July 7, 2008, - 7:36 pm

“Religion of Peace” Shocker: Yet Another Muslim Honor Killing in America

By Debbie Schlussel
You knew this was coming, as it’s happened–and been hushed by the mainstream media–so many times before. This will only happen with more and more frequency as more and more Muslims come into America and we kowtow to them more and more.
Religion of Honor Killings:

Pakistani Man Accused of Fatally Strangling His Daughter in Apparent ‘Honor Killing’
A Georgia father of Pakistani descent allegedly strangled his 25-year-old daughter because she wanted to get out of an arranged marriage to a man she had not seen in months, according to police in Clayton County, Ga.
Chaudhry Rashid, 56, was scheduled to be arraigned today on a murder charge. Rashid was arrested early Sunday morning at his family’s house after police responded to a domestic disturbance call and found his daughter, Sandeela Kanwal, dead in an upstairs bedroom.


Chaudhry Rashad: Muslim Father Honor-Murdered His Daughters

The Clayton County Medical Examiner confirmed that Kanwal died of strangulation. Police recovered an iron by the young woman’s bedroom doorway and a necklace on a family room table that may have been used in the killing, according to a Clayton County police report.
Authorities allege that Rashid killed his daughter because he feared that her resistance to a recently arranged marriage would disgrace the Pakistani-American family.
“She was very unhappy with the marriage, had not seen the husband in three months and was seeking a divorce,” Timothy Owens, a spokesman for the Clayton County Police Department, told ABC News. “The father felt like the he had to uphold his family’s honor.”
Gina Rashid, identified as Chaudhry’s 49-year-old wife and Kanwal’s mother, called 911 at 1:59 a.m. Sunday after she heard screaming and fled the house. She told authorities that her daughter may have been dead in an upstairs bedroom, according to the Clayton County police report. . . .
An officer who arrived at the scene sat with Rashid as police entered the house and cleared the downstairs rooms, according to police. Upstairs, Locates turned a corner and saw Kanwal’s body from the waist down in a bedroom at the end of the hall. Her bare feet and hands were gray and cold and she had blood coming from her left nostril, according to the police report. Locates quickly determined that Kanwal, an employee at a local Wal-Mart, was dead. . . .
Arranged marriages remain so common in some cultures that the British government created a Forced Marriage Unit to help rescue young British women who have been forced to wed. The British office fields 4,000 calls each year, about two-thirds of which are Pakistani, according to a June report in The Washington Post.
M. Siddique, director of the Pakistani American Community of Atlanta, did not immediately return a phone call from ABC News for comment. Shahid Malik, a member of the organization, told ABC News’ Atlanta affiliate WSB-TV that the young woman and father were both suffering from depression.

Strange, how Islam has so much more “depression” on average than any other religion in America. Nice epithet for Islamic bloodlust, though.

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July 7, 2008, - 1:55 pm

Weird Science: Big Brother PC Taste Test for (British) Kiddies

By Debbie Schlussel
If me no likey da spicy food, then I’m a racist. Yup, welcome to the brave new world of “Flavor Minority Report,” where the state–the British State–can tell ahead of time if you’ll be a racist.
Apparently, they’ve spent millions developing a theory that concludes that if toddlers don’t like spicy foods, they’ll become racists:

Toddlers who turn their noses up at spicy food from overseas could be branded racists by a Government-sponsored agency.
The National Children’s Bureau, which receives 12 million pounds a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.
This could include a child of as young as three who says “yuk” in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

Definite Budding Racism:


The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age.
It alerts playgroup leaders that even babies can not be ignored in the drive to root out prejudice as they can “recognise different people in their lives”.

Absurd. But, I guess since I’ve liked spicy falafel and Plochman’s Kosciusko Spicy Brown Mustard since I was a kid, I’m off the hook. Take that, you liberals who like quinoa and yogurt (neither of which is spicy).
Reader Duane quotes a few guys who knew something about indoctrinating kids and who’d probably love this absurd statist spicy food thesis:

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
–V. I. Lenin
The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.
–Karl Marx
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
–Josef Stalin

Oops. Don’t tell anyone that I also liked cereal with milk. Not spicy, ergo . . . .

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July 7, 2008, - 11:26 am

Fanchon Stinger: Muslim FOX Anchor/Reporter’s Bribery-Embroiled Boyfriend is Top Farrakhan/Nation of Islam Figure; FOX Station Slanted Coverage in Favor of Farrakhan; FOX Anchor’s Involvement w/Bribery Figure Monica Conyers

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE #4, 07/15/08: FOX News/NewsCorp’s Fanchon Stinger used Morning News Show as 20-minute Farrakhan Infomercial; did Pandering interview with Farrakhan at behest of Nation of Islam boyfriend, a key Farrakhan associate ****
**** UPDATE #3, 07/11/08: FOX 2 News Dumps Fanchon Stinger, But Refuses to Clean House or Change Cancerous Newsroom Policies ****
**** UPDATE #2, 07/10/08: FOX News/NewsCorp Does CYA-story on Muslim Anchor Fanchon Stinger; Covers Up Important Info ****
**** UPDATE, 07/08/08: Fanchon Stinger Removed from FOX’s “Problem Solver” Investigative Reporting Unit ****
A suspended Muslim FOX/NewsCorp anchor and reporter’s boyfriend is a top lieutenant in the Nation of Islam and a close associate of Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan. Sources say this resulted in the gushing FOX 2 News coverage of NoI and Farrakhan during his 2007 visit to Detroit. Sources also say that the anchor’s co-mingled assets with that boyfriend resulted in biased coverage of the apparent target of bribery by her boyfriend, a Detroit City Councilwoman (Monica Conyers).
Last week, I told you about Fanchon Stinger, the face of FOX News/NewsCorp’s owned-and-operated affiliate, whose Muslim religion affected her reporting and activism on behalf of an anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah organization.

FOX Anchor Fanchon Stinger Keeping Farrakhan First: Her Boyfriend

Rayford Jackson is Top Farrakhan/Nation of Islam Leader

I also told you how Stinger’s married Muslim boyfriend, Rayford Jackson a/k/a Rayford Jackson Muhammad, is at the center of a bribery scandal involving the Detroit City Council and a sludge contract, and how Stinger is involved. Sources say that the reason Stinger was sued, along with Jackson, in 2007 is that he apparently put some of this assets and/or business interests in Stinger’s name. She may even be named in a possible upcoming indictment and is on paid suspension from FOX 2 News and NewsCorp.
I also told you how Stinger’s large campaign contribution to the Bush-Cheney ’04 re-election effort, within days of an identical contribution by boyfriend Rayford Jackson, not only apparently violates FOX 2 and NewsCorp policies against campaign contributions by anchors and reporters, but appears to be a possible money-laundering situation for Jackson via Stinger.
Now, new information on Stinger and her boyfriend, Jackson, has come to light that indicates that FOX 2 News coverage on many topics was slanted according to Stinger’s blatant conflict of interest.
* FOX Anchor’s Married Muslim Boyfriend is Key Farrakhan Figure
Rayford Jackson is a top figure in the Nation of Islam. In fact, he is so important that in October 2006, Jackson was invited to Chicago to sit on the Nation of Islam dias for the 11th anniversary of the Million Man March Holy Day of Atonement. While Farrakhan did not attend–he was recovering from cancer treatment at the time–Nation of Islam newspaper “The Final Call” billed the event as a “major address in his rebuilding of the Nation of Islam” and identified Jackson as one of NoI’s top “leaders.” Along with Stinger’s boyfriend Jackson, W. Deen Muhammad (son of Elijah Muhammad), Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and the Venezuelan government were all represented on the dias. A typo identifies Jackson as “Rayford Johnson,” but Jackson is the one who heads RAS Developers:

The spectrum of leadership that lies at the core of the Millions More Movement was reflected on the dais and in the audience, with a diverse group of leaders standing in continued support of the aims of the Movement, such as Indianapolis Imam Mohammed Sadiq representing Imam Warith Deen Muhammad and the Muslim American Society; . . . Rayford Johnson [sic] of RAS Developers.

Sources say that Stinger interfered in FOX 2 News coverage, not only of her long-time boyfriend Jackson, but also in the coverage of the Detroit Arab and Muslim communities and the coverage of Farrakhan’s February 2007 appearance in Detroit, at which Stinger’s boyfriend, Rayford Jackson, apparently sat on the dias behind Farrakhan while he spoke.
Stinger’s colleague and friend, Charles Pugh hosted a representative of the Nation of Islam on the FOX 2 Morning Show (which Stinger hosts during the week). Pugh gushed all over the Farrakhan and his flack, without a single notation of Farrakhan’s history of hatred against Whites, Jews, and virtually every non-Black ethnic group in America:

Predictably, there was more gushing Louis Farrakhan coverage in the last two days. (I wrote about this absurd gushing on Friday.)
That included openly gay Charles Pugh, Anchor of the FOX News owned-and-operated FOX 2 News gushing over Farrakhan along with Louis X’s Detroit area chief. I guess Pugh conveniently forgot about how Farrakhan openly hates gays like him. Since Pugh apparently doesn’t care about Farrakhan’s bigotry against Jews and Whites, he could at least care about himself.

Coverage before and after the Farrakhan event on the FOX 2 Morning Show, which Stinger hosts, was replete with praise for Farrakhan, and again, not a single hint of Farrakhan’s lifetime of bigoted statements and incitement to violence.
And FOX 2 News, during its gushing coverage, ignored racist statements that Farrakhan made during his Detroit visit, as well as a racist, anti-White/pro-Islam speech at the event by Malik Shabazz, and a speech by Omar Al-Bashir, the Muslim President of Sudan who is ethnically cleansing the Blacks from his country. FOX 2 also did not mention Farrakhan’s defense of Iran and its “right” to have nuclear weapons or the singing of the “Black national anthem” instead of the American one.
Even though Stinger’s married boyfriend, Rayford Jackson, was involved in the event and a top leader the NoI organization, Stinger never noted it a single time on the Morning Show. But, then again, she also didn’t mention–nor did her news operation–the anti-Semitic books Farrakhan urged Detroiters to read during his visit.
* FOX Anchor’s Conflict of Interest on Monica Conyers
And there’s more about Stinger. Below is a photo–taken from Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers’ personal website–of Fanchon Stinger interviewing Conyers on the FOX 2 Morning Show Stinger hosted until her current paid suspension. But Conyers is apparently a key target of the FBI probe into bribery of the Detroit City Council.


FOX “Journalist” Fanchon Stinger “Interviews”

Her Apparent Partner in Bribery, Monica Conyers

Conyers is under investigation in connection with bribes from members of the Synagro company–including Stinger’s boyfriend Rayford Jackson–trying to secure a multi-million dollar sludge contract. Stinger accompanied Rayford Jackson and Monica Conyers to a meeting at a Detroit church, attempting to convince area residents to accept a sludge treatment plant in their neighborhood. And it appears Stinger had some sort of interest in the deal, since sources say some of Jackson’s assets were put in her name.
Why is Fanchon Stinger still being paid by FOX News/NewsCorp? Why hasn’t she been fired? Why hasn’t the station and its parent company come clean? And when will FOX 2 have a house-cleaning–including firing the people at the top who knew for years of the illicit Stinger-Jackson relationship, ie., News Director Dana Hahn and Station Manager Jeff Murri? Both of them knew about Stinger’s relationship with Jackson for years and did nothing to keep this blatant conflict of interest out of their newsroom.
Clearly, you can’t trust what you see on FOX 2 News. It’s compromised and tainted by the religion and “dating” (euphemism) habits of its staff. The whole news department needs to be overhauled and its editorial policies tightened.
For now, FOX 2 News–regardless of Fanchon Stinger’s suspension–is the PR outfit for Farrakhan, Islamists, and Detroit bribery figures. And since this is all overseen by the top News executives at NewsCorp, you can assume the same thing about cable’s FOX News Channel. Both are run and owned by the same people.
Don’t expect to see or hear about any of this on FOX 2 News’ “Hall of Shame” or “Problem Solvers.”
The Station’s slogan is “FOX 2 News, Working For You.” Reality Check: “FOX 2 News, Working for Farrakhan.”

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July 7, 2008, - 10:46 am

Dumbest CongressChick Calls For Even Dumber Investigation

By Debbie Schlussel
I’d ask you if you remember Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, but a far better question would be: How can you forget her? I like to call her “Sheila Jackson Crazee.”
Lee, in a sea of brain-cell-challenged Members of Congress is the dumbest chick in the House, among stiff competition. After all there’s Barbra Lee, Cynthia McKinney, and a host of other airheads led by Nancy “FaceLift” Pelosi. Yup, they’ve broken the marble ceiling and they did it without a brain.
Now, this Congressional Einsteinette is calling for a Congressional investigation into Harris County, Texas (Houston are) and its legal system. She’s mad that a grand jury chose not to indict a White man, Joe Horn, who shot dead two Black, Hispanic illegal alien robbers who broke into a neighbor’s house.


Sheila Jackson Lee: “Yeah! My Team From Mars Won the WNBA Title”

Do you even wonder if she’d be squawking if the man who shot them was Black? Why didn’t she call for an investigation into Los Angeles’ legal system when O.J. was acquitted?
Jackson Lee’s also upset that some personnel in the Sheriff’s department sent e-mails that some perceived as “anti-Muslim” (and for which they already profusely apologized to Jackson Lee’s CAIR cronies).
Some “Debbie’s Notes” on Sheila Jackson Lee from my November 2006 post on her:

Jackson Lee is the one who asked whether the Mars Pathfinder would be able to get a picture of the flag the astronauts planted there. Yup, she actually thought that Neil Armstrong landed on Mars, not the Moon. And don’t forget her other utterances of absurdity. A Black woman, she once complained that the names of hurricanes were “too lily White.” One Hurricane LaToya, comin’ right up.
And Jackson Lee is a fan of HAMAS-front group CAIR, always taking up the Islamist cause.


Sheila Jackson Lee & Her Friends

Check out the LoneStarTimes’ Priceless Sheila Jackson Lee photo gallery–well worth a look.

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July 7, 2008, - 10:16 am

Is It Just Me, Or . . . ?: Photos From the Holiday Weekend

By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of photos from the Independence Day holiday weekend in my local papers struck me. The first is this AP photo of a naturalization ceremony on July 4th in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Is it just me, or do all of these people–including Mohammed, in the front in the suit and Ahmed in the striped shirt, lower left–look miserable? Is it just me or does not a single one of them look happy to become a citizen of the United States, one of the most precious things available on earth? Yes, I know it’s hot in Virginia, but so what? If it were me becoming a U.S. citizen, I’d be grinning from ear to ear for the entire oath. (Even Hamida there, in the back, in her green hijab get-up, isn’t smiling, that’s her mouth saying the oath.) These people look like they think it’s no big whoop, like they’re entitled. Naturally.


Sure, Joey Chestnut, who just won yet another Nathan’s Mustard Belt, isn’t smiling either in this 4th of July photo, but he just scarfed down a gazillion hot dogs. What’s their (the miserable new citizens’) excuse?

Then, there’s this photo of Obama supporter Arthur McCant taken at Detroit’s CityFest. Is it just me, or is there something ironic about a guy wearing a “Yes, We Can” T-shirt, whose name is McCant? Well, I guess none of us can choose his/her last name, says Schlussel.

No, We McCant.

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July 4, 2008, - 5:30 pm

Must See 4th of July Video!: Fireworks @ Mt. Rushmore

By Debbie Schlussel
One of the American sites I’d most like to see before I die is Mount Rushmore. And, now–after watching these videos, below–I’ve decided I want to see it on the eve of Independence Day. Very Cool and Breathtaking!:


G-D BLESS AMERICA! I Love This Country!

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July 4, 2008, - 5:20 pm

Sen. Jesse Helms, Rest In Peace

By Debbie Schlussel

Compromise, hell! That’s what has happened to us all down the line – and that’s the very cause of our woes. If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

–Senator Jesse Helms, writing in 1959 on compromise in politics.
An American patriot has passed away. Sen. Jesse Helms died, today, at the age of 86. Although history may not treat him well–he was unfairly and incessantly vilified because he was a conservative who mostly stuck to his principles–he was a good guy who loved America and didn’t give in to liberals until the end of his career. That’s why my late father was a proud donor to his campaign.


Jesse Helms was not only a great American patriot, he was–as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee–one of the few elected officials in the Congress who understood the threat of Islamic jihad ahead of his time. He was unapologetic for his strong support for the State of Israel in its fight against the terrorism we finally woke up to (and then again fell back to sleep about) on 9/11.
He was one of the Knights of the Realm of the Reagan Revolution. Helms was a conservative across the board–in both foreign policy and domestic issues. Helms was as tough on Communism as he was on funding for the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, which funded disgraces like “Piss Christ” and Robert Mapplethorpe “art.”
Unfortunately, like many politicians who worry about their legacies and how history will remember them when they near the end of their careers, Helms fell prey to criticisms of him by the gay and AIDS funding communities. And he decided to get on board Bono’s tax-funded gravy train of forgiving billions in debt owed by mostly AIDS-stricken African countries, even though some of them are terror-host states–like Sudan–are Arab-run Islamic hells in which Blacks and those with AIDS are slaughtered.
Still, even though he “made amends” to the far-left constituencies who loved to hate him, today, they are not remembering him kindly. Here are some of his quotes gathered by AP, which remembers Helms as “a Polarizer, not a Compromiser,” because he refused to give in on his principles. That’s cause for applause, not denigration.
I will remember Jesse Helms as he was–a true American patriot who may not have always said things in the most “diplomatic” way, but he always did what he felt was the right thing and in the best interest of America. And for the most part, it was the right thing.
That’s why it is fitting that this American patriot died on the birthday of the country he loved so much and served so doggedly.
Senator Jesse Helms, Rest In Peace.
Jesse Helms was called a racist for this campaign ad against affirmative action. I don’t know about you, but it’s not the ad that’s racist, it’s affirmative action quotas–the ones Helms was against–that’s racist. Sadly, Jesse Helms is gone, but affirmative action quotas aren’t.

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July 4, 2008, - 4:45 pm

How to Strengthen American Patriotism: Some Recommendations

By Debbie Schlussel
Today’s Detroit Free Press editorial page–normally extremely liberal pronouncements you can ignore–is all about the Bradley Project, funded by the Milwaukee-based conservative Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation. The Bradley Project found that America is losing its national identity and makes some great recommendations on how to shore up our patriotism and common culture. I’ve posted those in a JPEG scan, below.
Here’s the portion of the Freep editorial I thought was noteworthy:

In the Harris survey done for the Bradley Project, 89% of parents said “there’s too much attention paid these days to what separates different ethnic and racial groups and not enough to what they have in common.”
Steve Hoffman, a consultant on the project, said some of the findings were surprising, including the areas of consensus that cut across racial and ethnic lines and the falloff in a sense of national identity among younger generations. For example, 45% of 18- to 34-year-olds believe international law should trump the U.S. Constitution where there is conflict between the two. . . .
“The good news,” the report said, “is that 84% of the respondents still believe in a unique American identity. The bad news is that 63% believe this identity is weakening, and 72% are concerned about ethnic, cultural and political divisions. Almost a quarter — 24% — believe we are already so divided that a common national identity is impossible. In their minds, it is already too late.”
The project makes the provocative assertion that “we are in danger of becoming not ‘from many, one’ — E Pluribus Unum — but its opposite, ‘from one, many.’ ”
Perhaps that is what we want to be. But certainly it’s not what George Washington had in mind when he said, in his farewell address: “Citizens by birth or choice, of common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism.”

So, how do we fix this? Well, below are the Bradley Project’s recommendations, most of which I think are worthy of meaningful pursuit (depending on how they are implemented and who is doing the implementing and teaching):


What would you add to these? How would you improve America’s national identity and promote a stronger sense of patriotism to our country?

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July 4, 2008, - 10:39 am

What is Patriotism?: Is Buying American Patriotic?

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I told you about Presidential candidates John McCain’s and Barack Obama’s definitions of “patriotism.” How do you define it? Do you include buying American-made products as part of patriotism?
Living in Michigan, where our economy has collapsed because of its incongruous dependence on the American auto industry, many people believe it is unAmerican to buy a foreign made car.
In my family, my paternal grandfather, my father, and I have always owned or leased American-made cars. It wasn’t just a sign that we believed in America and American workers, but also supporting our local community, of which we are not only a part, but from which we benefited (in the ’70s and ’80s, many of my father’s patients were auto workers and execs, but that quickly changed with the advent of HMOs).


But we also believed in (and I continue to believe in) the free market. Competition is always good. The Japanese auto industry, in the 1980s, forced America’s auto industry to catch up and make better products. Today, America has fallen behind again, and that would be the case even without gas prices approaching $5.00.
Some of that is because of gargantuan retiree health plans (absurdly covering Viagra and costing $1,500 of every new GM car) and union demands and wages. But many auto workers have lost their jobs and many of those who did not have made considerable wage concessions. While I support competition, I also believe we can’t exist as merely a consumer society. If we don’t keep some production here, we’ll continue to fail economically. And while auto workers’ salad days are over, they shouldn’t be paid sweatshop or slave wages, either. That will be bad for America’s economy, too.
Today, there’s another issue, too: What does “Made in America” mean? Does it mean the parts were made here and assembled elsewhere? Does it mean the parts were made there, but assembled here? That’s the mix of many cars (and other products) today, and “Made in the U.S.A.” doesn’t really entirely mean it was made here, anymore.
If I had the money to buy a new car today, I’d stay in the tradition of my father and his father. I would NOT buy a foreign model. Never. I do believe that’s part of supporting America and being patriotic.
On the other hand, my late maternal grandfather–who came here with nothing and built a multi-million dollar business–bought Japanese cars after his American ones were in the shop so much. He felt it was American to buy the most competitive, well-built product. When my grandfather bought a Japanese car for my little brother, my father was sort of embarrassed that one of his kids would be seen in a non-American car. It was almost sacrilege.
So, what do you think? Is patriotism not just sacrificing for our country, but also “buying American”? Even though I’m a free marketeer–in this age of America shipping many of its manufacturing jobs away to foreign markets–I believe that it is.
We have to support our country’s economy, or pretty soon, we will be China’s China or China’s El Salvador or Bangladesh. In the past, we developed the great new inventions, like the automobile. And we built them for us. I’m afraid that if we don’t support our own economy, other markets will create the next big things. And we’ll be building it . . . for their consumers.
Something to think about on this 232nd Independence Day: How independent will we continue to be if we produce nothing and buy their products?
In the late ’70s and ’80s, our gasoline supply and auto industry crises were bad, but they were tempered by the strong American dollar.
Now, our dollar is weak, coupled with incarnations of both of those problems. So, we are in a worse Catch 22 than ever.
Would producing and buying more American products fix that? I’m not advocating protectionism (the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in the early 1900s “protected” our economy out of existence and into a steep depression), but part of my freedom–part of my independence–is to choose to buy American, whenever I can (which is, sadly, rarer and rarer an available choice, these days).
Does you patriotism include this view?

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July 4, 2008, - 9:47 am

Great 4th of July Memories: How Do You Spend Independence Day?

By Debbie Schlussel
My three favorite Independence Days experiences were spent this way:
* Spending time with my late father, as he grilled steaks or cooked hot dogs or hamburgers, with all of the fixins’ including our favorite condiment, Plochman’s Kosciusko Spicy Brown Mustard (there’s nothing like it).


* Spending time with a good friend on the friend’s boat in the middle of the water on a beautiful, sunny Fourth of July. It was only for a few hours, but there is no freer, more independent place than to be out on the middle of the water with nothing blocking your view of the beautiful day. Being free do do that in America is one of the simple joys of living here. And the company was not bad, either. You can’t beat the freedom of movement and freedom of association that we have in our great country.

* As a summer intern in Washington, then-White House intern (and later Bush White House employee) Peter Wehner and some other White House interns I met invited me to watch the fireworks from the South Lawn of the White House. There is no greater place to watch them, since it’s less crowded and the fireworks on the Washington Mall are done so the President can see them well from the White House.

How do you spend the Independence Day holiday? What are some of your favorite memories celebrating America and enjoying the day?

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