May 11, 2007, - 2:23 pm

Luxor Bombing Update: Is Vegas Now a “Sanctuary City”? WHERE’S ICE?!

It appears that both a suspect and the victim of Monday’s Luxor Hotel bombing in Las Vegas are illegal aliens. As I noted earlier today, the victim was Willebaldo Durantes-Antonio, who was killed in the explosion. As I also noted, Vegas police say that a suspect in the bombing had outstanding warrants for possessing false IDs and documents, indicating that he/she, too, is an illegal alien.
From KVBC/NBC Channel 3:

Metro [the Las Vegas Metro Police Department] also confirmed that they believe Willebaldo was in the country illegally. They say while that has made it difficult to interview friends and family members, it hasn’t had any other bearing on the case. “This investigation is not about their immigration status. This investigation is about a murder,” said [Las Vegas Metro PD’s Lew] Roberts.

News 3 also asked Metro about reports that the bombing might be linked to a domestic situation involving Willebaldo juggling two girlfriends at the same time. They confirm that they have also heard that information and are in the process of checking it out.

So, why is this “not about their immigration status”? Is Las Vegas a “sanctuary city” for terrorists and other criminals?
Apparently so.
Oh, and uh, WHERE THE HECK IS ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)?!
What illegal immigration happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
**** UPDATE: Las Vegas’ KLAS-TV reports that it is an illegal alien love triangle, involving an anchor baby (thanks to reader Steve for the tip):

Two suspects have been arrested in connection with the bombing at the Luxor that killed 24-year-old Wuilibaldo Dorantes Antonio.
Police have arrested 32-year-old Omar Rueda-Denvers, who is from Panama. They also arrested 27-year-old Porfirro Durate-Herrera, a Nicaraugan. Police say both men are in the country illegally. . . .
Police say the motive for the crime was domestic. They say that the victim was dating one of the suspect’s former girlfriends. That girlfriend, who had previously dated Omar Rueda-Denvers, witnessed the explosion.
Police say Rueda-Denvers had been kicked off the Luxor property several times in recent months for harassing the woman. Police say she had a child with Rueda-Denvers and would not let him see the child. He was most recently kicked off of the Luxor property two months ago.

“As the Illegal Alien World Turns.”

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May 11, 2007, - 1:36 pm

Weekend Box Office: Hilarious Anti-PC Comedy vs. Horrid Fonda Incest Comedy, 28 Days Sequel

New releases at theaters, this weekend, include possibly the best, most anti-PC comedy of the year, as well as the worst comedy of the year, starring Hanoi Jane. “Delta Farce” was not made available to critics for review:
* “The Ex“: This comedy, while weird, is hilarious. It’s being panned by most movie critics. But not me. As a conservative, I especially appreciated it, since it’s possibly the most anti-PC comedy I’ve seen in ages. Hippies, new-agers, vegans, psycho-babblers, marriage therapists, and the disabled who try to get special preferences–they’re all lampooned and made to look ridiculous in this flick. You can be sure that disabled activist groups will be howling and whining by the end of the weekend. Even though I dislike all of the actors in the movie, I still liked the movie–produced by Mark Cuban–overall.

Zach Braff plays a chef in New York City who gets fired from yet another job. No matter what profession he tries, he can never conform. He and wife Amanda Peet have their first child, and she plans to be a full-time mother, quitting her job as a lawyer.
Braff agrees to move to Ohio, where Peet’s parents (the always annoying Charles Grodin and Mia Farrow) live and where Grodin gets Braff a job at the advertising agency at which he’s a top executive. There, Braff is secretly sabotaged by his wife’s former high school boyfriend, a pandering Eddie-Haskell-esque wheelchair-bound advertising exec played by Jason Bateman, who plots to win Peet back from Braff.
The ad agency–owned by a pretentious, mountain-biking, new-age hippie who dresses like a yogi–is full of sycophants who buy into liberal pyscho-babble. Employees at the agency are “Assistant Associate Creatives.” They throw around and catch an imaginary “Yes ball” to give each other positive energy. Instead of apologizing for mistakes or wrongs, they write silent post-it notes, called “mishuwaka” (Japanese). One male employee even wears a fake, clip-on ponytail to fit in.
Meanwhile, Braff’s wife encounters a former high school classmate who invites her to her new age baby classes, where she’s instructed to ask her new infant for permission to change diapers and to fake laughing.
The ending is a little too tidy. But overall, I found this to be a funny, entertaining diversion–what movies are supposed to be. Since there are sexual themes and language, this ain’t for kids. I’d say 16 and up is okay. The film reminded me of the Farrelly Brothers genre of comedies.
* “”: This “Feel-Good Child Molestation, Seduce-a-Virgin-Mormon-Missionary Movie of the Year” is a vile “comedy” starring Hanoi Jane and alcoholic/drug addict Lindsay Lohan. It’s a shame it’s being falsely advertised and marketed as a Mother’s Day bonding movie. It ain’t. Skip at all cost. .

* “28 Weeks Later“: This sequel to “28 Days Later” bears no resemblance to the original. Starring different actors and taking place after the ostensible eradication of a human-eating zombie virus that plagues Britain, this movie is extremely, bloody, gory, cold-blooded, murderous, and cannibalistic for no reason. The original is far less bloody and gory, far more thoughtful and enjoyable, and far more exciting.
So needlessly disgusting and bloody that many walked out of the promotional screening I attended. I wish I’d followed suit. A sequel without a point and not meritorious of your $10 and 2 hours. Skipworthy. Rent “28 Days Later,” instead.

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May 11, 2007, - 12:42 pm

BREAKING: Luxor Bombing Suspect Had Warrants for False ID, Fake Documents; Illegal Alien?

To all those delusional lefties who laughed at , stop laughing.
Las Vegas’ KVBC/News 3 reports that a “person of interest” detained for the bombing possessed false IDs and fake documents. Blowing up a person is clearly an act of terrorism. That the person possessed fake ID and documents raises even more questions. What kind of fake documents? Is he/she an illegal alien? Just askin’.
Reader and blogger Mark L. Jackson notes:

the Las Vegas Police Department has two in custody for the Luxor bombing. News Conference at 10:30am PDT (17:30 GMT).

Las Vegas’ Luxor Hotel

That’s very soon.
More from KVBC:

Police are questioning a man they are calling a person of interest in Monday’s bombing at the Luxor. The man was pulled over by police Thursday night and taken into custody.
We showed you pictures police released Thursday afternoon of a two door light colored sedan security cameras caught circling the Luxor parking lot in the early morning hours before the bombing. Police say whoever was behind the wheel of this car likely planted the bomb.
The person they picked up, however, was not driving that car, but a truck. Police searched the man’s truck and apartment complex looking for evidence that would link him to the bombing on the second floor of the Luxor parking garage.
The bomb killed 24 year old Willebaldo Dorantes Antonio. Antonio worked at a hot dog stand in the Luxor and was leaving work around 4:00 Monday morning when he tried to move an object from the top of his car. The object exploded, killing him.
Police are careful not to call the person they picked up a suspect in the bombing, but they say he’s had some other trouble with the law.
“He has outstanding warrants for possession of a false ID and possession of false documents. So this individual is going to be arrested, but not necessarily at this time on charges related to the homicide that occurred early Monday morning at the Luxor,” said Metro Officer Bill Cassell.

What happens in Vegas–including people with false IDs and documents, stays in Vegas.
**** UPDATE: Las Vegas’ KLAS-TV reports that it is an illegal alien love triangle, involving an anchor baby (thanks to reader Steve for the tip):

Two suspects have been arrested in connection with the bombing at the Luxor that killed 24-year-old Wuilibaldo Dorantes Antonio.
Police have arrested 32-year-old Omar Rueda-Denvers, who is from Panama. They also arrested 27-year-old Porfirro Durate-Herrera, a Nicaraugan. Police say both men are in the country illegally. . . .
Police say the motive for the crime was domestic. They say that the victim was dating one of the suspect’s former girlfriends. That girlfriend, who had previously dated Omar Rueda-Denvers, witnessed the explosion.
Police say Rueda-Denvers had been kicked off the Luxor property several times in recent months for harassing the woman. Police say she had a child with Rueda-Denvers and would not let him see the child. He was most recently kicked off of the Luxor property two months ago.

“As the Illegal Alien World Turns.”

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May 11, 2007, - 12:18 pm

“Environmentalism” = Elitism: Gazillion Dollar Totes Replace Plastic Bags

Well, well, well. Yet another sign that environmentalist preaching is the sole domain of hypocritical elitists.
Remember how ? AP reports that haute couture designers have filled the “void.”
Arm-and-a-leg-priced designers Hermes, Stella McCartney, and Consuelo Castiglioni of Marni are offering “reusable shopping bags” for between $500 and $1,000 apiece:

The bags give shoppers an alternative to paper or plastic without sacrificing style.
The Silky Pop Hermes bag, which will go on sale in the U.S. this summer, has a price tag of $960. Made of hand-wrought silk, it collapses into a wallet-size pouch of calfskin.

Castiglioni’s foldable nylon bag retails for $843. The Stella McCartney organic canvas shopper sells for $495. . . .
While the designer bags are eye-catching, cheaper totes also are grabbing attention.
Trader Joe’s sells a $1.99 bright blue-and-green print polypropylene sack.

Um, stupid question: Since when is polypropylene biodegradable/recyclable? It’s just a thicker form of plastic bag, a nicer name for a vinyl purse from Target.

And the “I’m Not a Plastic Bag” by British handbag designer Anya Hindmarch goes for $15, though it has fetched 10 times that much on eBay.
This month’s Vogue magazine urges fashionistas to become more bag-smart: “No loitering, girls,” says contributing editor Sarah Mower. “Today, let us go out and harness the power of fashion to change the way the nation shops.”

Insert finger down throat, now.

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May 11, 2007, - 11:19 am

Goodbye, “24”; Hello, “Traveler”

For the last two seasons, “24” has been dull, stale, and silly. And uninteresting, too. The show has jumped the shark. And that’s aside from its unwillingness to ever make Muslim terrorists the perpetrators. They’re always working for the White corporate man, the Russians, or some other divergent party.
But, now, ABC has something that’s far more exciting than “24.” Last night, the network debuted “Traveler,” about two 20-something friends who are framed for a terrorist attack by their former roommate, “Will Traveler”–who is not the guy they thought he was. The show is fresh and entertaining. And that’s not because the two stars are fairly good-looking (which is actually a diversion).
I like the show for now and will watch this ABC summer series when it officially debuts on May 30th. It’s unfortunate the show has been dumped in the summer schedule garbage can. But so, once, was “American Idol.” ABC has only ordered 8 episodes, according to USA Today, but I hope there are more based on what I’ve seen thus far.

PC “24” Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns

I have one huge objection to the show. The two framed, wrongly-accused terrorists keep invoking “Guantanamo Bay” and “enemy combatant” disignations as reasons they won’t turn themselves in. But, as we all know, the men in Gitmo are not only hardened terrorists (like Bin Laden’s chauffeur, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, charged with terrorism yesterda), they are NOT American citizens.
That’s why they’re held there without full American Constitutional protections (but, despite “Traveler” depictions, they all have lawyers–most from some of America’s top law firms). The scriptwriters on the set of “Traveler” clearly didn’t do their homework, as the accused in this show are American citizens on American soil, not candidates for Gitmo.
Ditto for the “enemy combatant status” and denial of a lawyer, invoked on the show. As we all know, the only American citizen designated as an enemy combatant, Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla, is currently enjoying a full circus trial in Miami, complete with a jury and Ito-esque Judge (Bush appointee and liberal Marcia Cooke). The Bush Administration gave up on fighting for the right to bestow enemy combatant status on anyone.
On the contrary, Americans–who are real terrorists–are treated with kid gloves. Examples: Suleyman Al-Faris a/k/a Abdul Hamid a/k/a
John Philip Walker Lindh; and–even–Yaser Esam Hamdi, a hardened Saudi Arabian Al-Qaeda terrorist and anchor baby, who was born in America but has no other connection to the country (he was raised in Saudi Arabia).
Given these facts, as opposed to the phony propaganda exercised on “Traveler,” it makes the shows writers seem sadly out of touch.
Otherwise (aside from that huge caveat), I like the show . . . so far. I predict I will ultimately not like who is behind the blowing up of the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) or why. There was even a gratuitous line by an Arab Muslim parking attendant, last night, about how “they’re looking for two terrorists, and they’re not looking for Muslims. Imagine that.”
But I still found the show entertaining, nonetheless–again . . . so far.

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May 10, 2007, - 12:56 pm

Reprogramming Campaign: NBC Says, Meet “Cosmopolitan” Mrs. Assad

First, it was Speaker Nancy Plastic Surgery Pelosi and Republican Darrell Issa a/k/a “Jihad Darrell,” meeting with terrorist-state leader Bashar Assad. Then it was Condi Clueless, who equated the U.S.’ moral position with that of Syria:
I didn’t lecture him, and he didn’t lecture me.
She told that to Newsweek about her talk with Syria’s foreign minister, the first high-level U.S.-Syrian meeting in over two years. Why the heck didn’t she lecture him.
And then, there was last night’s “Meet the new Al-Cosmo Woman, Mrs. Assad” propaganda on NBC (video and written report). It was called a “Conversation with Syria’s First Lady.” Conversation? More like Mash Note to the woman.

Asma Assad: Mrs. Bashar Assad is Syria’s New Propaganda Spokesmodel

Brian Williams intro’d Ann Curry’s gush, er . . . “report” on Asma Assad, the English-accented, former Wall Street worker in her Donna Karan-esque neutrals best. “The suprisingly modern First Lady of Syria . . . bridges the gap from East to West,” Williams drooled.
You see, even if your husband is a terrorist tyrant–in Assad’s case, the SOB (Son of the Butcher of Hama), the shielder and enabler of Nazi war criminals (Alois Brunner), Munich Olympic Murderers (Jamil Al-Gashey), and the welcomer and sponsor of every Islamic Terrorist group in the Alphabet–if your wife is pretty, looks like a Vogue fashion plate, and has an English accent, that give you the kosher (and halal) seal of approval.
It’s an old trick. Been there, seen Rania. Yes, Assad learned the wife trick well from his buddy and fellow Mid-East minority dictator, King Abdullah–who , with . They’ve married the anti-Hillarys. Their wives look good and coo endlessly about peace, love, and understanding. It answers the Elvis Costello classic lyrics, “What’s so funny about peace, love, and understanding?” What’s funny is when the attractive wives of butchering dictators endlessly chant about it.
Only a coward hides behind his wife. And the Mid-East is quickly acquiring its share of such cowards.
In her report on Mrs. Assad, Ann Curry tells us that the charming first lady of a terrorist state is “changing how the outside world sees Syria.” Funny how Ann Curry transforms Ann Curry’s agenda into a fact. Ann Curry wants us to see this terror cesspool as a nice place, and she’s falling all over herself (and Mrs. Assad) to do so.
There was not a single question from Curry about Asma’s husband’s shielding of terrorists, what Asma thinks about the innocent Israelis and Iraqis and Lebanese her husband has murdered by proxy, whether she will denounce Hezbollah’s murder of 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy civilians. Nope, instead, in Lifetime-esque PR, Curry asked her what her husband, Mr. Assad, is like. “He’s a husband, father, friend,” responds Asama Assad. That’s a nice-sounding father’s day American Greetings card.
But it reminds me of Rosie O’Donnell’s exhaustive utterances of our insignificant commonalities with terrorists. “Terrorist are parents. They love their children, too.” Well, not sure about the second part. But yes, no-one ever said they don’t have sex. Does that mean they’re more human. Animals have sex. It’s just like saying terrorists are human. They go to the bathroom, too. So? BFD. I’m sure all of the 9/11 hijackers occasionally in their lives had the need to relieve themselves. Does that mean they’re nice guys? Hardly.
So Asma’s husband, Bashar Assad–glad host to terrorism–is a husband. So he is rich and has the ability to attract a woman to marry him. Guess what? Bin Laden has 12 wives. Does that make him 12 times more human? (His father had 22 wives.) He is a father. Again, so he has sex and the need to pass on his name, his agenda, like Hafez El-Assad before him. Big deal. Friend? Well, maybe his wife thinks so.
But he isn’t ours and never will be. It’s time Ann Curry, Brian Williams, and Condi Clueless (and her boss) got a clue. Wake up and smell the 9/11. Wake up and smell the Hezbollah. Etc. Etc. Etc. Ad absurdum.
No matter how much they try to brainwash us, there is no “softer side” to Assad’s Syria, regardless of with whom he’s sleeping or to whom he’s married (which aren’t necessarily one and the same).

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May 10, 2007, - 10:56 am

Flabulous Filmmaker vs. Sexy Starlet: Michael Moore Investigated; Why Not Charlize Theron?

So, flabulous fake-umentary maker Michael Moore is under investigaton by the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for making the upcoming docu-fakery, “Sicko,” in Cuba, apparently without a license.
I’m all for that investigation. But, one question: Did actress for her fake-umentary, “East of Havana” (about Cuban hip-hop)?
I mean, this is one case where there may be discrimination against fat people. Why can’t OFAC investigate BOTH of them? Why should Theron get away with possibly violating our travel embargo on Cuba, just because she’s thinner and attractive?
We conservatives believe in equal treatment and true equality for the pale, calorically-endowed and the excessively Mystic-Tanned, calorically-deprived.

What’s good for the goose, is good for the Theron. Send your letters suggesting a Theron investigation to:
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Attention: John Dickie
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (Annex)
Washington, DC 20220

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May 10, 2007, - 10:41 am

Live from DHS’ Recruitment Expo: “Um, We Don’t Know What ICE Does”

As I told you on Monday, the Department of Homeland Security had a . I wrote about how ad inserts in Friday newspapers all over Washington, DC . I also told you, yesterday, about ICE Chieftess held a to “find out” (well, not really; but just to ask and pretend she cares to “find out”) why morale at the agency is so low–at the bottom of 230 federal agencies.
Now, we come to find out that the situation is even more dire than we’d earlier diagnosed. ICE job recruiters aren’t sure what the agency does or how to take applications. This comes from one of the job-seeking attendees who was there on Tuesday:

I attended the job fair at the Reagan building yesterday and the ICE people had no clue or idea about the Cyber Crimes Center or what their mission was. They wouldn’t even accept my resume` or talk to me about it. Pretty discouraging to say the least. I hear every day that the agency is going downhill very fast and never really wanted to believe it but now.

Believe it. And people wonder why we have problems stemming the illegal alien tide of 20-million and growing? This is a job-seeker with ICE experience who eagerly wants to work for ICE while so many are leaving. And they managed to turn him/her off, too. Way to go. Hate to quote Michael Dukakis, but “the fish rots from the head down.” And a certain Princess and Skeletor at the top are beyond smelling kinda rotten.
BTW, we’re not sure of the religious beliefs of this ICE job-seeker. And since photos from the ad for the DHS recruiting affair made it clear that they’re looking for religious Muslim extremists (a redundant phrase) and other “minorities” only, well . . . do the math.

The New Homeland Security: We Seek Muslims & Unqualified Incompetents

(Julie Myers Diet Coke by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

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May 10, 2007, - 5:11 am

She’s BAAACK: Hanoi Jane Brings You the Feel-Good Child Molestation, Seduce-a-Mormon-Missionary Movie of the Year

Committing treason against American soldiers at war and dying in Vietnam is difficult to top.
And since Jane Fonda can’t top that act, she’ll settle for second acts that are close enough.
Hanoi Jane can’t go to Iraq and hang with insurgents, pointing their cannons in the direction of U.S. troops. These days, their “cannons” and tanks are car bombs and IEDs, and they’d quickly strap her to those. And she can’t announce over an Al-Qaeda loud speaker to U.S. troops that they’re wrong and should give up. The Qaeda guys simply don’t have the same respect for Fonda that her buddies in the Vietcong did. They’d rape, torture, behead, and burn her to a crisp before she had the chance to say As-Salaam Aleikum.

So she’s settled for second best. Instead of betraying America’s troops, Hanoi Jane is out to betray America’s girls and America’s moms . . . and poke fun at America’s Mormons, while she’s at it. Even worse, she’s joking about child molestation and incest victims . . . On Mother’s Day Weekend!
This weekend, the former Mrs. Roger Vadim/Tom Hayden/Ted Turner, is out to ruin your Mother’s Day Weekend and that of millions of American moms and grandmoms nationwide with the release of her new movie, “Georgia Rule.”
Billed and promoted as a feel-good movie about three generations of women–a grandmother (Fonda), mother (Desperate Housewives’ Felicity Huffman), and granddaughter (Lindsay Lohan), the trailers for this film are Exhibit A in false advertising.
Here’s what the movie is really about:
A slutty, incorrigible 17-year-old rebel, Rachel (Lohan), is sent by her mother (Huffman) to spend the summer with her grandmother (Fonda) in the fictional small town of Hull, Idaho. Ostensibly, Grandma Georgia and her “Georgia Rules” are the epitome of strict disciplinarian stuff. But not really. Lohan tries to seduce, sleep with, and corrupt the entire town (and comes close enough), without a single ounce of any real discipline–or even slight disapproval–from Grandma Georgia a/k/a Hanoi Jane.
But Lohan has an “excuse” for her despicable behavior. We learn that this lying, conniving hussy was molested by her stepfather, who slept with her from age 12-14. That makes it okay that she performs a “Clinton White House internship” on a Mormon virgin engaged to be married and about to leave on a two-year Mormon mission, and she breaks up his engagement.
And beside that, the other girls and women in town are unsophisticated hicks, with bad clothes who look like they came out of the 1950s. Therefore, we must make fun of them and seduce their equally naive men. Once again, small town America is portrayed as backwards and out-of-touch to the twisted Hollywood mansion dwellers who produce this tripe.
Throughout the movie–a comedy with a little drama thrown in for a good measure of Lifetime Network movie of the week “charm”–the child molestation issue is poked at and made light of. Is she lying about it? Isn’t she lying about it? We see Lohan talk about how she felt loved when her child molester step-father held her after sex . . . at age 12. Then, we see her use this fact to try to extort a Ferrari and $10 million from him.
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part. In one scene, Lohan wrestles to the ground a boy who is mowing her grandmother’s lawn. The boy is about 11 or 12, and we hear Lohan scream as she straddles his lap, “Oh my G-d, he’s hard.” This movie is beyond disgusting.
Unfortunately, though this movie is rated “R,” Lohan is adored it-girl of many underage teen and tween girls. The filmmakers know this and that’s partly why they cast her. Lohan’s presence makes it a sure bet that kids will sneak in to see “Georgia Rule,” or get their parents to take them. Parents, I’m quite sure taking your daughters to this silver-screen does qualify as child abuse. Good-bye, “Disney’s Parent Trap” twin daughters (Lohan’s first big role); hello, Celebrated Silver Screen Slut.
Don’t rely on the “entertainment media” to give you the scoop. Last night, “Entertainment Tonight” featured Lohan’s attractive but unethical stagemom, Dina Lohan, interviewing her daughter at the movie’s New York premiere. Again, you’d think the movie was all about Mother’s Day sweetness and light, based on the segment.
When Lohan was filming this, she was an alcoholic (and still is) who failed to show up on time for filming. James G. Robinson, CEO of studio Morgan Creek Productions, sent Lohan a much publicized letter, criticizing Lohan for “discourteous, irresponsible and unprofessional” conduct, claiming her behavior was that of a “spoiled child” which “has endangered the quality of this picture.” Actually, what is truly “irresponsible” and “endanger[ing] the quality” of America, is making this kind of trash and bringing it to the big screen, Mr. Robinson.
Jane Fonda wrote that she was forced into bizarre threesomes and other weird sexual acts with first husband Roger Vadim. It wasn’t enough to tell the world about it in her 2005 book. Now, unfortunately, she feels the need to project her weird former sex life on America for Mother’s Day. That, or she is really desperate for work in Hollywood.
Men: Avoid this horrid-beyond-belief chick flick like the plague. Women: Is this really what you’d want to spend two hours of your Mother’s Day Weekend seeing? Personally, I found it painful to watch. And if I didn’t have to review it, I’d have walked out . . . so very many times.
“Georgia Rule” deserves a rating of “EG” for Extreme Garbage. Debbie Rule: Don’t forget to take out the trash before Mother’s Day.

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May 9, 2007, - 6:34 pm

Fort Dix Six Show Us WHY We Need the CLEAR Act

We’re very lucky that an alert, courageous Circuit City employee turned in the Fort Dix Six terrorists. They might have killed many at the Army-Navy football game, as they’d once planned. Or they might have shot “as many soldiers as possible” at Fort Dix, because pizza delivery men are let into military installations far too easily.
Or at least three of them might have been deported long ago if the Federal CLEAR Act legislation was passed by Congress and enacted despite the heavy and successful lobbying against it by Arab and Islamist groups. The CLEAR Act would require all state and local law enforcement to ask about and check the immigration status of all parties that they stop. Since they check our arrest records, outstanding warrants, etc. when they stop us, police checking our immigration status would seem just as easy. And it is. If only they had the mechanism to do so.

Islamic Terrorists Eljvir & Shain Duka

But the three Duka men who are ethnic Albanians living here illegally were never checked and deported because, as FOX News reports, they operated in “sanctuary cities.” Do you think that’s by accident? Not a chance. Islamic terrorists and illegal aliens know about sanctuary cities, and they purposefully locate themselves there so they can continue their terror plotting unfettered. They laugh at us and the sanctuaryists.
It almost worked for these guys, but for the brave Circuit City tipster. More from FOX News:

Three brothers charged in the alleged Fort Dix terror plot have been living illegally in the U.S. for more than 23 years and were accepted as Americans by neighbors and friends who had no idea they would scheme to attack military bases and slaughter GIs.
A federal law enforcement source confirmed to FOX News that the three ‚Äî Dritan “Anthony” or “Tony” Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir “Elvis” Duka, 23 ‚Äî also accumulated 19 traffic citations, but because they operated in “sanctuary cites,” where law enforcement does not routinely report illegal immigrants to homeland security, none of the tickets raised red flags.
The brothers entered the United States near Brownsville, Texas, in 1984, the source said, which would put their ages at 1 to 6 when they crossed the border.
The source said there is no record of them entering by way of a regular border crossing, so they are investigating whether they were smuggled into the country.

So much for the claim–often made by liberals and open borders fans–that terrorists never enter the U.S. through the Southern border.

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