June 24, 2008, - 2:50 pm

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey, Hey . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Good-Bye:

The Detroit Media Partnership, which oversees business operations for the Detroit Free Press and Detroit News, announced a voluntary buyout program Monday in response to declining advertising revenue and a challenging economy.
“The environment in which newspapers operate continues to worsen rapidly,” Free Press Publisher Dave Hunke, also CEO of the partnership, said in a note to employees. “The Detroit Media Partnership faces unique challenges because of the state’s business and economic climate. We must take several actions immediately.”
The company is aiming to reduce the total workforce by about 150 positions.


Also, in early August, the Free Press will cease publication of Twist magazine, distributed on weekends, and the Sunday Community Free Press sections. Key elements of Twist will be incorporated into the Sunday features sections.

Twist was a dumb magazine aimed at women, featuring women’s lib mixed with stupid pics of their parties and get-togethers. Reading it, I thought I was kidnapped and taken at gunpoint to a scrapbooking weekend. Hey Freep, your experiment in feminism died.
Hmmm . . . whatta shocker that the very paper–whose op-ed page editor censored out my comments about terrorism from a recent column and which panders to Islamists en mass–is going kaput fast. People are tired of reading propaganda and PC-censored news.
Pity, The Detroit Newsistan–which is the more Islamist occupied, inaccurate, and stale of the two major Detroit papers–isn’t laying more people off, too. But mark my word, that too shall soon come.

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June 24, 2008, - 1:19 pm

HOprah Watch: Your Day in Oprah “Spirituality” and “Beauty” Wisdom

By Debbie Schlussel
I debated whether or not to post this on my site, since I find it disgusting and utterly tasteless and low-class.
But after opening my copy of USA Today, this morning, and reading a repeat of what I’ve been saying for years–ie., that, unfortunately, Oprah has replaced organized religion in America, and is the most influential woman in America–I decided to show you the “ultimate” in class and high-brow stuff that our national Jim Jones of daytime talk is purveying to America in her magazine, “O”‘s July 2008 issue.
In the latest Pew survey of Americans’ religiosity, Oprah is not mentioned once, yet USA Today finds it necessary to bring her into the mix:

“Americans believe in everything. It’s a spiritual salad bar,” says Rice University sociologist Michael Lindsay. Rather than religious leaders setting the cultural agenda, today, it’s Oprah Winfrey, he says.
“After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the national memorial service was at Washington’s National Cathedral, conducted by Episcopal clergy. After the 9/11 attack, Oprah organized the official memorial service at Yankee Stadium, and while clergy participated, she was the master of ceremonies.
“The impact of Oprah is seen throughout this survey. She uses the language of Bible and Christian traditions and yet includes other traditions to create a hodgepodge personalized faith.”

Well, America, here is a taste of your new spiritual salad bar, your “cultural” agenda setter. Don’t forget she’s supporting Barack Obama. Oh, and here’s a tip: If you’re embarrassed your son will read it, don’t write it.
Oprah TMI (Too MUUUUUCH Information)–it’s the new “Spirituality”:

In case you were wondering, this is the face–or is that, “Assistant High Priestess”?–that goes with this Oprah “Beauty” tip “Spirituality”:
Richly pigmented, a shock of mahogany mink. GUH-ROSS. If this is the “spiritual salad bar” of America, I’m sticking to meat and potatoes.
Ain’t Oprah “spirituality” great, America? Blecccch.

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June 24, 2008, - 12:37 pm

My Solution: Make Illegal Aliens Eligible for America’s Mayorships

By Debbie Schlussel
I would like to change the national landscape by giving illegal aliens special amnesty to do “the work Americans just won’t do”–serving as mayors for America’s cities.
With Mayors from across the U.S.–via a resolution passed at the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Miami–coming out against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids of workplaces and arrests of illegal aliens, I think it’s obvious why they don’t understand what it’s like to lose your job or have your wages lowered due to illegal alien labor. The reason is that illegal aliens–thus far–are ineligible to vote and thus hold office. Mayors need not worry about their jobs being taken by illegals. They don’t need to worry about their benefits and public services being stolen by them, as most U.S. mayors have cushy benefits packages, courtesy of local taxpayers.


Illegal Aliens: Make Them Eligible to Run for Mayor

And we need to change that. We also need to change it for Members of Congress and the U.S. Senate and maybe even El Presidente. I propose special visas for the purpose of candidacy for public office in any position of policymaking in America.
Of course, I’m just kidding. But the fact is, these Mayors–and most full-time elected officials–are not doing their jobs when they oppose immigration enforcement measures. They’re not concerned about their LEGAL citizens. They’re not concerned about the loss of jobs, lower wages, and overtaxed public services, because they don’t feel the pinch.
I do agree with one statement coming out of the Mayors conference. Miami Mayor Manny Diaz says of ICE that mayors

hope to send a message to Washington that this [ICE workplace raids] is a smokescreen and it should stop taking these Band-Aid approaches.

Sadly, the he and the others mayors mostly support amnesty as their catch-all approach. The real solution is tough, mass deportation and prosecution of employers. And our nation doesn’t have the guts to do it.

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June 24, 2008, - 10:31 am

Convicted Hezbo: Judge Shouldn’t Sentence Me ‘Cuz He’s a JOOOOO; Assi Case is Illicit U.S. Deal with Hezbollah

By Debbie Schlussel
Sadly, the four federal judges in U.S. District Court in Detroit who’ve been the softest on Islamic terrorists are all my fellow co-religionists, all Jews. I hate to point it out because I believe it breeds anti-Semitism. And because three of the tougher and most fair judges in federal court in Detroit are also Jewish–Judges Lawrence Zatkoff, Bernard Friedman, and Paul Borman. They’re also three of the smartest jurists in the nation.
But I point out the extreme liberalism of Judges Avern Cohn, Arthur Tarnow, Nancy Edmunds, and Gerald Rosen, in juxtaposition to regard to the allegations made by convicted Hezbollah arms smuggler Fawzi Mustapha Assi against Judge Rosen.
Assi claims that Judge Rosen won’t be fair in sentencing him because Rosen is a Jew and, therefore, allegedly “a Zionist.” He made a motion to that effect, and Rosen denied the motion.



JOOO Judge Gerald Rosen

& Hezbollah Weapons Supplier Fawzi Mustapha Assi

This is the first time I’ve seen Judge Rosen conduct himself honestly in his courtroom (in saying he’s not a Zionist and that he’s bent over backward to help Assi, which he has). As I’ve written on this site, Judge Rosen–a George H.W. Bush appointee–is a despicable judge who admittedly engaged in extrajudicial investigations into the Detroit Terror Cell case (including a trip to Virginia to meet with CIA officials) and apparently repeatedly leaked evidence and information about the case to Detroit Newsistan fabricator David Shepardson and spoke with myriad other reporters, while the case was still before him.
You know there’s something wrong when a judge presiding over a case has to get an attorney, as Rosen did. The man should be behind bars, not presiding on the federal bench. Sadly, short of Senate impeachment, incapacitation, or death, he’s there for life.
In addition to all of this, ultimately Rosen massaged the U.S. government into asking for the Detroit Terror Cell convictions to be overturned, which he happily granted. And yet he issued the toughest sentence possible to the U.S. government’s informant in the case–a great message to other Muslims who are considering helping the U.S. He also gave extremely soft sentences to the Detroit Terror Cell Muslims who were, indeed, convicted on lesser charges of insurance fraud.
Oh, and Judge Rosen also apologized on behalf of America to the Detroit Terror Cell men who planned to blow up U.S. tourist sites and a U.S. air base in Incirlik, Turkey, where American and Israeli military planes take off.
Rosen also allowed one of the Detroit Terror Cell members release from detention to attend an National Lawyers Guild dinner. He also allowed a Detroit Terror Cell member to get a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and get a job driving a truck–just the vocation we want hardened Al-Qaeda terrorists.
During the whole fiasco, I spoke with Rosen for an on-the-record interview for a New York Post column. I was shocked Rosen returned my call and spoke with me, because that’s highly improper. A judge is not supposed to speak in any sort of ex-parte manner with a media outlet about a case pending before him. When Rosen figured out that I was not on his side, he suddenly insisted that the entire interview was off the record and threatened me. Read the details.
Incredibly, Judge Rosen teaches a continuing legal education course, “In Trial With Judge Rosen,” and will be a lecturer, this fall, at The University of Michigan Law School. Both his courses should be subtitled, “Do as I say, Not as I do.”
So, it is in light of all this, that I laugh at the allegation of Fawzi Mustapha Assi that Rosen won’t be fair to him because Rosen is a Jew. Assi knows he hit the jackpot in drawing Rosen as his judge. Rosen will bend over backward for Assi. And, even if he hadn’t planned to, this motion will succeed in getting him to bend over, as it was designed to do. In fact, I predict Assi will be released by Rosen for time served.
And that’s another issue. A few words about Fawzi Mustapha Assi. In 1998, the then-Ford Motor Company engineer was charged with smuggling weaponry to Hezbollah. He was stopped by U.S. Customs agents (when Customs was a great agency before it was ICEd down) at Detroit’s Metro Airport about to fly to Lebanon, with global positioning equipment, night vision goggles, and a thermal imaging camera. He admitted the items were for Hezbollah use.
Assi was indicted, but against federal official’s wishes Judge Denise Page Hood–an uber-liberal–released Assi on an electronic tether. He dressed up as an Islamic woman in a hijab and thobe and escaped out of the country to Canada, from where he flew to Lebanon.
In 2004, Assi suddenly decided to return to the U.S. and face charges. And many people have questioned why he’d do that. My sources tell me that this was part of an illicit deal the Justice Department made with Hezbollah go-betweens in exchange for the freedom of a much bigger fish, Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine.
Not long after Assi returned to U.S. custody, Talal Chahine was allowed by U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy a/k/a “Abu Porno”–a Bush nominee for the federal bench–to flee the country. Despite at least three federal raids on Chahine’s homes and businesses and the Justice Department’s full knowledge that Chahine not only defrauded the government of $7 million in taxes on $21 million dollars he illegally laundered to Hezbollah, but also paid off ICE officials to allow illegal aliens into the country and to look the other way on sham marriages, Chahine was not stopped by federal agents as he took off to Lebanon and never returned.
My sources tell me that Stephen Murphy and others in the Justice Department and U.S. government made a deal: We’ll accept smaller fish Assi back from the Lebanon pond, and we’ll allow a far more important Hezbollah fish–Talal Chahine–to flee the country.
Just as outrageous, as part of the deal, Assi would not be charged nor would he get any more jailtime for fleeing the country and becoming a fugitive. And that’s exactly what happened. Assi was not indicted for his flight from justice. And Justice Department officials, like Stephen Murphy, get to look like they’re tough on terrorism and going after Hezbollah, when they aren’t.
That’s why Assi surrendered and came back, and that’s why he won’t do any more jailtime than what he’s already served in detention since his surrender in 2004.
Nice deal for Hezbollah. Terrible deal for America.
America . . . Desperate But Not Serious.

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June 23, 2008, - 4:41 pm

Yet Another Vicious Attack on Jews in France By “Youths” (Martian Youths or MUSLIM Youths?); Muslim Groups Who Whined About Obama-Hijab Deal Silent

By Debbie Schlussel
Although we heard plenty of whining from Muslims about post-9/11 backlash, the only backlash that actually occurred was an increase in violence by Muslims on Jews and other non-Muslims. That’s not backlash. That’s a strengthened savage population becoming ever savage.
There have been many such attacks, like the vicious torture murder of Ilan Halimi, a French Jewish teen, by French Muslims. They burned cigarettes on him and cut off his fingers one by one. They also beat him. The latest is a vicious attack on a Jewish teenaged boy in France because he was wearing a yarmulke. He was beaten with metal bars, his skull smashed, and he nearly died. He’s now in a coma in critical condition. We know who did it. They’re called Muslims. But even a stinky Israeli newspaper can’t bring itself to identify them as such. Instead, they’re “youths:
That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .

“French Jewish organizations on Sunday condemned an anti-Semitic attack in Paris in which a Jewish teenager was severely beaten by a gang of youths with metal bars. [DS: MUSLIM “YOUTHS.”]
The 17-year-old was wearing a yarmulka when he was attacked in Paris’s multi-ethnic 19th district Saturday evening, according to Ariel Goldmann, vice president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France.
President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was traveling to Israel for a state visit, issued a statement expressing his “profound indignation” and reaffirmed his “total determination to combat all forms of racism and anti-Semitism.” [DS: Riiiiight. What has he done? Nothing.]
Paris hospital officials said the teenager was in critical condition in intensive care. “There is no doubt that this is an anti-Semitic act,” said Goldmann, who said the teenager was in a coma. “I call on authorities to do everything possible to arrest those responsible,” he said.
Police said they had detained five youths in connection with the beating.Sammy Gholzan, from the Bureau for Vigilance on Anti-Semitism, said a group of six or seven youths attacked the teenager with metal bars and “smashed his skull.” He said the young man was a member of the local Lubavitch community. [DS: A group of Chassidic Jews.]

Strangely, CAIR and all the other groups upset last week about Obama allegedly excluding hijab-wearing women from the podium at a rally are silent about this Jewish boy being nearly killed for his religious headgear. I guess it’s all about who is the “victim” and who is the perpetrator. If the victim is not a Muslim and the perpetrator is, then we have nothing to whine about, in their book. No biggie if skull-smashing and comas are involved.

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June 23, 2008, - 2:32 pm

New Websites Needed: Fight the Smears by Obama, Fight the Smears by Muslims, Fight the Smears by MSM

By Debbie Schlussel
Two mainstream media “journalists” whose work you should stop reading and, if you do read it, don’t believe it: Wall Street Journal “reporter” Amy Chozick and Detroit News Editorial Page Editor Nolan Finley. They don’t check facts. Their output is pure fertilizer.
Both of them are spouting the same lie that Muslims who support Barack Obama are feeding them about John McCain’s dumping of a Hezbollah supporter and federal insurance fraud convict, Ali Jawad.
In the wake of Obama excluding two women in hijabs from a Michigan rally podium, Barack Obama’s campaign and the organized community of Muslims–who don’t want John McCain to win–are attempting to use Jawad’s deposal from a McCain Michigan finance committee as a way of saying, “See, John McCain did it, too.” And they’re succeeding because stupid and agenda-driven journalists are eagerly biting and repeating this lie.


Useful Idiot Nolan Finley: The Jihad’s Fave Editor

John McCain did not “do it, too.”
As you’ll recall, back in April, I brought to the McCain camp’s attention that Ali Jawad was an open supporter of Hezbollah–he praised the group in The Detroit News in 2002–and was convicted of insurance fraud in federal court. I broke the story on this site that because of this, John McCain’s campaign dumped Jawad. On a Detroit radio station interview, Jawad also admitted what I had reported: that he was related by marriage to the current chairman of Hezbollah’s governing council, the Shurah Al-Karar, and the man designated to be the next head of Hezbollah, Hachem Safieddine.
The Muslim community tried in vain to rehabilitate Mr. Jawad and obfuscate the facts about who he is and what he does. They failed. Now they are trying again, and this time, they are using the story about Barack Obama’s exclusion of two Muslim women from a rally podium, as their opportunity.
It started on Thursday, when Detroit News “reporter” Gregg Krupa–whom many believe is on the take, and his writing reflects that–reported, in a story on the two Muslim women, that McCain did the same thing–with Jawad. Krupa alleged that Jawad had been dumped from the campaign because of allegations he was a Hezbollah agent, which have never been proven. Actually, he was dumped because he is a federally convicted insurance defrauder who openly praises Hezbollah. But why confuse readers with the facts?
I spoke with Krupa’s editor, Keisha Dunn. Ms. Dunn promised his article would be corrected. It was not. Today, Ms. Dunn claims that this allegation, which is false, must be disproven–even though it was never proven–before they will correct it. Yup, this is the new “reporting” at the Newsistan. Don’t prove what you report. Report something false and make readers prove it ain’t true. Dunn also declined to correct an earlier story–despite promises on Thursday that she would–by Muslim reporter Tanveer Ali that regurgitated word for word Ali Jawad’s empty denials and didn’t include the info Ali was aware of about the federal insurance fraud convictions. This is the new “news”: Muslim press conferences repeated verbatim.
Then comes Finley. He has a one-sided obsession with me. He’s jealous of me because I quit a PBS TV show, and he got my leftovers. He’s written juvenile editorials about me calling me names and baselessly attacking my appearance. He’s bald, by the way, but I would never attack him for that–only for the fact that he’s the first case where the brain cells quickly exited out of the empty follicules along with the strands. He’s also written editorials jealously describing how upset he is that I get national cable TV appearances, and here he is the talentless editorial page editor of a major newspaper in a major market, and can’t get arrested. What’s worse–for him–is that my site is the #2 result under his name on google, and it describes how he’s turned his editorial page into the playground of Iran and Hezbollah.
With all of this as the backdrop, on Friday, he went on a major Detroit radio station and falsely claimed the same BS put out by the Islamic community and the McCain campaign: that Ali Jawad, “a respected businessman in the Arab Community,” was dumped by the McCain campaign based on “information that was never proven and was false” that he was associated with terrorists.
All bunk, and he knows it. 1) That has been proven. Jawad openly praised Hezbollah in Finley’s newspaper in 2002. Doesn’t Finley read his own newspaper or do an iota of research? NO, he doesn’t. Jawad admitted on a Detroit radio station that he’s related to Hezbollah’s top leadership. 2)Jawad is a federally convicted insurance defrauder who has a pages and pages of lawsuits against him in Wayne County Circuit Court, many of them by other Arabs. That and his open support for Hezbollah–as announced in Finley’s newspaper in 2002–is why he was dumped from the campaign.
I know Nolan Finley is insanely jealous and hateful of me. But that doesn’t give him the justification to lie about the facts, which he did. And therefore, you simply can’t believe anything you read from his pen or hear from his mouth. All of it is compromised by his insane jealousies and hatreds for being an inconsequential voice in the Detroit wilderness.
Then, there is Amy Chozick. Ms.Chozick repeated the lie in her article, “Obama Walks a Fine Line With Muslims,” in today’s paper. The section in her article containing the Ali Jawad misinformation reads like recent statements by Muslim Public Affairs Council propagandist Salam Al-Marayati. I contacted Ms. Chozick, and she admitted that she merely repeated what “sources” told her and didn’t look into the story. GUH-REAT Wall Street Journal “investigative reporting.” She sounds young and inexperienced, and one wonders how such an inept “reporter,” er . . . regurgitator, could get a job with such a major newspaper. It’s the basic rule of reporting I learned in high school journalism class, and she never learned: verify, check the facts.
So, from now on, when you read the writing of Amy Chozick in the Wall Street Journal (or whereever she ends up), you’ll know you can’t believe a word of it. She doesn’t verify what Muslim propagandists and the Obama camp feed her. She just runs with it. And it turns out to be bogus. Had she bothered to do even the tiniest bit of verification–which she admits she did not–she’d have seen the AP, ABC News, and Detroit Free Press stories, all of which reported on Jawad’s insurance fraud convictions. But why do research when you’re a Wall Street Journal reporter?
This isn’t the first time in recent months that the Wall Street Journal has tried to rehabilitate a Muslim extremist dumped by a Presidential campaign. In March, the Hillary Clinton campaign dumped Muslim Hillraiser Mehmet Celebi, after I and Gateway Pundit reported that he produced the vile, anti-Semitic blood libel movie, “Kurtlar Vadisi – Irak.” Wall Street Journal reporter Christopher Cooper admitted he lifted most of his story from my website and didn’t give me credit because he said he didn’t want to give the true story and my site any publicity.
But the real reason is that he set out to rehabilitate Celebi. Cooper wrote an inaccurate, gushing, empathetic article about Celebi, claiming he didn’t know what the movie was about even though he executive produced it, acted in it, and recruited the two leads in the movie, sending them the scripts that he read. And Celebi’s claims, in Cooper’s story, that he didn’t know what the movie was about were belied by an interview he gave in a Turkish magazine the year before.
It’s sad that journalists in major newspapers lie to you and don’t do their homework. And that’s why the mainstream media is losing its grip on America. Websites like this one are the ones that break stories. We’re the ones who do our homework and do the research.
So much for the MSM’s claim that you can’t believe what you read on the internet. The true place you can’t believe what you read is in places like the Wall Street Journal, The Detroit News, and out of the mouths of jealous, talentless hacks, like Nolan Finley.
They’ve gone the way of 8-track tapes and the BetaMax.
Bottom line: We don’t need an Obama “Fight the Smears” site. Websites like this are the true “Fight the Smears” sites against the BS served up by the Obama campaign, Muslim propagandists, and bitter hacks who are the last ones left at mainstream newspapers.

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June 23, 2008, - 10:50 am

“Killing Us Softly”: Gwyneth Paltrow Fundraises for Terror-Front Palestinian Charity Tied to HAMAS, PLO, Al-Qaeda

By Debbie Schlussel Copyright 2008

**** UPDATE, June 01, 2011: Coldplay, including Gwyneth Paltrow hubby Chris Martin, endorse Palestinian Jihad Against Israel, Incl. Palestininian State ****

**** Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and link to DebbieSchlussel.com; Not for Use by Aaron Klein, WorldNutDaily, or Sean Hannity ****

Well, no wonder actress Gwyneth Paltrow left Hollywood. It wasn’t just that she hates America and Americans–as she told Spanish media. It’s that she preferred Pali-wood, the pro-Palestinian cesspool known as England.
And Thursday, she put her money where her mouth is–er, her mouth where the terrorist money is–by appearing and singing karaoke at a fundraiser for the Palestinian charity, the Hoping Foundation, a front-group for HAMAS and other Islamic terrorist groups founded by Hugh Grant’s Muslim girlfriend Jemimah Khan and some anti-Israel left-wing Jews. Paltrow’s karaoke song choice, “Killing Me Softly,” is ironic, since the Hoping Foundation provides money and resources to HAMAS operatives and others running Palestinian refugee camps and breeding and training future killers, who do NOT kill “softly.”


Gwyneth Paltrow “Killing Israel Softly”

(Thanks to David Lunde For Technical Assistance w/ This Photo)

The Hoping foundation is a virulently anti-Israel charity, which funds programs throughout Gaza and Palestinian refugee camps, including Ein Al-Hilweh, Burj Al-Barajneh, and Nahr Al-Bared, which are hotbeds of Al-Qaeda and HAMAS activity. The Chair of its Board of Trustees is Karma Nabulsi, PLO representative from 1977-90 to the UN, Beirut, Tunis, and the UK, who wrote a column defending PFLP terrorist chief George Habash’s hijackings as “an inspiration to secular democracy.”

The Hoping Foundation camouflages the programs as “art” and “creative writing,” claiming they spread peace. But, in fact, the programs are administered by members of HAMAS. The Hoping Foundation joins UNRWA (the UN Refugee agency for Palestinians) in using HAMAS officials and supporters to help spread the hate. The Hoping Foundation website’s description of who the Palestinians are is filled with anti-Israel disinformation and propaganda. The Foundation’s site does not disclose the identities of its trustees, but they include Hugh Grant’s girlfriend, Ms. Khan.
In the Hoping Foundation’s “Who Are the Palestinians?” we are told that:

Palestinians . . . were forced to leave their homes in 1948 when Israel was created, and again in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

Actually, none of them “were forced to leave.” They chose to leave at the behest of neighboring Arab nations, who–during both wars–assured them that they would defeat Israel and the Palestinians could then return. The Palestinians made the wrong bet. And they lost. Tough. After decades, you’d think they’d want to better themselves–as did the million Jews who were kicked out of their homes and expelled from Arab lands. But, then, that would take away a political issue from all the Muslim and Arab nations who hate the Jews (and hate the Palestinians, too).
The Hoping Foundation also tells us:

The majority of Palestinian refugee children live difficult and harsh lives, facing the realities of continued Israeli occupation.

That’s interesting, since the Hoping Foundation has a lot of projects in Gaza, which is not occupied, but is run by the Palestinians. And the Palestinians also control 95% of the land in the so-called “West Bank.” And the harsh lives in Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese, and Egyptian refugee camps for Palestinians–where a lot of the Hoping Foundation programs take place–are a result of those governments’ apartheid policies against Palestinians, refusing to allow Palestinians the same civil rights as natives of those countries.

Check out one of the “tamer” Hoping Foundation programs for which Gwyneth Paltrow helped raise money. Last summer, the foundation and Jemimah Khan took a film director on an anti-Israel propaganda trip:

We also organised a trip to occupied Palestine last summer with British film director, Stephen Frears, visiting HOPING activities in Balata and Qalandia refugee camps as well as UNRWA officials and facilities. The delegation met UN humanitarian officers that work in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as Palestinian filmmakers and artists. We believe that providing an opportunity for people to see for themselves the daily reality, and witness at first hand the obstacles impeding everyday life under military occupation, is the most useful and direct means for them to learn more about the situation.

Here was this gullible director’s predictable response:

Until I saw it with my own eyes, I did not fully understand what occupation meant. Going to Palestine changed my life. I was so shocked by what I saw.

Hmmm . . . when’s he visiting Sderot or the wreckage of the Park Hotel, site of the Passover massacre homicide bombing, or Mike’s Bar, or Mayor’s Falafel, or Jerusalem Sbarro, or the Dolfinarium Disco?



This Propaganda Appears on the Hoping Foundation Site

What was boyfriend Hugh Grant’s involvement in all of this? Not that he has done anything of note recently that didn’t involve oral sex with a hooker in the backseat of a car.

In 2006, on behalf of the Hoping Foundation, his girlfriend, Jemimah Khan, and Bella Freud, another trustee of the “charity” participated in a special issue of an Islamic Palestinian magazine, Haq Al-Awda, dedicated to “Al-Naqba“–the catastrophe, which is what Muslims call the day that Israel was established. One of their co-contributors was Bishop Atallah Hanna of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. He is famous for calling for fellow Christians to participate in HAMAS homicide bombings against Jews.
A 2005 program for Gwynnie’s new fave charity, educated Palestinian kids in refugee camps on how to be politically active on behalf of the P.L.O., by being given a book, put out by the Palestinian women’s arm of the terrorist organization founded by Yasser Arafat:

Young Reader’s book on Children’s Rights
Written by two local Palestinian writers, and with pictures by local artists in a fun and engaging style, the book educates young Palestinian refugee children on their social, economic and human rights. A Hoping grant provided for the printing of 3770 copies distributed to all UNRWA nurseries and grammar schools in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. The project was administered jointly by . . . he General Union of Palestinian Women.

And ongoing Hoping Foundation program is this propaganda sham:

History Database Project
Connecting Palestinian Youth with the Older Generations through Oral History- 2006-2008

[Y]oung people participate in devising the questions and recording the interviews with the older generation using audio and video equipment. This idea followed on from an earlier initiative with the Lajee Centre in Aida Camp where they organised outings for the children to other youth centres in the West Bank, introducing them to subjects such as the separation wall and the state of Palestinians inside Israel.

It’s a fence, not a wall, and it was erected to keep terrorists out. Palestinians inside Israel don’t want to leave, because they know they have it better there than under the despotic rule of their own people or any other Arab or Muslim rule.

And Paltrow isn’t the only celeb involved with the abomination of a “charity.” Other celebs who’ve organized and contributed to Hoping Foundation fundraisers include Kate Moss, Chrissie Hynde, Bryan Adams, Nick Cave, and The Clash’s Mick Jones. Moss and Cave hosted a “Hoping for Palestine” concert.

After discovering this, I’m not going to patronize any of the products that Kate Moss promotes and for which she has modeling contracts. And I suggest you boycott Gwyneth Paltrow’s future movies.

If they want to raise money for HAMAS and PLO front-groups, we shouldn’t contribute a penny to their bottom lines.

Here’s Hoping that Gwyneth Paltrow and the rest stop Killing Us Softly with their ignorant and destructive pan-terrorist political activism.
Since Gwyneth Paltrow raises money for the promotion of Islamic extremism in Palestinian refugee camps, I thought she might enjoy wearing some of the “Killing Me Softly” garb that she’d have to wear if she lived there. Thanks to Fred Taub of Boycott Watch for the PhotoShop.

gwynethpaltrowhijablabel copy.jpg

Gwyneth Paltrow Helps to Kill Israelis “Softly”

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June 20, 2008, - 8:37 pm

BrownShirt Sean Vannity Congratulates a Fellow Comrade, Praises Anti-WWII Book

By Debbie Schlussel
A few months ago, I told you about Sean the Plagiarist Hannity’s tight friendship with Neo-Nazi Hal Turner. The friendship was so tight that they spoke together from home, Turner had Vannity’s cell number, and he visited Sean at the FOX News “Hannity and Colmes” set with his son. Now, Sean Vannity is simultaneously denying ever knowing Turner and claiming he wasn’t his close friend. Both are lies.
But, last night, on “Vannity & Colmes,” Hannity welcomed yet another fellow brownshirt–anti-Semite Pat Buchanan, and congratulated Buchanan on the success of his new book, “Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War,” which essentially argues that we should have let more Jews cook and be transformed into lampshades, that we made a mistake fighting the Nazis in World War II. I guess he forgot that we won.


“Great Americans”: Let Freedom Ring for Nazis

As reader Joel writes:

I tuned in and the opening segment was Sean Hannity fawning over the jowly neo-fascist anti-Semite Pat Buchanan. I immediately turned it off. He made congratulatory reference to Buchanan’s revisionist book being on the Times bestseller list. When Hannity refers to Buchanan as “my friend” – I want to retch.

That Vannity would let Buchanan on his show with such a warm welcome is bad enough. But to congratulate Buchanan on his book’s success–a book that urinates on all the heroic American soldiers who gave their lives in what was ultimately a valiant triumph over Nazi evil–is sickening.
It’s doubly sickening when you consider that Pat Buchanan got out of serving in Vietnam because of an allegedly bad knee . . . so bad that after that, he regularly ran on the treadmill at very high speeds. He’s really not one to comment on WWII or anything related to war, since he’s basically a draft dodger.
I like some of Pat Buchanan’s views on domestic policy, but they are stained with the anti-Israel, anti-Semitic dye in which he has chosen to cast the world. Sorta like a delicious lollipop unfortunately forever coated in dung.
Sorry, Pat, but there’s a reason you failed three times to become President. And it’s not just that the only people who’d vote for you were old Jews in West Palm Beach who couldn’t figure out a butterfly ballot. Winston Churchill will always be one of history’s great Western statesmen for fighting the Nazis. And you will be forgotten.
In full disclosure, when Pat Buchanan had an MSNBC cable show, “Buchanan and Press,” I was booked frequently until the show was ultimately canceled. His liberal co-host, Bill Press, is a gem of a man, even though we disagree on most things.
When I was first scheduled to go on “B&P,” I told my father that I was going to make a comment about Buchanan’s anti-Semitism. We were scheduled to discuss Martha Burk’s obnoxious insistence that Augusta National, a private club, admit female members. I was going to say that I believe private clubs should admit whomever they choose and that I have no prob, for example, when golf clubs admit anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan. But my dad told me not to, that it wouldn’t be classy, and I obliged.
Sadly, that didn’t stop Pat Buchanan from showing his Jew-hatred right off the bat. He introduced me as “Debbie Schlussel, a conservative . . . I mean, NEO-CON . . . NEO-Conservative.” In case you don’t know, that’s code for “She’s a JOOOOOOOOO.” I was pissed. But I could hear my Dad’s admonishments in the back of my mind and didn’t respond to that, to my continued regret.
I’d had my previous experiences with Pat Buchanan. In college, when I interned for Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke, then both on “The McLaughlin Group,” Buchanan was also on (as he still is). He would constantly attack Israel whenever I was in the Green Room, trying to start up with me. When my late father and my then-little brother (he was nine years old at the time) came to the set on a tourist visit to Washington, Pat Buchanan asked them how their “money is doing in the Bank . . . the WEST Bank.” Haha, funny. Did you see that?–Pat Buchanan simultaneously did a double entendre and an anti-Semitic reference about Jews’ alleged obsession with money. Whatta talent. A regular fascist Don Rickles (just kidding, Don).
It was an interesting juxtaposition: My dad and brother making an innocent introduction to Buchanan and getting chided about Jews, Israel, and money, especially since Buchanan–in one of his many rants against American Jews and Israel–made the argument that “guys named Leroy Brown” fought and died in Vietnam and not Jews. Here was my Dad who, when he was drafted during the Vietnam War, not only served in the Army, but was very proud of it. And Pat Buchanan–well, you know, it’s that bad knee. Guys named Leroy Brown, but not Pat Buchanan.
This is Sean Hannity’s good friend. This is the man who thinks America should have let another 6 million Jews disintegrate up through the smokestacks and another 5 million gentiles, too–which is basically the heavily implied if unsaid thesis of Buchanan’s book. Even Neville Chamberlain wasn’t this outrageous. He tried to appease the Nazis. Buchanan writes a revisionist “The Way We Were” tome against our defeat of them.
And all of this got gushing global TV exposure on FOX News, last night, thanks to fellow Brownshirt Sean Hannity. Even Eva Braun is laughing in hell. Or drooling. And Hitler is now wishing the half-German Buchanan was born much earlier.
Vannity, You’re a “Great American.” [High on the sarcasm meter, folks.] Heil Hitler. And Herr Buchanan, too.
I’m no fan of anti-Israel scumbag Christopher Hitchens, but like the broken clock that he is, one of his two times right per day is this Newsweek article he wrote against Buchanan’s new book.
**** UPDATE, 06/22/08: Reader Joel has some great criticisms of the Buchanan book and demonstrates Buchanan’s absolute ignorance and naivete about history. And this is just based on a glance of the book, not a complete reading:

The man is totally ignorant of History. The Holocaust began on Kristallnacht (you can make a case that it began on April 1, 1933 with the German boycott of Jewish stores). By the time of the Wannsee conference in Jan. 1942, there were already around a million dead Jews thanks to the Einsatzgruppen and the ghettoization in Poland. Buchanan wrote that had Britain not gone to war that only the Jews of Poland and the USSR would have been killed and that the rest of the Jews of Western Europe would have been spared. That is an absurd statement.
He also claims that the Holocaust could be dated to Jan. 20, 1942 (the Wansee conference) neglecting the fact that the extermination of the Jews began with the invasion of Poland in September 1939 with the mobile killing squads and that by the time of the Wansee conference Jews had already been gassed by mobile killing vans at Chelmno in December 1941 and that the Einsatzgruppen had murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews in the USSR.
He sees the Holocaust as being a result of the declaration of war by Britain and France not as a Nazi goal in and of itself. The commitment the Nazis had to exterminate the Jews of Europe, no matter what the military cost, would be evident in the Spring of 1944 during the deportation of the Jews of Hungary to Auschitz-Birkenau – the Germans used rolling stock and transportation systems that were desperately needed to supply their armies on the Eastern Front – but genocide came first.
Buchanan is not a historian – he is dangerous because he has a little bit of knowledge and is talented (but wicked) polemicist. I suppose that he concedes that the Holocaust took place is a sign of some advancement for him because he once wrote of “Holocaust fantasies of group martyrdom” and that “the diesel fuel at Treblinka could not have killed anyone.” (His fellow paleocon [DS: and Jew-hater], Joseph Sobran has spoken at the revisionist Institute for Historical Review as well as former Congressman Pete McCloskey.)
Buchanan views–in his book and in his writings–Adolf Hitler essentially the same way that Obamaites such as Brzezinski, Scowcroft, James Baker, Condi Rice, Samantha Power, McPeak view Hamas and Hezbollah – as a hard headed realist. In his book he makes great play of the fact that Hitler did not demand the return of the territories Germany lost to the West in 1918 to France and Denmark.
In Buchanan’s world, Hitler is a rational Anglophile whom Churchill foolishly scorned.

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June 20, 2008, - 8:14 pm

Keeping Track: The Obamapology Score Card

By Debbie Schlussel
Consider this site the ESPN of the Presidential campaign. I’m keeping score. In case you weren’t keeping track, today’s Obamapology score is 2-0.
2 apologies from Barack Obama for extremist Muslim women in hijabs.
And still . . .
0 apologies for Obama’s “typical White” “racist” granny.
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To recap, 2-0 so far on the Obamapology Scoreboard. 2 Obamapologies for people who hate Israel, are tied to terrorist groups, and like to convert people to Islam. Zip for other Americans.
Oh, and speaking of SportsCenter and keeping score, here’s a video accompaniment–maybe he can be the Obama White House Communications Director . . . .

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June 20, 2008, - 3:41 pm

Weekend Box Office: Several Good Flicks – “Get Smart,” “Mongol,” Secret Agent “OSS 117,” Steroid Docu

By Debbie Schlussel
For a change, there are several good new movies at the box office, this weekend. I did not review “The Love Guru” because it was a choice of screening that or “Get Smart.” Based on what I’ve read thus far, I made the right decision in spades. As for the rest:
* “Get Smart“: Read my complete review here. It looks like I’m one of the few critics who liked this movie. But take my advice. It’s funny, light, entertaining, and even amusing. These same critics liked the raunchy, unfunny “Knocked Up,” but don’t like this hilarious tribute to the ’60s television series about a secret agent who is a parody of James Bond? I don’t get it. But I recommend this movie, except for young kids. Nice escapist stuff, which does Don Adams and Barbara Feldon proud. Again, read my complete review.


* “Mongol“: A must-see, whether or not you are a history buff. This is like the Asian version of “Braveheart” or “300.” Fun to watch, if a little bloody. And it’s probably the best movie I’ve seen so far this year.
Will the real Genghis Khan please stand up? This masterpiece of a movie is the first of what’s meant to be a trilogy about the life of Mongolian warrior king Genghis Khan. We see Khan as a little boy, named “Temudjin,” who picks his wife and loses his father to poisoned milk. We see him become a rising warrior and then a prisoner, until he is finally free and regains and increases his stature. The movie follows Khan until he becomes Khan in his 30s.
It’s also unique in that it’s one of the first to show Khan in a good light and as a kind man who–while a ruthless killer and conqueror–also had principles and a sense of decency, honor, and nobility. And that’s why a number of commentators who’ve seen it disagree on whether or not this is an accurate depiction of the early life of this Khan (king).
The debate really centers on whose history you believe–the history of Khan as written by the conquered, the Arab Muslims and others who hated him because they lost to him; or the history of Khan as written by his own Mongols, of which there is precious far less written history and opinion. This is a first in that it is based on Khan’s history as written by the Mongols.
At two hours, the movie is a little slow and seemed somewhat long. But I loved it all the same. Beautifully shot, great warrior scenes, and an interesting take on world history. If you love a great warrior film, this is for you. It’s an adventure. You can generally find this film in arthouse theaters.
One drawback: the foreign language film is entirely subtitled, and the subtitles move fast. You have to do some work and work fast.
Here’s my favorite “Mongol” poster (“Mongol” in Hebrew):


* “OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies“: If you like the old “Get Smart,” from TV in the ’60s, or even just James Bond, you’ll love this French comedy/parody of Bond set in Egypt in 1955. A bumbling French secret agent, OSS 117, comes to Cairo to determine what happened to a missing French agent posing as a chicken and poultry wholesaler.
Funny, with cool ’50s attire and decor (and for the guys, beautiful women whom OSS beds a la Bond), I enjoyed this movie a lot. Best part: When agent OSS 117 is woken up early in the morning by the Islamic call to prayer. First, he shouts something to the effect of, “Shut the F–k Up!” Then, he runs out of his hotel and beats up the man doing the call to prayer. He also repeatedly makes fun of Egypt, Muslims, and Arabs–and accurately calls their society backwards–which surprised me, since there are so many Muslims involved in the production of this film and it’s made in France.
In French with subtitles, and they move quickly, so if you don’t speak French, you must work fast.
Hilarious, cool, old-style comedy. The movie is generally running in arthouse theaters.
Bigger, Stronger, Faster“: When I first saw this movie about steroids, I missed the beginning, and I thought, “What a great documentary!–This is how it’s done. Far better than Michael Moore.” And it’s very good, but after seeing the beginning–and the end–it took what is in the middle down a notch.
This documentary about some Americans’ use of steroids and whether or not they are harmful takes the position that steroids aren’t so bad, and that there is a mass hysteria and wave of witch hunts against them that aren’t deserved. And filmmaker Chris Bell–who once used steroids and whose two brothers still do–was once a writer for WWE. His brother is a has-been, one-time “scout team” wrestler for WWE. Although Bell says he’s against steroids and paints his brothers as deceivers and losers for using, his film is mostly a pro-legalization of steroids flick. And the interviews and probing he does is thorough and thought-provoking, while also being very entertaining.
The interview Bell does with Congressman Henry Waxman a/k/a “Nostrilman” is priceless. After showing clips of Waxman “getting tough” in committee hearings against steroid-using pro athletes and those alleged to have used them, Bell asks Waxman a few basic questions that show how clueless this liberal Congressman is. You and I know more than this guy about steroids. Ditto for cigarettes. Waxman is unaware of the legal age to purchase them. Like I said, priceless.
The long-rumored story about Olympic Gold Medalist Carl Lewis using steroids and getting a pass is confirmed. It makes you feel bad for Ben Johnson, whose Olympic medals Lewis got after Johnson was disqualified and banned for using steroids. There’s a lot of interesting stuff here and throughout this entertaining movie.
Still, Bell lost me on a couple of things. He starts out his movie implying that it’s the fault of someone that he and other Americans use steroids–the fault of . . . Ronald Reagan?! Yes, somehow, by freeing the hostages from Iran and telling the world America is against Khomeini, Reagan caused the outbreak of steroid use. Yup, it’s preposterous. But, as he explains it, Chris Bell wanted to be patriotically hulky like Hulk Hogan and Sylvester Stallone’s “Rocky” and Arnold Schwarzenegger–a frequent target of the movie–so that he could fight that other Muslim, wrestling’s “The Iron Sheik.”
Then, there’s the ending–and the subtitle of the movie: “The Side Effect of Being American.” Bell says that we Americans want to do everything stronger and bigger–but easier–than everyone else. But Schwarzenegger, one of the biggest steroid users targeted in the film grew up not in California, but in Austria. This ain’t an American phenomenon. And very few Americans as a percentage actually use illegal steroids. It’s simply not honest to call this “an American Side Effect.” And we don’t appreciate the America-bashing, not necessary to make his points. And a turn-off from the movie.
And there are some “points” that aren’t strong and could have been left out, like Bell’s use of multiple news clips where commentators use the phrase “On Steroids”–ie., “America’s Policy in Kosovo is America’s Bosnia Policy On Steroids.” The use of that phrase doesn’t mean anything. In the ’80s, lots of commentators used the question, “Where’s the Beef?” made popular in Wendy’s ads. Does this mean beef is a “bad side effect” of being American? Probably not, unless you’re asking PETA activists.
Other than that, this is one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen. It’s so entertaining, you don’t even feel like you’re watching a documentary. It’s very funny and very relevant and current.

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