May 3, 2007, - 4:00 pm

Muslims Upset that Breast Cancer Awareness, Blacks Get Whole Month

Uh-oh. Is a “National Muslim Month” in the works?
Sure sounds like it if you listen to the whines of Nadia Khalil and other Dearbornistan-area Muslims. Khalil, a nurse from Dearbornistan Heights, is upset that Breast Cancer Awareness and Black History get a whole month:

During Ramadan, for example, we get recognized, but it’s not as much as say Breast Cancer Awareness month or the African-American one. I feel we still don’t have as much of a voice as other communities.

This . . .

Versus These . . .

Waah, Waah, Waah! Whine. Whine. Whine. 19 of ’em murder 3,000 Americans, and therefore, we owe them the world. Nothing we do will ever be good enough for America’s Muslims. Until the entire nation is a Muslim nation with the Koran as our Constitution. There isn’t a Christian or Jewish Month, but yet, we should mix church and state for a month for them? I’d call it “National Religion of Head-Choppers & Nun-Killers Month.”
Khalil made the absurd comments in a phony-“fact”-filled article in Today’s Detroit Free Press touting biased studies alleging that Arabs in the Detroit area contribute millions to the economy (and another study that JWT ad agency is using to get their clients to spend millions on advertising to Muslims).
The fact is, the study doesn’t note the many millions–make that billions–that Arabs and Muslims take away from the economy in defrauding Medicaid, Medicare, welfare, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, WIC (Women, Infant, and Children). Then there’s the mortgage, real estate, bank, and credit card fraud they engage in, too. Ask any federal agents working in the Detroit area, and they’ll tell you who is involved in all of the larger crime rings. I’ll give you a hint: A lot of the people have names like “Mohammed.”
Even the number of Arabs in Michigan (the census says its under 100,000) is exaggerated in this piece, fabricated out of wholecloth by “reporter” Alejandro Bodipo-Memba.
Don’t believe anything in this article, but for the whining of this Muslim woman who resents that America cares about curing breast cancer and remembering the contributions of Black Americans more than it does about the religion of the 19 hijackers and infinite head-choppers . . . for now.

Muslim Awareness Month By David Lunde/Lundesigns

**** UPDATE, 05/04/07: On rethinking this, I really have no problem with Muslims comparing themselves to a deadly cancer of which we must have awareness for a whole month. That’s certainly truth in advertising. National Muslim Cancer Awareness Month . . . hmmm. Wasn’t exactly a stroke of PR genius on their part.
On the other hand, does this mean that their phony concern about breast cancer, as part of their “Muslims Care” charade is exactly that: BS? Yup. Not that we had any doubt. I guess Muslim women are either newly immune to the disease, or Muslim women–whether or not they have breast cancer–simply are not worthy of concern in Islam. We certainly have ample evidence for the latter. CAIR has admitted in private meetings of their own members that they want the rest of the country to believe that Muslims care about other issues besides Islam (pursuant to polls the group took indicating that’s what the public rightfully thinks about Muslims). So, CAIR and other Muslims embarked on this “Muslims Care” campaign regarding breast cancer, etc. But, this tells us exactly what we already knew: They don’t really give a damn. They just want America to think they do. All part of their taqiyyah PR campaign.
There. I just did my part for National Muslim Cancer Awareness Month.

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May 3, 2007, - 3:03 pm

Me in the Washington Times

Monday’s Washington Times cites this blog for my post on a/k/a “The Women of SAG”:

Wardrobe malfunction
The May issue of Jane magazine features a “glowing” article on topless anti-war protesters, Debbie Schlussel writes at her blog ().
Jane’s editors describe the Conde Nast publication as “a magazine built for the 20-something woman who is the ultimate front-row influencer.” Miss Schlussel is not impressed.
“They’re against the war, against our troops and against President Bush,” she notes. “Says their lawyer, the coincidentally-named Mark Tietig: ‘We prefer the term “top-free” since “topless” has a connotation of strip clubs.’ ”
Miss Schlussel comments: ” ‘Top-free.’ ‘Topless.’ I just call them what they really are: Brainless and witless. Brain-free and wit-free will do, though.”

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May 3, 2007, - 11:59 am

The New “Outrage” Fad: Liberal Jews Lynch Couple Over Benign Campaign Flyer

Ever since Don Imus was fired–even after repeated apologies–the PC police are out for blood. They got a little taste with the severe Imus overreaction.
And now, they hunger for more. Yes, unfortunately, out-of-proportion outrage is not just a fad. It’s becoming a way of life Just ask Don and Jenny Greenwell.
They’re candidates in Tuesday’s election for school board in the swanky Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills. That school district–amidst Michigan’s ultra-depressed, 50th-in-the-nation economy–wants to raise and spend $121 million dollars to tear down two relatively modern high schools and build anew. It’s an incredible waste of tax dollars. But, now, the Greenwells–a Christian couple who oppose this wasteful spending–are being called “anti-Semitic,” and will probably lose amidst the absurd, undue furor.

Absurd: Does This Look “Anti-Semitic” to You?

(Thanks to David Lunde/Lundesigns for technical support in making this document website-visible. .)
The Greenwells sent out a campaign flyer depicting a wizard burning a pile of money. As an observant Jew, the picture looks quite innocuous to me. But to a large group of shrieking, whining liberal Jews, the Greenwells are raving, seething anti-Semites who want to lock all Jews up in concentration camps tomorrow. Why?
Well, hundreds of liberal Jews and “interfaith” clergy (consisting of leftist rabbis and their “friendly” local imams and Israel-boycotting churches) are declaring the wizard to be an anti-Semitic drawing. So is the liberal Anti-Defamation League. They say the designs on his robe amidst crescent moons look like Jewish Stars–the Stars of David. And, they claim, the wizard looks like Moses.
How do they know what Moses looked like? Well, I’m sure they all have photographic memories of that time they accompanied him on that hike to Mt. Sinai. And maybe one of them kept his/her digital camera card from that time the Red Sea parted and the bush burned.
Regardless, the Greenwells have apologized over and over and over again. They apologized on three local newscasts. They apologized in several local newspapers. They apologized on their blog/website. They apologized at a luncheon for the local Hadassah–you know, the same group of liberal Jewish women who had no qualms about honoring FoS (Friend of Suha Arafat) Hillary Clinton at their national convention.

I don’t know what to do. . . . I’m not anti-Semitic. . . . To me, it just looked like a wizard,

Jenny Greenwell told the Detroit Newsistan. That’s what it looks like to me, too. Moreover, the Greenwells say they never saw the artwork, which was picked by the campaign consultants putting together their literature. Vicki Lange, owner of the Ballot Box, which created the literature, said:

I don’t agree with the premise that it’s a Star of David because it has little curly-cues on the end of each point. It came from stock art from a professional artist. You can always find someone looking for something not intended.

Amen to that. And that’s exactly what’s going on here. I’m embarrassed by this absurd, misplaced outrage, which looks like the Jewish, white version of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and their followers.
But despite the Greenwells’ Imus-to-Sharpton-esque groveling, the Greenwells’ repeated apologies are not enough. The Greenwells’ gazillionth apologies, yesterday, at a town meeting of 150 angry liberal Jews (and Muslims–must have Muslims present to really turn the knife here), were booed. And none of the conniptive liberal Jews–still whining after days of TV and newspapers stories–will forgive them. None of the so-called rabbis either.
Rabbi Sharpton, er . . . Rabbi Joshua Bennett of Reform Temple Israel has turned the Greenwells’ flyer wizard into his star turn. And his 15 minutes can’t end soon enough. He told the Newsistan he doesn’t believe the Greenwells and won’t accept their apology:

Even if it was just a mistake, I think we need to be smarter than that.

I think everyone “needs to be smarter than” the knee-jerk, overreactive Rabbi who apparently forgot Jewish precepts commanding the acceptance of an apology.

We cannot tolerate even accidental depictions. . . . Even if it was unintentional, it is intolerable,

he told the Detroit Free Press.

I don’t want them representing my children on the school board. . . . It’s unforgivable,

parent Rena Kirshenbaum told the Newsistan.
Nope. We can’t forgive this couple, which wants to stop rampant spending when–these days–even wealthy Bloomfield Hills schools can’t afford it. The Greenwells cannot be forgiven, unlike feminis uber-liberalis Hillary Clinton (whom many of these people are supporting for President). These fellow co-religionists (and I use that noun very loosely, since they’ve replaced the Jewish religion with a mob lynching) of mine want the Greenwells out of the race. They want the $121 wasteful bond proposal the Greenwells rightfully oppose to pass. And they have no problem trumping up the anti-Semitism card to get there.
Never mind that the Jewish stars were not a symbol picked by the Jews to represent us. And never mind that wizards often wore hexagrams, which are practically identical and are a sign of wizardry and witchcraft.
Contrast Bloomfield Hills’ intolerant treatment of the Greenwells to the way these same liberal Jews embrace extremist Muslims throughout their community. The Jewish star appeared on hate signs all last summer in protests drawing over 10,000 local Muslims in support of Hezbollah.
In that case, there is no mistake the malignant reason the Jewish star was featured on the signs, as were swastikas. Yet, the same Jews were quick to embrace these same Muslims just weeks after the Israel-Hezbollah war was over. All is forgotten. All is forgiven. Yet, unlike the Greenwells, the Muslims never sought forgiveness, they never apologized.
Unlike the Greenwells who hired someone to make their campaign literature, the Muslims in town made their signs and did so purposely and with a vengeance. Yet, no peeps from local Jewish liberals living in the area, like Sharona Shapiro–the calorically-gifted verbal Monica Lewinsky to radical Islam. She wouldn’t wanna miss that falafel she regularly eats with them.
A month ago, I watched Shapiro and over a hundred liberal Jewish women from the area crowd into the Unity Center Mosque of Bloomfield Hills and gush and cry over the Muslim women at this intolerant mosque. When I raised questions over why the mosque and its K-12 school library featured the writings of Anti-Semitic, anti-American Muslim scholars Sayed Qutob (Osama Bin Laden’s religious guru) and Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood), I was asked to leave by this Klueless Klub of Kumbaya-ettes. I was told that we must “understand” each other so we can’t discuss these kinds of things.
If only the Greenwells were named Mohammed and Hamida, the liberal Jewish conniptions over their harmless campaign flyer would never have occurred.
But, unfortunately, that’s the state of affairs in America, today. And it’s emblematic of why we’ll never get upset over terrorist attacks in America again. We’re so sensitive to the minor comments of a radio talk show host no-one listened too; We’re so outraged about a benign campaign flyer and won’t accept the glut of apologies from its circulators. Yet, we rush faster than all get-out to embrace those who really wish us harm. We hurry to overlook their very open and obvious wishes to kill us.
And we wonder how the Holocaust happened. I think it’s quite clear. We embrace our enemies and make unnecessary enemies out of our friends over foolish things.
Sadly, while these liberal Jews couldn’t be farther from real, traditional Judaism, they are the perpetual face of my religion in the local–and national–media. I feel as if I’m the only local Jew (besides my family) that isn’t bothered by this campaign flyer. It’s not anti-Semitic. Not even close.
It seems also that I’m the only local resident–regardless of religion–that is disgusted at the way a cranky, whiny group of liberals is exercised over the equivalent of an ant going to the bathroom. Everyone else is piling onto the group think wagon, out to Imus-ize the world.
Apparently, none of these people ever heard of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”
The outrage here is not the innocent campaign flyer. It’s the way the “outraged” PC police overreacted over nothing and refuse to move on. And that this innocent couple has been very unfairly dragged through the mud and branded with a very powerful, marginalizing negative epithet.
Those who think they are combatting anti-Semitism with their shrill attacks on the Greenwells are sadly mistaken. They are breeding it.
**** UPDATE: Friend and reader Ari (a Jew) writes:

Your crazy Jewish Neighbors don’t know what they’re talking about re: “Jewish Star” on the Merlin picture.
When I was a child, my parents had a bunch of those tacky ceramic “Royal Dalton” mugs. One of them featured Merlin, and on it was a hexagram– A six pointed star. For some time I thought Merlin was Jewish, but later I learned that the hexagram is a symbol of the occult. Some Orthodox Jewish sects don’t use the Star of David because of the occult associations. Geez, Jewish people, not everything is about us…
[DS: I hate to link to Wikipedia, which you usually can’t trust, but since Ari agrees with their entry on this . . . .]

Amen, Ari!

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May 3, 2007, - 11:18 am

HOprah Watch: Cheapskate Oprah ENDORSES B. Hussein Obama for Prez, But Won’t Give Him $$$

Yet another reason we should all be frightened at the prospect of a B. Hussein Obama presidency:
Last night on the decrepit “Larry King Live” show on CNN, Oprah helped dead-man-walking King celebrate his 50 years of inane “broadcasting.” And she made an interesting announcement:
For the first time, Oprah’s endorsing a Presidential candidate. And it’s Hussein Obama. Click here for the video.
Yikes! One of the worst influences on America–no, one of the worst influences on the world–and definitely the worst influence on America’s women is endorsing a candidate for President of the free world.

HOprah Endorses B. Hussein Obama

Memo to America: HOprah supports Obama. A huge hint that we should run away from as fast as Roger Bannister.
Unfortunately, the endorsement comes on the cheap. The cheap billionairatrix announced she hasn’t and won’t donate any money to B. Hussein O.’s campaign. She used the excuse that “there are limits” to how much she can give. Yes, Oprah, to your dismay, you are considered equal to the American cattle who watch your show, under campaign finance laws. But, it’s a nice convenient excuse for your “frugality.” “My money isn’t gonna make any difference to him,” she says. Uh-huh.
The woman spends $500 a piece on pastel-colored cashmere Q-tips, and she can’t give $3,400 to B. Hussein O.
**** UPDATE: ATTENTION READERS: I was joking about the Q-Tips. But it’s similar to the high-priced useless things she touts on her show and in her magazine, such as $600 slippers made out of fabric.

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May 2, 2007, - 4:11 pm

Slick Willie: Wife of Future President Golfs @ Racist, Anti-Semitic Country Club

On Saturday, future First Lady Bill Clinton (wife of future President Hillary Rodham Cankles) golfed at Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan–a swanky Detroit suburb.
One problem: Oakland Hills has a history of anti-Semitism and racism.
Previously, the club refused to admit Jewish and Black members to the club. And maybe that’s why Clinton brought prominent Black Democrat Joel Ferguson to golf with him–to insulate him from the Country Club’s very well known reputation.

Bill Clinton Golfs at Bigoted Oakland Hills Country Club

Now, Oakland Hills has a few token Black members (and perhaps a few token Jews), but discrimination there endures. While Tiger Woods played the course in a recent Ryder Cup, the fact remains that few like him will ever be admitted as members. I repeatedly called Oakland Hills, today, for figures on the exact number of Jewish, Blacks, and Hispanic members. But no-one at the Country Club would comment, and Club COO Rick Bayliss did not respond to voice-mail queries. So we know he’s not only Bayliss, he’s Gutliss. (The club does allow Jews and Blacks to be caddies, though. All masters need appropriate servants.)
Slick Willie’s 18 hole play on the South Course at Oakland Hills is interesting, given that John Snow was forced to resign from Augusta National Country Club–because of its refusal to allow female members–before he could be confirmed as Bush’s Treasury Secretary.
Should we expect any less from the former President and current wife of a future one, Bill Clinton? Time for Slick Willie to stop swinging his clubs on the terrain of racism and anti-Semitism.
Organic Chaos wrote this about Oakland Hills Country Club, Bill Clinton’s hangout:

ENDURING ANTI-SEMITISM- [It was] revealed to me that the Oakland Hills Country Club in Michigan still discriminated against Jews trying to join their illustrious ranks. It’s not like the old days when Jews were literally told they couldn’t join, however. The new, improved method for keeping “them” out is through a mythical “waiting list” that never seems to shrink. As this person put it, “A black person is more liable to be accepted than a Jewish person.” And there are indeed black members of note. It was speculated that there’s a fear of Jewish “pushiness” and tendency to take over.

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May 2, 2007, - 2:27 pm

Creative Financing: Did CAIR Stage “Pro-Israel” Death Threat to Collect Feds’ Cash?

Earlier this week, I told you how CAIR–the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Saudi-financed HAMAS-front group is urging .
Now, it looks as if CAIR is pulling out all stops to get its hand on that taxpayer money. The deadline to apply for the grants is June 22, and a government press release specifies that

Grants will be awarded to nonprofit organizations through their eligible State Administrative Agency (SAA) according to criteria that includes:
Prior identified and substantiated threats . . . and Organization’s credible threat or vulnerability, as well as the potential consequences of an attack.

CAIR’s Dawud Walid Staging Large Muslim Money Grab of Tax $$$

Last night and today, CAIR-Michigan Executive Director Dawud Walid (who sent out an e-mail calling me a “shyster”–a bigoted term for Jewish lawyer, made remarks about Jewish control of the media, and refuses to denounce Hezbollah and HAMAS) was all over the news about a mysterious letter containing death threats to all Detroit Muslims. The letter was allegedly post-marked from Chicago and supposedly contains “violent pro-Israel . . . imagery.” How very convenient. Gee, I wonder if Walid did his part and sent a similarly unsigned death threat to the CAIR office in Chicago, so his counterpart there can whine all over TV.
Why now? Why did CAIR get a death threat just over a month before the deadline for cash for religious institutions subject to exactly just that sort of threat? Timing is everything. And the timing here is VEEEEERY suspicious.
But, hey, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. Right? That’s why CAIR is now sending out new e-mails to members urging them to apply for the DHS grants, complete with links to the story about the “death threat” letter. And CAIR is sending out press releases about the letter, which just so happen to mention the Dept. of Homeland Security grants.
As the French would say: Quelle coincidence! Whatta coincidence!
I’m starting to believe a more apt saying: There are no coincidences.
Something smells. And it ain’t the shawarmeh.

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May 2, 2007, - 1:39 pm

The May Day Photos They DIDN’T Show You

Mainstream media coverage of yesterday’s illegal alien May Day protests were filled with sob stories about families split up and people living in fear. So sad, too bad–these are lawbreakers.
But what the media didn’t focus on was the original and main reason the country is ostensibly cracking down (though, not really cracking down) on illegal aliens–national security. We don’t want Islamic terrorists and other criminals sneaking in and staying in. And though the media forgot about that, the Muslims sure haven’t. They were out in full force yesterday . . . even if the media didn’t show it to you. But I will.
This is a photo by AP’s Charles Rex Arbogast, from yesterday’s rally in Chicago. Looking at the photo, it looks like a lot of American flags, people, and signs. . .

But look more closely . . . and read the signs at the bottom of the photo:

Muslims for American Dream . . . a bad moniker for two reasons:
1) It’s not grammatically correct. If you want to be a citizen, at least try to pretend you speak the language. It’s Muslims for THE American Dream. But, then, maybe that’s a hint that their “American Dream” is not “THE” American Dream. And certainly doesn’t mirror our dream for America’s future.
2) Uh, not a good idea for your propaganda purposes to call yourselves “MAD.” But at least it’s truth in advertising.
And from reader Abraham, there’s this photo from yesterday’s illegal alien rally in New York:

The bottom line is this: The agenda of Muslims in protesting and pushing for the relaxation of already lax immigration enforcement is not our agenda. It is the agenda of those in the Palestinian Authority who voted in HAMAS. It is the agenda of those who want more Muslims entering the country.
If 9/11 taught us anything, it should have taught us that is is not only NOT our agenda. It is diametrically opposed to our agenda. They want more lax immigration enforcement. We should, therefore, want it to be far tougher.
The pictures speak 1,000 words. Too bad the Mainstream Media hid those pics from us.

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May 2, 2007, - 12:34 pm

Saturday is Free Comic Book Day

If you’re are a comic book fan, as I am, then you’ll be happy to note that this Saturday–May 5th–is the 6th annual Free Comic Book Day.
To find out the comic book store near you that is participating in the give away of free comic books, enter your zip code at the bottom of the page here. Archie and Spiderman–as well as DC Comics superheroes–are among the free offerings. Also being offered, a possible collector’s item, “Unseen Peanuts”–a 32-page collection of mor than 150 Charles M. Shulz newspaper strips never before reprinted.
While this year’s Free Comic Book Day is timed to coincide with the release of “,” I’m confident that the rest of the male comic book characters featured in Saturday’s comics are . Here are my faves:

(For those who know I observe the Jewish Sabbath, I will not be picking up a free comic book Saturday.)

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May 2, 2007, - 11:26 am

It’s Official: Young Americans for Freedom Now a “Hate Group”

Remember how I told you about the deceptively-named ?
The SPLC– (even more than the ACLU)–decided that those of us for stronger enforcement of immigration laws are haters, and therefore, groups dedicated to that are “hate groups” committing “hate crimes” by their very speech.
Now, the SPLC has taken their absurd definition of “hate groups” a step further. The Detroit Free Press reports that the SPLC labelled the Michigan State University chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom (MSU-YAF) as a hate group. The group is now listed on SPLC’s web site under “general hate”.

So what did MSU-YAF do that is so “hateful”? Well, it has expressed views against illegal immigration, gay rights, and affirmative action. Um, those are the views of at least half–if not the majority–of Americans. And–horror of horrors!–the group sponsored “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” day. Yup, that’s hateful to want our government to enforce immigration law and tighten the borders.
And gay groups are upset that YAF-MSU brought Minutemen founder Chris Simcox to speak on campus. The nerve.
To those of you who still believe the phony TV movies about SPLC and its founder Morris Dees, here’s a clue: SPLC is not about combatting racism and the Klan, anymore. The SPLC is about silencing YOU.
And the Michigan Democratic Party seized on this carefully crafted and phony “distinction” bestowed by the SPLC upon YAF-MSU. Yup, the Democrats and the SPLC work hand-in-hand to stifle debate by labelling all those who disagree as “haters” and “hate groups.”
First, the . Now, they’re labelling conservatives as “hate groups.”
Your turn is coming soon.
To refresh your memory, here’s the :

The law center defines a hate group as on that singles out and promotes hatred of another group, based on . . . immigration status.

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May 1, 2007, - 5:57 pm

If Murdoch/NewsCorp Acquire Wall St. Journal, Will Saudi Prince AlWaleed Call the Shots?

Sorry, but I’m not among those many conservatives celebrating a false victory–Rupert Murdoch’s seemingly unbeatable bid to buy the Wall Street Journal, announced today.
First of all, the Journal is not so liberal that it needed to be acquired by News Corp. It’s reporting is fairly balanced, though not always. And it’s op-ed page is the same. The only thing that’s very ideological is the editorial page, which is quite conservative (but for its absurd open borders stance on immigration). And so there’s no reason I see a need for Murdoch & Company to acquire what is already a fine operation. If he were acquiring the New York Times or Washington Post, that would be a different story.

Then, there’s the nagging problem of billionaire . He already (his original ownership was 5.46% of NewsCorp stock, but he has reportedly since acquired far more of an ownership stake). And he’s bragged that he used his part ownership to change FOX News Channel coverage to be more favorable to Muslim terrorists. During the ever regenerated Muslim riots in France, FOX News at first referred to them as what they were “Muslim riots.” But AlWaleed got mad and made a single phone call. Immediately the description was changed to “civil riots.”
As reported in The Guardian of the UK, he told Campaign Middle East magazine:

I picked up the phone and called Murdoch and said that I was speaking not as a shareholder, but as a viewer of Fox. I said that these are not Muslim riots, they are riots. He investigated the matter and called Fox and within half an hour it was changed from “Muslim riots” to “civil riots”.

I don’t know about you, but as a viewer of FOX News (and sometimes on-air interviewee), I can’t get Rupert Murdoch on the phone, much less get him to change network editorial policy within a half hour. And they were Muslim riots. They weren’t Catholic or Jewish riots (though, those two groups comprised a great deal of the victims.) There was nothing “civil” about them.
What will happen in the likelihood that Murdoch, through NewsCorp, acquires the Wall Street Journal–the editorial pages of which have been spot-on about Islam, terrorism, Israel, and the Mid-East? When Prince AlWaleed doesn’t like something–and that’s a certainty, given the Journal’s accurate views on these issues–will a phone call from him lead to a swift change? Based on the FOX News Channel example, that’s a big YES. And a big no-no for those who are cheering on this acquisition.

With Rupert Murdoch Ownership, Comes Saudi Prince Alwaleed Ownership & Editorial “Suggestions”

But, as we know, Prince AlWaleed likes to throw money around to change policy. He tried that–unsuccessfully–when, after 9/11, (translation: shunning Israel in favor of Islamists like the ones who just flew into the Towers). Giuliani told him where to go . . . and it wasn’t for lunch at Jean George.
But Rudy has principles and courage, not a bottom line. And, unfortunately, though he is a billionaire, Rupert Murdoch does have a bottom line and key investors. And one of his most key investors, these days, is Prince AlWaleed. And, unfortunately, Murdoch will never have the urge to tell him where to key a la Rudy Giuliani.
Pray that the Prince doesn’t bring editorial changes for the Wall Street Journal. But don’t bet against him.
“Fair and Balanced” is not a part of the Saudi Prince’s investment portfolio . . . or his ideological demands.

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