May 1, 2007, - 4:50 pm

Uh-Oh: Famous Child Sex Criminal Writes VTech Massacre Song

I’m sure the parents of Virginia Tech massacre victims are thrilled to hear that unjailed sex criminal (and recording artist) R. Kelly has written a song about the tragedy.
While the intention is good, R. Kelly is not exactly the ideal person to do this. He was charged with 14-counts of child pornography, including having sex with a 14-year-old on tape (and reportedly urinating on her). And he has yet to face justice. The wheels of justice seem to turn especially slowly for him.
From my :

The description of his latest antics and expected concert repertoire, as reported by The Detroit Spews, sure doesn’t sound like the usual humble behavior of a man facing the charges of his life:

* “MTV reports from a show in New York earlier this week that Kells performed a new song called ‘The Zoo,’ which includes the lines: ‘You and me, hopping like two kangaroos,’ and . . . ‘It’s like ‘Jurassic Park,’ but I’m your sexasaurus.’
* Kelly “asks the ladies to ‘get my computer love right off your screen’ during ‘Like a Real Freak,’ from his ‘’
* Kelly sings of “‘Sex Weed,’ described on his ‘TP.3’ album as the ‘sex so good that it gets me high.’
* In “Sex in the Kitchen,” Kelly “asks to get it on ‘over by the stove,’ later moving to the counter, ‘by the buttered rolls.’ Potatoes are involved, too.”
And remember all of this is with his preferred age group of 14-year-olds.

What R. Kelly lacks in shame, he more than makes up for in chutzpah.

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May 1, 2007, - 4:06 pm

“Dirty Dancing”: Yet Another Silly Celebration of a Meaningless “Anniversary”

I’m all for marking important anniversaries and milestones, both happy and tragic–your parents’ 40th wedding anniversary, the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the .
But the 20th anniversary of the release of the movie, “Dirty Dancing“? Somehow, I don’t think that’s an important anniversary . . . at all. Yet, today and tomorrow, movie theaters all over the country are showing the movie to “mark” the “occasion.” The studio reps even sent me press releases about it. And there are tons of news stories about it. “Dirty Dancing”? This is news? Oy.

USA Today even a week or so ago, looking at what the movie’s star are doing now. Here’s my version of what Patrick Swayze is doing now–the version you didn’t see in USA Today or People, and the reason I think it’s hilarious we’re celebrating a movie and its relatively insignificant participants:
Patrick Swayze became a transvestite and a bar brawler in trashy on-screen bombs after the hit, “Ghost” and never recovered. Then, he drove his plane drunk, crashed, and lied about it to police. But it got worse from there. Swayze made failed plans to about a kid who is adopted by a Sultan and grows to be a great, respected Muslim Sheikh (the true story on which it was based actually consisted of a non-Muslim kid who was kidnapped from his parents by a Muslim Sultan and raised as a Muslim). Then, at the beginning of the Iraq War, he Then, he . Really, he knows anti-Semites because he also raises anti-Semitic horses. (I did like him in “Red Dawn” and “North and South,” though.)
And something I thought I’d never see: Swayze’s hit single, “She’s Like the Wind,” from the “Dirty Dancing” Soundtrack is now a remade hip-hop hit (currently on the charts and enjoying radio airplay), “She’s Like the Wind,” performed by Lumidee, Featuring Tony Sunshine. . .

And there’s also this hit hip-hop version by Vibekingz, Featuring Maliq, which is better:

Then, there’s Jennifer Grey. Well, she got a nosejob, and it was a career-ending move. Other than “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (which was before “Dirty Dancing”), we hardly know her.
The only guy whose acting career took off was Jerry Orbach, who did “Law & Order.” And he’s dead, now.
Sorry, but there’s nothing about this cheesy movie–that was a cute hit in its day, but became a tired fade that didn’t stand the test of time–that is worth celebrating. I’m not saying the movie–very loosely based on a past era in which Jewish families vacationed in New York’s Catskill Mountains–is a bad thing to celebrate. I’m just asking: why is this necessary? It’s a tired, old movie with no important message or impact on America. That’s it. Nothing more.
I can see –which was emblematic of America’s blue-collar can-do spirit in a time of economic hardship. But “Dirty Dancing”? Huh? Come on.
Hey, America, stop celebrating the meaningless. We have so much with meaning that we can celebrate and/or memorialize. Who needs to “Remember Dirty Dancing”?

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May 1, 2007, - 2:59 pm

“Civic Duty”: Muslims Will Drool Over This Halal (& Silly) Movie

Reader Andrew tipped me off to the leftist movie, “Civic Duty,” starts Friday in theaters, and which I’ve screened. It’s about an unemployed accountant who suspects his new Islamic neighbor of being a terrorist. He becomes deranged and eventually takes the innocent Arab Muslim neighbor hostage. Besides the horrid message of this movie, with a teeny-tiny pay-off at the end, I intensely disliked the movie for many reasons. I’ll post my complete review later in the week. In short, it’s a direct rip-off of “Arlington Road,” which was far better.
For now, you can see what I mean from this absurd trailer, which asks, “Do you know what terror looks like?” Yes, I do know. Too bad the writer, producers, and director of this boring propaganda don’t know . . . and don’t want to know, either:

FYI, you’ll probably recognize the mousy and annoying actress Kari Matchett, who currently plays the President’s slutty secretary/girlfriend on “24.” She’s equally as hideous and annoying in this movie as the bitchy pro-Muslim wife.
Reader Andrew wrote:

I’m guessing it’s another film in which the innocent Muslim acts suspiciously but is wrongly accused, and the white American is the bad guy.

Pretty much, other than a teeny-tiny pay-off at the end. Oh, and by the way, this trailer makes this dull movie look for more exciting than it actually is.

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May 1, 2007, - 2:25 pm

May Day, May Day: Channel 2 of Houston, Mexico

In honor of May Day, TV reporters–and EVEN cameramen–show their allegiance to illegal aliens and other countries.
Sharp and observant reader Brian from Houston sends me this photo and accompanying video he shot at an anti-illegal alien pre-May Day protest in Houston. Note the upper left-hand side of the photo. the cameraman has a Mexican flag attached to it. It’s more visible in the video, also posted below. (Brian’s group later gave the man an American flag to affix on his camera, while he smirked.)

Brian writes:

I was video taping with my anti illegal alien group at a protest on Saturday. Our Houston NBC affiliate [KPRC] was at the protest to do a story. . . . The NBC cameraman had a Mexican flag attached to his camera! . . . Doesn’t the news media state that they are non-partisan, non-participating observers, dedicated to bringing the truth in reporting? Isn’t that what they teach at journalism school? Fair and balanced, unbiased and non partisan, right? Ha!

Brian also has an extensive collection of 300 videos of anti-illegal alien protesting and border operations on YouTube.

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May 1, 2007, - 1:55 pm

Bombs Away: Hmmm . . . What’s His Name & Religion?

An unnamed 23-year-old man from Canton, Michigan–a Detroit suburb near Dearbornistan with a large Muslim population composed primarily of Pakis, er . . . Pakistanis–should be among this year’s candidates for the Darwin awards.
He and his friends created homemade bombs using gunpowder and tennis and ping-pong balls. The unnamed man almost lost one of his hands from an explosion from one of the bombs, Sunday. He and his friends were throwing the bombs onto the road from the side of a truck.
More from the Canton Eagle:

A night of hurling improvised cherry bombs from a pickup truck ended poorly for one Canton resident on Sunday night.
According to Canton Police, a 23-year-old man sought treatment at Oakwood Healthcare Center on Canton Center Road after a Ping-Pong ball filled with a chemical compound exploded in his hand.
Sgt. Rick Pomorski said the man and two friends learned how to make the devices, which were also made using tennis balls, on the Internet.
“Playing with explosives is a very risky behavior,” he said. “It only takes one mistake and you could lose life or limb.”
The injury to the man’s right hand was extensive, said Pomorski, who has encountered this type of incident before.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen one with this much damage,” he said. “From what we’ve seen, he was lucky it didn’t take his whole hand off.”
The man was lighting wicks on the bombs and throwing them out the passenger side of the truck as it traveled down Lotz Road, between Cherry Hill and Ford roads.
After he was injured, the man’s friends dumped eight unexploded bombs in a roadside ditch and dropped him off at the center for treatment, said Pomorski. The man was later transferred to Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn.
Police later located the devices and called Michigan State Police Bomb Squad, which rendered the bombs safe, he added.
No criminal charges have been filed and no one has been arrested. The Canton Police Department was investigating the incident Monday and planned to send trace elements found in the devices to a laboratory for testing.
Under Michigan law, manufacturing or handling an explosive device without a permit is a misdemeanor subject to a fine of $500 or a maximum jail sentence of 1 year, or both.

One year is not enough for this bozo.
Since Muslim terrorists are generally more clandestine–and occasionally more clever–than that, looking for the best way to hurt the most infidels and not get caught, the man and his buddies might not be Muslims. But who knows? We know how the media generally tries to shield the “Religion of Peace,” from any and all crimes–like the Trolley Square terrorist in Utah, the UNC jeep jihadist in Raleigh, NC, the Seattle Jewish Community Center terrorist, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.
Regardless, I would be remiss in not pointing out the large Muslim Paki, er . . . Pakistani population in Canton. After all, I wouldn’t want to disappoint my friends from the deceptively-named, .
His neighbors in Canton certainly deserve to know his name for their own personal safety. And I’ll be following this case.
Like this case, we were never told the names of the men in the nearby Arabic neighborhoods of Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights, last year, who were involved in (see also, ).
So what is this guy’s name and his religion? And that of his friends? Just asking. But how dare I ask.

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May 1, 2007, - 11:47 am

What is Michael Chertoff Doing on May Day?

It’s May Day, the day the illegal aliens march en masse and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents do nothing, because their superiors–like Michigan/Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge –tell them to do nothing.
Sure, today, those aliens aren’t marching as much “en masse” as they did, last year. That’s because they feel quite comfortable here. The threat of the Tom Tancredo Republicans is gone. And now we have the Chertoff Republicans–or call them, the “Pelosi/Kennedy Republicans.” Same difference.
So what did Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff a/k/a “Mr. Burns” do today to address the illegal alien crisis? Well, if it’s like any other day, he did his daily morning run, which he obsessed about in Newsweek, last year. He’s more concerned about that than the state of the nation. There was another famous politician as obsessed with his running routine. His name was Jimmy Carter.

Will Sen. Jon Kyl (center) Wimp Out to Mr. Burns and Club Ted?

As for the rest of the day, Chertoff is likely on the phone or at lunch with Arizona U.S. Senator Jon Kyl. Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal detailed the arm-twisting Chertoff is engaged in with Kyl in order to get the White House-backed immigration amnesty bill passed. Chertoff and the White House believe that the support of Kyl, considered a “border-state hardliner,” is essential. If he buckles, they believe the rest of the ducks are in line.
So they are giving Kyl the hard press.
Yup, instead of doing his job as Homeland Security chief (and why star now?), Chertoff is doing the bidding of Club Ted, U.S. Senator Ted “the Swimmer” Kennedy:

Senate negotiations over an immigration overhaul bill have reached a tipping point, as the White House tries to win over a border-state hardliner while not driving off Democrats heading in to the floor debate, due to begin in two weeks.
The administration’s legislative strategy is heavily keyed on Sen. Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.), a conservative leader who criticized last year’s immigration bill for being too lax on enforcement and too forgiving of illegal aliens. This year Mr. Kyl has actively participated in talks led by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, who is gambling that with Mr. Kyl’s support, the administration can win a majority of Senate Republicans and begin to make inroads in the House on what is become a legacy issue for President Bush.
The House is waiting to see if the Senate can complete action before the House takes up the issue this summer, and Democratic leaders want Mr. Bush to provide a bloc of 70 Republican votes to ensure passage and provide political cover.
Participants are reluctant to discuss details of the Senate talks publicly, but the heart of the White House strategy rests on pacifying conservative concerns over any “amnesty” in the bill by addressing a second concern on the right: “chain migration.”
Amnesty pertains to the legalization of undocumented workers in the U.S.; chain migration speaks more to fears that new guest workers will gain permanent residency or each new immigrant citizen will be followed by a chain of relatives.
To break this chain, the White House is proposing that current immigration rules that favor families would be replaced by more of a merit system making it harder to bring in siblings, adult children and possibly even parents. Temporary foreign workers would be required to go home after three years — or two, if they had brought their families with them.

Yeah, right. And that is gonna happen, how? How do you make “temporary foreign workers” and their families go home? We can’t even make the illegals that are here now–20 million of ’em–go home? We’re going to “keep track” of them for three years?! The way that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director of Detention and Removal Operations has lost over 600,000 illegal aliens? Puh-leeze.

The core of the plan still promises millions of undocumented workers in the U.S. a path to citizenship, which conservatives have criticized in the past as amnesty. But the process would take longer — 13 to 18 years — and be more demanding than what was proposed last year.
Mr. Kyl would have to swallow hard to accept legalization. He could argue to his constituents that by accepting the presence of undocumented workers now in the U.S. he has won a greater measure of certainty about the future.

Uh, why is a Wall Street Journal reporter (in this case, David Rogers), prepping Jon Kyl on how to buy into this BS amnesty bill and convince his Arizona constituents that it was “the right thing to do”? Email David Rogers and ask him.

Strange But True: Michael Chertoff Still Gainfully Employed

Political tensions surfaced in drafting sessions last week, and the White House no longer thinks there will be time to vet the bill by taking it through the Senate Judiciary Committee. Mr. Kyl isn’t completely won over yet, but the administration is pressing to have a bill ready by May 14, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has set aside two weeks of floor debate.
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D., Mass.), the lead Democratic negotiator, faces pressure from immigration-rights groups and could yet bolt and take a bill to the floor without Mr. Kyl’s support. But the White House believes that the long process has forged enough loyalty among all the Republicans in the talks that even moderates on immigration, who supported last year’s bill, will be reluctant to join Mr. Kennedy.
For the Massachusetts Democrat, the administration’s credibility rests on its promise to deliver on a so-called “eight and five” formulation for the legalization of undocumented workers now here.
Eight refers to the number of years designated to clear the backlog of pending applications for permanent residency documents, or “green cards,” from persons abroad or living here with a legal work visa. Five refers to a five-year period afterwards, in which Democrats have been promised that sufficient new green cards will be issued so that the undocumented workers who have come forward to be legalized and meet the criteria set can get permanent residency.
That represents a huge administrative challenge for Mr. Chertoff’s department. To limit the numbers — and ease conservative fears of too many green cards — the application backlog would be confined to people who applied before May 2005, when major immigration legislation was introduced in the Senate in the last Congress.

“Clear the backlog of pending applications for permanent residency documents”? This is extremely disturbing, even if it is only limited to those who applied before May 2005.
I’ve already heard from several senior officials who work for Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) chief Emilio T. Gonzalez (the man who chose himself for an award he created for immigrants). They’ve told me that the status quo will continue–that applicants for green cards AND for any temporary workers program will be rubber-stamped through. Their names–and we have no way of verifying what their real names or identities truly are–will not be check with the TECS or IBIS databases (criminal and terrorist databases).
And, –a patriotic CIS employee whose contract was not renewed by CIS because he spoke out–pointed out that CIS is not checking applicants for Green Cards against terrorism databases. And it’s giving bonuses to employees who rubber-stamp and speed through applications. The checks under this amnesty bill will be even less scrutinizing.
Heck, those doing the checking will not have been properly screened, themselves for criminal backgrounds. DHS plans to hire thousands of workers to do the screening, workers who themselves have not been checked. And then, they plan to rubber-stamp through 100,000 applicants per day for the Temporary Workers Program a/k/a amnesty. There is no possible way they can adequately check 100,000 people per day. And they won’t be, because as insiders tell me, the TECS/IBIS databases won’t be used. Hundreds of thousands of potential criminals getting a golden key to the country.
This is what they’re very close to convincing Jon Kyl to vote for.

There also is an unstated assumption that there will be significant attrition among the undocumented workers who actually apply. Early estimates were as low as six million or about half of the estimated 12 million in the U.S., but administration officials say those predictions are outdated and the White House is committed to providing adequate green cards so that all who qualify will get on in the five-year period. Even so, an immigrant must have his green card for another five years before becoming a citizen. That means the earliest undocumented workers could apply in 13 years, compared to about 11 years under last year’s bill.

That’s okay. The illegal aliens will stay here 11 years, 13 years–however long it takes while they are continuously cheating the system and here illegally. That’s why this ridiculous bill won’t work. And, of course, employers would never lie or vouch that someone has been here 13 years, when they’ve only been here 3–would they?
In the meantime, 13 years later, when Michael Chertoff is retired, relaxing, and playing shuffleboard in G-d’s Waiting Room a/k/a Miami, the alien invasion will have exploded exponentially. Because he helped make it happen.
But so what? By then, both Chertoff and Sen. Kyl will be rushing off to meet more important deadlines . . . like the Early Bird Special. Maybe if they’re lucky, they’ll get someone who speaks English to serve them.
If you live in Arizona, please contact Senator Jon Kyl and urge him to oppose this immigration disaster. PLEASE!
If you live anywhere else, do the same with your Congressmen and Senators.

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May 1, 2007, - 10:43 am

Happy May Day: First, Bank of America, NOW, Auto Insurers Help UNLICENSED Illegal Aliens

Can you get auto insurance without a driver’s license? Probably not. BUT ILLEGAL ALIENS NOW CAN.
Earlier this year, we all read the Wall Street Journal story about how Bank of America is targeting illegal aliens to expand its customer base. The company is giving credit cards to illegal aliens without a social security number–something you or I cannot get.
Well, now, it’s auto insurers. Today’s Wall Street Journal has a front-pager on Progressive Corp, Alliance United, Bristol West Holdings, and other auto insurers who are making a pretty penny insuring illegal aliens–even those WITHOUT driver’s licenses.

It’s just more of what Vladimir Lenin described when he said that the capitalists will “sell us the rope on which we will hang them.”
“We are exploding with growth,” proclaims Brian Duffy, chief executive of Alliance United, a Ventura, California auto insurer. Sure, it’s unfortunately legal to insure unlicensed drivers. But it is unethical. And unsafe, to boot.
Forget about fake driver’s licenses. Now, they don’t even need those for auto insurance. More:

Many states are cracking down on illegal immigrants by denying them driver’s licenses. But auto insurers are increasingly targeting those unlicensed drivers as a lucrative market.
For decades, many states with big immigrant populations, like California, routinely issued driver’s licenses to foreign citizens, regardless of their immigration status. But when those states and others began tightening up their requirements amid a backlash against illegal immigration, many illegal immigrants couldn’t renew their licenses — and their car insurance was automatically canceled.
Some auto insurers, however, were quick to see a golden opportunity. California law, for example, doesn’t bar companies from selling insurance to unlicensed motorists. So, insurers, including some major ones like Progressive Corp., are covering illegal-immigrant drivers, often charging them premiums above the normal market rate.
“When we figured out it was legal, and we weren’t going to get punished, we went into the market within a short while,” says Brian Duffy, chief executive of Alliance United, a closely held auto insurer based in Ventura, Calif. “We are exploding with growth.”

The situation is another example of how illegal immigration and the purchasing power of the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants are influencing public and private policy in sometimes contradictory ways. While some politicians and others complain that illegal immigrants place a burden on state and local resources, businesses ranging from banks to retailers are lining up to cater to them. . . .
Though driving without a valid license is illegal, it often goes unpunished if the driver’s car registration and insurance papers are in order.
Amid the national debate over immigration and security in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a growing number of states started requiring applicants for driver’s licenses to show proof of lawful residence. States with large illegal-immigrant populations like Texas, California and Arizona don’t issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. In 2005, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, citing security concerns, vetoed for the second time a measure passed by the state’s lawmakers to explicitly allow undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license.
In Illinois, legislators are considering allowing people without Social Security numbers to obtain a driver’s certificate, a proposal that has polarized the state.
With the states getting more restrictive, some auto insurers have adopted new strategies. Realizing that many workers without licenses drive anyway, several auto insurers began allowing undocumented immigrants to acquire a policy on the strength of a foreign driver’s license — or even a foreign identification card.
Jeff Dailey, chief executive of publicly held insurer Bristol West Holdings Inc., which specializes in nonstandard, high-risk insurance, says that the “foreign driver” segment has proved to be “good business for us,” and has attracted multiple competitors. Mr. Dailey says sales agents for his company, which agreed last month to be acquired by Farmers Group Inc., accept a Mexican matricula consular card — an I.D. issued by the Mexican Consulate — from immigrants who don’t have a foreign driver’s license. . . .
Auto insurance is regulated by individual states, and most don’t require insurers to limit coverage to people with driver’s licenses. “We want everyone driving to have liability,” says a spokesman for the Texas Department of Insurance.
The practice of writing auto insurance for unlicensed drivers started with insurers like Alliance United, a small company focused mainly on nonstandard markets, like drivers with bad driving records. But larger insurers, such as Progressive and Infinity Property & Casualty Corp., which also write policies for high-risk drivers, are active in the business. Large mainstream insurance companies like State Farm Insurance Co., Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. and AAA typically require a state driver’s license.
“We want to insure all drivers who want to be insured; if the regulations in a state allow us to accept drivers with foreign driver’s licenses, we price those policies accurately and as the regulation allows and make a policy available to those drivers,” says Russina Sgoureva, product manager for Progressive’s agency business in California.
Calls to senior executives at Infinity, including President James R. Gober, weren’t returned.
Jose Catano, an independent agent in Southern California, runs Spanish-language radio spots to drum up business with illegal immigrants, using a slogan referring to Gov. Schwarzenegger: “Arnold won’t give you a license, but Catano will give you insurance.”
What makes illegal immigrants a particularly profitable market, he says, is that they rarely report small accidents — to avoid contact with U.S. authorities. “It’s very lucrative,” he adds. “We have good retention.” Earlier this month, Mr. Catano received approval to operate in Nevada and Arizona, both of which deny licenses to illegal immigrants.
One of Mr. Catano’s clients is Jose Rodriguez, a 32-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who drives a 2007 Honda Civic and pays $127 a month for insurance. “I feel much safer driving, knowing that I have insurance,” he says. “All my friends without papers are getting it.”
In his car, Mr. Rodriguez carries his auto registration and proof of insurance. On him, he carries a matricula consular card instead of a driver’s license.
“We are the DMV; we’re not ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement],” says a spokesman for the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles. “It’s not our issue if you are in the country illegally. By law, you have to have insurance if you have a car.”

Nauseating. Who is this unnamed spokesman? Why didn’t Wall Street Journal reporter Miriam Jordan report this unpatriotic idiot’s name? E-mail and ask her.
This is just another example of how immigration “enforcement” is a joke. If enforcement were as tough as it should be, these illegal aliens wouldn’t be bragging–using their real names and locations–to the Wall Street Journal. They would be hiding in fear. Or even better, leaving in droves from the country, since they are violating the law by just being here.

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April 30, 2007, - 4:54 pm

BFD: First Casualty of DC Madam Story Was Hezbo Enabler

I’m not too worried about the DC Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, naming names, especially if they’re more “customers” like Randall Tobias–who swiftly resigned when a whiff of his name was connected to the story and he was identified as a “patron.”
Much ado has been made out of the fact that Tobias was Bush’s AIDS Czar. But far more interesting is his other job.
While Tobias was apparently the john of the DC Madam, he whored himself–and U.S. taxpayer money–out to Hezbollah. , during the Hezbollah War, FOX News’ Shepard Smith was in Lebanon with Tobias. He asked Tobias–live, on the air–how he could prevent U.S. aid packages from being acquired and used by Hezbollah. Tobias hemmed and hawed and tapdanced. But he couldn’t answer. And Smith showed that in Southern Lebanon, the US aid–all aid–was basically doled out by Hezbollah. And used to recruit and keep current recruits loyal to the Islamic terrorist group.

Buh-Bye!: Randall Tobias Gave Our Tax $$$ to Hezbollah

But Tobias didn’t care or hesitate from continuing to hand our tax-funded goods and foodstuffs to its ultimate end-user, Hezbollah–the group which nonchalantly mass-murdered our Marines and blew up our embassy.
From my :

And then there is USAID Ambassador/Administrator Randall L. Tobias, a Bush appointee. Ironically, USAID is part of the OPIC, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, which Tobias heads. But there is nothing “private” about the Enron-style investment American taxpayers are involuntarily making with billions now pouring into Lebanon.
On Tuesday, he was interviewed by FOX News’ Shepard Smith–the only TV journalist asking any tough questions. Smith reported that all Red Cross and other aid in South Lebanon and other Hezbollah-controlled areas goes straight to Hezbollah. Hezbollah administers it, without any interference–or oversight–from outsiders. That will not change anytime soon.
Smith asked Tobias if he will work directly with Hezbollah to administer the gazillions in U.S. aid now going to “Lebanon.” Tobias repeatedly danced around the question and wouldn’t answer. That means the answer is a big “Y-E-S.”
Guh-reat! The U.S. openly nodding and winking at giving billions of our money to those who tortured and murdered hundreds of Americans and are helping Al-Qaeda continue to do so in Iraq. Brilliant.
Tobias, when he did answer, said something just as frightening. He told Smith that he will work with “NGOs”–Non-Governmental Organizations–to distribute the billions in aid. If lack of oversight of USAID money is a hemorrhaging gash, oversight of NGOs is a mammoth black hole.
But in the U.S., the two biggest U.S.-based NGOs operating in the Islamic world are Islamic “charities” under investigation by several federal agencies for money-laundering to terrorists.

Randall Tobias apparently knew all ends of the whoring biz–figuratively . . . AND literally.
Good riddance, Mr. Tobias. If only you’d left sooner.

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April 30, 2007, - 4:30 pm

More Tenet: CIA Says Spy & Tell Books Strain Agency, Cost Taxpayers $$$

Can’t anyone go into the spy business and retire quietly, anymore?
Apparently not. It’s not just the 576 pages of George Tenet’s new book, but apparently so many others, which are straining the CIA.
In order for a former CIA employee to publish a book, he/she needs to get approval from the agency’s Publications Review Board (the FBI has a similar board).
USA Today reports that the CIA gets 100 such requests–complete with manuscripts–per month, now. But in 2000, it received only 300 requests in the entire year. In 1980, there were fewer than 100 and a total of 10,000 pages.

(Tenet-afat Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

And guess who pays for that? We do. Disturbingly, USA Today reports that the agency even has its own “in-house writer’s support group,” called “Invisible Ink.”
Are we running a spy agency here? Or a club for extracurricular hobbies? Time to tell CIA employees that if they want to become authors, they should consider working elsewhere.
That goes for Valerie Plame a/k/a Joe Wilson’s “my beautiful wife.” If she wanted to be a star, she should have moved to Hollywood. Not Langley. Ditto for the egomaniacal so-called Bin Laden expert, Michael Scheuer (whom the CIA notably removed from the Bin Laden desk), whose endless anti-Israel books respecting Bin Laden all go through the CIA vetting process your taxes are funding.

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April 30, 2007, - 4:05 pm

Pimp John Conyers’ Ride: Won’t Pay $18K from Son’s Car Accident, But Leases $1K/Month Car

He’s made a 40-plus year career of whining about “justice” and he now chairs the House Judiciary Committee. But when it comes to doing what is right and just, far-left Democratic Congressman John Conyers is all talk. . . and a big phony.
Check out Detroit Reporter Steve Wilson’s video and print report on how John Conyers’ 16-year-old son caused over $18,000 worth of damage, but Conyers won’t pay, despite his promises to do so (and his ability to–he is quite wealthy).
The wealthy Conyers’ constantly play the politics of envy against “wealthy Republicans” and “wealthy corporations,” but their son harmed two working-class women and caused them thousands of dollars worth of damage. And–surprise!surprise!–the Conyers don’t seem too comfortable when the shoe is on the other foot.

John & Monica Conyers:

Phony Populists Pimp Their Son’s Working-Class Victims

FYI, in the video, Monica Conyers mentions she went to law school. As you’ll recall, Conyers used his Congressional staff to serve as nanny, butler, cook, and chauffeur at the Conyers’ Detroit home–courtesy of American taxpayers–while Mrs. Conyers went to law school in Oklahoma.
Also, while one of the women now has a car she cannot use, while she must continue to pay four years on the lease, John Conyers doesn’t have such problems. He’s riding in style, courtesy of American taxpayers. Check this out from “Pimp Conyers’ Ride” story from today’s Detroit Newsistan:

Rep. John Conyers, D-Detroit, started leasing a Lincoln LS for $997 a month in February 2006. The Lincoln “is in D.C. and is used for official purposes,” his office said.

John Conyers, the lefty hypocrite, on the taxpayers’ dime.
Don’t forget: this is the same cretin who (and Wife, Monica, a Detroit City Councilwoman, pimped the idea).
Another fun fact: Bush U.S. Attorney and Federal Appeals Court nominee called Conyers, “one of the greatest jurists I’ve had the pleasure to know.” Not a good sign.

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