops are out there fighting for freedom. These losers are fighting for the right to expose their sag to the world.
Only in America. Yup, this is what the woman in your life might be poisoned with, er . . . “reading,” every single month.

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April 26, 2007, - 10:07 am

Sleeping With the Enemy: Lt. Col. “Fraternizes” & More in Iraq

Hopefully, there aren’t more like Army Lt. Col. William H. Steele.
The soldier, who commanded an Army police detachment in Iraq, has been aiding and abetting our enemies in Iraq. And “fraternizing” (euphemism) with the daughter of one of the detainees. And having an “improper relationship” (another euphemism) with an interpreter.
More from Associated Press:

BAGHDAD — A senior U.S. officer has been charged with nine offenses, including aiding the enemy and fraternizing with the daughter of a detainee while he commanded a military police detachment at an American detention facility near Baghdad, the military said Thursday.
Army Lt. Col. William H. Steele was accused of giving “aid to the enemy” by providing an unmonitored cell phone to detainees.
Steele was the commander of the 451st Military Police Detachment at Camp Cropper, a U.S. detention center on the western outskirts of Baghdad, when the offenses allegedly occurred between October 2005 and February, military spokesman Lt. Col. James Hutton said.
Steele was being held in Kuwait pending a grand jury investigation, Hutton said.
The other charges included unauthorized possession of classified information, fraternizing with the daughter of a detainee, maintaining an inappropriate relationship with an interpreter, storing classified information in his quarters and possessing pornographic videos, the military said.
Steele also was charged with improperly marking classified information, failing to obey an order and failing to fulfill his obligations in the expenditure of funds, the military said.

Yet another reason why fraternizing with the “local girls” is discouraged when we are at war, especially in the Muslim Mid-East.
And FYI, Camp Cropper replaced Abu Ghraib as the main detention facility for prisoners in the Baghdad area.
It’s interesting that one of our own soldiers betraying our country did not garner the attention and gasps of the mainstream media the way a few men wearing hoods in a pyramid at Abu Ghraib did.
Because the press doesn’t care about problems we face. Only “problems” the enemy faces.

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April 25, 2007, - 5:46 pm

Is America Really At War?

Maybe . . . Maybe Not. Most Americans, in their minds, are not at war. They are asleep. This sign, posted in Marine barracks (but could be at home in the barrakcs of any of the military branches), and making its way around the Internet, says it all (thanks to reader Bob for sending it):

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April 25, 2007, - 3:50 pm

Religion of Espionage & Kids Performing Beheadings

Been meaning to get to these stories on the “Religion of Peace” from over the weekend, which many readers sent me. I noticed that neither story was in either of the major newspapers from D-Mecca–neither the Islamist-occupied Detroit Newsistan nor the Detroit Free Press, which apparently isn’t that free:
* Religion of Kids Performing Beheadings:
In this extremely disturbing–but not at all surprising–video, a Pakistani kid who is barely 12 years old beheads a man accused of being an “American spy.” A Taliban leader is mentioned by name. Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are praised in the video. More details from Associated Press (I am posting the video because 1) it does not show the actual beheading, but goes right up to that point, and 2) the beheading victim is also from the Taliban):

KILI FAQIRAN, Pakistan – The boy with the knife looks barely 12. In a high-pitched voice, he denounces the bound, blindfolded man before him as an American spy. Then he hacks off the captive’s head to cries of “God is great!” and hoists it in triumph by the hair. . . .
He is an American spy. Those who do this kind of thing will get this kind of fate,” says his baby-faced executioner, who is not identified.
A continuous 2 1/2-minute shot then shows the victim lying on his side on a patch of rubble-strewn ground. A man holds Nabi by his beard while the boy, wearing a camouflage military jacket and oversized white sneakers, cuts into the throat. Other men and boys call out “Allahu akbar!” – “God is great!” – as blood spurts from the wound.
The film, overlain with jihadi songs, then shows the boy hacking and slashing at the man’s neck until the head is severed.

What other religion teaches kids these things?
Religion of Piece . . . Pieces of Bodies.
* Religion of Espionage:
Iranian national Mohammad “Mo” Alavi, a former engineer at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, illegally took software codes to Iran and downloaded details of control rooms, reactors and designs of the nation’s largest nuclear plant.
He was arrested in Los Angeles, this month, and charged him with one count of violating a trade embargo, which prohibits Americans from exporting goods and services to Iran.
But authorities say there is

no evidence to suggest the use of the software was linked to terrorists or the Iranian government, which has clashed with the U.S. over attempts to develop a nuclear program.

The same authorities said there is no connection between food and eating, guns and shooting, and liquid and drinking.
A number of ICE agents–none of whom is named Julie L. Myers and, therefore, won’t get the credit–were involved in this investigation.
Read the FBI affidavit on Alavi’s spying for the complete picture on his “activities.”
Religion of Piece . . . Pieces of Paper Snuck Overseas.

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April 25, 2007, - 2:57 pm

Conceited Enabler & Big Phony: Sean Vannity Performs in Al Sharpton’s Minstrel Show

It’s bad enough that Sean Vannity . But, even worse, the blowhard host of the dumbed-down daily Rush Limbaugh 3-hour re-run (Rush’s version is great, it’s the poor imitation that is a waste of time) is a willing enabler of Weird Al Sharpton.
Yup, Sean Hannity–ever the victim of his own bloated conceit–decided to honor and enable Al Sharpton by appearing at Sharpton’s National Action Network confab, Friday. It is billed as a “debate.” But so what? A debate legitimizing a scumbag is a debate the scumbag has won even before the debate began.
Why did Hannity do it? Why couldn’t his own big fat ego resist the opportunity to further legitimize Al Sharpton? Because Sean Hannity’s ego is far bigger than his conscience (assuming he has one, and that’s quite an assumption).

Al Sharpton: “Former” Coke Dealer & Current Sean Vannity Bud

If Hannity truly believed his own radio rants that rehashed Al Sharpton’s various transgressions (most of which he read ); if Hannity truly thinks it’s wrong that Al Sharpton is responsible for the arson deaths of at least 7 employees of Freddy’s Fashion Mart and the stabbing murder of Yankel Rosenbaum in Crown Heights; if Sean Hannity is truly disgusted by Al Sharpton’s two racist, anti-Semitic riots in Harlem and Crown Heights; if Sean Hannity is truly upset by the way Al Sharpton helped propagate the Tawana Brawley lies and ruined a prosecutor’s life and career, THEN WHY DID SEAN HANNITY JOIN AL SHARPTON ON THE DAIS AT AL SHARPTON’S CONVENTION?
Because Sean Hannity really isn’t upset by any of these things. He’s simply a phony. A phony who has no qualms about appearing side-by-side with Al Sharpton.
And Vannity is a hypocrite, too. During the whole Don Imus inferno, Hannity ripped those who regularly appeared on Imus’ show. But Don Imus said far less, never incited multiple murders, and apologized. Al Sharpton has never apologized. But Sean Hannity appeared at Sharpton’s event, anyway.
Next time you hear Sean Hannity rant against Al Sharpton, remember how he nauseatingly–and without hesitation–hangs with Sharpton whenever Sharpton asks. I wonder how it feels to be the star of Al Sharpton’s latest Minstrel Show. Just ask Vannity, the man who reads and regurgitates a lot of talking points, but quite apparently doesn’t have the principles that go with them.
So, when is Sean Hannity planning on attending David Duke’s convention? . . . (You know–“just to debate.”)

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April 25, 2007, - 2:41 pm

Quick Links: Kryptonite, America, the Fatal Lottery Win

* To those of us who were fans of Superman, we know Kryptonite as the fictional green crystal rock substance that renders the Superhero powerless. A close friend remarked that he has his Kryptonite and we all have one–the one thing that has power over us and renders us weak.
Well, now, we come to find out that there actually is a real Kryptonite, a very similar mineral discovered recently in Serbia with the same composition as the fictional version (sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide). Fortunately, it’s powerless–even if the many Islamic Lex Luthors get ahold of it.

* Happy Birthday, America! Yes, I know it isn’t the 4th of July. But today is the 500th Anniversary of the name, “America”–coined by a cartographer as the catchall designation for a world that Europeans had yet to name or explore.
* Yet another sad lottery winner story: Wayne Schenk–a New York man who won $1 million in the lottery after finding out he had terminal cancer–died Monday at age 51. You can’t take it with you.
Sadly, Schenk was denied a lump sum payment of the 20-year, $50,000 per year pay-off, which he sought to pay for treatment at a hospital specializing in the treatment of advanced cancer. “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help you.”

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April 25, 2007, - 2:12 pm

People Mag Fetes Anti-Semitic, Anti-U.S., Islamist Propagandist

Remember how , last year, , an anti-American, anti-Semitic movie produced by the Islamist government in Turkey?
Remember how Busey played a Jewish U.S. Army doctor who harvests the organs of innocent Muslims in order to sell them to Orthodox Jews in New York, London, and Tel Aviv?
Remember how Gary Busey issued no apology for his defamation of Jews and American Army doctors (including my Dad, who was a U.S. Army doctor)?
Remember how that same movie portrayed U.S. soldiers–including star Billy Zane–as blood-thirsty murderers, who deliberately murdered participants and guests at Islamic weddings in Iraq, for sport?

People Mag Celebrates Anti-Semite/America-Hater’s Weight Loss

Well, apparently, People Magazine forgot. In the current issue (April 30th edition) of the vapid celebrity tabloid, “reporter” Mary Margaret writes about Busey and his weight loss after being on VH1’s “Celebrity Fit Club.” It’s as if he never was in “Kurtlar Vadisi.” It mentions everything else he’s been involved in, but conveniently omits that.
Thank Heaven there wasn’t a People magazine in the 1940s. Or we’d be reading glowing gushes about the fabulous weight loss and advancing PR careers of Joseph Goebbels and .
Shame on People Magazine–hardly the first or last shame of this sad glossy.
Gary Busey may have lost the fat in the rest of his body. But he’ll never get rid of the extreme excess of it occupying his head.
Boycott Busey’s new movie, “Blue Mountain.”

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April 25, 2007, - 1:20 pm

Sports Feminists Go Insane: Women’s “Sports” Fan Turned Terrorist, Wanted by FBI

I and other dumb women’s “sports” that no-one cares about. Not only are they a waste of time, but apparently, they’ve now bred a terrorist.
The FBI is offering a $5,000 reward for help tracking down the sender of threatening letters complaining about ESPN and ABC coverage of women’s sports. The letters, containing powder determined to be harmful insecticide, complain that camera crews have exploited the players through certain camera angles.
One wonders what that means, since it’s generally impossible to “exploit” a 7’2″ woman who looks like a man “through certain camera angles.”

More from Associated Press:

The writer or writers complained that ESPN and ABC crews have exploited cheerleaders, WNBA players and WTA Tour players through certain camera angles, even though those angles were rarely shown on the air.
The FBI released excerpts of two letters in the hope of identifying who sent them.
“For the past 6-7 years, ESPN and its nationwide networks have exploited cheer/dance teams all across the country. They do this by parking their TV cameras on these women for their own personal entertainment,” an excerpt from one letter said.
“Pigs park their cameras on us close up, front view, dozens of times each game, yet rarely ever show on TV in this manner,” another excerpt read.
Investigators believe the author “may be directly or indirectly involved in some element of cheerleading and/or the television production/coverage aspect of collegiate athletics,” according to an FBI statement.

Well, this proves one thing. I was wrong when I said no-one watches WNBA games. One nutjob feminist, armed with insecticide, watches.
Attention, Advertisers: You, too, can reach this prime demographic by advertising on WNBA games.
Hmmm . . . have they checked ‘s handwriting samples and prints?
In related women’s “sports” news and the continuing series of great “achievements” of its participants, Fantasia Goodwin–a Syracuse women’s basketball team player–just gave birth to an illegitimate child. Hmmm . . . yet . Must be something in the drinking water of those with bizarro names stolen from animated Disney movies.

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